3 - 5 JUMADA II, 1412H (9-11 DECEMBER 1991)




Report of the Cultural, Social Affairs and Information Committee of the Preparatory Ministerial Meeting for the 6th Islamic Summit Conference.

Resolution No.1/6-C(IS) 

On the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs.

Resolution No.2/6-C(IS) 

On the Children in Islamic Countries.

Resolution No.3/6-C(IS) 

On adopting a Unified Stand on the attack on Islamic Sanctities and Values.

Resolution No.4/6-C(IS) 

On the Role of Women in Islamic Society.

Resolution No.5/6-C(IS) 

On Cooperation in the field of Youth and Sports.

Resolution No.6/6-C(IS) 

On Confiscating the Documents and Registers of the Shari'ah Court in Al-Quds.

Resolution No.7/6-C(IS) 

on the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its Waqf.






29 JUMADA I TO 3 JUMADA II, 1412H ((5-8 DECEMBER 1991)



The Cultural, Social and Information Affairs Committee of the Preparatory Ministerial Meeting for the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), met on 5, 6 and 7 December 1991, to examine the items placed on the agenda concerning Cultural, Social and Information Affairs whose examination had been assigned to it by the Ministerial Meeting. All the member States participating in the Ministerial meeting took part in the deliberations of the Committee.


The OIC Secretary-General was represented by H. E. Mohamed Mohsen, Assistant Secretary-General in charge of Cultural, Social and Information Affairs.


The following subsidiary organs, specialized and affiliated institutions participated in the Committee's proceedings:


- Subsidiary Organs:


-Islamic Fiqh Academy


-Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and      Culture


-International Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Heritage


-Islamic Solidarity Fund


-Islamic University of Niger


-Islamic University of Uganda



- Specialized Institutions:


-International Islamic News Agency


-Islamic States Broadcasting Organization


-Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development


-Islamic Committee of the International Crescent.


- Affiliated Institutions:


-Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities


-World Federation of International Arab-Islamic Schools


The deliberations of the meeting were chaired by His Excellency Mr. Moustapha Ka, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Senegal, on 5/12/1991. They were chaired by His Excellency Mr. Makhtar Kebe, Minister of Communication of the Republic of Senegal, on 6 and 7 December 1991.


Opening the deliberations, Mr. Moustapha Ka welcomed the delegations to Senegal which considers as their second homeland, and stressed the importance of the items submitted to their attention. He then explained the method and programme of work of the Committee, which were unanimously approved.


Proceeding to consideration of the items placed on its agenda, the Committee heard, during its three working sessions, introductory presentations made by the OIC General Secretariat and the officials of subsidiary organs and specialized and affiliated institutions, summing up the reports they had prepared, and then closely examined the draft resolutions submitted to it.


At the conclusion of thorough, open and fruitful discussions, the Committee adopted, after amendments, the following seven draft resolutions:


-A Draft Resolution on the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs;


-A Draft Resolution on the Unified Stand to be adopted regarding Denigration of Islamic Institutions and Values;


-A Draft Resolution on Cooperation in the fields of Youth and Sports;


-A Draft Resolution on the Child in the Islamic countries;


-Draft Resolution on the Role of the Woman in Muslim Society;


-Draft Resolution on the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its Waqf.


-Draft Resolution on the Confiscation of the documents and archives of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


At general level, the Committee shared the preoccupations expressed in the reports of the officials in charge of the subsidiary organs, the specialized and affiliated institutions and the Islamic Universities of Niger and Uganda  concerning the financial difficulties hindering their activities.  The Committee congratulated them for the accomplishments made thanks to the efforts they exerted.


In this respect, it expressed its thanks to the Member States hosting the headquarters of these organs, institutions and universities for the moral and material support they extend to them.


The Committee also expressed its thanks and gratitude to the individuals and the financial charitable institutions which contribute to the functioning of cultural and information institutions through their generous donations.


At particular level, the Committee urged the Member States which have not yet done so to:


-join the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;


-sign and ratify the convention establishing the Islamic  Committee of the International Crescent in order to enable it to become operational;


The Committee likewise urged Member States to:


-support the efforts made by the World Federation of International Arab-Islamic Schools;


-provide support and assistance to the Islamic Institute of Translation set up in Khartoum by the Government of the Sudan and the OIC;


-Strengtehn cooperation between their information organs on the one hand, and the International Islamic News Agency and the Islamic Broadcasting Organization, on the other.


The Committee then adopted its report.  It entrusted its Chairman with submitting the said report and draft resolutions to the plenary of the Preparatory Ministerial Meeting for the Six Islamic Summit Conference.


At the end of its proceedings, the Committee expressed its sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the Government the Republic of Senegal for the generous hospitality extended to the delegations and for the excellent measures taken to ensure the success of the Preparatory Ministerial Conference for the Sixth Islamic Summit.


The Committee expressed its profound thanks and sincere congratulations to its Chairman for his competence and efficiency which led to the fruitful results obtained by the meeting.


In turn, the Chairman expressed on behalf of the Bureau, his sincere thanks and deep appreciation to the delegations and the General Secretariat for having assisted him in conducting the proceedings of the meeting and for having contributed to its success. 


The Committee expressed its deep appreciation to the OIC General Secretariat, subsidiary organs, and specialized and affiliated institutions for their  effective contribution to the Meeting's proceedings.


Finally, it expressed its thanks to the interpreters and the technical staff for the efforts made towards the success of the meeting.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9-11 December 1991),


Recalling Resolution 13/3-P (IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, held in Makkah Al Mukarramah/Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19 to 22 Rabi Al-Awal 1401H (25-28 January 1981), whereby the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs was set up;


Recalling Resolution 3/4-ORG (IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference approving the preparation of a Cultural Strategy, as proposed by the First COMIAC Session, held in Dakar in January 1983;   


Recalling Resolution 1/5-C (IS) of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference calling for the convening of the First Islamic Conference of Information Ministers.


Further recalling Resolution No. 6/18-AF adopted by the Eighteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Riyadh in March 1989 by which it decided to establish an Islamic Communication Centre;


Keeping in mind the pledge made by Member States in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Declaration to coordinate their efforts in the fields of education, culture and science with a view to achieving the development of man in all respects, ensuring that Muslims be spiritually brought together and purifying Islamic thought from all alien or divisive elements.


Recalling the commitment made by Member States in the same Makkah Declaration to develop their information media and structures in order to turn them into an instrument for the reform of society, the expression of their identity, the defense of Islam, the dissemination of its precepts and of its harmonious spiritual development;


Recalling COMIAC's role, which consists in following up implementation of the Islamic Conference decisions, studying the means to promote and consolidate cooperation among Member States, and developing programmes to enhance Member States' capabilities in the fields of information and culture;


Having taken cognizance of the report submitted by the Chairman of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs, His Excellency  Mr. Abdou DIOUF, President of the Republic of Senegal, and of the decisions and recommendations of the Committee's third and fourth sessions, held in Dakar under his distinguished Chairmanship, respectively on 14-16 June 1990 (21-23 Dhul Qidah 1410H) and 31 October-2 November 1991 (24-26 Rabiul Thani 1412H);


Noting with concern the financial difficulties which have hindered the satisfactory implementation, by the OIC General Secretariat, subsidiary  organs and specialized institutions, of the plans and programmes of activities approved by the relevant authorities in the fields of information and culture;


Noting with satisfaction the convening, under COMIAC auspices, of the First Islamic Conference of Information Ministers, in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 11 and 12 October 1988 (1 and 2 Rabi Al-Awal 1409H) and of the First Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers, held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 23 and 24 January 1989 (16 and 17 Jumada Al-Thani 1409H);


1. Approves the decisions and recommendations made by the third and fourth COMIAC sessions.


2. Adopts the Cultural Strategy of the Islamic World as submitted by COMIAC to the Sixth Islamic Summit in document CSPAIN/2-91/D.1/REV.1. and invites the COMIAC to study ways and means for its implementation.


3. Also Adopts the measures advocated by His Excellency President Abdou DIOUF in his report in the following areas:


a) in the field of information: the implementation of the OIC Information Plan, the proceedings of the First Islamic Conference of Information Ministers.


b) in the field of culture: resolving the financial problems faced by the Islamic World, the universities and cultural institutions, the implementation of the Dakar Declaration on cooperation and cultural development in the Islamic world and the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports.


c)In the social field: the implementation of a solidarity programme for the family and the child; the development of social and educational centres in mosques for the eradication of begging; the implementation of a concerted strategy for the struggle against the growing pauperization of Muslim families particularly in developing countries.


d)Calls upon Member States which has not as yet sign or ratify the Constituent Agreement of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent to do so as early as possible so that it may be able to undertake its noble objectives.


4. Encourages COMIAC to pursue the achievement of its objectives and urges Member States to provide it with moral and material support so as to facilitate its mission.


5. Launches a pressing appeal to all Member States to settle their arrears and pay regularly their contributions to the budgets of the General Secretariat, the subsidiary organs and the specialized institutions which are entrusted with cultural and information activities.


6. Also urges Member States to make annual donations to the budget of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and to the Information Plan in order to promote the development of Islamic action in the fields of information and culture.


7. Recommends the undertaking of the procedures for the pairing of the universities of Member States with those of the Palestinians in the occupied territories, and calls for the provision of all kinds of support, financial and educational assistance for the universities in the occupied territories as well as for the Free University in Al-Quds Al-Sharif; while at the same time offering facilities, to the Palestinian students, to attend the universities and specialized institutes in Member States.


8. Expresses its sincere thanks, deep gratitude and great appreciation to His Excellency Mr. Abdou DIOUF, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of COMIAC for the keen interest he has constantly taken and the sustained efforts he has constantly exerted for the promotion of information, the development of culture and the enhancement of Islamic thought.


9. Expresses its sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the Republic of Senegal for having hosted the First Islamic Conference of Information Ministers and the First Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers respectively.


10. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution and present a report on its implementation to COMIAC and to the annual session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991);


Guided by the teachings of Islam which stress the need for taking due care of children and of granting them their rights;


Welcoming the successful conclusion of the World Summit for Children in New York on 29 and 30 September 1990;


Bearing in mind the Declaration and Plan of Action for Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s adopted at the Summit, which assigns important tasks for the well-being of children to all signatory Heads of State/Government;


Taking into account the positive contribution of the Member States to the success of the Summit as well as to the preparation and adoption of the Declaration and Plan of Action;


Recalling the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam which stipulates the necessity of safeguarding children's rights and obligations of states thereon;


1. Stresses the importance that the Member States attach to the conclusions of the Summit and invite them to take concrete follow-up measures at national, regional and sub-regional levels.


2. Reaffirms its commitment in favour of implementation, by all Member States, of the decisions stemming from the Summit.


3. Invites all Member States to integrate children's issues into their cooperation programmes.


4. Urges Member States to continue to participate in  follow-up activities undertaken at the international level, especially those initiated by the relevant bodies of the United Nations.


5. Decides to enhance consultation among Member States in order to work jointly on all matters pertaining to the adoption of specific measures designed to meet the particular needs of children.


6. Decides also to prepare an Islamic Action Plan to promote the implementation within the Member States of the Declaration and Plan of Action adopted by the World Summit for Children and requests the Secretary General to present a draft of such an Action Plan at the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


7. Urges Member States to consider becoming a party to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in keeping with the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam;

8.  Calls for the provision of special Islamic education and well-stocked libraries for children as well as Islamic programmes to be broadcast by all mass media;


9. Calls upon UNICEF to give special attention to Palestinian children suffering from Israeli brutality, particularly by providing health care, cultural amenities, and information about their causes through the mass media, especially on World Child Day;


10. Supports the convening, in 1992, of an international donors conference on assistance to African children in order to mobilize the Community within the framework of the Decade for the Survival and Development of the African Child;


11. Recognises the crucial role that the solution of the debt problem will have on the welfare and well-being of children and, in that context, supports the realisation of the concept of "Debt Relief for Child Survival and Development" as an important component of reduction of the debt burden for developing countries;


12.  Decides to convene a Ministerial Conference of Member States on the question of Survival, Protection and Development of Children.


13.  Calls on  the General Secretariat to hold a symposium on "Child Care in Islam", in collaboration with the Islamic Fiqh Academy and specialist Muslim experts, with a view to preparing a document on "Children's Rights in Islam".





The Sixth  Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II 1412H (9-11 December 1991),


Inspired by the teachings of the Holy Quran and  the Prophet's blessed Sunnah, emphasizing the necessity  of preserving the Holy Quran and  respecting the  Messenger (Allah's prayers and peace be upon him), his blessed Sunnah, his family and noble and companions, as well as sacred places and Islamic values,


Recalling the declarations and resolutions adopted by the Eighteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers regarding joint action in defence of Islamic sanctities and values;


Noting the persistence of certain forms of hostile aggression against the Islamic values and heritage, particularly the latest Zionist moves, including the attack against the Islamic Court in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and its historical documents, in order to desecrate that heritage;


1. Reaffirms, once again, the provisions of the declarations and resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers in this respect.


2. Strongly condemns all forms of cultural aggression, impelled by hatred for Islam and its sanctities; and stresses in particular its condemnation of the recent Zionist attack against the Shar'ia Court in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.


3. Requests all Member States to adopt firm stand in all earnestness, so as to check such hostile aggression; and calls on all countries of the world to ensure respect for these sanctities and prohibit any aggression against them.


4. Requests the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to take the necessary measures for the drafting of an international convention to ensure respect for sanctities and values, and to submit a progress report thereon to the following Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of AL-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada Al-Thani 1412H (9-11 December 1991),


Proceeding from the teachings of the tolerant Shariah in safeguarding the rights of the woman in the Muslim family, and in emphasizing the woman's privileged personality and her role in the development of Islamic Society;


Recalling the different resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Summits and Ministerial Conferences on women;


Acknowledging that women play an increasingly important role in the propagation and preservation of Islamic fundamental values in the family and society;


Convinced that these noble ideals cannot be achieved without the effective participation of Muslim women who constitute a major pillar in Islamic Society;


Noting that this stage in the evolution of the Islamic Ummah requires the combined efforts of all parties to work in the fields of development and particularly the development of the role of women;


Noting with appreciation the offer made by the Islamic Republic of Iran to host a meeting of experts;


1. Requests the Secretary General to convene an enlarged symposium at experts level to develop an appropriate mechanism for ensuring active participation of women in the fields of social development.


2. Calls for the convening of a Conference of Ministers in charge of women's affairs in the Member States to consider the possibility of coordination among them in light of the results of the Symposium.


3. Requests the Secretary General to submit a detailed report on the role of women in the development of Islamic countries to the Twentyfirst Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, and to make specific recommendations aimed at promoting closer cooperation in this field.





The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds AL-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3-5 Jumada Al Thani, 1412H, (9-11 December 1991),


Proceeding from the importance attached by  Islam to spiritual and physical education;


Considering the importance of sports and youth activities in the promotion of solidarity among the youth of the countries of the Islamic Ummah;


Conscious of the fundamental and indispensable role to be played by the youth of different Islamic countries in order to strengthen and consolidate the unity of the Islamic Ummah;


Taking into account the difficulties and obstacles impeding the functioning of the Sports Federation of Islamic Solidarity whose objective was to prepare a programme for sports and youth exchange among the countries of the Ummah;



1. Decides to promote rapprochement and understanding  among the youth of the Islamic Ummah through practice of sports, youth and cultural activities;


2. Decides also to develop cooperation among OIC Member States in the following fields:


a)-organisation of sports competitions and exchange in youth and cultural fields;


b)-construction of sports social and educational infrastructures;


c)-promotion of exchanges in the field of sports medicine;


d)-allocation of scholarships for training and research in the fields of sports, physical education and youth activities;


e)-promotion of social, economic and cultural development projects for the youth;


3. Invites the Secretary General to set up an Expert Committee and to entrust it with the task of further examining the proposals contained in this resolution and preparing the first Islamic Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports.


4. Entrusts the Secretary General to take necessary measures for the implementation of this resolution and requests him to submit a Report thereon to the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.





The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II 1412H (9 to 11 December 1991),


Noting that UNESCO included the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, in 1983, on the endangered World Heritage List, and that Member States must, in accordance with the World Heritage Committee Charter, provide material and technical assistance, for the preservation of that heritage;


In-view-of the fact that the Israeli Occupation Authorities have not till now responded to the UNESCO and UN Resolutions not to encroach on that heritage but rather did harm to it - by destroying or setting fire to it, confiscating it, or undertaking excavations which had vast adverse effects on the Islamic historic sites alone;


Recalling that, in defiance of all International Conventions, the Geneva Convention, and Human Rights Standards, the Israeli occupation authorities, forcibly entered the premises of the Shari'ah Court in Al-Quds Al-Sharif, using armed soldiers who destroyed doors and windows, tampered with the contents of the building, and confiscated whole sets of documents and registers of Islamic Waqfs, covering Shari'ah and historical aspects of the holy City and its people over a period of seven hundred years;


Considering that this ignoble act clearly indicates the extent to which the Israeli authorities slight the United Nations, the UNESCO and the Geneva Convention;


1. Condemns and denounces this Israeli aggression against the Cultural and Religious heritage in the City of Al-Quds.


2. Requests the United Nations and the UNESCO to denounce this act and call upon Israel to return all the confiscated documents and registers at once.


3. Demands that no act of aggression is committed in future against the Islamic sanctities and heritage.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9-11 December 1991),


Recalling Resolution 6/2-C(I.S.) of the Second Islamic Summit Conference, held in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in 1394 (1974) concerning the establishment of the Islamic Solidarity Fund;


Recalling also Resolution  1/3-C (IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 1401H (1981) which urged all Member States to provide the necessary support to the budgets of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and to contribute towards the paid up capital of the ISF Waqf amounting to 100 million dollars, so as to secure a fixed income that will enable the Fund to achieve the goal of self-financing of its annual budgets, and to continue to perform its noble task;


Recalling further Resolution No. 19/4-C (IS) adopted by the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, in 1404H (1984), which requested Member States to pledge annual voluntary contributions to the Fund in accordance with their material means, and also to augment their contributions to the capital of the Fund's Waqf;


Recalling also Resolution 3/5-C(IS), adopted by the Fifth Islamic Summit (Islamic Solidarity Session) held in Kuwait, in 1407H (1987) which stressed the importance of the activities of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and of its objectives which aim at strengthening the solidarity of the Islamic Ummah through its participation in religious, cultural, scientific and social projects and programmes, whether in Member States, or for the benefit of Muslim Communities and minorities in non-Member States;


Cognizant of the contents of the report of the Secretary General which underscored the critical financial situation of the Fund and having taken note of these difficulties constraints encountered by the Fund in financing its budget and implementing its programmes over the recent years;


Noting with appreciation the achievements of the Islamic Solidarity Fund during the past seventeen years and conscious of the need for assistance for the strengthening and development of the cultural infrastructure of the Islamic Communities;


Noting with satisfaction the realization of an important part (44%) of the Waqf capital of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and the necessity of working to raise its capital to the amount of one hundred million dollars to yield a fixed income enabling  the Fund of self-financing its own annual budgets.


Expressing its keenness to increase the potentialities of this Fund as well as its financial capabilities so that it may in a position to have an impact on the civilization infrastructure of the Muslim communities and raise the level of its assistance to the institutions  it sponsors in the Muslim world, to that which is commensurable to the aspirations of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and its capable of achieving its cultural, spiritual and social objectives:


1. Welcomes the progress made for the realization of the capital of the Waqf of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and invites the Secretary General and the Permanent Council to continue their efforts in this direction for the strengthening of the financial capacities of the Fund.


2. Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the Member States which have made generous and regular donations to the Fund and its Waqf in particular the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the State of Kuwait, the State of the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Tunisia, the Republic of Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It urges Member States which have already pledged their contributions to the capital of the Fund's Waqf to kindly make these contributions available as soon as possible in order to enable their investment by the Board of Trustees of the Waqf  for the strengthening of the financial capacities of the Fund.


3. Expresses its thanks to individuals who have generously contributed to the strengthening of the financial capacities of the Fund and urges all Muslims who have got the means to continue their support for the Fund and it's Waqf.


4. Reiterates the  importance of the functions and objectives of the Islamic Solidarity Fund which aim at strengthening the solidarity of the Muslim Ummah by contributing to the implementation of the religious, cultural, scientific and social projects and programmes, whether in Member States or in the interest of Muslim communities and minorities in non member states.


5. Urges  Member States to make voluntary annual donations according to their respective means, to the budget of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and also to contribute to the capital of the ISF Waqf and requests the Secretary General and the Chairman of the Permanent Council of the Fund to make the necessary contacts with the governments of Member States in this respect.


6. Reaffirms the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Resolution 1/3-C(IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference and launching of fund-raising campaigns in favour of the fund of its Waqf once a year, during the Blessed Month of Ramadhan as it is the month of Islamic solidarity and requests each Member State to designate its competent authority entrusted with the task of organising the fund-raising campaigns in cooperation with the Secretary General and the Chairman of the Permanent Council. It urges financial, commercial and industrial institutions as well as individuals in member states to generously participate in these campaigns and to donate to the Fund and to its Waqf.


7. Invites the Secretary General and the ISF Permanent Council to organise periodic visits to Islamic States with a view to explaining the noble objectives of the Fund and its Waqf, and to collect voluntary contributions for them.


8. Requests the Permanent Council to continue the assistance by the Fund to cultural, social and educational projects in the Islamic world, while according priority attention to projects initiated by the Islamic Summits and Foreign Ministers Conferences.


9. Request the Secretary General to submit an annual report, to the Current Chairman of Islamic Summit Conference, on the implementation of this resolution.