Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Al-Othaimeen addresses Muslim-Christian gathering in support of Al-Quds

Date: 06/06/2018

The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Dr Yousef Al-Othaimeen, said in a Muslim-Christian gathering in Ramallah on 4 June 2018 that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is going through one of the most critical periods in its history, pointing out that Israel is persisting in its policies and practices to judaize the city and undermine its historical and legal status.
In a statement read out on his behalf by the Director of Ramallah-based OIC Regional Office, Ambassador Ahmed Al-Ruwaidhi, the Secretary General warned that the situation in the city has worsened, following the US administration’s illegal, unilateral decision to recognize Al-Quds as the alleged capital of Israel and transfer its embassy there. In response, the Secretary General pointed out, two extraordinary Islamic summit meetings have taken place in Istanbul, respectively on 13 December 2017 and 18 May 2018, which have taken important decisions.
Further, Al-Othaimeen reaffirmed that the OIC is committed to continuing politico-diplomatic endeavors to build up momentum and support worldwide for the Palestinian cause, stressing the necessity to stand by the Palestinians in their steadfast perseverance in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

Related: Alquds

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