Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Final Communiqué Meeting of Permanent Representatives Committee of OIC Member States to Discuss Recent Israeli Escalation at Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Unprecedented Violations by Israel against Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque Represented in its Closure, and Imposing Illegal Measures regarding Installation of Surveillance Cameras and Electronic Gates at 
Al-Haram Al-Sharif Compound

Date: 25/07/2017

General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Monday, 24 July 2017 (1 Zul Qe’ada 1438 H)

Proceeding from the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the resolutions of the Islamic Summits, which affirm the centrality of the question of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the central issue of the Islamic Ummah and the reason for the establishment of the Organization, a matter that requires the Member States to move to support it and stand by its people in all international fora.

Condemns all measures that Israel, the occupying Power, started to implement on Friday, 14 July 2017, specifically the closure of Al-Aqsa Mosque, ban of performing prayer there, prohibition of the call for prayer through its minarets, entry of the occupation’s police into the precincts of Al-Aqsa Mosque searching it and tampering with its assets, attacking and arresting the Palestinian worshippers and the staff of Islamic endowments, and finally installation of electronic gates and surveillance cameras, a matter that would change the historic status quo, impede the entry of worshipers into Al-Haram and prevent them from practicing their religious rituals guaranteed by international conventions that emphasize the right to access places of worship freely.

Confirms that Israel, the occupying power, has no legal sovereignty on Al Quds nor the Islamic and Christian holy places, a matter that has been emphasized by all international instruments, conventions and resolutions, the last of which is the resolution of the World Heritage Committee at the UNESCO.

Stresses its rejection of all actions imposed by Israel, the occupying power, at the holy city of Al Quds and Al Aqsa mosque which are set in the framework of implementation of the colonial schemes of the occupation in an attempt to alter the historic status quo in Al Quds and the holy mosque of Al Aqsa aimed at violation of its identity, stature and religious, spiritual, ideological and historical sanctity leading to a religious conflict of dire consequences.

Commends the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in occupied East Jerusalem and its heroic stand against any action targeting Al-Aqsa Mosque, as Palestinians are in the vanguard of defenders of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque on behalf of the whole Islamic Ummah in the face of Israeli colonial schemes aimed at Judaizing the Holy City and emptying it of its people, and emphasizes the need to support the tenacity of the Palestinian people and its steadfastness on its land.

Expresses pride, admiration and esteem for our people in Al Quds city, stresses that Palestinians in Al Quds city need a firm and genuine stand, and calls on member states to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in Al Quds and address the humanitarian challenges by providing and consolidating financial and economic support as soon as possible.

Calls on all member states to urgently intervene to stand against the colonial measures of Israel that violate the religious and historic position of Al Aqsa mosque and desecrate its sanctity in order to force Israel to refrain from these actions, and renews its rejection of all decisions made and legislation issued by Israel, the occupying power, aimed at changing the nature and position of Al Quds city and its demographic structure emphasizing that these decisions are null and void lacking any legal capacity.

Calls upon Israel, the occupying power, to renounce all illegal measures it has imposed on the Holy City, holds it responsible for all the consequences of such actions, and warns it against continuing to provoke the feelings of Muslims around the world through the dangerous escalation of its illegal policies and steps seeking the temporal and spatial division of the Holy Haram and turning the political conflict into a religious one.

Emphasizes that East Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the state of Palestine, the entity that exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction on the city.

Calls upon the United Nations, especially the Security Council and UNESCO, to shoulder their respective responsibilities in accordance with international law, and calls on them to underscore the international legitimacy and international law concerning Al Quds Al Sharif and to reject all the illegal Israeli practices.

Renews its call to the international community, Security Council in particular, to shoulder responsibility, provide protection to the Palestinian people and its holy places, and also hold Israel, the occupying power, accountable for its crimes forcing it to renounce all illegal measures taken at Al Quds city and Al Aqsa mosque.

Supports the decision of the Palestinian leadership and the subsequent steps according to the statement issued on 21 July 2017, and calls upon all the Palestinian forces to stand together and unite under the flag of the Liberation Organization, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people.

Related: Alquds

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