11-13 RAJAB, 1415H (13-15 DECEMBER, 1994)  





The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference, (Session of fraternity and revival), held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth  Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;

Noting with satisfaction the efforts made by the Government of Niger, the OIC General Secretariat, the Board of Trustees of the University, the IDB and the ISF for the continuation of the University's action and smooth functioning of the Islamic University of Niger.

Expressing its thanks to Member States, Al-Azhar Al-Shareef, the Islamic Development Bank, Rabitah Al-Alam Al-Islami, the International Islamic Charitable Organization (Kuwait), World Islamic Da'wa Association, Islamic Solidarity Fund and all those who extended support and assistance for the establishment and functioning of the University;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the Islamic University in Niger;

Conscious of the need to secure for the University regular financial resources and the needed educational and material support;

1. Reaffirms the importance of the resumption of the Niger Islamic University's activities for the spreading of Islamic culture and Arabic language as well as for the coverage of the needs of French-speaking populations of Western Africa in the areas of teaching and religious education and training and expressed its satisfaction with the reopening of the Unviersity and resumption of its educational activities as of 1st November 1993.

2.Expresses its heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Government of Niger and the University's Board of Trustees for their fruitful cooperation and persistent efforts which led to the reopening of the University and the resumption of its activity. It also expressed its appreciation for the positive cooperation of the Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization in supervising the academic and cultural aspects of the educational action of the Unviersity.

3. Pays tribute to the consistant support extended by the ISF to meet part of the University's annual budget and appeals to the Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, and Islamic Charity Organizations to grant financial and material support to this important Islamic institution.

4. Also reaffirms the need of establishing a Waqf whose proceeds would be sufficient to ensure steady resources for the University in line with the case of the Islamic University in Uganda, urges donors to step up their efforts to achieve this objective and entrust the University's Board of Trustees to act in this direction with a view to secure a conclusive solution to the University's financial difficulties in the long term.

5. Expresses its appreciation to the Government of Niger for having granted a plot of land in central Niamey as a Waqf for the benefit of the Islamic University of Say.


The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous Resolutions of the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth   Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Islamic University in Uganda;

Expressing its thanks to the Government of Uganda for having ratified the University Statute and its submission of instruments of ratification at the OIC General Secretariat;

Expressing its gratitude to the Member States, particularly the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as to the Islamic Solidarity Fund, the Islamic Development Bank, the International Islamic Charitable Foundation (Kuwait), the International Islamic Da'wah Association (Libya), the Islamic Committee for International Crescent, and other Islamic institutions for their generous support to the University;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the Islamic University in Uganda;

1.  Invites the Board of Trustees to continue its action to ensure appropriate conditions for the University to fulfill its tasks in accordance with its Statute and the headquarters agreement signed by the Government of Uganda and the OIC General Secretariat.

2.  Appeals to the Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, the Islamic Charity Institutions, to contribute material and financial assistance for the annual operating budget of the Islamic University in Uganda.

3.  Expresses its satisfaction with the involvement of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the supervision of the educational and cultural aspects of the teaching process in the University, the elaboration of appropriate curriculums and the adoption of necessary books and references and assistance to strengthen the teaching of the Arabic language in the university.

4.Commends the generous financial support extended by the Government of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques by the establishment of a Waqf for the Unviersity. It also expressed its thanks to the Government of the Republic of Uganda for having donated a plot of land to the Islamic University in Uganda, in central Kampala as a contribution towards the setting up of the Waqf. The Conference also commends the extension by the Islamic Solidarity Fund  of financial assistance to the Islamic University in Uganda for the past academic years, which enabled the University to continue assuming its tasks throughout the difficult circumstances it had experienced.

5.Appeals to member states of the IDB to donate faculty buildings to the University.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences and the Recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the International Islamic University in Malaysia;

Also taking note of the continuing satisfactory progress of this University;

Expressing appreciation to the Government of Malaysia for its continued material and financial support towards covering the operating costs of the University and the construction of its new campus;

Also expressing appreciation to Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and other Islamic institutions which have extended moral and material assistance to the University;

Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1.  Recommends anew that the OIC General Secretariat and the Member States further contribute to the progress and development of the International Islamic University in Malaysia so that it can further increase its capacity and use all its potential to achieve its objectives.

2.  Notes with great satisfaction the progress achieved by the University in the fields of research and learning, thanks to its enlightened management and to the support extended by the Malaysian Government to all its activities.

3. Appeals to all Member States which have not yet concluded Agreements of Co-sponsorship of this University, within the framework of their bilateral cooperation with Malaysia to do so at an early date.

4. Reiterates its request for all Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, ISESCO and other Islamic institutions to continue to support this Unviersity by extending financial support and supplying it with academic reference books and manuals to enrich its library as well as availing it of any other relevant assistance such as curricula, teachers and scholarships to enable more students to enrol in this University.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Islamic University of Bangladesh;

Noting the progress so far achieved towards the establishment of this University, and the execution of other necessary works;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

Commending the steps taken by the People's Republic of Bangladesh to develop the University, meet its operating expenses, and construct a new campus to accommodate more students;

 1.  Expresses its appreciation to the Member States and Islamic institutions which have extended assistance to the University project.

2.   Urges all Member States, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic World League and other Islamic financial institutions to provide adequate academic and financial assistance to the University so that it may be able to achieve its objectives.

3.  Calls upon the General Secretariat to pursue its contacts with the People's Republic of Bangladesh to ensure continued financial and moral support to the University.

4.   Also calls upon the General Secretariat in collaboration with ISESCO to provide academic assistance to the Islamic University in Bangladesh, from Member States Universities through secondment of teachers and provision of scholarships and books.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the various Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on King Faisal Mosque in Ndjamena, Republic of Chad;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1.Reiterates  that in view of the pressing need for the Islamic and educational services provided by this Islamic institution, King Faisal Mosque is one of the Islamic educational institutions that needs special attention on the part of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and ISESCO.

2.Requests the Government of the Republic of Chad and the General Secretariat to prepare the technical study and cost estimates needed for the rehabilitation of the Mosque and its annexes and to communicate them to Member States.

3.Urges all Member States to extend their financial contribution towards the restoration and furnishing of the Mosque and its annexes.

4.Requests all Member States and Islamic financial institutions to contribute to this institution by providing it with curricula, teachers and scholarships for its graduates so as to enable them to pursue their higher studies in other Islamic Universities



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous Resolutions adopted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Regional Institute of Islamic Studies and Research in Timbuctu (Mali);

Welcoming the efforts being made by the Government of the Republic of Mali and the General Secretariat for the development of the Institute;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1.Appeals to all Member States, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and other Islamic institutions to continue providing material support to the Regional institute of Islamic Studies and Research in Timbuctu so that it may achieve its objectives.

2.Appeals to Member States which have technical facilities in the fields of conservation and restoration of manuscripts to provide scholarships to the officials of the Institute to enhance their competence in these fields.

3.Expresses its thanks to the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) and urges them to lend greater attention to the Institute and provide it with the necessary technical assistance so that it may continue to carry out its functions.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous Resolutions adopted by the previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Regional Institute for Complementary Education in Islamabad;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1.Emphasizes once again, the importance of establishing the Regional Institute for Complementary Education (RICE) in Islamabad, Pakistan, and promoting the teaching of the Arabic language and Islamic culture in non-Arabic speaking Asian countries.

2.Expresses its appreciation for the efforts of the Government of Pakistan to establish this Institute and ensure its operation and also extends its thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the financial support it has extended to the institute and to the Arab Republic of Egypt for the secondment of Arabic and religious affairs teachers and also expresses appreciation to the ISF for its financial assistance to the Institute.

3.Appeals to the Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the World Federation of International Arab Islamic Schools to contribute generously to this project.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations made by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Islamic Centre in Guinea-Bissau;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the subject;

1.Expresses its satisfaction at the implementation of phase I of the project of the Islamic Centre in Guinea-Bissau.

2.Requests the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the General Secretariat to continue their coordination with a view to completing the ongoing construction of the Great Mosque in Bissau, within the limits of the financial resources currently available.

3.Expresses thanks and appreciation to the Member States and Islamic institutions which have extended financial assistance to the Centre.

4.Calls on all Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the Islamic institutions to provide financial and material assistance to the project of the Islamic Centre in Guinea-Bissau.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the establishment of an Islamic Cultural Centre in Moroni, Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros;

Taking into consideration the need of the Muslim people in the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros for such a centre;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the Centre in question;

1.Calls on the General Secretariat to continue its coordination with the Government of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros with a view to overcoming the difficulties that hinder the establishment of the Islamic Cultural Centre in Moroni and expediting the establishment of the Centre given its benefits for the people of Comoros and the neighbouring peoples.

2.Expresses its appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of Indonesia, the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the World Islamic Dawa Association (Libya) which have extended the first financial assistance to the Centre.

3.Urges all Member States and Islamic institutions to extend every possible assistance to this project.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Fraternity and Revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Considering the previous resolutions of the  Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs concerning the International Islamic Women's Organization;

Conscious of the growing need for Muslims throughout the world to promote Islamic revival and to create societies based on the Islamic principles of peace, justice and equality for all human beings;

Convinced that these noble objectives can only be achieved through the participation of all Muslims, including Muslim Women who constitute half of the Islamic Ummah;

Having taken note of the steps taken by the General Secretariat of the OIC to prepare for a symposium on the subject at Government expert level;

Noting also with appreciation the offer made by the Islamic Republic of Iran to host the Government Expert Group Meeting in accordance with Resolution 10/21-C of the Twenty-First ICFM and in the light of the findings of the consultation undertaken by the Secretary General with the Member States concerning the International Islamic Women's Association and its role in the Islamic Society;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1- Underlines the importance of convening a Symposium at expert level on Women's role in social development particularly in the fields of education and health.

2- Invites the General Secretariat to undertake further consultations with the Member States, concerning the proposal for the establishment of an Islamic Women's Organization.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the relevant paragraph of the Twenty-First ICFM on the Islamic Institute of Translation in Khartoum and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;

Having taken Note of the report submitted by the Secretary General of the Organization on the said Institute;

1. Takes note of the presentation made by the delegation of Sudan concerning the arrangements made for the initiation of the Institute's operation.

2. Pays tribute to the Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and to the Islamic Solidarity Fund for their contribution towards the establishment of this Institute.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences regarding this project;

Underlining the importance of this educational institution given the pioneering and continuous role it is playing in the service of Islam and Muslims;

Expressing satisfaction at the efforts rendered by the Government of Tunisia aimed at developing and supporting this University by building a new campus adjacent to Al-Zeitouna Mosque;

Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject.

1.  Expresses thanks to the Islamic Development Bank which donated one million US dollars in favour of this project.

2.  Reiterates its support for the construction of a new campus so as to enable the University to consolidate its educational and cultural role and its commitment in favour of the implementation of this project.

3.  Urges Member States, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the Islamic institutions to extend every financial, material and moral support so as to enable the University to raise the amount of 8.85 million Tunisian Dinars (approximately 8 million US dollars) required to speed up the construction of this new campus in order that the University may fulfill its role in an optimal way.

4.  Calls on the Board of Governors of the Islamic Development Bank to consider including the project of the new building of the Zeitouna University among the institutions that benefit from the Bank's Islamic Universities Waqf.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous resolutions adopted by the  OIC and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, for the establishment of a Unified Hijri Calendar for the beginning of Lunar months and the Unification of Islamic Holidays;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on this subject;

Commending the steps taken by the General Secretariat in support of the action aimed at unifying the Hijri Calendar and the Islamic Holidays:

1.  Appeals to all Member States and Islamic institutions to use the time schedules prepared by the Committee on the Unified Hijri Calendar as a basis for their own calendar.

2.  Calls upon the Member States to uniformly observe Friday as the weekly holiday and to use the Hijri date.

3.  Calls upon the Member States, the General Secretariat and the Islamic Fiqh Academy to seek the assistance of the jurisprudents and astronomers with a view to reaching an agreement for the unification of the Hijri Calendar.

4.  Reiterates the importance of convening a meeting of the Committee on the Unified Hijri Calendar and for the other States to be associated with the Committee  with a view to maximizing coordination among them for the purpose of unifying the beginnings of lunar months and Islamic Holidays in all Islamic countries.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolutions of the previous Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the proposed establishment of an Islamic Centre for Advanced Medical Training and Research in Bangladesh;

Taking also note of the clarifications made by the People's Republic of Bangladesh;

Recognizing the need for the Islamic Ummah to have an Advanced Medical Training and Research Centre;

 1. Requests the General Secretariat to intensify its on-going contacts with Member States in order to obtain their views and comments on the subject and to conduct more research on the technical and financial requirements of this project.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Declaration of Makkah Al-Mukarramah issued by the Third Islamic Summit Conference and all the various resolutions adopted by other Islamic Conferences and particularly Resolution 1/6-C(IS) by virtue of which the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference held in Dakar adopted the Islamic World's Cultural Strategy and the attendant Plan of Action;

Having taken note of the Secretary General's report on the Cultural Strategy and Plan of Action for the Islamic World and the report elaborated by the First Meeting of the officials in-charge of Subsidiary Organs, Specialized and Affiliated Institutions and Islamic Universities on the implementation of the Cultural Strategy;

1.  Reiterates the importance of this strategy in the field of ensuring a wider propagation of learning, eradicating ignorance, raising the level of Islamic education and culture in the Islamic world and enhancing Joint Islamic Action.

2.  Recommends the continuation of the remarkable efforts being exerted for the practical implementation of this strategy through the programme of action already approved by the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers at its Twenty-First Session held in Karachi, in April, 1993 and recommends that the OIC General Secretariat submits this Plan to the forthcoming Session of COMIAC, that the Strategy be implemented and that a meeting of Ministers of Culture be convened for this purpose.

3- Requests the Member States to adopt the necessary steps for the insertion of the strategy in their cultural and educational policies.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Bearing in mind the Declaration issued by the World Summit on the Child and the Plan of Action which call for the need to evolve National Programmes for children;

Recalling Resolution No.2/6-C(IS) issued by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference concerning the Child in the Islamic Countries;

Aware that millions of children  in the Islamic States die collectively of preventable diseases and malnutrition while millions more suffer from the same conditions caused by famine, drought and armed conflicts;

Taking note of the report of the Expert level meeting held at the OIC General Secretariat headquarters from 28 to 30 June, 1994, for the elaboration of a draft document on rights and protection of children in Islam;

Having taken cognizance of the Secretary General's report on Child Care and Protection in the Islamic World and listened to the views of the representatives of the Member States, institutions and organizations.

1. Hails the Declaration on Child Rights and Protection in Islam elaborated by the Expert level Meeting held at the General Secretariat headquarters from 28 to 30 June 1994 and which clearly focused on the teachings of the Islamic faith and its noble values, dictated to us by the Holy Quran and the noble tradition of the Prophet (PBUH) and by which the Muslim Ummah is distinguished from all other peoples of the world so that it may form a reference by which the peoples and governments of this Ummah will be guided in drawing up their child care programmes, besides forming a notification to all other peoples of the world of Islam's stand on children's affairs, and decides to adopt the Declaration on Child Rights and Protection in Islam as  annexed.

2. Calls upon all Member States to sign and ratify the UN 1989 Convention on Child Rights before the end of 1995, to see to the alignment thereon of their national legislation and to give special interest to the incorporation of Children's issues in their relevant  national programs for the realization of the objectives of the Five Year (1991-95) and Ten-Year (1991-2000) plans for children in their relevant national programmes and invites the Member States to participate in the external follow-up activities at the international level and particularly in conjunction with the UN specialized organs and to partake in the Conference on Social Development to be held in Copenhaven, Denmark, in March 1995 and in the Fourth Conference on Women, to be held in Beijing, China, in September 1995, both of which accord utmost importance to the protection of children, consistent with the precepts of the True Islamic Religion.

1.  Requests those Member States which have ratified the Convention to take the necessary steps to bring their constitutions, laws and practices into conformity with the provisions of the Convention.

4. Supports the concept of "debt relief for developing countries for the sake of child survival and development" as an important component of alleviating the debt burden of developing countries and because it recognizes the impact of the debt problem on the welfare of children.

5. Welcomes the concept of 20/20 Vision, whereby 20 per cent of national budgets are devoted to basic social services and the same percentage of Official Development Assistance is provided for these same sectors; and recommends it to the Member-governments for appropriate implementation.

6. Calls upon Member States to adopt every necessary measure to prevent any further armed conflicts and for conflict prevention, management and resolution, and to pay special attention to the needs of children and women, who are the major victims of modern warfare, in particular by promoting, in time of conflict, periods of trace and corridors of peace, permitting the passage of relief supplies, immunization and the provision of health services; and to ban the manufacture, stockpiling, import, export and use of land mines, a weapon whereof the victims are primarily women, children and other civilians and whereof the destructive effects continue long after the conflict.

7. Requests the General Secretariat to follow up the implementation of the resolution of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on the convening of the Ministerial Conference on Child Affairs in Islamic Countries.

8. Calls upon Member States to collaborate among themselves and to act individually and collectively, to play a leading role in the international arena and provide thus a model of what can be achieved for the benefit of children.




The Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,

Believing that the social values and principles of Islam originate from the Inspiration and Guidance of Allah and that Allah, who created Mankind and other forms of life, best knows all that brings about Man's welfare and happiness;

Being cognizant that Man is accountable before his Creator, for his deeds, and that he shall accordingly be rewarded: good for good, evil for evil;

Believing that this Faith, with its values and principles, has molded the Islamic Ummah and shaped its patterns of social behavior for more than fourteen centuries, and is still doing so, also believing that adopting such patterns ensures security and stability and realizes progress and prosperity for the Muslim community under the wing of the family, which Islam views as the first brick in building the society, and hence has provided it with the means of strength; encompassed it with all types of care; established its edifice on pillars of justice, mercy and respect; and bound its individuals with deep love and a firmly-established covenant;

Conscious of the situation to which many Muslim communities have been reduced as a result of their weakening adherence to many of these values, particularly those concerning the rights and care of the child, due to forcible historical, economic and political pressures, which have led, in some countries, to the disintegration of the family entity, the lowering of these countries' cultural, health and economic standards, as well as the recurrent exposure to political disputes, military conflicts, security disturbances, and environmental disasters;

Convinced that addressing these negative aspects lies in adherence to those divine, noble values in the practical fields of life, as individuals and communities, peoples and governments, and at the various national, regional and international levels;

Considering the extreme importance of child care in the Ummah's life, whereby; children are viewed as the vanguards of the future of the Ummah and the makers of its future, for the Ummah's destiny and the definition of the features of its promising generations depend on the method of the upbringing of children;

Believing that the child, by virtue of the nature of his or her constitution, is in need of special care, in which efforts of the family and the society are integrated, and for which religious and moral foundations, as well as material and educational means and legal and organizational guarantees, are provided;

Taking into consideration the objectives of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, as stipulated in its Charter and in the resolutions adopted by its Summit meetings and Ministerial Conferences, as well as the international conventions signed by its Member States;

Appreciating the laws of each and every Islamic country;

Reminding the peoples and governments of the contemporary Islamic Ummah of the imperative of adhering to the teachings of its True Religion and abiding by its righteous values and pioneering systems in the field of family formation, in general, and child care, in particular;

Turning to all peoples with whom the Ummah shares the present and future, to proclaim these noble principles, which guarantee the righteousness of the individual and the security of the society and guard against the woes of libertarianism, perversion and addiction, the pitfalls of violence, tension and delinquency, and the perils of the emptiness of the soul and spiritual confusion;

Do hereby declare the following principles:


Islam has elevated the value of chastity and modesty in both men and women; restricted the sexual relation between man and woman to only one form, i.e., that of declared, legal wedlock; proscribed adultery, fornication, taking adulterous partners and sexual perversion by men and women alike; and enjoined Muslims to refrain from indecent behaviour and vulgar talk;

Islam has made good morals and sound profession of the Faith as the two most important conditions in the selection of partners, and called for verifying that the bride, as well as the bridegroom, are free from genetic diseases in a bid to protect the child, even prior to his or her birth and to guarantee for him or her upbringing from birth in a healthy and psychologically sound family;


Islam has accorded full care to the foetus; and by proscribing abortion, it gives the foetus and absolute right to life; it also has given the foetus the right to ownership and inheritance, urged Muslims to provide good care to the pregnant mother, ensured for her sustenance and dignified treatment, and alleviated some of her religious duties.


Right from the very first moments of its life, the infant - whether male or female - is given protection, affection and celebration by all members of his or her family, by virtue of its being a gift from Allah, for which the Almighty should be thanked. The infant enjoys the absolute right to life; therefore, Islam prohibits burying daughters alive or humiliating them; strong denounces those who hate them or regard them as bad omens; and makes them equal to males in their right to good treatment.


Islam has given every child the inalienable right to a relationship of lineague to his or her father. Therefore, Islam prohibits adoption because it deprives the child of this right. At the same time, Islam does not prevent any family from providing Kafalah to, and caring for a child alien to the family. Indeed, Islam strongly urges such deeds.


Islam has given every child the right to guardianship involving material and psychological care. It is a right to be exercised by the mother, or any one who may take her place, in accordance with the provisions of the Islamic Shariah. Islam has called for supporting and upholding weak families so that they may ensure this right to their children.


Islam views the family, based on legal wedlock, as the natural environment for the upbringing of the child, and stipulates that every child has the right to live in a family which is built on mutual amity and compassion, no matter whether it is his or her own natural family or a foster family that provides him or her with Kafalah in cases where his or her natural family is lost, or in cases of abandonment by his or her natural family. Islam lays down legal and moral controls to curb the incidence of divorce being, as it is, the most  hated lawful deed in the eyes of Allah, and provides for the necessary guarantees to preserve the rights and care of children when divorce takes place.

Islam accords full appreciation and exaltation to the mother, and encourages her to seek the learning and culture that enable her to perform her message towards her household, children and society in the best possible manner.

Islam makes it the obligation of children to be kind to their parents during the parents' lifetime and after their death. It also makes it the duty of parents to deal indulgently with their children and to seek justice among them. Islam states that one of the most serious mistakes is for parents to abuse any of the rights of their children. Islam has given every child the right to health care, physically and psychologically, inside and outside of the family. It calls upon Muslims to seek all the necessary means for ensuring this totalcare. This includes:

*Islam's support for breast-feeding over a period of two years, together with the alleviation of some religious obligations of the nursing mother, as well as the postponement of some punishments against her.

*Ensuring lenient conditions for the working mother, so as to enable her to provide care for her children.

*Combating diseases and malnutrition and providing the necessary health care for mother and child.

*Providing information and services to mothers in order to help them improve the health of their children.

*Protecting children against narcotic and intoxicating materials.

Islam has given every child the right to food, clothing and shelter, which shall be provided by the father or the party that substitutes for him according to the provisions of Islam Law.

Islam emphasizes that equality in treatment among children is obligatory, and prohibits all forms of discrimination among them, because of the negative impact such discrimination brings upon their souls, as well as their future relationships with the family and the society.

Islam has given the child the right to rest and play within the limits of safeguarding his or her physical and psychological interests and in the context of educational and religious controls.

To ensure continuity of care for the child, Islam has given him or her the right to have a custodian or protector, who shall be responsible for taking care of the child in accordance with the provisions of the Shariah.

Islam does not consider as criminal any child who has not attained majority and behaves delinquently; instead it specifies appropriate corrective measures to reform the child, taking into consideration his or her circumstances.


Islam has given every child, male or female, and from the time it is a foetus, the right to ownership through gift, bequest or inheritance; and it draws up the legal and moral controls to safeguard the child's financial rights.


Islam has given every child, male or female, an equal right to at least a free basic schooling and to being educated and informed  about the principles of Islam, including the Creed and Shariah, besides providing the necessary means for developing his or her mental, psychological and physical capacities. While Islam guarantees Man's freedom to voluntarily adopt Islam without compulsion, it prohibits apostasy of a Muslim afterwards, in view of the fact that Islam is the Seal of Religions and, therefore, the Islamic society is committed to ensuring that the sons of Muslims preserve their Islamic nature and Creed and to protecting them against attempts to force them to relinquish their religion.


Islam has paid special attention to children in difficult and exceptional circumstances, including:

1. Children who have lost one or both parents;

2. Disabled children;

3. Refugee children or those held in prison;

4. Illegitimate children or foundlings;

5. Children living in conditions of war and

   environmental and natural disasters;

6. Working children;

7. Beggar children;

8. Stateless children.

Through these categories of children, Allah puts people in the society and the Islamic Community to the test. Islam encourages solidarity and collaboration so as to extricate those children from such circumstances; urges people to give them education and training; and prohibits exploiting  them by any form.


Announcing these noble Islamic principles to the World and declaring adherence thereto, the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference do hereby call for incorporating these principles into their national legislation and to take them into consideration when formulating their national and international practices.

In this respect, they praise the local, regional and international efforts exerted to protect and care for the child in line with the teachings of the tolerant Islamic Sharia, and reiterate their support and commitment to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the implementation of the goals outlined in the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, and the Plan of Action for implementing it which was adopted at the World Summit for Children in September 1990 in New York.

{And say: "Work righteousness: Soon will Allah observe your work, and His Messenger, and the Believers."}

Allah, the Almighty, speeketh the Truth.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Emphasizing the objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference on coordinating efforts to protect the Sacred Places;

Recalling the resolutions and statements of the Islamic Conferences on the adoption of a joint stand on the debasing of Islamic Sanctities and Values, especially Resolution No.3/6-C(IS) adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference;

Expressing its deep concern at  the killing of Muslims and the aggressions against their Holy Shrines in Palestine, India and Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as in Jammu and Kashmir; and other parts of the world;

Expressing its resentment at the persistence of some quarters in publishing further editions and new issues of the book "Satanic Verses" and publicising its author in many places, particularly in Europe;

Emphasizing the statements made by the Secretary General of OIC on such assaults on, and violations, of Islamic sanctities and values;

1. Strongly condemns repeated Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque and other mosques, historical places and other places of worship in the occupied Arab territories.

2. Strongly condemns the serious Israeli aggressions against the Ibrahimi Mosque in the month of Ramadan 1414H which have resulted in scores of martyrs and led to the closure of the Mosque, and also condemns the Israeli plan to partition of the Mosque with the design of slicing off the major part thereof and erecting a Jewish temple there, which represents a flagrant violation of all international agreements and Conventions, particularly the 1949 Geneva Convention.

3. Strongly condemns the destruction of the historical Babri Mosque at Ayodha by Hindu extremists forces and holds them responsible for this gross act of destruction.

4. Expresses its strong indignation and its condemnation of the destruction and confiscation of mosques, historical places and schools in Bosnia-Herzegovina in addition to rape and all kinds of torture by the tyrannical Serbs.

5. Strongly reaffirms the statements and resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in this respect.

6.  Appeals to all Member States to stand resolutely against these challenges and to confront them with every available means so that the Holy Shrines of Muslim communities and peoples in non-Islamic States may not be subject to profanation, demolition or confiscation.

7.  Commissions the Secretary General to prepare and submit to the next ICFM a study on the conclusion of an international legal instrument with a view to ensuring respect for Islamic values and holy places covering legal and procedural elements to be included in such an instrument.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the objectives of the OIC Charter which assert coordinated effort for safeguarding the Holy Places and to strengthen the struggle of all Muslim Peoples with a view to safeguarding their dignity, independence and national rights;

Also recalling the resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, on the Unified Stand on Sacrilegious Acts Against Islamic Holy Places and Values especially Resolution 3/6-C (IS) adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference;

Noting that the Babri Mosque with its five centuries old history has been revered and held in the highest esteemed by Muslims all over the world.

Recalling that the Organization of Islamic Conference had made several appeals to the Government of India to prevent any act of profanation of the Mosque and underlined the responsibility of the Government of India to preserve the sanctity of the Mosque and to protect its premises from attacks by Hindu militants;

Deeply alarmed at the anarchy and violence of Hindu fundamentalists in India which is directed against the Muslim minority and aims to eliminate the Islamic culture and heritage in India, and expressing its outrage and profound anguish over the destruction of the Babri Mosque and the subsequent killing of thousands of innocent Muslims and wanton destruction of their dwellings;

Recalling the decision of the Government of India to refer the case to the Indian Supreme Court thus reneging on its commitment to rebuild the Babri Mosque and the decision of the local authorities in Ayodhya forbidding Muslims from praying at the site of the Mosque and allowing Hindus to carry out their religious rituals at the makeshift temple on the site of the demolished Mosque;

1)- Strongly condemns the destruction of the historic Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, India, by Hindu militants and holds them responsible for this flagrant act of desecration and destruction.

2)- Expresses deep regret over the failure of the Indian authorities to take appropriate measures to protect this important Muslim holy site.

3)- Strongly condemns the systematic killing of thousands of innocent Muslims in various parts of India and expresses deep concern over the safety and security of the Muslim minority in India.

4)- Welcomes, in this respect, the decision of the Supreme Court of India of 24 October 1994 implying that "settlement of disputes were outside the domain of the judiciary's functions.

5)- Calls upon the Government of India to:

(i)Ensure the safety and protection of the Muslims and also of all Islamic Holy Sites throughout India in accordance with the responsibilities and obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as other international instruments.

(ii)Take immediate steps to implement its solemn commitment to reconstruct the Babri Mosque at its original site and to restore it as a holy site of the Muslims and to punish those guilty of the sacrilegious act of destroying a revered religious symbol of the Islamic world.

(iii)Remove the makeshift Hindu temple, put together on the site of the Babri Mosque which is considered as a continuation of the acts of desecration and an affront to the feelings of the Muslims in India and all parts of the Muslim world.

(iv)Take immediate steps to ensure the protection of about 3,000 other Mosques especially those at Mathura and Varanasi, which have been targets of threats and attempts of destruction by Hindu extremists.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Bearing in mind the objectives of the OIC Charter concerning the safeguarding of Islamic Identity;

Recalling the cultural and architectural history of Bosnia-Herzegovina which shows harmonious diversity forming Bosnia-Herzegovina identity;

Noting that the dreadful and massive destruction by the Serbs of Islamic mosques and sanctuaries in Bosnia-Herzegovina which aims at ethnic cleansing, constitutes an act of genocide;

Recalling that the OIC and UNESCO had adopted many decisions to save the monuments, mosques and libraries as well as other shrines in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

Having considered the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social affairs;

1. Calls upon the relevant subsidiary organs, specialized and affiliated institutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to conduct a study with a view to drawing up a programme of rebuilding of the libraries of Bosnia-Herzegovina with the assistance of the member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

2. Urges Member States to assist in the rebuilding of the national and university libraries in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

3. Strongly condemns the destruction of the cultural entities and educational institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

4. Calls upon the Secretary General of the OIC in coordination with the relevant UN bodies and other relevant international institutions to take urgent steps to ensure the safety and the protection of Islamic monuments, educational institutions, libraries and other cultural entities in Bosnia-Herzegovina which are the common cultural heritage of all mankind.

5. Calls upon the Member States of OIC to condemn the Serbian aggression, to help the restoration of the Islamic heritage in Bosnia-Herzegovina, to support the initiatives of the OIC Secretary General on this important issue and to set up a Committee which will start immediately the necessary planning and evaluation for the restoration of the Islamic heritage in this country.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Reaffirming the objectives of the Charter of the OIC aimed at ensuring coordination for the safeguard and liberation of the Holy places;

Recalling the resolutions adopted by Islamic Conferences on the Unified Stand Against the Profanation of Islamic Sanctities and Values, in particular resolution 3/6-C(IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference and 17/21-C of the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Expressing its grave concern over the schemes being devised against the Enclosure of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil with the aim of Judaizing it, seizing part of it and preventing worshippers from entering it;

Recalling Security Council resolution number 904 (1994) on the Massacre in the Enclosure of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil;

1. Strongly condems the repeated Israeli aggressions against the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil, in particular, the massacre perpetrated by the settlers against Palestinian worshippers in the Enclosure of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Ramadan 1414H killing tens of them.

2. Strongly condemns the aggressive Israeli scheme for the partition of the Enclosure of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil, which aims at seizing and judaizing most of it and building a Jewish Synagogue therein, and which constitutes an aggression against Islamic sanctities and feelings and a violation of all international Conventions and Charters in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

3. Requests Member States to coordinate and intensify their efforts in the various international fora to prevent the implementation of the Israeli scheme for partitioning the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil, to ensure its access for Muslims and to preserve the integrity of the Ibrahimi Enclosure as a Mosque for Muslims only as it has been through the ages; it warns Member States against any slackness in this regard as this would encourage Israel to undermine the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and other Islamic and Christian shrines.

4. Calls upon Member States to ensure the restoration of the old district in Al-Khalil, to safeguard the heritage and civilization of the historical city and to settle Palestinian families therein in an effort to counter Jewish colonization.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the various previous Resolutions of the  Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, on the Twinning of Palestinian universities in the Occupied Territories with Member States' universities;

1. Calls on Member States to implement operative paragraph (1) of Resolution 5/19-C on twinning of Palestinian universities with the universities of Member States, adopted by the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

2. Approves the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs which call for the necessity of strengthening Islamic solidarity with the people and students of Palestine through establishing twinning relations between universities in Member States and Palestinian universities in the Occupied Territories to enable the latter to overcome their difficulties, confront the Israeli designs aimed at impeding their functioning, fulfil their educational mission in the best manner and contribute to the reinforcement of the Palestinian national authority.

3. Recommends to extend every kind of financial and academic support and assistance to the universities in the occupied territories so that they may be able to play their national and educational role, and supports in particular the Open University of Al-Quds in view of its great importance in supporting the resistance of its people and the preservation of the Arab and Islamic heritage of the Holy City.

4. Calls upon the Member States to see to it that their universities receive training and academic delegations from the Universities of the occupied Palestinian territories to work in their Universities.

5. Calls upon the Member States to contribute towards training the Palestinian youth in their Universities and exchanging educational delegations in various academic fields, so as to assist the Palestinian Universities in performing their tasks during the overall reconstruction of the Palestinian National Authority and elleviate the material and academic difficulties which may emerge.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 12 Rajab 1415H (13-14 December, 1994),

Recalling the previous resolutions adopted by the  Islamic Conferences, and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the teaching of the history and geography of Palestine;

1- Commends the efforts made by the Commission entrusted with the elaboration of curricula for the teaching of the History and Geography of Palestine and calls on the General Secretariat and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) to expeditiously print and communicate the curricula to the Member States in implementation of the relevant Islamic Resolutions.

2- Calls upon all educational organs and institutions in the Member States to contribute effectively to the teaching of the approved subject of the History and Geography of Palestine for the three levels of education so as to educate the young generations of the Islamic Ummah about the Palestinian territories and the rights of their Arab and Muslim people, and safeguard the Islamic and historic heritage of Palestine and particularly in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

3- Appeals to the Member States and the IDB to contribute to the costs of printing the approved curricula in the three OIC languages as well as in the national languages of non-Arabic-speaking States.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendation issued by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, concerning educational situation in the occupied Palestinian territories and Syrian Golan;

1. Condemns the measures taken by the Israeli occupation authorities against the educational and cultural organs and institutions in the occupied Palestinian territories and aimed at denying the Palestinians access to education, so as to obliterate their national identity and sever their relation with their education and history, and distort their culture to serve the designs of occupation.

2. Appeals to the Member States to support the efforts of the Palestine Liberation Organization aimed at promoting the educational process in the occupied Palestinian territories over the transitional period, and to provide it with technical and financial means for the development of the necessary curricula for all educational levels.

3. Calls upon Member States to promptely extend every kind of academic and financial assistance and support to the educational sector in the occupied Palestinian territories so that it may fulfill its mission in the reconstruction of the Palestinian national institutions and so that the educational institutions may contribute to the establishment of the Palestinian people's national authority on their homeland, and as a further enhancement to Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people.

4. Calls upon Member States to extend every necessary assistance to provide the financial requirements for the promotion of the educational process in the occupied territories in general and in the City of Al-Quds in particular, in view of the great difficulties faced by education in the holy City on account of the practices of the Israeli occupation authority aimed at the judaization of the City and at severing it from its Arabo-Islamic environment.

5. Condemns the Israeli acts of repression against and the closure of educational institutions in the occupied Syrian Golan, and in particular the banning of the Syrian textbooks and educational system, barring Syrian students from pursuing their studies in Syrian universities, depriving the Syrian students who pursue their higher education in Syria of their right to return, imposing the Hebrew Language on the Syrian students, imposing curricula which incite to hatred, hostility and religious fanaticism, laying off Syrian teachers, all of which constitute acts which flagrantly violate the Fourth Geneva Convention signed on 12 August 1949, on the protection of citizens in times of war, and which in fact but give further staying power to the resistance of the Syrian Arab people in the face of the Israeli parties aimed at the obliteration of their Arab cultural identity and declares its support for the maintenance of the Syrian Arab educational curricula and the provision of educational and cultural requirements.

6. Appeals to the international specialized organs and institutions to oppose this Israeli policy which violates international law and conventions and the Universal Human Rights Declaration.

7. Calls for intensified international efforts to compel the Israeli occupation authorities to reopen the schools and universities in the occupied Palestinian territories to Palestinian students.

8. Recommends the General Secretariat to continue its coordination with the international organs and institutions and particularly the UN and its specialized agencies, mainly the UNESCO and UNRWA with the purpose of giving assistance to the PLO and providing the necessary support for the development and updating of curricula at all educational levels. This is to be done within the framework of the establishment of the Palestinian national authority which is impeded by financial difficulties resulting from a deficit in terms of currently available resources to meet the requirements for the development of academic life in the occupied Palestinian territories.

9. Invites the Member States to extend all necessary facilities to the Palestinian students so as to enable them to enroll in their universities and specialized institutes and thus help them complete their university studies and also underlines the need to increase the number of scholarships and seats for the benefit of the Palestinian youth in the Islamic States and particularly in the fields of higher studies, technical, technological and teacher training.

10- Calls for extending of support to the Open University of Al-Quds in view of its vital importance in strengthening the resistance of the Palestinian people and enabling them to continue their university studies and also calls for extending all the technical and financial assistance necessary for the university to develop and settle its problems so that it may open new branches and discharge its educational mission in an optimal manner.

11. Expresses its high appreciation for the role played by the Palestinian schools and universities in the preservation of the Palestinian culture and heritage and in confronting the measure adopted by the Israeli occupation authorities against the educational and cultural institutions and organs in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories.

12. Reaffirms the need to implement the recommendation of Islamic Universities' managements to receive training and academic missions from the universities of the occupied territories to work in their universities for short periods .

13. Recommends to provide all kinds of financial and academic assistance and support to the universities of the occupied territories in implementation of the successive Islamic Conferences, and to work for the establishment of a Centre for Higher Studies in the occupied Palestinian territories.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the earlier resolutions of the Islamic Conferences and the recommendation of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs concerning the preservation of the Islamic character of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and its human heritage;

1- Reiterates all earlier Islamic resolutions on the preservation of the Islamic character of Al-Quds and its human heritage.

2. Condemns the aggressive and expansionist policies of the Zionist enemy and particularly its policy which seeks to establish further settlements and to transfer and resettle hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, which are policies aimed at bringing about serious changes in their demographic and historic nature and to judaize them, which may jeopardize the Peace Process and represents a flagrant violation of international law and of the relevant U.N. and Security Council Resolutions.

3. Calls for the continuation of action at all Islamic and international levels with a view to forcing Israel to abrogate its decision to annex the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, reaffirming the City's Arabo-Islamic chracter and reject its annexation or judaization, pursuant to the relevant resolutions of international legality, and particularly the UN Security Council's resolutions No. 465 and 478.

4. Reaffirms all previous resolutions adopted on the preservation of the Islamic character and human heritage of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

5. Requests the General Secretariat to continue its coordination with the international organs and institutions and particularly with the UNESCO to prevent the Israeli authorities from demolishing the buildings around the Al-Quds Holy Shrine and to stop their excavation works especially on the south side of the Holy Shrine whose objective is to destroy the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and erect their claimed temple on its site.

6. Recommends that an information seminar be organized on the City of Al-Quds particularly under the current situation so as to inform public opinion of imminent threats to the City, and the need to safeguard the Islamic and Christian Shrines and guarantee the right of worship for all believers.

7. Urges the General Secretariat and the OIC Member States to extend every material assistance to enable the Palestinian people to face up to the Israeli challenges and schemes to obliterate religious monuments of the Holy City of Al-Quds.



The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Considering that the emergence of new independent States in the Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia, with Muslim populations, possessing a valuable Islamic Cultural Heritage which was concealed from the rest of the world for many years, has opened new vistas for cooperation among the OIC Member States and enlarged also the OICs field of interest and scope of activities;

Proceeding from its belief in this reality and its desire to consolidate the bonds of communication and contacts between these Muslim peoples and the rest of the Muslim World and to evolve programmes for re-binding these peoples with their Islamic culture while, at the same time, familiarizing the other Muslim peoples with the great contributions made by the peoples of these new Sates in the build-up of the Islamic civilization;

Taking note of the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;

Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1. Calls upon the OIC Member States to incorporate in the geography and history textbooks of their schools and in the other relevant publications information concerning Muslim Communities in the Balkans and the Caucasus & Central Asia.

2. Also calls upon the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre to carry out a preliminary study and draw up a work program on this issue with a view to convening an experts meeting in the near future.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Noting the massive and dreadfull destruction by the Serbs of the economic life and the cultural heritage of Kosova and the Sanjak which aims at ethnic cleansing;

Considering that the people of Kosova are deprived of their cultural and economic rights, and are facing immense difficulties;

Referring to the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs;

Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary General on the subject;

1- Strongly condemns the Serbian aggression against the Muslim Albanian population of Kosovo aimed at depriving this population of their Islamic identity and culture.

2- Urges all OIC Member States and the relevant OIC organizations to help the Albanians in Kosovo to preserve their cultural heritage and Islamic identity against the Serbian aggression.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Having taken note of the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, of the resolutions of the Fourteenth Session of the Executive Board of ISESCO on its role in extending support to the cultural and educational institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the report of the Istanbul Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) on its activities in the fields of research and publication concerning the Islamic heritage in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Master 2004 project in the field of the restoration of historic cities and the centre's activities aimed at raising the awareness of world opinion with regard to the Islamic heritage, in implementation of the resolution adopted by the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (Karachi, April 1993);

Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary General on this subject;

1. Strongly condemns the Serbian aggression, the destruction of cultural entities and the educational institutions of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

2. Calls upon the Secretary General of the OIC in coordination with the relevant UN bodies and other international institutions to take urgent steps to ensure the safety and the protection of Islamic monuments, educational institutions, libraries and other cultural entities in Bosnia-Herzegovina which are part of the common cultural heritage of all mankind.

3. Calls for the establishment of a Committee which will start working immediately to plan and to assess the restoration of the Islamic heritage in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

2. Supports the initiatives of the OIC Secretary General on this important issue.

5. Also calls upon the OIC Member States to help in the restoration of the Islamic heritage and educational institutions, including the libraries in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

6. Commends the support extended by ISESCO through its work programme conceived for the benefit of educational institutions in Bosnia-Herzegovina and through the allocation of special amounts in its budget for financing these institutions.

7.  Stresses the importance of the project initiated by the Istanbul Centre (IRCICA) entitled Master 2004, and commends the progress made in the implementation of this ambitious plan, calling on concerned institutions to provide the necessary support to the centre to enable it to pursue the project aiming at listing Islamic historic monuments, preserving the unique cultural identity of Bosnia-Herzegovina and protecting its civilizational heritage.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), Istanbul; and the recommendations of the Tenth and Eleventh  meetings of the Board of Directors of the Centre (Kuwait, November 1993; Cairo,  Arab Republic of Egypt, 3-4 December 1994);

Commending the First Islamic International Festival of Artisans at Work (Islamabad, October 1994) and the Bosnia Herzegovina Exhibition organized by the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, Istanbul on the occasion of the Twenty-second Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Having considered the Report of the Director General of the Centre on its activities and future plans of action; and the report and recommendations of the Eleventh Session of its Board of Directors;

1.  Commends the efforts of the Centre reflected in its pioneering accomplishments and its activities aimed at meeting the needs of the Muslim Ummah and keeping pace with international developments in the field of Culture and Islamic Heritage in the optimal way, thus calling for satisfaction and appreciation of efforts exerted in this respect.

2.   Approves the Report which comprises the activities and future Plans of action of the Centre and also approves the Report and Recommendations adopted by the Eleventh Session of the Centre's Board of Directors;

3.  Commends the First Islamic International Festival of Artisans at Work (Islamabad, October 1994), and expresses thanks and appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for hosting and organizing such an important and comprehensive event in the field of Islamic handicrafts. It also calls for the general dissemination of the declaration of the Festival (the Islamabad  Declaration), in view of the importance of its future prospects of improving the conditions of artisans and promoting this important traditional, cultural, touristic and economic sector.

4.  Expresses its appreciation for the diverse activities carried out by the Centre with the aim of raising the awareness of world opinion with respect to the Islamic cultural heritage in Bosnia-Herzegovina, and for the efforts it exerts for the maintenance and preservation of that heritage.

5.  Recommend IRCICA to make contacts with member states to prepare an exhibition on Islamic heritage and culture aimed at publicizing the different dimensions of that culture and its role in building up human civilization and its values and ideals.

6.  Expresses thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Prime Minister of Malaysia and the Malaysian government for their generous donation to the waqf of the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture, thus enabling it to carry out the tasks entrusted to it and invites Member States to take similar initiatives in this respect.

7.  Thanks the State of Kuwait for kindly hosting the Tenth Session of the Centre's Board of Directors and for providing all facilities which ensured its success.

8.  Also thanks the Arab Republic of Egypt for hosting the Eleventh Session of the Centre's Board of Directors and extending all the necessary facilities for its success.

9.  Expresses its gratitude and appreciation to the host country (The Republic of Turkey) and to the other Member States for the material and moral support they are extending to the Centre, thus enabling it to carry out its tasks in  a satisfactory manner.

10.  Recommends the Member States to pay their contributions to the budget of the Centre on a regular basis and calls upon them to settle their arrears so that the Centre can implement its current and future plans of action.

11.  Decides to appoint a new Governing Board composes of the following members:

1-Prof. Dr. Ihsan Dogramaci, Turkey.

2-Dr. Abdullah Hassan Masry, Saudi Arabia.

3-Raja Fuzia B. Raja Tun Uda, Malaysia.

4-Mr. Shahid Husein, Pakistan.

5-Dr. Omar Jah, Gambia.

6-Dr. Omar amin B. Abdullah, Morocco.

7-Sheikha Hussa al-Salem al Sabah, Kuwait.

8-Prof. Ahmed Mohammad Issa, Egypt.

9-Mr. Mohammad ahmed Suwaidi, U.A.E.

10-Dr. Wijdan Ali, Jordan.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the earlier Resolutions adopted by the  Organization of the Islamic Conference and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the International Commission for the Preservation of the Islamic Cultural Heritage (ICPICH);

Having taken note of the Commission's report on its activities and future plans which was submitted by the representative of the Commission's President;

1- Approves the report of the International Commission for the Preservation of the Islamic Cultural Heritage which includes its plan of action.

2- Expresses its thanks to the Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Turkey for their moral and material support to the Commission and its projects.

3- Expresses its appreciation to the Commission's Chairman H.R.H. Prince Faisal Bin Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz for his efforts for the benefit of the achievement of the Commission's goals.

4- Commends the efforts made by the Commission for the implementation of its projects.

5.Appeals to the Member States to work for paying their contributions to the budget of the Commission on a regular basis and to settle their arrears.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the Islamic Fiqh Academy;

Recalling again the Statute of the Academy, its goals and objectives, and the general plan adopted by the Academy Council at its first session held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah for unifying the Muslim Ummah and aligning its ranks so that it may remain impregnable through its faith, enlightened with its Shari'ah, constantly strong and able to meet present-day challenges and face contemporary problems;

Expressing its appreciation of the resolutions, recommendations and interpretations adopted by the Islamic Fiqh Academy at its previous sessions.

Following with increased interest the activities and achievements of the Academy as presented in its Report, with particular reference to the period following the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

Commending the Academy's sustained efforts to implement its various projects, foremost among which are the Fiqh Encyclopaedia of Economic Affairs and Transactions, the Comprehensive Index of Fiqh Rules, the heritage revival projects, the Glossary of Fiqh terminology, the simplification of Fiqh, as well as its valuable efforts exerted in the exercise of the functions previously assigned to the Islamic International Law Commission;

Expressing satisfaction at the efforts of the Academy in convening scholarly seminars, conferences and meetings jointly with Islamic organizations and institutions of Member States, as well as its sustained endeavours to enhance cooperation with relevant Universities and scientific institutes;

1. Commends the efforts of the Secretary General and the staff of the General Secretariat of the Academy.

2. Exhorts the Member States to pay their contributions to the budget of the Academy and to continue supporting it so as to enable it to accomplish its tasks as required in serving Islam and the vital causes of the Islamic Ummah.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13 to 15 December, 1994),

Recalling Resolution No.7/6-C(IS) adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar in 1412H (1991) in which it reiterated the importance of the tasks of the ISF and its objectives which aim at promoting Islamic solidarity through contribution towards religious, cultural, scientific and social programmes and projects, in the Member States or in favour of Muslim communities and minorities in the Non-Member States;

Recalling Resolution No. 31/21-C adopted by the Twenty-First ICFM (Session of Islamic Unity and Cooperation For Peace, Justice, and Progress), held in Karachi, Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1413 (1993), which affirmed its strong attachment to the preservation of this important Islamic organ which is considered a glorious symbol of Islamic solidarity and a major financier of all the cultural, spiritual and social activities of our Organization;

Noting with appreciation the achievements of the Fund during the past 20 years, confirming Islamic solidarity extending support to official and popular institutions in charge of the affairs of culture, higher education, Islamic guidance and youth welfare in all parts of the Islamic World;

Noting with satisfaction the mobilization of a significant part of the capital of the ISF Waqf and stressing the necessity of finalizing the Waqf's capital which amounts to US$ 100 million in order to provide income which would enable the Fund to realize self-financing of its annual budgets;

Having considered the report submitted by the Chairman of the Permanent Council of the ISF on the financial constraints and obstacles faced by the Fund when financing its budgets and executing its annual programmes, due to the depletion of its resources, which resulted in halting several of its activities;

1.  Underlines the important noble objectives of the Fund which represent a genuine symbol of the joint Islamic determination of the Islamic States on the great importance they give to Islamic solidarity.

2.  Expresses deep thanks and appreciation to the Member States which have extended generous and regular donations to the Fund and its Waqf without which it would have been impossible for the Fund to carry out its missions in favour of the Islamic Ummah.

3.  Urges the Member States to pledge annual donations, according to their means, the ISF budget and contribute to the capital of the Waqf's Fund and requests the Secretary General and the Chairman of the Permanent Council of the Fund to conduct the  necessary contacts with the governments of the Member States in this respect.

4.  Requests the Permanent Council of the Fund, in collaboration with the General Secretariat and the Board of Trustees of the Waqf, to organize regular visits to the  Islamic countries to explain the noble objectives of the Fund and its Waqf and urge them to extend voluntary contributions and donations to the Fund and its Waqf.

5.  Approves the content of the report of the Chairman of the Permanent Council of the ISF.

6.  Endorses the Permanent Council's approval of the closing accounts of the ISF for the financial years 1991/1992 and 1992/1993.

7.  Calls upon the Permanent Council of the Fund to continue extending assistance to the cultural, social and educational projects in the Islamic world and according priority attention to projects approved by the Islamic Summit Conferences and Foreign Ministers Conferences.

8.  Expresses thanks and appreciation to the Permanent Council, its Chairman, its Board of Trustees, its Chairman and the Executive Bureau of the Fund for the efforts they exert in order to realize the objectives of the Fund and its Waqf.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs concerning ISESCO;

Taking note of the Report submitted by ISESCO;

1.Commends the achievements accomplished by the Organization in educational, scientific and cultural fields and requests it to pursue its great efforts to fulfil its noble objectives.

2.  Commends once again the Islamic Programme related to literacy and fundamental education for all in the Islamic countries and the Quranic letter programme and calls for expanding this last project to include the other Islamic regions and also calls for supporting the Organization by availing it of the necessary assistance and facilities to implement this vital project.

3. Pays tribute to ISESCO's achievements in the consolidation and development of cooperation with Islamic and international organizations, and for its efforts and participation in supporting the Islamic University in Niger and calls on the Organization to expand such support to comprise the other Islamic Institutes and Unviersities.

4. Commends ISESCO for setting up the Al-Quds Al-Sharif Unit and the achievements made with regard to the protection of cultural assets in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

5. Commends the programme being implemented by ISESCO within the framework of cooperation between the OIC and UN Systems on the project of "Basic Education and Training in the Perspective of Human Resource Development in the Islamic Countries" and calls on Islamic institutions, and, in particular, the Islamic Development Bank, to contribute to financing this project.

6. Urges those Member States that have not yet ratified the Islamic Convention on the equivalnce of Diplomas, to do so as soon as possible.

7. Urges those member states that have not yet joined ISESCO to do so as soon as possible in support of Islamic solidarity.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolutions adopted by the previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the activities of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF);

Having taken cognizance of the Expert level meeting held in the month of Shaaban 1414H (January 1994) in Riyadh at the invitation of the Federation and the OIC General Secretariat to prepare for the First  Conference of Youth Ministers pursuant to Resolution 5/6-C(IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference;

Having considered the Report submitted by the Federation's General Secretariat on this subject;

1. Approves the report of the Expert Committee's meeting, held in Riyadh in the month of Shaaban, 1414H (January 1994).

2. Requests the Federation to organize periodic quadriennal tournaments for one or more games.

3.  Urges Member States to take active interest in all future activities of the Federation, as well as in the forthcoming Tournaments of Islamic Solidarity Games and particularly in organizing their first round under the sponsorship of the Federation and calls for holding the First Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of the Member States as soon as possible pursuant to the resolution of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in this respect.

4. Calls on to Member States to honour their obligations to enable the Federation to carry out its activities.

5.  Expresses its appreciation and thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, President of the General Presidency of Youth Welfare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for his sponsorship of activities of the Sports Federation of Islamic Solidarity Games aimed at furthering its noble objectives.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the various resolutions adopted by the  previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs concerning the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent;

Having considered the Report of the committee's  Elventh Meeting held in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;

Convinced of the important role to be assumed by the Committee in the humanitarian and relief field;

Expressing its deep gratitude to the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah for the material support it has extended and the administrative and logistic facilities it continues to extend to the Committee for establishing the Headquarters in Benghazi;

Welcoming the wish expressed by the Islamic Republic of Iran to join the Committee;

1. Urges the Member States which have not yet signed and ratified the Agreement of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent to do so at an early date so that the Committee may start its functions and accomplish its noble objectives.

2Invites Member States and Islamic institutions to support the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent so that it may implement its programmes.

3.Approves the report of the Eleventh Meeting of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent.

4. Calls for necessary action to be undertaken in collaboration with the UNHCR to provide proper protection and care to the refugees.

5.Expresses warm thanks to the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for extending support and facilities to the ICIC during its establishment.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Recalling the resolutions of the previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendation made by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs on the World Federation of International Arab-Islamic Schools;

Having considered the report submitted by the Federation.

1.  Calls on the General Secretariat, the Islamic organizations and institutions, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the Islamic Development Bank to support the Federation's plans and projects and to extend all the necessary help towards the implementation thereof, particularly:

a)-To continue extending support for the holding of training courses for teachers of the Arabic language and Islamic culture in both Asia and Africa.

b)-To contribute towards the printing of the book for teaching the Arabic language to non-Arabic speakers prepared by the Federation and to ensure its distribution to Muslim children.

c)-To call on to IDB to continue contributing towards printing books for Afghan children.

d)-To support the Open Complementary Studies Institute at Khartoum in order that it may continue its activities.

2.  Recommends that support be extended to the project of the World Council for Arabic and Islamic School Examinations founded by the Federation in collaboration with the Islamic Universities Association, aimed at setting examinations for private Islamic schools under the supervision of reputable Islamic universities.

3.Recommends that support be extended to the Federation to enable it to play an effective role in providing assistance to education in Afghani schools and universities and in the reconstruction of schools and higher education institutes demolished during the war.

4.Expresses thanks and appreciation to the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for the support they provided to schools and higher education in Afghanistan whether in a general way or through the Federation.

5. Recommends transmitting the Federation's request to express thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for its support to Arabo-Islamic teaching throughout the world.




The Seventh Islamic Summit Conference (Session of fraternity and revival) held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December, 1994),

Referring to the provisions of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Inspired by the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Declaration issued by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, which provides that: "Believing in the need to propagate the principles of Islam and the spread of its culture, glory throughout the Islamic societies and in the world as a whole and to emphasize its rich heritage, its spiritual strength, moral values and laws conducive to progress, justice and prosperity, we are determined to cooperate to provide the human and material means to achieve these objectives. We also pledge to exert further efforts in various cultural fields to achieve rapprochement in the thinking of Muslims and to purify Islamic thought of all that may be alien or divisive";

Recalling the Dakar Declaration issued by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference, which states that "the leaders of the Islamic Ummah are determined to provide the Organization of the Islamic Conference with the required resources in order to support and coordinate Islamic Da'wah efforts and to improve educational curricula and training programmes as well as to disseminate the teachings of Islam throughout the world, within the framework of cooperation among States and in respect of their sovereignty; and also to instill the lofty Islamic values";

Taking note of the recommendations made by the Eighteenth Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, on Da'wah activities and the reactivation of the Committee on Coordination of Islamic Action;

Recalling the various resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences;

Recalling resolution 32/21-C of the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers approving the development of an Islamic Da'wah strategy in keeping with the provisions of the Cultural Strategy Document approved by the Sixth Summit Conference;

Having considered the report submitted by the Secretary General of the Organization;

1- Recommends all Islamic institutions to cooperate with the Committee on Coordination of Islamic Action.

2- Requests the Islamic Cultural Centres and the Da'wah Centres to educate the Pilgrims regarding the rites and ceremonies of Pilgrimage, prior to their arrival in the Holy Places to perform the Hajj duty.

3- Requests the Secretary General to see to the completion of the Strategy of Joint Islamic Action in the Field of Islamic Da'wah for submission to the next Conference of Foreign Ministers.

4- Calls on the Secretary General to convene further Islamic symposia on Islamic culture and da'wah following confirmation of the usefulness of the previous symposia held in Niger, Malaysia and Moscow.

5- Recommends that the Committee on Coordination of Islamic Action, in coordination with the competent authorities in Member States, take care of, and pay attention to, women in the field of Da'wah instruction.