Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC Renews Supportive Stance on Unity and Sovereignty in Yemen

Date: 13/05/2017

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) renewed its strong commitment to standing by Yemen,in full support of its unity, sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity and in solidarity with the Yemeni people in their quest for freedom, democracy, social justice and comprehensive development.

Secretary General Dr Yousef Al-Othaimeen stressed that the OIC will continue to shore up the legitimate government in Yemen, consistent with the resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Council of Foreign Ministers, urging all Yemeni sides to support legitimacy in their country and reject all calls for division and discord. The call for all Yemeni parties, he explained, is also to react positively to the international initiatives for a consensual solution to the crisis in Yemen, based on the relevant UNSC resolutions, along with the Gulf initiative and its executive mechanisms and the outcome of the national dialogue conference. Acting unilaterally beyond the scope of legitimacy will lead to more fragmentation and disintegration and allow the crisis to prolong, he warned.

Further, Dr Al-Othaimeen said the Member States continue to coordinate supportive efforts through the OIC Contact Group on Yemen, while maintaining consultation with regional and international organizations, notably the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council. The ultimate goal, he explained, is to find a political solution to the crisis in Yemen, bolster the legitimate government and its authorities and provide support for humanitarian relief and development.

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