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16-17 SHABAAN 1421H
12-13 NOVEMBER 2000
Resolution No.1/9-P(IS) On the Cause of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.
Resolution No.2/9-P(IS) On the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
Resolution No.3/9-P(IS) On the Occupied Syrian Golan.
Resolution No. 5/9-P(IS)On the Current Situation of the Peace Process in the Middle East.
Resolution No. 6/9-P(IS) On the Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf.
Resolution No. 7/9-P(IS) On the Bait Mal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency.
Resolution No.8/9-P(IS) on the situation in Afghanistan
Resolution No.9/9-P(IS) on the situation Bosnia and Herzegovina
Resolution No.11/9-P(IS) on the situation in Kosovo
Resolution No.12 /9-P(IS) on the situation in Somalia
Resolution No.13/9-P(IS) on the situation in Chechnya
Resolution No.14/9-P(IS) on Jammu and Kashmir Dispute
Resolution No.15/9-P(IS) on the escalation of the tensions in Jammu and Kashmir
Resolution No.17/9-P(IS) on the Political situation in Sierra Leone
Resolution No.18/9-P(IS) on Political situation in the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros
Resolution No.19/9-P(IS) on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Having examined the report of the Secretary-General on the cause of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict (Document No. IS/9-2000/PAL/D.1);
Proceeding from the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC);
Based on the Islamic resolutions and decisions on the Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict;
Recalling the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and the U.N. Security Council, particularly resolutions 242 (1967); 338 (1973); 465 (1980); 476 (1980); 478 (1980); 1322 (2000) and General Assembly resolution no. 194 as well as the resolution adopted by the extraordinary session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the resolutions adopted by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the
League of Arab States concerning the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the rest of the occupied Arab territories;
Expressing its strong condemnation of Israel's persistence in its crimes as well as repressive and terrorist practices while continuing to implement its policy of colonialist settlements and the expansion of the existing ones along with the confiscation of land and property and the perpetuation of the policy of collective sanctions against Palestinian and other Arab citizens in all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories as well as the siege of the city of Al-Quds Al-
Sharif, the desecration of holy places and other harm done to both Muslim and Christian shrines;
Strongly condemning as well the provocative visit by Ariel Sharon, head of the Israeli Likud party, under the protection of thousands of Israeli troops, to Al-Haram Al-Quds Al-Sharif (the holy noble sanctuary in Al-Quds), which constituted the start of the bloody massacres conducted against Muslim worshippers inside the Holy Mosque of Al-Aqsa and Palestinian citizens in all parts of the Palestinian territories;
Condemning the continuous Israeli aggressions against the Lebanese territories and their civilian population;
Affirming the Islamic states' commitment to achieving just and comprehensive peace in the area;
Emphasizing that the Israeli policies, practices and expansionist designs threaten not only Arab states and the peace process, but also the Islamic countries, while jeopardizing international peace and security;
Holding Israel fully responsible for the destruction of the Middle East peace process on all tracks as a result of the Israeli government's obstinacy and intransigence, its reneging on the foundations that underlay the peace process, especially Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 and the "land for peace" principle, and its failure to comply with all the agreements concluded in its
Hailing the resolutions of the Extraordinary Summit of the League of Arab States held in Cairo from 21-22 October 2000;
Hailing the just struggle and the valiant "Intifada" (uprising) of the Palestinian people to recover their inalienable national rights;
Determined to back such efforts by all possible ways and means:
1 -Reiterates all the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Islamic conferences and Al-Quds Committee, particularly those of the latter's 18th session in connection with the Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
2 -Stresses the necessity to set up an independent Palestinian State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as capital and the imperative implementation of all the international resolutions and decisions pertaining to the Palestinian cause, in particular Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338(1973) and those relating to the issue of Al-Quds, especially Security Council resolutions 252 (1968), 267 (1969), 465 (1980), 476 (1980), 478 (1980) and 1073 (1996) as well as U.N. General Assembly resolution 223/51 of 1997 and no.194 adopted by the same body on the refugee issue,
considered as the main guarantee for peace to take hold in the region.
3 -Backs the stance of the State of Palestine based on holding fast to the sovereignty of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, including the Holy Haram in that City and that of all the Christian and Muslim holy places and shrines which are part and parcel of the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. The
Conference also Emphasizes that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is the capital of the independent State of Palestine and vehemently rejects any attempt to diminish Palestinian sovereignty over Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
4 -Presents its condolences to the Palestinian people, their Leadership and Institutions for their great martyrs and wishes the heroes a speedy recovery. It pays a glowing tribute to the heroic Intifada of the Palestinian people "the blessed Intifada of Al-Aqsa" in defense of the Holy City of Al-
Quds and all other sanctuaries and shrines, with the unstinted objective of ending the Israeli occupation and giving substance to the freedom, sovereignty and independence of the valiant Palestinian people. The Conference invites [OIC] Member States to keep on fostering their
solidarity with the Palestinian people and supporting their just and legitimate struggle and to muster all the potentialities of the Islamic Ummah (worldwide Muslim community) to help them achieve their
national goals in full.
5 -Underscores the necessity to stop all colonialist settlement activities and Israeli measures and practices contrary to the resolutions and decisions of the "international legality" and running counter as well to the accords signed by the Palestinian and Israeli sides. The Conference urges the U.N. Security Council to prevent and ban such measures and see to it that the Israeli colonial settlements are removed in accordance with Security Council resolution 465 and to revive the International Supervision and Monitoring Committee to prevent and prohibit settlement in Al-Quds and the rest of the occupied Arab territories, in line with Security Council resolution 446.
6 -Exhorts the Security Council to set up an international commission of enquiry on the massacres which, perpetrated by Israel, led to the fall of over two hundred (200) martyrs and the injury of thousands [of other Palestinians].
The Conference also urges the Security Council to establish a special international criminal court, in conformity with International Law to try those Israeli war criminals who carried out or were behind the savage slaughters. In the meantime, it calls upon the international community to shoulder their responsibilities in ensuring necessary international protection of the Palestinian people nationals in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories to enable them to regain their
inalienable national rights, concretize their national sovereignty over their national soil and set up their own independent State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as capital.
7 -Insists on the necessity of implementing Security Council resolution 237 on the return of the Palestinian displaced persons and General Assembly resolution 194 on the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes and property, as a cornerstone of the final, just and overall settlement.
8 -Affirms its support of the Middle East peace process along the foundations it proceeded from at the Madrid Peace Conference, in accordance with the United Nations Charter, resolutions and decisions, particularly Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 425 (1978) and the "land for peace" principle which call for Israel's withdrawal from all the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the establishment of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people and the complete pullout from the occupied Syrian Golan to the 4th of June, 1967, line and from the occupied Lebanese territories to the internationally recognized borders, and the call for the genuine and accurate implementation of all the international agreements signed in this framework between the parties concerned.
9 -Underlines that Israel's flouting of the principles and foundations on which the peace process was based and its reneging on the commitments, pledges and agreements reached in the context of the said process, along with its procrastination, prevarication and dodging insofar as implementation was concerned and the brutal massacres perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people have destroyed the peace process. The Conference blames the Israeli Government and holds it fully responsible for such a deadlock.
10 -Reaffirms the continuous nature of the United Nations immutable responsibility towards the Palestinian issue until a just and comprehensive settlement has been reached for all its facets that would bring about the end of the occupation and enable the Palestinian people to exercise their
inalienable national rights, including the right to return, to self-determination and to independent statehood on their national soil with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as capital.
11 -Urges the countries of the world to recognize the State of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as capital, as soon as it is proclaimed on Palestinian soil, and extend to it all kinds of support and assistance to consolidate its sovereignty over the Palestinian land, within the June 4th, 1967, borders, in accordance with the resolutions and decisions of the "international legitimacy," and exhorts the countries of the world also to back the State of Palestine in obtaining full-fledged United Nations membership.
12 -Calls for action at the United Nations and other international institutions and forums to compel Israel to free the Arab and Palestinian detainees and captives in Israeli jails, return the deportees, end the practice of collective sanctions and the confiscation operations of land and property as well as the demolition of homes and abstain forthwith from undertaking any action that imperils life and the Environment in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
13 -Urges all states, competent authorities and other concerned quarters to foster the international program for economic, social and cultural development in the Palestinian territories, extend the prescribed assistance to the Palestinian people to help them build their national economy and take
concrete action to consolidate their national institutions and enable them to set up their independent state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as capital.
14 -Affirms the necessity to intensify the good offices and efforts being exerted for the holding of a meeting of the high signatories of the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949 on the protection of civilians in times of war, with a view to taking the necessary radical measures designed to guarantee the
implementation of the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
15 -Urges the international community and all the states that extend economic and financial assistance to Israel, especially the United States of America (USA) and others as well as the international donor institutions and funds to halt the assistance which Israel uses to carry out its colonial settlement designs in the occupied Arab territories in Palestine and the occupied
Syrian Golan.
16 -The Summit requests the OIC Member States which have already established, or started to take steps to establish relations with Israel in the framework of the Peace Process to sever these relations, including the closing of missions and offices, cutting economic ties and stopping all forms of
normalization until Israel fully and genuinely implements UN resolutions
on the cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and the Arab-Israeli
conflict, until a just and comprehensive peace is established in the region..
17 -Calls for commitment to implement the provisions of the Islamic boycott of
Israel, for considering the legislations, rules and status governing the
boycott action, the general principles of the boycott, the Islamic law and
the by-laws of the regional offices and their periodical meetings as part of
the national legislations in force, and for the creation of the necessary
offices and mechanisms for so doing.
18 -Hails the steadfastness of Lebanon – Government, People and Resistance –
and what it has achieved in terms of the liberation of the Lebanese
territories and the repelling of the Israeli occupation. The Conference
supports Lebanon in its efforts to liberate its entire territories to the
internationally recognized borders. It URGES the United Nations to force
Israel to pay damage for all the losses it inflicted or caused as a result of
its continuous aggressions against Lebanon. The Conference holds Israel
responsible for any action of a nature as to infringe upon Lebanon's
sovereignty, political independence and safety of its people and integrity of
its territories.
19 -Strongly condemns Israel's policy of refusing to comply with Security Council resolution 497 of 1981 and of imposing its mandate, laws and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as well as its policies of annexation, building of colonial settlements, confiscation of land, diversion of water sources and imposition of Israeli citizenship upon Syrian citizens.
The Conference considers all such measures as null and void and constituting a violation of those provisions and principles of International Law pertaining to occupation and war, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949. It URGES Israel to completely evacuate the entire occupied Syrian Golan and pull back to the June 4th, 1967 lines.
20 -Urges the international community and the Security Council to compel Israel to comply with U.N. decisions, especially Security Council resolution 487 of 1981, to join the Nuclear Weapons Non Proliferation Treaty, implement the decisions of the General Assembly and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) calling for all Israeli nuclear installations to submit to the Agency's comprehensive guarantee system, imperatively declare its renunciation of nuclear armament and present to both the Security Council and the IAEA a factual statement on its capabilities and stockpile of nuclear weapons and substances, given the fact that those are imperative steps for the creation, in the Middle East, of an area free of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons – which is essential to the establishment of a comprehensive and just peace in the area.
21.Insists on the continuing responsibility of UNRWA in fulfilling its duties towards the Palestinian people wherever they may be in accordance with the UNGA resolution on the matter. It calls on Member States to request of the UN Secretary-General that the Conciliation Committee, in collaboration with UNRWA and relevant states, carry out a comprehensive census of Palestinian refugees and their property and develop a global vision to solve their problems based on their right to return to their homeland, Palestine, in accordance with UN resolution 194. It calls on states to
extend further support to cover the budget of UNRWA and enable it to continue providing its services.
22 -Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures for the pursuance and enhancing of communications and coordination on the Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict between the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), on the one hand, and the League of Arab States, the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Organization (UNO) and its specialized agencies, on the other. The Conference EXPRESSES its appreciation for their show of solidarity and support to the Palestinian people's just struggle.
23 -Charges the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the tenth (10th) session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
After considering the report of the Secretary-General on the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Document no. IS/9-2000/PAL/D.2);
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC);
Based on the Islamic resolutions and decisions affirming that the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif is the core of the Palestinian cause which, itself, is the essence of the Arab-Israeli conflict and that there can be no comprehensive and just peace without the return of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty, as it is the capital of the State of Palestine;
Recalling the relevant United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly and International Security Council decisions, particularly resolutions 242 (1967); 252 (1968); 338 (1973); 465, 476 and 478 (1980) and 1073 (1996) pertaining to the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Re-endorsing resolutions 2/10 of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) extraordinary emergency session dated April 24, 1997 and 3/10-b dated July 15, 1997 on the illegal actions carried out by Israel in the occupied Eastern part of Al-Quds Al-Sharif (East Jerusalem) and the rest of the Palestinian territories under its occupation;
Condemning in the strongest terms the continuing and escalating Israeli aggressions on the holy places in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and other Palestinian cities and its desecration of shrines and sanctuaries;
Reaffirming the terms of all the International Security Council resolutions on Al-Quds, including resolution 681 stipulating that all the provisions of the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949 on the protection of civilians in times of war apply to the Palestinian people in the occupied Arab territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Strongly denouncing the provocative visit to the Haram Al-Sharif in Al-Quds (the Noble Sanctuary) by Ariel Sharon, September 28, 2000, accompanied by thousands of Israeli troops – the visit that marked the start of the bloody massacres perpetrated by the Israeli forces against the Muslim worshippers at the Holy Mosque of Al-Aqsa and Palestinian citizens in all parts of the Palestinian
territories – which led to the fall of over two hundred (200) "shaheed" (martyrs) and thousands of Palestinian casualties;
Equally denouncing in the strongest terms all the illegal measures and practices running counter to all international resolutions, decisions and laws undertaken by the Israeli occupation authorities in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and designed to judaize the Holy City and obliterate its Arabo-Islamic features;
Hailing the consistent efforts deployed by Al-Quds Committee under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Mohamed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco;
Commending the sustained efforts by all OIC Member States in defending the inviolability of Muslim holy shrines and sanctuaries in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, safeguarding the Holy City's Arab identity and Islamic character and protecting it from Zionist trampling and the judaization schemes;
Paying tribute as well to the contribution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in rehabilitating Al-Aqsa Mosque and the blessed Dome of the Rock at the behest of and under the guidance of the late King Hussein ibn Talal, the late King Hasan II and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz;
1 -Reaffirms its endorsement of all the relevant resolutions and decisions adopted by the Islamic Conference, including those of previous sessions of Al-Quds Committee particularly the 18th Session.
2 -Emphasizes that there can be no just and lasting peace in the Middle East area as long as Israel has not withdrawn from all the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied from 1967, foremost among which is the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, in implementation of Security Council resolution 242
3 -Asserts its support to the stand of the State of Palestine resting on holding fast to sovereignty over Al-Quds Al-Sharif, including the Holy Haram in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and all the Christian and Muslim holy places which are part of the Palestinian territories occupied since June, 1967. The summit also affirms that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is the capital of the independent State of Palestine.
In this connection, it underlines its rejection of any attempt to reduce or minimize Palestinian sovereignty over Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
4 -Considers definitely as null and void all the occupation-related settlement measures and practices in Al-Quds and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories in line with the resolutions and decisions of the "International Legitimacy" as well as international covenants and conventions which consider all Israeli arrangements, legislative, administrative and colonial settlement measures aiming at altering the legal, demographic, architectural, cultural and heritage-related status of the Holy City as null and void and contrary to the resolutions and decisions of the "International Legitimacy," world covenants and conventions and diametrically opposed to agreements signed between the Palestinian and Israeli parties – decisions that call for the revival of the International Supervision and Monitoring Committee to Prevent Colonial Settlement in Al-Quds and the Occupied Arab Territories, in particular resolution 446.
5 -Urges all countries of the world to abide by Security Council resolution 478 (1980) which exhorts them not to move their diplomatic missions to the City of Al-Quds. The resolution also invites them to avoid having any dealing with the Israeli occupation authorities, lest it may be construed as an implicit, a de facto recognition of the fait accompli imposed by Israel which claims that the City of Al-Quds is its capital. The states are also requested to declare their condemnation and rejection of the recommendation passed by the U.S. Congress and the American statements in favor of the recognition of Al-Quds as the capital of Israel and of moving the American Embassy therein. The Summit CALLS for severing relations with any State that would move its embassy to Al-Quds or recognize Al-Quds as Israel's capital.
6 -Calls for legal proceedings to challenge the soundness of the law passed by the American Congress on recognizing Al-Quds as the capital of Israel and moving the American Embassy to it, on the ground that this law gives preference to a religious group over another, which is contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America based on equality among religious and ethnic groups. Moreover, the land on which the would-be embassy is to be built in the occupied City of Al-Quds is a stolen land originally belonging to an Islamic "waqf" [Muslim trust-fund].
7 -Urges all states, institutions and international bodies to abide by the international resolutions on the City of Al-Quds for its being part of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied in 1967 and not to take part in any meeting or activity made to serve Israel's designs to consecrate its occupation and annexing of the Holy City.
8 -Exhorts the international community, especially the Security Council to compel Israel to implement the resolutions of international legitimacy, to stop it effecting any geographic or demographic alteration in the Holy City of Al- Quds, to lift the siege of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, to ensure the liberty of worship therein along with the respect of the religious rites of all divine religions, to stop the demolition of homes and the withdrawal of the national identity cards of the Palestinian citizens as well as the emptying of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif of its Arab nationals.
9 -Strongly condemns the decisions of the Israeli "Supreme Court" on the City of Al-Quds Al-Shaif, especially the one issued on July 25, 1996, granting Jews the permission to pray in the praying area of the blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa, and the one dated September 23, 1993, proclaiming Al-Aqsa
Mosque as part of the area covered by the "State of Israel." The Conference considers such measures as deliberate provocative acts opening the way to extremist Jewish organizations to pursue their constant violations of the sanctity of the Holy Mosque of Al-Aqsa, establish a presence of theirs in its praying areas and continue the looting of religious, historic and cultural relics in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories.
10 -Strongly condemns Israel for giving orders to close the Palestinian institutions in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and preventing them from freely conducting their activities. It considers such arbitrary coercive measures as a continuous violation of the accords signed between the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) and Israel within the framework of the peace process and a flagrant violation, as well, of international conventions and covenants, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949, and an infraction of the very principles and foundations on which the peace process was built in Madrid.
11 -Pays a glowing tribute to the laudable efforts exerted by the late King Al- Hasan II to set up the Bait Maal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency and define its objectives as being the protection of the Holy City and its Palestinian owners. The Conference similarly expresses its gratitude to His late Majesty's successor His Majesty King Mohamed VI who, surrounding it with his sympathy and care, placed at its disposal generous means that made it possible for it to embark immediately on its activities under the best possible circumstances.
12 -Thanks the Member States of Al-Quds Committee who took the initiative of making donations in favor of the Agency, which was yet another reason why it managed to tackle without delay the execution of its housing, renovation and education projects. The summit calls upon all Member States to support the Agency and facilitate its mission with a view to mustering all its potentialities and using all the financial capabilities to contribute towards the achievement of its projects in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
13 -Lays stress on pursuing the work and coordination with international and regional organizations for the implementation of the international resolutions and decisions adopted by the United Nations and its specialized agencies, especially the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and coordination as well with the League of Arab States, as well as the holding of conferences aimed at acquainting people with the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and expounding the dangers besetting it.
14 -Invites the Vatican, the Eastern Churches and other churches and Christian religious orders to take action to resist the judaization of the City of Al- Quds Al-Sharif, keen as they are to respect the spiritual dimension of all the religions, as a safeguard to peaceful coexistence amongst them, and in observance of Security Council resolution 242 of November 22, 1967, urging Israel to evacuate all the occupied territories it invaded in 1967, including the City of Al-Quds, along with the rest of the Security Council resolutions, especially: No. 465 of March 1, 1980, confirming the illegality of the building of Israeli colonialist settlements in this part and stressing that they ought
to be dismantled and removed;
- No. 476 dated June 30, 1980, emphasizing that all measures which altered the features of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and its geographic, demographic and historic status "are null and void" and must be reversed according to the relevant Security Council resolutions and decisions;
- No. 478 dated August 20, 1980, deciding not to recognize the so-called "Fundamental Law" and other such Israeli acts designed to alter the
- features and status of Al-Quds. It urged the states which established diplomatic missions in Al-Quds to remove them from the Holy City. It also called for support to help the inhabitants of Al-Quds Al-Sharif resist the judaization measures and their uprooting from their own City.
15 -Welcomes the basic agreement signed between the PLO and the Vatican, February 15, 2000, which agreement considers any unilateral decisions or actions, such as altering the distinctive character of Al-Quds and its legal status as rejected both morally and legally. It underlines necessity for joint Islamic-Christian action to preserve the City of Al-Quds and its religious, historic, civilization-related and cultural character.
16 -Reiterates the resolutions and decisions of the previous Islamic conferences affirming support for the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and fostering of the steadfastness of its people and calling for support as well to be extended to Bait Maal Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Al-Quds Fund.
17 -Charges the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the tenth session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Having considered the item titled "The Occupied Syrian Golan" and Israel's decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Golan;
Having reviewed the repressive measures to which the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan are being subjected and Israel's continued attempts to force them to accept Israeli identity;
Recalling the relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences, the latest being Resolution 3/27-P of the Twenty-seventh Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Recalling also Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) dated 17.12.1981 and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions, the latest of which are resolution No. 38/54 adopted by the Fifty-fourth Session dated 1/12/1999;
Observing that Israel, in contravention of Article 25 of the United Nations Charter, has refused to accept and implement the numerous relevant resolutions adopted by the Security Council, in particular resolution 497 (1981); which considered null and void and with no legal consequence Israel's decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan;
Deeply concerned at Israel's persistent attempts to defy the international community and its reaffirmation of the annexation decisions though they were considered null and void and illegitimate by the international community;
Affirming that the Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in times of War (dated 12 August 1949) applies to the occupied Syrian Golan and that setting up settlements and bringing settlers to this area constitutes a violation of this Convention and a demolition of the peace process;
Affirming the fundamental principle of the inadmissibility of acquisition of territories by force;
Condemns Israel's non-compliance with the will of the international community by withdrawing from the occupied Syrian Golan which it occupies since 1967 contrary to the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the UN General Assembly as well as international law.
Expressing concern over Israel's disavowal of the Peace Process which was launched by the Madrid Conference on the basis of the UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, as well as the peace-for-land formula and over the risks resulting from Israel's reneging on the commitments and obligations reached,
1.Lauds the steadfastness of the Syrian Arab citizens in the Syrian Golan against the occupation and their valiant resistance to Israel's repressive measures and against the continued attempts to weaken their attachment to their land and to their Syrian Arab identity, and declares its support for this resistance.
2.Strongly condemns Israel for its non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) and reaffirms that Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Golan is illegal, null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever and that it constitutes a flagrant violation of the OIC Charter and relevant resolutions, the UN Charter and relevant resolutions, the Geneva convention on the protection of civilians in times of war dated 12 August 1949 and relevant provisions of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, and the principles of international law, in particular the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force.
3.Strongly condemns Israel for its persistence in changing the legal status, demographic composition and institutional structure of the Occupied Syrian Golan, and for its policy and practices of confiscating lands, appropriating water resources, establishing and expanding settlements and transferring settlers and immigrants thereto, exploiting their natural resources and
establishing projects on them, and imposing an economic boycott of the agricultural products of the local population and prohibiting their exportation.
4.Strongly condemns Israel's attempts to impose Israeli nationality and identity cards on the Syrian Arab citizens, as these measures constitute a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in Times of War of 1949 and the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other international bodies.
5.Condemns repeated Israeli threats against Syria aiming at wrecking the peace process and escalating tension in the region.
6.Reaffirms that Israel's continued occupation of the Syrian Golan since 1967 and its annexation of it on 14 December 1981 constitute a permanent threat to peace and security in the region.
7.Reaffirms also the right of the Syrian Arab Republic to recover its full sovereignty over the Occupied Golan.
8.Demands Israel to fully withdraw from all the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of the 4th of June 1967 in implementation of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and to immediately begin demarcating that line.
9.Demands Israel to fully comply with the fundamental principles of the peace process as initiated in Madrid consistent with Security Council resolutions Nos. 242 and 338 and the principle of "land for peace" and to abide by all the commitments and pledges reached so far.
10.Demands anew all states to stop providing Israel with any military, economic, financial, technological or humanitarian assistance that may extend Israeli occupation of Arab territories and encourage Israel to pursue its expansionist settlement policy.
11.Calls upon the co-sponsors of the peace process and the international community to assume their responsibilities and compel Israel to implement the resolutions of international legality calling for total Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of 4 June 1967, and to
immediately start demarcating this line in order to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region.
12.Declares its support for the firm position of Syria in its commitment to a just and comprehensive peace in the region.
13.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Commending the steadfastness of Lebanon and the valor of its national resistance in achieving victory over the Israeli occupation forces and liberating most of its territories in the South and Western Bekaa;
Recalling the resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on solidarity with Lebanon to put an end to the Israeli occupation of Lebanese territories in the South and the Western Bekaa;
Noting Israel's continued occupation of parts of Lebanese territories, including the Shabaa farms, its incomplete withdrawal from all Lebanese territories back to the internationally recognized borders in accordance with Security Council Resolution No.425 (1978) and its continued invasion of Lebanese
regional waters and airspace;
Concerned at Israel's continued, arbitrary detention of Lebanese citizens in Israeli prisons and camps in flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in Times of War of 1949, and the Hague Convention of 1907;
Recalling as well the resolutions of the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva on the suffering of Lebanese citizens in Israeli jails;
Reaffirming Lebanon's right to compensation for the losses in human life, material damages and substantial economic losses it has suffered as a result of Israel's repeated aggressions against Lebanese citizens and infrastructure, and the ensuing damages and heavy loss of life and property;
1. Expresses its congratulations and appreciation to the Republic, President, Government and People of Lebanon and commends the valorous Lebanese resistance for the admirable Lebanese resistance which has repelled the Israeli forces from the South of Lebanon and the Western Bekaa.
2. Strongly condemns Israel for the continued occupation of portions of territories within the internationally recognized borders of Lebanon, including the Shabaa farms in contravention of the provisions of Security Council Resolution No.425.
3. Reaffirms the Islamic Summit Conference's commitment to Lebanon's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and supports the position of the Lebanese government.
4.which insists on the necessity of ensuring the complete withdrawal of the Israeli forces from all Lebanese territories back to internationally recognized borders and of bringing them under Lebanese sovereignty. It reaffirms Lebanon's right to recover every inch of its occupied territories and to reserve the right to resist Israeli occupation by all legitimate means until the liberation of all its territories including the Shabaa farms.
5.Calls on the international community, judiciary and political bodies and Member States to condemn Israel and bring pressure to bear on it to give compensation to Lebanon for the damages caused by Israeli repeated aggressions against Lebanese territories since the establishment of the State of Israel.
6.Calls on the international community to take all necessary measures to compel Israel to promptly release all Lebanese prisoners and abductees detained as hostages in Israeli prisons and camps in violation of the provisions of international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, and the Hague Convention of 1907, and urges Member States and international organizations to bring pressure to bear on Israel to allow representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations to visit Lebanese detainees in Israeli prisons on a regular basis, report on their conditions, and provide
them with health and humanitarian care.
7.Reaffirms the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and warns that not solving the problem of Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon on the basis of UNGA resolution No. 194 jeopardizes the security and stability of the region and impedes the achievement of a just and comprehensive peace therein.
8.Considers that the achievement of a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East is the appropriate way of achieving security and stability in the region. For this reason, it calls upon the international community, particularly the sponsors of the peace process – the United States and the Russian Federation – and the European Union (EU) to play a more effective role in ensuring the success of the settlement issue in accordance with the Madrid Terms of Reference and the decisions of international legality, particularly Resolution 425, 242 and 338. It considers also that the liberation of Lebanon from Israeli occupation is a victory for Lebanon that serves the Arab and Islamic interests which will only be complete when the prompt and complete withdrawal from the occupied Syrian Golan, back to the 4th of June 1967 line, is secured and when the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people including the right to repatriation, and refusal to be resettled away from their homeland are restored.
9.Requests the OIC Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Referring to the resolutions and decisions of Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of Al-Quds Committee;
Having examined the serious and urgent situation entailed by the continued intransigent policies of successive Israeli government's hostile to peace,
1.Reaffirms its continued solidarity with the Palestinian people for the recovery of its imprescriptible and inalienable national rights, including its right to return, to self-determination, and to the establishment of its independent state on its national territory with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
2. Reaffirms its commitment to a comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East based on Israel's implementation of the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, particularly Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 guaranteeing Israel's withdrawal from all occupied Arab and Palestinian
territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, back to the 4th of June 1967 line and securing the Palestinian people's imprescriptible, national rights including the right to return to its homes and properties in line with Resolution 194 and to establish its independent state on its national territory with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
3. Strongly denounces the Israeli government's policy and practices which are hostile to the peace process and are designed to undermine it through the continued colonization of Arab and Palestinian territories, including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and also designed to invalidate the foundations and terms of reference of the Madrid Peace Conference, and evade the commitments, pledges and agreements reached in the past years of peace talks with the Palestinian and other Arab parties.
4. Expresses its strong condemnation and anger regarding brutal Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and the threats made by Israeli officials against Syrian and Lebanon, and holds Israel responsible for returning the region to the wear atmosphere, which jeoparadizes international security and peace.
5. Requests the OIC member states which have already established, or started to take steps to establish relations with Israel in the framework of the Peace Process to sever these relations, including the closing of missions and offices, cutting economic ties and stopping all forms of normalization until Israel fully and genuinely implements UN resolutions on the cause of Palestine and Al- Quds Al-Sharif, and the Arab-Israeli conflict, and until a just and comprehensive peace is established in the region.
6. Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;
Referring to all the Islamic Resolutions adopted on Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf;
Reaffirming the principle of consolidating Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just and legitimate struggle;
Paying tribute to those States, foremost among which is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, that regularly fulfill their obligations and make donations to Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf;
Appreciating the significance of the vital role played by Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf to support the steadfastness and struggle of the Palestinian people within the occupied Palestinian territories, and particularly the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Noting with deep concern Israel's continued pursuit of its aggressive, expansionist and settlement policy;
Commending the positive role played by the Governing Board of Al-Quds Fund in quest of financial resources to promote the Fund and its Waqf,
1.Reaffirms all previous relevant resolutions adopted by successive Islamic Conferences.
2.Expresses its profound appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the continued support to Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf, which falls within the framework of their consistent solicitude towards the foremost cause of the Islamic Ummah, namely the cause of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Palestine.
3.Urges Member States to initiate donation campaigns in favour of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf, together with the appropriate directives to the public and other media to conduct a parallel campaign for this purpose.
4.Calls upon Member States to continue their support to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, especially at this decisive stage, for the consolidation of its national authority over all occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, capital of the independent Palestinian State, and to extend all forms of support to the Palestinian people so they can build their institutions and national economy.
5.Commends the positive role played by Al-Quds Fund in supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and boosting their struggle.
6.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Proceeding from the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC);
Recalling resolution no.27/8-C (IS) of the eighth (8th) session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Tehran (1997);
Bearing in mind the resolutions of the 15th, 16th and 17th sessions of Al-Quds Committee, especially those pertaining to the founding and regulating of Baitumal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency;
Mindful of the resolutions of the Twenty-third (23rd) Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (ICFM) (Conakry, 1995) and the 26th ICFM (Ougadougou, 1998), which welcomed the establishment of Baitumal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency and called upon all member states to
support the said agency so that it may perform its noble mission in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Recalling as well the resolutions and recommendations of the fifth (5th) session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM) (Tehran, 1999) and the twenty-third (23rd) session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs (Jeddah, 2000), both blessing the agency's functions and exhorting the member states to back its activities in the Holy City;
Determined to intensify efforts in defending the Muslims' first "qibla" and third holiest mosque, safeguarding its Arab identity and Islamic character and protecting it against Zionist infringement and judaization designs:
1 -Pays tribute to the outstanding efforts exerted by the late King Hassan II, may God bless his soul and reward him for having founded Baitumal Al-Quds Agency and set its objectives as protecting the Holy City and its steadfast Palestinian inhabitants along with its sacred
Arabo-Islamic identity and heritage, and for having enabled it to carry out its mission by providing its headquarters and securing generous financial resources so that it may discharge its work in the
best possible conditions;
2 -Expresses, in the same vein, its best wishes and thanks to his successor His Majesty King Muhammad VI, who is following in the footsteps of his late father with the same faith and upholding, with the utmost care and generosity, the agency's activities;
3 -Notes with satisfaction the donations made by some Islamic states in favor of Baitumal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency to make it possible for it to implement its well-studied projects;
4 -Invites OIC member states to extend their support to Baitumal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency, facilitate its tasks in all fields designed to harness all kinds of facilities and mobilize all the financial potentialities as well as technical and technological expertise to contribute towards the fulfillment of the agency's projects in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
5 -Urges Islamic public and private institutions, financing funds, banks, businessmen and other individuals to perform their sacred duty of fostering Baitumal Al-Quds Al-Sharif Agency and generously provide all the necessary assistance, to achieve its ambitious and pressing objectives in the areas of housing, education, health and others, and for the preservation of the Arab identity and Islamic features of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
6 -Exhorts firms, contractors and investors from Islamic states to invest in Al-Quds, as a show of cooperation with the inhabitants of Baitul Maqdes, in the various economic, commercial, trade and tourist fields, to shield the Holy City from the encroaching peril of judaization and preserve the Arab character of the City and its Muslim holy shrines.
7 -Calls upon member states to extend invitations to the Agency's Director General to visit them and to help him organize wide ranging campaigns and embark upon intensive contacts with all the
competent authorities, on both the governmental and private enterprise levels, in the fields of information, culture, finance and trade, to muster ample financial capabilities, again on both the
governmental and private sector levels as well as the popular one, to meet the huge needs of the Holy City's steadfastness in the face of the enormous challenges it is confronted with in the fate-determining battle imposed upon it. An example may be taken from the successful visit made by the Director General to Cairo in October 1999.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and resolutions of the Islamic Conferences, which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;
Reaffirming anew the right of all peoples to decide the form of government they wish to have and to choose their own political, economic and social systems, free from all forms of foreign intervention, coercion or pressure;
Recalling the principled stand adopted by the Islamic Conference in its resolutions on Afghanistan since January 1980;
Reiterating its commitment to the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan and to the safeguarding of the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of this country;
Recalling all relevant U.N. resolutions on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and stability;
Recalling the Afghan Peace Accord signed in Islamabad and ratified at Makkah Al-Mukarramah on 18 Ramadan, 1413H (11 March 1993) as well as in Tehran;
Noting with serious concern that the Afghan parties have not been able, so far, to evolve a national consensus as a consequence of which the political crisis has deepened and the armed conflict has continued;
Seriously concerned over the tragic humanitarian dimensions of this conflict which has caused immense loss of life, wide spread destruction, human rights violation, discrimination against women, deprivation and famine in various parts of Afghanistan as well as large scale exodus of refugees and displacement of population within Afghanistan;
Reaffirming the need for scrupulous respect for the principle of non-intervention and non-interference in Afghanistan; and stressing that the main responsibility for finding a political solution to the conflict lies with the Afghan people themselves;
Expressing concern over the steady rise in the cultivation, production and trafficking of illicit drugs in Afghanistan;
Underlining the importance of providing humanitarian, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan and the urgent need to take international actions in this regard,
Takes note of the report of the Secretary General on the situation in Afghanistan (IS/9-2000/PIL/D.1).
1.Expresses its deep concern over the ongoing hostilities between the Afghan parties and demands all parties to the conflict to stop fighting and resume negotiations without delay and preconditions under OIC and UN auspices and cooperate with the aim of creating a broad-
based multi-ethnic representative government.
2. Welcomes the initiative of Syed Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Chairman of the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, on Afghanistan, and requests the Afghan parties to show further interaction and the greatest of flexibility in the on-going negotiations within the framework of the initiative in order to reach the required solution that would satisfy all Afghans and save the country from further fighting which has been going on for two decades.
3. Emphasizes cooperation and coordination between the OIC and UN to ensure the necessary atmosphere for achieving national concord among the Afghan parties and express its readiness, in cooperation with the UN to guarantee the results achieved by the Afghan in the
context of the Islamic initiative.
4.Strongly condemns the breaking into the diplomatic premises of the Islamic Republic of Iran and murdering of Iranian diplomats and journalists in Mazar-e-Sharif, expressing sympathy with the families of the deceased and states that these acts constitutes flagrant violation of the international law and in this connection appreciates any efforts to ensure that the criminals are brought to justice.
5. Reaffirms that there is no military solution to the Afghan crisis and calls upon the Afghan parties to renounce and refrain from the use of force and resort anew to dialogue and understanding in order to achieve a solution acceptable to all parties.
6. Also calls upon Afghan parties for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire and support for all the efforts being made in this regard.
7. Emphasizes the need for promoting national reconciliation and rapprochement through immediate cessation of hostilities and resumption of negotiations.
8. Expresses its appreciation and support for the initiatives taken by the Secretary General to promote a credible intra-Afghan peace process.
9. Calls upon the Afghan parties to extend their full cooperation to the ongoing efforts of the Secretary General and his Special Representative for promoting peace in Afghanistan.
10. Also calls upon all States immediately to end the supply of arms and ammunition to all parties to the conflict in Afghanistan.
11. Reaffirms the decisions of Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences that the OIC should have an active role in the solution of the Afghan problem.
12. Calls for full respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and Islamic character of Afghanistan and non- interference in its internal affairs.
13. Emphasizes the need for continued coordination of efforts between OIC and UN for promoting a peaceful political settlement in Afghanistan by setting a credible intra-Afghan mechanism.
14. Expresses its appreciation for the continuing efforts of the United Nations in cooperation with the OIC to draw the attention of the international community to the deteriorating economic and political conditions of Afghanistan, and for promoting peace and mobilizing assistance for rehabilitation and reconstruction in this connection and encourages the continuing cooperation between the OIC and the UN Special Mission.
15. Welcomes all the efforts made by various international organizations, particularly the UNHCR, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent of the Islamic countries in providing humanitarian assistance to the war victims inside Afghanistan under most difficult circumstances.
16. Requests the Islamic Development Bank to prepare a report on requirements for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country, when stability is restored in preparation for re-establishing its infrastructure.
17. Appeals to the international community, in particular Member States, to respond to the humanitarian exigencies of the exacerbated situation in Afghanistan because of the drought which hit the country by extending generous assistance.
18. Emphasizes the urgent need for the establishment of a fund for assisting the Afghan People under the auspices of the OIC with voluntary contributions.
19. Calls for effective measures by all Afghans, especially farmers, to eliminate the production and exportation of illicit drugs and to desist from cultivating them and appeals to the international community to support crop substitution programmes.
20. Urges Member States and Islamic financial institutions to provide assistance for the Afghan refugees in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran and calls for speedy and voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees to their country and their rehabilitation.
21.Welcomes the initiatives of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations to hold negotiations between Afghan parties and calls upon the two warring parties in Afghanistan to cooperate fully with the United Nations.
22. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Recalling all the previous resolutions and declarations adopted by the OIC on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Welcoming the principles, objectives and goals of the Charter of Stability in the Balkans;
Noting the political changes following recent elections in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which hopefully will lead to improving the political situation and stability in the region;
Reaffirms the commitment of the OIC Member States to preserve unity, territorial integrity, sovereignty and international personality of Bosnia and Herzegovina, within its internationally recognized borders, as well as its multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious structure;
Declares their full support for the full and consistent implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, as well as to the key intentions of the Stability Pact for South East Europe and expresses their political readiness to continue participating in the meetings of the Peace Implementation Council and the Steering Board of the Peace Agreement, including the Reconstruction Program for Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Deeply concerned with the inconsistencies in the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement, particularly relating to the building-up of the State institutions, State regulatory framework, return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes of origin and capturing of indicted war criminals and to bring them to trial;
Expressing its support for the declaration adopted at the Peace Implementation Council Meeting held on 23 May 2000 in Brussels and conclusions of its previous meetings;
Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosova (Document No. IS/9-2000/PIL/D.2).
1. Urges international community to speed up and profound the open processes of reconstruction, democratization and reintegration of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
2. Expresses their readiness to continue participating in the whole peace process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including its development on the basis of the open process of liberalization and regularization of the economic system of the State;
3.Reiterates their spirit of solidarity and expresses readiness to continue assisting people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in rebuilding their multicultural society, including cultural and religious objects;
4.Emphasizes the crucial role of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia relating to Bosnia and Herzegovina in promoting peace, justice and reconciliation and urges the speed and effective capturing of the indicted war criminal, as well as full implementation of the UNGA Resolution relating to Srebrenica Massacre as well as apportioning responsibility for the occurrence of the massacre and taking the necessary measures in this regard;
5.Expresses its support to the High Representative in monitoring and implementing particularly the three key areas, namely economic reform, acceleration of the return of refugees and displaced persons and the consolidation of institutions especially at the state level.
6.Stresses that a comprehensive and coordinated return of refugees and displaced persons throughout the region, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina, should be further supported politically and materially, having in mind its crucial role for achieving lasting peace for all;
7.Emphasizes also the importance of the economic recovery and the key role of economic revitalization in consolidating peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina and invites the economic operators and banks of the OIC countries to investigate the possibilities to take active role in these processes;
8.Acknowledges the significance of the continued contributions of the OIC members of the Peace Implementation council to the budget of the Office of the High Representative.
9.Proceed from the spirit of the Sarajevo Declaration of Friendship and Partnership of the Enlarged Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina, held in Sarajevo on the 10th of April 1996, and taking into account the changing situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina decides to adopt the Action Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina, as an annex to this
10.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution as well as the Action Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
Proceeding from the Resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted at the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000);
The Conference Decides
1.To continue contributing to the peace process in Bosnia and Herzegovina through Peace Implementation Council and the Steering Board of the Framework Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina, while following actions of the International community in pursuing aims and objectives of the Stability Pact for the South East Europe, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
To support politically and materially, comprehensive and coordinated return of refugees and displaced persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, bearing in mind its crucial role for achieving lasting peace;.
2.To investigate new possibilities for bilateral cooperation of the OIC Countries with Bosnia and Herzegovina in all areas, particularly in the trade, investment, business cooperation and cultural exchange;
3.To examine possible forms of cooperation with and assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina also via the OIC institutions, organizations, banks, particularly in the humanitarian, economic and cultural areas;
4.To continue assisting Bosnia and Herzegovina at the international level and bilaterally, especially in the areas of:
a).Humanitarian assistance relating to the return of refuges and displaced persons to their homes of origin;
b).Assistance to the huge number of socially dependent categories (shehids,invalids, civil victims of war, retired persons etc);
c).Rebuilding and rehabilitation of religious and cultural objects;
d).Demining and rehabilitation of mine victims;
e).Legal support relating to war crimes and aggression, particularly supporting the actions by the International Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and action of the international Court of Justice relating to legal action of Bosnia and Herzegovina for aggression and genocide against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte Negro) as well as action on succession of Former Yugoslavia;
f).Supporting the action to search for missing persons and identifying killed
persons in mass graves;
g).Implementing effectively all OIC programmes in areas vital for the consolidation and stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
h).Searching for all mutually advantageous forms of cooperation aimed at rehabilitating and reviving economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and strengthening its capacities for international cooperation, including broader cooperation with the OIC member countries;
5.To undertake a comprehensive inventory of all Islamic assistance extended to Bosnia and Herzegovina and a through evaluation of all projects suggested by Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to urge the Islamic financial institutions particularly, the IDB and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and industry to provide detailed feedback on the measures taken by them in Bosnia and
6.Adoption of the Special Declaration on redefining the priorities of the AMG-B&H and establishing a Trust Fund for the Urgent Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina annexed to this resolution.
7.Requests the Secretary General to undertake necessary steps in operationalizing different forms of assistance and cooperation of the OIC countries and the institutions of the OIC with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Of the Session of the OIC Foreign Ministers On Redefining the priorities of the AMG- B&H and
Establishing the Trust Fund for Urgent Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Proceeding from the Resolution on Action Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted at the 27th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Kuala Lumpur from 27-30 June 2000, and building on the conclusions of the Eighth Session of the Assistance Mobilization Group for Bosnia and Herzegovina, held on 10 November 2000, within the framework of the preparation for the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, the Kings, Emirs and Heads of State and Governments of OIC member states, convened for the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16-18 Shaban 1421H (12-14 November 2000) decide the following:
A. Redefinition of the priorities of action of the Assistance Mobilization Group for Bosnia and Herzegovina and on
B.Establishment of the Trust Fund for Urgent Return of the Refugees and Displaced persons, particularly in Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Ministers endorses both proposals, under A and under B, for reasons of better focusing the OIC Action Programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina and urgently responding to the most important problem for the State and people of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Return of refugees and displaced persons, particularly in Easter Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
Request the Chairman of OIC Assistance Mobilization Group ( AMG- B&H) to schedule the inaugural Meeting of the AMG – B&H in Sarajevo, on spring 2001, with the new terms of reference of the Group and with the Operational Procedures of the Trust Fund for the Urgent Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons, particularly in Easter Bosnia and Herzegovina;
Endorses the Chairman of the Ministerial OIC Conference, Malaysia to work closely with the Chairman of the AMG-B&H and relevant authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in making arrangements for the new beginning of the AMG – B&H and functioning of the Trust Fund for the Urgent Return of Refugees and Displaced Persons; and
Invites the governments of the OIC member countries to contribute to the Trust Fund for the Urgent Return of Refugees and Displaced persons via Donor Conference to be organized by the Government of Malaysia the Chairman of the OIC Ministerial Conference prior to the forthcoming Meeting in Sarajevo, in the spring of 2001.
Invites also the OIC Secretariat to provide necessary advice for the functioning of the Trust Fund.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, the Charter of OIC, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Human Rights, the Convention of the Rights of the child, the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees and the Additional Protocols of 1977, as well as, other instruments of international humanitarian law;
Upholding the role of U.N. in the peaceful settlement of disputes and the maintenance of international peace and security;
Mindful of all relevant U.N. Security Council Resolutions in this issue and in particular Resolution No.1244 (1999);
Referring to the Resolution on the situation in Kosovo adopted at Twenty-seventh Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on 27-30 June 2000, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
Recalling the Resolution of the 55th Session of U.N. Human Rights Commission on the situation of Human Rights in Kosovo;
Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the situation in Kosovo (Document No. IS/9-2000/PIL/D.2)
1. Calls for full implementation of the Security Council Resolution 1244/99 as well as relevant U.N. Resolutions in fulfilment of the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter.
2.Calls upon the United Nations to uphold the right of the Kosovars to self-determination and to ensure the preservation of their cultural heritage and Islamic identity.
3.Reaffirms that the safe, immediate and unconditional return of all Kosovar refugees to their homes is prerequisite to the settlement.
4.Calls upon the international community to bring to international justice the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing and all other crimes against humanity in Kosovo.
5.Welcomes the efforts made by the United Nations for these provisional administration and the peace keeping forces and requests all parties in Kosovo as well as the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to cooperate fully with the United Nations Mission and Kosovar forces to
discharge the task entrusted to them.
6.Expresses its appreciation for the continuing work of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) to enable the preparation of a clear road map concerning the future of Kosovo which would help to attract foreign investment and foreign economic participation in Kosovo.
7.Urges the international presence in Kosovo to continue taking all necessary security and confidence building measures, including the promotion of inter ethnic tolerance and cooperation, to reinforce the protection and security of the entire Kosovar people.
8.Regrets the outbreak of violence in some provinces and the current situation of division between different ethnic communities.
9.Calls upon the international community to make efforts to provide the necessary ground for all the national minorities in Kosovo to maintain their acquired rights and participate in the administrative structures on an equal basis and welcome the result of recent election.
10.Appreciates the humanitarian assistance already extended by OIC member states to Kosovo.
11.Urges the international community as well as the OIC Member States to continue contributing financially to the reconstruction of Kosovo.
12. Inviting Secretary General to hold a Scientific Seminar for deep study on the future of Balkan Region and the relationship with Muslim world in this region and the role of Muslim in stabilizing and development of this region.
13.Expresses its solidarity with the Kosovars and Bosniac national minority in Sanjak region.
14.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the OIC Contact Group and the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling all relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and resolutions adopted by the Sixth , Seventh and Eighth Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conference on the situation in Somalia;
Gravely concerned about the destruction of Somalia as a result of the civil war which caused immense sufferings to its people and has serious implications for the national unity, territorial integrity and political independence of this Islamic country;
Commending the support extended by His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar for covering the expenses of the conference on Somali National Reconciliation in Djibouti, as well as the assistance provided by the State of Qatar to the new Somali Government with a view to consolidating security and stability in Somalia.
Welcoming the fact that the issue has always been of concern to the leaders of the Islamic world as shown by the initiatives of His Excellency Abdou Diouf, former President of the Republic of Senegal, H.E. Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic of Yemen, H.E. Mohammed Hosni Mobarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt and more recently H.E. Ismael Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti in order to attain security and national reconciliation in
Noting with satisfaction the intensive efforts made by the Organization of Islamic Conference to promote peace and national reconciliation in Somalia, in cooperation with the United Nations, the League of Arab States, the Inter-governmental Development Authority and the Organization of African Unity, in the framework of joint approach, which has produced positive results;
Taking Note of all relevant Security Council Resolutions on Somalia;
Commending the tremendous efforts made by the international community in providing relief and humanitarian assistance to the victims of war and famine in Somalia through effective and coordinated efforts under the auspices of the Security Council;
Encouraging the efforts made by the States of the region within the framework of the Organization of African Unity;
Commending the great success of the Artah Conference in Djibuti which had been organized by the latter;
Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the situation in Somalia (Document No.IS/9-2000/PIL/D.5),
1. Reaffirms its commitment to the restoration and preservation of the unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia.
2.Support the results of the peace process for national reconciliation in Somalia which started in Djibouti in early May 2000 and ended in early September, and which succeeded in electing a provisional president of the Republic and a transitional Parliament. It commends the personal commitment of H.E. Ismael Omar Guelleh, President of the Republic of Djibouti to reach a
solution to the Somali problem.
3.Calls on Member States to support the new Somali government which recently gained the confidence of the Somali Parliament in accordance with the Provisional National Charter drawn up by the Artah Conference in Djibouti.
4.Makes an urgent appeal to the leaders of all Somali factions to take part in the Djibouti peace process, accede to it, and accept its results, place the supreme interests of the Somali people in priority and agree to the implementation of the relevant resolutions contained in the decisions of this conference
5.Express its appreciation to the Member States which have provided relief and humanitarian assistance to the Somali people and urges them to continue this action. It calls on all states to extend emergency support to the Somali government in order to establish security and stability, pursue national reconciliation and build the basic structures of the central government and
rural administration.
6. Appeals to the international community, in general, the OIC Member States in particular, and the regional humanitarian organisations and institutions, both governmental and non-governmental, as well as the IDB and the ISF, to shoulder their humanitarian and solidarity obligations and extend financial assistance and in kind to the Republic of Yemen and the Republic of Djibouti in order to help them overcome the economic and social impacts resulting from continuous flows of thousands of refugees, also to help improve the conditions of sheltering them, and provide the necessary capabilities for their safe return to their homeland.
7. Calls upon the international community, especially the Member States, to assist in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia in order to enable Somalia to rebuild the institutions and the economic infrastructures and the rehabilitation of the various stages of education.
8. Also calls upon all Somali leaders to remain committed to the results of the "Artah Conference" (Djibouti) in order to reach a peaceful solution to the Somali problem and start national reconstruction.
9.Requests the Secretary General to take an active part in the consultations on Somalia in coordinating the action of the Organization with the other international organizations concerned, particularly the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity and to use his good offices to convince all Somali leaders to join the Djibouti Peace Process.
10.Recommends the Contact Group on Somalia to continue its mission and support the General Secretariat in its activities aimed at the effective investiture of the new Somali authorities.
11.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Guided by the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of OIC;
Recalling the Communique' issued by the Office of the Chairman of the OIC and the findings reached by the OIC Ministerial Delegation to Moscow and Chechnya on 6 December 1999;
Recalling further the declaration of the Secretary General of the OIC concerning the visit of the Senior Officials to Moscow 16-19 January 2000;
Taking note of the Declaration issued by the delegation of Arab and Muslim countries during their meeting in Moscow in the spring of 2000 to attend the multilateral discussion on disarmament in the Middle-East;
Expressing its grave concern over the tragic crisis in the Republic of Chechnya of the Russian Federation and the loss of lives and properties;
Reaffirming its respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian Federation and non-interference in its internal affairs;
Noting the heavy loss of lives particularly among the civilian population and the heavy damage and destruction of property as a result of the Russian offensive;
Expressing its concern over the acute plight of Chechen refugees now living in camps in Ingushetia and other places in the northern Caucasus, most of whom have little or no medical care or other assistance;
Recognizing that only a negotiated political solution can bring an enduring peace in the Chechnya;
Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the situation in Chechnya (Document No.IS/9-2000/PIL/D.4);
1.Calls on the government of the Russian Federation to pursue negotiations with representatives of the Chechen people as soon as possible with a view to achieving a peaceful settlement of the situation in Chechnya taking into account appropriate international instruments on Human Rights and the agreement signed in 1996. The political solution should cover a general cease fire, and appropriate measures to prevent the resumption of hostilities as well as the return of refugees and displaced persons.
2.Expresses its readiness to pursue contacts with the Government of the Russian Federation with a view to facilitating a peaceful solution.
3.Urges Member States, other members of the international community and international governmental and non-governmental organizations to take all necessary measures to address the humanitarian needs of the Chechen people in particular the refugees and the displaced persons.
4.Urges Member States to provide economic and technical assistance for the reconstruction of Chechnya once a peaceful settlement has been reached.
5.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;
Emphasizing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and recalling the UN resolutions relevant to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute which remain unimplemented;
Recalling that the Simla Agreement signed between the Governments of India and Pakistan calls for a final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue;
Reaffirming the importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination enshrined in the Charters of the OIC and the United Nations and reaffirmed in the Millennium Declaration of the UNGA;
Recalling the Special Declarations on Jammu and Kashmir adopted by the Seventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference and the Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit held in Casablanca and Islamabad in 1994, 1997 and 1998 respectively as well as all relevant paragraphs of the Tehran Declaration of the 8th Session of the Islamic Summit of December, 1997 and all previous OIC
resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute;
Expressing concern at the alarming increase in the indiscriminate use of force and gross violations of human rights committed against innocent Kashmiris;
Recalling the Report of the OIC Fact Finding Mission on the situation in Kashmir following its visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir in February 1993, and regretting that the human rights situation in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir remains grave;
Deeply concerned over the tensions along the line of control in Kashmir which have now become potentially more dangerous following the nuclearisation of South Asia;
Regretting also that the Government of India has not responded favourably so far to the offer of the Good Offices Mission made by the Twentieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and renewed by the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conference;
Further regretting that the OIC Fact Finding Mission was not allowed to visit Indian held Jammu and Kashmir;
Noting the rejection of Indian sponsored elections by the Kashmiri people demonstrated through their successful boycott of these elections last year;
Regretting that India has not responded positively to the APHC's proposal for tripartite talks between Pakistan, India and the Kashmiris;
Welcoming the restraint exercised by Pakistan on the Line of Control despite repeated violations by the Indian army;
Taking note of the Memorandum submitted by the True Representatives of Jammu and Kashmir;
Noting the report of the Ministerial and Summit Meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir and endorsing the recommendations contained therein;
Encouraging and supporting the dialogue between Pakistan and India aimed at resolving all outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir;
Takes note of the Report of the Secretary General on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and endorses the recommendations contained therein ( Document No.IS/9-2000/PIL/D.3);
1. Calls for a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions and as agreed upon in the Simla Agreement.
2. Condemns the continuing massive violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people and calls for the respect of their human rights including the right of self-determination.
3. Calls upon Member states to take all necessary steps to persuade India to cease forthwith the gross and systematic human rights violations of the Kashmiri people and to enable them to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination as mandated by the relevant resolutions of the Security
4. Affirms that any political process/elections held under foreign occupation cannot be a substitute to the exercise of the right of self-determination by people of Kashmir as provided in the relevant Security Council Resolutions and reaffirmed in the Millennium Declaration of the UN General Assembly.
5. Calls upon India to allow International Human Rights Groups and Humanitarian Organizations to visit Jammu and Kashmir.
6. Supports the ongoing efforts of the Government of Pakistan to seek a peaceful-resolution of the Kashmir dispute through all possible means including substantive bilateral talks with India and calls for the early resumption of result-oriented talks between Pakistan and India without any preconditions.
7. Affirms that a sustained dialogue is essential to address the core of the problems and to remove the basic causes of tension between India and Pakistan.
8. Expresses its deep concern at the prevailing tension that threatens security and peace in the region as a result of the large scale deployment of Indian troops in the Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.
9.Calls upon India and Pakistan to redeploy their forces to peace-time locations.
10. Appeals to the Member States, OIC and other Islamic Institutions, such as the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and philanthropists to mobilize funds and contribute generously towards providing humanitarian assistance to the Kashmiri people.
11. Requests the Government of India, in the interest of regional peace and security, to avail itself of the offer of Good Offices made by the Twentieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conference.
12. Requests the Secretary General to establish contact with the governments of India and Pakistan and the true representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir with a view to promoting a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.
13. Appreciates the efforts made by the Secretary General for enabling the true representatives of the Kashmiri people to have their views expressed in OIC and other international fora, and requests him to continue to take all necessary steps in this regard.
14. Requests the Secretary General appoint a Special Representative on Jammu and Kashmir and to send a three member OIC Fact Finding Mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir as decided by the OIC Annual Coordination Meeting of the Foreign Ministers in New York in 2000 and the Annual Coordination Meeting of the Foreign Ministers in New York in 1998, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Sessions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers as well as the Seventh Extra-ordinary session and the Sixth,Seventh and Eighth Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conference, and to
submit a report to him.
15. Requests the Government of India to allow the OIC Fact-Finding Mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir.
16. Recommends that Member States continue to coordinate their positions and to take action at the UN General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights and other relevant international fora to promote respect for the fundamental human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
17. Commends the efforts being made by the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir and mandates the Group to meet regularly along side the session of the UN General Assembly, the UN Commission on Human Rights: Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities to muster the support of the international community for safeguarding the
fundamental rights of the Kashmiri people.
18. Requests the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir to continue its efforts for promoting the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people in accordance with the UN Resolutions and for safeguarding their fundamental human rights.
19. Decides to consider the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute at the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
20. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to present reports thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Guided by the principles and purposes of the UN as well as OIC Charter;
Recalling the OIC Summit and ministerial Resolutions on the security and Solidarity of Islamic States which affirm that the security of each Muslim country is the concern of all Islamic countries;
Recalling also the relevant OIC declarations and resolutions expressing solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and support for the just struggle of Kashmiri people for their fundamental human rights including the right of self-determination;
Expressing grave concern over the repeated violations of the Line of Control by India, including artillery and mortar shelling and attacks across the Line of Control resulting in loss of civilian life;
Welcoming the restraint exercised by Pakistan in the face of Indian provocations;
1.Expresses deep concern over the repeated violations of the Line of control by India, and its massive military build-up, and urges both sides to exercise restraint and resume dialogue to defuse the tension.
2.Condemns the loss of civilian life and property resulting from these violations.
3.Reaffirms its support for the Kashmiri peoples right of self-determination.
4.Calls upon the international community including the United Nations to pay an urgent attention to the escalating situation in Jammu and Kashmir and to mediate for restraint and peace.
5.Affirms complete solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in its efforts to safeguard its sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity.
6.Request the Secretary General and the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir to remain seized of the developments of the situation.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Having considered the item relating to the cause of Lockerbie and having considered the report of the Secretary General on the subject; Guided by the principles enshrined in the OIC Charter calling for solidarity among Member States, adhering to the principles enshrined in the UN Charter providing for refraining from the use, or threat of use of force in international relations and the
settlement of disputes through peaceful means,
Recalling the resolutions adopted by previous Islamic conferences and the resolutions and final declarations adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States, the Organization of African Unity and the Non-Aligned Movement,
Referring to the verdict passed by the International Court of Justice on 27.2.1998 confirming its competence and acceptance to consider the case,
Expressing its appreciation for the position of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and its positive initiative aimed at reaching a peaceful settlement of the crisis and for honoring all requirements provided for in the relevant Security Council resolutions Nos. 748(1992) and 883(1993),
Expressing also its deep concern over the material and human losses inflicted on the Arab Libyan people and the neighboring states as a result of the unjust sanctions imposed in implementation of the two afore-mentioned Security Council resolutions,
1. Reaffirms the resolutions of the previous Islamic Conferences on solidarity with the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, and supports its just position and constructive efforts aimed at reaching a settlement of the crisis.
2. Welcomes anew the verdict of the International Court of Justice passed on 27.2.1998 by virtue of which it declared its competence and acceptance to consider the case.
3. Welcomes the efforts of sisterly and friendly states aimed at reaching a settlement of this issue. It also highly appreciates the results reached as a result of the endeavors exerted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of South Africa in this respect.
4. Supports the demand of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya that all guarantees and favorable conditions to conduct a just and impartial trial, be ensured.
5. Expresses satisfaction with the steps taken toward an overall settlement of the crisis including the suspension of the sanctions imposed on the Great Jamahiriya under Security Council resolutions No. 748/92 and 883/93 in preparation for its lifting.
6. Calls on the Security Council to take fast measures to expedite the final lifting of the sanctions. It considers any retardation or impediment in this regard or submitting any demands against the international law such as a demand of compensation before definite verdict of the Scottish Court in charge of the case will be unacceptable and may prompt OIC Member States to take the
necessary steps to face up to this position.
7. Supports the right of the Great Jamahiriya to receive reparations for the damages inflicted on it as a result of the sanctions imposed against it.
8.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16-17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Having noted with great satisfaction the conclusion of the Abidjan Peace Agreement pioneered by the Government of the Cote d'Ivoire in November 1996 which the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) reneged, the Lome Peace Accord of 7th July, 1999 brokered by ECOWAS under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Togo, the then Chairman of ECOWAS;
Deploring the recent events of early May 2000 culminating in the RUF rebels attacks on the United Nations Mission (UNAMSIL) keepers resulting in the holding of 500 peace keepers as hostages, the shooting and killing of eighteen Sierra Leoneans during a peaceful demonstration at the residence of corporal Foday Saybana Sankoh which is a blatant violation of the Lome Peace Agreement;
Noting the efforts of ECOWAS, the United Nations, the OAU and other international organizations to bring peace to Sierra Leone and the sub-region;
Aware also that a large number of Sierra Leone nationals including professionals, were forced to flee to neighbouring countries or elsewhere as refugees, thus imposing a heavy burden particularly on the Republic of Guinea, Republic of the Gambia, the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Republic of Ghana and the Republic of Liberia;
Taking note of the Secretary General's report on the situation in Sierra Leone (Document No. IS/9-2000/PIL/D.26);
1.Expresses its deep appreciation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the United Nations, the OAU, other International Organizations etc. and to the Government of the Republic of Togo for the conclusion of the peace agreement and recalls the positive action
undertaken by the countries which have contributed forces to the ECOMOG Peacekeeping force namely, Nigeria, Guinea, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Gambia for the restoration of constitutional order in Sierra Leone and the reinstatement in his high office of H.E. Alhaji Dr. Ahmed Tejan Kabbah, in
accordance with the ECOWAS decision of August 1997 and the desire of the OIC and the international community.
2.Pays tributes to ECOMOG soldiers for their high sense of duty and sacrifice.
3.Commends the Secretary General of ECOWAS, the Committee of Seven ECOWAS Ministers, the OAU; the United Nations, the International Community, and other International Organisations for their financial, moral and other relevant contributions made towards the hosting and sustaining
the protracted peace negotiations.
4. Welcomes the setting of a new United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) with a revised mandate of peace enforcement, the decision of the Nigerian Government and ECOWAS to redeploy their troops in Sierra Leone to arrest the deteriorating security situation in Sierra Leone, the
presence of British troops lending support to UN troops by protecting Lungi International Airport to enable the UN to build up, providing training facilities to the Sierra Leone national army.
5.Condemns absolutely the frequent and unprovoked attacks by the RUF rebels on the UNAMSIL personnel, international journalists and the unarmed civilian populations.
6.Appeals to all Member States and other humanitarian/financial organizations to extend urgent financial and material assistance to the Government of President Dr. Ahmed Tejan Kabbah and to enable him undertake the economic and social rehabilitation of the country and to facilitate the return to their home of refugees living in neighbouring countries.
7.Requests all Member States to contribute to the restoration of confidence between the Government and the Lome signing parties and requests the Secretary General to send an Assessment Mission to Sierra Leone to determine the contribution that the OIC can bring to the process and in particular to support the implementation of the agreement by actively participating in the democratic election scheduled to take place in 2001 in Sierra Leone.
8.Urges the OIC Member States to pledge their generous assistance to Sierra Leone for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country following the mayhem and destruction caused by the civil war and call for the creation of a special fund for the development of Sierra Leone.
9.Further urges Member States to extend appropriate assistance to neighbouring states to mitigate the impact of the influx of the hundreds of thousands of the Sierra Leonean refugees pending their return home.
10.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report on this matter to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Having taken cognizance of the difficult economic situation of the Islamic Federal republic of Comoros, constituting one of the main causes of the current crisis,
Having considered the political situation in the Islamic Federal republic of Comoros, in the light of the determination of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to preserve the unity of the Islamic Ummah and the national sovereignty of all Member States,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary General (Document No IS/9-2000/PIL/D.24).
1.Reiterates its full commitment to national unity, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Islamic Federal republic of Comoros.
2.Notes with satisfaction the joint declaration signed in Vomboni by the Government of Comoros and the separatists in the island of Anjuan, and calls on all Comorian parties to shoulder their historical responsibility to preserve Comorian unity and cooperate with the League of Arab States and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in their efforts to find a peaceful settlement to the political crisis in the Comoros.
3.Calls on the international community to support the people and government of Comoros in the initiatives and mediation efforts undertaken by the government to reach peaceful settlement of the crisis as soon as possible.
4.Welcomes the national reconciliation efforts made by the Comorian government to achieve the unity and comprehensive reconciliation through direct negotiation with the Anjuani partner.
5.Calls on the international community to lift the sanctions imposed on Anjuan in view of the positive developments in Comoros after the signing of the Vomboni joint declaration.
6.Calls on Member States, Ministerial Councils, and Islamic and Arab specialized organizations, and concerned Arab bodies to expedite material and economic assistance to the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros to help it overcome its acute economic crisis and enable it achieve a balanced
development among its different islands.
7.Calls on Arab funds and banks to consider the possibility of canceling or rescheduling the debts of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros as a contribution in the reconstruction of Comorian economy.
8.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the matter in coordination with the government of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and speedily send a delegation from the General Secretariat to take stock of the situation in the Republic of the Comoros to enable the Secretary General to take appropriate steps.
9.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Taking into consideration the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter which call for the strengthening of Islamic solidarity among Member States;
Taking note of the developments which have intervened in the situation between Iraq and Kuwait, and anxious to preserve the fundamental interests of the Islamic Ummah and Islamic Solidarity;
Having considered the report submitted as Document IS/9-2000/PIL.D.6/Rev.1 on the necessity of implementing the relevant resolutions of the Security Council;
1.With a view to consolidating security, peace and stability, calls on Iraq to complete the implementation of the commitments made in the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and calls on Iraq and the Security Council to enter into a comprehensive dialogue to ensure the implementation of such commitments in a just, comprehensive and sound manner, as well as the
lifting of the sanctions imposed on Iraq.
2.In compliance with the obligations stipulated in the international and humanitarian law and in the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, calls for an early solution to the problem of prisoners and missing persons from Kuwait and other countries, in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross.
3.Calls for cooperation in the matter presented by Iraq on the Iraqi missing persons under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Crescent.
4-With a view to promoting neighbourly relations, urges respect for the security and territorial integrity of the State of Kuwait and calls on Iraq to take effective steps to demonstrate its peaceful orientations towards the State of Kuwait. It also urges respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and security of Iraq and calls for a halt to the illegitimate acts to which Iraq has been subjected outside the framework of the relevant resolutions of the Security Council.
5-The Conference entrusts the Chairman of the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference with contributing his good offices in consultation with Iraq and Kuwait so as to provide a groundwork conducive to the settlement of the outstanding disputes between them in accordance with the principles and aims of the United Nations, the relevant resolutions of the Security
Council, and the principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
6-Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the twenty-eighth session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Recalling all the relevant Islamic resolutions, in particular Resolution No.32/8-P (IS), adopted by the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit and Resolution No. 34/26-P adopted by the Twenty-sixth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on supporting the efforts made by Sudan to active national unity, peace, development and to safeguard its identity and cultural heritage;
Observing that Sudan is facing attacks and designs from various hostile foreign circles undermining its stability, jeopardizing its unity and cultural identity;
Drawing attention to the public opinion mobilization campaign launched by hostile western circles with the aim of paving the way for intervention in Sudan through the establishment of so-called security zones under the guise of humanitarian action;
Taking Note of the Report of the Secretary General (Document No. IS/9-2000/PIL/D.20);
1. Reiterates its full solidarity with Sudan to face hostile designs and defend its unity, territorial security and stability.
2. Commends the continuous efforts exerted by the Sudanese Government in order to reach a peaceful solution to the problem of Southern Sudan through negotiation and dialogue between the various Sudanese parties aimed at achieving peace and national concord.
3. Expresses its deepest appreciation to the efforts exerted by the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in order to achieve national concord in the Sudan through the Egyptian-Libyan initiative.
4.Appeals to Member States to continue to support the Sudanese efforts to safeguard its unity, integrity, national security and identity, in conformity with the principles embodied in the OIC Charter.
5.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up on the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.