Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC: Australia's Decision to Recognize West Jerusalem as Capital of Israel in an Illegal Step

Date: 16/12/2018

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemned Australia's recognition of west Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the occupying power. The OIC considered that step illegal and in contravention of the relevant UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions, particularly Resolution No. 478, which called on those States that have established diplomatic missions in Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City.

The OIC General Secretariat stressed that the City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif (Jerusalem) is part of the Palestinian land occupied since 1967 pursuant to all resolutions of international legitimacy. It emphasized its rejection of any action or attempt to prejudice the legal status of the occupied City of Al-Quds Ash-Sharif and warned of the consequences and serious repercussions of such acts on all levels.

The General Secretariat also called on Australia to backtrack on that decision and to respect its legal and political obligations under the International Law and international legitimacy resolutions, on top of which is the full recognition of the State of Palestine on the borders of 4 June 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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