Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Economic Affairs


Vision and Mission

The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), being an integral part of the OIC General Secretariat, is entrusted with the overall coordination of implementation of the OIC economic programmes, as approved by Member States at their relevant OIC summits, conferences of foreign ministers, relevant sectoral ministerial conferences and intergovernmental meetings.

The vision of the Department is building a developed OIC economy that is integrated, interconnected, internationally competitive, inclusive, growth-oriented and sustainable. Its mission is creating economic opportunity for all and improving human welfare in the OIC Member States.

The Department’s work provides inputs for intergovernmental deliberations on economic development. The Department leads the preparation of the Secretary-General’s reports on economic development. It contributes studies and reports to the review of major OIC conferences related to economic development.

The Department also advises the OIC Secretary-General on issues of socio-economic development in Member States, and fostering partnerships with governments in Member States, international organizations and civil society organizations. Furthermore, the Department helps Member States find com­mon ground and elaborate plans of action in support of their respective national developmental programmes as well as promote active inta-OIC collaboration and mutual assistance on matters of common interest in the economic field.

The Department is entrusted with the implementation of the OIC economic programmes and projects, preparations for the OIC major conferences in the economic domain, as well as the monitoring of progress towards implementing internationally agreed development goals. In execution of this mandate, the Department of Economic Affairs is assisted by the OIC subsidiary, specialized and affiliated institutions working in the economic domain.


Focus Areas 

The Department addresses crucial issues in the various sectors of the economy that affect people’s lives and livelihoods in Member States. Within this context, the important areas of the Department's work include:

Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Development.  Agriculture is widely known to be the primary economic activity in a host of OIC Member States. At least 50% of OIC total population live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihood, thus making this sector very important for the majority of OIC Member States, especially LDCs, where the agriculture sector accounts, on average, for 27% of their total GDP.

Poverty Alleviation. The major thrust of OIC action for combating poverty in its Member-States is the development of the human productive capacity through such projects as vocational training and agro-food industrial capacity-building; wealth creation through intra-OIC trade and development of strategic commodities; as well as investment promotion and micro-finance. 

Transportation and Infrastructure Development. Transportation is one of the most important infrastructure requirements that provide substantial opportunities for economic growth. The globalization of economic processes has made the role of transport more crucial for national economic growth of OIC countries. Accordingly, the OIC countries are well aware of the vital role that a good transport system could play in strengthening their economies as well as strengthening economic and social relations among them.

Trade Facilitation. Trade among nations is recognized as the engine of economic growth and development. There is a close correlation between the growth in trade and the growth in output, each reinforcing the other. Trade has been accorded a special importance among the OIC Member States with a view to enhancing economic and commercial cooperation. Accordingly, efforts have been intensified at various OIC levels to develop ways and means of joint cooperation to expand trade among OIC countries.

Cooperation in Financial Sector and Investment Promotion. Cooperation among financial institutions in OIC Member States has always been considered as an important instrument for promoting intra-OIC capital and investment flows. In a bid to increase cooperation among financial institutions in OIC Member States, various cooperation forums were established. Within the framework of these forums, OIC Member States address issues of mutual interest, including popularization and promotion of Shariah-compliant financial products in OIC countries.   

Private Sector Development. The OIC economic agenda underlines the pivotal role of the private sector in the sustainable development of economic and commercial cooperation among Member States. OIC continues to undertake activities towards enhancing the role of the Private Sector, through the holding of Private Sector meetings; businesswomen forums; capacity development workshops; tourism; privatization and investment conferences, including exchange of trade delegations and co-organization of exhibitions.

            Tourism Development.  Tourism as an area of activity deserves special attention of the OIC Member States, not only because it is by far the most significant industry which promotes rapid economic growth and development as of today, but also because of its potentials as a promoter of solidarity of the Ummah as well as international understanding. Accordingly, tourism has emerged as one of the most important mechanisms for promoting socio-economic development in OIC countries, including poverty alleviation.

Training and Capacity Building. In response to the development needs of Member States, OIC and its relevant institutions through close cooperation and collaboration with most relevant national and international institutions have created and continue to create capacity building training programmes in various areas of immediate concern to Member States.

Labour, Employment and Social Protection. The need to address the developmental challenges in OIC Member States has brought to the fore the importance of human capacity development and the necessity to address labour market issues such as youth and women employment, entrepreneurship, and social inclusion.

Regional and International Cooperation. The regional and international cooperation is essential in fast tracking the implementation of the economic agenda of the OIC. In this regard, necessary contacts and working cooperation are being pursued with a host of regional and international organizations with a view to benefitting from the long-standing expertise and resources of these organizations in the execution of the OIC projects in the economic field.


To deliver on its mandate, the Department holds Sectoral Ministerial conferences on agriculture and food security; development of tourism; employment and social protection, transport, among others. It also organizes experts group meetings on various economic issues. These activities provide a forum for OIC Member States to engage in policy dialogues, cooperation and collective action. The most recent activities of the Department include organization of:

The 11th Session of the Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (ICTM) under the theme: “The Role of Local Communities in Tourism Development” in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, on 27th -29th June, 2022 (https://www.oic-ocorg/confdetail/?cID=32&lan=en#collapseOne4616

The 8th OIC Ministerial Conference on Food Security and Agricultural Development under the theme “Improvement of Food Systems for Ensuring Food Security in OIC Member States” in Istanbul, Republic of  Türkiye, on 25th-27th October, 2021


The OIC High Level Public and Private Investment Conference in Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye, on 8th-9th December, 2019


The 4th Islamic Conference of Labour Ministers (ICLM) under the theme “Developing a Common Strategy for Manpower Development” in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 21st – 22nd  February,  2018


The Department also prepares the Report of the Secretary General on the Status of Implementation of OIC economic programmes and projects and submits the same to the annual session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) (

Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) 

The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) was established in accordance with the resolution adopted at the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al Mukkaramah and Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in January 1981. The COMCEC is one of the four Standing Committees, which were established by the OIC to advance a wide range of crucial issues important to the Organisation and its Member States. The COMCEC follows-up  implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences in the economic domain, explores possible means of strengthening cooperation among Member States, prepares programmes and proposals to improve capacity of Member States in the various sectors of the economy.

Chairmanship:                      President of Türkiye 

Host Country:                        Türkiye

Membership:                         OIC Member States

The OIC Institutions Working in the Economic Domain


The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC)

Ankara, Republic of Türkiye

Telephone:       (90-312) 468 61 72 
Fax:                 (90-312) 467 34 58; (90-312) 468 57 26 

The Islamic Centre for the Development of Trade (ICDT)

Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco

Telephone:       (+212 22) 31 49 74, 31 00 33
Fax:                 (+212 22) 31 01 10  



The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telephone:       (+966 2) 636 1400
Fax:                 (+966 2) 636 6871, 637 1334, 637 9080 

Email :   

The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS)

            Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan

Telephone:       +7 (7172) 99 99 00

Fax:                 +7 (7172) 99 99 75
Email :     

The Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA),

Karachi, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Telephone:       (9221) 35874910, 35874756, 35830646, 35830535
Fax:                 (9221) 35874212, 35870765
Email :   

The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC)

Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye

Telephone:       +90 212 4656507; +90 212 4656508
Fax:                 +90 212 4656509 
Email :   ; 

The Organization of Islamic Shipowners Association (OISA)

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Telephone:       +96612 6637882; +96612 6653379
Fax:                 +96612 6604920
Email:    ;



Dr. Ahmad Kawesa Sengendo, Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs.  

Dr. Ahmad Kawesa Sengendo was appointed as the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in charge of Economic Affairs during the 47th Session of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of OIC, which was held in Niamey, Niger, on 27th-28th November, 2020. Prior to his present post, Dr. Sengendo served as the Rector of the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU), an affiliated institution of the OIC, for 16 years among many other assignments.

Mr. Naghi Jabbarov, Director General of the Department of Economic Affairs

Mr. Jabbarov was appointed as the Director General of the Department of Economic Affairs in October 2021. Before assuming his present post, he served as the Senior Professional Officer in the Department of Economic Affairs and in various capacities in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, among others.


  • 10/12/2018 - Guide for operationalization of the Single Window

    The Islamic Center for Trade Development (ICDT.) headquartered in Casablanca is an instrument of choice for the promotion of trade+ among the Islamic Cooperation Organization Member States.

    Its purpose is to:

    • Foster the developing of regular trading activities between Member States;
    • Promote investments aiming to boost trade;
    • Contribute to the promotion of productions of Member States and foster access to external markets;
    • Promote trade information;
    • Help Member States in the area of trade promotion and international trading negotiations;
    • Assist businesses and economic operators.

    This study does not claim to know the secret of success of the Single Window; nevertheless, it demonstrates the various good practices to follow in conjunction with the implementation thereof. The implementation of a new Single Window should take inspiration for the good practices spoken about in this study but should take into consideration all the other variables particular to its environment because each Single Window is unique.

    Click on the title link for more ...

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