9-11 SHA'ABAN, 1418H (9-11 DECEMBER, 1997)





























The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 -11 Sha'aban 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict contained in Document No. (IS/8-97/PIL/D.3);


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Pursuant to the resolutions of the Islamic Conferences on the Cause of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict;


Recalling the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, especially Resolutions 242; 338; 465; 476 and 478, and the Resolutions of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity and the League of Arab States on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories including  the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the other occupied Arab territories;


Reaffirming the commitment of Islamic States to realizing just and comprehensive peace in the region, and upholding peace as a strategic option;


Expressing its strong condemnation of Israel's  continuing repressive and terrorist measures and practices, its continued policy of colonization, expansion of existing settlements, confiscation of land and properties, deportation and mass reprisal against Palestinian and Arab citizens in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, its siege of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the desecration of  Islamic and Christian Holy Shrines;


Condemning the continuous Israeli aggression against Lebanese territories and the civilian population;


Emphasizing that the Israeli policies, practices and expansionist designs, do not only threaten the Arab states and the peace process but also threaten the Islamic States and endanger international peace and security;


Holding Israel responsible for the haulting of the Middle East Peace Process along all tracks as a result of the intransigence of the Israeli government and its evasion of the principles on which the peace process has been built especially Security Council resolutions 242, 338 and 425 as well as the “Land for Peace” formula and its non-compliance with all the agreements concluded in this regard.


Expressing deep concern over the alarming situation resulting from the hindering by Israel  of efforts exerted to reach a just and comprehensive settlement of the Palestine cause and the Arab Israeli conflict on the basis of  Security Council Resolutions 242, 338 and 425, as well as the principle of "Land for Peace" and the realisation of the national and political legitimate rights of the Palestinian people;


Commending the efforts made by the Palestine Liberation Organization throughout the occupied Palestinian territories, for the reconstruction of what had been destroyed by the Israeli occupation, as well as the efforts exerted by its National Authority for the rehabilitation of the Palestinian national economy and its consolidation, on the way to the establishment of the Palestinian State on its national territory;


Determined to support these efforts through all possible means;


Reaffirms all the resolutions of the Islamic Conferences relating to the question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.


2.Reaffirms also that the Cause of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif is the prime cause of all Muslims, and expresses its full solidarity with the Palestine Liberation Organization in its just struggle for ending Israeli occupation, exercising its sovereignty over its territories and building the Palestinian national institutions on the land of Palestine, with a view to realizing the imprescriptible and inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to return, to self-determination and to the establishment of their independent State on their national soil, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.


3.Calls on Member States to further strengthen their solidarity with the Palestinian people, and continue to support their just and legitimate struggle for ending Israeli occupation and achieving all their goals of freedom and independence.


4.Reaffirms its support for the Middle East Peace Process and the implementation of all the agreements signed in this context among the parties concerned and the commitments made in accordance with the underpinnings of the Madrid Peace Conference, and  in accordance with the UN Charter and the UN resolutions, in particular Security Council Resolutions 242, 338 and  425 and the land-for-peace principle which demand Israel's withdrawal from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the occupied Syrian Golan back to 4th June 1967 borderline, the occupied Lebanese territory back to internationally recognised borders  and the realization of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people.


5.Reaffirms that Al-Quds Al-Sharif forms an integral part of the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967 and whatever is applicable to other occupied Palestinian territories also applies to it, in implementation of the resolutions of the Security Council and the UN General Assembly and calls for combining efforts to restore Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty as the capital of the State of Palestine, so as to ensure peace and security in the region.


6.Calls on the international community, in particular the Two Sponsors of the Peace Process to pressure Israel into complying with the resolutions of the international legitimacy, and implementing  the UN General Assembly resolution No. 10/2 dated 24.4.1997 and No. EST 10/3, dated 15/7/1997 regarding haulting the building of a new settlement at Jebel Abu Ghneim as well as all other settlement activity, including expansion of existing settlements, building side roads, confiscating land adjacent to settlements, and activities which constitute a violation of international resolutions. It also requests Member States to make efforts to get the UN General Assembly to take necessary steps in accordance with the “United

For Peace” resolution in the event Israel fails to comply with the two aforementioned resolutions.


7.Requests the UN Security Council to revitalize the International Commission on Supervision and Control to prevent colonization in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the occupied Palestinian and Arab Territories in accordance with its resolution 446.


8.Urges the international community and all states that extend economic and financial assistance to Israel, in particular the United States of America, and the States of European Union, as well as international donor institutions and funds, to cease assistance which is used by Israel to implement its colonialist and expansionist designs in the occupied Arab territories and the Occupied Syrian Golan.


9.Rejects attempts to disregard the obligations of the transitional phase and jump to the negotiations on the final status, and demands the faithful and honest implementation of all the remaining items of the transitional phase agreements concluded between the PLO and Israel.


10.Affirms that Israel’s disregard for the principles and underpinnines of the peaec process, backtracking on the commitments, pledges and agreements made in the framework of this process, procrastination and evasion have seriously undermined the peace process and holds the Israeli government responsible for this situation.


11.Strongly condemns the Israeli crimes which harm the religious sentiments of Muslims and Christians, and which contradict religious, human and moral values.


12.Urges Islamic States which have begun to take steps towards establishing relations with Israel within the framework of the peace process to reconsider their relationships with Israel, including the closing of missions and offices until Israel abides by the UN resolutions and implement the agreements, obligations and commitments arrived at by the parties to the peace process, in accordance with the principles adopted by the Madrid Conference, the OSLO Accord and the other agreements concluded with the PLO, as well as obligations and commitments arrived at with the Arab parties on all tracks during the peace talks.


13.Calls for action within UN and international institutions and fora to compel to release the detainees; return the deportees; halt the methods of mass punishment; cease the confiscation of lands and properties and the demolition of homes; also cease any actions that threaten life and the environment in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


14.Calls for a more effective UN action to ensure the success of the Middle East peace process, for a reaffirmation of the continued UN responsibility for the cause of Palestine until a just and comprehensive solution to all its aspects is found, a solution that puts an end to occupation and fulfills the imprescriptible and inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people including their right to return to their land, self-determination and the establishment of their independent State on their territory with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.


15.Urges all States and concerned parties to extend their support to the international programme on economic, social and cultural development in the occupied Palestinian territories to avail the Palestinian people of the necessary approved assistance for the reconstruction of its national economy and to back up its national institutions and enable it to establish its independent State with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.


16.Affirms  the need to intensify the efforts being made for holding a meeting of the high contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, regarding the protection of civilians during the time of war, aimed at taking the necessary enforcement measures to ensure the application of the Convention to the occupied Palestinian territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


17.Calls for abiding by the provisions of the Islamic Boycott against Israel and to consider the legislation, rules and provisions governing the Boycott "the General Principles of the Boycott, Islamic law, the Internal Regulations and Sessional Meetings of the Regional Offices" as part of the current national legislations, and set up the necessary offices and mechanisms to serve that end.


18.Strongly condemns Israel's continuing occupation of Southern Lebanon and the Western Biqa'h region, its arbitrary practices and military acts of aggression against the Lebanese citizens and against the Palestinian refugees in their camps in Lebanon; calls upon the UN Security Council to take the necessary measures to put an immediate end to these acts of aggression; calls for the implementation of the Security Council resolution on Lebanon, especially Resolution 425 (1978), Israel's immediate, total and unconditional withdrawal from the Lebanese territory. It affirms its resolve to maintain the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders.


19.Strongly condemns the policy of Israel in refusing to comply with Security Council resolution 497 (1981), and in imposing its jurisdiction, its laws and its administration on the occupied Syrian Golan, as well as Israel's policies of annexation, establishment of settlements, expropriation of lands, diversion of water resources and imposition of Israeli nationality on Syrian citizens.  It considers that all those measures are null and void, and constitute a violation of the rules and principles of international law, relating to occupation and war and particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. It demands the complete withdrawal of Israel from the entire occupied Syrian Golan to the lines of 4 June 1967.


20.Calls on the international community and the Security Council to compel Israel to comply with U.N. Resolutions, particularly Security Council Resolution 487(1981), to accede to the treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, to implement General Assembly and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)  resolutions calling for the subjection of all Israeli Atomic facilities to the IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards System, to obtain Israel's renunciation of nuclear armament, and to submit a full report on its capabilities and stockpile of nuclear weapons and ammunition to the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency as those steps are essential for the establishment of a zone free from weapons of mass destruction, and primarily nuclear weapons in the Middle East region, a fundamental factor for the establishment of a just and comprehensive peace in the region.


21.Reaffirms the continued responsibility of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to carry on fulfilling the tasks assigned to it for the benefit of all the Palestinian citizens wherever they may be living in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly in this regard, and calls upon the Member States to request the UN Secretary General to see to it that the Conciliation Committee undertakes in collaboration with the Relief Agency and the concerned States the preparation of a comprehensive         inventory of Palestinian refugees and their property and come out with a integrated conception for the settlement of their problems on the basis of their right to return to their homeland Palestine in accordance with the UN Resolution No. 194. It further calls on all states to provide more assistance towards the Agency’s budget so as to enable it continue providing its services.


22.Requests the Secretary General to take necessary measures for continuing and strengthening contacts and coordination on the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict between the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States, the Organization of African Unity, the Non-Aligned Movement, the European Union, and the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, and expresses its appreciation for their all supportive stands and assistance for the just struggle of the Palestinian people.


23.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 -11 Sha'aban 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, contained in Document No. (IS/8-97/PIL/D.3);


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Pursuant to the Islamic resolutions which reaffirm that the issue of Al-Quds Al-Sharif constitutes the essence of the Palestinian cause which forms the core of the  Arab-Israeli conflict, and that no comprehensive and just peace can be achieved without the return of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to the Palestinian sovereignty, as the capital of the State of Palestine;


Recalling the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, in particular resolutions 465, 476 and 478 on the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;


Reaffirming the resolutions of the Tenth Extraordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly No. 10/2 and  No. EST-10/3 dated 24.4.1997 and 15.7.1997 respectively on the illegal Israeli actions in occupied  East Al-Quds and the other occupied Palestinian territories;


Expressing its deep concern at the escalation of Israel's acts of aggression against the Holy Places in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and other Palestinian cities and violation of their sanctity;


Reiterating all Security Council Resolutions on Al-Quds including. 681 which provides for the applicability of all the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 concerning the protection of civilians in times of war to the Palestinian people in the occupied Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;


Strongly condemning all illegal Israeli measures and practices, which also contravene all international resolutions and laws, carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities in Al-Quds Al-Sharif aimed at judaizing the Holy City and obliterating its Arab and Islamic landmarks;


Commending the constant efforts made by the Al-Quds Committee under the Chairmanship of His Majesty King Hassan II, King of Morocco;


Commending also the continuous efforts made by all the Islamic Member States to defend the sanctity of the Islamic places in the city of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif, to safeguard their Arabic identity and their Islamic character, and protect them from Zionist misuse  and judaization plans;


Commending the contribution of His Majesty King Hussein Bin Talal, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to the renovation work carried out in the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Holy Dome of the Rock;


1.Reaffirms all the resolutions adopted by the relevant Islamic Conferences including the Third Islamic Summit Conference on Al-Quds Al-Sharif,  the recommendations  and decisions of the Al-Quds Committee at its prervious sessions.


2.Reaffirms that a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East cannot be achieved without an Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories foremost of which Al-Quds Al-Sharif as it forms an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967 and that whatever is applicable to the rest of the occupied territories applies to it in implementation of UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions.


3.Urges action to halt all practices, and measures undertaken by the Israeli occupation authorities in Al-Quds Al-Sharif aimed at altering the geographic and demographic conditions and violating the sanctity of the Islamic and Christian shrines in order to judaize the Holy City. It calls for combined efforts to restore Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty as the capital of the State of Palestine so as to ensure peace and security in the region.


Invites the Member States to continue their support to the Palestine Liberation Organization in the ongoing negotiations for the transfer of all powers and responsibilities in the occupied Palestinian territories including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, to the Palestinian National Authority, to support the steadfastness of the citizens of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, to establish developmental economic, cultural, social and architectural projects and construct housing units for them, to restore their existing houses and to support the national Palestinian institutions in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


5.Invites States of the world to refrain from having any dealings with the Israeli occupation authorities which might be interpreted in any way by those authorities as an implicit recognition of the "fait accompli" imposed by the proclamation of Al-Quds as the capital of Israel. 


Further invites the international community, and in particular the two co-sponsors of the Peace Conference, to compel Israel not to effect any geographical or demographical alterations in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif during the transitional period and to refrain from any action or measure  that may affect the outcome of the negotiations on the final status of the City, adhere to the relevant international resolutions, lift the siege imposed on Al-Quds Al-Sharif, ensure the freedom of worship therein, and refrain from destroying houses, withdrawing identity cards of Palestinian citizens and emptying Al-Quds Al-Sharif of its Arab citizens.


7.Reaffirms that all legislative, administrative and colonization measures aimed at altering the legal status of the Holy City are null and void and  contrary to the resolutions of international legality, and to international agreements, conventions and norms, as well as to the agreements signed between the Palestinian and Israeli parties.  It calls on the international community, in particular the two co-sponsors of the peace process, to pressure Israel into complying with the resolutions of the international legality and implement General Assembly resolution ES-10/3 of 15/7/1997 regarding the cessation of building work on a Jewish settlement at Jebel Abu Ghuneim as well as all other settlement activity, including expansion of existing settlements, building of side roads, confiscating land adjacent to settlements, and related activities, which constitute a violation of the Security Council resolutions.


8. Strongly condemns Israel's persistence in the excavation works around Al-Haram Al-Quds Al-Sharif especially the opening of a tunnel in Al-Quds Al-Sharif which endangers the Islamic and Christian holy shrines especially the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. It appeals to the international community to compel Israel to close down this tunnel in accordance with resolution 1073 of the Security Council.


9. Strongly condemns the Israeli Supreme Court's decisions, particularly the decision adopted on 25.7.1996 allowing Jews to pray in the precinct of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the decision issued on 23.9.1993, claiming the Blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa as part of the territory of the State of Israel, and considers it as premediated provocations aimed at opening the way for the Zionist extremist organizations to continue their violations against the sanctity of the Blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa, to establish their presence in its precincts, and to continue looting the religious, historical and cultural relics in Al-Quds and the Occupied  Palestinian Territories.


Strongly condemns Israel for the orders it has issued for closing the Palestinian institutions in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and preventing them from operating freely, and considers such arbitrary measures as a continued


violation of the agreements concluded between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israeli parties within the framework of the peace process, as well as a blatant violation of international conventions and agreements, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and a breach of the principles and underpinnings of the Madrid Peace Process.


Calls upon all States to adhere to Security Council Resolution No. 478 (1980) which invites the member States to uphold the provisions of the said resolution and refrain from transferring their diplomatic missions to the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. Takes note with appreciation of the general response of the states of the world to this resolution and their compliance with it.


12.Condemns the decision of the US House of Representatives to recognize Al-Quds as the united capital of Israel and to transfer the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Al-Quds, and considers it a serious provocation to the sentiments of Muslims and all believers in the world, as well as a blatant violation of the principles of international legality and the stand of the international community, and a glaring contradiction to the role of the United States of America as a sponsor of the peace process., besides being an encouragement to Israel to pursue its aggressive expansionist policy; and calls on the US Administration to adhere to Security Council Resolution No. 478.


13.Commends the efforts made by Al-Quds Committee, under the chairmanship of  His Majesty  King Hassasn II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco, affirms all resolutions adopted by the Committee and urges Member States to apply them.


14.Expresses its satisfaction with the commencement of the work of the Al-Quds Fund and welcomes the measures taken by His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee with regard to the appointment of an Executive Director of the Fund and his assistant, and  to the setting up of an Administrative Division for the Agency and its headquarters in Casablanca.


15. Emphasises the need to continue coordination action and by Member States with regional and international organizations for the implementation of the international resolutions adopted by United Nations and its specialized agencies, in particular UNESCO, and also coordination with the League of Arab States, and the holding  of conferences to promote the cause of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and highlight  the dangers surrounding it.


16.Invites the Vatican, the Eastern and other Christian Churches to take part in the resistance against the Judaization of Al-Quds Al-Sharif out of


respect for the spiritual dimension of all religions, for the sake of peaceful coexistence among them, and in compliance with Security Council resolution No. 242 of 22/11/1967 which demands that Israel withdraw from the part occupied in 1967 including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif as well as the other Security Council Resolutions in particular:


-No. 465 of 1/3/1980 which affirms the illegality of building Israeli settlements in that part and demands their dismantalment and removal;


-No. 476 of 30/6/1980 which affirms that all measures that have changed the features of the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and its geographical, demographic and historical status are null and void and must be rescinded in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council;


-and No. 478 of 20/8/1980 which decided not to recognize the “Basic Law” and other Israeli acts that aim to change the features and status of Al-Quds. It also decided to call on the states that had established diplomatic missions in Al-Quds to withdraw those missions from the holy city. It further called for the support of the inhabitants of Al-Quds Al-Sharif so they can resist the judaization measures aimed at uprooting them from their city.


17.Calls upon the Security Council to take necessary measures that ensure compliance with its resolutions on Al-Quds in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Charter.


18.Reaffirms the resolutions of earlier Islamic Conferences which call for the support of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the consolidation of the steadfastness of its citizens, and  also calls forthe support of Baitul Mal of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and Al-Quds Fund.


19.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 -11 Sha'aban 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Having considered the item titled "The Occupied Syrian Golan" and Israel's decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Golan;


Having reviewed the repressive measures to which the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan are being subjected and Israel's continued attempts to force them to accept Israeli identity;


Recalling the relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences, the latest being Resolution 3/7-P (IS) of the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco and Resolution 3/24-P of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, in 1996;


Recalling also Security Council Resolution 497  dated 17.12.1981 and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions, the latest of which is resolution adopted by the Fifty-second Session in 1997;


Observing that Israel, in contravention of Article 25 of the United Nations Charter, has refused to accept and implement the numerous relevant resolutions adopted by the Security Council, in particular resolution 497 (1981); which considered null and void and with no legal basis Israel’s decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan;


Deeply concerned at Israel’s persistent attempts to defy  the international community and its reaffirmation of the annexation decisions though they were considered null and void by the international community;


Affirming that the Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in time of War (dated 12 August 1949) applies to the occupied Syrian Golan and that setting up settlements and bringing settlers to this area constitutes a violation of this Convention and of the Madrid Conference and an obstacle to the peace process;


Affirming the basic principle of the inadmissibility of  acquisition of territories by force;


Concerned at the fact that Israel has not withdrawn from the occupied Syrian Golan which it occupies since 1967 contrary to the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the UN General Assembly as well as the international law.


Expressing concern over Israel's disavowal of the Peace Process which was launched by the Madrid Conference on the basis of the UN Security Council resolutions 242, 338 and 425, as well as peace-for-land formula and over the risk resulting from Israel's renunciation of the commitments and obligations reached;


1.Lauds the steadfastness of the Syrian Arab citizens in the Syrian Golan against the occupation and their valiant resistance to Israel's repressive measures and against the continued attempts to weaken their attachment to their land and to their Syrian Arab identity, and declares  its support for this resistance.


2.Strongly condemns Israel for its non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) and reaffirms that Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian  Golan is illegal, null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever and that it constitutes a flagrant violation of the OIC Charter and relevant resolutions, the UN Charter and relevant resolutions,  the Geneva convention on the protection of civilians in time of war dated 12 August 1949 and relevant provisions of the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, and the principles of international law in particular the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force.


3.Strongly condemns Israel for its persistence in changing the legal status, demographic composition and institutional structure of the Occupied Syrian Golan, and for its policy and practices of confiscating lands, appropriating water resources, establishing settlements and transferring settlers and immigrants thereto and of imposing an economic boycott of the agricultural products of the local population and prohibiting their exportation.


4.Strongly condemns Israel's attempts to impose Israeli nationality and identity cards on the Syrian Arab citizens, as these measures constitute a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other international bodies.


5.Condemns Israeli threats against Syria aiming at increasing tension in the region and wrecking the peace process.


6.Reaffirms that Israel’s continued occupation of the Syrian Golan since 1967 and its annexation of it on 14 December 1981 constitute a permanent threat to peace and security in the region.


7.Demands that Israel fully withdraw from all the occupied Syrian Golan to the lines of the Fourth of June 1967 in implementation of relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.


8. Demands that Israel fully comply with the fundamental principles of the peace process as initiated in Madrid  consistent with Security Council resolutions Nos. 242,338 and 425 and the principle of land for peace and to abide by all the commitment, and pledges reached so far.


9.Calls upon all states to stop providing Israel with any military, economic and financial, technical and humanitarian assistance that may extend Israeli occupation of Arab territories and encourage Israel to pursue its expansionist settlement policy.


10.Calls upon the sponsors of the peace process and the international community to assume their responsibilities and compel Israel to implement the resolutions of international legality calling for total Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Syrian Golan and the other occupied Arab territories to the lines of 4 June 1967 in order to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region.


11.Declares its support for the firm position of Syria in its commitment to a just and comprehensive peace in the region.


12.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 -11 Sha'aban 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Recalling the Resolutions adopted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the solidarity with the Lebanon to end the Israeli occupation of its territories in the South and in the Western Bikaa;


Recalling the resolutions of the Human Rights Commission in Geneva on the suffering of Lebanese citizens under Israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon, Western Bikaa prisons and detention camps administered by its forces;


Noting that the continued Israeli occupation of parts of Southern Lebanon and the Western Bikaa constitutes a flagrant violation of the provisions of the international law and persistence in disregarding Security Council Resolution No.425 (1978);


Being concerned over continued Israeli aggression and arbitrary practices in occupied Lebanese territories particularly the kidnapping and detention of innocent citizens and their imprisonment without trials in Israeli prisons and camps controlled by forces belonging to it in flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 relating to the protection of civilian population in the time of war and the Convention of the Hague of 1907;


Recalling with indignation the brutal Israeli aggression launched against Lebanon, particularly its southern regions and the Western Bikaa during  the month of April 1996 which claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians, and injured thousands and displaced more than half a million citizens from Lebanese cities and villages in the South and the Western Bikaa, and caused heavy casualties in the basic economic facilities and the country's infrastructure as well as its historic archeological landmarks which were targeted by Israeli land, sea and air bombardment in several Lebanese areas;


Recalling the report of the United Nations Secretary General on the brutal massacre perpetrated in Qana by Israel and the latter's full responsibility for the deliberate aggression committed by its troops against civilians.


Confirming Lebanon's right to reparations for human casualties and the damages resulting from repeated Israeli attacks;


Strongly condemns Israel for its continued occupation of parts of Southern Lebanon and the Lebanese Western Bikaa, and invites the international community and, especially the UN and all its organs to endeavour to implement Security Council Resolution No. 425 (1978) which provides for Israel's immediate and unconditional withdrawal from all the occupied Lebanese territories to the internationally recognized boundaries.


Demands the international community to take all necessary measures with Israel so that the latter may immediately release all Lebanese prisoners  and kidnapped individuals from Israeli prisons and those controlled by  forces belonging to it in contravention of the provisions of the international law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) and the Convention of the Hague (1907). It urges OIC Member States to approach the international organizations to take all measures with the Government of Israel, the occupying authority with the aim of enabling the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations to visit the prisoners detained in Al-Khiyann and Marjaioun camps on regular basis to examine their conditions and to ensure medical and humanitarian care for them and to allow-their relatives to visit them regularly.


Strongly condemns  Israel for its continued aggression against Lebanese territories which result in falling of victims among civilians and losses in properties. They also lead to the aggravation of political and security conditions in the area.


Demands the international community, the international organizations and the Member States to exert pressure on Israel to pay reparations to Lebanon for the damages resulting from its continued aggression against Lebanese territories, particularly the aggression launched by Israel against Lebanon in April 1996 and to endeavour to halt the arbitrary and inhuman Israeli practices against the defenseless populations in the occupied Southern Lebanese territories, especially in the South and in the Western Bikaa.


Asserts its support and backing for the efforts exerted by the Lebanese State to impose its control and sovereignty over the totality of its territories including the parts occupied by Israel in Southern Lebanon and Western Bikka.


6.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue,Participation) held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 8 to 10 Sha’aban 1418H (9-11 December 1997),


Proceeding  from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;


Referring to all the Islamic Resolutions adopted on Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf;


Reaffirming the principle of consolidating Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just and legitimate struggle;


Paying tribute to Member States that regularly fulfill their obligations and make donations to Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf;


Appreciating the significance of the vital role played by Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf to support the steadfastness and Jihad of the Palestinian people within the occupied Palestinian territories, and particularly the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;


Noting with deep concern Israel’s continued pursuit of its aggressive, expansionist and settlement policy;


Commending the positive role played by the Governing Board of Al-Quds Fund in quest of financial resources to promote the Fund and its Waqf;


1.Reaffirms all previous relevant resolutions adopted by successive Islamic Conferences.


2.Reiterates all recommendations and resolutions of the earlier meetings of the Governing Board of Al-Quds Fund.


3.Expresses its profound thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the continued support to Al-Quds Fund, which falls within the framework of  their consistent solicitude towards the foremost cause of the Islamic Ummah, namely the cause of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Palestine.  It commends the annual appeal made by H.R.H.  Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz, Emir of the Province of Riyadh and Chairman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Supreme Committee for the Welfare of the Palestinian Freedom Fighters, to citizens and residents to make donations to Al-Quds Fund.  It urges Member States to continue their donations campaign in favour  of  Al-


Quds Fund and its Waqf, together with the appropriate directives to the public and other media to conduct a special campaign for this purpose.


4.Calls upon Member States to continue their support to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, especially at this decisive stage, for the consolidation of its national authority over all occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, capital of the independent Palestinian State, and to extend all forms  of support to the Palestinian people so they can build their institutions and national economy.


5.Commends the positive role played by Al-Quds Fund in supporting the steadfastness and boosting the struggle of the Palestinian people.


6.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference ( Session of Dignity, Dialogue, and Participation), held in Tehran,  Islamic Republic of  Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban 1418 H (9-11  December 1997),


Referring to the declaration on the current situation of the peace process in the Middle East issued by the Twenty-Fourth Islamic Conference of  Foreign Ministers held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 28 Rajab to 3 Sha’aban 1417 H (9-12 December 1996, as well as to the declaration on the question  of Palestine and Al Quds Al Sharif and the Arab-Israeli conflict issued by the Extraordinary Meeting of the Islamic Summit Conference held in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 13 Dhul Qaada 1417 H ( 23/3/1997), and to the Final Declaration issued by the 16th Session of Al-Quds Committee held in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco, on 17 Dhul Qaada 1417 H (27/3/1997); 


Having examined the serious and urgent situation  entailed by the  policies of the  incumbent  Israeli government which  are hostile to peace;


1.Reaffirms its continued solidarity with the Palestinian people for the recovery of its legitimate and inalienable national rights, including its right to  return, to self-determination, and to the establishment of its independent state on its  national territory with Al-Quds Al Sharif as its capital.


2.Reaffirms its full support to the peace process in the Middle East and its commitment to the foundations and principles of the peace process, and demands that Israel respect and implement the commitments, obligations and agreements reached within the framework of the process in accordance with the principles adopted at the Madrid Conference and consistent with the United Nations Resolutions, in particular  Security Council Resolutions No 242, 338 and 425, and the land-for-peace formula which guarantees Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territories, including Al-Quds Al Sharif and the Golan Heights of Syria, to the lines of 4 June 1967, and from occupied Southern Lebanon and the Western Bikaa occupied to the internationally recognized borders.


3.Calls on the co-sponsors of the peace process and the international community to be wary of the grave dangers resulting from Israel’s pursuance of  positions and policies hostile to peace.


Strongly denounces the Israeli government’s  policy and practices  which are hostile to peace and are designed to undermine the peace process in order to pursue  its colonization of Arab and Palestinian territories, including the city of Al Quds, and invalidate the foundations and terms of reference of the Madrid Peace Conference, and evade the commitments, pledges and agreements reached in the past five years of  peace talks with the Palestinian and other Arab parties.


5.Expresses strong condemnation and anger about the threats voiced by Israeli officials for the purpose of reinstating the atmosphere of war in the region and imposing the  fait accompli on Arabs and  Muslims.


6.Urges the member states which have started to take steps towards establishing relations with Israel within the framework of the Peace Process to reconsider their relations with Israel, including the closing of missions and offices until Israel complies with the relevant UN resolutions, in particular, the full Israeli withdrawal from all the occupied Arab territories, and safeguards the national legitimate rights of the Palestinian People, and implements the agreements and commitments reached by the parties to the Peace Process.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Digniy, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H  (9-11 December, 1997),


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the OIC which emphasize the commitment of Islamic Ummah to the consolidation of international peace and security;


Bearing in mind the obligation of all States to act in conformity with the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter;


Reaffirming all OIC resolutions and declarations relating to the just struggle of the Bosnian people for peace, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular the Sarajevo Declaration of Friendship and Partnership adopted by the Enlarged Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina on 10 April, 1996;


1.Takes note of the Report of the Secretary General on the situation in the Republic of  Bosnia and Herzegovina (Document No. IS/8-97/PIL/D.4).


2.Reaffirms the commitment of the Member States to preserve the legal continuity, unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina within its internationally recognized borders and fully supports the establishment of a sovereign, democratic, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Reiterates the position of the Member States to participate fully in the implementation of all aspects of the Dayton Peace Agreement.


4.Emphasizes the importance of accelerating the process towards the full, effective, consistent and impartial implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and urges the international community, particularly the Members of the UN Security Council, the Five Nation Contact Group on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Peace Implementation Council to support the peaceful and democratic reintegration of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


5.Underlines the need for strong and continuous political support of  the international community to the effective and consistent implementation of the Action Program of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) for Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopted at the London Conference of the PIC on 4 and 5 of December 1996, and particularly the Political Declaration of the Steering Board of PIC, held in Sintra on 30 May 1997, to stabilize  peace and to speed up the process of the peaceful and democratic reintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to preserve its sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity.


Stresses the vital importance of ensuring freedom of movement of people, goods, services and information throughout the country and the return of refugees and displaced persons to their places of origin under safe and secure conditions, the enforcement of the results of the municipal elections held on 13 and 14 September 1997 and thus promoting the process of reconciliation, democratization and reintegration in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Emphasizes the need for vigorous action against separatists and calls on the international community to support the viable, effective and continuous functioning of the common institutions for the smooth reintegration of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


8.Urges the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to undertake all necessary measures to establish effective  air space control and frontier control on all internationally recognized borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


9.Also Urges the international community to take concrete measures for the arrest of all indicated war criminals and calls on the UN Security Council to utilize the enforcement procedures under the UN Charter, including those envisaged under Chapter VII, to secure the delivery of these criminals by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Republic of Croatia.


10. Requests Member States to support the important work of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) to thoroughly investigate the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Serbs against the Bosnian people and to provide urgent financial assistance to the Tribunal, particularly to locate mass graves, identify victims of genocide and notify surviving family members.


Calls on the Security Council to ensure the compliance from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and Republika Srpska-entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, consistent with the Dayton Peace Agreement and  orders of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia in accordance with the relevant provisions of UN Security Council resolution 1074.


Expresses full support for the legal action of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) in the International Court of Justice for genocide.


Reaffirms strong support for Security Council resolution 777 (1992) and General Assembly resolution 47/1 (1992) which decided that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) should apply as a new member of the United Nations and should not inherit the seat of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which has ceased to exist.


Reiterates the support of the Member States to the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina relating to the question of succession of States, particularly the freezing of the assets of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia until the outcome of the succession procedure.


Supports all necessary measures to strengthen and render effective the state, economic and social institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus helping the country to speed up the reconstruction process and to establish external relations with the rest of the world,  and to regularize the debt problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Urges all countries and multilateral institutions that have pledged resources for the reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina to immediately disburse the funds in order to ensure timely completion of  priority projects including funds for housing to accommodate returning refugees and displaced persons and notes with satisfaction the assistance being extended by the Member States and OIC institutions in providing resources for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Bosnia and Herzegovina by promoting bilateral programmes of assistance and cooperation as well as through the OIC Assistance Mobilization Group for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and better coordination of institutions of the OIC and NGOs.


Reaffirms support for the “Equip and Train” programme which will foster long-term regional stability by creating a credible self-defense capability for the Federation.


18.Emphasizes the importance of complying in good faith with the regional stabilization and arms limitation agreements envisaged by the Dayton Peace Agreement and completed in Vienna and Florence and called upon the international community to ensure full compliance.


19. Welcomes the steps taken on mutual recognition of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other states deriving from Former Yugoslavia and Expresses readiness to cooperate with all of them subject to their full and effective recognition and respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Invites the international community and Member States to support the legitimate struggle of the Bosnian Muslim people of Sandjak

for their equal national and civil rights.


Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;


Emphasizing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and recalling the UN resolutions relevant to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute which remain unimplemented;


Recalling that the Simla Agreement signed between the Governments of India and Pakistan calls for a final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue;


Reaffirming the importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination enshrined in the Charters of the OIC and the United Nations;


Recalling the Special Declarations on Jammu and Kashmir adopted by the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference and the Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit held in Casablanca and Islamabad in 1994 and 1997 respectively as well as all previous OIC resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute;


Expressing concern at the alarming increase in the indiscriminate use of force and gross violations of human rights committed against innocent Kashmiris;


Recalling the Report of the OIC Fact Finding Mission on the situation in Kashmir following its visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir in February 1993, and regretting that the human rights situation in Indian held Jammu and Kashmir remains grave;


Regretting also  that the Government of India has not responded favourably so far to the offer of the Good Offices Mission made by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and renewed by the Sixth and Seventh Islamic Summit Conferences;


Further regretting that the OIC Fact Finding Mission was not allowed to visit Indian held Jammu and Kashmir;


Noting the report of the Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir and endorsing the recommendations contained therein;


Taking note of the strong condemnation by Pakistan and the True Representatives of the Kashmiri people, including the leadership of the All PartiesHurrieyet Conference of the deplorable act of hostage taking by "Al-Faran" and calling for the immediate and safe release of all the hostages;


Taking note of the Memorandum submitted by the True Representatives of Jammu and Kashmir;


Encouraging and supporting the dialogue between Pakistan and India aimed at resolving all outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir;


Takes note of the Report of the Secretary General on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and endorses the recommendations contained therein (Document No. 1S/8-97/PIL/D.6).


Calls for a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions and as agreed upon in the Simla Agreement.


Condemns the continuing massive violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people and calls for the respect of their human rights including the right of self-determination.


Calls upon Member states to take all necessary steps to persuade India to cease forthwith the gross and systematic human rights violations of the Kashmiri people and to enable them to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination as mandated by the relevant resolutions of the Security Council.


Affirms that any political process/elections held under foreign occupation cannot be a substitute to the exercise of the right of self-determination by people of Kashmir as enshrined in the relevant Security Council Resolutions.


Calls upon India to allow International Human Rights Groups and Humanitarian Organizations to visit Jammu and Kashmir.


Supports the initiative of the Government of Pakistan to engage India in  a serious, substantive and meaningful dialogue for resolving all outstanding issues including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir and encourages India to reciprocate positively.


Affirms that a sustained dialogue is essential to address the core of the problems and to remove the basic causes of tension between India and Pakistan.


9.  Expresses its deep concern at the prevailing tension that threatens security and peace in the region as a result of the large scale deployment of Indian troops   in the Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.


10.Calls upon India and Pakistan to redeploy their forces to peace-time locations.

Appeals  to the Member States, OIC and Islamic Institutions, such as the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and philanthropists to mobilize funds and contribute generously towards providing humanitarian assistance to the Kashmiri people.


Requests the Government of India, in the interest of regional peace and security, to avail itself of the offer of Good Offices made by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Sixth and Seventh Islamic Summit Conferences.


Requests the Secretary General to establish contact with the governments of India and Pakistan and the true representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir with a view to promoting a just and peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.


Appreciates the efforts made by the Secretary General for enabling the true representatives of the Kashmiri people to have their views expressed in OIC and other international fora, and requests him to continue to take all necessary steps in this regard.


Requests the Secretary General to send a three member OIC Fact Finding Mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir as decided by the Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers as well as the Seventh Extra-ordinary session and the Sixth and Seventh Islamic Summit Conferences, and to submit a report to him.


Requests the Government of India to allow the OIC Fact-Finding Mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir.


Recommends that Member States continue to coordinate their positions and to take action at the UN General Assembly and the Commission on Human Rights and other relevant international fora to promote respect for the fundamental human rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.


Commends the efforts being made by the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir.


Requests the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir  to continue its efforts for promoting the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri


people in accordance with the UN Resolutions and for safeguarding their fundamental human rights.


Decides to consider the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and at the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.


Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to present  reports thereon to the Twenty-fifth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity,  Dialogue,  Participation) held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 8 to 10 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and resolutions of the Islamic Conferences, which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;


Reaffirming anew the right of all peoples to decide the form of government they wish to have and to choose their own political, economic and social systems, free from all forms of foreign intervention, coercion or pressure;


Recalling the principled stand adopted by the Islamic Conference in its resolutions on Afghanistan since January 1980;


Reiterating its commitment to the promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan and to the safeguarding of the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of this country;


Recalling all relevant U.N. resolutions on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and stability;


Noting the establishment of the Islamic State in Afghanistan and successful conclusion of the Afghan Jihad;


Recalling the Afghan Peace Accord signed in Islamabad and ratified at Makkah Al-Mukarramah on 18 Ramadan, 1413H (11 March 1993) as well as in Tehran;


Noting with serious concern that the Afghan parties have not been able, so far, to evolve a national consensus as a consequence of which the political crisis has deepened and the armed conflict has continued;


Seriously concerned over the tragic humanitarian dimensions of this conflict which has caused immense loss of life, wide spread destruction, deprivation and famine in various parts of Afghanistan as well as large scale exodus of refugees and displacement of population within Afghanistan;


Reaffirming the need for scrupulous respect for the principle of non-intervention and non-interference in Afghanistan; and stressing that the main responsibility for finding a  political solution to the conflict lies with the Afghan people themselves;


Expressing  concern over the production and exportation of illicit drugs;


Underlining the importance of providing humanitarian, rehabilitation and reconstruction assistance to Afghanistan and the urgent need to take international actions in this regard:


1.Takes note of the report of the Secretary General on the situation in Afghanistan  and the encouraging response of the Afghan parties of the OIC’s call to put an end to the hostilities and immediate commencement of negotiations.


2.Expresses its deep concern over the fratricidal conflict in Afghanistan.


3.Reaffirms that there is no military solution to the Afghan crisis and calls upon all Afghan parties to renounce and refrain from the use of force in settling their problems.


4.Calls upon Afghan parties for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire and support for all the efforts being made in this regard.


Reiterates the need for the achievement of a political understanding among the Afghan parties as the only way out of this crisis.


6.Emphasizes the need for promoting national reconciliation and rapprochement as well as for the  establishment of a broad-based government, demobilization of armed groups and formation of national army and police force.


7.Expresses its appreciation and support for the initiatives taken by the Secretary General to promote a credible intra-Afghan peace process.


8.Calls upon the Afghan parties to extend their full cooperation to the ongoing efforts of the Secretary General and his Special Representative for promoting peace in Afghanistan.


9.Calls upon all States immediately to end the supply of arms and ammunition to all parties to the conflict in Afghanistan.


Reaffirms the decisions of the Sixth and Seventh Islamic Summit Conferences that the OIC should have an active role in the solution of the Afghanistan problem.


Emphasizes the need for effective protection of all diplomatic missions in Kabul in conformity with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, 1961.


Calls for respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and Islamic character of Afghanistan and non-interference in its internal affairs.


Emphasizes the need for continued close coordination of efforts between OIC and UN for promoting a peaceful political settlement in Afghanistan by setting a credible intra-Afghan mechanism.


Expresses its appreciation for the continuing efforts of the United Nations to draw the attention of the international community to the acute economic and political problems of Afghanistan, and for promoting peace and mobilizing assistance for rehabilitation and reconstruction and in this regard, encourages the continuing cooperation between the OIC and the UN Special Mission.


Notes with satisfaction all the efforts made by various international organizations, particularly the UNHCR, the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in providing humanitarian assistance to the war victims inside Afghanistan under most difficult circumstances.


Requests the Islamic Development Bank to evaluate the war damage and destruction in Afghanistan and to prepare a comprehensive report on requirements for rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country.


17.Appealsto the international community, in particular Member States, to respond to the humanitarian exigencies of the situation in Afghanistan by extending generous assistance.


18.Emphasizes the urgent need for the establishment of a fund under the auspices of the OIC for assisting the people of Afghanistan.


19.Calls for effective measures by all Afghans to eliminate the production and exportation of illicit drugs and appeals to the international community to support crop  substitution programmes in Afghanistan.


Urges Member States and Islamic financial institutions to provide assistance for the Afghan refugees in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran and calls for the speedy and voluntary repatriation and rehabilitation of Afghan refugees.


Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit  report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.





The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Recalling all relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and resolutions adopted by the Sixth and Seventh Islamic Summit Conferences on the situation in Somalia;


Gravely concerned about the civil war  which has virtually destroyed  Somalia, caused immense suffering to its people and has serious implications for the national unity, territorial integrity and political independence of this Islamic country;


Commending the timely initiative of His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in proposing that the 47th Session of the UN General Assembly convene an International Conference for Peace and National Reconciliation in Somalia;


Appreciating the initiative of H.E. Ali Abdullah Saleh, President of the Republic of Yemen by inviting the Somali factions to hold a Somali national reconciliation conference in Sana’a;


Noting with satisfaction the efforts made by the Organization of Islamic Conference to promote peace and national reconciliation in Somalia, in cooperation with the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity, in the framework of joint approach, which has produced positive results;


Taking Note of all relevant Security Council Resolutions on Somalia;


Noting also the signing, in March 1993, of the Addis Ababa Agreement for Peace and National Reconciliation in Somalia as well as the positive results of the consultations held between the Somali factions in Kenya, Egypt, Ethiopia and Yemen;


Commending the tremendous efforts made by the international community in providing relief and humanitarian assistance to the victims of war and famine in Somalia through effective and coordinated efforts under the framework of the Security Council;


Encouraging the ongoing efforts of the regional States and the Organization of African Unity for promoting peace in Somalia;


Having considered the Report of the Secretary General, (Document No.IS/8-97/PIL/D.7);


Reaffirms its commitment to the restoration and preservation of the unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia.


Notes with appreciation the constant efforts made by the Organization of Islamic Conference to promote peace and national reconciliation in Somalia, as well as for the alleviation of the suffering  of the Somali people in cooperation with the regional States, the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity, in the framework of a joint approach and calls for continuation of such efforts and requests the Secretary General to send a Contact Group to urge various Somali parties to resume their dialogue with a view to achieving national reconciliation.


Calls for the convening of an international conference on peace and national reconciliation on Somalia in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly, with the participation of all the Somali parties and all the concerned international and regional organizations.


Welcomes the signature of the Addis Ababa Agreement for the establishment of peace and national reconciliation in Somalia.


5.Follows up with interest the on-going meetings in Cairo of the different Somali parties and heads of Somali factions and calls on the Somali parties to complete their reconciliation efforts and the agreement they have reached in this context towards setting up state authorities.


Expresses its appreciation of the initiative taken by H.E. President Ali Abdullah Saleh of the Republic of Yemen in calling for a Somali National Reconciliation Conference to be held in Sana’a;


Calls on all Somali factions to positively respond to the invitation extended by the Republic of Yemen and affirms the necessity for their effective participation in the national reconciliation conference in Sana’a in the spirit of Islamic brotherhood so as to achieve peace and preserve the unity, territorial integrity and independence of Somalia.


Decides to extend its full support to the ongoing efforts of the regional States, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations, the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity in Somalia.


Expresses its appreciation to the Member States which have provided relief and humanitarian assistance to the Somali people and urges them to continue this action.


Urges all Member States to extend financial and material assistance to Yemen so as to enable it to overcome the problem of the refugees and to provide them with the means that would ensure their safe return to their country.


Calls upon the international community, especially the Member States, to assist in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia by continuing to provide urgent humanitarian assistance such as food and medicine in order to enable Somalia to rebuild the institutions and the educational infrastructures and to absorb all the youth in the general education schools inside Somalia as well as offer scholarships at the university level in the universities of Member States.


Calls upon all states, in particular the neighbouring states, to cooperate in the implementation of the arms embargo established by Security Council Resolution 733 (1992) and also calls upon all Somali factions to enter into negotiations for a constructive dialogue for a peaceful settlement of the problem.


13.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of  Dignity, Dialogue, Participation) held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Having taken cognizance of the report submitted by the Secretary General  on the consequences of Iraqi aggression against the State of Kuwait and the necessity for Iraq to implement all the relevant Security Council Resolutions (Document No.IS/8-97/PIL/D.8);


Considering the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter which call for strengthening Islamic solidarity among Member States;


Taking note of  recent developments in the situation between Iraq and Kuwait;


Mindful of the fundamental interests of the Islamic Ummah and of Islamic solidarity;


1.Calls upon Iraq to pursue efforts towards the fulfillment of its obligations under the relevant Security Council resolutions, for the establishment of security, peace and stability in the region.


Calls on Iraq to cooperate fully and seriously with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Tripartite Committee in Geneva which was established under its engagements pursuant to Para 2c and Para 3C of resolution No. 686 (1991) and (30) of resolution No. 687 (1991) pertaining to urgent release of prisoners and hostages from among Kuwaiti military troops and civilians and any others so as to put an end to this situation and Para 15 (d) which relates to return of Kuwaiti properties by Iraq.


Affirms that Iraq, in accepting resolution 686 (1991) and resolution 687 (1991) is deemed accountable for implementing Para 2-B of resolution 686 and Para 16 of resolution 687 which involve the responsibility of Iraq under the relevant Security Council resolutions for reparations in respect of any direct loss or direct harm, including any offendant environmental damages, depletion of natural resources or any losses sustained by foreign governments, their nationals or their companies.


Reaffirms Security Council resolution 949 which calls on Iraq not to use again its military or any other forces in an aggressive  or provocative manner to threaten its neighbours or the U.N. operations in Iraq.


Welcomes Security Council resolution No. 1137 (1997), and calls on Iraq for full compliance and serious cooperation without conditions with the Special Commission (UNSCOM) in the fulfillment of its mandate concerning the elimination of the weapons of mass destruction in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council in order to maintain peace and stability in the region.


Reaffirms respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of Iraq, expresses its sympathy with the Iraqi people and welcomes, in this respect, Security Council resolution No. 1111 (1997) in which the Security Council extended the effect of its resolution No.986 (1995)  for another 6 month period so as to meet the humanitarian needs and to alleviate the suffering of the Iraqi people.


Requests the Secretary General to follow-up on the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.







The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Gravely concerned over the aggression by the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan which has resulted in the occupation of more than 20% of Azeri territory;


Deeply distressed over the plight of more than one  million Azeri displaced persons and refugees resulting from Armenian aggression and magnitude and severity of humanitarian problems;


Reaffirming all previous relevant resolutions and, in particular, the resolution on this matter, adopted by the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference, held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab, 1415H (13-15 December 1994);


Conscious of the threat posed to international peace and security by the Armenian aggression;


Urging strict adherence to the Charter of the UN and full implementation of Security Council resolutions;


Welcoming all diplomatic and other efforts for the settlement of the conflict;


Reaffirming all Member States respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan;


Reaffirming also that acquisition of land by use of force cannot be recognized.


Noting also the destructive influence of the policy of aggression of the Republic of Armenia on the peace process in the OSCE framework;


1.Strongly condemns the aggression of the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan.


2.Considers the actions perpetrated against civilian Azeri population in occupied Azeri territory as crimes against humanity.


3.Strongly condemns looting and destruction of the archeological cultural and religious monuments on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.


4.Strongly demands the strict implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884, immediate unconditional and complete withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied Azeri territories inter alia Lachin and Shusha regions and strongly urges Armenia to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


5.Expresses its concern that Armenia has not yet implemented demands contained in the UN Security Council resolutions.


6.Calls on the Security Council to recognize the existence of aggression against the Republic of Azerbaijan; take the necessary steps under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations to ensure compliance with its resolutions; condemn and reverse aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and decides to take coordinated action to this end at the United Nations.


7.Urges all States to refrain from providing any supplies of military arms and equipment to Armenia, which can encourage the aggressor to escalate the conflict and to continue the occupation of the Azerbaijani territories. The territory of Member States should not be used for transit of such supplies.


8.Calls upon Member States, as well as other members of the international community, to use such effective political and economic measures as required in order to put an end to Armenian aggression and to occupation of the Azerbaijani territories.


9.Calls for a just and peaceful settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan on the basis of respect for the principles of territorial integrity of states and inviolability of internationally recognized frontiers.


10.Urges both Armenia and Azerbaijan and all states member of the Minsk Group to engage constructively in the ongoing OSCE peace process and refrain from any action that will make it more difficult to reach a peaceful solution.


11.Reaffirms its total solidarity and support for the efforts being made by the Government and people of Azerbaijan to defend their country.


12.Calls for enabling the displaced persons and refugees to return to their homes in safety, honour and dignity.


13.Expresses its appreciation to all Member States which have made humanitarian assistance to the refugees and displaced persons and urges all the others to extend their contributions to these people.

14.Expresses its concern over the severity of humanitarian problems concerning the existence of more than one million displaced persons and refugees in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and requests Member States, the Islamic Development Bank and the other Islamic Institutions to render urgent financial and humanitarian assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan.


15.Considers, that Azerbaijan has the right for appropriate compensation with regard to damages it suffered, and puts the responsibility for the adequate compensation of these damages on Armenia.


16.Appreciates the efforts of the Secretary General to convey to the OSCE Chairman-in-Office the position of Member States on this matter.


17.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation  of this Resolution and submit a report to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Proceeding from its belief in the common destiny of Islamic States and in solidarity among themselves;


Taking into consideration the obligation of all states to refrain from the threat or use of force;


Recalling all Islamic resolutions which condemned the said aggression and confirmed the right of Libya to receive just reparations for the material and human losses resulting from that aggression;


Recalling also UN General Assembly Resolution No. 38/41 condemning the aggression and the right of the Jamahiriya to demand appropriate reparations for the  material  and human losses incurred;


Recalling also the General Assembly Document No. A/42/412DD1 dated 27 July, 1987 submitted by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya concerning the losses;


Referring to the relevant declarations, communiqués and resolutions adopted by Arab, African and Non-Aligned Summit Conferences.


1.Reaffirms the previous resolutions condemning the military aggression perpetrated by the United States of America against the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in April 1986.


2.Supports the right of the Jamahiriya to appropriate reparations for the losses sustained as a result of the said aggression in accordance with the provisions of UN General Assembly Resolution No.38/41 of 20 November, 1986.


3.Calls upon the United States of America to positively respond to UN General Assembly Resolution No. 38/41 concerning the right of Libya to reparations, to desist from provocations and threats, and to resort to peaceful means to solve its differences with the Jamahiriya.


4.Condemns the United States of America economic boycott measures against Libya and calls for their cancellation forthwith as they violate international law and convention.


5.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.





The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Having considered the item concerning the current crisis between the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, on the one hand, and the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the Republic of  France on the other; and having  also considered the relevant report of the Secretary General;


Guided by the OIC Charter which calls for solidarity among the Member States;


Emphasizing the principles of the Charter of the United Nations which stipulate that all Member States are committed to refrain from the use or the threat of use of force in their international relations, and the settlement of their disputes by peaceful means;


Expressing deep appreciation of the position and the positive initiatives undertaken by the Great Jamahiriya aimed at finding a peaceful solution of this crisis acceptable to all parties and its acceptance of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 731/92;


Referring to the resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences, the resolutions and declarations adopted by regional organizations, especially the resolution passed by the League of Arab States at its 108th Session held in Cairo on 20-21 September 1997 and the declaration adopted by the Summit Conference of the Organization of African Unity at its 33rd Session held in Harare from 2 to 4 June 1997 and the Final Communiqué of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement held in New Delhi on 7 and 8 April 1997.


Expressing its deep concern over the humanitarian and material damages inflicted upon the Libyan Arab people and the peoples of neighbouring states as a result of the unjust  sanctions imposed in implementation of UN Security Council resolutions Nos. 748/92 and 883/93;


And reaffirming the risks posed by the continuation of this crisis to the security and safety of this region and their adverse effect on international peace and security.


Expressing its regret over the disregarding and neglecting by the other parties concerned of the initiatives of the Jamahiriya and the constructive efforts exerted by regional organizations to settle this crisis;

Reiterates the resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences on solidarity with the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya which support the latter’s position and constructive efforts aimed at reaching a peaceful solution to the crisis.


Urges the three concerned Western States to respond positively to the Libyan initiatives and regional and international efforts  in order to reach a settlement on the basis of international law and through dialogue, understanding and respect for national sovereignty.


Supports the efforts exerted by the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity to persuade the Security Council to accept one of the three options which they proposed jointly to the Council namely:


(a)To try the two suspects in a third neutral country to be determined by the Security Council.


(b)To try the two suspects at the Headquarters of the International Court of Justice in the Hague in accordance with Scottish Law by Scottish judges.


(c)To set up a special criminal court to try the two suspects  at the Headquarters of the International Court of Justice in the Hague.


4.Appeals to the Security Council to lift the sanctions imposed on the Jamahiriya taking into consideration the latter’s positive initiatives and the proposals made by regional organizations included in Paragraph (3) of this resolution.


5.Recommends the creation of a Coordination Committee between the League of Arab States, the Organisation of the African Unity and the Oraganisation of the Islamic Conference in order to undertake appropriate steps with the Security Council so as to study the modalities for lifting the sanctions imposed on the Great Jamahiriya.


6.Reaffirms the importance of a final settlement to the crisis and urges Member States to intervene promptly with the Security Council for lifting the sanctions, notably for the following reasons and to facilitate them:


a)Libyan flights for humanitarian purposes relating to medical treatment, medicine import and transportation of the dead.


b)Special flights transporting assistance in kind from the Jamahiriya and other countries.


c)Flights of religious nature.


d)Flights relating to the participation of the political leadership and Libyan official delegations in regional and international meetings.


e)Flights relating to the extension of necessary support with respect to emergency equipments  and services directly related to the civil air traffic control, including equipment updating and the requirements of search, rescue, training and maintenance.


f)Facilitating acquisition of spare parts for agricultural aviation and desert vehicles used in monitoring and combating desert locust.


g)Any measures relating to the freezing of Libyan foreign accounts.


7.Reaffirms the importance of the performance of Haj  which is a sacred pillar of Islam and an obligation for all Muslims. In this regard, it is imperative to accord all facilities so that the pilgrims could visit the holy sites without any hindrance or difficulty and to permit the aircraft carrying Libyan pilgrims and flights for religious purposes to reach the holy sites from the Libyan territory and to ensure the passage of the aircraft over Member States in conformity with international law.


8.Supports  the right of the Great Jamahiriya to demand appropriate reparations for human and material losses resulting from application of the two aforementioned Security Council resolutions.


9.Requests the Secretary General with follow up of the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Recalling resolution No.15/24-P of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, and U.N. General Assembly resolution No.51/22 titled “Elimination of Coercive Economic Measures as a Political and Economic Compulsion”;


Believing in the objectives and principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in strengthening Islamic solidarity among the Member States and taking the necessary measures to promote peace and security based on justice;


Conforming with the general international orientation towards freedom of trade exchanges and economic transactions;


Reiterating that the unilateral measures which affect other parties and attempts to impose the domestic laws on the territories of other countries run counter to the principles of international law that govern inter-state relations;


1Emphasizes the principles of the OIC and the UN Charters which stipulate the commitments of all States to refrain from interfering in domestic affairs of  other States and to resolve their disputes through peaceful means.


2Strongly rejects any arbitrary, extra-territorial and unilateral measures whether political or legal applied by one country against another one.


3.Urges all States to consider the so-called D’Amato law which is against the international law and norms, as null and void.


4.Calls upon  all States to be vigilant against such attitude and policies of the United States to the consequences of which are only to the detriment of peace, stability and welfare of developing countries.


5.Seriously urges Member States to take all necessary and effective measures in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of OIC and Charter of U.N., to refrain from any action which might undermine international cooperation and friendly relations between States.


6.Emphasizes its solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Great Socialist Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and sympathizes with their positions against such acts.


7.Calls on the Secretary General of the OIC to review the adverse impact of the law and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.





The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation) held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Reaffirming the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conferences on the question of Cyprus which express firm support for the rightful cause of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus who constitutes an integral part of the Islamic world;


Recalling that in the more than 30 years since the establishment of UNFYCYP, it has not been possible to achieve a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus problem;


Calling for a just political settlement by respecting the legitimate aspirations of the Turkish Cypriot side;


Emphasizing in this regard the key importance of respecting the principles of equal political status in the attainment of a freely negotiated and mutually acceptable solution;


Reiterating its support for the efforts of the UN Secretary General under his mission of good offices towards a negotiated settlement mutually acceptable to both sides;


Welcoming in this context, the resumption of direct talks between the two sides in Cyprus at Troutbeck and Glion and subsequent direct talks in Nicosia on humanitarian and normalization issues under the auspices of UN Secretary General’s Representative;


Regretting that outside developments raising the possibility of EU membership of the Greek Cypriot side have hampered progress at these talks;


Welcoming the fact that the Turkish Cypriot side has accepted the UN sponsored package of military confidence building currently being discussed under UNFYCYP auspices;


Calling on the Greek Cypriot side to show a reciprocal constructive approach by accepting this proposal;


Considering that the excessive rearmament and purchase of S-300 missiles by the Greek Cypriot side further deepen the existing mistrust between the two sides and constitute a threat to peace and stability in the island and the region;


Recalling its resolution adopted at the 24th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers as well as the resolution adopted by the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference which decided the enhancement of the participation of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus in the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Noting in this regard its resolution adopted at the 24th Session of  ICFM as well as resolution No.14/7-P (IS) adopted by the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference;


Appreciating the economic study on the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus undertaken by the Islamic Development Bank;


Having considered in this context the request of the Turkish Cypriot side for full membership in the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Expressing its solidarity with the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus and its appreciation for their constructive efforts to attain a just and mutually acceptable settlement;


Noting with appreciation the report of the Secretary General contained in document No.IS/8-97/PIL/D.12.



1.Reaffirms the total equality of the two parties in Cyprus as the principle enabling them to live side-by-side in security, peace and harmony without the one having the ability to exploit, oppress or threaten the other.


2.Urges the Member States to strengthen effective solidarity with the Turkish Muslim people of Cyprus and to increase and expand their relations in all fields and in particular in the fields of trade, tourism, culture, information, investment and sports.


3.Decides to support until the Cyprus problem is solved, the rightful claim of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus for the right to be heard in all international fora where the Cyprus problem comes up for discussion, on the basis of equality of the two parties in Cyprus.


4.Requests the Secretary General to carry out  the necessary contacts with the Islamic Development Bank with a view to seeking the ways and means of the latter's assistance for the development projects of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus.


5.Considers that building of mutual confidence between the two parties in the island is essential to make progress towards an overall settlement of the question.


6.Decides to remain seized of the request of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus for full membership of the OIC.


7.Requests the Secretary General to take all necessary measures for the implementation of this Resolution and to make further recommendations as appropriate.


8.Requests further the Secretary General to monitor closely developments in Cyprus and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Recalling the relevant resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Comorian Island of Mayotte as well as the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions affirming the territorial unity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros which is composed of four Islands: Grande-Comore, Mayotte, Moheli  and Anjouan;


Bearing in mind the pledges made by France on the eve of the referendum for self-determination of 22 December 1974 held in the Comoros, to respect the territorial integrity of the Archipelago on its accession to independence;


Convinced that a just and lasting solution to the question of Mayotte is to be found in respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago;


Also bearing in mind the wish expressed by the Government of France to seek a just solution to the problem;


Taking note of the repeated wish of the Government of the Comoros to initiate as soon as possible a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government and the representatives of the inhabitants of Mayotte with a view to accelerating the return of the Comorian Island of Mayotte to the Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros;


Considering that the separation of the Island of Mayotte from the other Comorian Islands constitutes a grave violation of the territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, and is a serious impediment to the harmonious economic development of that country;


Bearing in mind also the decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the United Nations on this question;


1.Reaffirms the unity and territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and its sovereignty over the Comorian Island of Mayotte.


2.Expresses  its active solidarity with the Comorian people and supports the Comorian Government in its political and diplomatic efforts to effectively restore the Island to its natural entity.


Urges the Government of France to accelerate the process of negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the Island of Mayotte to the Comoros;


Calls upon  the Member States to use their influence with France collectively and individually so as to induce it to accelerate the negotiations with the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros on the basis of the national unity and territorial integrity of that country.


5.Rejects any idea of dividing the island into departments, such idea being contrary to all international resolutions and to the solution of the problem by means of negotiations in conformity with the will of the Presidents of France and Comoros.


Invites the Secretary General to continue his contacts with the French authorities in order to convey to them the deep concern of the OIC over this problem and to follow the developments in this regard in coordination with the Secretaries General of the UN and the OAU.


7.Requests the Secretary  General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.





The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference which emphasize the commitment of the Islamic Ummah to the consolidation of international peace and security;


Bearing in mind the obligation of all States to act in conformity with the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter;


Noting the UN General Assembly resolutions 49/201 of 23 December 1994, 50/190 of December 1995 and 51/111 of 12 December 1996;


Expressing serious concern over the alarming increase in human rights violations in Kosova by the authorities of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), continuing and systematic harassment, persecution, intimidation of Albanian citizens, imprisonment of members of political parties, human rights workers, journalists, brutalities, arbitrary charges, seizures, arrests, forced eviction, torture,  ill-treatment of detainees, even killings, discrimination in the administration of justice, arbitrary dismissal of civil servants, elimination of Albanian language from educational system,  closing of schools  and universities, as well as other cultural and scientific institutions and, as a result, forcing Albanians to involuntary emigrate, without any guarantees to return, thus pursuing ethnic cleansing of Kosova;


Expressing further concern that these massive and systematic violations of all human and political rights pose a threat to peace and security in the region.


Noting that the re-establishment of international presence in Kosova to monitor and investigate the situation is fundamental in preventing the situation in Kosova from deteriorating into a violent conflict;


Condemns strongly the large-scale repression, measures of discrimination and violations of human rights against the defenseless Albanian population committed by authorities of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), aimed at forcing Albanians to leave their land.


2.Calls on the international community to take all necessary measures to bring to an immediate end all human rights violations against Albanians in Kosova, and revoke all discriminatory legislation, in particular that which has entered into force since 1989.


3.Calls for  the establishment of genuine democratic institutions in Kosova, including the parliament, government and judiciary as the best means of protecting the human, political and national rights of the Albanian population and preventing the escalation of conflict; reopen all the educational, cultural and scientific institutions of the Albanians; release all political prisoners in Kosova; commence the internationally brokered dialogue with the representatives of Albanians in Kosova.


4.Requests the Secretary General to hold consultations with the relevant international organizations to address the crisis in Kosova.


5.Recommends that all Member States take action at the UN General Assembly and at UN Commission on Human Rights and other international fora to promote the human rights of the population of Kosova.


6.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.




The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Recalling Resolutions No.36/19-P, 19/20-P, 16/21-P, 17/22-P, 16/23-P and 19/24-P adopted by the Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and Resolution No.17/7-P(IS) of the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference on the developments taking place in the world, especially in Eastern and Central Europe and their effects on the Islamic World as well as the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit;


Recognizing that the current international situation is characterized by instability and uncertainty, especially for the developing countries;


Being aware that the present situation requires the Islamic States to contribute effectively towards the establishment of a New World Order based on justice and equality for all, which should be an objective of Joint Islamic Action within the framework of the OIC;


Having taken cognizance  of the current developments in the world in general and in Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia in particular in the political, economic and social fields, and the repercussions thereof on the Muslim Ummah;


Deeply concerned over the situation in the Balkans arising from Serbian aggressive and expansionist policies which threaten the peace and security of the region as a whole;


Taking note of the fact that developments in Eastern and Central Europe in the political, economic and social fields and the growing interdependence between East and West have led to increase in the flow of financial resources to East European countries with implications for the Islamic world;


Expressing concern over the immigration of and the settlement of European and other nationals of the Jewish faith in the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories.


Reaffirms the need to maintain and promote ties of friendship and cooperation between the Islamic world and the countries of Eastern and Central Europe on the basis of mutual interests.


2.Expresses  the hope that strengthening of economic relations between Eastern  and Western Europe would not affect the order of priorities in respect of economic cooperation and trade exchanges between those countries and Islamic countries, nor have a negative impact on the flow of financial resources extended by the advanced countries, whether Eastern or Western, for financing development in Muslim and Third world countries.


3.Also Expresses the hope that the States of Eastern and Western Europe and other States respect and protect the Islamic identity of the Muslim communities and/or Muslim minorities living in their countries and their right to practice freely their language, religion and culture.


4. Warns against the perilous consequences of the transfer and settlement of European and other nationals of Jewish faith in the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories, and its negative impact on the peace process, all of which increase tension in the Middle East region and threaten international peace and security.


Requests  the Secretary General to closely monitor the political and economic situation in Eastern and Central European countries with special reference to the condition of Muslims and Muslim communities in these countries and present regular reports to the OIC Meetings. The effect of the situation on Muslim countries may also be indicated, alongwith recommendations and proposed action by Member States.


Calls on the Secretary General to visit the region from time to time to contact the governments and members of the Muslim communities to ascertain their condition and enlighten them about the OIC.


Also requests that the Islamic Development Bank may, in association with international/regional financial institutions, draw up a study of the economic circumstances of the region, Western concerns and interests, and their implications for the Muslim countries. They may make recommendations on possibilities of interaction of their economies with the Member States.


Recommends that Member States, belonging to the two regions, may be included in the meetings of the Reflection Committee so as to obtain meaningful inputs in the proceedings of the Committee.


Approves the recommendations contained in the Report of the Meeting of the Reflection Committee entrusted with the subject of the new developments in the international situation, specially in Central and Eastern Europe  and  other  regions  (RC/5-97/Rep.1)  and  calls  upon the


Member States to cooperate and contribute by implementing these proposals and recommendations.


Invites the Reflection Committee to continue to hold regular experts meetings to follow up the developments in the international situation, especially in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia and requests the Reflection Committee to hold annual Ministerial Meetings, if possible, during the Coordination Meeting in New York.


Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.






The Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Dignity, Dialogue, Participation), held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 9 to 11 Sha’aban, 1418H (9-11 December, 1997),


Recalling the resolve of Member States expressed in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference to unite their efforts in order to secure universal peace which ensures security, freedom and justice for their people and all peoples throughout the world;


Recalling also the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;


Mindful of the objectives and principles enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, especially the objectives of promoting Islamic solidarity among Member States and strengthening their capacity to safeguard their security, sovereignty, independence and national rights;


Stressing the right of every Member State to maintain its national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity;


Recalling all previous resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of  Foreign Ministers on this subject;


Recalling also resolution 44/51  of the UN General Assembly entitled "Protection and Security of Small States" adopted by the 44th Session of the UN General Assembly in 1989;


Reaffirming the importance of the establishment of peace and security in the Islamic world and the consolidation of the climate of mutual confidence and solidarity between the Islamic countries as well as their cooperation in all fields;


Reaffirming the right of any Member State to preserve its national security and territorial integrity;


Bearing in mind  the recommendations and proposals of the inter-governmental experts' group set up to study this matter;


Taking into account the rapid and profound changes taking place in the system of international relations and its impact on different regions and states throughout the world and particularly across the Islamic world;


Considering the continued occupation of Palestine, Al-Quds Al-Sharif and of the other Arab territories and the continued denial of the inalienable rights of the


Palestinian people as constituting a serious threat to the security of Islamic States and world peace;


Expressing its deep concern at the threats to the security of Member States and proliferation of crises and conflicts affecting Islamic countries and peoples as well as at the threats and challenges to the solidarity of the Islamic Ummah in all spheres of life and reaffirming the necessity to safeguard the Islamic values and identity;


Recalling the provisions of the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Islamic Summit which affirms the resolve of Member States to contribute actively towards the establishment of a New International Order based on peace and progress and respect for international legality and capable of guaranteeing justice and equality for all;


Determined to vigorously oppose foreign domination, aggression, alien occupation, hegemonism and spheres of influence, which result in the limitation of the freedom of member States to determine their own political systems and pursue economic, social and cultural development without any coercion, intimidation and pressure from outside;


Emphasizing the absolute right of each Member State to preserve its natural resources and to use them for the benefit, welfare and progress of their people;


Also taking note of the report submitted by the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on the Security and Solidarity of Islamic States which was constituted by the Secretary General in implementation of Resolution 18/7-P (IS) of the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference;


Further taking note of the report submitted by the Second Meeting of the Inter-Governmental Group of Experts held in Jeddah on 23 October 1996 pursuant to Resolution No. 17/23-P;


1.Reiterates that the security of each Muslim country is the concern of all Islamic countries.


2.Reaffirms further the determination of Member States to encourage the initiatives aimed at building confidence and security at the bilateral or sub-regional levels in conformity with the provisions and principles contained in the Dakar Declaration wherever and whenever appropriate;.


3.Recognizes that small states are particularly vulnerable to external threats and acts of interference in their internal affairs.


4.Firmly resolves to strengthen the security of Member States, through cooperation and solidarity among Islamic countries, in accordance with the objectives and principles of the Charters of the Organization of the

Islamic Conference and of the United Nations and as stipulated in the Dakar Declaration.


5.Reaffirms the permanent and full sovereignty of the Islamic countries and peoples over their natural resources and economic activities.


6.Expresses the determination of the Member States to preserve and promote Islamic values in all spheres of life especially those of solidarity and mutual respect;


7.Reaffirms the need for respect of the principles of international law concerning the sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity of States, non-use of force in international relations, peaceful settlement of disputes and non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of States as essential prerequisites for the security of Islamic States.


8.Approves the report of the Second Inter-governmental Expert Group Meeting entrusted to reflect on the security and solidarity of Member States as well as the proposals and recommendations contained therein. It recommends to Member States to implement them and requests the Group to continue to follow up developments relating to the question of security and solidarity of Member States and to report thereon to the Twenty-fifth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.


9.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Ninth Session of the Islamic   Summit Conference.