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16-17 SHABAAN 1421H
12-13 NOVEMBER 2000
Resolution No.46/9-P (IS) on problem of mines in Moslem World and the operations of demining.
Resolution No.48/9-P(IS) on 2005 Conference to review the non-proliferation treaty.
Resolution No.49/9-P(IS) On the Comorian Island of Mayotte.
Resolution No.52/9-P(IS) On strengthening coordination and consultation among Islamic States.
Resolution No.53/9-P (IS) On the aggression against Republic of Guinea.
Resolution No.54/9-P(IS) on Adoption by Islamic States of a unified stand at international fora.
Resolution No.56/9-P(IS) on Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines.
Resolution No.57/9-P(IS) on the Situation of Turkish minority in the Western Thrace.
Resolution No.58/9-P(IS) on the Muslim minority in Myanmar.
Resolution No.59/9-P(IS) on The International Islamic Court of Justice
Resolution No.60/9-P((IS) on The Follow-up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.
Resolution No.61/9-P(IS) on Coordination Among Member States in the Field of Human Rights.
Resolution No.65/9-P(IS) on The OIC Convention for Combating International Terrorism.
Resolution No.66/9-P(IS) on The Strengthening of Islamic Solidarity in Combating Hijacking.
Resolution No.68/9-P(IS) on Defamation of Islam INFORMATION AFFAIRS
Resolution No. 70/9-P(IS) on the Information Plan and their Funding Problems.
Resolution No. 72/9-P(IS) on the International Islamic News Agency ((IINA)
Resolution No. 73/9-P(IS) on the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization (ISBO)
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Considering the serious problems arising from the dumping of dangerous toxic wastes in certain Islamic Countries by some industrialized countries;
Deeply concerned by the fact that the dumping of radioactive and toxic wastes endangers human life, marine fauna and the ecosystem in general;
Bearing in mind the Code of Practice in the International Transboundary Movement of Radio Active Waste established by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the importance of updating the contents of this Code to bring them in line with the related developments since the adoption of this Code;
Also bearing in mind the conclusion, by African States of the Bamako Convention on the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and control of their transboundary movements within Africa;
Deploring the instances of dumping of toxic wastes in Somalia's territorial waters;
Expressing its concern over the dumping by Israel of radio-active and chemical wastes as well as highly toxic pesticides and insecticides in the Mediterranean Sea, especially in Lebanese regional waters;
Taking Note of the Report of the Secretary General in this respect (Document No. IS-2000/PIL/D.14);
1.Affirms that the dumping or elimination of toxic wastes of foreign origin in the territories and waters of Member States, and the risks that it entails for human life are a heinous crime against the people of Member States and the entire humanity.
2. Condemns all governmental and non-governmental entities which engage in this shameful practice of dumping toxic waste in the territories and waters of peace-loving people thus seriously endangering life and environment on the planet.
3. Invites all the Member States to continue their intensive campaign to enlighten their respective populations about the devastating effects of toxic waste on human life, fauna and flora.
4. Calls upon all States which produce dangerous toxic wastes to take all the measures necessary for treating and recycling this waste in their own countries.
5. Urges Member States to ban all the illegal trans-border movements of dangerous toxic wastes, transported without the necessary safeguards and the prior consent of the destination country.
6. Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts within the framework of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency to conclude a legally binding instrument on the absolute and comprehensive prohibition of any dumping of radioactive and toxic wastes and to this end calls on all States and multi-national corporations and others to abide by the provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982.
7.Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to review the Code of Conduct relating to the movement of nuclear wastes through international frontiers which has been adopted by the IAEA and to update the text of this Code in conformity with the changes which have taken place since the entry into effect of this Code and requests the Secretary General to make the necessary contacts in this respect with the Director General of IAEA.
8.Calls on all States to abide by the maritime agreements prohibiting the dumping of toxics and nuclear wastes in the territorial waters of the littoral Member States.
9.Takes note of the Report of the First Meeting of littoral member States to consider the problem of toxic nuclear wastes emanating from ships that pass through territorial waters of these States and the bordering maritime zones, and calls on these States to implement the recommendations therein and to continue studying this problem.
10. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the developments on this subject and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Guided by the objectives and principles of the OIC and the UN Charters;
Taking note of resolution No. 54/54 of the 54th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Ist December, 1999 on the use, stock pilling, production, planting of mines including anti-personnel mines and their clearing;
Gravely concerned about the continued suffering and casualties caused to the civilian population as a result of the proliferation, as well as the indiscriminate and irresponsible use of anti-personnel mines;
Profoundly saddened by the role in the numbers of victims who have lost their lives or been injured or mined by anti-personnel mines planted by the colonial states in many of the developing countries including OIC Member States, without providing, thus far, any charts defining the number and location of such mines, and without contributing, whether technically or materially to their removal;
Taking note also of the decisions taken at the Review Conference of the States' Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, particularly with respect to the Convention's amended Protocol II;
Reaffirming its conviction that a universal and multilaterally negotiated agreement to ban mines including anti-personnel mines and significantly reduce the sufferings of civilians;
Emphasizing the important role of the Conference on Disarmament as the unique multilateral disarmament negotiating body on the disarmament issues;
Welcoming the increasing international efforts calling for and addressing the problems of mines in Islamic states;
Also welcoming the cooperation existing between the OIC, the international Red Cross and the International Red Crescent in this connection;
Taking Note of the Report of the Secretary General in this respect (Document No. IS/9-2000/PIL/D.15);
1.Expresses its deep concern over the consequences of the indiscriminate use of mines including anti-personnel mines on the security of civilian populations and their economic development.
2.Takes Recognition of the decision taken by the Conference on Disarmament during its 1997 session to appoint a special coordinator to seek views of its members on the most appropriate arrangement to deal with the issue of anti-personnel land mines and on the possible mandate to be given to him.
3.Requests the international community in general and the Member States in particular to step up their cooperation and their coordinated action for the removal of the mines including anti-personnel mines, taking into account the security risk of these states.
4.Urges the international community, particularly the developed countries, to provide substantial assistance for the removal of anti-personnel mines and to ensure that all states, especially those affected by mines, are supplied with advanced material, equipment and technology and that all efforts are made to remove all existing obstacles for the achievement of this noble objective.
5.Urges the colonial States that had planted such mines in the territories of developing countries and particularly those of the Member States, to promptly extend their technical and financial assistance to the affected countries so as to help them get rid of these mines for good, and also to extend appropriate reparation for the material and human losses incurred by these countries due to the mines.
6.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the matter and report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16-17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Taking note of the decision of the 35th Session of The Conference of Heads of State and government of the Organization of African Unity, held in Algiers in July 1999, to convene a Ministers' conference on the illegal trade in, and proliferation of light weapons;
Recalling the objectives and principles set forth in the Charters of the UN and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, particularly the provisions relating to the consolidation of international peace and security;
Recalling further the relevant resolutions on disarmament adopted by the United Nations General Assembly as well as by the various Islamic Conference, in particular Resolution 21/8-P(IS) adopted by the Eighth Islamic Summit and Resolution 22/25-P adopted by the 25th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Taking note of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution NO. 53/7E of 4 December 1998 on the convening of a conference on the illegal trade in light weapons in 2001;
Reaffirming the need to preserve international peace and security in general and within the Member States of the Islamic Ummah in particular;
Considering that the manufacturing, illegal circulation and build-up of massive quantities of light weapons in the world constitute a threat to national, regional and international peace and security as well as an obstacle to the economic development of the countries and regions concerned;
Convinced of the need for a global approach with a view to encouraging at national, regional and world levels, the limitation and reduction of illegal light weapons in a balanced and non-discriminatory manner;
Deeply concerned about the spread of insecurity, banditry, and terrorism linked to the illegal movement of light weapons;
Taking note of the Secretary General's Report NO. IS/9-2000/PIL/D.17;
1.Notes with satisfaction the initiative taken by the Government of the Republic of Mali on the question, and specifically by the Organization of the ceremony of the "Torch of peace" in Timbuktu on 27 March 1996 and consisting in the destruction of thousands of light arms of small caliber and by the mobilization of the international community for a resolute and coordinated combat against the illicit traffic kind of this type of armament.
2.Welcomes the holding of the African Regional Conference on the illegal trade in, and proliferation of light weapons which will be organized by the OAU in November 2000 in Bamako, Republic of Mali. This Conference will work out a global African approach within the framework of the preparation of the United Nations international Conference of the year 2001.
3.Notes with interest the Moratorium declaration on the import, export and manufacturing of light arms in West Africa adopted in Abuja on 31 October 1998 by the 21st Session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS) and calls on Member States of the Islamic Ummah to approve the Moratorium and support its effective implementation.
4.Notes with satisfaction the decision taken by some countries of Sahel to set up national commissions to combat the proliferation of light arms in the Sahelo-Saharian region and of the UN Standing Consultative Committee on security in Central Africa and calls on Member States of the Islamic Ummah and other Islamic Organisation to set up their own national commissions.
5.Calls on African States in particular and the Member States of the Islamic Ummah in general to initiate and strengthen their cooperation at sub-regional, regional and international levels with a view to eradication the illicit traffic and proliferation of light arms.
6.Notes the initiative taken by the European Union to set up a world wide mechanism to combat and control the illicit accumulation and circulation of light arms and calls on the Secretary General to examine ways and means to ensure an effective cooperation between the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations, the European Union, the ECOWAS and the other sub-regional organizations concerned with question.
7.Calls on Member States to participate actively in the Conference on Combating the Illegal Trade of light arms, which will be held in the year 2001, and requests the Secretary General to cooperate fully with Member States in order to prepare for this Conference.
8.Requests the Secretary General to further examine the question and to submit a report to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Taking note of necessity of active participation of Islamic countries parties to NPT in 2005 Review Conference of NPT and its preparatory committees as well as in other multilateral fora;
Reaffirming that nuclear activities of Israel still poses grave danger to the security of the Islamic countries, especially in the Middle East;
Welcomes the reaffirmation for the first time by the 2000 NPT of the necessity for Israel to sign the Treaty and to accept putting its nuclear infrastructure under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency;
Noting the International Court of Justice advisory opinion in which it recalls the obligation of the nuclear weapon states to initiate and conclude negotiations on complete nuclear disarmament;
Also noting the declaration of principles and objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament adopted by the 1995 Review Conference on strengthening nuclear disarmament;
Taking note of the active participation of the Member States in the 2000 NPT Review Conference and expect recontinuation of such participation in the review process commencing from 2002;
Convinced of the necessity to reaffirm the universal character of the NPT which gives it force and credibility and allows the full implementation of the measures conducive to total elimination of nuclear weapons;
Taking note of the Secretary General's Report (No.IS/9-2000/PIL/D.16);
1.Requests all Islamic countries parties to the Treaty to actively participate in 2005 Review Conference of NPT and its preparatory committees.
2.Requests all States parties to pursue vigorously the objective of nuclear disarmament in the international fora as stipulated in Article 6 of the NPT.
3.Invites all States parties to the NPT in particular the nuclear countries members in the Security Council to exert pressure on Israel to accede to the Treaty to refrain from owning nuclear weapons and their components and to place all its nuclear activities and systems under the IAEA comprehensive safeguards taking into consideration the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, as well as the resolution adopted by the Review and Extension Conference regarding the Middle East for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which was held in New York in April and May 1995 regarding a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East region.
4.Requests the Islamic countries parties to NPT to conduct further consultations at the expert level to evaluate the result of the 2000 Conference to review the NPT to coordinate positions for the next negotiations.
5.Welcomes the unequivocal commitment of the nuclear weapon states as express in the final document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference to pursue nuclear armament and call upon to make a clear timetable for the elimination of their nuclear weapons.
6.Calls for fostering cooperation among OIC Member States in the area of peaceful uses of nuclear energy related to economic development needs, taking into consideration their needs in the fields of health, sciences, agriculture, energy, research, and related needs.
7.Considers that the recognition by the Review Conference that Israel is the only one in the region which has not signed the NPT is a matter which needs to be followed up through specific mechanisms which seek to establish measures that are applied against Israel if it does not accede to the treaty within a specific period of time, and requests Member States to adopt a united position at the IAEA on this issue.
8.Commissions the Experts Group on the Security of Islamic States to follow up this issue during its next meeting and to conduct the necessary study on it.
9.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the Implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Recalling the relevant resolutions of all the Islamic Summits and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Comorian Island of Mayotte as well as the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions affirming the unity and the territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros which is composed of four Islands: Grande-Comore, Mayotte, Moheli and Anjouan;
Bearing in mind the pledges made by France on the eve of the referendum for self-determination of 22 December 1974 held in the Comoros, to respect the territorial integrity of the Archipelago on its accession to independence;
Convinced that a just and lasting solution to the quest of Mayotte is to be found in respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago;
Also bearing in mind the wish expressed by the Government of France to seek a just solution to the problem;
Taking note of the repeated wish of the Government of the Comoros to initiate as soon as possible a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government and the representatives of the inhabitants of Mayotte with a view to accelerating the return of the Comorian Island of Mayotte to the Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros;
Considering that the separation of the Island of Mayotte from the other Comorian Islands constitutes a grave violation of the territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, and is a serious impediment to the harmonious economic development of that country;
Bearing in mind also the decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the United Nations on this question;
1.Reaffirms the unity and territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and its sovereignty over the Comorian Island of Mayotte.
2.Expresses its active solidarity with the Comorian people and supports the Comorian Government in its political and diplomatic efforts to effectively restore the Island to its natural entity.
3. Urges the Government of France to accelerate the process of negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the Island of Mayotte to the Comoros;
4. Calls upon the Member States to collectively and individually use their influence with France so as to induce it to accelerate the negotiations with the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros on the basis of the national unity and territorial integrity of that country.
5.Rejects and condemn any institutional evolution of the Island of Moyotte which would tend to remove it from the integrity of the Comoro as a whole and complicate efforts exerted with a view to achieve a final settlement of the dispute.
6. Invites the Secretary General to continue his contacts with the French authorities in order to convey to them the deep concern of the OIC over this problem and to follow the developments in this regard in coordination with the Secretaries General of the UN and the OAU.
7.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Realizing that the present world is characterized by the absence of sharp political and ideological opposition of different systems;
Proceeding from its awareness that the Muslim States as well as other countries in the world are interested in providing strong and lasting peace and stability as the most important condition for the sustainable development of the world community on the way of economic and cultural progress;
Reaffirming its respect for the principles of the UN Charter, international law and international legality as well as its support for peaceful negotiations and constructive dialogue for achieving the desired goal of settling regional conflicts;
Proceeding from the necessity of the strict observance of the principle of the territorial integrity and the respect of the sovereignty of all countries and non-interference in their internal affairs;
Stressing the need for general and complete disarmament, particularly nuclear disarmament;
Welcoming initiatives on the questions of international and regional security proposed by the Islamic countries;
Recognizing the urgency of making use of the experience of the world community as a whole as well as that of some regional security structures;
Realizing that, along with the establishment of a new mechanism of regional security, it is necessary to approach due important to the specificity of the relations between the States in the Asian continent with the exception of Israel until it complies with all resolutions;
Underlining the need to respect the regional groups within the United Nations;
Condemning the continued practice of the policies of hegemony, of power and military domination, and use of force;
Underlining the irrelevance of the doctrine of nuclear deterrence in the post cold war era.
Taking note of the result of the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia that took place in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan on September 4, 1999 including the Resolution and Declaration adopted during the Conference.
Stressing that among its participants are the countries representing all five continents of the world;
Deploring the fact that Israel, a non member of the regional group of Asian countries, participated in the Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia that has taken place in Alma Ata, and inviting the Government of Kazakhstan to take the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such participation in the CICA process;
1.Appreciates the initiative of the Republic of Kazakhstan and support given by Member States to convene the Conference for Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia.
2.Takes note of the results of this Conference which will, it is hope, contribute to international security.
3.Considers that the decisions of the conference held on 04 September 1999 in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan are applicable only to the participating countries.
4.Underlines the fact that the commitments made by Member States under the Alma Ata Declaration of the Conference on Joint Action and Confidence Building Measures in Asia must take into consideration the security and solidarity of Islamic States in accordance with the OIC Charter and the resolutions of Islamic Summits.
5.Condemns the policies of hegemony, of use or treat of use of any form of military domination.
6.Considers that aggression and confiscation of others' land by force both contravene the UN and the OIC Charters and International legality and that the elimination of foreign occupation is a prerequisite to interaction and confidence-building measures.
7.Reaffirms that the Islamic countries do not consider Israel a member of the Asian Countries Group and request that it should not be allowed to attend or participate in the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in view of the fact that permission to attend requires that Israeli should put an end to its occupation of Palestinian and the other Arab territories including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan.
8.Recommends that the Member States support the promotion of interaction and confidence-building measures and participate in the undertaking as an important international forum which requires effective participation in its meetings at the appropriate level.
9.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and present his report to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Recognizing the great importance of achieving security and stability in the region without which the people cannot achieve their aspirations in development and progress towards a free and decent life;
Committed to preserving the fundamental interests of the Islamic Ummah and Islamic solidarity;
1.Affirms its keenness on the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Iraq as well as its regional security.
2.Calls for putting an end to the acts of intervention in Iraq and for refraining in the future from any such acts in order to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and the inviolability of its borders.
3.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
In application of the teachings and noble principles of the glorious Islamic religion which urge the consolidation of solidarity and fraternity among the members of the Islamic Ummah; the opposition to sedition; and the resort to coordination and consultations among members of the Ummah in all matters;
Faithful to the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter notably provisions of Article II relating to the strengthening of solidarity, respect for the independence and sovereignty of all Member States, as well as non-interference in their internal affairs;
Recalling the resolutions of the Third Session of the Islamic Summit Conference which stressed the need to strengthen solidarity among Member States based on good neighbourliness, mutual respect and support for the causes of freedom, justice and peace;
Recalling also Resolution 16/6-P(IS) and the provisions of the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference on the subject;
Taking note of the relevant recommendations and proposals of the Reflection Committee, the Group of Eminent Personalities and the Intergovernmental Experts Group as well as the recommendations of the Expert Group on Correcting the Image of Islam in the Outside World, in this respect;
Recalling also all Islamic resolutions adopted in this respect, in particular Resolution No. 28/8-P (IS) of the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 30/26-P of the 26th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1.Calls upon Member States to observe the principles of good neighbourliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and to prevent the use of their territories or government bodies by individuals or groups bent on doing harm to other Member States.
2.Decides that no movement exploiting the noble Islamic religion should be allowed to carry out any hostile activity against any Member State, and reaffirms the necessity of coordination among Member States so as to control the phenomenon of terrorism in all its manifestations and forms including intellectual terrorism and extremism.
3.Stresses the need to continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination among Member States at all levels, and to further their consultation so as to remove all causes of dissension and promote understanding among them.
4.Welcomes the setting up of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States and expresses its conviction that this will help in reinforcing cooperation and consultation at all levels among Islamic nations.
5.Requests the OIC Secretariat to follow up consultation and coordination among representatives of member States at international organisations and fora.
6.Invites OIC heads of mission accredited to various countries to hold informal consultations in order to coordinate their positions with regard to important issues of concern.
7.Invites the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Having taken note of the information provided by the Government of Guinea on the aggression against the Republic of Guinea's borders;
Deeply concerned over the armed attacks that have started again since 1 September 2000 and have claimed so many human lives and caused important material damage and the forced displacement of numerous people in Guinea;
Bearing in mind the declaration dated 13 October 2000 of the UN Security Council condemning these intolerable aggressions;
Mindful of the final communique dated 18 September 2000 of the Coordination meeting of the Foreign Ministers of OIC Member States which condemns this aggression and expresses its solidarity with the people of Guinea;
1. Firmly condemns the armed aggression against the Republic of Guinea.
2. Expresses its support for, and solidarity with, the people and Government of Guinea.
3. Invites the Organization of the Islamic Conference to take part in the quest for a solution so as to put an end to these aggressions.
4. Requests the Secretary General to implement this resolution and to report thereon to the Twenty-eighth Session of the ICFM .
The Islamic Summit Conference, at its 9th Session, Session of Peace and Development "Al-Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 and 17 Sha'ban 1421H (12- 13 November, 2000),
Recalling the objectives and principles of the Organization of the Islamic Conference stipulated in its charter especially those calling for cooperation among Member States in the political, economic, cultural, scientific and social fields;
Stressing the importance of adoption by OIC States of an effective flexible system for periodic consultations and coordination between them on all occasions and in all international fora in all current issues of mutual concern;
Commending the constructive thought expressing this lofty objective in the "Doha Declaration" adopted by the 9th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Doha on 16 and 17 Sha'ban 1421H (12-13 November 2000 G);
Considering the utmost importance of the objective by Member States of a unified common stand in the various international fora to embody and assert the strength the OIC and OIC Member States in these fora;
1.Calls upon OIC Member States to reach an effective formula or mechanism that guarantees consultations on issues of concern to the Islamic world, with a view to adopting common stands in all international fora.
2.Urges Member states to give appropriate priority to harmonising their stands on international issues consistent with the priority given by the whole of OIC Member States to these issues.
3.Stresses that the Palestinian cause and the question of Al-Quds Al-Sharif should be the primary issues on which Member States must adopt a unified stand in international fora, along with other causes of the Islamic Ummah.
4.Calls upon the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the 28th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and to the 10th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Recalling that Muslim communities and minorities living in Non-OIC Member States account for over one third of the Islamic Ummah;
Recalling also the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conferences, the Sessions of Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and international conventions, declarations and agreements, particularly those calling for observance of human rights in the political, social, cultural, economic and religious fields;
Further recalling UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;
Reaffirming its commitment to Muslim communities and minorities living in Non-OIC Member States and expressing its concern at the forms of intolerance towards some of these communities and minorities in particular in the western hemisphere;
Condemning persecution and violations, committed by aggression forces against Muslim communities and minorities in a number of non-OIC Member States;
Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the situation of Muslim Communities and minorities (Document No. IS/9-2000/MM/D.1);
1.Expresses its satisfaction at the efforts made by the Secretary General for the implementation of the resolutions adopted on the Islamic Communities and Minorities in Non-Member States and urges the Contact Group, composed of the Permanent Missions of Member States to the United Nations in New York and Geneva to hold regular meetings to deal with cases of violation of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-Member States and report thereon to the General Secretariat.
2.Emphasizes the need to see to it that the Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States preserve their religious and cultural identity, and enjoy equal treatment as far as rights, obligations and duties are concerned, and have access to all their civil and religious rights without discrimination or segregation.
3.Reaffirms that the preservation of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States is, essentially, a responsibility of the governments of these states based on compliance with the, the principles of International Law and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.
4.Calls upon Member States and OIC Subsidiary, Specialized and Affiliated Institutions, including the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO) as well as Islamic non-governmental organisations, bodies and institutions, to continue to provide the OIC General Secretariat with available information, studies and statistics on the situation of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States so that the General Secretariat can perform the tasks entrusted to it in this respect.
5.Invites the OIC General Secretariat to continue to receive representatives of some Muslim Communities and Minorities in non-OIC Member States and to meet them whenever possible with a view to closely monitoring the conditions of the Muslim communities and minorities they represent; or to get information on Muslim Minorities, Communities and Societies through such representatives. These activities, however should be carried out within the framework of respect for the sovereignty of the states in which they live, as stipulated in paragraph 5 of Resolution No. 38/24-P adopted by the Twenty-fourth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
6.Urges Member States to pay special attention to those Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States who are exposed to persecution or oppression because of their religious beliefs and to determine their needs and communicate them to Member States so as to provide the necessary capabilities - material, human and financial, and also to intensify the cultural and educational Islamic activities as well as various humanitarian assistance to these Muslim communities and minorities.
7.Urges Member States to coordinate efforts to train able workers who can perform Islamic Dawah missions among Muslim communities and minorities in various countries of the world. These workers should include qualified women, and a series of integrated educational books on Islam, its rites and principles should be prepared in the form of simplified publications or audio-visual material to be carefully translated to the languages of the countries where these Muslim minorities live.
8.Requests the OIC General Secretariat to make contacts with the governments of the states that have Muslim communities and minorities in order to identify their problems and needs and elicit the view of these States on ways to develop a cooperation formula with the OIC aimed at making the required contributions for improving the conditions of these Muslim communities and minorities and preserving their religious and cultural identity, while giving priority to contacts with governments of non-OIC Member States in which Muslim communities and minorities are confronting pressing problems.
9.Urges the OIC Member States to exert efforts with governments of Non-OIC Member States where violations of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities take place to urge them to take necessary and immediate measures to stop these violations and restore order.
10.Invites the OIC General Secretariat to follow up the activities of the relevant organizations and international forums so as to be informed about developments on the situation of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States, and to submit a report thereon to the next meeting of the Experts Group.
11.Reaffirms the commitment of Member States to respect the rights of non-Muslim communities and minorities living in their territories, in accordance with the tolerant teachings of Islam.
12.Denounces the allegations of some circles in non-OIC Member States concerning the ill-treatment of non-Muslim communities and minorities in OIC Member States; denounces the adoption by these circles of measures and local legislation in contradiction with the UN charter and the principles of international law, with a view to using these as pretext, to interfere in the internal affairs of Member States; and requests the OIC Expert Group on considering the conditions of Muslim Communities and Minorities to pay urgent and special attention to this issue.
13.Emphasizes the necessity of coordination between the Group of Intergovernmental Experts on Following up the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and the Group of Inter Governmental Experts on considering the conditions of Muslim Minorities and Communities in non-OIC Member States, with a view to conducting a comprehensive survey of the conditions of these Minorities and Communities and to work for at a later stage, the necessary measures in international fora to safeguard their rights.
14.Approves the implementation of the recommendations of the Group of Governmental Experts on Muslim minorities and communities in non-member States of the OIC adopted by its Fifth meeting (document GEMM/5/2000/REP.1-FINAL) and the recommendations contained therein, calls on Member States and the General Secretariat to implement them, and invites the Group of Experts on Muslim Communities and Minorities in non OIC-Member States to continue its work on a regular basis.
15.Calls on the Secretary General to constitute a sub-committee to follow up the affairs of minorities to be composed of those selected by the Secretary General from among the members of the Committee of Experts on setting up a Plan of Action to safeguard the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States, and other Islamic figures in implementation of operative para (17) of Res. No.55/27-P of the 27th ICFM.
16.Invites the General Secretariat to hold regular meetings and large-scale conferences on the affairs of Muslim minorities in non-Member States in the various States of the world, preferably in one of the minority home states with due preparation and planning.
17.The Islamic Conference requested the General Secretariat to carry out a comprehensive study on the possibility of reversing the Islamic perception of the term "Muslim Minorities" and to refer the study to Member States for their views on the subject before submitting such views to the ICFM.
18. Requests the Secretary General to prepare a report thereon and submit it to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada" held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Bearing in mind the previous resolutions of the OIC and the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee of Six on the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines;
Recalling the Tripoli Agreement signed on 23 December 1976, under the auspices of the OIC, between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front which the signatory parties agreed to consider as the basis for a permanent, just and comprehensive political solution to the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines within the framework of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines;
Also recalling that in accordance with the two Memoranda of Understanding with which the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front concluded two rounds of preliminary talks, held successively in Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 3-4 October, 1992 and in Cipanas, Western Java, Republic of Indonesia on 14-16 April, 1993, the two parties agreed to conduct official peace negotiations for the full implementation of the letter and spirit of the 1976 Tripoli Agreement;
Further recalling the results of the four rounds of formal peace talks held in Jakarta, Indonesia, between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front;
Commending the agreement reached by the participants in the Fourth Round of Formal Peace Talks to reaffirm all the points of agreement in the 1994, 1995 and 1996 Interim Agreements and to include them in the Final Agreement provided for in the 1976 Tripoli Agreement;
Recalling that the report of the meeting of the Ministerial Committee of Six, held on the fringe of the Twenty-Seventh ICFM in Kuala Lumpur on 28 June 2000, recommended in para 6. (item a) to commission a fact finding mission emanating from the Ministerial Committee of Six to evaluate and assess the current situation in Southern Philippines;
Having considered the report of the fact finding mission referred to in Document No. IS/9-2000/SMCP/REP.1;
1Welcomes the new membership of Brunei Darussalam in the Committee of Six on the Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines.
2.Welcomes the "Peace Agreement" between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front initialed on 30 August 1996 in Jakarta and officially signed on 2 September 1996 in Manila.
3.Calls on both the Government of the Republic of Philippines and the MNLF to preserve the gains achieved as a result of the signing of the "Peace Agreement".
4.Pay tribute to the Government of the Republic of Philippines for receiving the fact finding mission and facilitating its task of evaluating the current situation in Southern Philippines.
5.Pays tribute to the Moro National Liberation Front, the sole legitimate representative of Muslims in Southern Philippines ("Bangsamoro people"), for facilitating the task of the fact-finding mission.
6.Pays tribute to the role of the Government of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, under the wise leadership of His Excellency Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, in achieving the Tripoli Agreement of 1976 and in hosting the first preliminary talks in Tripoli from 3 to 4 October, 1992.
7.Also pays tribute to the role of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the peace process culminating in the signing of the Final Peace Agreement on 2 September 1996 and expresses satisfaction for the efforts of the Ministerial Committee of Six in this regard..
8.Commissions the Chairman of the Committee of Seven to make the necessary contacts with the GRP and the MNLF during a period not later than the end of the first quarter of 2001 with a view to defining a time-table for the implementation of all the provisions of the 1996 Peace Agreement.
9.Urges Member States and subsidiary organs, specialised and affiliated institutions, including the Islamic Development Bank, to increase their economic, financial, technical and material assistance for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Southern Philippines through the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and the Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development (SPCPD) under the auspices of the MNLF.
10.Decides to maintain the observer status and the participation of the MNLF in the activities of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in its capacity as the sole legitimate representative of the Bangsamoro people in Southern Philippines with a view to improving their conditions in accordance with the Peace Agreement.
11.Urges the Government of the Republic of Philippines and MILF to promptly put an end to armed hostilities and to pursue peace talks toward finding a peaceful resolution to the existing problem in Mindanao.
12.Requests the Ministerial Committee of Seven and the OIC Secretary General to continue extending assistance as appropriate for the full implementation of the Peace Agreement during the transitional period pending the establishment of the regular autonomous region in Southern Philippines.
13.Appeals to all Islamic charitable organiaztions in OIC member states, as well as others, to extend medical and other humanitarian assistance to the displaced people who are the victims of violence in Mindanao and its islands.
14.Urges the Member States to contribute to mobilizing broad international support to both parties of the Peace Agreement to enable them to achieve peace, development and prosperity in Southern Philippines.
15.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Reaffirming its commitment to Muslim communities and minorities in Non-OIC Member States;
Keeping in mind that the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace, is an integral part of the Muslim World;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conferences, Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and international conventions, declarations and agreements, calling for observance of human rights namely political, social, cultural and economic rights and freedom of worship, and most particularly the Lausanne Agreement which calls for observance of the right of the Muslim minority in Western Thrace to use their Turkish language and practice their religious rites as well as to the free election of their representatives in all matters;
Further recalling UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;
Regretting the continuing violation of the minority rights and fundamental freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace;
Keeping in mind that the basic rights and freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace are defined and protected by multilateral and bilateral Treaties and Agreements;
1. Deplores the judicial harassment aimed at the elected Mufti of Xanthi, Mr. Mehmet Emin Aga and his sentencing to imprisonment.
2.Expresses its concern for the obstruction of the building of Kimmeria Mosque.
3. Requests that the steps for the election of the administration board of the Waqfs are taken to permit a better administration of the Waqfs that will promote religious and educational activities.
4. Urges Greece to take all measures to restore the rights of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and urgently recognize the elected Muftis of Xanthi and Komotini as the official Muftis.
5. Requests the Secretary General to monitor the situation of the Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and to report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shabaan 1421H (12-13 November, 2000),
Reaffirming its obligations to the Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by previous sessions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences, and international covenants and conventions, particularly those calling for the respect of political, social, cultural, economic and religious human rights;
Realizing that the Muslim minority in Myanmar constitutes an integral part of the Islamic world;
Deploring information indicating the continuing oppression displacement, suffered by Muslims in the Republic of Myanmar, in addition to the denial of their basic rights, as citizens;
1.Commissions the Islamic Contact Group entrusted under Resolution No.38/24-P which considering the conditions of Muslim minorities and communities, to follow up the violations of the rights of Muslim minorities in Myanmar and submit an annual report thereon to the OIC General Secretariat.
2.Urges Member States to lend moral and political support to the Muslims of Myanmar and to facilitate the steps needed for a dialogue between them and the Government so as to enable them to exercise their basic rights on an equal footing with other citizens in Myanmar.
3.Requests the OIC Secretary General to hold further discussions with the parties concerned and to report on his findings to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers..
4.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the situation of the Muslim minority in Myanmar and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Recalling Resolution 12/5-P(IS) of the fifth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference regarding the establishment of the International Islamic Court of Justice as a fourth main organ in the OIC;
Wishing to speed up the establishment of the International Islamic Court of Justice and the commencement of its work so that it may contribute to the peaceful settlement of disputes among Member States;
Mindful of the importance of Resolution No. 59/27-P adopted by the Twenty-seventh Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Islamic Court of Justice;
1.Expresses its appreciation to the Member States that have ratified the statute of the Court and the amendment of Article (3) of the Charter involving the addition of a fourth paragraph (d) concerning the International Islamic Court of Justice.
2.Urges the Member States that have not yet ratified the Statute of the Court and the amendment of the Charter to accelerate the completion of the ratification procedure and to deposit their instruments of ratification at the General Secretariat as soon as possible, so that the quorum needed for the Court to become operational may be attained.
3.Calls for continued coordination and consultation between the State of Kuwait, the host country, and the General Secretariat in looking for the best ways and means to accelerate the establishment and functioning of the Court.
4.Invites the Secretary General to continue intensive contacts and consultations with Member States aimed at expediting the attainment of the necessary quorum of ratifications for establishing the Court and ensuring the commencement of its work.
5.Also invites the Member-States and the General Secretariat to make every effort to raise and disseminate awareness of the relevance of the Court, and its objectives and of the need for its establishment and functioning as an optional judiciary means to settle conflicts peacefully.
6.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Recalling the noble motives and objectives of the glorious religion of Islam which emphasizes the need for, and importance of, human rights; and mindful of the universality and comprehensive nature of the Islamic rules on human rights and the prominent place of Man;
Bearing in mind the objectives of the Charter of the OIC of promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all people without distinction as to race, sex or religion;
Recalling Resolution No. 49/19-P of the Nineteenth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers adopting and issuing the document entitled Cairo "Declaration on Human Rights in Islam"; and the subsequent resolutions the latest of which was resolution No. 60/27-P of the Twenty-seventh Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Follow-up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam;
Recognizing the necessity to expedite the follow up of the Cairo Declaration, as guidelines for member states by taking concrete and practical measures now that 10 years have elapsed since its adoption;
Aware of the prevailing international circumstances and the necessity of strengthening the existing mechanism within the OIC for exploring ways and means to promote and protect human rights through, inter alia, the formulation of a group of Islamic covenants on human rights;
Recognizing the obligations and endeavors of the Member States to promote and protect the internationally recognized human rights while taking into account the significance of their religious, national and regional particularities and various historical and cultural backgrounds, and with due regard to the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam";
1. Welcomes the unanimous decision of the Nineteenth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to issue the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam as a general guideline for Member States in the field of human rights.
2.Recognizes the importance of following up the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and calls upon the Governmental Expert Group, in accordance with its mandate and pursuant to the principles enshrined in the Cairo Declaration, to start the formulation and consideration of Islamic charters on human rights which shall take the form of covenants, each of which shall deal with one or several issues in detail based on the provisions of the Declaration, and to be considered in special meetings in preparation for recommending their submission to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
3. Encourages Member States to support and facilitate the realization of the mandate of the Governmental Expert Group through, inter alia, convening, in Member States and Non-Member States and in collaboration with the General Secretariat, seminars and workshops on human rights in Islam.
4. Calls upon Member States to continue their active coordination and cooperation in the field of human rights in order to strengthen Islamic solidarity against any initiative that may lead to the use of human rights as a means of political pressure on any Member State.
5. Takes note of the report of the Sixth Meeting of the Governmental Expert Group on the follow up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, approves proposals and recommendations made therein, invites the Expert Group to continue its work and hold its next meeting at an early date in 2001, and requests Member States to take an active part in this meeting at the highest level possible, as well as to hold the symposium pursuant to Resolution No. 60/27-P within the framework of coordination of Islamic States' positions on the preparations for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related Intolerance.
6.Requests the General Secretariat to include this item in the agenda of the future sessions of the OIC; and also requests the Secretary General to submit a report on the implementation of the present resolution to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Bearing in mind the objectives of the Charter of the OIC and the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, of promoting, encouraging and ensuring respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all in accordance with Islamic values and teachings, as well as the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant instruments;
Mindful of the universality and integral nature of Islamic values with respect to human rights, the prominent place of Man in Islam as vicegerent of Allah on earth and hence the great importance attached by Islamic thought to the promotion, encouragement and respect of human rights;
Aware that the increasing importance of human rights in every part of the world requires more intensified efforts from the Islamic Ummah and Islamic Organizations in order to take appropriate initiatives at all levels toward the consolidation and protection of human rights;
Noting the attempts to exploit the issue of human rights to discredit the principles of Islamic Shariah and to interfere in the affairs of Islamic States;
Stressing the need for active international cooperation for the effective realization of the right to development;
Emphasizing the need for close coordination among Member States in resisting the moves to exploit human rights for political purposes including selective targeting of individual countries for unavowed motives;
1. Reiterates the need for continued consultation and coordination among Member States in the field of human rights especially during international Conferences and meetings on the subject.
2. Requests the Secretary General to provide ways and means to convey OIC stands on different issues in the field of human rights specially in respect of minorities, to the UN Human Rights agencies and mechanisms, in particular their Special Representatives and Rapporteurs with a view to furthering OIC positions on human rights at the U.N.
3. Decides that Member States and the General Secretariat shall undertake to follow up Member States' missions with the relevant international organizations, in particular, at the U.N. headquarters in New York and Geneva, and to hold meetings on appropriate occasions, to consider and discuss human rights issues with a view to adopting, if possible, a unified position among Member States in the light of the OIC resolutions on matters under consideration.
4.Reaffirms the need to keep abreast of economic and social developments without being remiss in supporting and respecting human rights. It also reaffirms its rejection of the attempt to impose economic starvation and deprivation on the peoples and countries of the Islamic world in any way, shape or form.
5. Calls for the necessary vigilance and caution towards any attempts at misrepresenting and discrediting the Islamic Shariah.
6.Requests the Secretary General to follow up implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Recalling resolution no. 49/19-P of the 19th ICFM on adopting and ratifying a document titled "The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam," aimed at fostering, promoting and respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, proceeding from the values and tenets of Islam, the charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and the United Nations (U.N.) as well as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and other relevant documents;
Recalling also the OIC decisions on follow-up of the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam," coordination among member states in the field of human rights, and drafting Islamic covenants on human rights;
Referring to the OIC Resolution No. 70/27-P and the two resolutions No. 82/1999 and 84/2000 of the Human Rights Commission in Geneva, at its 55th and 56th sessions regarding the ways and means to deal with the distortion of the image of religions as well as the OIC resolution No. 62/27-P on the Slanderous Campaigns Waged by Certain NGOs Against a Number of OIC Member States Targeting the Islamic Sharia Under the Mantle of Human Rights Protection;
Affirming that discrimination against human beings on account of their religion or creed is an insult to the dignity of the humankind;
Stressing the importance of creating the propitious circumstances conducive to better harmony and more tolerance within various societies and among them; aware of the importance of education for ensuring tolerance and respect of religion and creed;
Expressing its appreciation, in this concern, of the joint efforts exerted by the OIC member states, the U.N. High Commission on Human Rights which organized a symposium under the theme "Enriching the universality of human rights: The Universal Declaration on Human Rights From an Islamic Perspective," in Geneva, November 9-10, 1998;
1.Expresses its deep concern over the frequent and erroneous association of Islam with violations of human rights and the misuse of the media - press and audio-visual - in propagating such wrong notions.
2.Urges for a halt of the unjustified campaigns launched by some NGOs against a number of member states, focusing on the demand to abolish the Shari'a ordained punishments and other penalties under the "protection of human rights" slogan.
3.Reaffirms the right of states to hold on to their religious, social and cultural specificities which constitute legacies and streams of thought that contribute towards enriching the common international conceptions of human rights.
4.Reasserts that the right of societies to abide by their own characteristics and noble values that distinguish them does not mean cultural alienations or encapsulations, no more than it is a pretext to renege on their international commitments.
5.Recalls anew the states' right to reserve, where necessary, the right to express reservations on the international conventions, covenants and agreements they subscribe to, as part of their sovereign rights.
6.Calls for the necessity to consider human rights in their global concept and from all their religious, political, social, economic and cultural facets within the framework of international cooperation and solidarity.
7.Also calls as well for abstaining from using the universality of human rights as a pretext to interfere in the states' internal affairs and impair their national sovereignty.
8.Emphasizes the necessity for the international community to address the human rights issue objectively and comprehensively, as far as all states are concerned, without selectivity or discrimination.
9.Exhorts all states to take all appropriate measures, in the context of their national legislations and consistent with the international human right acts, to promote understanding, tolerance and respect in matters connected with freedom of religion or creed.
10.Calls on the OIC Group in Geneva to see to it that the reports of the U.N. Special Rapporteurs dealing with human rights take into consideration the provisions of the present resolution when submitting such reports to the coming sessions of the U.N. Human Rights Commission.
11.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Having considered the status of signature, ratification, and accession to the Agreements concluded under the auspices of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Noting that the necessary quorum of ratifications by Member States for the coming into force of many of these Agreements is not yet reached in accordance with the provisions of their Statutes; and the importance of expediting this process for strengthening the role of the OIC and expanding the fields of cooperation among Member States;
1. Urges the Member States to sign and/or ratify, as soon as possible, the various agreements concluded in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
2. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Committed to the moral and human principles that the OIC Member States believe in, and inspired by their sublime and tolerant religion; their heritage and tradition which call for the rejection of all forms of injustice, aggression and intolerance;
Convinced that there is an international consensus on combating terrorism in all its forms; and on eliminating the causes of terrorism which endangers the life and property of innocent people, violates the sovereignty of States, and jeopardizes the rights of peoples;
Recognizing the need for specific and agreed upon international criteria, to enable the international community to differentiate clearly between terrorism and peoples' struggle for national liberation;
Stressing the need for Islamic cooperation in taking practical measures to combat and prevent terrorism effectively within the framework of the provisions of the Code of Conduct for combatting international terrorism, approved by the Seventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in its Resolution 43/7-P (IS), and the OIC Convention On Combating International Terrorism, approved by the 26th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers as per its resolution No. 59/26-P;
Reaffirming the fundamental and legitimate rights of all peoples struggling under the yoke of colonialist and racist regimes as well as under foreign occupation to fight occupation and determine their own future, particularly the struggle of national liberation movements;
Condemning all terrorist acts, including those perpetrated by States, directly or indirectly, which spread violence and terror and aim at destabilizing countries and communities;
Denouncing the rabid attempts aimed at obliterating the clear distinction between terrorism and the legitimate struggle of peoples which conforms with the principles of international law and the provisions of the Charters of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and the United nations;
Noting the categorization adopted by some quarters on the basis of biased political considerations according to which a number of Islamic States are listed among the so called states which sponsor terrorism;
Recalling U.N. General Assembly Resolution 1514 (1960) on granting the right of self-determination and independence to colonised countries and peoples, and U.N. General Assembly Resolution 42/104, adopted on 7 December 1987;
Also recalling Resolution No. 53/8-P(IS) adopted by the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit and the Resolution No. 64/27-P adopted by the Twenty-seventh Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1. Reiterates its support for convening an International Conference under the auspices of the United Nations to define terrorism and distinguish it from the struggle of peoples for national liberation.
2. Invites Member States to stress the need for convening an International Conference to determine the meaning of terrorism, and to distinguish terrorism from the struggle of peoples for national liberation.
3.Requests the Secretary General to ensure the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Welcoming the approval by the 26th ICFM of the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism;
Recalling Resolution 43/7-P(IS) of the Seventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, which approved the Code of Conduct for Combating International Terrorism and Resolution 54/8-P (IS) of the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference on the Follow-up of the Code of Conduct For Combating International Terrorism;
Also recalling the U.N. Resolution No. 60/49 relating to the Declaration of principles on the fight against international terrorism;
Reaffirming the determination to combat terrorist acts in all their forms and manifestations, including those where States are involved directly or indirectly;
Reiterating the commitment to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, to eliminate the objectives and causes of terrorism directed against the life and property of innocent people and the sovereignty, territorial integrity, stability and security of States, and to uphold the provisions of the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism, which reaffirm this commitment;
Emphasizing the importance of international and regional cooperation, especially among Member States, including coordination and exchange of information among their competent authorities in combating effectively all forms of terrorism;
Reiterating its call to Member States to observe the principles of good neighbourliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of States and to prevent the use of their territories by individuals or groups for the perpetration of terrorist acts against other Member States;
Emphasizing the importance of establishing a climate of confidence and solidarity among Member States;
Alarmed at the continuing acts of violence and the increasing level of attendant atrocities specially those targeting foreign tourists recently;
Strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations including state terrorism against all States and peoples;
Having considered the report of the Secretary General of the OIC on the follow up of the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism;
1.Declares that Islam is innocent of all forms of terrorism which involve the murder of innocent people whose killing is forbidden by Allah.
2.Strongly condemns the perpetrators of such odious crimes, who pretend to act in the name of Islam or under any other pretext.
3.Calls upon all states not to grant asylum to these terrorists, and to take all necessary measures to help bring them to justice.
4.Affirms the determination of Member States to concert their efforts to combat all forms and manifestations of terrorism, including state terrorism against all states and peoples.
5.Reaffirms that the struggle of peoples under colonialist or alien domination or under foreign occupation, for their national liberation or to regain their right to self-determination, does not constitute an act of terrorism.
6.Takes note with satisfaction of the approval of the Twenty-sixth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism and calls upon Member States to take appropriate steps to sign and ratify it.
7.Calls upon Member States to follow-up the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism, and to coordinate their stands and cooperate in the light of the principles and provisions stipulated in the Convention within all the international conferences and fora concerned with terrorism and international terrorism.
8.Reaffirms the commitment of Member States to the provisions of the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism especially those reaffirming their commitment to refrain from undertaking, attempting or participating in any way in financing, instigating or supporting any acts of terrorism, directly or indirectly and also those committing them to take all necessary measures to ensure that their territories are not used as a base for planning, organizing, executing, initiating or participating in any terrorist activity.
9.Calls upon OIC Member States to make every effort to enhance their cooperation, in accordance with their internal laws and relevant international arrangements and conventions, in countering and combating terrorist acts, prosecuting their perpetrators or handing them over to their respective countries or to the state where the act had been committed, in accordance with their bilateral agreements and arrangements as well as cooperation in the fields of exchange of relevant information on terrorists and their activities.
10.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution in close cooperation with the Member States, and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the different Sessions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences, the latest of which is the resolution No. 66/27-P adopted by the Twenty-seventh Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Taking into consideration that the hijacking of aircraft and the anguish caused to innocent passengers is a crime as grave as highway robbery which is prohibited by the Islamic Shariah in accordance with the text of the Holy Quran (Surat Al-Maida/33);
Noting that the crimes of hijacking aircraft have continued in spite of all international agreements and conventions prohibiting them and calling for more severe sanctions against hijacking;
Affirming that acts of violence against innocent passengers in addition to the dread, terror and suffering caused to them and to their relatives and their exposure to unjustified physical and mental torture are contrary to the provisions of Islamic Shariah;
Having considered the report of the Secretary General on the strengthening of Islamic solidarity in combating hijacking;
Conscious of the need for full observance of the international conventions against hijacking;
1.Condemns all forms of international terrorism including the crime of aerial hijacking and unlawful acts against the safety and security of civil aviation.
2. Calls on Member States to refrain from yielding to the demands of hijackers, which constitute a form of extortion contrary to the interests and laws of the peoples and countries of the OIC.
3.Calls upon Member States to take all necessary measures to curb such crimes and inflict the most severe punishments on the offenders involved in them, or to hand them over to the other States concerned.
4. Calls upon Member States which have not yet acceded to or ratified, the Tokyo Convention (1963), the Hague Convention (1970) and the Montreal Convention (1971) on penalties for hijacking and guarantees for the security and safety of civil aviation, to expedite such ratification and accession and urges the States that have already acceded to these Conventions to strictly and firmly implement their provisions.
5.Calls upon all Member States on whose territories hijacked planes land to exert utmost efforts to foil the designs of the hijackers in accordance with international laws in this regard and, in cooperation with the country owning the aircraft in accordance with the relevant international agreements.
6. Requests the Member States facing such situations to provide necessary assistance to the passengers, crew members, aircraft and countries owning them in accordance with the provisions of international agreements.
7. Requests also the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Recalling also the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conferences, the Sessions of Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and international conventions, declarations and agreements, particularly those calling for observance of human rights namely political, social, cultural, economic rights and religious freedoms;
Further recalling the Commission on Human Rights' resolutions 1999/82 of 30 April 1999 and 2000/84 of 26 April 2000 especially its operative paragraph 5 which "invites Governments, intergovernmental and regional organizations to provide their views on the religious perspectives of combating racism to the Secretary General of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and invites her to present these inputs to the World Conference through its preparatory process;
Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General (Doc. No. IS/9-2000/LEG/D.11) dealing with the elaboration of the report which forms a contribution towards the OIC preparations for the World Conference against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and having also taken note of the relevant contribution of the OIC Working Group on Human Rights; (Annex 2)
1. Condemns persecution and violations, especially those committed by aggression and occupation forces against Muslim communities and minorities in a number of non-OIC Member States.
2. Reaffirms the decision of the Member States of the OIC to provide an input for inclusion in the final outcome of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, on the Islamic perspectives of combating Racism, Defamation of Islam and Islamophobia.
3. Decides to charge OIC member states' delegations in Geneva to continue to actively participate in preparing the World Conference.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Shaban, 1421H (12-13 November 2000),
Recalling also the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Sessions of the Islamic Summit Conferences, the Sessions of Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers the most recent of which was Resolution No. 70/27-P and international conventions, declarations and agreements, particularly those calling for observance of human rights namely political, social, cultural, economic rights and religious freedoms;
Further recalling the Commission on Human Rights' resolutions 1999/82 of 30 April 1999 and 2000/84 of 26 April 2000 entitled defamation of religions which expressed deep concern at the negative stereotyping of religions, expressed deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and with terrorism, and expressed concern at any role in which the print, audio-visual or electronic media or any other means is used to incite violence, xenophobia or related intolerance and discrimination towards Islam and other religions;
1.Endorses the efforts of the Member States of the OIC in Geneva to highlight the concerns of the Islamic Countries regarding the defamation of Islam and taking common positions on issue of direct interest to them in the UN human rights bodies.
2.Commends the initiative by OIC Member States in Geneva to oppose the "defamation of Islam" as reflected in the Commission on Human Rights' resolution on "Defamation of religions" and encourages them to continue this initiative.
3.Requests the Secretary General of the OIC to follow up the development on this issue and present a report thereon to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Sha'ban 1421H (November 12-13, 2000),
Having taken note of the comprehensive report submitted by His Excellency President Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of COMIAC, on the activities carried out in the areas of Information and Communication under the auspices of COMIAC and in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC);
Having also taken cognizance of the OIC Secretary-General's report on the role of Information and Communication in enhancing the just causes of Islam and highlighting its true image;
Recalling resolutions nos. 1/6-C (IS), 45/7-P (IS) and 57/8-P (IS) on COMIAC, adopted respectively by the 6th, 7th and 8th Islamic Summit Conferences to approve COMIAC's recommendations prior to the latter's 3rd, 4th and 5th sessions;
Taking into account the resolutions adopted by the 5th session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Information (ICIM), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 23-24 Sha'ban, 1420 (December 01-02, 1999);
1.Expresses its deep gratitude to the Government of the Republic of Senegal for graciously hosting the 6th session of COMIAC. It thanks, in particular, His Excellency President Abdoulahi Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of COMIAC, for his support and his pledge to assist the OIC in fulfilling its missions, especially in the field of Information and Communication.
2.Takes note of the Secretary-General's report on the OIC's activities in the framework of COMIAC, especially its 6th session held in Dakar, October 25-26, 2000, and endorses the outcome of that session.
3.Endorses the guidelines given by His Excellency the Chairman of COMIAC in his report to the current session, in the light of the conclusions of the 5th ICIM, held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 23-24 Sha'ban, 1420 (December 01-02, 1999).
4.Hails the Secretary-General for the measures he proposed to give a fresh, dynamic impetus to reenergize the Information and Communication sector so that it may play its real role in promoting the just causes of Islam and highlight its true image.
5.Requests the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the 10th Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Sha'ban 1421H (November 12-13, 2000),
Having taken cognizance of the report submitted by His Excellency President Abdoulahi Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC), on Information activities, especially the Information Plan;
Noting as well the report of the OIC Secretary-General on the Role of Information and Communication in promoting the just causes of Islam and highlighting its true image;
Recalling resolutions nos. 1/6-P (IS); 46/7-P (IS) and 58/8-P (IS) adopted respectively by the 6th, 7th and 8th Islamic Summit Conferences, and resolutions nos. 58/25-P, 62/26-P and 72/27-P on the OIC Information Plan, adopted by the 25th, 26th and 27th Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers (ICFMs);
Mindful of the resolutions relating to the funding and implementation of the Information Plan, adopted by COMIAC in its 6th session held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, 28-29 Rajab, 1421H (October 25-26, 2000);
Also recalling the Member States' pledges and commitments in the context of their cooperation to build an adequate communications network to lessen the deficiency in the flow of Information in the Islamic world on the one hand, and to create a specific Information Order designed to affirm the national and cultural identities while countering the hostile campaigns targeting Islam and Muslims, on the other;
Inspired by the resolutions adopted by the 5th Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Sha'ban 23-24, 1420H (December 01-02, 1999), in particular resolution no. 5/3-ICIM and the program derived from the Information Plan and contained in document no. FC/WG-MSPI/1-99/PAL9:
1. Reaffirms the need for the Member States to strongly uphold the Information Plan and make effective contributions to it to ensure its success. It urges Member states to pledge their contributions for the implementation of the said Plan;
2.Appeals to the Member States to:
a)Carry out individually or in cooperation amongst themselves, some of the operations of the Information Plan;
b)Contribute towards financing OIC activities in the fields of Information and Communication, especially by settling their arrears of contributions to the budget of the OIC General Secretariat and by making voluntary donations to it to make it possible for it to catch up with and avoid delays in implementing the Plan as a result of such overdues. The States are also called upon to proceed with the financing of other portions of the Plan;
3 -The Secretary-General calls for:
a)Direct contacts to be made with the Member States to enquire about the programs foreseen in the Information Plan which they may take upon themselves to cover;
b)Coordination with the Member States to mobilize the grants and voluntary donations necessary for the implementation of the entire Information Plan;
4 -Reiterates the Member States' need to enhance cooperation among their Information bodies, organs and institutions as this is the only means to combine their efforts and unify their human, material and financial potentialities so as to provide for the Ummah a trustworthy Information coping with world events and capable of effectively defending its religion, interests, stances and image;
5 -Requests the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the 10th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Sha'ban 1421H (November 12-13, 2000),
Referring to the general conception of the Islamic Information Strategy adopted by the First Islamic Conference of Information Ministers in Jeddah, 1988;
Recalling resolutions No. 3/3-ICIM and No. 13/3-ICIM of the Third Session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers on the Islamic Information Strategy and its Implementation Mechanisms;
Referring to resolutions No. 1/5 and 2/5 of the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC), on 27-28 March 1996, which adopted the Islamic Information Strategy and its implementation mechanisms;
Referring again to resolutions No.1/4 and 1/5 adopted successively by the Fourth and Fifth Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers on the Information Strategy and their Implementation Mechanisms, held successively in Dakar(Senegal) and Tehran (Iran);
Referring also to resolution No. 1/6-ICIM adopted by the 6th Session of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar, Senegal, on 25-26 October 2000 on the Information Strategy and its Implementation Mechanisms;
Having taken cognizance of the report of the Secretary General on the Role of Information and Communication in Promoting the Just Causes of Islam and Clarifying its true image;
1.Invites the Member States again to take the necessary steps to incorporate the Islamic Information Strategy into their information policies and to publicize this strategy as widely as possible in their media.
2.Appeals to the Member States to extend human, material and technological assistance to the two information institutions involved in Islamic information, namely the International Islamic News Agency (IINA), and the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization (ISBO), to enable them to achieve their strategic objectives, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the 5th Session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers at Tehran in December, 1999 pursuant to the recommendations of the Expert Group on Updating the Mechanisms of the Strategy.
Res. No. 71/9- P(I.S)
3.Requests Member States to use all available media including satellites and new communication technologies and to coordinate action among space television channels in Member States and between them and the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization with a view to securing for them a better presence in the international information space.
4.Requests the Member States to coordinate their efforts in order to promote the project of the Islamic Satellite to keep abreast of current developments.
5.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Sha'ban 1421H (November 12-13, 2000),
Having been apprised of the report of the OIC Secretary-General on the role of Information and Communication in enhancing the just causes of the Islamic Ummah and highlighting the true image of Islam and of the report of the International Islamic News Agency (IINA) on the latter's activities and projects;
Guided by resolution no. 11/5-ICIM on IINA, adopted by the 5th session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Sha'ban 23-24, 1420H (December 01-02, 1999);
Taking note with satisfaction of the resolution adopted by COMIAC's 6th session on the necessity to support IINA as a specialized institution and part of the mechanisms designed to carry out the joint Islamic Information action programs;
Extremely preoccupied by the failure, on the part of a large number of States, to pay their contributions to IINA's budget;
Having taken cognizance of the efforts exerted by the Agency to broaden the scope of and diversity of its activities over the Internet and in producing books and bulletins on the ongoing events in the Islamic world and in publishing press reports and stories on the Member States, despite the financial, technical and press-related difficulties it is facing:
1 -Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the constant support it lends to the Agency and also to the other Member States which contributed in backing the Agency on the material, moral and manpower areas until it managed to proceed with its Information drive;
2 -Exhorts the Member States to settle their contributions and arrears to the Agency's budget to enable it shoulder its responsibilities;
3 -Urges the Member States to reinforce the Agency by providing it with editing and technical staff so that it may fulfill its objectives in serving Islamic Information;
4 -Also urges the Agency to activate its website and consolidate its relations with the news agency associations in the various regions of the world - Arab, African or Asian - and with the Mediterranean Alliance of News Agencies, "Alliance Mediterranenne des Agences de Presse."
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Sha'ban 1421H (November 12-13, 2000),
Having taken cognizance of the report of the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) on the role of Information and Communication in enhancing the just causes of the Islamic Ummah and highlighting the true image of Islam and of the report of the Secretary-General of the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization (ISBO) on the latter's activities, projects and work plans;
Guided by the resolutions of the 5th session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers (ICIM), held in Tehran, Sha'ban 23-24, 1420H (December 01-02, 1999) on increasing support to ISBO (resolution no. 10/5-ICIM) and arranging for a symposium to bring together radio and television producers [resolution no. 10/5-ICIM, para 3 (b)] and the committee in charge of coordinating news and programs among satellite channels in the Member States (resolution no. 4/5-paras 1 & 3);
Taking note with satisfaction of the resolution adopted by COMIAC-VI on supporting ISBO as a specialized institution and part and parcel of the mechanisms entrusted to carry out the joint Islamic action Information program;
Also taking note with satisfaction of ISBO's achievements in the service of Islamic Da'wa, the spread of Arabic language and the defense of Islamic causes;
Deeply preoccupied by the accumulating arrears of contributions by a large number of Member States to the Organization's budget:
1 -Expresses its thanks and appreciation to those Member States which settled their contributions to the Organization's budget and are still pursuing their material and moral support;
2 -Calls upon the Member States concerned to settle their contributions fully and regularly to the Organization's annual budget and to speed up the payment of their arrears to enable the Organization carry on its activities normally;
3 -Exhorts Member States to participate effectively in:
-The Symposium for Radio and Television Producers;
-The news and programs coordination committee among television satellite channels in the Member States, and Islamic States Broadcasting Organisation (ISBO).
-Help ISBO in producing "a guide of television productions" for the Member States.
The Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Peace and Development "Al Aqsa Intifada", held in Doha, State of Qatar, from 16 to 17 Sha'ban 1421H (November 12-13, 2000),
Taking note of the Tunisian memorandum on supporting the candidacy of the Republic of Tunisia to host the Information Society World Summit to be convened by the International Telecommunication Union will in collaboration with other international organisations and agencies,
Also taking note of the memorandum of the O I C General Secretariat on the subject,
Recalling the Islamic solidarity objectives stated in the O I C Charter,
1.Supports the candidacy of the Republic of Tunisia to host the Information Society World Summit in 2003,
2.Calls on Member States to support the Tunisian candidacy when it is submitted to the next International Telecommunication Union Executive Council scheduled to consider the candidacies of prospective host countries for the Summit.