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NO. 22/8-P (IS)
NO. 23/8-P (IS)
NO. 24/8-P (IS)
NO. 25/8-P (IS)
NO. 26/8-P (IS)
NO. 27/8-P (IS)
NO. 28/8-P (IS)
NO. 29/8-P (IS)
NO. 30/8-P (IS)
NO. 31/8-P (IS)
NO. 32/8-P (IS)
NO. 33/8-P (IS)
NO. 34/8-P (IS)
NO. 35/8-P (IS)
NO. 36/8-P (IS)
NO. 37/8-P (IS)
NO. 38/8-P (IS)
NO. 39/8-P (IS)
NO. 40/8-P (IS)
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation) held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from
9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Guided by the objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the
Islamic Conference which call for the consolidation of international peace and
security on the basis of justice, and reaffirming its commitment to the
purposes of the United Nations Charter in safeguarding international peace and
Considering that the United Nations, pursuant to the provisions of its
Charter, has a major role and responsibility in the field of disarmament and
promotion of international security, as well as protection of future generations
from the calamities of war;
Noting that the current international situation requires that the
principles of disarmament as contained in the United Nations Charter become a
fundamental element in any collective effort designed to bring about a truly
secure world and protect mankind from the threat of weapons of mass-destruction,
particularly nuclear weapons;
Recalling in this regard the adoption by the General Assembly on 11
September 1987 of the Final Document of the International Conference on the
Relationship between Disarmament and Development, and emphasizing the
increasing importance of this relationship in the context of the current
developments in international relations;
Convinced of the need to promote international peace and security
founded on the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter rejecting
the threat or use of force and
calling for respect of the territorial integrity and national independence of
States, non-interference in their internal affairs, and the right of peoples
living under the yoke of foreign domination and colonialism to
self-determination, and based also on the elimination of occupation, aggression,
annexation, and all forms of racial discrimination;
Recognizing the importance of equitable and balanced disarmament
measures, which guarantee the right of every
State to balanced security;
Acknowledging that the independence, territorial integrity, regional
security and sovereignty of the non-nuclear-weapon States should be ensured
through credible guarantees against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;
Deeply concerned at the threats posed to peace and
security in the Middle East in view of the possession by Israel, of weapons of
mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons, and related delivery systems,
and at their continued aggressive and expansionist policies against the peoples
of the Middle East;
Recalling resolution of the International Atomic Energy Agency No.601
of 25 September 1992 regarding the application of the Agency's Safeguards System
in the Middle East;
Welcoming the initiatives of Member States relating to the
establishment of a Zone free from weapons of mass destruction in the Middle
East, notably nuclear weapons;
Recognizing that the establishment of mass-destruction-weapon-free
Zones constitutes an important disarmament measure, which helps in easing
tension and achieving security and stability in these Zones, particularly in the
Middle East region;
Recalling the Final Communiques and resolutions on disarmament
adopted by the Islamic Conferences, in particular Resolution 21/24-P issued by
the Twenty-fourth Session of the Islamic Confernece of Foreign Ministers;
Noting the adoption of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by the
U.N. General Assembly on 10 September, 1996;
Also recalling all resolutions and recommendations issued in this respect
by other international and regional organizations and particularly by the
Non-Aligned Movement;
Noting the proposal of Pakistan for the holding of multilateral
talks on interlinked issues of peace and security in South Asia;
1.Calls for the elimination of all weapons of mass
destruction, notably nuclear weapons with a view to creating a world free of
such weapons and for the intensification of efforts aimed at finding a solution
to disarmament issues as a whole, particularly the elimination of nuclear
2.Emphasizes the need to conduct negotiations as early as
possible within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament according to the
Plan of Action of the Final Document of the Tenth UN General Assembly Special
Session on the full range of disarmament issues;
3.Deems it necessary that all States be afforded an
opportunity to participate on an equal footing in the work of the Conference on
Disarmament so as to ensure universal representation.
4.Considers that all States have an inalienable right to
develop their programmes for peaceful uses of nuclear energy for their economic
and social development and that all States are entitled to have access to the
technology and equipment needed for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
5.Emphasizes the importance of ensuring the adherence of all
States to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban
Treaty and requests the nuclear
weapons states to implement their obligations to which they have committed
themselves in the decision , declaration and resolution adopted by the
Conference on the Review and Extension of the Non-Proliferation Treaty held in
New York during the months of April and May 1995.
Calls on all nuclear weapons states to commit themselves to the
total elimination of their nuclear weapons arsenals within a universally
acceptable time-frame.
Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts at the
Conference on Disarmament in Geneva for the formation of an Ad-hoc committee for
drawing up a time-table for the phasing out of nuclear weapons with a view to
their total elimination.
8.Welcomes the initiatives of some Member States for the
establishment of a Zone free from all weapons of mass destruction, notably
nuclear weapons in the Middle East, within the framework of the United Nations,
and calls for an early establishment of such a Zone. In this context, it
notes with appreciation the efforts undertaken by the Working Group of the
League of Arab States concerning the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the
Middle East.
Welcomes the Convention on the establishment of a nuclear weapon
free zone in Africa which was signed in Cairo on 11 April, 1996.
10.Calls upon the Conference on Disarmament to intensify its
efforts to come to an early agreement on concluding an international legally
binding convention providing non-nuclear-weapon States with credible guarantees
against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons and calls upon the
Member States to coordinate their efforts at the Conference on this issue.
11.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the
implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth
Session of the Islamic Summit
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Welcoming with satisfaction that the Antartic treaty and the
treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Bangkok and Palindaba are gradually freeing
the entire Southern hemisphere and adjacent areas covered by those treaties from
nuclear weapons;
Recalling that the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in
various regions of the world is one of the measures which can most effectively
guarantee the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as contribute to
the achievement of general and complete disarmament;
Convinced that the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon Free-Zones in
various regions will serve to protect the States of such regions against the
threat or use of Nuclear Weapons;
Noting that the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones,
particularly in the Middle East, would effectively enhance regional and
international peace and security;
Noting the resolution on the Middle East adopted by the 1995
Review and Extension Conference of the States parties to the NPT;
the initiative
advanced by the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrghystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and
Uzbekistan on the establishment of a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in the region of
Central Asia;
Alarmed that all states of the Middle East have become parties to
the Non-proliferation treaty except Israel that is not a party to the Treaty,
has not placed its nuclear programmes under safeguard agreements and has not
declared its intention to do so;
Recalling that the Final Document of the Tenth Special Session of the
United Nations General Assembly recommended the establishment of
Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia;
Also recalling all the resolutions adopted by various Islamic Conferences
of Foreign Ministers, including Resolution 22/24-P issued by the Twenty-fourth
of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, on the
establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East and South
Bearing in mind all the resolutions and recommendations
adopted by the Organization of African Unity in this respect, and recalling
in particular the Declaration on Denuclearization of Africa adopted by the
Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity
at its First Ordinary Session held in Cairo from 17 to 21 July 1964 on the
necessity for establishing a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa;
Noting the statements made at the highest level by the Governments
of South Asian States pledging themselves not to acquire or manufacture nuclear
weapons and to devote their nuclear programmes exclusively to the economic and
social development of their peoples;
Welcoming the proposal for the conclusion of a bilateral or regional
nuclear test ban agreement in South Asia as well as the proposal to convene
under UN auspices a Conference on nuclear non-proliferation in South Asia and welcoming
also the proposal to hold five nation consultations with a view to ensuring
nuclear non-proliferation in the region of South Asia;
1.Welcomes the convention on the establishment of a nuclear-
weapon-free zone in Africa which was signed in Cairo on 11 April, 1996.
2.Also welcomes the signing of a convention in Bangkok in
December 1995 by the Heads of State and Government of the ten South-East Asian
countries for the establishment of a South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone.
3.Calls upon all States, particularly the States of the
regions concerned, which have not yet done, to positively respond to proposals
for the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in the Middle East and South
4.Reaffirms the determination of Member States to take
measures to prevent nuclear proliferation on a non-discriminatory and universal
5.Urges all States, especially nuclear weapon States to
exert pressure on Israel to become party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
and calls on the international community and the Security Council to
compel Israel to comply with U.N. Resolutions, particularly Security Council
Resolution 487 (1981), to accede to the treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons, to implement the resolutions of the International atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) calling for the subjection of all Israeli atomic facilities to the IAEA
Comprehensive Safeguards System, to obtain Israel's renunciation of nuclear
armament, and to submit a full report on its stockpile of nuclear weapons and
ammunition to the Security
Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency as those steps
are essential for the establishment of a zone free from weapons of mass
destruction, and primarily nuclear weapons in the Middle East region, a
fundamental factor for the establishment of a just and comprehensive peace in
the region.
6.Welcomes the various proposals made by Pakistan to keep
the South Asian region free of nuclear weapons including the proposed
five-nation consultations to ensure nuclear non-proliferation in the region.
7.Requests all Member States to keep up and further
coordinate their cooperation at the United Nations and other relevant
international fora to promote the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in
the Middle East, Central and South
8.Requests the Secretary General to follow the developments
in this regard and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the
Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Deeply concerned over the existence of significant
nuclear arsenals in the world which increase the possibility of the use or
threat of use of nuclear weapons;
Taking into consideration that it is imperative for the
international community to develop effective measures to ensure the security of
non-nuclear weapon states against the threat or use of nuclear weapons, whatever
their origin;
Recalling the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice
of 8 June 1996 on the legality of the threat or use of
nuclear weapons in which it expresses that threat or use of nuclear
weapons would generally be contrary to the Rules of
International Law Applicable in Armed Conflict and in particular the
Principles and Rules of Humanitarian Law;
Recognizing that effective measures to protect non-nuclear weapon
states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons may positively
contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and strengthen
international peace and security;
Deeply concerned over Israel’s nuclear capacities and
its threats and efforts aimed at destructing the peaceful defensive capacities
of Memebr States;
Firmly believes that the most effective guarantee for non-Nuclear
States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is the total
elimination of all nuclear weapons;
Recalling the commitment made by nuclear-weapons-states to provide
security assurances to non-nuclear weapons states in accordance with their
obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and other instruments;
Noting that these measures have failed to provide credible
assurances to non-nuclear weapon states against the use or threat of use of
nuclear weapons;
Recalling all the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of
Foreign Ministers, including Resolution 23/24-P of the 24th Session of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Recalling also the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly
as well as those issued by the Non-Aligned Movement on the need for assurances
by nuclear powers to non-nuclear weapon states to the effect that the former
shall not resort to the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons against them;
Further recalling that the Final Document of the Tenth
Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly had called upon nuclear
weapon states to conclude urgently arrangements to assure non-nuclear states
against the threat or use of nuclear weapons;
Recalling further the resolution of the UN General Assembly calling
for the Conference on Disarmament to actively continue intensive negotiations
with a view to reaching early agreement and concluding effective international
arrangements to assure non-nuclear weapon states
against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, taking into account the
widespread support for the conclusion of an International Convention;
Noting the adoption of Security Council Resolution No. 684
unanimously approved on 11 April, 1995 as well as the Declaration issued by the
nuclear weapon States on positive and negative security guarantees for the
non-nuclear weapon States;
Noting also the adoption of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by
the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on 10 September,1996;
Expressing deep concern over the threat of use of nuclear weapons in
general and against Member States in particular;
Noting the non-existence of opposition, in principle, within the
Conference of Disarmament to the early conclusion and on the basis of just
criteria, of an international convention to protect non-nuclear weapon States
against the threat or use of nuclear weapons.
1.Calls upon all States, including those Members of the
Conference on Disarmament, particularly the nuclear weapon States, to work
urgently towards a legally binding agreement on an international convention to
assure unconditionally non-nuclear weapon States against the threat or use of
nuclear weapons and to explore all additional means to provide effective
assurances to Non-Nuclear Weapon States in the global or regional context.
2.Recommends that the Islamic States make every effort at
all international fora with a view to promoting the above-mentioned objectives
aimed at strengthening the security of non-nuclear weapon States against the
threat or use of nuclear weapons.
3.Urges the Conference on Disarmament for the immediate
commencement and early conclusion of negotiations on a non-discriminatory and
universally applicable convention banning the production and
elimination of stockpiles of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other
nuclear explosives.
4.Urges the Conference on Disarmament to give priority
attention to all issues on its agenda, particularly to the early commencement of
negotiations on nuclear disarmament.
5.Requests the Secretary General to follow the developments
in this respect and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic
Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Believing that the efforts of the international community to move
towards the ideal of general and complete disarmament are guided by the desire
for genuine peace and security, the elimination of the danger of war and the
release of economic, intellectual and other resources for peaceful pursuits;
Affirming the commitment of all Member States to the purposes and
principles enshrined in the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference and the United Nations in the conduct of their international
Noting that the unbridled regional arms race and arms build up
impedes efforts for confidence building;
Noting that the essential guidelines for progress towards general
and complete disarmament were adopted at the Tenth Special Session of the UN
General Assembly vide its Resolution No. S-10/2;
Recalling Resolution 47/52 J adopted by the 47th Session of the
United Nations General Assembly in 1992;
Welcoming the prospects of genuine progress in the field of
disarmament which appeared in recent years;
Recognizing the importance of confidence building measures for regional
and international peace and security;
Recalling resolutions No.23/21-P, 24/22-P, 23/23-P and 24/24-P
adopted by the Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth
Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers as well as Resolution
24/7-P (IS) of the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference on the subject;
Convinced that endeavours by the Member States to promote regional
disarmament, taking into account the specific characteristics of each region and
in accordance with the principle of undiminished security at the lowest level of
armaments, would enhance the security of smaller States and would thus
contribute to international peace and security by reducing the risk of regional
1.Stresses that sustained efforts are needed, within the
framework of the Conference on Disarmament and under the umbrella of the United
Nations, to make progress on the entire range of disarmament issues.
2.Affirms that global and regional approaches to disarmament
complement each other and should therefore be pursued simultaneously to promote
regional and international peace and security.
3.Encourages the conclusion of equitable and
non-discriminatory agreements for global nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation
and confidence-building at regional and sub-regional levels.
4.Welcomes the initiatives towards disarmament, nuclear
non-proliferation and security undertaken by some countries at the regional and
sub-regional levels.
5.Supports and encourages efforts aimed at promoting
confidence-building measures at regional and sub-regional levels in order to
ease regional tensions and to further disarmament and non-proliferation measures
at regional and sub-regional levels, taking into account the relevant
characteristics of each region.
6.Considers that regional agreements on ceilings for arms
production and purchases and military expenditure can contribute to fostering
confidence and making resources available for development, taking into
consideration the circumstances of each region.
7.Requests the Secretary General to follow the developments
in this respect and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic
Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Reiterates the Member States' resolve as expressed in the Charter of
the Organization of Islamic Conference to unite their efforts in order to secure
universal peace which ensures freedom, justice and security for their people and
all peoples throughout the world;
Recalling also the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;
Considering the importance and effectiveness of confidence building
measures taken at the initiative and with participation of all States concerned
and taking into account the specific characteristics of each region that
contributes to regional disarmament and to international security;
Bearing in mind
the need for redressing the asymmetries
in the levels of security arising from military imbalances at regional and
sub-regional levels;
Recalling Resolutions 24/21-P, 25/22-P, 24/23-P and 25/24-P issued by
the Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Sessions of the
Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and Resolution No. 25/7-P(IS) adopted by
the Seventh Islamic Summit on this subject;
1.Recognizes the need for enhancing regional security and
stability through the settlement of outstanding disputes and the establishment
of equitable and verifiable balance of armaments at lower levels.
2.Calls upon the international community and states
concerned to adopt measures which would ease global and regional tensions and
result in a just and lasting resolution of outstanding conflicts and disputes
thus facilitating meaningful disarmament and arms control measures.
3.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the
developments of this subject and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of
the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Considering the serious problems arising from the dumping of dangerous
toxic wastes in certain Islamic Countries by some industrialized countries;
Deeply concerned at the fact that the dumping of
radioactive and toxic wastes endangers human life, marine fauna and the
ecosystem in general;
Bearing in mind the Code of Practice in the
International Transboundary Movement of Radio Active Waste established by the
International Atomic Energy Agency and the importance of updating the contents
of this Code to bring them in line with the related developments since the
adoption of this Code;
Also bearing in mind the conclusion, by African States of the
Bamako Convention on the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and control of
their transboundary movements within Africa;
Deploring the instances of dumping of toxic wastes in Somalia's
territorial waters;
Expressing its concern over the dumping by Israel of radio-active and
chemical wastes as well as highly toxic pesticides and insecticides in the
Mediterranean Sea, especially in Lebanese regional waters.
1.Affirms that the dumping or elimination of toxic wastes of
foreign origin in the territories and waters of Member States, and the risks
that it entails for human life are a heinous crime against the people of Member
States and the entire humanity.
Condemns all governmental and non-governmental entities which engage
in this shameful practice of dumping toxic waste in the territories and waters
of peace-loving people thus seriously endangering life and environment on the
Invites all the Member States to continue their intensive campaign
to enlighten their respective populations about the devastating effects of toxic
waste on human life, fauna and flora.
Calls upon all States which produce dangerous toxic wastes to take all
the measures necessary for treating and recycling this waste in their own
Urges Member States to ban all the illegal trans-border movements
of dangerous toxic wastes, transported without the necessary safeguards and the
prior consent of the importing country.
Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts within the
framework of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency to
conclude a legally binding instrument on the absolute and comprehensive
prohibition of any dumping of radioactive or nuclear wastes and to this end calls
on all States and multi-national corporations and others to abide by the
provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982.
Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts in the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to review the Code of Conduct
relating to the movement of nuclear wastes through international frontiers which
has been adopted by the IAEA and to update the text of this Code in conformity
with the changes which have taken place since the entry into effect of this
8.Calls on all States to abide by the maritime agreements
prohibiting the dumping of toxics and nuclear wastes in the territorial waters
of the littoral Member States.
9.Requests the Secretary General to undertake the necessary
measures with a view to convening a meeting of littoral Member States to
consider the problem of toxic wastes emanating from ships that pass through the
territorial waters of these States and the bordering maritime zones.
Requests the Secretary General to follow the developments on this
subject and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic
Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Gravely concerned about the continued suffering and
casualties caused to non-combatants as a result of the proliferation, as well as
the indiscriminate and irresponsible use, of anti-personnel mines;
Taking note also of the decisions taken at the Review
Conference of the States' Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or
Restrictions on use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be
excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, particularly with
respect to the Convention's amended Protocol II;
Reaffirming its conviction that a universal and multilaterally
negotiated agreement to ban anti-personnel mines would significantly reduce the
sufferings of civilians;
Emphasizing the important role of the Conference on Disarmament as a
single multilateral disarmament negotiating body.
Noting recent international efforts towards banning anti-personnel
1.Expresses its deep concern over the consequences of the
indiscriminate use of anti-personnel mines on the security of civilian
populations and their economic development.
2.Welcomes the decision taken by the Conference on
Disarmament during its 1997 session to appoint a special coordinator to seek
views of its members on the most appropriate arrangement to deal with the issue
of anti-personnel land mines and on the possible mandate;
3.Requests Member States to take part in the efforts aimed
at adopting effective and comprehensive measures to put an end to the
indiscriminate use of anti-personnel mines.
4.Urges the international community, particularly the
developed countries, to provide substantial assistance for the removal of
anti-personnel mines and to ensure access by all states, especially mine
stricken states, to advanced material, equipment and technology as well as to
ensure the removal of all existing obstacles in this regard.
5.Appeals to the international community in general, and
Member States in particular, to assist in rehabilitation of anti-personnel mines
6.Commends the efforts of the Republic of Yemen in this
regard, particularly the hosting of a regional symposium in Sana’a in October,
1997 on the banning, use and marketing of anti-personnel mines, which adopted a
“Sana’a Declaration”.
7.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the matter and
submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation) held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from
9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
In application of the teachings and noble principles of
the glorious Islamic religion which urge the consolidation of solidarity and
fraternity among the members of the unified Islamic Ummah and enjoins opposition
to sedition;
Faithful to the objectives and principles enunciated in the OIC
Charter notably provisions of Article II relating to the strengthening of
solidarity and non-interference in the internal affairs of Member States;
Recalling the resolutions of the Third Islamic Summit Conference
which stressed the need to strengthen solidarity among Member States on the
basis of mutual respect and commitment to non-interference in the internal
affairs of one another, and support for the causes of freedom, justice and
Recalling also Resolution 16/6-P(IS) and the provisions of the Dakar
Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference on the subject;
Taking note of the recommendations and proposals of the Reflection
Committee, the Group of Eminent Personalities and the Intergovernmental Experts
Group as well as the recommendations of the Expert Group on Correcting the Image
of Islam in the Outside World, in this respect;
Recalling also all Islamic resolutions adopted in this respect, including
Res. 28/24-P of the Twenty-fourth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1.Calls upon Member States to observe the principles of good
neighbourliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries,
and to prevent the use of their territories or government bodies by individuals
or groups bent on doing harm to other Member States.
2.Decides that no movement exploiting the noble Islamic
religion should be allowed to carry out any hostile activity against any Member
State, and reaffirms the necessity of consolidating coordination among Member
States so as to control the phenomenon of terrorism in all its manifestations
and forms including intellectual terrorism and extremism.
3.Stresses the need to continue to strengthen cooperation
and coordination among Member States at all levels, and to further their
consultation so as
to remove all causes of dissension and promote understanding among
4.Invites the Secretary General and the Reflection Committee
to study this topic and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the
Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Noting with satisfaction that the problems of drought and famine
in the States of the African Sahel have continued to receive the close attention
of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Also noting with satisfaction that the Sixth Islamic Summit
held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, in December 1991, urged Member States and
OIC institutions to strengthen their cooperation with CILSS and welcomed the
progress made by CILSS in preparing a coherent plan aimed at protecting the
Sahelian peoples and their economic potentialities against the effects of
drought and desertification which are hampering the development process of
Sahelian countries;
Having taken cognizance of resolution 27/7-P(IS) of the Seventh
Islamic Summit Conference on Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel;
Taking into account the need for the urgent implementation
of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme for the Sahel as soon as possible;
Expresses its appreciation of the efforts made by the OIC General
Secretariat, CILSS and the IDB for the elaboration and finalization of the
OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme for the Sahel.
Reaffirms the necessity to devote greater attention to the speedy
implementation of the Special OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme for the Sahelian
Appeals urgently to Member States to contribute generously and
substantially to the funding of the OIC/CILSS/IDB Programme in favour of the
Sahel Populations so as to crystallize the OIC Member States' solidarity with
these populations, alleviate their sufferings and ensure sustained development
in the Sahel region.
4.Takes note with appreciation of the Report of the
Thirteenth Session of the Committee for Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of
the Sahel, held in Tehran on 9 December, 1997, under the chairmanship of Sheikh
Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, First Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the State of Kuwait.
5.Expresses satisfaction with the Committee for
Islamic Solidarity with the People of Sahel for its propitious initiatives in
favour of African countries suffering from drought and desertification.
6.Notes with appreciation the positive role of the
chairmanship of the Islamic Committee for Solidarity with the Peoples of Sahel
and decides to renew the mandate of the State of Kuwait as Chairman of the
Committee for another three years.
7.Endorses the decision of the Committee for Islamic
Solidarity with the Peoples of Sahel to convene, before the Twenty-fifth Islamic
Confernece Foreign Ministers, a meeting of experts to be held at the
Headquarters of the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah with a view to reviewing
the OIC-IDB-CILSS programme as well as finding ways and means for its prompt
8.Invites interested Member States as well as
regional and national financing institutions to actively take part in the
meeting of experts be held at the Headquarters of the IDB in Jeddah.
9.Requests the Secretary General to follow up
implementation of this resolution and to report thereon to the Ninth Session of
the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Recalling its previous resolutions on the subject, in particular
resolution 15/5-P (IS) of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference and the relevant
provisions of the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit
Emphasizing that the African development crisis is of deep concern to
the entire Islamic Ummah;
Noting with appreciation the positive response of the international
community, particularly the Islamic countries, to the economic difficulties
being faced by the continent of Africa;
Realizing that the United Nations Programme of Action for African
Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 adopted by the Special Session of
the General Assembly in May 1986 did not yield the required results;
Deeply concerned that despite the reform and
restructuring being undertaken by the African countries, their economic
development continues to be impeded, inter-alia, by an unfavourable economic
environment, inadequate flow of resources and a heavy debt burden;
Taking into consideration the important results of the Uruguay
Round and its possible consequences on the critical economic situation in
Recalling that the U.N. General Assembly adopted at its 46th Session
the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the Nineties;
Taking note of the decisions taken by the World Food Summit held in
Rome on 11-17 November, 1996;
Recalling also with appreciation the report presented by the UN Secretary
General on the gravity of the economic situation in Africa and the positive
reactions by the international economic bodies;
Welcomes the efforts made by the African countries towards their
economic recovery and development in conformity with the Abuja Treaty concluded
in 1991 establishing the African Economic Community aimed at progressive
economic integration of Africa.
2.Stresses the importance of the successful implementation
of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990's and
calls upon the international community to fulfill its commitments on the
basis of the principle of shared responsibility and full partnership with
Expresses appreciation to the Member States which have provided
assistance to Africa through bilateral or multilateral channels.
Calls upon the international community, particularly the developed
countries and the concerned international financial agencies, to make a
substantial contribution to the objectives of African Economic Recovery and
Development, inter-alia, by an increase in financial flows, especially
concessional flows, to Africa, particularly to sub-Saharan countries, through
measures for an increase in Africa's export earnings and a reduction in the
adverse impact on African economies of fluctuations in those earnings and
through measures to limit and reduce the burden that external debt imposes on
African recovery, reform and development.
Calls upon Member States to increase their assistance to the countries
of Africa in order to enable them to initiate and implement the necessary
structural changes required to hasten their economic development.
Welcomes the contribution of Member States to the World Food Summit
in Rome and calls for the implementation of its resolutions.
Invites the international community to strengthen its support for
Africa's efforts to diversify its commodity sector as well as for market
promotion activities and export.
Recommends that Member States and the international community,
especially those countries which have an agricultural surplus to give special
attention to providing continued assistance in the sector of agriculture in
order to enable the countries of Africa to achieve self-sufficiency as soon as
Urges the developed countries and international financial
institutions to give special attention to alleviating the extreme debt burden of
the African States.
Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of
this resolution and submit a report to the Ninth Session of the Islamic
Summit Conference .
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Resolution No. 17/6-P (IS) of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference
and Resolution 29/7-P(IS) of the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference as
well as the resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on
reparations for damages caused by colonialism and by wars and, particularly the
sequels of war and mines;
Resolution No. 32 of the 5th Summit Conference of Non-Aligned States, held in
Colombo from 16 to 19 August, 1976 concerning the after effects of wars;
to the content of the Declaration of the 9th Summit Conference of
Non-Aligned States, held in Belgrade, from 4 to 7 September, 1989 on reparations
for the period of colonialism;
the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other relevant UN organs on the
remnants of war, including mines;
the historical precedents on reparations for the damages caused by occupation
and war and their sequels, particularly those of two world wars;
that the existence of physical remnants of the war, including mines, in the
territories of developing countries seriously impedes the developmental efforts
of these countries and causes a loss of life and property;
into consideration
the decisions of the
special meeting on mines held under the auspices of the UN in Geneva in August
Convinced that the responsibility for removing the remnants of wars
should fall on the countries that had laid them;
that poverty
and economic and social backwardness are due primarily to the depletion of those
countries’ economic and human resources by the States that colonized them;
that the effective solution to the problems caused to the developing countries
by colonialism, occupation or settlement lies in the commitment of former
colonial powers to shoulder the responsibility of compensating for the losses
suffered by those countries;
that reparations for colonialism are the least that former colonial powers can
do to rehabilitate the people of the countries they had colonized;
that the peoples of the world have a firm desire to end all forms of
colonialism in all its forms as an act of aggression which violates all
international conventions and principles of international law.
that the effects of colonialism have hampered economic and social development
plans and programmes in the developing countries and are still impeding these
countries’ development and progress.
the right of all Member States, without exception, which suffered under the yoke
of colonialism, to take all necessary measures to obtain quick and fair
compensation for the human and material losses they have suffered as a result of
colonialism or foreign invasion.
the right of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for
reparations for all the human and material losses it has sustained as a result
of the period of invasion, colonisation and settlement of the Libyan territories
and calls on States which have caused these dangers to take effective
measures to meet the claims of the Great Jamahiriya.
all past and present colonialist powers to cooperate and coordinate their
efforts with a view to urging the States involved in the Second World War to
extend technical and financial assistance as well as the necessary information
and requisite maps so as to assist in immediately removing mines left behind by
their forces in some areas of Member States, which are still causing extensive
damage and impeding the developmental efforts in these areas, and invites
the concerned Member States to coordinate among themselves so as to achieve this
the right of all Member States, without exception, which suffered under the yoke
of colonialism, to recover their cultural property which was looted during the
period of colonialism, including antiquities, masterpieces, manuscripts and
historical documents,and invites Member States to coordinate among
themselves so as to achieve this aim in collaboration with the Islamic
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO).
the international community to take effective measures to prevent the
recurrence of colonialism and liquidate its after-effects.
keep this
issue under
consideration and
requests the Secretary General to establish contacts with the
concerned international bodies and
parties and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
all the relevant Islamic resolutions, in particular Resolution No. 32/24-P
adopted by the Twenty-fourth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on
supporting the efforts made by Sudan to achieve national unity, peace,
development and to safeguard its identity and cultural heritage;
its commitment to the goals and principles embodied in the OIC Charter
concerning the reinforcement of Islamic solidarity between the Member States and
the strengthening of their capacity to their unity, territorial security,
sovereignty, independence, national rights and spiritual heritage;
that Sudan is facing attacks and designs from various hostile foreign circles
undermining its stability, jeopardizing its unity and cultural identity;
attention to
the public opinion mobilisation campaign launched by hostile western circles
with the aim of paving the way for intervention in Sudan through the
establishment of so-called security zones under the guise of humanitarian
its full solidarity with Sudan to face hostile designs and defend its unity,
territorial security and stability.
the continuous efforts exerted by the Sudanese Government in order to reach a
peaceful solution to the problem of Southern Sudan through negotiation and
dialogue between the Sudanese parties and the positive outcome of these efforts
which have led to the signature of the peace accords of Khartoum and Fachoda
with the rebel factions of the South.
its deepest appreciation to the Member States supporting the Sudanese efforts to
safeguard its unity, national security and cultural heritage.
to Member States to continue to support the Sudanese efforts to safeguard its
unity, security and identity, in conformity with the principles embodied in the
OIC Charter.
Requests the Secretary General to follow-up on the implementation of
this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the
Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held Session in Tehran, Islamic Republic of
Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Recalling the goals and principles of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference aiming in particular at consolidating Islamic solidarity among Member
States and strengthening cooperation between them in the economic, social,
cultural and scientific fields as well as in other vital fields;
Taking into consideration the Peace Agreement concluded in
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) on 9 October 1994 and signed on 24 April 1995 in
Niamey between the Government of the Republic of Niger and the Organization of
Armed Resistance;
Convinced of the necessity of providing Niger with the necessary
assistance for its economic and social development, the sole guarantee of
stability in the Northern Pastoral Area;
1.Expresses satisfaction at the signing of the Peace
Commends the efforts exerted by mediating countries for their
important contribution to the conclusion of this Agreement.
Requests Member States, the General Secretariat and other Islamic
Institutions to provide Niger with the necessary assistance to enable it to
consolidate its national unity and achieve its developmental objectives within
the framework of the implementation of the above-mentioned Agreement.
Invites the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of
the provisions of the present resolution and submit a report thereon to the
Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Based on resolution No. 19/6-P (IS) adopted by the Sixth Summit
entitled "Islamic solidarity with Mali for restoration of peace and
development of its Northern Regions" adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit
held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 9-11 December, 1991;
Recalling resolution No.29/21-P adopted by the Twenty-first Session
of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Karachi from 25 to 29
April 1993 aimed at achieving the same objective;
Having examined the conclusions of the report of the
Mission of the Islamic Solidarity Fund on the implementation of the emergency
programme for the rehabilitation of the regions of Timbuctu, Gao and Kidal;
Recalling, on the other hand, resolution No. 34/24-P adopted by the
Twenty-fourth session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers requesting
Member States and financial institutions of the Organization to get more
involved in the financing of the Programme of Projects for the strengthening of
peace in the Northern region of Mali;
Having taken good note of the positive conclusions arrived at by
the Government of Mali and the development partners at their Timbuctu meeting;
Deeply concerned over the lack of financing for this
Convinced that the ceremony of the "Torch of Peace", the
integration of the former combatants and the creation of a Ministry responsible
for the arid and semi-arid zones, reflects the willingness of all the parties to
abide by the commitments contained in the National Accord.
Convinced also that the return of peace, rehabilitation of the
displaced people and their socio-economic development cannot be achieved without
the support and assistance of friendly countries and institutions;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the Charter of the OIC;
Mindful of Islamic solidarity;
1.Requests Member States and Islamic institutions to provide
necessary financial assistance for the emergency programmes and projects for
ensuring the return of the refugees, their rehabilitation and the social,
economic and cultural development of the Northern Regions of Mali.
2.Recommends to Member States and the Islamic financial
institutions to actively support the implementation of the medium and long-term
development strategy and of the emergency programme in the regions of Kidal, Gao
and Timbuctu.
3.Thanks the Muslim World League (MWL), the International
Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), and the Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF) for
their contribution to the efforts of the Government of Mali for the
rehabilitation and development of the Northern Region.
4.Requests the Secretary General to follow up on the
implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth
Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Recalling Resolution 30/7-P (IS), of the Seventh Islamic Summit
Conference ;
Bearing in mind the historic contribution of the Islamic
civilization in building, enriching and developing human civilization at large;
Conscious of the need for continued active participation in building
human civilization and for interacting with it in such a way as to achieve an
adequate standard of living, on the basis of mutual understanding among peoples
and nations, away from acts of aggression and violations of the principles of
the United Nations Charter and international norms;
Proceeding from the inalienable right of peoples to development;
Believing that economic, social and cultural progress is contingent
upon the peaceful uses of science and technology on the broadest scale possible,
in accordance with the requirements of development;
Conscious that science and technology are the outcome of an
integrated human endeavour and that their peaceful applications should be
marshalled for the service of the whole of mankind;
Affirms the inalienable right of the Islamic States to develop,
acquire and make use of science and technology for progress in economic, social
and cultural fields.
Rejects all policies and measures
including discriminatory, inequitable regimes aimed at obstructing the
achievement of technological progress for peaceful purposes in Member States, as
well as policies and measures which are inconsistent with the legitimate rights
of all States and peoples to attain an appropriate, modern and civilized
standard of living, in addition to harming international peace and security and
are at variance with the aims and objectives of the UN Charter.
Calls upon industrialized States to facilitate the transfer of
technology to developing countries and remove the restrictions hindering the
transfer of technology to Islamic States in particular.
Calls upon Member States to strengthen cooperation among themselves in
the fields of science and technology for peaceful purposes, especially
in the framework of the Standing Committee for Scientific and
Technological Cooperation.
Recommends that Member States consult each other on the appropriate
measures to be adopted with regard to any State or group of States imposing
restrictions on the transfer of technology and its equipment to the developing
countries through a meeting to be convened in this regard by the Secretary
Requests the Secretary General to monitor the implementation of the
present resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session
of the Islamic Summit
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Recalling Resolution 32/7-P (IS) adopted by the Seventh Islamic
Summit Conference on the problem of Refugees;
Deeply concerned over the plight of refugees in many
parts of the world, most of whom are members of the Islamic community;
Reaffirming the solidarity of Member States with the countries hosting
the refugees, and thus assuming immense political, economic and social burdens,
in a spirit of Islamic brotherhood and in accordance with the principles of the
Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Convinced that solidarity is dictated by the principles of
brotherhood and the defence of human rights and human dignity, which are
deep-rooted in the Islamic heritage and traditions;
Recalling the mandate of the UNHCR in providing protection and
adequate care and maintenance to refugees;
Recalling also the responsibility of all states to extend their assistance
to Member States hosting refugees to reduce the heavy burden they are
Noting with deep concern the declining levels of international
assistance extended to the countries hosting refugees to help them to continue
providing assistance to refugees;
Fully convinced that the lasting solution of the refugee
problem consists in providing favourable conditions for their return to their
homelands in safety and dignity;
1.Notes with satisfaction the ongoing efforts of the
Secretary General to further enhance the capacity of the OIC to provide
humanitarian assistance to the refugees in cooperation with the UNHCR.
2.Expresses its appreciation to Member States, donor
countries, the UNHCR, the U.N. specialized agencies, and other humanitarian
institutions for the valuable assistance they extend to refugees in Islamic
3.Expresses also its deep appreciation to countries hosting
refugees for their generous assistance to refugees irrespective of their
critical economic situation as well as presence of large number of displaced
4.Reaffirms its concern for the security, stability and
infrastructure of those Muslim countries whose economic and social development
is seriously affected by the presence of refugees.
5.Calls on Member States, to coordinate their action at
international level with a view to determining the main causes behind the exodus
of refugees to Islamic and other countries and strive, in cooperation with the
UNHCR, to enable those refugees to return to their homes whenever circumstances
6.Requests the Secretary General to expedite the preparation
of a survey regarding the numbers and the situation of the refugees in the
Islamic World in coordination with the UNHCR. This survey should be presented to
the first meeting of the Group of Experts on this subject which is to be held in
7.Decides to convene a meeting of an Inter-governmental
Group of Experts established by a resolution of the Twenty-third ICFM and to
hold its first meeting in 1998 to examine the various dimensions of this problem and define ways and means to deal
with this issue.
8.Urges Member States and the Islamic Development Bank to
increase their assistance to the Islamic countries hosting refugees given the
economic and social difficulties caused by the presence of such refugees.
9.Calls on Member States to cooperate with the UNHCR to end
the downward trend of assistance to refugees and to secure additional resources
to alleviate the suffering of those refugees in Islamic countries.
10.Urges non-Member States to create better conditions for
their Muslim communities and minorities, so that they are not forced to escape
or are driven out as refugees because of religious, ethnic or racial oppression.
11.Condemns all acts of repression against the refugees,
including armed attacks on their camps and pressures on the countries sheltering
12.Requests the Secretary General to continue to closely
liaise with the hosting countries and cooperate and coordinate with the UNHCR
with a view to intensifying the efforts of the Organization of the
Islamic Conference for the alleviation of the plight of the refugees in
the Muslim World and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic
Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
from Resolution No. 20/K49 (1994) adopted by the UN General Assembly on extended
humanitarian assistance to the Sudan, as well as the Note submitted by the
Government of the Republic of Sudan on refugees and displaced persons;
the efforts exerted by the Government of the Republic of the Sudan on
establishing peace within the country which resulted in the return of Sudanese
refugees from the outside affected by the rebellious movement in Southern Sudan;
hosting by the Republic of Sudan of over one million refugees from neighbouring
States despite the dwindling of the assistance extended to them by the
international community and despite the slow process of the voluntary return of
these refugees to their countries;
into consideration the migration of large numbers of citizens of the regions of the
Southern Sudan to the North of Sudan escaping from atrocities perpetrated by the
rebellious movement;
international donors to extend assistance commensurate with the number of
refugees in the Sudan, and such as to help in their voluntary repatriation.
the Islamic Development Bank to extend financial assistance so as to support the
efforts of the Government of the Sudan aimed at resettling returning Sudanese
refugees in the areas liberated from the hold of the rebellious movement as well
as to provide shelter to the displaced persons who migrated to the North due to
the military operations conducted by the rebellious movement.
to all the Member States to extend assistance to the Government of the Sudan so
as to overcome the problems of refugees and displaced persons.
Requests the Secretary General to submit a report on this matter to
the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Confernece.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
the UNGA
resolution 51/41 which decided the holding of NPT Review Conference;
General Assembly Resolution 50/7- Q of 12 December 1995, in which it took note
of the various decisions of 1995 Review and Extension Conference;
Believing that convening of Review Conference in 2000 has great
effects on Evaluation of Compliance of Nuclear and Non-Nuclear States parties to
Taking note of necessity of active participation of Islamic countries
parties to NPT in 2000 Review Conference of NPT and its preparatory committees;
Stressing the necessity of active participation of Islamic countries
in multilateral disarmament negotitations;
Reaffirming that nuclear weapons programme of Israel still poses grave
danger to the security of the Islamic countries, especially in the Middle East;
Noting the ICJ advisory opinion in which it recalls the obligation
of the nuclear weapon states to
initiate and conclude negotiations on complete nuclear disarmament ;
Also noting the declaration of principles and objectives for Nuclear
Non-Proliferation and Disarmament adopted by the 1995 Review Conference on
strengthening nuclear disarmament;
1.Requests all Islamic countries parties to the Treaty to
actively participate in 2000 Review Conference of NPT and its preparatory
2.Requests all States parties to pursue vigorously the
objective of nuclear disarmament in the international fora, particularly in 2000
NPT Review Conference as stipulated in Article 6 of the NPT.
3.Invites all States parties to the NPT to exert pressure on
Israel to accede to the Treaty and to place all its nuclear programmes under the
IAEA safeguards.
4.Requests the Islamic countries parties to NPT to conduct
further consultations at the expert level before 2000 Review Conference and its
preparatory committees in order to coordinate positions in the Conference.
5.Requests the
Secretary General to follow up the Implementation of this resolution and submit
a report thereon to the Twenty-fifth Session of the Islamic Conference of
Foreign Ministers and to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Realizing that the present world is characterized by the absence of
sharp political and ideological opposition of different systems;
Proceeding from understanding that the Muslim States as well as other
countries of the world are interested in providing strong and permanent peace
and stability as the most important condition for the progressive development of
the world community on the way of economic and cultural progress;
Reaffirming the respect for principles of the UN Charter, international
law and legitimacy as well as peaceful negotiations and constructive dialogue
for achieving the desired goal that is the resolution of regional conflicts;
Proceeding from the necessity of the strict observance of the
principle of the territorial integrity and the respect of the sovereignty of all
countries and non-interference in their internal affairs;
Stressing the need for general and complete disarmament, particularly
nuclear disarmament;
Greeting the initiatives on the questions of international and
regional security proposed by the Islamic countries;
Recognizing the expediency of usage of the experience of the world
community as a whole as well as some regional security structures;
Understanding that along with the establishment of a new mechanism of
regional security it is necessary to take into consideration the specificity of
the relations between the States in the Asian continent;
Underlining the need to respect the regional groups within the United
Condemning the persistence of the policies of hegemony, power
politics, military diktat and use of force;
Underlining the
irrelevance of the doctrine of nuclear deterrence in the post cold war era.
Taking into account that the initiative of calling the
Conference for interaction and confidence-building measures has been supported
by the significant number of Asian States, international organizations,
including UN and OIC, and has become an important factor of regional policy;
Stressing that among its participants are the countries representing
all five continents of the world;
Taking into consideration that the process of the preparation of
the Conference for interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia has
acquired a stable character and
that the Special Working Group has made significant work for drawing together
the different approaches and elaboration of the formulas on the main security
problems and this work has been highly appreciated by many Asian countries;
1.Welcomes the efforts of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
promotion of the initiative of the Conference for interaction and
confidence-building measures in Asia.
2.Considers that the initiative of the Republic of
Kazakhstan for convening a Conference for interaction and confidence-building
measures in Asia will contribute to the general process of providing
international security.
3.Calls upon Member States to express their support of the
Kazakhstani initiative taking into consideration the possibility of resolution
of many urgent problems of present-day world in its frame.
4.Recommends that the Member States may join the process of
promoting confidence-building measures in the Asian continent, the interaction
in the interests of all Islamic states as well as taking
part in the work of the Conference at all levels.
5.Requests the
Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to
submit a report thereon to the Twenty-fifth session of the Islamic Conference of
Foreign Minister and to the Ninth
Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of
Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran,
from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),
Affirming the importance of the ongoing processes of UN reform,
including the reform of the Security Council;
Recognizing that any reform of the United Nations, including Security
Council reform, should be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the
UN Charter;
Reiterating the need for the reform and democratization of the Security
Council, in order to reflect the current political realities in the
international relations, and to address the need for the enhanced representation
of the developing countries, as well as the need to significantly improve the
working methods and procedures of the Security Council for enhanced transparency
in its decision making process;
Reiterating that any reform and expansion of the Security Council
should be in accordance with the principles of equitable geographical
distribution and sovereign equality of States;
Recalling the Declaration on the UN Reforms including the expansion
and reform of the Security Council adopted by the OIC Annual Coordination
Meeting of Foreign Ministers in New York on 2 October, 1997;
Recalling also paras 13-20 of the Communique adopted by the NAM
Ministerial Meeting in New York on 25 September 1997, the paragraph relating to
the reform of the Security Council in the Declaration adopted by the
Thirty-second session of the Heads of State and Government of the OAU in Harare
in June 1997, and the Working Paper of the Arab Group adopted by the Arab
Foreign Ministers in New York on 29 September 1997;
1.Affirms that the Member States have a direct and vital
interest in determining the outcome of UN reform and Security Council expansion.
2.Reaffirms the readiness of the Member States to contribute
actively and constructively to the consideration of the reform and expansion of
the Security Council on the basis of the aforementioned declarations and
3.Requests the OIC Open-Ended Contact Group on UN Reform and
Expansion of the Security Council at the United Nations Headquarters in New York
to regularly exchange views and coordinate efforts with a view to safeguarding
the interests of Member States and enabling them to make their indispensable
contribution to the process of UN reform and expansion of the Security Council.