Date: 14/11/2022
H.E. Ambassador Tarig Ali Bakheet, Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs of the OIC and OIC SG’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan, delivered a message at the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) virtual Conference on Implementation Status of Afghanistan Food Security Program (AFSP), on 14 November 2022. Amb Bakheet commended the invaluable work performed by IOFS in pursuing the effective implementation of the AFSP placed under its stewardship by the the OIC Extraordinary CFM on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, held in Islamabad, on 18-19 December 2021.
He also appreciated the joint efforts by IOFS, the Islamic Committee of International Crescent (ICIC), the OIC General Secretariat and the OIC Humanitarian Office in Kabul as well as the bilateral initiatives taken by OIC Member States to support Afghanistan’s endeavors to recover peace, stability and development.
Ambassador Tarig seizes this opportunity to give a briefing on the actions and steps taken by the OIC towards Afghanistan and the state of the financial contributions to the Humanitarian Trust Funds for Afghanistan established under the aegis of the Islamic Development Bank by the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. He reiterated the OIC call for more financial contributions to make it able to deliver the necessary humanitarian assistance expected by millions of afghan including women and children.