Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC Expresses Concern over the Situation of Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Occupation Prisons

Date: 03/10/2022

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) expressed its deep concern over the critical deteriorating health condition of the Palestinian prisoner, Nasser Abu Hameed, who suffers from cancer and endures, along with thousands of Palestinian prisoners, arbitrary measures and denial of basic rights, including the right to treatment in Israeli occupation prisons.

The General Secretariat also expressed its solidarity and support for the cause of the Palestinian prisoners, dozens of whom started an open hunger strike protesting against the policy of administrative detention in the Israeli occupation prisons. Furthermore, it called on human rights international institutions to intervene immediately in order to ensure the release of the Palestinian prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid, and all prisoners, especially the sick, the elderly, children, women, and administrative detainees.

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