Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan Arrives in Kabul, Meets Foreign Minister

Date: 21/06/2022

H.E. Amb. Tarig Ali Bakhiet, the special envoy of the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for Afghanistan, has arrived in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

On Tuesday, June 21, Mr. Tarig met with Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the de facto authority in Afghanistan.

The two sides discussed the OIC’s humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan after establishing and activating the humanitarian fund in the Islamic Development Bank, in addition to many political and economic issues that constitute a priority for the OIC in the framework of following up on the implementation of the resolutions of the Council of Foreign Ministers on the situation in Afghanistan.

During this visit, the envoy is expected to meet several Afghan officials.

The visit coincides with another visit by a delegation of Muslim scholars to Afghanistan to engage with Afghan scholars and officials on issues of paramount importance, such as tolerance and moderation in Islam and women's education.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Muhammad Ayyash, director of the OIC’s office in Kabul.

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International Ulama Conference on Afghanistan