Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Dawa Activities

A prospective Vision

Islamic dawa is a fundamental pillar in the field of joint Islamic action. The Organization of the Islamic Conference believes that dawa should start from an effective, positive, flexible and objective strategy allowing the Islamic Ummah to achieve its objectives.

In compliance with Islamic resolutions adopted at the level of the Islamic Summit Conference and the Council of Foreign Ministers which call for the dissemination of the teachings of Islam with a view to reinforcing Islamic solidarity, unifying efforts aimed at defending Islamic causes, a serious initiative has to be taken at the international level to promote knowledge of Islam in the three official languages of the OIC and to highlight the tolerance and noble values Islam is preaching and establish dialogue among world religions and civilizations in order to strengthen cooperation relations and reinforce commonalities. This can be achieved through:

  1. Linking Muslim communities to the rest of the world through the organization of symposia and conferences to clarify the civilizational image of Islam and Muslims in the outside world. 
  2. Contribution of the Coordination Committee to building bridges of fraternity and cooperation among contemporary civilizations so as to bring about human coexistence of humanity as a whole. 
  3. Conducting more research on the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah in the 21st Century and the way to address them. 
  4. Reacting to the false allegations against Islam and the Islamic civilization. 

First: Committee for the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action in the Field of Da’wa and its Sessions.

  1. Establishment of the Committee: 
    Given that Da’wa is a fundamental element where joint Islamic action is required and in realization of the value of concerted efforts between the OIC General Secretariat and various official and non-official relevant institutions in the OIC Member States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference has grouped these institutions under its auspices in a Committee labeled “Committee for the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action in the Field of Da’wa”. As stated previously, the objective was to establish coordination between the OIC General Secretariat and Islamic institutions and associations with similar activities.
  2. The Committee’s Sessions: 
    The Committee for Coordinating Joint Islamic Action has held successive periodic meetings in many Islamic capitals.
  3. The major recommendations of the Committee for the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action in the Field of Da’wa: 
    - Coordination between the diverse activities of official and non-official Islamic organizations and institutions in the OIC Member and non-member States.
    - Reinforcing the moderation and openness of the Islamic discourse and reviewing its terminology to render it compatible with the universality of the Islamic Da’wa which advocates justice, peace and co-existence with others. 

Second: The Working Group in charge of elaborating an executive programme for the issues and themes included in the Ten-Year Programme of Action

Third: The Committee of Experts entrusted with studying the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah in the 21st century:

  • In implementation of the contents of the Ten-year Programme of Action for confronting the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah adopted by the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah in December 2005;
  • In the framework of the follow up on the implementation of the proposals issued by the Summit and Ministerial meetings with regard to addressing the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah which stipulate: “Invites the Experts Group to continue the review of the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah and the means for addressing them, seeking, in this regard, assistance from a limited number of experts in the economic and educational affairs”.

- The Experts Group held 5 meetings in Cairo (1998), Bamako (1999), Tripoli (2002), Tehran (2003) and in Khartoum (2004).

- The Group also reviewed in its meetings the challenges and their repercussions on the future of the Islamic Ummah. The discussions dealt with measures and plans required to confront these ever-growing challenges which require flexibility, awareness and constant presence.

The Committee for the Coordination


17th Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action 
Sao Paulo, Brazil, Latin America (31 May – 2 June 2010)


The 16th Session of the OIC Committee On Coordination Of Joint Islamic Action In The Field Of Dawa
Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (21-23 June 2009) 


The 15th Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action in the field of DAWA
Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt (30 January – 1 February 2008)

The Committee of Experts entrusted with studying the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah in the 21st century:

In implementation of the contents of the Ten-year Programme of Action for confronting the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah adopted by the 3rd Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah in December 2005;

In the framework of the follow up on the implementation of the proposals issued by the Summit and Ministerial meetings with regard to addressing the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah which stipulate: “Invites the Experts Group to continue the review of the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah and the means for addressing them, seeking, in this regard, assistance from a limited number of experts in the economic and educational affairs”.

  • The Experts Group held 5 meetings in Cairo (1998), Bamako (1999), Tripoli (2002), Tehran (2003) and in Khartoum (2004).
  • The Group also reviewed in its meetings the challenges and their repercussions on the future of the Islamic Ummah. The discussions dealt with measures and plans required to confront these ever-growing challenges which require flexibility, awareness and constant presence.

The Work Group Meetings


The 3rd Meeting of the Work Group to Develop Executive Programmes in on Isses contained the Ten-Year Programme of Action 
Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt (25-26 Jauary 2011)


The 2nd Meeting of the Work Group to Develop Executive Programmes in on Isses contained the Ten-Year Programme of Action
Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt (17-18 May 2009)


The 2nd Meeting of the Work Group to Develop Executive Programmes in on Isses contained the Ten-Year Programme of Action
Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt (14-15 May 2008)

International Ulama Conference on Afghanistan