Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

15th Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Member States 
of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Regarding the Ballistic Missile Fired
by the Houthi Militias toward Riyadh

Date: 21/01/2018

The Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held on 4 Jumada Al-Ula 1439H, corresponding to 21 January 2018, in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to discuss the grave development regarding the Iranian-made ballistic missile fired by the Houthi militias toward Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • Proceeding from the principles and goals of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, particularly as regards respect both for the Member States’ right to non-interference in their domestic affairs, and for their sovereignty and territorial integrity;
  • Reiterating the Member States’ commitment to promoting their unity and solidarity and building up mutually beneficial relations, to preserve peace and security and achieve stability and progress within the Member States and beyond, in keeping with Islam’s universal message of mercy;
  • Recalling the heinous Iranian-made ballistic missile attack by the Iranian-backed Houthi coup militias against the city of Riyadh on 19 December 2017;
  • Recalling the final communiqué of the 13th Islamic Summit (Istanbul, Republic of Turkey),along with Resolution 46/44-POL of the 44th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire), the resolution of the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers regarding the Iranian-made ballistic missile attack by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias on Makkah Al-Mukarramah (Makkah Al-Mukarramah, 17 November 2016), and the statements wherein the Member States, Non-member States, regional and international organizations have condemned and decried in the strongest terms these attacks threatening to underminethe security and stability of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the whole region, and jeopardizing the efforts being made to end the conflict in Yemen by peaceful means;

Decides what follows:

  1. Condemns in the firmest terms the Iranian-made ballistic missile attack by the Iranian-backed Houthi militias on Riyadh on 19 December 2017, decrying it as an aggression on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and taking it as evidence of the Iranian-backed Houthi militias’ refusal to cooperate with the international community and accept international resolutions.
  2. Condemns Iran’s violation of the CFM resolution adopted in the Makkah Conference in November 2016 and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, by continuing to provide Iranian-backed coup militias with arms, particularly Iranian-made ballistic missiles; denounces Iran’s intervention in some countries of the region and calls on it to stop policies which would fuel factional and sectarian conflicts, and to abstain from supporting and financing terrorist groups.
  3. Affirms that the Member States assist and support the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia against terrorism and any attempts to undermine its security, standing in solidarity with it in all its actions and measures seeking to preserve its security and stability, while calling on all the Member States to stand in unison against this sinful attack and all the parties orchestrating it and supplying its perpetrators with arms, given that any harm to the security of the Kingdom is indeed a prejudice to the security and unity of the entire Muslim world.
  4. Calls upon all the Member States and the international community to take earnest and effective steps to prevent this kind of attack from recurring, and to prosecute all parties responsible for smuggling in weapons, providing training and continued support to theHouthi coup militia.
  5. Reaffirms that this abject attack by the Iranian-backed coup militias, targeting densely-populated cities and towns, marks a grave development,and a brazen affront to the international community, a threat to regional and international security, and a breach of international humanitarian law.
  6. Reaffirms its firm commitment to supporting the legitimate government of His Excellency President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadiof the Republic of Yemen, stressing the importance of the endeavors to reach a comprehensive political solution to stop all forms of external interference and end the suffering of the Yemeni people, in line with the Gulf Initiative and its Implementing Mechanism, and in accordancewith the outcome of the National Dialogue and Security Council Resolution 2216.
  7. Recalls operative paragraph 2,of the resolution of its Makkah Al-Mukarramah extraordinary session (17 November 2017), calling for setting into motion the working group composed of the Member States sitting on the Executive Committee, to consider taking urgent practical steps to ensure non-recurrence of such aggression, and inviting this group to meet in the shortest possible time to take practical measures to keep such heinous attacks from happening again.
  8. Calls on the Secretary General to take all the measures to implement this resolution, communicate it to the United Nations along with regional organizations, and report thereon to the upcoming Council’s meeting.
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