Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

In a special session on Al-Quds at 40th CFM: OIC member states adopt resolution on action plan for protecting Al-Quds

Date: 10/12/2013

In a special session today, Tuesday, 10 December 2013, the 40th CFM in Conakry, Guinea discussed developments in Al-Quds especially recent Israel’s violations aiming to consolidate its illegal occupation. The CFM adopted a resolution accepting a 13-point legal and political action plan proposed by OIC to compel Israel to stop its aggressions and illegal measures in Al-Quds. According to the plan, an OIC ministerial committee shall be established to act urgently and to visit influential capitals in the world and relevant international organizations to convey the OIC message that any prejudice to Al-Aqsa mosque is a red line that will neither be allowed nor tolerated by the Islamic Ummah, whatever the consequences. The plan further mandates the Islamic Group in New York to seek holding a special session for the UN Security Council to discuss Israel’s violations. At the legal level, the action plan did not rule out the possibility of resorting to the International Criminal Court and other international legal platforms to hold Israel responsible for its crimes and violations. Conakry, 10 December 2013

Related: Alquds

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