Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC Holds Extraordinary Session of the ICIM to Discuss Israel’s Disinformation and Attacks against the Palestinians, Particularly the Palestinian Journalists

Date: 20/02/2024

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will hold an extraordinary session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM) in Istanbul, Republic of Turkiye, on 24 February 2024, to discuss joint efforts to confront the Israeli occupying authority’s disinformation and hostilities against journalists and media outlets in the occupied Palestinian territory”.
The Republic of Turkiye is hosting the conference, in its capacity as Chair of the current session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers, where it is expected that information ministers and ministers responsible for communication in the OIC Member States will participate in the conference.

H.E. the OIC Secretary-General, Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, will deliver a speech at the conference to inform the participants of the ongoing crimes of the Israeli occupation against journalists and professionals in various media outlets and press and media institutions.

It is noteworthy that Israel, the occupying power, suppresses media in the Gaza Strip and throughout Palestine. Reports have documented the targeting of more than 140 media institutions, which led to the martyrdom of no less than 126 people working in the press and media sector since 7 October 2023. Israel also destroyed the premises of media institutions and cut off Internet service for workers in the media sector and people of the Gaza Strip in general. The Israeli occupation has been waging a relentless war against the people of the Gaza Strip for more than four months, which has led to a series of massacres, comprehensive destruction, and widespread displacement among Palestinians, in addition to the destruction of all service sectors, including the media sector.

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