Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Kazakhstan Hosts the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform’s 1st Ministerial Meeting

Date: 26/05/2023

The 1st Ministerial Meeting of the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan on 25-26 May 2023 at the premises of Al-FarabiKazakh National University, known internationally as the educational and scientific hub of Kazakhstan.

The Meeting brought together science and education ministers and high-level officials from the OIC most advanced nations in the field of science, technologies and innovations, and was arranged as a hybrid participation event.

In his statement on behalf of the OIC Secretary General, Ambassador Askar Mussinov, Assistant Secretary General for Science & Technology briefed the Meeting participants on the background, evolvement and the very essence of the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform, whose 1st Ministerial Meeting was welcomed by the resolution of the 49th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, held earlier in 2023 in Nouakchott, The Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

Furthermore, he reiterated the commitment of the OIC General Secretariat to exercise fully its mandate to promote the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform.

The Ministerial Meeting in Almaty considered and approved a number of fundamental documents, designed to launch the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform as informal and consultative international fora to enhance intra-OIC collaboration in the domain of science and technology. The said documents were all incorporated into the outcome document, adopted by the Ministerial Meeting, and titled as Almaty Rules and Regulations of the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform.

In course of discussions and statements, delivered by the heads of national delegations, the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran offered to host the 2nd Ministerial Meeting of the OIC-15 Dialogue Platform in Tehran in 2024.As for the continuous involvement of Al-FarabiKazakh National University with the OIC, the Rector Mr. Zhanseit Tuimebayev announced the readiness of the University to establish at its premises the OIC Office on Science and Technology.

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