Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Directorate of Cultural, Social and Family Affairs

General Directorate for Cultural, Social and Family Affairs

The General Directorate for Cultural, Social and Family Affairs was established under the internal regulations of the General Secretariat as one of the Secretariat’s main departments.

The General Directorate deals with cultural and social issues, including family, women, children, youth, elderly affairs and issues of peoples with special needs and disability at both the Islamic and international levels. These mandates are in line with various resolutions of the Islamic summit, the Council of Foreign Ministers and specialized sectoral ministerial conferences, notably the ministerial conferences on culture, women, youth and sport, and social development, in implementation of the OIC-2025 Plan of Action. They are carried out through coordination with OIC subsidiary organs, specialized and affiliated institutions as well as partner international organizations, including relevant United Nations agencies.

The current Director-General of the Cultural, Social and Family Affairs is Dr Amina Bint Obaid Al-Hajri.

There are two department and one unit under the General Directorate, namely: Department of Cultural Affairs, Department of Social and Family Affairs and the Youth Unit

I. The Department of Cultural Affairs


Cultural work is considered as an important and pivotal element in the framework of the joint Islamic action, since the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation at the first Islamic summit conference in Rabat in 1969.

The charter of the organization indicates in its preamble the need to work on strengthening a set of basic principles, such as encouraging friendly relations, mutual respect and cooperation within Members countries, and other countries, support of the noble Islamic values related to moderation, tolerance, respect for diversity, preservation of Islamic symbols and common heritage, and defense of the universality of the Islamic religion.

To preserve those principles, cultural work is seen as an indispensable tool that aims at enhancing values of cultural diversity, promoting acquisition of knowledge, protecting and defending the true image of Islam, encouraging cultural and scientific exchange, opening channels of quiet, innovative and open dialogue in order to serve the just causes of the Islamic nation, achieve rapprochement with other cultures and highlight the cultural and civilizational richness of Islamic societies and preserve its historical symbols.

In view of the importance of the cultural dimension as an essential component of sustainable social, human and economic development of every society, and the crucial role it plays in achieving social cohesion and stability, strengthening democracy, human rights and the state of law, the OIC has

always paid great attention to culture and places it at the center of its priorities as one of the programs used in the implementation of the decisions issued in this regard.

the Cultural Affairs Department, in line with the OIC's commitment to strengthening and promoting a culture of human rights in the OIC member states and at the international level, allocates particular interest to human rights issues in general, especially women's rights, children's rights, girls' rights and right to education. The establishment of the Independent Permanent Commission for Human Rights in 2011, is considered as a clear indication of the efforts undertaken by the organization to bridge the conceptual and legal gap and achieve consistency and harmony between the principles of the International Charter of Human Rights and the principles of the Islamic religion that seek to consolidate the culture of human rights in its comprehensive meaning.

The Cultural Affairs Department works to coordinate its events and activities with the Independent Permanent Commission for Human Rights and other regional and international partners, out of its consciousness of the importance of promoting the comprehensiveness and universality of the concept of human rights within member states.

The Cultural Affairs Department also works on education, and closely cooperates with the OIC’s specialized organizations, especially ISESCO, to support educational programs in member states , propose ideas that contribute to the success of national education plans, undertake initiatives with international and local partners in order to help formulate policies aimed primarily at developing educational curricula, and proposing practical solutions to the obstacles preventing its development and making it a fundamental lever for development and progress. The Culture Department works in this regard to follow up the implementation of decisions issued by either the Islamic summits, the council of foreign ministers, or the meetings of the ministers of culture and education.

To achieve its main objectives, the Cultural Affairs Department cooperates with the institutions, committees and agencies of the organization concerned with cultural affairs such as ISESCO, IRCICA ,SESRIC, the Islamic Fiqh Academy and COMIAC, to develop work strategies, coordinate and implement programmed activities with the support of member states, in partnership with regional organizations and International institutions, civil society institutions, universities and academies that are active in the field of culture.

Vision of the Department of Cultural Affairs

The Cultural Affairs Department seeks primarily to enhance cultural cooperation among OIC member states, by implementing the decisions issued by the Islamic summits, councils of foreign ministers and meetings of the ministers of culture in a way that allows strengthening of the spirit of belonging to the Islamic nation, interacting with its core issues, defending its vital interests and enhancing the culture of openness, diversity, dialogue with others, reflecting a correct image of Islam in the West, and appreciating the role of calm and purposeful dialogue in converging viewpoints, managing difference and overcoming crises, resulting from misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of some of the purposes and texts of the Islamic religion.

Objectives and tasks of the Department of Cultural Affairs

the Cultural Affairs Department, in the context of its contribution to the implementation of the cultural strategy for the Islamic world in its amended form during the tenth session of the Islamic

Conference of Culture Ministers (21-23 November 2017, Khartoum) and for the decisions issued by the various Islamic summits and related ministerial meetings, especially the fourteenth session of the Islamic Summit Conference, The Fourth Extraordinary Summit, the forty-sixth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers and the eleventh session of the Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers, seeks to achieve the following objectives, among others:

* Promoting cultural exchange between member states and encouraging all cultural initiatives aimed at supporting joint Islamic action within the framework of respecting differences and cultural diversity, considering them as a source of human and civilizational richness that distinguishes the Islamic nation and highlights its historical role in spreading the values of tolerance, dialogue, peaceful coexistence and cultural interaction.

* Protecting the cultural heritage of the Islamic Ummah by preserving it from extinction and from all forms of destruction, theft and vandalism, by forging partnerships with regional and international organizations concerned with preserving and documenting the common cultural and human heritage and organizing events and seminars to discuss ways of cooperation in this field. The project to establish an OIC platform for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage in the Islamic world is an affirmation of the organization’s commitment to promoting joint Islamic action in the field of preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

* Organizing interactive intellectual seminars, on the sideline of the OIC intellectual and cultural seasons, with the aim of enriching meaningful discussion on various basic issues of concern to the member states, and reaching conclusions and decisions that serve the interests of the Islamic nation and establish a culture of accepting other opinions, constructive communication and benefiting from global experiences in areas of sustainable development, enlightened thought and civilized progress.

* Organizing cultural festivals such as OIC Festival, whose latest version was hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which aims at highlighting cultural diversity in Islamic countries, enhancing exchange and cooperation, and raising awareness of shared values among them;

* Encouraging openness to other cultures through participation in international forums and global events related to culture and thought, establishing of the principles of communication and dialogue, and creating partnerships with regional and international cultural institutions to conduct joint activities that enhance the concept of cultural cooperation in its universal human dimension;

* Encouraging different cultural expressions in the Islamic world, such as art, cinema, music, intellectual production, painting, translation and other cultural contributions, through organizing events and exhibitions in Islamic countries and stimulating participation in international forums and supporting available cultural productions such as the OIC Prize in Support of Film Production, the OIC Festival of Islamic Arts and Handicrafts, and organizing of cultural weeks dedicated to Member States

* Organizing cultural forums to introduce the Islamic world in the West, in order to combat stereotypes and prejudices about Islamic culture and to build bridges of dialogue and

communication to refute exclusionary biased views and highlight the true meanings that characterize our Islamic religion throughout its luminous history;

* Encouraging an open, tolerant and moderate thought and enhancing constructive dialogue in order to stand against extremism, divisive and destructive ideas that promote conspiracy theories and spread hatred and racism;

* Encouraging the exchange of experiences among member states, in the field of education, knowledge and various skills that enhance the spirit of innovation, creativity and self-development, through exchanging good practices in these areas and carrying out competitive activities in member states, such as reading challenge programs, innovation and invention forums and self-financing initiatives for small projects, in cooperation with the organization's specialized bodies such as IDB and ISESCO.

Key Files of the Department of Cultural Affairs:

(1) Joint Islamic action and issues related to human rights.

(2) Follow-up on all cultural issues related to film festivals, cultural seminars, conferences and workshops concerned with cultural cooperation between OIC Member States.

(3) Pursuing the cultural strategy of the Muslim world.

(4) Follow up on cultural activities that seek to serve the interests of the OIC Member States.

(5) Coordination and implementation of activities related to subsidiary, specialized, affiliated and other institutions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

(6) Istanbul Process.

(7) Cooperation between the United Nations and the OIC in cultural matters.

(8) Protection of the Islamic cultural heritage and working to implement the resolutions regarding the establishment of the OIC platform to preserve and protect the cultural heritage of the Member States.

(9) Follow up on the activities of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the OIC Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC), the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), the Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC), and Islamic centers and institutions.

(10) Follow up on cultural issues related to the establishment of the unified Hijri calendar.

(11) Series of seminars and cultural lectures.

(12) Cultural issues related to Al-Quds.

(13) General cultural affairs.

(14) Organizations and bodies working in strengthening the presence of the Arabic language and promoting its use in international bodies and organizations.

(15) Festivals of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

(16) The OIC Ten-Year Plan of Action 2025 (TYPOA 2025).

Cultural Affairs activities (ordered from newest to oldest)

1. The Department of Cultural Affairs organized a series of interactive intellectual lectures with the aim of enriching a meaningful discussion on various issues of concern to Member States. It comes in line with the relevant ministerial resolutions and the Charter of the Organization of

Islamic Cooperation: Objectives and Principles. Accordingly, the following lectures and seminars have been held since the beginning of 2022:

* A lecture titled "Education and Development in Africa: Challenges & Opportunities" on 02 February 2022.

* A lecture titled "Justice..the Highest Absolute Value in Islam: its Impact on the Individual and Society", 07 March 2022.

* A virtual interactive lecture was held on 18 April 2022 (17 Ramadan) commemorating the Muslim Orphan's Day, which is celebrated on the 15th of Ramadan every year.

* A lecture titled "Universalism and Cultural Diversity: Concept of Commonalities among Humans" on 07 June 2022.

* An interactive symposium in celebration of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Day, which falls on September 25 of each year, and will be held on October 6, 2022.

2. The OIC General Secretariat, in partnership with the Islamic University of Uganda (IUIU), Member States, and relevant OIC institutions, held a cultural event in Uganda from 10-11 June 2022, which comes in line with the Ministerial Resolution No. 1/48 - C on General Cultural Matters (Cultural Strategy and Plan of Action) and Resolution No. 11/48 - C on Promotion of Cooperation among OIC Member States in the Cultural Domain and Supporting Cinematographic Production Adopted at the 48th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held on 22-23 March 2022, Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

3. In celebration of the International Archives Day (09 June of each year), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in cooperation with the National Center for Archives & Records in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, held a symposium on “National Archives in Muslim Countries - Distinctive Experiences and Future Directions” in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 09 June 2022. This event comes in line with the relevant ministerial resolutions, and the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: Objectives and Principles.

4. The OIC General Secretariat, at the initiative of the Department of Cultural Affairs, held on 24 February 2022, a virtual symposium on intercultural and interreligious dialogue in partnership with the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Office of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Brussels, in line with the relevant ministerial resolutions.

5. The OIC organized a Festival to promote cultural diversity in the Muslim World and to reach out to non-Muslim countries. The first, second and third editions of the OIC Festival, respectively held on 5-9 February, 2019 in Cairo, 24-27 April, 2019 in Abu Dhabi and 25-28 November 2019, in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia encountered great success and demonstrated that cultural pluralism is key to peaceful coexistence and sustainable development.

6. Workshop on the “Establishment of an OIC Platform for the Protection and Preservation of Cultural Heritage in the Muslim World” held on 7-8 October 2019, in Jeddah at OIC General Secretariat.

II. Department of Social and Family Affairs

Introduction to the Department of Social and Family Affairs

The field of social affairs is a priority for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in accordance with its Charter, which reflects concern for issues of women empowerment, family protection, youth capacity building and further promotion of the rights of people with special needs, the disabled, child care and the elderly, in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable society development in Member States. In this context, the Department, in collaboration with the relevant organizations, organs and committees of the OIC, develops strategies, programs and implements activities with the support of Member States and in partnership with international and regional organizations and civil society organizations.

In order to emphasize the importance of the role of the family, its protection and development as the natural and cornerstone unit of society, the Department of Family Affairs was established by Resolution No. 8/36-ORG issued by the 36th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers held in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, 23-25 May 2009 Under the theme "Enhancing Islamic solidarity", and this process was part of the restructuring of the Secretariat called for by the third Extraordinary Islamic Summit held in Makkah Al Mukarramah in 2005, and as part of the implementation of the OIC 10-year program of action (2005-2016).

A special unit in charge of youth issues was established within the General Directorate of Cultural, Social and Family Affairs under Resolution No. 11/43-ORG adopted by the 43rd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held on 18-19 October 2016 in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan under the theme "Education and Enlightenment: A Path to Peace and Creativity". It was out of recognition that "Muslim youth, all over the world, are in a growing need for an Islamic awakening and for societies based on the principles of peace, justice and equality among all human beings".


Promote cooperation among Member States to achieve development and social justice, including enhancing the rights of women, children, youth, the elderly, and those with disabilities and of special needs and safeguard the values of the Muslim family.


Work to achieve the principles and goals of the OIC Charter and the 10-year Programme of Action in the field of social affairs concerning the family, women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities and those of special needs, and implement the tasks assigned, in cooperation with all departments of the General Secretariat and the relevant institutions, organs and committees of the OIC in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable social development in Member States.


According to the OIC-2025 Programme of Action, the Department of Social and Family Affairs seeks to achieve the following strategic goals:

* Promote gender justice and family empowerment.

* Encourage policies aiming at enhancing family and social security.

* Provide and facilitate effective and reliable social services for the family, children, the elderly and those with special needs.

* Develop appropriate legislative and administrative measures to combat violence against women.

* Improve the policy framework to respond to the emotional needs of women and children.

* Build the capacity of youth and enhance youth exchange programs.

Tasks and Activities

Under the direction of the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs, the Department performs the following tasks:

* Submit recommendations, opinions and proposals to the Secretary-General and represent him when necessary.

* Dispatch and receive official internal and external correspondence within the scope of its competencies.

* Participate in the proceedings of conferences, committees and other meetings related to its activities.

* Prepare for sectoral ministerial conferences on social development, women and youth.

* Follow up on the implementation of resolutions of the Council of Foreign Ministers related to its mandate, recommendations, resolutions and decisions issued by ministerial meetings and the relevant committees and prepare progress reports in this regard.

* Discuss ways to enhance cooperation between Member States in the area of social development.

* Coordination and cooperation with the institutions, organs and committees related to its competence.

* Follow up the implementation of strategies and action plans to empower the family, women, children, youth, the elderly, people with disabilities and those of special needs.

* Conduct studies that contribute to achieving development and social welfare in Member States.

* Organize seminars, training courses and workshops related to its mandate.

Main files

1. Family:

The department works to empower the marriage and family institution in the Muslim world, and preserve its values and principles that have been promoted by the teachings of the true

religion of Islam, and to enhance the ability of the OIC Member States to keep up with the issues raised in relation to marriage and family and address the challenges they face, whether cultural, intellectual, economic, social or others, with focus on issues of Muslim societies, immigrants and refugees.

In this context, the department is working on following up the implementation of the OIC Strategy for the Empowerment of the Marriage and Family Institution, which is a guiding document that was formulated within the framework of an Islamic perspective to enhance cooperation and exchange of experiences and good practices in this field, adopted at the first Ministerial Conference on Social Development held on 9 December, 2019, in the Republic of Türkiye.

2. Child, Elderly, People with Disabilities and Special Needs:

The Department, in cooperation with the relevant institutions, is working on reviewing and revising the Covenant on the Rights of the Child in Islam and on formulating a strategy and an action plan for the welfare of children in the OIC Member States.

It follows up on the implementation of the OIC Strategy for the Welfare of the Elderly, which aims to stimulate cooperation among Member States in addressing issues related to aging and challenges that may become difficult in the coming stages, adopted at the first Ministerial Conference on Social Development held on 9 December, 2019.

It is working on developing a strategy for people with special needs and the disabled in cooperation with the relevant institutions.

3. Women:

The Department works to empower and improve the status of women and enhance their ability to play an active role in all aspects of life in Member States.

It follows up on the implementation of the OIC Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women (OPAAW), which represents a creative approach that reflects the commitment of Member States to address a number of challenges facing women, and seeks to achieve the following goals: enhancing women's participation in decision-making, providing quality education, providing health care, and economic empowerment, social protection, protection of women from violence, and protection of women in crisis and disaster situations.

The department is exerting strenuous efforts to ensure that the Member States ratify the statute of the Organization for Women Development in order to start its activities effectively. This organization was established by Resolution No. 4/36 - ORG issued by the thirty-sixth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Damascus in 2009, as a specialized organization under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, for the development of women and the advancement of their status in the Member States with its headquarters in the Arab Republic of Egypt, while its statute has been adopted by the Council of Foreign Ministers’ Resolution No. 2/37- ORG at its thirty-seventh session held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan in 2010.

III. Introduction to Youth Unit:

The Youth Unit was established under Resolution No. 11/43 ORG of the Council of Foreign Ministers, issued by its 43rd session, held on 18-19 October 2016, in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. The Resolution came in recognition of “the growing need of Muslim Youth, all over the world, for an Islamic awakening and for societies that are based on the principles of peace, justice and equality among all human beings”. It was also adopted to emphasize the centrality of youth issues in the work of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the need to enhance coordination of the efforts of the Organization and its subsidiary organs and specialized and affiliated institutions working in the field of youth capacity building in Member States, in order to achieve the objectives set out in the OIC Charter and OIC Ten-Year Program of Action (OIC 2025) in this regard, and to strengthen cooperation with all international and regional organizations, including United Nations agencies, to contribute to facing the challenges met by the youth in the economic, social, cultural, scientific, moral, religious, psychological and intellectual fields.


* Strengthening cooperation among Member States in the field of youth and sports development to build a nation based on peace, security and justice, a nation in which the protection of the rights of the youth is considered as a human right, and which provides the necessary conditions to enable the youth to use their full potential, and ensures their effective participation in building their societies.


* To work to achieve the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Program of Action (OIC 2025) with regard to youth and sports development, by making the Organization a source of support and protection for the youth, involving them in formulating and implementing policies and programs, and benefiting from their views and ideas in all areas of common interest.

* To carry out the tasks entrusted to the Unit under the OIC resolutions on cooperation with all the departments at the General Secretariat as well as the relevant institutions, organs and committees of the Organization, in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable social development in the Member States.


According to the Organization’s Program of Action (OIC 2025) and the relevant resolutions of the Organization, the Youth Unit seeks to achieve the following strategic objectives:

* Building youth’s competencies and promoting youth exchange programs;

* Improving youth employment strategies, providing quality education, and enhancing entrepreneurial capabilities and professional skills;

* Activating sports in the member states.

Tasks and activities:

Under the supervision of the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs and the Director-General of Cultural, Social and Family Affairs, the Youth Unit performs the following tasks:

* Preparing for the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers, in coordination with the relevant OIC organs and institutions, including drawing up the report of the Secretary-General and the necessary documents submitted to the Conference, and following up on the implementation of the resolutions of the Conference;

* Contributing to the drawing up of the Secretary-General’s reports on youth and sports development submitted to the Islamic Summit Conferences and the Council of Foreign Ministers;

* Preparing annual reports on the efforts of the Organization on youth and sports development and following up on the implementation of the resolutions of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports and the relevant OIC resolutions, and on the progress made with regard to the implementation of the OIC Youth Strategy and the Organization’s action plan for sports development, in line with the tasks entrusted to the General Secretariat by the Charter, the Organization’s resolutions and its Program of Action (OIC 2025);

* Cooperating with youth and sports national institutions in the Member States to follow up on the implementation of the resolutions of the Organization with regard to youth and sports development, the OIC Youth Strategy and the Organization’s Action Plan for the development of sports, within the framework of joint Islamic action;

* Coordinating and cooperating with subsidiary organs, specialized and affiliated institutions of the Organization, and international and regional partner organizations, including the United Nations agencies concerned with youth and sports;

* Urging the subsidiary organs and specialized and affiliated institutions of the Organization to pay attention to youth and sports issues and coordinate in order to hold activities in the field of building youth competencies, enhancing their participation, developing sports, building partnerships and exploring ways to mobilize resources to finance youth projects;

* Following up on global events related to youth and sports, especially in Member States, and informing the Secretary-General thereof;

* Giving advice to the Secretary-General in the field of youth and sports development;

* Coordinating with the concerned bodies in order to conduct studies and research on problems and issues related to youth in the Member States;

* Establishing a framework for cooperation between Member States in issues related to youth and sports, especi

* Holding sports games and matches between Member States, in order to achieve cooperation and rapprochement;

* Coordinating with SESRIC for the preparation of the OIC Report on State of Youth in the Islamic World issued every two years by the Organization with the aim of highlighting the main areas in youth development policies and programs;

* Coordinating with national institutions working in the field of youth and sports in Member States to hold activities to commemorate the OIC Youth Day, corresponding to September 3rd each year, with the aim of raising awareness about youth issues and enhancing cooperation among countries to exchange experiences within the framework of joint Islamic action;

* Representing the General Secretariat in conferences, meetings and seminars on youth and sports, in which the General Secretariat is invited to participate.

Main files:

* Youth issues;

* Development of the Sports.

The Most Important and Recent Activities of the Department of Social Affairs and Family and Youth Unit:

I. Regarding Development of Sports: The Secretary-General, H.E. Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, and his accompanying delegation participated in the opening session of the fifth session of the Islamic Solidarity Games, which was held from 9 to 18 August 2022, in Konya, Republic of Turkey, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey, and H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Minister of Sports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation, and H.E. Mr. Mehmet Kasapoglu, Minister of Youth and Sports of Turkey, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 5th edition of the Islamic Solidarity Games, in addition to several sports ministers of the Member States.

II. Regarding Youth Capacity Building and Sports Development: The government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia kindly hosted the Fifth Session of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers, held in Jeddah, from 7 to 9 September 2022, under the theme: “Youth and Sports Development for a Solidarity-based Ummah.” About 47 delegations of countries attended this Session, representatives of the General Secretariat as well as the relevant OIC organs and institutions, and invited personalities and institutions have participated in the Conference. The Conference adopted a comprehensive resolution with regard to youth development and enhancing their role in the development and sports promotion. The Conference Declaration was also adopted. The outcomes of the Conference can be found on the official website of the Organization through the "Conferences" tab.

III. Regarding child care: The Council of Foreign Ministers called on the General Secretariat to hold a meeting of an open-ended group of intergovernmental experts to discuss the draft OIC Covenant on the Rights of the Child, prepared by the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC), with a view to enriching, revising and completing it, in preparation for its submission to the Council of Foreign Ministers for consideration and approval. The first meeting of the expert group was held on 6-7 February 2022, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat. Experts from 33 Member States, the General Secretariat and the IPHRC participated in the meeting. During two working days and four working sessions, the participants discussed the draft OIC Covenant on the Rights of the Child, article by article until Article twenty out of the thirty contained in the document, and made contributions to enrich the document. They also made many recommendations to contribute to the refinement of the draft Covenant. The General Secretariat is preparing to hold the second meeting of the expert group on 29-30 November 2022, in order to complete the discussion of the draft Covenant, in preparation for its submission to the next session of the Ministerial Conference on Social Development and the Council of Foreign Ministers.

IV. Regarding marriage and family institution promotion and preservation of its values: The Council of Foreign Ministers decided, by virtue of the resolution issued at its forty-seventh session, held in Niamey in 2020, to establish an open-ended intergovernmental expert group to work under the supervision of the chairmanship of the Ministerial Conference on Social Development, to complete the internal and financial regulations of the Organization’s Family Committee. The General Secretariat held two meetings of the aforementioned expert group, the first: on 18 October 2021, online, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat. 74 experts from 30 Member States as well as the General Secretariat participated in the meeting. The second meeting was held on 15 February 2022, online, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat. During the two meetings, the internal and financial regulations of the OIC Family Committee were completed in preparation for their submission to the second session of the Ministerial Conference on Social Development, to be held in the Arab Republic of Egypt in 2023.

V. 8th session of OIC Conference of Ministers in charge of Women: The General Secretariat held the 8th session of the OIC Conference of Ministers in charge of Women, which was generously hosted by the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt from 6 to 8 July 2021, in Cairo, on the theme of: “Preserving the Achievement of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Light of COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond”, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Conference was attended by delegations of 48 OIC Member States along with representatives of the General Secretariat and the subsidiary organs and specialized and affiliated institutions of the Organization, in addition to the invited personalities and institutions. The Conference adopted 14 resolutions as well as the Cairo Declaration. The outcomes of the Conference can be found on the Organization's website through "Conferences" tab.

  • 21/10/2020 - Holding of the first meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Women’s Development Organization

    on 21-22 October 2020, in coordination with Egypt in preparation for the WDO to start its work.

  • 10/09/2020 - Holding a Webinar on the enhancing of the Role of the Women in the fields of Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

    (STEM) on 10 September 2020

  • 27/07/2020 - Completion of the legal quorum relating to the ratification of the Statute of the Women’s Development Organization

    on 27 July 2020

  • 11/06/2020 - Holding of a virtual meeting for the Women's Consultative Council

    on 11 June 2020, on the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on women and girls in Member States.

  • 27/02/2020 - Participation in the meeting of the second session of the Permanent Ministerial Council for Youth and Sports

    of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports held on 27-28 February 2020 in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan.

  • 19/01/2020 - Holding of a workshop at the headquarters of the General Secretariat on 19-20 January 2020 to promote the concept of a Family Bank

    (based in Sudan) in the G5 Sahel countries, in the framework of the implementation of the resolutions of the Seventh Ministerial Conference on the Role of Women in Development in Member States, in coordination with the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Karachi , SESRIC, the Islamic Development Bank and UNIDO.

  • 12/01/2020 - Holding of the second meeting of the temporary working group on 12-13 January 2020 to prepare the bylaws of the Women Development Organization

    Holding of the second meeting of the temporary working group on 12-13 January 2020 to prepare the bylaws of the Women Development Organization in coordination with the Arab Republic of Egypt and Burkina Faso, Chair of the Seventh session of the Ministerial Conference on Women.

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