Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World

OIC Condemns Attack on Gaza-bound Zaytouna Flotilla

Date: 06/10/2016

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has strongly condemned the Israeli occupation’s interception of Zaytounaflotilla, carrying aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, and the detention of pro-Palestinian activists on board. The OIC considers this piracy a continuation of Israeli crimes and flagrant violations of International Law and human values.

The OIC Secretary General, Iyad Ameen Madani, held Israel fully responsible for the health and safety of the members of thishumanitarian convoy, and called for the release of all participants and seized material.

Iyad Madani reiterated the position of the OIC as to the need to lift the Israeli blockade on the Palestinian people and to allow free movement of people, materials and goods to and from Gaza. He also called the international community actors to shoulder their responsibilities in implementing and safeguarding the International Law.

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