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RAJAB, 141511
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival) , held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
RecallingResolution No.1/22-Eof the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Having examined the economic problems facing the Islamic Countries;
Having also considered
with great interest the outcome of the GATT negotiations with regard to certain
sectors of the world trade;
Deeply concerned over
the lack of progress towards the establishment of the New World Economic Order
and the fact that certain developed countries have continued applying policies
which are prejudicial to the international economic environment and to the
growth rate of the developing countries which have remained, in general, well below the required minimum level required for their
Expressing deep appreciation for the efforts made by the developing
countries towards adjustments in the face of acute external difficulties;
Noting the steps taken by the Organization of the Islamic Conference to consolidate economic and commercial cooperation in the spirit of Islamic solidarity which constitute an important element of cooperation among developing countries, in conformity with the principles of collective self-reliance;
Recalling Resolution 2/21-E of the TwentY-first ICFM on the possibility of establishing an Islamic Common Market or any other appropriate structure of economic integration among Member States so as to achieve economic and commercial complementarily among OIC Member States;
Recalling further
Resolution 3/6-E (IS) of the Sixth
Islamic Summit on the state of economic cooperation and economic integration
policy in the Islamic world within the context of the world economic situation;
the need for keeping under constant and close review the current world economic
situation and all international economic negotiations;
Considering the
recommendation of the Eighteenth Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural, and
Social Affairs.
Having considered the
Report of the Secretary General and the studies prepared by the Ankara and
Casablanca Centres on this subject;
Underlines that the current state of the World economy amply
demonstrates the urgent need for dialogue between developed and developing
countries and also for keeping under constant and close review the current world
economic situation and all international economic negotiations.
Stresses the need for free access to the markets of developed
countries by the developing countries.
Stresses also the
importance of increasing Official Development Assistance (ODA) granted by the developed countries in favour of developing
countries in general and LDC's in particular.
4. Expresses the hope that strengthening economic relations between East and West would not affect the order of priorities in respect of economic cooperation and trade exchange between those countries and Islamic countries, nor have a negative impact on the flow of financial resources extended by the advanced countries, whether Eastern or Western, for financing development efforts in Muslim and Third World countries.
Appeals to developed countries to create a more practical,
more equitable and more transparent environment enabling developing countries to
implement their structural adjustment programs to enable them to achieve
sustained development.
Notes with satisfaction that despite the acute cut in oil
revenues over the recent years, the Islamic donor countries have continued to
extend to the least developed countries a substantial assistance which has
exceeded by 0.15 % the level recommended by the new substantial program of
7.Urges Member States to pursue their efforts aimed at strengthening economic cooperation among them so as to maximize the complementarities in their economies and avoid further marginalization.
8.Underlines the need for the Member States and developing countries in general, to better coordinate their action at forthcoming trade negotiations concerning in particular services and intellectual property so as to better safeguard their interests.
9.Reiterates the need for economic integration among the OIC member countries with the ultimate objective of establishing an Islamic Common Market or any similar entity and in this context requests Member States to encourage and advance the initiatives taken by some of them at setting up joint economic groups at sub-regional level.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity
and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11-13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),
Resolution No. 2/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
the need for the Member States to exert the necessary efforts for
the promotion of comprehensive economic and trade
cooperation for the benefit of the Islamic States,
and to stimulate trade exchange and investments
among them;
Further recalling
the Single European Act adopted by the States of the European Community, as a
step towards the establishment of the Unified European Market;
Taking cognizance
of the Report of the Secretary General and the joint preliminary study
submitted by the Centre of Ankara and the Centre of Casablanca on this question;
Having considered
the new economic changes that are likely to occur after the establishment of
Unified European Market and their subsequent effects on the economic relations
between the European Community and the Islamic States;
that it is incumbent upon the Islamic States to prepare themselves for these new developments,
identifying their dimensions and effects to assert their political and economic
will with a view to finding common solutions to the economic problems that might
arise from such developments;
the recommendations of the Eighteenth Islamic Commission
for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;
Appeals to the European Community to honour
its commitments to its trade partners.
Requests Member States to make the necessary efforts to encourage the
promotion of an overall economic and commercial cooperation for the benefit of Member States and urges
them to stimulate trade exchanges among themselves while eliminating
any obstacles likely to hinder this action.
3.Requests that the preferential arrangements between EC and Muslim countries be
developed further and that such arrangements between EC and
some regional blocs be encouraged, so as to
provide better access to these markets.
the need to act in order to preserve and support the rights of the Arab and
Islamic Community in Europe through the adoption of
adequate regulations ensuring the rights and providing
equal treatment for Muslim communities in Europe.
the Ankara Centre, the Casablanca Centre and the Islamic Development Bank to
keep this issue under continuous review and report to the next Islamic
Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from
11-13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling Resolution
No.3/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the
Economic Problems of the Least Developed Member States;
Also recalling
Resolution 5/6-E (IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit on this issue;
examined the reports of the Secretary General and the Ankara Centre on this question;
Considering the
recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for
Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;
Expressing its deep concern over the grave economic problems facing the least developed Member States and noting with regret the slow progress in the implementation of the New Plan of Action adopted by the UN Second Conference on the Least Developed countries, held in 1990, as well as in the increase in the Official Development Aid (ODA);
Expressing also its concern over the sharp fall in the prices of raw materials produced and
exported by the least developed countries;
Having further noted
with satisfaction that despite the sharp fall in oil revenues over recent years,
Islamic donor countries have
continued to avail the least developed countries of a substantial aid amounting
to over 0.15 % of their gross national product;
the need to increase the Official Development Aid
extended by the developed countries to the developing ones in general and to the
least developed ones in particular;
Recognizing the
efforts of the Islamic Development Bank in providing assistance to Least
Developed Member States and the establishment of a Special Account for the Least
Developed Member States as approved by the IDB Board of
Governors at its 17th Annual Meeting in Tehran, November 1992.
1. Appeals to the international community, to fully and efficiently implement the 1990 Plan of Action concerning this question as well as the provisions of other UN resolutions, in particular those contained in UNCTAD VIII.
Urges developed countries to increase their contributions within the framework of the international
Development Strategy and to follow the example of States who converted the debts
contracted by the least developed countries into donations in
order to facilitate the implementation of the adjustment measures these countries took
Notes with
satisfaction the efforts of some
Member countries to extend assistance in the technical, financial, food and
other sectors to the least developed Member countries and expresses
the hope that such assistance will continue.
Appreciates the continuous efforts of the General Secretariat and subsidiary organs as well as those of the IDB
in this direction.
Recommends to
continue giving special attention to the
problem of the least developed and
land-locked Member countries.
Recognizes the necessity of responding positively to
the needs of land-locked countries as well as transit countries so as to enable
them to develop their transportation infrastructures.
Requests the
Secretary General to follow up the evolution of this question and to submit a
report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling Resolution No. 4/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Eradication of Poverty in Least Developed and Low Income Countries;
the Declaration on international
economic cooperation, in particular the revitalization of economic growth and
development in developing countries as contained in resolution No. 18/3 dated 3 May 1990;
international development strategy of the Fourth
UN Development Decade; the Paris Declaration and the activity program of
LDCs for the nineties adopted by the second UN Conference on LDCs; the new UN
Plan for
development in Africa for the nineties and the
Corthagena commitment
adopted in February 1992 at the 8th session of the UN Conference on Trade and
that the eradication of poverty in developing
countries, in particular in the LDCs, has become one of the development
priorities for the '
90, s;
that poverty is a complex and
multi-dimensional problem with both
national and
international implications and the eradication of which is an important factor
conducive to sustained development;
Noting with concern
the negative impact entailed by the debt burden with its effects on the social
destitute found in many developing countries and LDCs and including OIC Member
Stressing the fact
that effective national policies sustained by an international economic
environment could encourage and promote sustained development in developing
countries and in LDCs, thus strengthening their capacities for implementing
socio-economic programs for the eradication of
noting that national and international effects
have to be intensified to eradicate poverty;
Proceeding from the
rules and precepts of Islam and the objectives set in the OIC Charter and
animated by the spirit of Islamic solidarity:
the full eradication of poverty in all Member States before the end of the next
decade constitutes a common objective of OIC Member States.
Urges the international community and Member States to take
specific and effective measures to increase financial resource flow towards the
least developed OIC Member States and those countries with low income with a
view to enabling them to attain this objective.
Reaffirms that a favorable international
economic environment taking into account the requirements of poor countries
within the framework of the concessions to be granted to them in terms of
financial assistance and investment resources; in terms, also, of their access
to international markets, raw
materials price stability and appropriate structural programs is crucial to the
success of the struggle being waged by LDCs and
low income countries to help them eradicate poverty.
4.Urges developed countries to increase their aid programs in
order to attain 0.7 % of the GDP in official aid to development as fixed by the
5.Urges also the LDCs and low income countries to play a more
active role in international fora dealing with the eradication of poverty.
6.Appeals to Member States to carry out their technical
cooperation programs with a view to improving the sanitary, educational, human
and housing conditions as well as other priority needs
of their respective
Encourages OIC Member States, organs and institutions
to support the programs of OIC least developed countries and the low income ones, with a view to
strengthening their local technical capabilities and creating
production and job possibilities.
Stresses the importance of national policies and effective budgetary
policies in the mobilization of
national resources making it possible to combat poverty.
Reaffirms the need to give special attention to the
elimination of poverty in the least
developed and poorer countries.
Requests the
Secretary General to submit a
progress report to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
within the framework of the eradication of poverty, notably in the least
developed countries.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca,
Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13
Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling Resolution No. 5/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the External Debt of OIC Member Countries.
Expressing grave concern over the foreign debt of Member
States which has been growing constantly and alarmingly
during the past few years, together with the continuing high rates
of interest, the instability of exchange rates
and the increase in the mean ratio of debt-servicing;
Noting with satisfaction that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has written off the
official debt of least developed, land-locked and/or
Sahelian Member
Noting with appreciation
the initiative of His Highness the Emir of the State of Kuwait who, as Chairman of the
Fifth Islamic Summit, stated before the UN General Assembly on 27 September 1990
that, with a view to reducing the debt burden of developing countries, and in
compliance with the relevant resolutions adopted later by the Sixth Islamic
Summit, the State of Kuwait had decided to write off the interest on loans
extended to developing countries;
Noting with satisfaction also the efforts currently made by the Chairman of the Sixth Islamic
Summit and the OIC Secretary General to implement the pertinent resolution of
the Dakar Summit on the debt of OIC Member States;
1-Recommends to international creditors to take appropriate
measures to cut down the debt of OIC Member States, in particular
through staggered settlement of debts, deferred amortization, reduced
or favorable interest rates.
2-Expresses its gratitude to Member States which have
already extended assistance in this respect and appeals to Member States that can afford to do so,
to continue the transfer of capital through grants
and concessionary
loans to Member States, especially
to the least developed, the land-locked and/or Sahelian countries;
3- Further expresses support for decisions taken by the Tenth Non-Aligned Summit urging developed countries and international financial institutions to ensure a substantial increase in the net transfer of concessional resources and non-debt resources to all developing countries in order to revitalize development processes and to relieve them of the overhang of the rising debt burden.
4-Renews the call made to the
international community, especially
the developed Countries, to offer
substantial reduction of African debts and lowering of the burden of
servicing charges while ensuring that this process is
combined with the flow of fresh and considerable finances at soft-terms, to
African countries.
Appeals to those all Member States that have not yet done so
and to industrialized countries and international
organizations to implement the resolution of the Sixth Islamic Summit on the
external debt of OIC Member States.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December
the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summits concerning support to the
Palestinian people;
also the resolutions of the Standing Committee for
Economic and Commercial Cooperation on the economic and social conditions of
the Palestinian Arab People in the occupied territories of
furthermore the resolution of the Twenty-second Islamic
Conference of Foreign Ministers concerning the extension
of support to the
Palestinian State;
Noting with profound interest
the role which the national Palestinian authority is playing in the autonomous
Palestinian regions in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank for the improvement
of the Palestinian people’s living conditions
and the redressal of their national economy;
Also noting
the continuing occupation of Southern Lebanon and Beka which are daily exposed
to economic and material losses;
the efforts made by the Palestinian national
authority in the autonomous Palestinian regions for the reconstruction of what
had been destroyed under the occupation as well the efforts exerted to establish
and consolidate the Palestinian national economy.
2.Notes with satisfaction
the assistance extended by the Islamic States and donor
countries to the Palestinian people to establish their national economy in the
autonomous regions of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
all those concerned to
expedite the extension of the envisaged necessary assistance to help the
Palestinian national authority and its people to establish their national
economy and to act for the consolidation of their national institutions.
the OIC's earlier resolutions in favour of the
extension of all forms of economic, technical, material and moral assistance to the Palestinian
people and to its national authority, whilst giving at the same time a
preferential treatment to Palestinian export products by exempting them from
taxes and tariffs.
5.Invites attention to the continuing occupation by Israel of
Syrian Golan and South Lebanon as well as to the arbitrary Israeli practices
which have resulted in the deterioration of the economic and social conditions
of the Syrian and Lebanese people.
Appeals to the Member States and the International
Community to continue to exert pressure on Israel for the total withdrawal from
occupied Syrian Golan on the basis of International legality and UN Security
Council Resolutions 242 and 338 as well as on the principle of land for peace.
Invites OIC
business people and investors to undertake economic, industrial, agricultural and
housing programs in the autonomous territories with a view to building the
national economy, and supporting the Palestinian
national authority and its institutions in the implementation of its
development programs over the coming transitional period in all economic,
and health-related fields.
8.Appeals urgently
Member States and the international organizations to also extend every necessary
assistance to the Lebanese population in South Lebanon and occupied Beka which
are daily and permanently exposed to Israeli aggression causing
material losses and also resulting in social
hardship which paralyse almost permanently
the economic activities of the region.
Invites the OIC Secretary General to follow up the efforts
aimed at the implementation of the earlier resolutions relating to the extension
of support to the State of Palestine, and to submit to the next COMCEC Session an activity report on the progress achieved in
the implementation of these resolutions.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
the Resolution No. 7/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on assistance
to Member States afflicted by drought and natural disasters;
Noting with concern
the grave situation caused by natural disasters, drought and desertification,
and the ensuing damaging effects on economic and social conditions
specially in the sectors of agriculture and food, economic and social
infrastructures as well as public services and utilities;
Noting with satisfaction
the efforts made by some Member States and the Islamic Development Bank which
have extended and continue to extend technical and financial assistance as well
as food aid to Member States stricken by drought and natural disasters;
Fully aware
that afflicted Member States, belonging as they do to the category of the
Least-Developed, cannot by themselves,
bear the growing burden of anti-drought and anti-desertification campaign
and the implementation of major related projects;
taken cognizance of the Report of the Secretary General on this subject;
Taking into consideration
the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the
Islamic Commission for Economic,
Cultural and Social Affairs;
1.Expresses its gratitude
to Member States, which have provided and are still providing Assistance and
Food Aid to the Member States affected by drought and natural disasters.
2.Calls upon the IDB to
increase its financial and technical assistance to Member States affected by
drought and natural disasters;
international donors to continue to generously
assist, on a voluntary basis, in implementing international programs
such as International Fund for Agricultural Development Special
Program dealing with
drought and desertification control projects in OIC Member States, among others.
also the international community to extend assistance to Member States struck by
drought and natural disasters.
5.Appeals to Member States to extend assistance to OIC countries
of IGADD to enable them to overcome the difficult situation which is threatening
6.Calls upon Member States to actively participate in the
implementation of the international plan of action annexed to the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on the
International Decade for the Prevention of Natural Disasters.
7.Requests the General Secretariat, the IDB and the International
Islamic Relief Agency to convene a meeting in coordination with UN Specialized
Agencies (particularly the Office of the International Decade for the
Prevention of Natural Disasters (
“INDR” ) and the UN Department for Humanitarian Affairs in the framework of the International Decade for
Disaster Prevention with a view to organizing a meeting of experts entrusted
with examining and recommending appropriate measures aimed at preventing and
alleviating the effects of natural disasters in Bangladesh and other Member
States affected and threatened by natural disasters.
Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity
and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of
Morocco, 11-13 Rajab 1415H (13 to 15 December 1994);
RECALLING Resolutions of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Islamic Summit
Conferences on the COMCEC and the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic
Cooperation Among OIC Member States,
RECALLING Resolution No.2/6 E (IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit
Conference on the activities of the COMCEC mandating it to formulate new
strategies for the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic Cooperation Among OIC
Member States and to take appropriate action for its implementation;
RECALLING the Resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign
Ministers pertaining to the activities of the COMCEC;
ALSO RECALLING the Resolutions adopted at the previous ten Sessions of
the COMCEC initiating effective action in economic cooperation among member
countries, particularly in the area of trade;
the Longer-Term Trade Financing Facility which started its operation in 1988, the Articles of Agreement of the Islamic
Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit has come into
force and that the Corporation will commence
its operations by July 1995 under
the aegis of the Islamic Development Bank;
ALSO NOTING WITH APPRECIATION the efforts of the General Secretariat, subsidiary organs, affiliated and specialized institutions of OIC, working in the field of economy and trade, to implement the Resolutions of the COMCEC;
the importance for the Member Countries of the new economic configurations
emerging at the global level particularly from the creation of the Single European Market;
creation and strengthening of regional economic
groupings in the Americas, Asia and
Pacific; progress in the Middle East Peace
Process; conclusion of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations;
1.ENDORSES the Strategy and
the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among
Member States of OIC adopted at the Tenth Session of the COMCEC.
APPRECIATION that the Strategy of economic cooperation adopted by the COMCEC
allows for cooperation among sub-groups of Member Countries and is
based on the principles given emphasis to private
sector, economic liberalization, integration with the
world economy, sanctity of the economic, political,
legal and constitutional structures of the Member Countries and their
international obligations.
APPRECIATION that the Plan of Action is a general and flexible policy document
open for improvement during its implementation, in accordance with the
provisions stipulated in its chapter on Follow-up and Implementation.
4.AGREES on the need to
urgently implement the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial
Cooperation Among Member States of OIC, in compliance with the principles and operational modalities of the
Strategy and the procedures set forth in its
chapter on Follow-up and
5.APPEALS to the Member
States to host, as soon as possible, the Inter-Sectoral Experts’ Group meeting
envisaged in the chapter on Follow-up and Implementation of the Plan of Action.
6.NOTES WITH APPRECIATION the decision of the COMCEC that starting with its eleventh Session it would also serve as a platform for Member Countries where the ministers of economy could exchange views on current world economic issues and, that the topic "Implications for External Trade of Member Countries of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations and the Establishment of World Trade Organization" was designated as the theme for the eleventh Session of the COMCEC, to be held from 21st to 24th October 1995 in Turkey.
to the Member States, who have not yet done so, to sign and/or ratify the
statutes and agreements approved by OIC in the
area of economic cooperation; to take the necessary measures
to implement the resolutions of the COMCEC and to join
economic cooperation schemes established to that effect.
REQUESTS the General
Secretariat of OIC to follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the
COMCEC and to continue to provide necessary assistance
for the efficient organization and conduct of
its activities.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity
and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Resolution No. 9/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign
Ministers on Economic Assistance to the Republic of Lebanon;
the efforts made by the Lebanese Government to achieve stability and security,
impose its authority and recover its institutions;
Taking into account
the difficulties encountered by the citizens living in the areas occupied by
Israel and in neighboring areas;
the efforts made by the Lebanese authorities to reconstruct their country and
consolidate the steadfastness of citizens living in areas occupied by Israel and
taking into account the requirements in this connection;
Affirms its previous resolutions aimed at extending
financial, economic and humanitarian assistance to Lebanon in the light of its
needs in the economic, technical and training fields;
2. Reaffirms and reiterates the appeal made by the 21st Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to the international community calling for a generous contribution to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon to ensure the effectiveness of this Fund.
Invites Member States
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and all international
and regional organizations to
provide all forms of urgent financial
assistance and in kind to Lebanon so that it may rebuild what Israel has
destroyed and consolidate the steadfastness of the Lebanese in the regions
occupied by Israel.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
OIC previous resolutions in
favour of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
concerned over the tragic human situation in the Bosnian cities and towns under
Serbian siege;
by the indifference of the
international community in ending the suffering of the
civilian people of Bosnia-Herzegovina;
its deep concern at the killings, torture, and expulsions of the population which is
forcibly prevented from returning to their homes under
Serbian occupation in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina
changing the demographic structure of the country.
1.Appeals to Member
States, Islamic institutions and
philanthropists to make generous donations as well as financial aid to enable
the early implementation of the IDB Program aimed at providing humanitarian
material assistance for reconstruction purposes to the Government and people of
the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
2.Expresses its
appreciation for the assistance provided by the OIC Member States and for the
commendable efforts of those Islamic
and other international humanitarian bodies in providing relief and assistance to
the victims of the aggression in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
3.Calls upon the
International Community to take immediate efficient measures to stop forthwith
the genocide and crimes against humanity in Bosnia-Herzegovina and allow this
country to rehabilitate its economy.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab
1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling Resolution No. 11/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on Economic Assistance in Support of the Republic of Somalia;
concerned at the critical situation in Somalia and
expressing the desire for early restoration of peace and order in that sister
Member country;
to OIC Member States, to provide material
and other assistance on an emergency basis to Somalia to end the human suffering
in this Muslim country.
2.Commends those Member
States that have already provided aid and assistance to the people of Somalia.
Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca,
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
the pertinent resolution of the Twenty-second
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
also resolutions 57/19-P, 8/20-E and 8/21-E adopted
respectively by the Nineteenth, Twentieth
and Twenty-first Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers;
that the worsening of the armed conflict in Sierra
Leone has taken a more serious and extensive turn than expected, thus
systematically entailing material and
human losses, the disruption of economic activities
and the displacement of the
most productive section of the local population.
Urgently appeals to the international community and the Member
States to extend substantial financial and material assistance to the Republic
of Guinea and the Republic of Sierra Leone so as to enable them to cope with
this critical situation resulting from the presence on their respective territories of
hundreds of thousands of refugees due to the spread of the armed conflict to
Sierra Leone and the increasing influx into Guinea of refugees, who are Muslims
in their majority, coming from Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Member States and the international community
to provide Sierra Leone with emergency aid to help it attenuate the sufferings
of more than one million displaced people and other Sierra Leonese refugees
living in the neighboring West African countries as well as the rehabilitation
and reconstruction program.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Having taken note
of the explanatory note on the economic aid to be extended to Albania as
submitted by the Republic of
Albania to the 21st Islamic
Conference of Foreign Ministers through the Secretary General
the recommendations made in this respect by the
18th Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and
Social Affairs;
Resolution 13/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1.Expresses its strong
support to the people of Albania beset by major economic difficulties at the
present phase of their transition towards a market economy;
2.Urges OIC Member
States, Islamic Institutions and
International Organizations to grant generous economic assistance to the
Government of Albania so that it may successfully implement its development
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling the Resolution 14/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Taking into account
that Afghanistan is currently faced by serious constraints due to 16 years of
that about 70% to 85% of its economic and social infrastructures has been
that over 1.5 million Afghans were killed, about 1.5 million disabled
and more than 5 million displaced;
the Member Countries to provide assistance to Afghanistan to solve its problems.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca1 Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December
the Resolution No. 15/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic
Conference of Foreign Ministers;
that the Government of the Republic of Uganda is currently experiencing serious
on its meagre resources as a result of the influx of refugees
neighboring countries who flock into the country;
that Uganda is offering asylum to large numbers of refugees whose number will
increase if the state of unrest continues to escalate;
Invites Member States and international organizations
to grant urgent financial and economic assistance to Uganda so that it may cope with the refugee
problem and other related consequences.
Requests that this
item remain on the COMCEC agenda until the problem is solved.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling OIC Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of
Foreign Ministers regarding the situation in Azerbaijan resulting from the
aggression by neighboring Armenia;
full solidarity of the Member Countries of the OIC with the Government and
people of Azerbaijan at this grave and very critical time of the country’s
to the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions regarding this conflict;
the Armenian hostilities in the
Negorno-Karabakh district of Azerbaijan followed by the occupation of about 20
percent of Azerbaijani territory which forced almost one million Azeri people to
flee their homes in the face of the brutal
attacks and gross violations of
human rights by this aggression;
the need to demonstrate in more concrete terms the
solidarity of the OIC Member Countries with the Government and people of
and appreciating the assistance extended by some Member Countries and OIC
relevant bodies, United Nations institutions and international
Urges the international community to make serious and tangible efforts and take immediate action to end the
occupation of the Azeri territories by Armenian forces and ensure
their unconditional withdrawal thus
restoring the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
Appeals to the Member States and Islamic institutions
to make available to the Government of Azerbaijan the
much needed economic assistance with a view to alleviating the suffering of the
Azeri people.
Requests the international organizations to
maintain urgent humanitarian, financial assistance
to Azerbaij an.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994);
Resolution 17/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
its understanding of the situation which has arisen in the Republic of
Kyrgyzstan after attainment of the independence and sovereignty;
into consideration the economic difficulties of transitional period to the free
market economy;
its sympathy towards the
consequences of the natural disasters which struck the territory of Kyrgyzstan,
thus effecting the socio-economic level of the brotherly people;
Appeals to all Muslims and to Islamic financial
institutions to be generous and to extend
their contributions
to the process of overcoming the economic difficulties experienced by Kyrgyzstan
either on bilateral basis or through multilateral and regional organizations so
as to enable Kyrghyzstan to fulfill its economic program;
the Islamic Development Bank to increase
its financial and technical assistance to Kyrgyzstan.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Reviewing the
developments in respect of signature and/or ratification of the (i) Agreement on
the promotion and Protection and Guarantee of Investments among Member States,
(ii) General Agreement on Economic, Technical and Commercial Cooperation
among Member States, (iii) Framework Agreement on the Establishment of the Trade
Preferential System among OIC Member States, (iv) Islamic Civil Aviation
Council, (v) Islamic States
Telecommunications Union, (vi)
Agreement on Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and
Export Credit;
note of the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural
and Social Affairs;
Recalling resolution
18/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
taken cognizance of the report of the Secretary General on
this subject;
satisfaction at the
Secretary General’s efforts to speed up the implementation of the
Agreements and Statutes aimed at strengthening
economic cooperation among Member States.
Expresses satisfaction over the initiatives which consist in profiting by the annual meetings of the
COMCEC to effect the signing of the agreements/statutes that fall
within the framework of Inter-Islamic
cooperation, and recommends that this practice be pursued.
2. Urges the Member states which have not yet signed and/or ratified the above mentioned Agreements/Statutes to do so, at an early date.
Notes with satisfaction that 14 Member countries have
already signed the Framework Agreement and that six have ratified it and urges
those who have not yet done so, to do it as rapidly as possible so as to enable
the required negotiations to start.
4. Notes with satisfaction also that the Statute on establishing the Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit has come into effect as of 1 August 1994.
5. Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the IDB for its efforts to finalize the project.
Calls on Member States who have not yet done so, to sign
and ratify the Statute of the Scheme and pay their respective subscriptions to
its capital to make it possible to draw expected benefits at the widest scale
possible within the OIC system.
the Secretary General to follow up this matter with the Member States
concerned and submit a detailed report on the
subject to the next Islamic Conference of
Foreign Ministers.
Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity
and Revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of
Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling Resolution
No. 13/21-E of the Twenty-first
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the activities of the Subsidiary
Organs of the OIC, namely the Statistical Economic and Social Research and
Training Centre for Islamic Countries, Ankara; the Islamic Centre
for Technical and Vocational Training and Research, Dhaka; Islamic Centre
for the Development of Trade, Casablanca; and the Islamic
Foundation for Science, Technology and Development, Jeddah, respectively;
Appreciating the
increasing number of joint activities among the OIC organs and agencies;
Taking note of the
relevant recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for
Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;
Recalling resolution
19/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Also taking note with satisfaction of the activity reports
submitted by the representatives of the above mentioned organs;
Expressing its appreciation for the role played by the subsidiary organs in the implementation of
the Plan of Action to strengthen economic cooperation among Member States;
Also expressing its
appreciation for the role played by the subsidiary organs in
the elaboration of the new strategies of the
COMCEC Plan of Action to strengthen economic cooperation among Member States;
Expresses its concern over the persistent financial
difficulties faced by the subsidiary organs on account of the non-payment of
mandatory contributions by some Member States and the Member States’ arrears
which forms an impediment to the fulfillment of these institutions' work
Urges these Member States to honour their regular mandatory
contributions to the budgets of these bodies and to settle their arrears at the
earliest in view of the current financial difficulties being faced by these
organs which make them unable to fulfil their responsibilities and even threaten their very
3. Urges the Member States to benefit from the special services to be rendered by the subsidiary organs, above and beyond the tasks assigned to them in their work programs, on a contractual basis.
Commends the role which the Ankara, Casablanca and Dhaka Centres
and IFSTAD are playing each in their respective fields.
Further urges the Member States to actively
participate in the work of these organs.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Resolution No. 20/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the
activities of the OIC Specialized Institutions;
Also recalling
resolution No. 6/6-E (IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on support to the Islamic
Development Bank;
note of the recommendations of the Eighteenth Islamic Commission for Economic,
Cultural and Social Affairs;
Having examined the
report of the Secretary General on this subject; and having taken note with
appreciation of the activity report of the Islamic Development Bank;
Congratulates the
Islamic Development Bank on having set up the Islamic Corporation for Insurance
of Investment and Export Credit.
Invites the Member States to participate in
various schemes recently launched by
the Islamic Development Bank and to benefit from the Longer Term Trade
Financing Scheme, Islamic Banks’ Portfolio, IDB
Unit Investment Fund,
the Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit
along with IDB’s other existing schemes, programs and operations.
Also invites the Member States, which have not yet done so to
subscribe to the second capital increase of the IDB and to settle their
outstanding contributions and other financial commitments.
Calls upon the
Member States to lend their support to the Bank so as to enable it to fulfill
its obligations and commitments towards fostering economic development and
social progress of the Muslim world.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994),
Recalling Resolution No. 21/22-E of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the activities of the OIC Affiliated Institutions;
with appreciation the activity reports submitted by the representatives of the Islamic Shipowners
Association, the International Association of Islamic Banks and the Islamic
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchange;
its appreciation for the role-played by the affiliated institutions in the
implementation of the Plan of Action to strengthen economic cooperation among
Member States;
Also expressing its
appreciation for the role played by the affiliated institutions in the elaboration of the new
strategies of the COMCEC Plan of Action for the enhancement of economic
cooperation among Member States;
note of the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural
and Social Affairs, concerning these three institutions
(the Islamic Shipowners Association, the International
Association of Islamic Banks and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and
Commodity Exchange);
Having examined
the report of the Secretary General on this subject;
the important role-played by the private sector in the Member States’
development and in Intra-Islamic economic cooperation,
Also appreciating
the role-played by these three institutions in their respective fields of
Commends the role, which they assume in their
respective fields.
2. Congratulates the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry on having so successfully organized the first meeting of the Private Sector and urges Member States to lend their support to the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the said meeting.
Commends also the
initiative taken by the Islamic Shipowners Association
to establish a Maritime
Urges the Member States which have not done so yet, to sign the
Statute of the Islamic Shipowners Association.
Invites the
Member States to extend their
support and assistance to the Islamic Shipowners Association, the Islamic Chamber of
Commerce and Industry and Commodity Exchange and the International Association
of Islamic Banks.
6. Also invites the Islamic Shipowners Association to speed up the progress of establishing Islamic Shipping Companies and urges Member States to encourage the participation of national maritime companies and businessmen of their respective countries to join these companies as well as organizing Liner Conferences and/or coordinating their positions in such Liner Conferences.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13
to 15 December 1994),
A.Environmental Problems in the Islamic World.
Recalling previous
Resolutions on this subject especially Resolution 2/19-E of the Nineteenth
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and Resolution No. 17/21-E of the
Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and 22/22-E of the
Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Continuing to Stress
the right of all human beings to enjoy a healthy and non-polluted
environment, as a basic human right;
Re-emphasizing the
right of States to protect their environment from harmful activities, and
to cooperate among themselves to that end;
Noting with
that the condition of the environment has reached
a stage that requires taking effective
measures to stop its deterioration;
Recognizing that
environmental destruction is a major global concern that requires the strengthening of international
cooperation for the protection of the environment without hampering the efforts of developing countries to
pursue sustainable development and the eradication of poverty and on the basis of equitably shared
responsibility of the international community,
Noting with satisfaction the recent developments in the successful finalization of the
international Convention to combat desertification and drought, held in Paris in
September 1994;
Stressing the need
for closely and constantly
monitoring the global environmental situation and relevant activities;
Also expressing
its deep concern over the devastating effects of hazardous, toxic
and radioactive wastes on human- kind and
the environment;
Strongly condemning
the attempts by some developed countries to export their hazardous &
radioactive wastes for dumping in developing countries and appealing to Member
States to sign the Basel Agreement on Dangerous Wastes & the Bamako
Convention & relevant international agreements;
Guided by the
principles of Islam, which enjoin the Muslim peoples to safeguard the bounties
that Allah has granted them on Earth;
Having considered the
Report of the Secretary General on this subject;
Requests Member States to continue to incorporate
environmental considerations in their developmental policies.
Stresses that Member States mobilize national institutional
resources needed for implementing national programs for environmental
Urges the Member States to attach greater importance to the
question of the protection of the Environment and Natural Resources and to its
relevance to sustainable development.
Notes the potential threat posed by the possible rise in the
sea level, and calls upon the international community to undertake vigorous
scientific investigation in this regard so as to protect the human beings living
on the lands and islands of Member States exposed to these dangers.
Reaffirms the determination of the Member States to
work for the strengthening of international
cooperation with a view to seeking solutions to global environmental problems.
6. Stresses that multilateral cooperation for the protection of the environment should include the provision of additional financial resources and access to environmentally sound technologies to the developing countries.
for the dissemination of pilot experiments in the application of
environmental development of the Islamic States and the use of the latter's
available expertise
in this regard, whether through bilateral or multilateral programs for the
exchange of expertise.
Member States to promote coordination and cooperation among environment
monitoring networks and remote-control sensing centres and coastal control posts
and all other environment protection organs in Islamic States.
Urges all Member States to continue consultation and
coordination among them at all international meetings and consultations relating
to environment protection, especially in the field of hazardous &
radioactive waste.
Expresses its
satisfaction over the fruitful cooperation now existing between the Organization
of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations Environment Program; and calls
for the intensification of this cooperation with special reference to the
problem of war remnants of World War II and other wars in the Islamic countries,
which impedes development of its societies,
calls on the international community to address the problem immediately and take
the necessary measures to remove land mines & war remnants.
solidarity with the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya concerning its position on the
question of the mine-fields remaining in its territory from World War II, their
grave effect on environment and the accidents and grievous damages they caused
to thousands of its citizens. Also appeals to Member States to stand in solidarity with the
Jamahiriya in its efforts to overcome this problem and its right to demand
compensation for such damages and that the countries responsible for
the mine danger finance mine-hunting operations and produce mine fields maps to
the Libyan authorities concerned.
B.Israeli practices
and their effects on the environment in the
occupied Palestinian territories, the occupied Syrian Golan and other Israeli
occupied Arab territories.
Proceeding from the
principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic
Recalling Previous
OIC and other International Resolutions on this subject;
Also recalling
resolutions 14/11 and 15/18 of the UN Environment Program with respect to the
environmental conditions in the occupied Palestinian Arab Territories, occupied
Syrian Golan, Lebanese and other
occupied Arab territories;
Referring to the
relevant resolution of the UN General Assembly and Security Council and the
Reaffirming the
rights of mankind to a dignified life enjoying a healthy environment, free of
pollution as a basic human and sacred right;
Expressing deep
concern over the brutal practices of the Israeli occupation authorities which
include seizure of land and water-resources, the demolition of houses, the
construction of new settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Arab
Territories, specially in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the Syrian Golan, the uprooting of
trees, the destruction of crops, the cutting off of irrigation waters, the deforestation of wide expanses of land and the use of toxic gases
with the attendant serious effects on the Palestinian and other Arab inhabitants
and the economic and social situation in those lands;
Appreciating the
Report presented by Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development
on the environmental problems of the occupied Palestinian and Arab occupied
territories which was presented during the 21st Islamic Conference of Foreign
Having examined the
Report of the Secretary General on this subject;
Condemns and censures Israel for its aggressive policies, the
confiscation of Palestinian lands, setting forests on fire, the uprooting of
trees, the cutting off of irrigation water and the seizure of water
resources, thereby leading to considerable deterioration of ecological
conditions in occupied Palestine and to a worsening of the economic and social
situation of the citizens .
the Islamic countries to continue to extend help and assistance to the Palestine
Liberation Organization and the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan and
the Arab citizens in the Lebanese occupied territories in the drawing up of plans
deemed necessary for environmental conservation within these territories. Also
stresses that implemental measures be adopted for consolidating plans and taking
steps required for exposing the policies pursued by occupation authorities which
have led to ecological deterioration in the occupied Palestinian territories,
the occupied Syrian Golan and the Lebanese occupied territories.
Strongly Condemns Israel’s persistence in changing the legal
status of the occupied Syrian Golan and its practices aimed at changing its
environmental conditions as well as its geographical, demographic and historical
characteristics and at imposing Israeli laws, jurisdiction and
administration on the occupied Syrian Golan and in South Lebanon and Western
Bekaa occupied by Israel.
Notes that the report prepared by Islamic Foundation for
Science, Technology and Development on the occupied Palestinian, Syrian
and Lebanese territories clearly establishes the links
between occupation and destruction of the Environment, and requests IFSTAD
to further study the matter.
Acknowledges the valuable nature of the IFSTAD report on the
crucial environmental issues affecting the Member States and strongly
emphasizes the need for further similar indepth studies pertaining to such
issues so that the Member States are kept abreast of their future development
and implications.
Requests that the proposals for action included in the report
prepared by the Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development
should be considered for implementation.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco,
from 11 to 13 Rajab
1415H (13 - 15 December 1994),
Expressing grave concern at the worldwide spreading
infectious diseases affecting human, animal resources and natural life during
recent years;
Considering the magnitude it has reached in recent years, especially in view of the extensive travels within and outside the Member States and, particularly during the Hajj;
Appreciating the
steps taken by the Member States in preventive and curative health measures for
the pilgrimage season in particular;
Also expressing profound appreciation for the excellent and efficient health services made available to the
Pilgrims by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
Having considered the
Report of the Secretary General on this subject;
Calls for greater coordination among the Member States, the other countries and the World Health Organization to combat these
menaces through the use of new recombinant vaccines and immunization
schedules against contagious diseases.
Appeals for greater coordination and cooperation in the field
of health and cooperation by applying the international health
regulations such as compulsory
vaccination of all Pilgrims coming to the Holy Land and the improvement of
sanitary conditions as well as cooperation in their health education before
departure through the appropriate media available in
their own countries.
3- Requests that a meeting of the Ministers of Health of Member States may be convened at an appropriate time on the subject of epidemic diseases.
the Secretary General to take appropriate
steps for the implementation of this Resolution.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab
1415H (13 - 15 December 1994),
Recalling the
resolutions adopted by the Fifth Islamic Summit and 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th,
19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the
Control of Narcotics and Drug Abuse;
Expressing the
continued concern at the rising rate of drug abuse, their manufacture and
illegal trafficking that endanger the health of millions, particularly the
Noting with concern
the new dimensions of the ever-growing narcotics problem, which is threatening
the social and economic structures of countries suffering therefrom;
Taking into consideration the results achieved by the United Nations and its specialized agencies
in the field of drug abuse, including the declaration and comprehensive
multidisciplinary plan for the prevention of drug abuse and their adoption by
the International Conference on Drug Abuse and their illegal trafficking in 1987
and the United Nations Agreement on Control of Narcotics and Psychotropic
Substances and illegal drug trafficking ;
Noting with appreciation the declaration and world program of action adopted by the 17th U.N
Special Session held in New York in February 1990, and the declaration of the London
Conference on Control of Cocaine and restriction of drugs (April 1990);
Reaffirming its
conviction of the need to supervise the manufacture, trafficking, import and
export of drugs and psychotropic substances, in accordance with the single U. N.
Agreement on drugs of 1961 and the U.N Agreement for combating illegal
trafficking of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances of 1988;
the importance of taking measures for controlling components of drugs including
sulphur chemicals and solvents which are used in the manufacture of drugs and
psychotropic substances, the availability of which increased their illicit
Affirming the guiding
principles of enforced treaties on control of narcotics and psychotropic
substances as well as the control measures advocated by these treaties;
Realizing the urgent
need for Member States and relevant international organizations to exert planned
and coordinated efforts to eradicate the problem of abusing narcotics and
psychotropic substances, trading and smuggling them into Islamic countries;
Reviewing the effects
of drug abuse, psychotropic substances, and their illegal production, processing
and trafficking on the Member States;
Having examined the
Secretary General's Report on this subject;
Requests the Member States to diligently follow up guidelines
contained in the recommendations made by the OIC Expert Group Meeting held from
18-20 October 1988 in Istanbul, Turkey, on the effective measures to control the
problem of narcotic drugs in all its aspects and
dimensions, including illicit production, processing
and trade.
Urges the Member
States to coordinate their efforts to unify their systems relative to the legal
manufacture and importation of psychotropic substances within the frameworks of
the relevant international organizations.
Welcomes the measures taken by some Member States to draw
attention to the damaging effect of narcotics and affirms the importance of
preventive measures including the need for crop/income substitution and
accessibility to international markets for substituted products.
Requests the
Member States to continue to intensify their cooperation and to exchange
information and technical expertise to control narcotic drugs.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of
Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13 - 15 December 1994),
the effective interdisciplinary relation between Environment and other sectors
of Development including Health;
the importance for Member States to preserve the basic necessities of
sustainable development and to assess and monitor on a continuous basis their
environmental problems and issues including Health;
Noting with
appreciation the awareness of the Member States about Environmental issues and
their active role within the UNCED process and its follow-up;
Recalling the
relevant resolutions adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Conference
of Foreign Ministers (No.1/18-E);
the Twenty-first Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (No.
20/21-E; the Sixth Islamic Summit
Conference (No.10/6-E (IS) and the
Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers No.25/22-E ;
Conscious of the dire
need of the Member States to avail themselves of objective, independent and
unbiased information pertaining to their environmental situation and possible
remedies that would best serve their interests;
Appreciative of the
Environment-related efforts, projects and programs undertaken by the General
Secretariat and its Subsidiary Organs and by the COMSTECH;
Having examined the
Report of the Secretary General on this subject;
Welcomes the
initiative of the Republic of Tunisia during the 21st ICFM inviting effective
cooperation among the Member States and with the relevant OIC, regional and
international institutions for conducting a comprehensive study of the
interrelated issues of Environment, Health and Sustainable Development from the
perspective that would best serve the interests of the Member States .
2. Renews its request that the Secretary General undertakes the above mentioned study by constituting a Governmental Experts Committee comprising at least two Representatives from each geographic region of the OIC and also the Representatives concerned from the General Secretariat and IFSTAD to meet in Tunisia in order to:
(a)Draft the guidelines for the
above study;
(b)Discuss the terms of
reference of the said study and work out the administrative, logistic and
financial details of its implementation.
Decides that the requested study should be carried out
through IFSTAD in close consultation with the Member States and their relevant
institutions and the General Secretariat, and in cooperation with regional and
international organizations.
Requests the Secretary
General to submit the results of the aforesaid study by the Governmental Experts
Committee to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers for consideration.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom
of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),
the Resolution adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on Proclamation of
the Decade on Food Security among the OIC Member Countries;
the global importance of agriculture and its vital role in the socio-economic
development of countries in the Islamic Ummah;
the close collaboration existing between the OIC and FAO in the development of
the Agricultural sector in many countries of the Islamic Ummah;
the commendable efforts of IFAD for the elimination of poverty and for food
necessity in the Least Developed Member States;
Urges all OIC Member States and all
Inter-Governmental Organizations within the Islamic Ummah to support FAO in
implementing the special programs of the Director-General
Calls on FAO, IFAD as well as all relevant financial
institutions to render all possible assistance to the OIC Member States in
their programs for food security.
3. Endorses the proposal made by the Director-General of FAO to organize a World Food Summit in March 1996.
The Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),
by the provisions of the Charter and the fundamental values and uniqueness of
the glorious Islamic religion;
of the substantial progress made by the ICTVTR in the area of Human Resources
of the need to rename the Centre appropriately with a view to properly
reflecting the activities of the Centre and facilitating the international
recognition of the 'Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates’ offered by the Centre;
Having taken note
of the unanimous recommendations of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Governing
Board and Second Joint General Assembly of ICTVTR as well as the Eighteenth
Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs to
rename the Centre as “Islamic Institute of Technology”;
Having further taking note
of that there are no financial and legal implications as the Centre shall
operate within its approved budget and will not require additional funds for the
change of name and that there shall be no “change of objectives”;
1-Approves the
recommendation to rename the Centre as “Islamic Institute of Technology”.
2-Entrusts the Secretary
General to take necessary measures to implement the present resolution.
The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and
Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, on Rajab 11 to 13 1415H (13-15
December 1994),
Reaffirming the
relevance of both the Strategy and the Plan of Action approved at the Ninth and
Tenth Sessions of the COMCEC aiming at strengthening economic, commercial and
technical cooperation between Member States and underlining in this
respect, the dynamic and constructive role played by the President of Turkey in
chairing the COMCEC' 5 proceedings ;
Realizing the quick
evolution of the world economy towards more globalization and integration as
well as of the challenges embodied in the constitution of powerful economic
blocs and by the growing liberalization of the world trade;
Bearing in mind the
forthcoming implementation of the Marrakech Agreement establishing the World
Trade Organization (WTO) as well as the impact scenarios of the Uruguay
Negotiations on the developing World in general and on the OIC Member States in
particular and recognizing in this respect the need to ensure that growth in
world trade will benefit the Islamic countries ;
Convinced that as a
result of the establishment of the WTO, trade relations between Member States
should be placed within the framework of the rights and obligations provided for
by the new trade rules contained in the Final Act of the Uruguay Round;
Having examined the
situation of the Islamic World which in spite of its tremendous human and
natural resources and nothwithstanding some sectoral performances, is still
affected by structural weaknesses such as: A total GDP accounting for a low
share in the World income, an excessive foreign indebtedness, a modest
inter-Islamic foreign trade as well as by a lasting and heavy food deficit in
most of Member States ;
that twenty Islamic countries out of fifty two Member States are listed among
low income countries, least developed countries, and net importers of agri-food
products and are therefore particularly vulnerable in the present context
characterized by major economic changes;
Also noting that
economic relations between Member States are facing a number of obstacles
resulting from the lack of diversification at the level of the productive, base
the differences in economic systems and foreign trade regulations, institutional
rigidities in the field of regulations related to foreign exchange control,
insufficient direct relations between financial institutions as well as from
inadequate air and maritime transport links between Member States ;
Taking note with
satisfaction of the reports submitted by the Islamic Centre for Development of
Trade and the Statistical, Economic, Social Research and Training Centre for
Islamic Countries as well as the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Takes note with appreciation all the recommendations made by
the COMCEC relating to the Strategy and the Plan of Action for the strengthening
of inter-Islamic economic and commercial cooperation.
Welcomes with satisfaction, the proposals made by His Majesty
King Hassan II to the international community on the occasion of the closing
session of the Ministerial Conference of the Uruguay Round in Marrakech .
a)The implementation of a
Marshall Plan" in favour of Africa, with a view to reducing the tremendous
poverty and lessen the recurring tensions from which its populations are
b)The setting up of a new international negotiations mechanism having
the following objectives:
- To ensure an increasing cooperation among the IMF, the World Bank and
the new WTO with a view to achieving a better coherence between these
fundamental determinants which are trade, money and finance;
- To encourage the
coordination of macro-economic policies and especially their compatibility with
the objectives aimed at achieving a human
and sustainable
- To define a concerted strategy between developed and
developing countries with a view to achieving economic recovery at global level
in order to contain the endemic unemployment and poverty in the world;
interested Member States to take necessary steps on a progressive basis with a
view to harmonizing the legal framework of their economic policies in order to
adapt them to the new trade rules provided for within the WTO framework and
encouraging thus a quick development of trade between Member States, so
as to attain the target of 20% by the end of the decade .
4. Invites Member States to revitalize their actions in order to increase their share in the world economy notably by a sustained improvement of their international competitively at the level of the goods and services exports, by adopting a series of policies meant to improve their economic infrastructures, to master the services sector, increase the value added and the quality of products, to diversify the productive base and provide the required conditions likely to attract foreign investments 5. Mandates the OIC to set up an Islamic Observatory For International Competitively within existing competent institutions in order to regularly follow the evolution of the market share of Islamic Countries in the world economy.
6.Urges Member States to take maximum advantage of the existing technical databases for the Islamic World as well as in the updating on a more regular basis of Islamic Countries’ statistics.
Exhorts Member States to develop complementarily in
inter-Islamic agri-food trade, in the context of Islamic self- sufficiency;
8.Emphasizes the growing importance of the services sector in the world economy and calls on Member States to increase technical cooperation in this field.
9.Notes the necessity of adopting national policies favoring the protection, of intellectual property with a view to securing both national and foreign investments and in accordance with the existing international rules.
Calls upon Member States to further increase their
efforts in the fields of science and technology with a view to rising the
Budgetary Allocation to Research and Development.
Member States to endeavor to reinforce sub-regional and regional markets and
relaunch the existing economic integration projects among Islamic countries,
with a view to methodically preparing the establishment of the Islamic Common
12.Insists on
the importance of Inter-Islamic Cooperation in the field of tourism which
represents a central vector, for economic development and for increasing
cultural exchange and bringing peoples closer; and towards this end requests
the OIC concerned institutions to make an exhaustive study on the touristic
potential of the Islamic World.
13.Affirms that
to achieve the objectives above set out, the private sector in Islamic Countries
should play a pivotal role through giving impetus to inter-Islamic economic
relations and in this context invites the Governments of Member States to
support the promotional economic actions undertaken by the Islamic Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, in particular concerning the establishment of direct
contacts between private investors and businessmen in the Islamic countries ;
Member States to strengthen their consultation and coordination mechanisms,
particularly within the WTO as well as in their relations with regional economic
blocs so as to better protect the individual and collective interests of the
Islamic countries.
15.Mandates the OIC General Secretariat to supervise through COMCEC in concertation with the Member States and the International Organizations concerned, the implementation of this resolution and submit a follow-up report to the next Ministerial Conference.