Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC Holds Israel Responsible for Khader Adnan’s Death

Date: 02/05/2023

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held Israel, the occupying power, fully responsible for the death of the Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan held in its occupation prisons under the so-called administrative detention, in which suspects are held indefinitely by Israel without charge or trial. The OIC also condemned the occupation’s systematic policy of medical negligence, arbitrary measures, inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners, and deprivation of their basic rights guaranteed by the relevant international conventions and covenants.
The OIC affirmed its support for the Palestinian prisoners and called, at the same time, on the competent international bodies to intervene quickly to protect their rights, and to put pressure on Israel, the occupying power, to stop its continuous violations against them and to release them immediately.

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