Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

On 49th Anniversary of the Arson Attack on Al Aqsa OIC Reaffirms the High Status of the City of Al Quds and its Sanctities

Date: 21/08/2018

In these days, the 49th anniversary of the vicious attempt to burn down the Holy Mosque of Al Aqsa turns up. It’s an anniversary that marks the arson attack perpetrated against the first Qiblah and third most sacred holy shrine, and that will witness, still, the ongoing and unrelenting Israeli violations and aggressions against the Al Aqsa Mosque; all within the framework of the Israeli policies seeking to Judaize the City of Al Quds (Jerusalem), to alter its geo-demographic character, to isolate it from its authentic Palestinian environment and roots, in a blatant affront against international legality and the UN relevant resolutions.

On the occasion of this painful anniversary, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) reiterates its enduring support to the Palestinian State’s right to recover its sovereignty over the Holy City of Al Quds, as a capital of the Palestinian State, to protect the City’s Arab identity and its universal heritage, to defend the inviolability of all the Islamo-Christian sanctuaries, and to stand up to any attempt to detract from the Palestinian presence there. The OIC reaffirms the perennial attachment all Muslims across the globe to the Holy Mosque of Al Aqsa, and calls for the preservation of its standing legal and historical status.

The OIC whose foremost cause is that of Palestine and whose establishment was triggered directly by the arson attack on Al Quds, calls upon the international community to compel Israel, the occupation force, to abide by the principles of international law and the legitimacy of international resolutions, and to put an end to its occupation of all the occupied Palestinian territories, based on the 1967 borders, including the City of Al Quds / Jerusalem.

The OIC also hails the Palestinian people who are steadfastly resisting in the City of Al Quds, and renews its solidarity and unwavering support for its legitimate rights over the City as a capital of the State of Palestine, and calls for the continued extension of all forms of support to the City of Al Quds and its valiant and steadfast citizens.

Related: Alquds

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