11-13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994)






















































The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11-13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994);

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the Cause of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict contained in Document No. (ICFM/22-94/PAL/D.1);

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Pursuant to the resolutions of the Islamic Conferences on the Cause of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict;

Recalling all the resolutions issued by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity and the League of Arab States on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the other occupied Arab territories;

Reaffirming that the Palestine Cause is the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and that Israel's continued occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories, its annexation of  Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, its continued denial of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people and its disrespect for the human rights of the Palestinians constitute a flagrant violation of international legitimacy and the principles of international law as well as the UN Charter and the relevant UN resolutions and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights;

Reaffirming the UN Security Council Resolution No.681 and the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Protection of Civilian Population in Times of War to the Palestinian People in the occupied Palestinian territories since 1967, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Recalling resolutions 465, 476 and 478 of the Security Council on the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Islamic resolutions emphasizing that the Question of Al-Quds Al-Sharif constitutes the heart of the Palestine Question which is the prime cause of all Muslims and the core of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and that a just and lasting peace will only be achieved with the return of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty as capital of the State of Palestine;

Recalling also resolution 904 (1994) of the Security Council on the massacre in the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of Al-Khalil which calls for the provision of international protection to the Palestinians in the city of Al-Khalil;

Expressing deep concern at Israel's continuing terrorist and repressive measures and practices, its continued policy of deportation and mass punishment against Palestinian and Arab citizens in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, and its siege of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Proceeding from Islamic and international resolutions which reaffirm the legitimacy of the struggle waged by the Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, their sole legitimate representative, for the re-establishment of their sovereignty over their land, and the exercise of their inalienable national rights;

Condemning the continuous Israeli aggression against Southern Lebanon and Western Beqa'a and emphasizing that the Israeli policies, practices and expansionist plans, do not only threaten the Arab states and the peace process but also threaten the Islamic countries and endanger international peace and security;

Following with interest the peace efforts being exerted for the achievement of a just and comprehensive solution of the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions Nos. 242 and 338 and 425 and of the formula of "land for peace", and the legitimate national and political rights of the Palestinian people;

1- Reaffirms all the resolutions of the Islamic Conferences relating to the Palestine Cause and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

2- Reaffirms also that the Palestine cause is the prime cause of all Muslims, and expresses its solidarity with the Palestine Liberation Organisation in  its just struggle for removing the effects of Israeli occupation and building the Palestinian national institutions on the land of Palestine, with a view to fulfilling the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian People, including their right to return, to self-determination and to the establishment of their independent State on their national soil, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital;

3-Calls on Member States to further strengthen their solidarity with the Palestinian people, and support their just and legitimate struggle for ending Israeli occupation and achieving all their goals of freedom and independence and to continue supporting the PLO and to its position in its negotiations in order to affirm the transfer of all powers and responsibilities, in all fields in the occupied Palesitnian territories including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, to the Palestinian National Authority.

4-Reaffirms that a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region can only be achieved through complete and unconditional Israeli withdrawal from all the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967, including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the Syrian Golan and the occupied Lebanese territories.

5-Expresses its support and backing for the peace process in the Middle East, which is aimed at bringing about a just and comprehensive solution to the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict and welcomes the agreements concluded within the framework of the peace process and believes that the success of the peace process in the Middle East hinges on the fulfillment of the following principles and basic factors:


It being based on the resolutions of international legality, including resolutions 242 and 338 and 425 of the Security Council, and the obligation to implement them in accordance with the Arab and international understanding of these resolutions, which guarantee full Israeli withdrawal from all the occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif as well as from the occupied Syrian Golan and the occupied Labensese territories, and on the basis of the formula "land for peace"; of the legitimate national and political rights of the Palestinian people, and of the need to enable them to exercise their right of return in conformity with the General Assembly resolution 194.


Applicability of Security Council resolution 242 to all Arab occupied territories including the Palestinian territories.


The fact that Al-Quds is the heart of the Palestine Question which, in turn, is the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict.  Al-Quds is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and to it apply all the provisions applicable to the other occupied territories under the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, and the necessity of its return to Palestinian sovereignty as capital of the State of Palestine, as a guarantee for peace and security in the region.


Dismantling the settlements already established in the occupied territories since they are illegal under the international resolutions including resolution 465 of the Security Council, and cessation of the settling of Jews in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, combined with the necessity of providing international guarantees to that effect.


The need to secure international protection for the Palestinian people in the  Occupied Territories, to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Hague Treaty of 1907, to halt all Israel's  terrorist and repressive practices against the Palestinian people, to release all Palestinian detainees in the Occupied Territories, to halt the expropriation and attempted transformation of Islamic and Christian properties and waqfs, to halt the continuing violations of Islamic and Christian holy places and to halt the excavations which endanger these shrines.

6.Calls for the support of the international programme on economic, social and cultural developments in the occupied Palestinian territories; support the Palestinian National Authority so as to establish its control and start the process of reconstructioan and development of the occupied Palestinian territories, including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

7.Calls for a more effective participation of the United Nations in promoting the success of the peace process in the Middle East, and reaffirms the continued and constant responsibility of the United Nations vis-a-vis the Palestine Question until a just and comprehensive solution to all its aspects is achieved securing an end to occupation and the exercise, by the Palestinian people, of their inalienable national rights.

8.Draws the attention of the international public opinion and the Security Council against the gravity of Israel's behaviour as though it were exempted from abiding by the principles of international law and exempted from compliance with the norms of international legality, and urges the international community to compel Israel to desist from violating the principles of international legitimacy and to implement the resolutions of the U.N. General Assembly and Security Council without delay or procrastination.

9.Invites all States of the world to refrain from having any dealings with the Israeli occupation authorities which might in any way be interpreted by those authorities, as an implicit recognition of the "fait accompli" it had imposed by the declaration of Al-Quds as the capital of Israel and in this context recalls the UN Security Council Resolutions No. 465,476 and 478 which rule that the Israeli measures relating to the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif are null and void and affirm that all the legislative, administrative and settlement measures aiming at changing the legal status of the Holy City are null and void, have no legal effects whatsoever and are a violation of international agreements, conventions and norms.

10.Calls for abiding by the provisions of the Islamic Boycott against Israel and to consider the legislation, rules and provisions governing the Boycott "the General Principles of the Boycott, Islamic law, the Internal Regulations and Sessional Meetings of the Regional Offices" as part of their own-current national legislations, and set up the necessary offices and mechanisms to serve that end.

11.Strongly condemns the aggressive Israeli scheme to partition the Ibrahimi Mosque Enclosure in the occupied city of Al-Khalil, which aims at seizing and judaizing most of it and building a Jewish temple on its site and calls on the Member States to continue their coordination and intensive efforts in the various international fora to prevent the implementation of this scheme and preserve the Ibrahimi Enclosure as a mosque solely for Muslims as it has been through the ages and warns that any slackness in these efforts, would encourage Israel to undermine the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and other Islamic and Christian shrines, which would affect the peace process and also invites them to endeavour to renovate the old town in Al-Khalil and preserve the heritage and culture of this ancient city as well as settle Palestinian families therein in order to face Jewish settlement in the city.

12.Calls on the international community to work for the return of the international observers to the city of Al-Khalil in accordance with the Security Council resolution No. 904, and to oblige Israel to allow them to carry out their tasks.

13.Strongly condemns the Israeli repressive measures and practices against the Palestinian citizens and also strongly condemns  Israel's expansionist settlement policy and regards all settlements established or to be established by Israel in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and in all other parts of the occupied Palestinian territory and the Syrian Golan as null and void in accordance with international legitimacy and appeals to all States to refrain from taking any steps that might facilitate the process of settlement in the Occupied Territories; invites the Member States to request the UN Security Council to form an international committee to supervise and monitor the prevention of the settlement process in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories.

14.Invites Member States to work within the framework of the United Nations and at the international institutions and fora for compelling Israel to release the detainees, bring back the deportees, put an end to the method of collective punishment, and desist from any works that would endanger life and the environment in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories.

15.Strongly condemns Israel's continuing occupation of Southern Lebanon and the Western Biqa'h region, its arbitrary practices and military acts of aggression against the Lebanese citizens and against the Palestinian refugees in their camps in Lebanon, and calls upon the UN Security Council to put an immediate end to these acts of aggression and demands Israel's immediate, total and unconditional withdrawal from the Lebanese territory; and affirms its eagerness to maintain the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders and stresses the necessity of implementing the UN Security Council resolutions concerning Lebanon and in particular Resolution No.425 (1978) and expresses its appreciation for the achievements of the Supreme Tripartite Arab Committee; also calls on the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon.

16.Strongly condemns the policy of Israel in refusing to comply with Security Council resolution 497 (1981), and in imposing its jurisdiction, its laws and its administration on the occupied Syrian Golan, as well as Israel's policies of annexation, establishment of settlements, expropriation of lands, diversion of water resources and imposition of Israeli nationality on Syrian citizens and considers that all those measures are null and void, and constitute a violation of the rules and principles of international law, relating to occupation and war and particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and demands the complete withdrawal of Israel from the entire occupied Syrian Golan.

17.Calls on the international community and the Security Council to compel Israel to comply with U.N. Resolutions, particularly Security Council Resolution 487(1981), to accede to the treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, to implement the resolutions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) calling for the subjection of all Israeli Atomic facilities to the IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards System, to obtain Israel's renunciation of nuclear armament, and to submit a full report on its stockpile of nuclear weapons and materials to the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency as those steps are essential for the establishment of a zone free from weapons of mass destruction, and primarily nuclear weapons in the Middle East region, and fundamental factor for the establishment of a just and comprehensive peace in the region.

18.Calls on the Member States to coordinate their positions at all international fora in order to preserve the principled position of the Organiztion of the Islamic Conference on all the resolutions on the issue of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

19.Commends the efforts deployed by Al-Quds Committee, under the Chairmanship of His Majesty King Hassan II of Morocco.

20.Calls upon the Member States to request the UN Secretary General to entrust the Reconciliation Committee, in cooperation with UNRWA and the States concerned, with the preparation of a comprehensive census of Palestinian refugees and their properties as well as formulate a comprehensive conception for solving their problem in accordance with the UN resolution 194.

21.Expresses its appreciation to the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity, the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and to all peoples and peace-loving forces for their support of the Palestine Question in the international fora, and their backing of the struggle and blessed Intifada of the Palestinian people and calls on them to continue that support and assistance by all available means.

22.Requests the Secretary General to take necessary measures for continuing and strengthening contacts and coordination on the Question of Palestine and the           Arab-Israeli Conflict between the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States, the Organization of African Unity, the Non-Aligned Movement, the European Union, and the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies.

23.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, contained in Document No. (ICFM/22-94/PAL/D.2);

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;

Pursuant to the Islamic resolutions which reaffirm that the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif forms the core of the Palestinian issue which is the foremost Islamic cause, and core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and that no comprehensive and just peace can be achieved without the return of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to the Palestinian sovereignty, as the capital of the State of Palestine;

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, in particular resolutions 465, 476 and 478 on the city of Al-Quds which consider as null and void the Israeli Law annexing Al-Quds claiming it as the unified capital of Israeli;

Expressing its deep concern at the escalation of Israel's acts of aggression on the Holy Places in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and also over the deteriorating situation of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and all Islamic and Christian Holy Places, in particular the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock;

Expressing its full solidarity with the just and legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of the PLO, so as to enable it to face up to the forthcoming stage and ensure the transfer of all authorities in the occupied Palestinian territories to the Palestinian national authority, and establish its authority on all the occupied Palestinian territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

Reiterating Security Council's Resolution No. 681 which provides for the applicability of all the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention concerning the protection of civilians in times of war to the Palestinian people in the occupied Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Following attentively the continued peace efforts for the achievement of a just and comprehensive settlement to the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and the legitimate national and political rights of the Palestinian people;

Commending the constant efforts made by the Committee of Al-Quds under the Chairmanship of His Majesty King Hassan II, King of the Kingdom of Morocco.

1. Reaffirms all the resolutions issued by the relevant Islamic Conferences including those adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference on Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the recommendations of Al-Quds Committe at its former sessions.

2. Invites the Member States to continue extending their support to the Palestine Liberation Organisation and to back up its stands at forthcoming negotiations for the benefit of the transfer of all authority and responsibilities in the occupied Palestinian territories to the Palestinian National Authority including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and to ensure its return to Palestinian sovereignty.

3. Asserts that just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East will not be realized unless Israel withdraws from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab Territories, at the forefront of which is the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, being part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and whatever is applicable to all the occupied territories applies to that city also, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council and General Assembly and underlines the need for the City to return to Palestinian sovereignty, as the capital for the State of Palestine, as a guarantee for peace and security in the region.

4. Invites all States to refrain from having any dealings with the Israeli occupation authorities which might be interpreted in any way by those authorities as an implicit recognition of the "fait accompli" imposed by the proclamation of Al-Quds as the capital of Israel and reaffirms that all legislative, administrative and settlements' procedures and measures aiming at altering the legal status of the Holy City are null and void and constitute a violation of international agreements, conventions and norms, as proclaimed by international legitimacy resolutions which include the UN Security Council resolutions No. 465, 476 and 478 (1980) as well as those of the UN General Assembly, all of which invalidate the Israeli procedures in question.

5. Invites the Member States to face up to the serious developments ensuing from the continued Israeli expansionist policy in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, to confront it with all possible means, to provide material resources for the preservation of the Islamic Shrines, and to support the steadfastness of its citizens so as to prevent Israel from carrying out its schemes which seek to annex the city of Al-Quds and wipe out its Arabo-Islamic character.

6. Invites the international community, and in particular the two co-sponsors of the Peace Conference, to oblige Israel not to effect any geographical or demographical alteration in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif during the transitional period, which might affect the outcome of the negotiations on the final status of the City.

7. Emphasizes the need for the dismantling of the existing settlements in the Occupied Territories, and the reversal of the Jewish settlement movement, particularly in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, together with the provision of international guarantees to ensure the above.

8. Calls upon all States to adhere to Security Council Resolution No. 478 (1980) which invites the member States to uphold the provisions of the said resolution and refrain from transferring their diplomatic missions to the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

9. Asserts the commitment of Member States to pursue and coordinate their action with regional and international organisations for the implementation of the international resolutions adopted by United Nations and its specialized agencies, in particular UNESCO, to stop the hostile measures and aggressive practices and the excavation work in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and to safeguard its cultural and historical heritage.

10. Reaffirms the resolutions of earlier Islamic Conferences which call for the extension of support to the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the consolidation of the steadfastness of its citizens, through the implementation of the following activities:

(a) Invites all Islamic States that have not, as yet, signed the twinning of their capitals with the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the capital of the State of Palestine to take early action to this effect and to  sponsor projects inside the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif in support of it and of its steadfast citizens.

(b) Issuing of the postage stamp of Al-Quds.

(c) Organizing Charity fairs in favour of Al-Quds Fund of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference.

(d) Sustained coordination on the topic of Al-Quds Al-Sharif with all international and regional fora and organizations and holding two international symposia on Al-Quds in coordination with these international and regional organisations.

(e) Sustained coordination with the non- Governmental organisations and holding a symposium on Al-Quds Al-Sharif, jointly with them.

(f) Extending support to educational institutions in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, both schools and universities, and enabling them to fulfill their mission against the judaization of the Holy City.

(g) Extending financial support for the restoration of historical buildings and derelict houses in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and for the construction of houses for Arab citizens so as to bolster their steadfast resistance and thwart the plans for the judaization of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

11. Condemns  the Israeli occupation authorities persistence in confiscating new land, closing thousands of acres in and around Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and establishing colonial projects on the usurped property, with the purpose of cutting off the Arab city of Al-Quds from the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories, which forms a violation of international law as well as of the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, and of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

12. Strongly condemns the Israeli Supreme Court's decision, issued on 23 September 1993, claiming the Blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa as part of the territory of the State of Israel, and considers it as an organised action aimed at opening the way for the Zionist extremist gangs to continue their violations against the sanctity of the Blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa, to establish their presence in its precincts, and to continue looting the religious, historical and cultural relics in Al-Quds and the Occupied Territories.

13. Hails the appeal made by H.R.H. Prince Salman  Bin Abdulaziz, Emir of the Riyadh Province and Chairman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia People's Committee in support of the Palestinian freedom fighters, under the noble directive of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to launch the campaign for 'the salvation of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif', and donate its proceeds to meet expenditure for the reconstruction of the Islamic Shrines in Al-Quds and their salvation from the threat of disappearance, especially the blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa, the Honored Dome of the Rock, and the Mosque of Omar Bin Al-Khattab, as a consequence of the Israeli practices and  Expresses its profound thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its consistent and attentive interest in the cause of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Islamic Shrines there and Urges the Member States to organize similar campaigns.

14. Entrusts the Secretary General with the task of following up the implementation of this resolution and to submitting a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.


* Reservation of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan attached.

Annex I: RES.No.2/7-P(IS)


The delegation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan reserved its position on this resolution because it failed to note the historical remarkable role of Jordan both in the past and at present in respect of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Islamic holy places in Al-Quds. The delegation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan insisted that the following operative paragraph should be inserted after paragraph 12 of this resolution:

"Pays tribute to the continuous efforts of the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in maintaining custody of the Islamic holy places in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the preservation of their identity and protecting them against tampering and schemes to judaise them.

"Further pays tribute to the role of His Majesty King Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan through personal attention to the holy places in Al-Quds and the preservation and maintenance of its Islamic heritage, the latest of which was the third Hashemite restoration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the honoured Dome of the Rock."




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered the item titled "The Occupied Syrian Golan" and Israel's decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Golan;

Having reviewed the repressive measures to which the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan are being subjected and Israel's continued attempts to force them to accept Israeli identity;

Recalling  the relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences, the latest being Resolution 4/6-P (IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in Dakar and Resolution 4/21-P of the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Karachi;

Recalling also Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions, the latest of which is resolution 48/59-B issued on 14 December 1993;

Observing that Israel, in contravention of Article 25 of the United Nations Charter, has refused to accept and implement the numerous relevant resolutions adopted by the Security Council, in particular resolution 497 (1981);

Deeply concerned at the fact that Israel has not withdrawn from the occupied Syrian Golan which it occupies since 1967 contrary to the relevant resolutions of the Security Council;

Noting with satisfaction the convening of the Madrid Peace Conference on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), and the principle "Land for Peace";

1. Lauds the steadfastness of the Syrian Arab citizens in the Golan against occupation and their valiant resistance to Israel's repressive measures and against the desperate attempts to weaken their attachment to their land and to their Syrian Arab identity.

2. Strongly condemns Israel for its non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 497 (1981).

3. Reaffirms that Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian  Golan is illegal, null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever and that it constitutes a flagrant violation of the OIC Charter and relevant resolutions, the UN Charter and relevant resolutions, and the principles of International Law in particular, the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force.

4. Declares that the Knesset decision of 11 November 1991 sanctioning the annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void, has no legal effect, and constitutes a flagrant violation of Security Council resolution 497 (1981).

5. Strongly condemns Israel for its persistence in changing the legal status, demographic composition and institutional structure of the Occupied Syrian Golan, and for its policy and practices of confiscating lands, appropriating water resources, establishing settlements and transferring settlers and immigrants thereto and of imposing an economic boycott of the agricultural products of the local population and prohibiting their exportation.

6. Strongly condemns Israel's attempts to impose Israeli nationality and identity cards on the Syrian Arab citizens, as these measures constitute a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other international bodies.

7. Reaffirms the applicability of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian population in time of war to the occupied Syrian Golan.

8. Calls upon all states to halt the flow of any military, economic, financial, technological and human assistance to Israel which extend the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories and encourage Israel to pursue its expansionist policy against the Arab countries.

9. Reaffirms that the continued occupation by Israel of the Syrian Golan since 1967 and its annexation on 14 December 1981 following Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration over these territories constitute a constant threat to peace and security in the region.

10. Strongly reaffirms its call that Israel, the occupying authority, at once repeals its illegal decision adopted on 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration over the Syrian Golan and which was behind the actual annexation of these territories.

11. Calls upon Israel to fully withdraw from all the occupied Syrian Golan to the lines of the Fourth of June 1967.

12. Invites the international community to prompt and compel Israel to a total withdrawal from the occupied Syrian Golan and the other occupied Arab territories in order to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.

13. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Proceeding from the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

Referring to the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and all resolutions adopted by previous Conferences;

Considering that Israel has occupied and continues to occupy territories in Southern Lebanon and the Lebanese Western Bikaa', thereby violating the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon as well as international resolutions;

Considering that Israeli authorities in the occupied territories detain innocent citizens and subject them to the most hideous forms of torture in flagrant violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949;

Considering that Israel has proceeded to besiege Lebanese villages and annex parts of them, thus preventing the civilian population from having access to their property and harvesting their crop, in violation of basic human rights.

Considering that Israel carries out artillery attacks against the peaceful civilian population in Southern Lebanon and the Western Bikaa' in violation of the rules of international law.

1. Condemns Israel for its continued occupation and annexation of part of Southern Lebanon and the Lebanese Western Bikaa', and presses the United Nations and its different agencies to compel Israel to implement Security Council resolutions, in particular Resolution 425 (1978) which demands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied Lebanese territory beyond the internationally recognized Lebanese borders, and the respect of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon.

2. Strongly condemns all inhuman practices of Israeli forces in the occupied Lebanese territories and the use of coercion, terrorism, repression and collective punishment against the civilian population and the detention of Lebanese citizens in Israeli prisons and in those of its puppet forces and also calls on the U.N. Security Council and the U.N. Secretary General to step up their efforts to release Lebanese detainees in these prisons, shed light on the fate of missing persons and secure the handing over of the bodies of martyrs.

3. Pays tribute to the heroic Lebanese people for their unrelenting struggle against  Israeli occupation, and calls on the international community to put pressure on Israel to bring to end its aggression against innocent civilians and their displacement from their villages and lands in the occupied part of the Lebanese territory.

4. Requests  the U.N. Security Council to adopt the necessary resolution on the compensation of damages resulting from Israel's shelling of the innocent civilian population in Southern Lebanon and the Lebanese Western Bikaa', and set up an international mechanism to compel it to pay this compensation.

5. Calls on the international community to speed up the establishment of the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon, decided by the Arab Summit in Baghdad, and calls on those States in a position to do so to contribute generously to it, and increase their assistance to Lebanon to help strengthen its economy and consolidate the political gain achieved by the Lebanese Government.

6. Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca,  Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf contained in Document No. (ICFM/22-94/PAL/D.3);

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;

Referring to all the Islamic Resolutions adopted on Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf;

Reaffirming the principles of consolidating Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle;

Paying tribute to Member States that regularly fulfil their obligations and make donations to Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf;

Appreciating the significance of the vital role played by Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf in supporting the struggle and Jihad of the Palestinian people within the occupied Palestinian territories, and particularly the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Noting with great concern Israel's continued pursuit of its aggressive, expansionist and settlement policy;

Commending the positive role played by the Governing Board of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf in quest of financial resources to promote the Fund and its Waqf;

Expressing its concern over the continuing critical financial situation of the Fund, which prevents it from reaching the targets it has set itself.

1. Reaffirms all previous relevant resolutions adopted by successive Islamic Conferences.

2. Reiterates all recommendations and resolutions of the earlier meetings of the Governing Board of Al-Quds Fund.

3. Calls upon Member States to honour their commitment to cover the approved budgets for Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf amounting to a hundred million U.S. Dollars each and urges Member States to take steps towards paying their contributions and appeals to those which have not pledged donations to Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf to do so.

4. Expresses its profound thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the continued support to Al-Quds Fund, which falls within the framework of their consistent solicitude  towards the foremost cause of the Islamic Ummah, namely that of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Palestine; further hails the annual appeal addressed by H.R.H. Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz, Emir of the Province of Riyadh and Chairman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Supreme Committee for the welfare of the Palestinian freedom fighters, to the citizens and residents to make donations for the benefit of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf and Calls upon Member States to continue their donations campaign in favour of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf, together with the directives given to the public and other media to conduct a special campaign for this purpose.

5. Urges Member States to encourage the organisation at local and Islamic levels of festivals, exhibitions and charity bazars, whose proceeds would enhance the resources of the Fund.

6. Calls upon Member States to continue their support to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, especially at this decisive stage, for the establishment of Palestinian authority over all occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and to extend all forms of support to the Palestinian people so that they may build up their institutions and national economy.

7. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H,  (13-15 December, 1994),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which emphasize the commitment of Islamic Ummah to the consolidation of international peace and security;

Bearing in mind the obligation of all States to act in conformity with the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter;

Reaffirming particularly the obligation of all States to refrain from the threat or use of force in their international relations;

Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and rejecting any attempt to violate or erode them;

Reaffirming all OIC Resolutions and Declarations relating to the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

Recalling all relevant resolutions adopted by the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly regarding Bosnia-Herzegovina, in particular General Assembly resolutions 46/242, 47/121, 48/88 and 49/10 as well as those adopted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights;

Expressing, in the strongest terms, its indignation with and condemnation of the recent vicious attack on the Bihac safe area and the merciless targeting of its civilian population by the Serbs;

Deeply concerned by  the lack of effective measures by the UNPROFOR Command to deter attacks against the Bihac safe area and the flagrant violations of the internationally recognized borders between the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia by the Croatian Serbs;

Deploring vigorously, the continued non-compliance by Serbia and Montenegro and by the Serbs with relevant international resolutions;

Affirming the necessity of ensuring full compliance by the Serbs with all relevant Security Council resolutions;

Reaffirming the principle of inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by the use of force;

Convinced that the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina has the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence, recognized in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and reiterating that the maintenance of the defacto arms embargo on the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina is unjust, illegal and a major factor impeding the use of the right of self-defence;

Stressing that the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina warrants the implementation of decisive measures in conformity with the provisions of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, in particular Article 42;

Having considered the grave situation arising from the rejection, by the Serbian side, of the peace plan proposed by the 5 Nation Contact Group (France, Germany, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States);

Expressing its full support to the principled, courageous and conciliatory position, taken in the spirit of peace, of the Bosnian Government, especially its acceptance of the 5 Nation Peace Plan, which imposed the difficult burden of internal border delineation;

Concerned at the erosion of commitments undertaken by the 5 Nation Contact Group subsequent to numerous and painful concessions made by the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with respect to the 5 Nation Contact Group proposal and strongly encouraging the 5 Nation Contact Group to stand by its commitments and fulfill them;

Noting with consternation the adoption of Security Council Resolution 943 (1994) regarding the easing of sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and considering this as unjustified, untimely and not conducive to efforts for promoting a just peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

Reiterating its strong conviction that the establishment of an action oriented relationship and coordination between the OIC Contact Group and the 5 Nation Contact Group may facilitate the achievement of a just and durable peace;

Urging the Security Council to undertake effective and resolute measures to ensure Serbian compliance with its relevant resolutions and to institute new and rigorous measures against the Serbian side in view of its rejection of the peace plan;

Condemning denial of human, civil and national rights of Albanians in Kosova;

Further condemning human rights violations against non-Serbs in the Sanjak and Vojvodina and reaffirming the national rights of Muslims of the Sanjak;

Noting with serious concern the aggravating humanitarian situation on the territory under the control of the legal authorities due to severely reduced capacities of industry and agriculture as well as the difficulties of the firms of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina operating abroad;

Reaffirming and Endorsing the Declaration of 29 September, 1994 of the Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Contact Group held at the United Nations in New York, and the Declaration of the Enlarged Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the OIC Contact Group, held in Geneva, 6 December 1994;

Calling for the speedy implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution No. 49/10 of November 2, 1994;

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Document No. ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.1);

1. Strongly condemns the continuing Serbian aggression against the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serb non-compliance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council as well as the Serb rejection of the Five-Nation Peace Plan.

2. Rejects strongly any suggestion to permit or legalize a confederal relationship between the Bosnian Serbs and Serbia and Montenegro, as this would violate and undermine the territorial integrity of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

3. Reiterates its call on the Five Nation Contact Group for an action oriented relationship with the OIC Contact Group on Bosnia-Herzegovina that should give a fair and balanced consideration of the views, concerns and interests of the Governments of the Republic and the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

4. Strongly urges that the following measures should be taken to prevent any further deterioration of the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina:

(a)  Urgent, adequate and effective deployment of international monitors/forces on the borders of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia with Serbia and Montenegro with a view to interdicting the delivery of military supplies and assistance to the Serbs from Serbia and Montenegro.

(b)  Immediate recognition by Serbia and Montenegro of the internationally recognized borders of the Republics of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and other States in the region.

(c)  Suspension of the implementation of Security Council Resolution 943(1994) and ensuring vigorous enforcement of the sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro.

(d)  The strengthening of UNPROFOR by augmenting the number of its troops to the requested level of 35,000, in particular through troops pledged by OIC member states, as well as reinforcing it with heavy artillery and other means necessary to defend the territorial integrity and civilian population of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

(e)  Expansion where necessary and implementation of UNPROFOR mandate so as to enable it to provide effective protection and to deter attacks against the "Safe Areas"; enforce the "weapon exclusion zones" and provide security to humanitarian convoys as well as unimpeded movement on the "Blue routes".

(f)  Enhancing the participation of the OIC troop contributors within UNPROFOR command, as well as in the political decision making process.

(g)  Measures and pressure in Bosnia-Hergovina should continue to be directed against the Bosnian Serbs, who continue to reject the Peace Plan. The Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina should not be equated with the Bosnian Serbs, the aggressor party.

(h)  The Safe Areas must be protected and expanded to cover all the territories allocated in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (within a sovereign and territorially integrated Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina) under the proposed Five Nation Contact Group peace plan.

(i)  The establishment of effective UNPROFOR presence in Serb occupied areas, particularly in Banja Luka, and Bijeljina with the mandate to deter crimes against civilians.

(j)  Simplifying and streamlining of procedures to enable NATO to provide effective and immediate military support to UNPROFOR and the Bosnian population, including increased air strikes to deter and reverse Serb aggression.

(k)  Demilitarization of Sarajevo and its 10 opstinas, including the elimination of both external and internal confrontation lines as well as adoption of appropriate measures to facilitate the return of refugees.

(l)  The status of Sarajevo as the undivided and united capital of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be reaffirmed.

5. Demands that the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be provided with all necessary means for self defense to exercise individually or collectively its inherent right recognized by Article 51 of the UN Charter.

6. Expresses its readiness to cooperate with all UN member states who exhibit a willingness on their own initiative to provide the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the means for self defense;

7. Reiterates that Security Council Resolution 713 paragraph (6) does not legally and cannot morally apply to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and indicates its commitment to act accordingly and that in order to make the resolution applicable to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it should be specifically presented to the Security Council for a fresh vote with that objective.

8. Renews its call for establishing close action oriented relationship between the OIC Contact Group and the Five Nation Contact Group, and in this context, calls for an urgent Ministerial Meeting between the Five Nation Contact Group and the OIC Contact Group to consider ways and means to deal with the deteriorating situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

9. Expresses satisfaction for the efforts undertaken by the OIC Contact Group and recommends that the Contact Group continues to take all necessary action including possible visits to various capitals when and where appropriate in order to mobilize resolute action by the international community.

10. Recommends that the Chairman, in cooperation with the Secretary General and in consultation with Member States establish contacts with the Permanent Members of the Security Council, the United Nations and the European Union in respect of the situation in Bosnia- Herzegovina.

11. Welcomes the call of the President of Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina for unilateral response by members of the international community in the event that the compromise proposal is not effected by members of the Five-Nation Contact Group and regards in the same vein the call made by the General Assembly to the Security Council to give due consideration to exempting the Governments of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina from the embargo on deliveries of weapons and military equipment originally imposed by the Security Council.

12. Decides to request the expeditious convening of a Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Bosnia-Herzegovina in case the Security Council continues to be unable to deal effectively with the Serbian aggression against the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

13. Condemns the tendency on the part of some to appease the Serbian aggressor and reminds the international community, particularly the major powers of the imperative need for establishing peace with justice in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

14. Regrets the direct material and diplomatic support offered to the Serbian aggressors, and the recent veto within the UN Security Council of a resolution designed to cut off fuel supplies for the forces attacking and besieging Bihac.

15. Expresses its opposition to the lifting of sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), as well as any easing of sanctions until such time that the Serbia and Montenegro (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia):

(a) Recognizes the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina within its internationally recognized borders;

(b) Accepts the placement of United Nations Forces on the borders for effective monitoring;

(c) Implementation of the Five Nation Contact Group Peace Plan including full withdrawal from all occupied territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

16. Calls upon those states who have not yet done so to sever all economic and commercial ties with Serbia and Montenegro.

17. Urges the Governments and financial institutions as well as humanitarian organizations to extend direct or indirect financial and humanitarian assistance to the Government of the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina aimed at alleviating the humanitarian crisis, rehabilitating the basic economic activities for the survival of population as well as assisting the firms operating abroad and also encourages assistance to be extended to the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

18. Demands that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) be granted free access to all detention camps established by Serbs in Serbia and Montenegro and in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to all persons imprisoned in these camps and urges the Serbian  authorities to provide to the ICRC all information related to the prisoners without further delay.

19. Warns once again the Serb and Montenegren authorities as well as all persons who commit or order the commission of breaches of international humanitarian law in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina that they are individually responsible in respect of such breaches and will be punished for war crimes in accordance with the Geneva Conventions and requests in this context the International Tribunal established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 829 to expeditiously try and punish those responsible for the perpetration of crimes against humanity in the former Yugoslavia.

20. Reiterates its strong support to the International War Crime Tribunal and expresses its willingness to provide financial support to it both multilaterally (within UN) and bilaterally.

21. Appeals to the international community to mobilize resources for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in coordination and cooperation with the Agency for Reconstruction and Development (AICRED) and emphasizes the need to aid the efforts of the Special Coordinator for Sarajevo in conjunction with Security Council Resolution 900.

22. Renews its commitment to assist in the rebuilding of the economic infrastructure of Bosnia-Herzegovina, to provide financial support for the procurement of the requirements of the Bosnian government, as well as assist Bosnian firms operating abroad.

23. Commends the work of the OIC Contact Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina at the United Nations, New York and requests it to continue its work.

24. Requests the OIC Contact Group and troop contributing states to establish urgently a working group in New York to evaluate current and future contributions to the United Nations mandated forces including:

(a) to provide further contribution of both troops and resources;

(b) to ensure the strengthening, if necessary, and implementation of the UNPROFOR mandate;

(c)  to investigate past shortcomings and failures;

(d) to coordinate with other willing states, as well as with the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on matters of logistics, communications and financing, if some states decide to withdraw their personnel from the UNPROFOR;

(e) to consider alternatives in assisting the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina through UNPROFOR, or other means consistent with Article 51 of the UN Charter;

25. Approves the establishment of a Special OIC-IDB Programme of Assistance for Bosnia-Herzegovina, as recommended by the Secretary-General and keeping in view the national mechanisms that already exist in some Member States for mobilizing financial support, and requests him to take necessary steps in this regard.

26. Requests the Chairman of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and resolutions of the Islamic Conferences, which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;

Affirming anew the right of all peoples to decide the form of government they wish to have and to choose their own political, economic and social systems, free from all forms of foreign intervention, coercion or pressure;

Recalling the principled stand adopted by the Islamic Conference in its resolutions on Afghanistan since January 1980;

Reiterating its commitment to the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan and to the safeguarding of the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of this country;

Recalling all relevant U.N. General Assembly resolutions particularly Resolution No.48/208 on the emergency international assistance for the reconstruction of war stricken Afghanistan adopted by the 48th Session of the General Assembly;

Noting the establishment of the Islamic State in Afghanistan and successful conclusion of the Afghan Jihad;

Recalling the Afghan Peace Accord signed in Islamabad and ratified at Makkah Al-Mukarramah on 18 Ramadan, 1412H (11 March 1993) as well as in Tehran;

Noting with serious concern that since the adoption of Resolution 8/21-P by the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, the Afghan parties have not been able, so far, to evolve a national consensus as a consequence of which the political crisis has deepened leading to the escalation of armed conflict;

Expressing its grave concern over the outbreak of armed hostilities among various Afghan factions and parties;

Seriously concerned over the tragic humanitarian dimensions of this conflict which has caused immense loss of life, wide spread destruction, deprivation and famine in various parts of Afghanistan as well as large scale exodus of refugees and displacement of population within Afghanistan;

Underlining the importance of providing humanitarian, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan and the urgent need to take international actions in this regard;

Welcoming the convening of Proximity Talks between Afghan groups during the Seventh Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Islamabad and in Tehran, under the auspices of the OIC, and noting with appreciation the report of the Secretary General on this issue;

1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary General on the situation in Afghanistan (Document ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.2/Rev.1).

2. Expresses its deep concern over the fratricidal conflict in Afghanistan and appeals to the Afghan leadership to spare no effort to bring the hostilities to an immediate end.

3. Emphasizes the urgent need for a political consensus among the Afghan parties.

4. Affirms the need for the launching of a credible intra-Afghan process for restoring peace and stability in Afghanistan and for reviving the political, economic, social and institutional infrastructure of the Afghan society.

5. Emphasizes the need for promoting national reconciliation and rapprochement among all political parties and segments of the Afghan society as well as for demobilization of armed groups and formation of national army and police force.

6. Expresses its appreciation and support for the initiatives taken by the Secretary General to promote a credible intra-Afghan peace process.

7. Calls upon the Afghan parties to extend their full cooperation to the ongoing efforts of the Secretary General and his Special Representative for promoting peace in Afghanistan.

8. Reaffirms the decision of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference that the OIC should have an active role in the solution of the Afghanistan problem.

9. Calls for full respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and Islamic character of Afghanistan and non-interference in its internal affairs.

10. Calls upon all Afghan groups to extend their full cooperation to the Secretary General, with a view to advancing the progress made in the Proximity Talks and the objectives of peace and national reconciliation in Afghanistan.

11. Expresses its appreciation for the continuing efforts of the United Nations to draw the attention of the international community to the acute economic and political problems of Afghanistan, and for promoting peace and mobilizing assistance for rehabilitation and reconstruction and in this regard, encourages the continuing cooperation between the efforts of the OIC and the UN Special Mission.

12. Notes with satisfaction all the efforts made by various international organizations particularly the UNHCR, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in providing humanitarian assistance to the war victims inside Afghanistan under most difficult circumstances.

13. Requests the Islamic Development Bank to evaluate the war damage and destruction in Afghanistan and to prepare a comprehensive report on requirements for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country.

14. Appeals to the international community in particular Member States to respond to the humanitarian exigencies of the situation in Afghanistan by extending generous assistance.

15. Urges Member States and Islamic financial institutions to provide assistance for the Afghan refugees in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran and calls for the speedy and voluntary repatriation and rehabilitation of Afghan refugees.

16. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit reports thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;

Emphasizing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and recalling the UN resolutions relevant to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute which remain unimplemented;

Recalling that the Simla Agreement signed between the Governments of India and Pakistan calls for a final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue;

Reaffirming the importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination enshrined in the Charters of the OIC and the United Nations;

Recalling all its previous resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute;

Expressing concern at the alarming increase in the indiscriminate use of force and gross violations of human rights committed against innocent Kashmiris;

Recalling the Report of the OIC Fact Finding Mission on the situation in Kashmir following its visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir in February 1993, and regretting that the human rights situation in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir remains grave;

Regretting also  that the Government of India has not responded favourably so far to the offer of the Good Offices Mission made by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and renewed by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference;

Further regretting that the OIC Fact Finding Mission was not allowed to visit Indian held Jammu and Kashmir;

Noting the establishment of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir at the United Nations;

1. Takes note of the Report of the Secretary General on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and endorses the recommendations contained therein (Document No. ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.3).

2. Calls for a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions and as agreed upon in the Simla Agreement.

3. Condemns the continuing massive violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people and calls for the respect of their human rights including the right of self-determination.

4. Calls upon Member states to take all necessary steps to persuade India to cease forthwith the massive human rights violations of the Kashmiri people and to enable them to exercise their inalienable right to self determination as mandated by the relevant resolutions of the Security Council.

5. Calls upon India to allow International Human Rights Groups and Humanitarian Organizations to visit Jammu and Kashmir.

6. Supports the efforts of the Government of Pakistan to initiate a meaningful bilateral dialogue for resolving the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and calls upon the Government of India to respond positively to these efforts.

7. Affirms that a sustained dialogue is essential to address the core of the problems and to remove the basic causes of tension between India and Pakistan.

8. Expresses its deep concern at the prevailing tension that threatens security and peace in the region.

9. Calls upon India and Pakistan to redeploy their forces to peace-time locations.

10. Appeals  to the Member States, OIC and Islamic Institutions, such as the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and philanthropists to mobilize funds and contribute generously towards providing humanitarian assistance to the Kashmiri people.

11. Requests the Government of India, in the interest of regional peace and security, to avail itself of the offer of Good Offices made by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference.

12. Requests the Secretary General to establish contact with the Governments of India and Pakistan and the true representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir with a view to promoting a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

13. Requests the Secretary General to take necessary steps for enabling the true representatives of the Kashmiri people to have their views expressed in OIC and other international fora.

14. Requests the Secretary General to send a three member OIC Fact Finding Mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir as decided by the Twentieth and Twenty-first Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers as well as the Seventh Extra-ordinary session and the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference, and that the Mission submits a report to him.

15. Requests the Government of India to allow the OIC Fact-Finding Mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir.

16. Recommends that member states continue to coordinate their positions and to take joint action at the UN General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights and other relevant international fora to promote respect for the fundamental human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

17. Welcomes the establishment of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir at the United Nations comprising of Niger, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan and the OIC Secretary General in accordance with the decision of the Seventh Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

18. Requests the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir  to continue its efforts for promoting the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people in accordance with the UN Resolutions and for safeguarding their fundamental human rights.

19. Decides to consider the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute at the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and at the Eighth Islamic Summit Conference.

20. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to present  reports thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the next Islamic Summit.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13 - 15 December, 1994),

Proceeding from the noble principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;

Recalling all relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and resolution No.13/6-P(IS) adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on the situation in Somalia;

Gravely concerned about the factional fighting and civil strife which has virtually destroyed  Somalia, caused immense suffering to its people and has serious implications for the national unity, territorial integrity and political independence of this Islamic country;

Commending the timely initiative of His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in requesting the Security Council to send peace keeping forces to Somalia, in pursuance of Resolution 13/6-P(IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit as well as his proposal to the 47th Session of the UN General Assembly for the convening of an International Conference for Peace and National Reconciliation in Somalia;

Noting with satisfaction the intensive efforts made by the Organization of Islamic Conference to promote peace and national reconciliation in Somalia, in cooperation with the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity, in the framework of joint approach, which has produced positive results;

Taking Note of all relevant Security Council Resolutions on Somalia;

Noting also the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement for Peace and National Reconciliation in Somalia in March 1993 as well as the results of the informal consultations between the Somali factions held in Nairobi in March 1994;

Commending the tremendous efforts made by the international community in providing relief and humanitarian assistance to the victims of war and famine in Somalia through effective and coordinated efforts under the framework of the Security Council;

Encouraging the ongoing efforts of the regional States and the Organization of African Unity for promoting peace in Somalia;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General, (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.4);

1. Reaffirms its commitment to the restoration and preservation of the unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia.

2. Notes with appreciation the constant efforts made by the Organization of Islamic Conference to promote peace and national reconciliation in Somalia, as well as for the alleviation of the suffering  of the Somali people in cooperation with the regional States, the United Nations, the League of Arab States and Organization of African Unity, in the framework of a joint approach and calls for continuation of such efforts and requests the Secretary General to send a Contact Group to urge various Somali parties to resume their dialogue with a view to achieving national reconciliation.

3. Calls for the convening of the International Conference for Peace and National Reconstruction in Somalia in accordance with the relevant resolution adopted by the 47th Session of the UN General Assembly with the participation of all the Somali parties.

4. Welcomes the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement for establishing Peace and National Reconciliation in Somalia and calls upon all Somali political factions to facilitate the work of United Nations Operations in Somalia (UNOSOM II) until its termination and to cooperate fully with the United Nations to ensure the safe and orderly withdrawal of the UN forces from Somalia.

5. Calls upon all states, in particular the neighbouring states, to cooperate in the implementation of the arms embargo established by Security Council Resolution 733 (1992).

6. Decides to extend its full support to the ongoing efforts of the regional States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity in Somalia.

7. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have contributed troops to UN operation in Somalia as well as those which have provided relief and humanitarian assistance to the Somali people.

8. Calls upon the international community especially the Member States to assist in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia by continuing to provide urgent humanitarian assistance such as food and medicine in order to enable Somalia to rebuild the institutions and the educational infrastructures and to absorb all the youth in the general education schools inside Somalia as well as offer scholarships at the university level in the universities of Member States.

9. Calls on all Somali factions to make every effort that may be conducive to the demilitarization of all the militias and other groupings simultaneously.

10. Calls also upon all Somali factions to enter into negotiations for a constructive dialogue for a peaceful settlement of the problem.

11. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having taken cognizance of the report submitted by the Secretary General to the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (DOC. No. ICFM/22-84/PIL/D);

Considering the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter which call for strengthening Islamic solidarity among Member States;

Taking note of recent developments in the Iraq/Kuwait relations especially the acceptance, by Iraq of Resolution 833 of the Security Council;

Mindful of the fundamental interests of the Islamic Ummah and of Islamic Solidarity;

1. Welcomes the recognition, by Iraq, of the sovereignty of the State of Kuwait, its national security and political independence as well as its international borders in compliance with Resolution No.833 (1993) of the Security Council.

2. Urges Iraq to pursue efforts and thoroughly fulfill its obligations under the relevant Security Council resolutions.

3. Calls on Iraq to co-operate fully with the International Committee of the Red Cross with a view to implementing its engagements pursuant to Para.2C and Para.3C of resolutions No.686 (1991) and (30) of resolution No.687 (1991) pertaining to urgent release of prisoners and hostages from among Kuwaiti military troops and civilians and any others from other countries' citizens, especially following the agreement between Iraq and Kuwait and the other concerned parties on December 8, 1994 to set up a Subsidiary Committee to facilitate their task.

4. Affirms that Iraq, in accepting resolution 686 (1991) and resolution 687 (1991) is deemed accountable for implementing Para 2-6 of resolution 686 and  Para 16 of resolution 687 which involve the responsibility of Iraq under the relevant Security Council resolutions for reparations in respect of any direct loss or direct prejudice, including the losses inflicted on the environment, the depletion of natural resources or any losses sustained by foreign governments, their nationals or their companies.

5. Reaffirms, Security Council resolution 949 which calls on Iraq not to use again its military or any other forces in an aggressive or provocative manner to threaten its neighbours or the U.N. operations in Iraq.

6. Reaffirms respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Iraq, expresses its sympathy with the Iraqi people and calls on Iraq to promptly implement the relevant resolutions of international legality.

7. Emphasizes that Iraq must commit itself to implementing all the resolutions of the Security Council regarding the elimination of weapons of mass destruction.

8. Requests the  Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Gravely concerned over the serious escalation of aggression by the Republic of Armenia against the Azerbaijan Republic which has resulted in the occupation of more than 20% of Azeri territory;

Deeply distressed over the plight of more than one  million Azeri displaced persons and refugees resulting from Armenian aggression and magnitude and severity of humanitarian problems;

Recalling the principled position taken on this issue by the Fifth and Seventh Extraordinary Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Istanbul in June 1992, and Islamabad in September, 1994 respectively;

Also recalling the relevant paragraphs of the Final Communique adopted by the OIC Coordination Meeting of the Foreign Ministers at the United Nations, New York, on 23 September, 1992 and 3 October, 1994;

Noting the efforts made by the neighbouring countries and regional states, notably the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Turkey to promote a peaceful settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan;

Conscious of the threat posed to international peace and security by the Armenian aggression;

Urging strict adherence to the Charter of the UN and full implementation of Security Council resolutions;

Noting the destructive influence of the policy of aggression of the Republic of Armenia on the peace process in the CSCE framework;

1. Strongly condemns the aggression of the Republic of Armenia against the Azerbaijan Republic;

2. Considers the actions perpetrated against civilian Azeri population in occupied Azeri territory as crimes against humanity;

3. Strongly demands the strict implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884, immediate unconditional and complete withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied Azeri territories inter alia Lachin and Shusha regions and strongly urges Armenia to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic.

4. Calls on the Security Council to recognize the existence of aggression against the Azerbaijan Republic; take the necessary steps under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations to ensure compliance with its resolutions; condemn and reverse aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic and decides to take coordinated action to this end at the United Nations.

5. Reaffirms that, acquisition of land by use of force cannot be recognized.

6. Calls for a just and peaceful settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the basis of respect for the principles of territorial integrity of states and inviolability of internationally recognized frontiers.

7. Urges both Armenia and Azerbaijan and all states member of the Minsk Group to engage constructively in the ongoing CSCE peace process and refrain from any action that will make it more difficult to reach a peaceful solution.

8. Reaffirms its total solidarity and support for the efforts being made by the Government and people of Azerbaijan to defend their country.

9. Calls for enabling the displaced persons and refugees to return to their homes in safety, honour and dignity.

10. Expresses its concern over the severity of humanitarian problems concerning the existence of more than one million displaced persons and refugees in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and requests the member states, the Islamic Development Bank and the other Islamic Institutions to render urgent financial and humanitarian assistance to the Azerbaijan Republic.

11. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation  of this Resolution and to submit a Report to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Believing in the common destiny of Islamic States and in solidarity among themselves;

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Reaffirming the support pledged by the OIC to the Islamic and Arab countries subjected to imperialist and Zionist threats;

Taking into consideration the obligation of all States to refrain from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of any other State;

Recalling all the relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers which condemned the measures taken by the United States Administration against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahirya and affirmed its right to obtain adequate reparations for the material and human losses it had sustained;

Also recalling the resolution of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference which condemned the United States aggression against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and confirmed its right to full reparations for the material and human losses arising therefrom;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the United States aggression against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (ICFM/22-94/ PIL/D.7);

1. Once again decides:

(a) to condemn the continuing United States aggression and threats and plots against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

(b) to support the right of the Socialist  People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to appropriate reparations for the physical and human losses sustained as a result of aggression.

(c) to support the right of the Jamahiriya to demand reparations from the United States in conformity with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 38/41.

2. Reaffirms its solidarity with the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in defending its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity against the economic boycott measures which seek to undermine its plans for development.

3. Condemns the U.S. economic boycott measures against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and calls for their cancellation forthwith as they violate international law and conventions.

4. Calls upon the United States to desist from all threats, provocations and acts of aggression against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya as such practices contravene international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

5. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the action taken in this regard.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having studied the item concerning the current crisis between the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, on the one hand, and both the United States of America and the United Kingdom, on the other;

Guided by  the principles of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference which call for the promotion of solidarity among the Member States;

Abiding by the objectives and principles of the United Nations which stipulate that all Member States are committed to refrain from the use or the threat of use of force in their international relations; the settlement of their disputes by peaceful means, respect for the independence of all Member States, and refrain from posing any threat to their sovereignty, territorial integrity and safety of their people;

Reaffirming the resolution of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference No. 20/6-P (IS) on this crisis as well as all previous Islamic resolutions and the relevant resolutions and statements issued by the international organisations such as the Organisation of African Unity, the League of Arab States and the Non-Aligned Movement, all of which had called for solidarity with the Great Jamahiriya and had supported its efforts aiming at the achievement of a peaceful solution for the crisis within the framework of respect for the Libyan national sovereignty and the principles of international law;

Taking note of the stand of the Great Jamahiriya that denounces all forms and types of terrorism and condemns all those that use or encourage it, and its willingness to cooperate with any international or regional efforts exerted for the solution of this problem;

Expressing satisfaction with the positive initiative undertaken by the Great Jamahiriya for the solution of this crisis in accordance with international law and in such a manner that does not contradict the respect for its sovereignty; its acceptance of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 731/92 and its request to the UN Secretary  

General to find out the mechanism for the implementation of this resolution while expressing its full cooperation within the context of the initiatives it has taken and the proposals it has put forward;

Expressing its deep concern over the humanitarian and material damages inflicted upon the Libyan Arab people and the neighbouring peoples, as a result of the coercive measures applied  in implementation of UN Security Council resolutions Nos. 748/92 and 883/93.

Expressing its sorrow over the non-acceptance, by the other parties to the dispute, the initiatives taken by the Great Jamahiriya and the regional organisations so as to ensure a just and equitable solution to the dispute with the Western States concerned;

And affirming the risks posed by the continuation of this crisis to the security and peace of the region particularly to the North African and the Mediterranean Region:

1. Calls on all parties to exert greater efforts to reach a solution of the crisis thereby ending the plight to which the Libyan people are subjected as a result of the embargo imposed on them.

2. Declares its support for the proposal made in the resolution adopted by the League of Arab States (Doc. 5373-DA,(101)-G 3) on 27 March 1994 calling for the holding of just trial of the two suspects by Scottish Judges in accordance with Scottish law at the seat of the International Court of Justice in The Hague and for urging the Security Council to take into consideration this constructive proposal in order to seek a peaceful solution to avoid any escalation of the crisis, which would exacerbate tension in the region.

3. Calls upon the Security Council to review its two resolutions Nos. 748 and 883 on the crisis.

4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up this matter and submit a report thereon to the Member States.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H, corresponding to 13-15 December, 1994,

Reaffirming the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conferences on the question of Cyprus which express firm support for the rightful cause of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus who constitute an integral part of the Islamic world;

Reiterating its support for the efforts of the UN Secretary General under his mission of good offices towards a negotiated settlement mutually acceptable to both sides;

Welcoming, in this context, the acceptance by the Turkish Cypriot side of the package of confidence building measures suggested by the UN Secretary General following his assessment of November 1992 that it would be difficult to achieve any success in the negotiations towards a comprehensive settlement as long as the current crisis of confidence between the two sides continues;

Noting that there had been sufficient progress for the United Nations to implement the package of confidence building measures on the basis outlined in the UN Secretary General's complementary report of 28 June 1994 concerning his mission of good offices;

Recalling that in the more than 30 years since the establishment of UNFICYP, it has not been possible to achieve a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus problem;

Mindful of the necessity to respect the full equality of the two sides in Cyprus in order to facilitate the efforts towards an overall settlement;

Recalling its resolution adopted at the 20th Session as well as the resolution adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference which decided the enhancement of the participation of the Turkish Muslim community of Cyprus in the OIC;

Welcoming the Report of the Secretary General contained in document ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.9;

Appreciating the economic study on the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus undertaken by the Islamic Development Bank;

Having considered in this context the request of the Turkish Cypriot side for full membership in the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Expressing its solidarity with the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus and its appreciation for their constructive efforts to attain a just and mutually acceptable settlement;

1. Reaffirms the full equality of the two parties in Cyprus as the principle enabling them to live side-by-side in security, peace and harmony without the one having the ability to exploit, oppress or threaten the other.

2. Urges the Member States to strengthen effective solidarity with the Turkish Muslim people of Cyprus and to increase and expand their relations in all fields and in particular in the fields of trade, tourism, culture, information, investment and sports.

3. Decides to support until the Cyprus problem is solved, the rightful claim of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus for the right to be heard in all international fora where the Cyprus problem comes up for discussion, on the basis of equality of the two parties in Cyprus.

4. Requests the Secretary General to take appropriate action on the economic study on the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus undertaken by the Islamic Development Bank.

5. Considers that building of mutual confidence between the two parties in the island is essential to make progress towards an overall settlement of the question.

6. Calls on the two parties to cooperate fully with the UN Secretary General to achieve agreement on the modalities for implementing the confidence building measures at the earliest possible time.

7. Decides to remain seized of the request of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus.

8. Requests the Secretary General to take all the necessary measures for the implementation of this Resolution and to make further recommendations as appropriate.

9. Requests further the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to monitor closely developments in Cyprus and to present a comprehensive report to the next Islamic Summit and the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Comorian Island of Mayotte as well as the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions affirming the territorial unity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros which is composed of four Islands: Grande-Comore, Mayotte, Moheli  and Anjouan;

Bearing in mind the pledges made by France on the eve of the referendum for self-determination of 22 December 1974 held in the Comoros, to respect the territorial integrity of the Archipelago on its accession to independence;

Convinced that a just and lasting solution to the question of Mayotte is to be found in respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago;

Also bearing in mind the wish expressed by the President of France during his visit to Moroni on 13-14 June 1990, to seek actively a just solution to the problem;

Taking note of the repeated wish of the Government of the Comoros to initiate as soon as possible a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government and the representatives of the inhabitants of Mayotte with a view to accelerating the return of the Comorian Island of Mayotte to the Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros;

Considering that the separation of the Island of Mayotte from the other Comorian Islands constitutes a grave violation of the territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, and is a serious impediment to the harmonious economic development of that country;

Bearing in mind also the decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the United Nation's General Assembly on this question;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the subject, (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.19);

1. Reaffirms the unity and territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and its sovereignty over the Comorian Island of Mayotte.

2. Expresses  its active solidarity with the Comorian people and supports the Comorian Government in its political and diplomatic efforts to effectively restore the Island to its natural entity.

3. Urges the Government of France to accelerate the process of negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the Island of Mayotte to the Comoros;

4. Calls upon  the Member States to use their influence with France collectively and individually so as to induce it to accelerate the negotiations with the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros on the basis of the national unity and territorial integrity of that country.

5. Rejects any idea of dividing the island into departments, such idea being contrary to all international resolutions and to the solution of the problem by means of negotiations in conformity of the will of the Presidents of France and Comoros.

6. Invites the Secretary General to continue his contacts with the French authorities in order to convey to them the deep concern of the OIC over this problem, to follow the developments in this regard in coordination with the Secretaries General of the UN and the OAU and to submit a report thereon to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling resolution No. 18/6-P(IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference and the resolutions Nos. 23/18-P, 30/19-P, 24/20-P and 31/21-P adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on supporting the efforts of Sudan to achieve national unity, peace and development, and to safeguard its identity and cultural heritage;

Reaffirming its commitment to the objectives and principles of the OIC Charter on promoting Islamic solidarity among Member States and enhancing their ability to protect their unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, national rights and spiritual heritage;

Observing that Sudan is facing attacks and designs from numerous hostile foreign quarters aimed at destabilizing Sudan, undermining its unity, and effacing its cultural identity;

Drawing attention to the public opinion campaigns launched by hostile western circles with the aim of paving the way for intervention in Sudan, through establishment of the so-called security zones, under the guise of humanitarian action;

Expressing deep concern over foreign designs aimed at instigating separatist rebels for demanding self-determination as a prelude to secession of Southern Sudan;

1.  Reaffirms its complete solidarity with Sudan in confronting hostile designs, and defending its unity, territorial integrity and stability.

2.  Commends Sudan's continued efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the problem of Southern Sudan through negotiations and dialogue between various Sudanese parties for achieving its stability and national development.

3.  Expresses its deep appreciation to the Member States which support the efforts of Sudan to safeguard its unity and its national security and cultural heritage.

4.  Appeals to Member States to continue to support Sudan's efforts to safeguard its unity, territorial integrity and identity, in conformity with the principles embodied in the Charter and resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

5.  Requests the Secretary General to follow up this resolution and report thereon to the Twenth-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolutions No.36/19-P, 19/20-P and 16/21-P adopted by the Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-First Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the developments taking place in the world especially in Eastern and Central Europe and their effects on the Islamic world as well as the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General and of the Reflection Committee on this subject (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.11);

Recognizing that the current international situation is characterized by instability and uncertainty especially for the developing countries;

Being Aware that the present situation requires the Islamic States to contribute effectively towards the establishment of a New World Order based on justice and equality for all, which should be an objective of Joint Islamic Action within the framework of the OIC;

Having taken cognizance  of the current developments in Eastern and Central Europe in the political, economic and social fields, and the repercussions thereof;

Deeply concerned over the situation in the Balkans arising from Serbian aggressive and expansionist policies which threaten the peace and security of the region as a whole;

Taking note of the fact that the democratic change in Eastern and Central Europe has led to the strengthening of economic relations and interdependence between East and West, and the flow of financial resources to East European countries;

Expressing concern over the immigration of and the settlement of European and other nationals of the Jewish faith in the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories.

1. Reaffirms the need to maintain and promote ties of friendship and cooperation between the Islamic world and the countries of Eastern and Central Europe on the basis of mutual interests.

2. Expresses  the hope that strengthening of economic relations between Eastern  and Western Europe would not affect the order of priorities in respect of economic cooperation and trade exchanges between those countries and Islamic countries, nor have a negative impact on the flow of financial resources extended by the advanced countries, whether Eastern or Western, for financing development in Muslim and Third world countries.

3. Also Expresses the hope that the States of Eastern and Western Europe and other States respect and protect the Islamic identity of the Muslim communities and/or Muslim minorities living in their countries and their right to practice freely their language and religion.

4. Warns against the perilous consequences of the transfer and settlement of European and other nationals of Jewish faith in the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories, and its negative impact on the peace process, all of which increase tension in the Middle East region and threaten international peace and security.

5. Invites the Reflection Committee to hold regular experts meetings to follow up the developments in the international situation especially in Central and Eastern Europe.

6. Requests the Reflection Committee to hold annual Ministerial Meetings during the Coordination Meeting in New York and to consider at its first meeting ways and means of implementation of its concepts and ideas and to report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

7. Requests the Secretary General to continue to follow up the developments in the international situation especially in Central and Eastern Europe and the other regions, and report on the impact of these developments on the role of OIC, as well as the recommendations of the Reflection Committee to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolve of Member States expressed in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference to unite their efforts in order to secure universal peace which ensures security, freedom and justice for their people and all peoples throughout the world;

Recalling also the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;

Mindful of the objectives and principles enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, especially the objectives of promoting Islamic solidarity among Member States and strengthening their capacity to safeguard their security, sovereignty, independence and national rights;

Recalling Resolutions 16/11-P, 19/13-P, 17/14-P, 31/15-P, 20/16-P, 24/17-P, 19/18-P, 20/19-P, 13/20-P and 17/21-P on the Security and Solidarity of Islamic States adopted by the Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-first Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers;

Stressing the right of every Member State to maintain its national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

Bearing in mind  the recommendations of the inter-governmental experts' group set up to study this matter;

Taking into account the rapid and profound changes taking place in the system of international relations and its impact on different regions and states throughout the world;

Considering the continued occupation of Palestine, Al-Quds Al-Sharif and of the other Arab territories and the continued denial of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people as constituting a serious threat to the security of Islamic States and world peace;

Expressing its deep concern at the threats to the security of Member States and proliferation of crises and conflicts affecting Islamic countries and peoples  as well as at the threats and challenges to the solidarity of the Islamic Ummah in all spheres of life and reaffirming the necessity to safeguard the Islamic values and identity;

Recalling the provisions of the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit which affirms the resolve of Member States to contribute actively towards the establishment of a New International Order based on peace and progress and respect for international legality and capable of guaranteeing justice and equality for all;

Determined to vigorously oppose foreign domination, aggression, occupation, hegemonism and spheres of influence, which result in the limitation of the freedom of member States to determine their own political systems and pursue economic, social and cultural development without any coercion, intimidation and pressure from outside;

Emphasizing the absolute right of each Member State to maintain its natural resources and to use them for the benefit, welfare and progress of their people;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the Security and Solidarity of Islamic States (ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.12);

1. Reiterates that the security of each Muslim country is the concern of all Islamic countries.

2. Firmly resolves to strengthen the security of Member States, through cooperation and solidarity among Islamic countries, in accordance with the objectives and principles of the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and of the United Nations and as stipulated in the Dakar Declaration.

3. Reaffirms the permanent and full sovereignty of the Islamic countries and peoples over their natural resources and economic activities.

4. Expresses the determination of the Member States to preserve and promote Islamic values in all spheres of life especially those of solidarity and mutual respect;

5. Reaffirms the need for respect for the principles of international law concerning the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of States, non-use of force in international relations, peaceful settlement of disputes and non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of States as essential prerequisites for the security of Islamic States.

6. Requests the Secretary General to set-up a Governmental Group of Experts for updating the recommendations contained in the study on the security and solidarity of Islamic States, in the light of current developments.

7. Requests the Secretary General to submit a Report on the subject to the Twenty-third  Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolution No. 24/17-P as well as all relevant resolutions adopted by Islamic Conferences since the 17th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the question of Confidence and Security Building Measures among Islamic States;

Recognising that confidence and security building measures, especially when applied in a comprehensive manner, have a potential to contribute significantly to the enhancement of peace, security and stability;

Emphasizing the importance of the establishment and maintenance of security, peace and stability throughout the Islamic World and of strengthening the climate of mutual confidence and solidarity among Islamic Countries and cooperation in all fields between them;

Noting the encouraging results of specific confidence and security building measures agreed upon and implemented in some regions;

Mindful of the fact that there are situations peculiar to specific regions which have a bearing on the nature of the confidence and security building measures feasible in these regions;

Bearing in mind the conclusion and recommendations of the Group of Five Eminent Persons on the question of confidence and security building measures among Islamic countries;

Referring to the report of the Disarmament Commission containing the agreed text of the "Guidelines for appropriate types of confidence building measures and for the implementation of such measures on a global or regional level" endorsed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 43/78 H;

Considering that regional security and cooperation arrangements among Muslim States in each region can enhance confidence and provide mechanisms where security concerns and preoccupations can be aired and resolved among States of each region;

Recalling the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the subject (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.12);

1. Reiterates the resolve of Member States to encourage, wherever appropriate, the initiation of confidence and security building measures, bilaterally or

at the sub-regional levels in conformity with the provisions and principles contained in the Dakar Declaration.

2. Requests the Member States to provide their views to the General Secretariat on the conclusions and recommendations made by the Group of Five Eminent Personalities on confidence and security building measures among Islamic States.

3. Invites the Member States to develop and formulate concrete proposals on confidence and security building measures and submit them to the General Secretariat.

4. Requests the Secretary General to report on the subject to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolve of the member States expressed in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to unite their efforts in order to secure universal peace which ensures security, freedom and justice for their people and all peoples in the World;

Recalling also the principles and objectives and of the UN Charter;

Further Recalling the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 44/51 entitled "Protection and Security of Small States", adopted at the 44th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1989;

Mindful of the principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, especially the objectives of promoting Islamic solidarity among Member States and strengthening their capacity to safeguard their sovereignty, independence and national rights;

Seriously concerned at the threats posed by mercenaries to small States;

Recollecting with deep concern the various incidents in which groups of mercenaries have attempted to infringe upon the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the Islamic heritage of small States, including the attempted invasion of Maldives in November 1988 and the interference in the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros in 1989;

Recalling Resolution No.19/21-P adopted by the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the subject;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the subject (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.12);

Bearing in mind  the Report of the First Meeting of the Group of Five Eminent Persons on the Question of the Security of Small States and the solidarity of Islamic Ummah in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of small states from threats posed by actions of mercenaries;

1.Requests Member States to give due consideration to the observations and recommendations made by the Group of Five Eminent Persons on the subject and to submit their views to the General Secretariat.

2. Reiterates that the security of each Muslim country is the concern of all Islamic countries.

3. Recognizes that small States are particularly vulnerable to external threats and acts of interference in their internal affairs.

4. Calls upon the Member States to provide assistance, when requested by small Member States, for the strengthening of their security in accordance with the principles and objectives of the Charter of the OIC.

5. Requests the Secretary General to submit a Report on the subject to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Guided by the objectives of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference as regards consolidation of international peace and security on the basis of justice, and reaffirming its commitment to the purposes of the United Nations Charter in safeguarding international peace and security;

Considering that the United Nations, pursuant to the provisions of its Charter, has a major role and responsibility in the field of disarmament and promotion of international security, as well as of protection of future generations from the calamities of war;

Noting that the current international situation requires that the principles of disarmament as contained in the United Nations Charter become a fundamental element in any collective effort designed to bring about a truly secure world and protect mankind from the threat of weapons of mass-destruction, particularly nuclear weapons;

Recalling in this regard the adoption by the General Assembly on 11 September 1987 of the Final Document of the International Conference on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development, and emphasizing the increasing importance of this relationship in the context of the current developments in international relations;

Convinced of the need to promote international peace and security founded on the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter rejecting the  threat or use of force and calling for respect of the territorial integrity and national independence of States, non-interference in their internal affairs, and the right of peoples living under the yoke of foreign domination and colonialism to self-determination, and based also on the elimination of occupation, aggression, annexation, and all forms of racial discrimination;

Recognizing the importance of equitable and balanced disarmament measures, which guarantee the right of every  State to balanced security;

Acknowledging that the independence, territorial integrity, regional security and sovereignty of the non-nuclear-weapon States should be ensured through credible guarantees against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;

Deeply concerned at the threats posed to peace and security in the Middle East in view of the possession by Israel of weapons of mass destruction particularly nuclear weapons, and related delivery systems, and at their continued aggressive and expansionist policies against the peoples of the Middle East;

Recalling the resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency No.601 of 25 September 1992 regarding the application of the Agency's Safeguards System in the Middle East;

Welcoming initiatives of Member States relating to the establishment of a Zone free from weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, notably nuclear weapons;

Recognizing that the establishment of mass-destruction-weapon-free Zones constitutes an important disarmament measure, which helps in easing tension and achieving security and stability in these Zones, particularly in the Middle East region;

Welcoming the progress achieved by the African States towards the conclusion of a Treaty to make Africa into nuclear weapon free zone;

Recalling the Final Communiques and resolutions on disarmament adopted by the Islamic Conferences and the Non-Aligned Movement;

1.Calls for the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction notably nuclear weapons with a view to creating a world free of such weapons and for the intensification of efforts aimed at finding a solution to disarmament issues as a whole, particularly the elimination of nuclear weapons.

2.Emphasizes the need to conduct negotiations within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament according to the priorities specified in the Plan of Action of the Final Document of the Tenth UN General Assembly Special Session;

3.Considers  it necessary that all States be afforded an opportunity to participate on an equal footing in the work of the Conference on Disarmament so as to ensure universal representation.

4.Considers that all States have an inalienable right to develop their programmes for peaceful uses of nuclear energy for their economic and social development and that all States are entitled to have access to the technology and equipment needed for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

5.Emphasizes the importance of ensuring the adherence of all States to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

6.Welcomes the initiatives of some Member States for the establishment of a Zone free from all weapons of mass destruction notably nuclear weapons in the Middle East, within the framework of the United Nations, and calls for an early establishment of such a Zone. In this context, it notes with satisfaction and appreciation the comprehensive Egyptian recommendations announced on 4 July 1991 aimed at expediting the establishment of the Middle East as a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction.

7.Calls upon the Conference on Disarmament to intensify its efforts to come to an early agreement on concluding an international convention providing non-nuclear-weapon States with credible guarantees against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons preferably before 1995 NPT Review Conference.

8.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling that the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in various regions of the world is one of the measures which can most effectively guarantee the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as contribute to the achievement of general and complete disarmament;

Convinced that the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in various regions will serve to protect the States of such regions against the threat or use of Nuclear Weapons;

Recalling that the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly recommended the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia;

Also recalling the resolutions adopted by various Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia;

Recalling all relevant resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its 48th Session on this subject;

Bearing in mind the Declaration on Denuclearization of Africa adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its First Ordinary Session held in Cairo from 17 to 21 July 1964;

Noting the statements made at the highest level by Governments of South Asian States pledging themselves       not to acquire or manufacture nuclear weapons and to devote their nuclear programmes exclusively to the economic and social development of their peoples.

Welcoming the proposal for the conclusion of a bilateral or regional nuclear test ban agreement in South Asia as well as the proposal to convene under the UN auspices of a Conference on nuclear non-proliferation in South Asia.

Welcoming also the proposal to hold consultations among five nations with a view to ensuring nuclear non-proliferation in South Asia;

1.Notes the Report of the Secretary General on the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia (Document ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.16).

2.Calls upon all States, particularly the States of the Regions concerned, to respond positively to proposals for the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

3.Reaffirms the determination of Member States to take measures to prevent nuclear proliferation on a non-discriminatory and universal basis.

4.Welcomes the progress made towards the conclusion of a Treaty for the establishment of a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in Africa.

5.Strongly urges all States especially nuclear weapon States to exert pressure on Israel to become party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

6.Welcomes the various proposals made by Pakistan to keep the South Asian region free of nuclear weapons including the proposed 5-nation consultations to ensure nuclear non-proliferation in the region.

7.Also welcomes the decision of the ASEAN States to work towards the realization of a South East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone.

8.Requests all member States to cooperate at the United Nations and other relevant international fora to promote the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia.

9.Requests the Secretary General to follow developments in this regard and report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Deeply concerned over the existence of significant nuclear arsenals in the world and the possibility of the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;

Taking into consideration that it is imperative for the international community to develop effective measures to ensure the security of non-nuclear weapon states against the threat or use of nuclear weapons, whatever their origin;

Recognizing that effective measures to protect non-nuclear weapon states against the threat or use of nuclear weapons may positively contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons;

Recalling the efforts made since 1968 to evolve effective and credible security assurances to Non- Nuclear Weapon States;

Noting that these measures have failed to provide credible assurances to non-nuclear weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;

Recalling the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, the United Nations General Assembly as well as the decision of the Tenth Conference of Heads of State and Government of the the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries held in Jakarta from 1 to 6 September 1992, and the decision of the Eleventh Ministerial Meeting of NAM held in Cairo in 1994 on the need for assurances by nuclear powers to non-nuclear weapon states to the effect that the former shall not resort to threat or use of nuclear weapons against them;

Further recalling that the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly had called upon nuclear weapon states to conclude urgently arrangements to assure non-nuclear states against the threat or use of nuclear weapons;

Noting that the UN General Assembly at its 48th Session recommended that the Conference on Disarmament should actively continue intensive negotiations with a view to reaching early agreement and concluding effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear weapon   states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, taking into account the widespread support for the conclusion of an International Convention;

Expressing deep concern over the threat of use of nuclear weapons against the Islamic States;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the subject (Document no.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.16);

1. Notes with satisfaction that within the Conference of Disarmament there is no objection in principle to the conclusion of an international convention to protect non-nuclear weapon States against the threat or use of nuclear weapons.

2. Requests the members of the Conference on Disarmament to work urgently towards an agreement on an international convention to assure non-nuclear weapon States against the threat or use of nuclear weapons and to explore all additional means to provide effective assurances to Non-Nuclear Weapon States in the global or regional context.

3. Recommends that the Islamic countries should make efforts at all international fora with a view to promoting the above-mentioned objectives aimed at strengthening the security of non-nuclear weapon States against the threat or use of nuclear weapons.

4. Urges all States especially the nuclear weapons states to engage in serious negotiations in competent international fora for the early conclusion of a comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty preferably before 1995 NPT Review Conference.

5. Requests the Secretary General to follow developments in this respect and report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Believing that the efforts of the international community to move towards the ideal of general and complete disarmament are guided by the desire for genuine peace and security, the elimination of the danger of war and the release of economic, intellectual and other resources for peaceful pursuits;

Affirming the commitment of all Member States to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations in the conduct of their international relations;

Noting that unbridled regional arms race and arms build up impedes efforts for confidence building;

Noting that the essential guidelines for progress towards general and complete disarmament were adopted at the Tenth Special Session of the UN General Assembly vide its Resolution No. S-10/2;

Recalling Resolution 47/52 J adopted by the 47th Session of the United Nations General Assembly;

Welcoming the prospects of genuine progress in the field of disarmament engendered in recent years;

Recognizing the importance of confidence building measures for regional and international peace and security;

Recalling resolution No.23/21-P adopted by the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the subject;

Convinced that endeavours by countries to promote regional disarmament, taking into account the specific characteristics of each region and in accordance with the principle of undiminished security at the lowest level of armaments, would enhance the security of smaller States and would thus contribute to international peace and security by reducing the risk of regional conflicts.

1.Stresses that sustained efforts are needed, within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament and under the umbrella of the United Nations, to make progress on the entire range of disarmament issues.

2.Affirms that global and regional approaches to disarmament complement each other and should therefore be pursued to promote regional and international peace and security.

3.Encourages the conclusion of equitable and non-discriminatory agreements for nuclear non-proliferation, disarmament and confidence-building at regional and sub-regional levels.

4.Welcomes the initiatives towards disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and security undertaken by some countries at the regional and sub-regional levels.

5.Supports and encourages efforts aimed at promoting confidence-building measures at regional and sub-regional levels in order to ease regional tensions and to further disarmament and non-proliferation measures at regional and sub-regional levels, taking into account the relevant characteristics of each region.

6.Considers that regional agreements on ceilings for arms production and purchases and military expenditure can contribute to fostering of confidence and make resources available for development.

7.Requests the Secretary General to follow developments in this respect and report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolve of the Member States expressed in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference to unite their efforts in order to secure universal peace which ensures freedom, justice and security for their people and all peoples throughout the world;

Recalling also the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;

Bearing in mind the need for redressing the asymmetries in the levels of security arising from military imbalances at regional and sub-regional levels;

Recalling Resolution 24/21-P issued by the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on this subject;

1.Recognizes the need for enhancing regional security and stability through the settlement of outstanding disputes and the establishment of equitable and verifiable balance of armaments at lower levels.

2.Calls upon the international community and states concerned to adopt measures which would ease global and regional tensions and result in a just and lasting resolution of outstanding conflicts and disputes thus facilitating meaningful disarmament and arms control measures.

3.Requests the Secretary General to submit a report on the subject to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

In application of the teachings and noble principles of exalted Islamic religion which urge the consolidation of solidarity and fraternity among the members of the unified Islamic Ummah and enjoins opposition to sedition;

Committed to the objectives and principles enunciated in the Charter notably provisions of Article II relating to the strengthening of solidarity and non interference in the internal affairs of member states;

Recalling the resolutions of the Third Islamic Summit held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah 19-22 Rabi'ul Awal 1401H (25-28 January 1981) which stressed the need to strengthen solidarity among Member States on the basis of mutual respect and commitment to non-interference in the internal affairs of one another, and support for the causes of freedom, justice and peace;

Recalling also Resolution 16/6-P(IS) adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on the subject;

1.Calls upon Member States to observe the principles of good neighbourliness, and to prevent the use of their territories or government bodies by individuals or groups bent on doing harm to other Member States.

2.Decides that no movement exploiting the noble Islamic religion should be allowed to carry out any hostile activity against any Member State, and reaffirms the necessity of consolidating coordination among Member States so as to control the phenomenon of intellectual terrorism and extremism.

3.Stresses the need to continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination among Member States at all levels, and to deepen their consultation so as to remove all causes of dissension and promote understanding among them.

4.Invites the Secretary General and Reflection Committee to study this topic and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having taken cognizance of the report of the Consultative Meeting of the Committee for Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, held in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 9 September, 1994, on the fringe of the Seventh Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Welcoming the convening of the Eleventh Session of the Committee for Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, on 30 September, 1994, in New York, on the fringe of the OIC Annual Coordination Meeting of Foreign Ministers;

Taking into account the need for the urgent implementation of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme for the Sahel, which could be compromised if not implemented as soon as possible;

Taking note of the Secretary General's report which reviewed, inter alia, the steps already taken in the elaboration and approval of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme;

1- Expresses appreciation for the efforts made by the OIC General Secretariat, CILSS and IDB for the elaboration and finalization of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme for the Sahel.

2- Stresses the necessity of giving priority to the rapid implementation of the special OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme for the Sahelian populations.

3- Expresses its thanks and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for starting the implementation of the third phase of the programme of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for providing water to Sahel countries as announced at the Sixth Islamic Summit held in Dakar.

4- Appeals urgently to all the Member States to contribute generously to the funding of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme.

5- Appeals to Member States to pledge generous contributions towards funding the Programme.

6-  Invites those countries who wish to contribute to the programme to attend the joint meeting of OIC Secretariat/CILSS/IDB to be held in Kuwait within two months.

7- Expresses its appreciation to His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit, to His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait and Chairman of the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, to His Excellency Antonio Mascarenas De Monteiro, President of the Republic of Cape Verde and current Chairman of the CILSS, to His Excellency Dr. Hamid Algabid, Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to His Excellency Dr. Ousama Jaafar Faquih, President of the Islamic Development Bank, as well as to all members of the Committee for their efforts in favour of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme and urges them to continue their efforts with a view to achieving effective and rapid implementation of the Programme.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling its previous resolutions on the subject, in particular resolution 15/5-P (IS) of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference and the relevant provisions of the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference;

Emphasizing that the African development crisis is of deep concern to the entire Islamic Ummah;

Noting with appreciation the positive response of the international community, particularly the Islamic countries, to the economic difficulties being faced by the continent of Africa;

Realizing that the United Nations Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 adopted by the Special Session of the General Assembly in May 1986 did not become the focal point for economic policy or for resources mobilization for the African development efforts;

Deeply concerned that despite the reform and restructuring being undertaken by the African countries, their economic development continues to be impeded, inter-alia, by an unfavourable economic environment, inadequate flow of resources and a heavy debt burden;

Recalling that the U.N. General Assembly adopted at its 46th Session the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990's;

Taking note of the Secretary General's report on this subject (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.18);

1. Welcomes the efforts made by the African countries towards their economic recovery and development in conformity with the Treaty of Abuja concluded in 1991 establishing the African Economic Community aimed at progressive economic integration of Africa.

2. Stresses the importance of the successful implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990's and calls upon the international community to fulfil its commitments on the basis of the principle of shared responsibility and full partnership with Africa.

3. Expresses appreciation for the countries which have provided assistance to Africa through bilateral or multilateral channels.

4. Calls upon the international community, particularly the developed countries and the concerned international financial agencies, to make a substantial contribution to the objectives of African Economic Recovery and Development inter-alia by increase in financial flows, especially concessional flows, to Africa, particularly to sub-Saharan countries, through measures for an increase in Africa's export earnings and a reduction in the adverse impact on African economies of fluctuations in those earnings and through measures to limit and reduce the burden that external debt imposes on African recovery, reform and development.

5. Calls upon Member States to increase their assistance to the countries of Africa in order to enable them to initiate and implement the necessary structural changes required to hasten their economic development.

6. Invites the international community to strengthen its support of Africa's efforts to diversify its commodity sector as well as for market promotion activities and export.

7. Recommends that Member States and the international community give special attention to providing continued assistance in the sector of agriculture in order to enable the countries of Africa to achieve self-sufficiency as soon as possible.

8. Urges the developed countries and international financial institutions to give special attention to alleviating the extreme debt burden of the African States.

9. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolutions No.29/14-P, No. 38/19-P, No. 28/20-P and No.30/21-P of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers as well as Resolution No.17/6-P(IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on reparations for damages caused by colonialism, and after effects of wars, particularly mines ;

Recalling also  Resolution No.32 of the 5th Summit Conference of Non-Aligned States, held in Colombo from 16 to 19 August, 1976 concerning the after effects of wars;

Also referring to the content of the Declaration of the 9th Summit Conference of Non-Aligned States, held in Belgrade, from 4 to 7 September, 1989 on reparations for the period of colonialism;

Also recalling the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other relevant UN organs on the remnants of war including mines;

Further recalling the historical precedents on reparations for the damages caused by occupation and war and their sequels, particularly those of two world wars;

Recognizing that the existence of physical remnants of the war, including mines, in the territories of developing countries seriously impedes the developmental efforts of these countries and causes a loss of life and property;

Convinced that the responsibility for removing the remnants of wars should fall on the countries that had laid them;

Recognizing that poverty and the obstacles to economic and social development in developing countries are due primarily to the depletion of those countries' economic and human resources by the States which had colonized them;

Also convinced that the effective solution to the problems caused to the developing countries by colonialism, occupation or settlement lies in the commitment of former colonial powers to shoulder the responsibility of compensating for the losses suffered by those countries;

Further convinced that reparations for colonialism are the least that former colonial powers can do to rehabilitate the people of the countries they had colonized;

Further convinced that the peoples of the world have a firm desire to end all forms of colonialism;

1.  Reaffirms its condemnation of colonialism in all its forms as an act of aggression which violates all international conventions and principles of international law.

2.  Recognizes that the effects of colonialism have impeded economic and social development plans and programmes in the developing countries and are still impeding these countries' development and progress.

3. Reaffirms the right of the developing countries to obtain fair compensation for the human and material losses they have suffered as a result of colonialism.

4.  Affirms the right of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahirya for reparations for all the human and material losses it has sustained as a result of the period of Italian invasion and colonization of the Libyan territories.

5.  Invites all past and present colonialist powers to shoulder their responsibilities and make reparations for all the economic, social and cultural consequences of their occupation of developing countries.

6.Requests States involved in the Second World War to extend technical and financial assistance as well as the necessary information and requisite maps so as to assist in immediately removing mines left behind by their forces in some areas of Member States, which are still causing extensive damage and impeding the developmental efforts in these areas.

7.  Affirms the right of the developing countries to recover their cultural property which was looted during the period of colonialism, including antiquities, masterpieces, manuscripts and historical documents.

8.  Urges the international community to take effective measures to prevent the recurrence of colonialism and liquidate its after-effects.

9.  Decides to keep this issue under consideration and requests the Secretary General to submit a report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolution 32/21-P, of the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Bearing in mind the historic contribution of the Islamic civilization in building, enriching and developing human civilization at large;

Conscious of the need for continued active participation in building human civilization and for interacting with it in such a way as to achieve an adequate standard of living, on the basis of mutual understanding among peoples and nations, away from acts of aggression and violations of the principles of the United Nations Charter and international norms;

Proceeding from the inalienable right of peoples to development;

Believing that economic, social and cultural progress is contingent upon the peaceful uses of science and technology on the broadest scale possible, in accordance with the requirements of development;

Conscious that science and technology are the outcome of an integrated human endeavour and that their peaceful applications should be marshalled for the service of the whole of mankind;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the subject (Document No. ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.22);

1. Affirms the inalienable right of the Islamic Ummah to develop, acquire and make use of science and technology for progress in economic, social and cultural fields;

2. Rejects the policies and measures adopted by any State or group of States to hinder scientific and technological progress for peaceful purposes in the Islamic States, as such measures are inconsistent with the legitimate right of all States and peoples to attain an appropriate, modern and civilized standard of living and serve the cause of world peace, security and stability.

3. Calls upon industrialized States to facilitate the transfer of technology to developing countries and remove the restrictions hindering this process.

4. Calls upon Member States to strengthen cooperation among themselves in the fields of science and technology for peaceful purposes, especially in the framework of the Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation.

5. Recommends that Member States consult each other on united action to be taken with regard to any State or group of States restricting the transfer of technology to developing countries.

6. Requests the Secretary General to monitor this issue and submit a report thereon to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Considering the serious problems arising from the dumping of dangerous toxic wastes in certain Islamic Countries by some industrialized countries;

Deeply concerned at the fact that the dumping of radioactive and toxic waste endangers human life, marine fauna and the ecosystem in general;

Bearing in mind the Code of Practice in the International Transboundary Movement of Radio Active Waste established by the International Atomic Energy Agency;

Also bearing in mind the conclusion by African States of the Bamako Convention on the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and control of their transboundary movements within Africa;

Deploring the instances of dumping of toxic wastes in Somalia's territorial waters;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General on the subject (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/D.23);

1. Affirms that the dumping of toxic and nuclear wastes in Member States is a crime against humanity.

2. Condemns all multinational corporations which engage in this shameful practice of dumping toxic waste thus seriously endangering life and environment on our planet.

3. Invites all the Member States to conduct an intensive campaign to enlighten their respective populations about the devastating effects of toxic waste on human life, fauna and flora.

4. Calls upon all States which produce dangerous and toxic waste to take all the measures necessary for treating and recycling this waste in their own countries.

5. Urges all the Member States to ban all the illegal trans-border movements of dangerous and toxic waste, transported without the necessary safeguards and the prior consent of the importing country.

6. Requests the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency in particular to intensify efforts to conclude a legally binding instrument on the effective prohibition of any dumping of radioactive or nuclear wastes.

7. Requests the Secretary General to follow the developments on this subject and to submit a report to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolution 34/21-P adopted by the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the problem of Refugees;

Deeply concerned over the plight of refugees in many parts of the world, most of whom are members of the Islamic community;

Reaffirming the solidarity of Member States with the countries providing asylum to the refugees, and thus assuming immense political, economic and social burdens, in a spirit of Islamic brotherhood and in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Convinced that solidarity is dictated by the principles of brotherhood and the defence of human rights and human dignity, which are deep-rooted in the Islamic heritage and traditions;

Recalling the mandate of the UNHCR in providing protection and adequate care and maintenance to refugees;

Noting with deep concern the declining levels of international assistance extended to the countries of asylum to help them to continue providing assistance to refugees;

Fully convinced that the lasting solution of the refugee problem consists in providing favourable conditions for their return to their homelands in safety and dignity;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the subject (Document No.ICFM/22-94/PIL/ D.24);

1.Notes with satisfaction the ongoing efforts of the Secretary General to further enhance the capacity of the OIC to provide humanitarian assistance to the refugees in cooperation with the UNHCR.

2.Expresses its appreciation to Member States, donor countries, the UNHCR, the U.N. specialized agencies, and other humanitarian institutions for the valuable assistance they extend to refugees in Islamic countries.

3.Expresses also its deep appreciation to countries of asylum for their generous assistance to refugees irrespective of their critical economic situation as well as presence of large number of displaced persons.

4.Reaffirms its deep concern for the security, stability and infrastructure of those Muslim countries whose economic and social development is seriously affected by the presence of millions of refugees.

5.Calls on Member States, to coordinate their action at international level with a view to determining the main reasons behind the exodus of refugees to Islamic and other countries and strive, in cooperation with the UNHCR, to enable those refugees to return to their homes whenever circumstances permit.

6.Urges Member States and the Islamic Development Bank to increase their assistance to the Islamic countries sheltering refugees given the economic and social difficulties caused by the presence of those refugees.

7.Calls on Member States to cooperate with the UNHCR to end the downward trend of assistance to refugees and to secure additional resources to alleviate the suffering of those refugees in Islamic countries.

8.Urges non-Member States to create better conditions for their Muslim communities, so that they are not forced to escape or are driven out as refugees because of religious, ethnic or racial oppression.

9.Condemns all acts of repression against the refugees including armed attacks on their camps and pressures on the countries sheltering them.

10.Urges the Secretary General to continue to closely liase with the countries of asylum and cooperate and coordinate with the UNHCR with a view to intensifying the efforts of the Organization of the  Islamic Conference for the alleviation of the plight of the refugees in the Muslim World and to report thereon to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the goals and principles of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference aiming in particular at consolidating Islamic solidarity among Member States and strengthening cooperation between them in the economic, social, cultural and scientific fields as well as in other vital fields;

Taking into account the Peace Agreement concluded in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) on October 9th, 1994 between the Government of the Republic of Niger and the Coordination of the Armed Resistance;

Convinced of the necessity of providing Niger with the necessary assistance for its economic and social development, the sole guarantee of stability;

  1. Expresses satisfaction at the signing of the Peace Agreement.

2. Commends the efforts exerted by mediating countries for their important contribution to the conclusion of this Agreement.

3. Requests Member States, the General Secretariat of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and the other Islamic Institutions to provide Niger with the necessary assistance to enable it to consolidate its national unity and achieve its regional developmental objectives within the framework of the implementation of the above-mentioned Agreement.

4. Invites the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of the provisions of the present resolution and report thereon to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Based on resolution No. 19/6-P (IS) entitled "Islamic solidarity with Mali for restoration of peace and development of its Northern Regions" adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 9-11 December, 1991;

Recalling resolution No.29/21-P adopted by the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Karachi from 25 to 29 April 1993 aimed at achieving the same objective;

Having examined the conclusions of the report of the Mission of the Islamic Solidarity Fund on the implementation of the emergency programme for the rehabilitation of the regions of Timbuctu, Gao and Kidal;

Deeply concerned over the lack of financing for this programme;

Convinced that the return of peace, rehabilitation of the displaced peoples and their socio-economic development cannot be achieved without the support and assistance of friendly countries and institutions;

Keeping in view the principles and objectives of the Charter of the OIC;

Mindful of the spirit of Islamic solidarity;

1-Requests the member states and Islamic institutions to provide necessary financial assistance for the projects of the emergency programme for ensuring the return of the refugees, their rehabilitation and for the social, economic and cultural development of the Northern Regions of Mali.

2-Thanks the OIC, IGATHA, Rabita and ISF for their contribution to the efforts of the Government of Mali for the rehabilitation and development of the Northern Regions.

3-Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report to the Twenty-third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H, corresponding to 13-15 December, 1994,

Recalling that Muslim communities and minorities living in Non-OIC Member States account for over one third of the Islamic Ummah;

Recalling also the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by Islamic Summit Conferences, Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and  international conventions and agreements, particularly those calling for observance of human rights and political, social, cultural, economic and religious freedoms;

Further recalling UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;

Reaffirming its commitment to Muslim communities and minorities living in Non-OIC Member States and expressing its concern at the forms of intolerance towards some of these communities and minorities;

Condemning persecution and violations, especially those committed by aggression or occupation forces against Muslim communities and minorities in some non-OIC Member States.

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the situation of Muslim Communities and minorities (Document No.ICFM/22-94/MM/D.1);

1.Expresses its appreciation of the Secretary General's Report which contains a comprehensive study on Islamic Communities and minorities in Non-Member States.

2.Expresses its satisfaction at the efforts exerted by the Secretary General for the implementation of the resolutions adopted on the Islamic Communities and Minorities in Non- Member States and requests the Secretary General to continue these efforts.

3.Urges Member States to pay due attention to the problems faced by the Islamic communities and minorities living in Non-OIC Member States, to play an effective role in protecting them, and to do their utmost to induce the countries where they live to recognize their right to full citizenship, grant them all their civil and religious rights and treat them equitably in accordance with the principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms stipulated in international conventions and  treaties.

4.Requests the Secretary General to make contacts with the Member States having communities of their nationals living in Non-Member States to become acquainted with their experiences and efforts to preserve their identity and authentic Islamic heritage.

5.Expresses its deep concern at certain recent instances of discrimination and acts of violence against Muslim immigrants in Europe, constituting violation of their human rights including but not limited to the breach of their freedom of religious and cultural practices. It requests the Secretary General to take necessary measures to ensure protection of fundamental rights of Muslim immigrants living in Europe, as well as to preserving their identity and Islamic heritage and for seeking solutions to the problems facing these immigrants.

6. Expresses its concern at the continuing denial and violation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Muslim communities and minorities and urges full respect of all the rights and individual as well as collective freedoms of those communities and minorities.

7.Urges that effective measures be taken to prevent further deterioration of the very tense situation in Kosova and the Sanjak, and to protect Muslim communities there.

8.Calls upon the OIC Member States to carry out individual and collective contacts with Governments of non-OIC-Member States concerned so as to ensure the safety and integrity for the values and rights of the Muslim communities and minorities and further calls upon the OIC Member States to consult among themselves about action to be taken in cases of violation, aggression and occupation against Muslim communities and minorities.

9.Appreciates the Secretary General's recent statements which highlighted the anxiety and concern of the Islamic Ummah over the desecration of Islamic Holy Places and requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts aimed at protecting the heritage and sacred values of Islam in non-Member States.

10. Requests the Secretary General to continue to monitor the developments concerning the situation of the Muslim communities and minorities in various non-OIC-Member States, to contact the governments of States with Islamic minorities and communities and to cooperate with Islamic associations and institutions, as well as with relevant international organisations, for implementation of the resolutions adopted in this regard.

11.Urges the Member States and the Islamic Associations and Institutions to extend every kind of support and generous  assistance to the General Secretariat so that it may carry out in the best manner the tasks assigned to it in terms of visits, meetings and seminars to study the situation of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States and examine the problems they face in an effort to find appropriate solutions thereto, within the framework of respect for the sovereignty of the States in which they live.

12.Requests the Secretary General to submit to next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, a report contained a comprehensive list of the Muslim Communities and Minorities in Non-Member States.

13Decides to consider the issue at the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H, (13-15 December, 1994),

Bearing in mind the previous resolutions and final communiques of the OIC on the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines, particularly para 77 of the Final Declaration of the Eleventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, Resolutions  4/4-P of 1973, 18/5-P of 1974, 2/8-P and 7/8-P of 1977; 20/9-P of 1978, 25/15-P of 1984, 43/19-P of 1990; 33/20-P of 1991 and 11/6-P (IS) of 1991;

Recalling the final communique of the Sixth Islamic Summit welcoming the resumption of negotiations between the Moro National Liberation Front and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines under the auspices of the OIC aimed at reaching a political, just and comprehensive solution of the problem in the framework of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines;

Taking into consideration the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee of Six entrusted by the Islamic Conference with the follow up of the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines;

Recalling the Tripoli Agreement signed on 23 December 1976, under the auspices of the OIC, between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front;

Recalling both Memoranda of Understanding by which the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front have concluded two rounds of preliminary talks, held in Tripoli, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 2-4 October, 1992 and in Cipanas, Western Java, Republic of Indonesia on 14-16 April, 1993;

Recalling the role of the Government of Indonesia in hosting and facilitating the first and second rounds of formal peace talks in Jakarta on 25 October to 7 November 1993 and from 1 to 5 September 1994 and the meetings of the various technical committees between the GRP and the MNLF;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines, (Document No.ICFM/22-94/MM/D.2).

1. Reaffirms the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences on solidarity with the Muslims in Southern Philippines in their just struggle for the realization of their legitimate aspirations within the framework of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Philippines.

2. Pays tribute to the leaders of the Moro National Liberation Front, the sole legitimate representative of Muslims in Southern Philippines ("Bangsamoro people") for their unfailing readiness to a just, comprehensive, and final solution to the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines through dialogue and negotiation with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines under the auspices of the OIC, and the commitment of the Front to the Tripoli Agreement of 1976 and the subsequent agreements which were concluded between the two parties with the participation of the Ministerial Committee of the Six and the OIC Secretary General.

3. Welcomes the agreement of the participants in the formal peace negotiations between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front with the participation of the Ministerial Committee of the Six and the OIC Secretary General, to the fact that their talks shall focus on effective means to fully implement the 1976 Tripoli Agreement in letter and spirit including: (a) those measures in the Agreement, which had been left for further subsequent talks, and (b) the transitional implementing structure and mechanism.

4. Pays tribute to the spirit of good will and understanding which prevailed at the first and second rounds of formal peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front with the participation of the Ministerial Committee of the Six and the OIC Secretary General which facilitated the achievement of positive results as reflected in the signing of a series of agreements.

5. Welcomes  the Memorandum of Agreement which crowned the first round of formal peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front with the participation of the Ministerial Committee of the Six and the OIC Secretary General, held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 25 October to  7 November, 1993.

6. Welcomes also the 1994 Interim Agreement which crowned the second round of formal peace talks held in Jakarta, Indonesia from 1 to 5 September, 1994.

7. Welcomes further  the 1993 Interim Cease-fire Agreement  between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front, with the participation of the Ministerial Committee of the Six and the OIC Secretary General, as well as the Joint Cease-fire

Guidelines and Ground Rules for implementing the 1993 Interim Cease-fire Agreement aimed at creating a positive atmosphere  to strengthen the necessary mutual confidence for the success of the formal peace negotiations.

8. Welcomes the readiness of the Philippine Government to enhance the confidence-building process between the Philippine Government, the Moro National Liberation Front and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference; and also welcomes its resolve to maintain the momentum generated by goodwill for participating in a wide ranging process to seek creative solutions to the key issues so as to ensure the success of the third round of formal peace negotiations particularly which the Conference hopes to be the final one and the success of the peace process in southern Philippines in general.

9. Reaffirms its solidarity with the Bangsamoro people and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and its readiness to continue providing every form of assistance - humanitarian, material, financial and political - to the Muslims in Southern Philippines and to the Moro National Liberation Front until their just and legitimate aspirations are fulfilled.

10. Urges the OIC Member States as well as all Islamic philanthropic establishments, individuals and humanitarian organizations in the Islamic Ummah to generously extend financial assistance to the MNLF to augment its capacity to further the peace process in the true spirit of Islamic unity and solidarity.

11.  Notes with satisfaction the efforts made by the Secretary General and the Ministerial Committee of the Six  to find a just and comprehensive solution to the problem of Muslims in the Southern Philippines.

12.  Requests the Ministerial Committee of the Six and the OIC Secretary General to continue following up this question closely until a peaceful, just, comprehensive permanent solution to the problem of the Muslims in the Southern Philippines is achieved within the framework of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines.

13. Pays tribute to the role of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in achieving the Tripoli Agreement on 23 December 1976 and in hosting the first exploratory talks in Tripoli from 2 to 4 October 1992.

14. Pays tribute to the role of the Government of Indonesia in hosting and facilitating the two rounds of the formal peace talks from 25 October to 7 November 1993 and from 1 to 5 September 1994 and warmly welcomes its readiness to host the third round of formal peace talks in Mid-1995.

15.  Requests the Secretary General to communicate this Resolution to the Government of the Republic of  Philippines and to the Moro National Liberation Front.

16.  Requests the Secretary General to take the necessary measures to implement this Resolution and submit a report thereon to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H,  (13-15 December, 1994),

Having studied in depth the intentional distortion of the image of Islam in parts of the outside world;

Being aware of the dangerous cases of confusion and distortion to which the essence of the tolerant Islamic faith is being subjected either through ignorance or through a deliberate and premeditated intent to undermine the Islamic sanctities;

Recognizing the need for greater Islamic solidarity and cooperation to respond to the challenge represented by the distortion of the image and values of Islam;

Being aware of the trust reposed in them for defending Islam as a righteous way of life for individuals and communities;

Emphasizing their total confidence in the ability of the glorious Islamic religion and its blessed Sharia to find solutions to the problems facing Muslims;

Being conscious of the duty to promote the true and honourable picture of the noble Islamic religion, and to highlight the moral resources and potentialities inherent in the teachings of Islam for organising individual and collective relations as well as ties among nations and peoples all over the world and the importance of mass media in this regard;

Reaffirming the noble purpose of the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference namely to achieve mutual support and solidarity among the peoples of the Islamic world, as a religious duty and enhancement of security, stability and prosperity of Islamic countries and peoples;

Highlighting the spirit of openness and the virtue of dialogue and mild exhortation enjoined by our noble religion;

1.Affirm that it is their noble duty to rise up against all attempts at presenting a distorted image of Islam and Muslims and associating them with terrorism or extremism which are totally alien and inapplicable to Islamic religion and tradition, and express their determination to project the correct image of Islam, resorting in this regard to the spirit of "Ijtihad" in Islam based on general principles of Islamic Sharia.

2.Condemn the evil intention of the quarters that seize every opportunity to discredit Islam or present it as contrary to progress and development or as a threat to the foundations of modern civilization.

3.Rejects the use of this distorted image of Islam to justify aggression and occupation against Muslim countries and peoples;

4.Denounce the double standard approach adopted by anti-Islamic quarters whenever a just cause of interest to the Islamic Ummah is at stake.

5.Affirm the readiness of the Islamic Ummah stemming from the teachings of Islam to engage in a constructive dialogue with the revealed religions in a spirit of tolerance and respect for international legality.

6.Decide to appoint a group of experts nominated by the respective Member States, specializing in Islamic culture and civilization, in the principles of Islamic law and in information techniques, whose task it will be to make recommendations and develop programmes for meeting the challenges facing the Islamic Ummah. This group should be open to participation by all member-states.

7.Request the Secretary General to prepare a report on the subject after contacting Member States in order to elicit their views about the terms of reference and the programme of work of the expert group, and to present the report to the Chairman of the Islamic Summit prior to its submission to the next session of the ICFM for a final decision.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolution 12/5-P(IS) of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference regarding the establishment of the International Islamic Court of Justice;

Desiring to speed up the establishment of the International Islamic Court of Justice so that it may contribute to the peaceful settlement of disputes among Islamic States;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the progress made towards the establishment of the Court (ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.1);

1.Expresses its appreciation to the Member States that have ratified the statute of the Court and the amendment of Article (3) of the Charter by the addition of a fourth paragraph (d) concerning the International Islamic Court of Justice.

2.Urges the Member States that have not yet ratified the Statute of the Court and the amendment of the Charter to accelerate the completion of the ratification procedure and to deposit their instruments of ratification at the General Secretariat as soon as possible, so that the quorum necessary for the Court to become operational may be attained.

3.Calls for continued coordination and consultation between the State of Kuwait, the host country, and the General Secretariat to look for the best ways and means for accelerating the establishment of the Court and the functioning thereof.

4.Invites the Secretary General to continue his intensive contacts and consultations with the Member States to expedite the attainment of the necessary quorum of ratifications to establish the Court and the commencement of its work.

5.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Simmit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the motives and the noble objectives which dictate the need and importance of underlining human rights which are guaranteed by the glorious religion of Islam;

Bearing in mind the objectives of the Charter of the OIC and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to promote and encourage respect for human rights without distinction as to the race, sex or religion;

Mindful of the integrity of Islamic values on human rights and the great importance which Islam attaches to human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction;

Recalling Resolution No. 49/19-P of the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers adopting and  issuing the document entitled "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam" which includes general guidance to the Member States in the field of human rights;

Recalling also Resolution No. 37/20-P and Resolution No. 40/21-P of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers underlining the importance of the following up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam;

Recognizing the utmost importance of the issue of human rights in international relations and in particular in  relations among the OIC Member States, resulting from the current developments and interactions in the international arena;

Aware of the direct implications of this matter on the speedy achievement of development, progress and stability in various economic, social and political fields;

Having taken note of the Report of the First Meeting of the Government Expert Group on the Follow-Up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam which is attached to the relevant Report of the Secretary General (Document No. ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.2);

1. Welcomes the unanimous decision of the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to issue the Cairo Declaration on human rights in Islam which will serve as a general guidance for Member States in the field of human rights.

2.Recognizes the importance of following up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and to retain it as an item on the Agenda of the Regular Sessions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and its continued consideration for the effectiveness of joint and concerted  action by Member States and the General Secretariat in order to facilitate the promotion of all Islamic values in the field of human rights.

3.Expresses its appreciation for the contributions made by the Member States in the World Conference of Human Rights, organized by the United Nations in Vienna in the summer of 1993, and the coordination of their positions during the Conference on the basis of the principles and guidelines contained in the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.

4.Takes note of the Report of the inter- Governmental Expert Group on the Follow-up of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and requests the Secretary General to convene another meeting of the Government Expert Group during the year 1994-95 in order to finalize its task in accordance with the contents of the Group's Report which is contained in Document No. (emhr/2-94/REP.1 FINAL).

5.Requests the Secretary General to report to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the progress in the implementation of this resolution.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Bearing in mind the objectives of the Charter of OIC and the "Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam" to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all in accordance with Islamic values and teachings as well as the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights;

Mindful of the Islamic values on human rights, the supreme place of mankind in Islam as vicegerent of Allah on earth and accordingly the great importance that is being attached by the Islamic thought to promote and encourage respect for human rights;

Aware that the increasing importance of human rights throughout the world calls for further intensification of the efforts of the Islamic Ummah and Islamic organizations in order to take appropriate initiatives at the national, regional and international levels for  the promotion and protection of human rights;

Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General on the coordination among Member States in the field of Human Rights in accordance with Resolution 41/21-P (ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.2 A);

Emphasizing the significance of the World Conference on Human rights, the coordination of the positions of the Organization's Member States thereto, and the positive contribution made by the Member States and the General Secretariat towards the proceedings of the Conference;

Emphasizing also the importance of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and the World Social Development Summit in Copenhagen, the coordination of the positions of the Organization's Member States thereto, and the positive contribution which should be made by the Member States and the General Secretariat towards the proceedings of the Confernce and the Summit;

Noting the attempts to exploit the issue of human rights to undermine the principles of the Islamic Shariah and to interfere in the affairs of Islamic States;

Reaffirming the paragraphs relating to human rights contained in the Final Communique of the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Member States in the OIC, held in New York on October 3, 1994.

1. Expresses its appreciation and thanks to the Member States and the General Secretariat for their positive role and contributions in the World Conference on Human Rights based on the guidelines outlined in "the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam".

2. Reitrates the need for further and more regular consultation and coordination among Member States in the field of human rights, particularly in the United Nations General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Commission on Human Rights and other relevant bodies.

3. Underlines the necessity of cooperation and coordination among Member States in international conferences, including the Social Development Summit and the World Conference on Women, where proper emphasis on development should be stressed.

4. Calls for the continuation of the necessary measure of vigilance and caution in the face of the wrong interpretations and insult of the Islamic Shariah in the reports of some rapporteurs of the international bodies and organisations.

5. Requests the Secretary General to facilitate cooperation and coordination among Member States in these bodies and fora, and report to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the measures and mechanisms to enhance coordinated and regular cooperation among Member States in this area.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the Status of signature, ratification, and accession to the Agreements concluded under the auspices of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (Document No. ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.3);

Deploring that the quorum required for the coming into effect many of these Agreements is not yet fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of their Statutes;

Realizing the importance of expediting the signing and/ or ratification, by Member States, of these agreements for strengthening the role of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and facilitate its functioning and diversify and widen the fields of cooperation among Member States;

1. Urges, anew, the Member States to sign and/or ratify, as soon as possible, the various agreements concluded in the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

2. Requests the Secretary General to follow-up this matter and submit a report thereon to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Committed to the moral and human principles that the O.I.C. Member States believe in, and inspired by their sublime and tolerant religion; their heritage and tradition which call for the renunciation of all forms of injustice, aggression and acts of intolerance;

Proceeding from the conviction that there is an international consensus on combating terrorism in all its forms; eliminating the evils and causes of terrorism directed against the life and property of innocent people, the violation of the sovereignty of States, and the jeopardizing of the rights of peoples;

Convinced of the need for drawing clear-cut and agreed upon international criteria, enabling to differentiate  clearly between terrorism and people's struggle for national liberation;

Emphasizing the need for Islamic cooperation to take practical measures whereby terrorism is effectively fought and checked;

Confirming the inalienable and legitimate right to  self-determination and independence for all peoples living under colonial and racist regimes and foreign occupation, and particularly the struggle of national liberation movements;

Condemning all terrorist acts, including acts perpetrated by States, either directly or indirectly, which spread violence and terror and aim at destabilizing  countries and societies;

Denouncing the frantic attempts at obliterating the distinction between terrorism and the legitimate struggle of peoples which conforms with the principles of international law and the provisions of the Charters of the O.I.C. and the U.N.;

Having observed the classifications adopted by some quarters due to tenditious political considerations in accordance with which some of the Islamic States are placed under what they name the list of States that harbour terrorism;

Recalling U.N. General Assembly Resolution 1514 (1960) on granting the right to self-determination and independence to colonised countries and peoples, and U.N. General Assembly  Resolution 42/104, adopted on 7 December 1987;

Recalling also Resolution  35/5-P (IS) and Resolution 19/5-P(IS) adopted by the Fifth Islamic Summit, and Resolution 43/21-P adopted by the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Having considered the Secretary General's report on the convening of an International Conference under the auspices of the UN to define terrorism and distinguish it from people's struggle for national liberation (Document No. ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.4;

1. Reiterates its support for convening an International Conference under the auspices of the United Nations to define terrorism and to distinguish it from the struggle of peoples for national liberation.

2. Commends the efforts made during the Forty-Eighth Session of the U.N. General Assembly regarding the convening of an International Conference.

3. Invites Member States in their replies to the Questionnaire circulated by the U.N. Secretary General, in keeping with General Assembly Resolution 44/29, to stress the need for convening an International Conference for defining the meaning of terrorism, and for distinguishing terrorism from the struggle of peoples for national liberation and also calls upon them to exert all the necessary efforts during the next Session of the U.N. General Assembly in support of holding the International Conference as early as possible.

4. Requests the Secretary General to report to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the implementation of this Resolution.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Resolution No. 44/21-P adopted at the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Karachi as well as the Final Communique issued by the Conference on the preparation of a Code of Conduct for Combating international terrorism;

Having considered the report of the Secretary General No. ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.4(A) and the report No. OIC/WG-TER/1-93/REP.1 FINAL of the meetings of the open-ended inter-governmental working group on combating international terrorism;

1.Decides to approve the Code of Conduct for the Member States of the OIC on Combating international terrorism which is annexed to this Resolution.

2.Requests the Secretary General to communicate this Code of Conduct to the international and regional Organiztions concerned and to dessiminate it, to the largest extent possible, to information media in the official languages of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

3.Requests the Secretary General to include an item on the Agenda of the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers relating to the "Follow-up" of the Code of Conduct for Combatting International Terrorism".


Annex to Res. 43/7-P(IS)


The Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference:

In accordance with the precepts of our tolerant Islamic religion, which rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and call for strengthening brotherhood and solidarity among the Muslims as well as avoiding divisiveness and discord.

In keeping with the provisions of the OIC Charter and its objectives of bringing about an appropriate climate for strengthening cooperation and understanding among Member States, respecting their sovereignty, territorial integrity, national stability and security and non-interference in their internal affairs;

Recalling the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Declaration issued by the Third Islamic Summit and the Resolution No.16/6-P (IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in Dakar;

In the face of continuing terrorist acts in all their forms and manifestations, including those where States are involved directly or indirectly, and which spread violence and terror and constitute a serious threat to international peace, stability and security;

Taking into consideration and respecting the relevant international legal instruments;

Proceeding from the conviction that there is an international consensus on combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, eliminating the evils and causes of terrorism directed against the life and property of innocent people and sovereignty and territorial integrity of States;

Emphasizing the importance of international and regional cooperation, especially among member states, in combating effectively all forms of terrorism;

Convinced also of the need for drawing clear-cut and agreed upon international criteria, enabling to differentiate clearly between terrorism and peoples struggle for national liberation against all forms of colonialism, occupation and racial discrimination.

Confirming the inalienable and legitimate right to self-determination and independence for all peoples living under colonial and racist regimes and foreign occupation, and particularly the struggle of national liberation movements;


1-Declaring that terrorism cannot be justified under any circumstances and thus they unequivocally condemn all acts, methods and practices of terrorism regardless of their origins, causes and purposes, without prejudice to the legitimate rights of people under occupation to struggle for their independence and self-determination in conformity with the provisions of the OIC and UN Charters;

2.They express their strong commitment to combat terrorism and to take firm and effective bilateral and collective steps to prevent acts of terrorism in all its forms, and in order to achieve that end, they will strive in particular to:

a)Reaffirm their commitment to refrain from undertaking, attempting or participating in any way in financing, instigating or supporting directly or indirectly acts of terrorism.

b)Take all necessary measures to ensure that their territories are not used for planning, organizing, executing, initiating or participating in any terrorist activity including infiltration of terrorist elements into their countries as well as taking residence therein, individually or collectively, and also the harbouring, training, arming, financing, recruiting or providing any facilities to such elements likely to enable them to achieve their aims;

c)Enhance cooperation among Member States, in accordance with their internal laws and relevant International arrangements and conventions, in countering and combating terrorist acts, prosecuting their perpetrators or handing them over to their respective countries or the State where the act was committed, in accordance with their bilateral Agreements and  arrangements, as well as cooperation in the fields of exchange of relevant information on terrorists and their activities.

3.They reaffirm their commitment to ensure the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and personnel, in accordance with relevant international conventions.

4.They affirm their determination and commitment to enhance their information and media activities so as to counter biased campaigns against Islam, by highlighting the true image of our noble religion and exposing the schemes of terrorist groups, duality of their message and the danger of their role to the stability and security of member states.

5.They underline the importance of introducing, in their educational curricula, the noble human values, principles and ethics of Islam which forbid the practice of terrorism.

6.They express their commitment to the principles and provisions of this Code of Conduct.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolutions 28/12-P, 25/13-P, 22/14-P, 19/15-P, 3/16-P, 35/17-P, 31/18-P, 40/19-P, 29/20-P and 45/21-P on combating hijacking of aircraft adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers;

Taking into consideration that the hijacking of aircraft and the anguish caused to innocent passengers is a crime as grave as highway robbery which is prohibited by the Islamic Shariah in accordance with the text of the Holy Quran (Surat Al-Maida/33);

Noting that crimes of hijacking aircraft have continued in spite of all international agreements and conventions prohibiting them and calling for the imposition of more severe sanctions against hijacking;

Deeply concerned at the acts of violence against innocent passengers in addition to the dread, terror and suffering caused to them and to their relatives and the unjustified physical and mental torture inflicted on other passengers contrary to the provisions of Islamic Shariah;

Having considered the report of the Secretary General on the strengthening of Islamic solidarity in combating hijacking (ICFM/22-94/LEG/D.5);

Firmly deploring at the hijacking of aircrafts of OIC Member States for securing illegitimate objectives;

Aware that the escalating acts of violence associated with the hijacking of aircraft which have gone as far as murdering the innocent constitute a flagrant violation of the precepts of Islam, the religion of all Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which prohibits the slaying of any one which God has forbidden unless for a just cause;

Conscious of the need for the full observance of international conventions against hijacking;

1.Condemns all forms of international terrorism including the crime of hijacking aircraft and unlawful acts against the safety and security of civil aviation.

2.Calls on Member States to refrain from yielding to the demands of hijackers which constitute a form of extortion contrary to the interests of the peoples and countries of the OIC and established rules.

3.Calls upon Member States to take all necessary measures to curb such crimes and to inflict the most severe punishments against offenders involved in them or to hand them over to the other States concerned.

4.Calls upon Member States which have not acceded to the Tokyo Convention (1963), the Hague Convention (1970) and the Montreal Convention (1971) on penalties for hijacking and guarantees for the security and safety of civil aviation, to expedite their ratification of and accession to these Conventions and urges the States which have already acceded to these Conventions to strictly and firmly implement their provisions.

5.Calls upon all Member States on whose territories hijacked planes land to exert the utmost efforts to foil the designs of the hijackers in accordance with international rules in this regard and, in cooperation with the country owning the aircraft, to prevent the aircraft from taking off, in accordance with the relevant international agreements.

6.Requests the Member States facing such situations to provide necessary assistance to the passengers, the crew members, the aircraft and the countries owning them, in accordance with the provisions of international agreements.

7.Requests the Secretary General to take the necessary measures for the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.





The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H, (13-15 December, 1994),

Having taken cognizance  through the Report of the Secretary General, of the recommendations made by the Ministerial Follow Up Committee set-up by the Second Islamic Conference of Information Ministers which was held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt on 19 and 20 January, 1994;

Recalling Resolutions Nos. 43/18-P, 51/19-P, 40/20-P, 46/21-P, and 47/21-P of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Noting with satisfaction the activities of the Ministerial Follow-up Committee of the Second Islamic Conference of Information Ministers;

1-Expresses its profound gratidude to the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt for having hosted the second session of the Ministerial Follow up Committee of the Second Islamic Conference of Information Ministers.

2-Takes note of the report of the Secretary General on the recommendations of the Ministerial Follow up Committee of the Second Islamic Conference of Information Ministers.

3-Urges the Member States to support the Follow-up Committee so that it can perform its role satisfactorily.

4-Expresses thanks  to the government of the Syrian Arab Republic for offering to host the third session of the Islamic Conference of Information in Damascus.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered  the Report of the Secretary General on the implementation of the 1993/94 Programme of Action within the framework of the Information Plan;

Recalling resolutions 10/4-P (IS), 1/5-P (IS) and 1/6-P (IS) of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Islamic Summits, the recommendations of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC) at its 1st, 2nd and 3rd sessions, resolutions 44/11-P, 39/12-P, 30/14-P, 28/15-P, 33/16-P, 48/17-P, 44/18-P, 32/19-P and 41/20-P of the 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th ICFMs on the  Information Plan of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;

Recalling also resolution 48/21-P of the 21st Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers adopting the 1992-93 Programme of Action and calling on the Secretary General to submit a report on its implementation to COMIAC to the 22nd ICFM;

Recalling further  the recommendations of the Fourth Session of Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar from 31 October to 2 November 1991, under the Chairmanship of His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the said Committee, on the financing and implementing of the Information Plan;

Recalling further the commitments made by Member States to establish an appropriate communication network aimed at reducing the imbalance in the flow of information in the Islamic World on the one hand and a specific information system to assert their national and cultural identities and  combat the hostile campaigns directed at Islam and Muslims, on the other hand;

1.  Reaffirms the need for Member States' strong support to, and effective participation in, the implementation of the Information Plan to ensure its success.

2.  Appeals to Member States:

   a)To assume, individually or through cooperation among themselves, the execution of a number of operations of the Information Plan;

   b)To settle their arrears of contributions to the budget of the General Secretariat so that the latter can make up for the delay in implementation of the Plan arising out of such arrears;

3.  Approves the 1994-95 Action Programme  submitted by the General Secretariat and drawn from the Information Plan, this programme having to be implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the 4th Session of COMIAC and the following financial conditions:

-US$ 500,000 from mandatory contributions by Member States,  and

-US$ 500,000 from voluntary contributions and donations.

4.  Appeals to Member States to pay their mandatory contributions and also make voluntary contributions necessary for the implementation of this Action Programme.

5.  Reaffirms the need for Member States to strengthen cooperation among their information organs, institutions and organizations, this being the only way to unite their efforts and pool their human, material and financial resources so as to provide the Islamic Ummah with an information system that is credible, up-to-date, and capable of defending its religion, its interests and its stands effectively.

6.  Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to COMIAC and to the Twenty-Third Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered the  introductory report of the OIC Secretary General on the OIC specialized institutions in the field of information, and the report submitted by the Islamic International News Agency (IINA) on its activities and projects;

Noting with satisfaction the achievements of the Agency in the field of information and journalism;

Expressing deep concern over the failure of some countries to settle their contributions to the Agency's budget;

Having noted the efforts being made by the Agency to expand and diversify its activities in the field of publication of books and bulletins on current events in the Islamic world, as well as reports and surveys on Islamic States, despite the financial, technical and journalistic difficulties it is experiencing;

Noting the role of the Agency in forcing its way to meet competition with other agencies by expanding its activities in the field of publications and bulletins which constitute reference documents for researchers in the Islamic world;

1. Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the constant support extended to the Agency, and to the Member States which have contributed human, moral and material assistance to the Agency, thereby enabling it to pursue its progress in the field of information;

2. Calls on Member States to pay their subscriptions and settle their contributions to the Agency budget so that the Agency can fulfil its responsibilities.

3. Urges  Member States to extend support to the Agency by providing it with additional editorial and technical staff so that it may achieve its objectives in the service of Islamic information.

4. Requests information institutions in Member States to provide the Agency with upto date information reports and printed material on developments in their countries.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having considered  the introductory report of the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the OIC institutions specializing in the field of information and the report of the Secretary General of the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization on its activities, projects and action plans;

Noting with satisfaction the achievements of the Organization in the service of the Islamic Da'wah, the dissemination of Arabic and the defense of Islamic causes;

Expressing concern over the increasing arrears of a very large number of Member States in the Organisation's budget;

1. Expresses deep gratitude and appreciation to King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, for his generous donation of $ 800,000 to ISBO to cover the Organization's share in the production of a television programme for teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers.

2. Expresses thanks and appreciation to the Radio and Television Union of the Arab Republic of Egypt for executing the television programme to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and bearing half the cost of its production.

3. Expresses thanks and appreciation to the Member States which have settled their contributions to the Organization's budget.

4. Calls on the Member States concerned to regularly settle their full contributions to the Organization's annual budget and arrange for the early settlement of their arrears so that the Organisation can implement the programmes and projects it has adopted and achieve the objectives of the Islamic Ummah in the service of Dawah and Islamic information.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415h (13-15 December, 1994),

Taking into consideration that the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC) will examine the implementation of Resolution No. 6/18-AF adopted by the Eighteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers which stipulates "to merge both the International Islamic News Agency (IINA) and the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization (ISBO) to be the Islamic Communication Centre (ICC)", as referred to in the preamble of Resolution No.1/6-ORG(IS) adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference and that the Committee will also examine para (3) of Resolution IIMC-2/6 adopted by the Second Islamic Conference of Information Ministers which calls on the General Secretariat "to submit again the question of possibility of maintaining both IINA and ISBO as independent institutions specialized in Islamic Information, in the Report of the General Secretariat which will be submitted to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, as a request to be submitted again by the OIC General Secretariat to the next Islamic Summit Conference".

Requests the Secretary General to submit to the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC) a report on the implementation of the relevant resolutions on the situation of IINA and ISBO.