Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC-ISF Launches an Urgent Initiative to Assist Member States to Confront Coronavirus Pandemic, Lauds Supporting States and Appeals to Other States to Donate

Date: 02/04/2020

The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been following closely and with deep concern the repercussions of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on all world countries, especially OIC Member States.

The OIC reaffirms its full solidarity with affected countries in addressing the humanitarian, health, economic and social repercussions of this serious disaster, and stands ready to utilize its full potential and relevant organs to help contain its adverse effects.

As part of the OIC’s efforts to achieve this noble objective and as a first step, the OIC Secretary General, Dr. Yousef A. Al-Othaimeen, has endorsed the initiative of the Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF), a Subsidiary Organ of the OIC, to set up a dedicated account to assisting Member States, especially the LDCs among them, in order to enhance their capabilities in facing Coronavirus pandemic, especially in the health sector.

The Humanitarian Affairs Department of the General Secretariat (ICHAD) will coordinate with ISF to meet as much as possible the needs of affected countries. The Secretary General commended the support provided by ISF to this account using its own resources.

Al-Othaimeen stressed that the support provided by ISF comes as a continuation of its commendable efforts in providing its laudable humanitarian services to the Islamic Ummah in various fields, especially in the medical and therapeutic areas.

The Secretary General thanked the countries that have extended financial support to ISF for it to carry out its responsibilities in serving Muslim peoples. He has also launched an urgent appeal to the rest of the OIC Member States and to both institutional and individual donors to back ISF’s efforts by providing urgent financial support for this initiative through ISF Covid-19 account to be able to meet the increasing needs of affected countries.

The Secretary General added that the General Secretariat will enhance its communication with OIC Member States and regional as well as international organizations and bodies, including all OIC relevant organs, especially those operating in the humanitarian field, with a view to deploying urgent relief and humanitarian measures and providing medical and emergency assistance to those OIC Member States most affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.

It is worth noting that the OIC’s initiative falls within the scope of the tremendous efforts made by Member States and the initiatives undertaken by OIC Organs to support these efforts in facing Coronavirus pandemic, notably the allocation by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), an OIC Specialized Institution, of US$ 730 million to affected Member States.

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