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26-29 JAMADA AL OULA 14O7 H ( 26-29 JANUARY 1987 )
In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Allah's blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammed and His Kin.
At the gracious invitation extended by His Highness Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah., the Amir of Kuwait and pursuant to the decision adopted by the Fourth-Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca Kingdom ,of morocco in 1984, the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, The. Session of Islamic Solidarity, was held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait from. 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H, corresponding to 26-29 January , 1987.
The kings, Heads of State,. Amirs, Heads of Government and representatives of the following. Member States participated in the conference:
1. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
2. The State of United Arab Emirates
3. The Republic of Indonesia
4. The Republic of Uganda
5. The Islamic Republic or Pakistan
6. The State of Bahrain
7. Then Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam
8. Burkina Faso
9. The People's Republic of Bangladesh
10. The People's Republic of Benin
11. The Republic or Turkey
12. The Republic of Chad
13. The Republic of Tunisia
14. The Republic of Gabon
15. The Republic of the Gambia
16. The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
17. The Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros
18. The Republic of Djibouti
19. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
20. The Republic of Senegal
21. The Republic of Sudan
22. The Syrian Arab Republic
23. The Republic of Sierra Leone
24. The Democratic Republic of Somalia
25. The Republic of Iraq
26. The Sultanate of Oman
27. The Republic of Guinea
28. The Republic of Guinea-Bissau
29. Palestine
30. The State of Qatar
31. The Republic of Cameroon
32. The State of Kuwait
33. The Republic of Lebanon
34. The Socialist People 's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
35. The Republic of Maldives
36. The Republic of Mali
37. Malaysia
38. The Arab Republic of Egypt
39. The Kingdom of f Morocco
40. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania
41. The Republic of Niger
42. The Federal Republic of Nigeria
43. The Yemen Arab Republic
44. The Democratic People's Republic of Yemen
3-The following Subsidiary Organs of attended the Conference:
-Research Center on Islamic history, Art and Culture, Istanbul.
-Statistical. Economic and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries, Ankara.
-The Islamic Center for Technical and Vocational Training and. Research, Dhaka
-The Islamic Center for Development of trade, Casablanca.
-The Islamic Foundation for Science, technology and Development Jeddah.
-The Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jeddah.
-International commission for the Preservation of the Islamic Cultural Heritage , Istanbul.
4-The following affiliated agencies of the OIC also attended the Conference:
-Islamic Development Bank.
Islamic educational , scientific and cultural organaization
-Islamic Chamber of Commerce, industry and Commodity Exchange
-International Islamic News Agency.
-Islamic States Broadcasting Organization.
-Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities
-The Permanent Council of the Islamic Solidarity Fund
-Sport Federation of Islamic Solidarity Games.
5-The following attended the Conference as Observers: cultural organaization
· Turkish Community of Kibris.
· Moro National Liberation Front.
· United Nations. Organization.
· Non-Aligned Movement.
· Organization of African Unity.
· League of Arab States.
· United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.
· United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
· United Nations High Commission for Refugees.
· United Nations Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.
· Arab League Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization.
· The Muslim World League.
· The Islamic Call Society.
· The world Muslim congress.
· The World Assembly of Muslim Youth.
· International Association or Islamic Banks.
· Islamic Council of Europe...
· Islamic Committee for the International Crescent.
6-The following attended as guests:
-The Afghan Mujahideen alliance
- The Secretary General, Gulf Cooperation Council.
7. His highness Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, the Amir of the State of Kuwait, inaugurated the Conference and requested H.E. Dr. Izz-ud-din Laraki, the First minister of the Kingdom of Morocco to make a statement of behalf of the Chairman of the fourth Islamic Summit conference. The First Minister conveyed the greetings of His Majesty King Hassan II to the Conference and to His Highness the Amir of Kuwait who was known for his qualities of wisdom, tolerance and patience and would guide the Summit in a manner designed to promote the solidarity of the Islamic Ummah. He added that the Islamic World must move forward with strong belief and righteousness to defend the rights and liberty of the Ummah. He called for concerted efforts aimed at the liberation of Arab and Palestinian occupied territories and Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
8-His Highness Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, the Amir of Kuwait was elected as the Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit by acclamation.
9-His highness Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah , the Chairman of the fifth Islamic Summit, delivered an inaugural address in which he welcomed the distinguished leaders on behalf or the people and government or Kuwait and on his own behalf. His Highness expressed thanks for his election as the Chairman of the. Summit.
His Highness welcomed Egypt's reentry and Nigeria's membership of the OIC which would add to the potential and capabilities of the Organization. The Chairman also expressed condolences over the demise. or His Excellency late Ahmad Sekou Toure, the President of the Republic of Guinea.
10-His Highness reiterated that Muslims all over the world were joined together in faith and called for their unity and solidarity to overcome the obstacles to their progress as well as bilateral conflicts and internal dissensions in this context the Chairman referred to the Iran-Iraq war which had gone on for seven years and where the sons of Islam were being killed every day. His Highness prayed to Allah to reconcile the two brotherly states of Iran and Iraq and. felt that it was vital to continue and intensify efforts to being the war to an end. He called for the restoration of national unity, reconciliation and peace in Lebanon and stressed the right of the Afghan people to determine their destiny without any foreign influence or presence
11-The Chairman stated that the cultural challenge to the Islamic Umrnah was a test of the. will of The Islamic peoples, and felt that priority must be given to cooperation and closer interaction among Islamic peoples.
12- His Highness referred to the similarity of struggle of the people of. Southern Africa ,and Namibia and the Palestinian and Arab peoples. South Africa and Israel were two racist states cooperating with each other in the political, military and scientific spheres., interfering in the internal affairs of their neighbors and pursuing policies of violence and. terrorism against people struggling for their right of self-determination and independence.
13- In the international context the organization of the Islamic Conference must work for the unity of mankind, dignity of man and eradicate intolerance. His highness also called for security of all nations, large or small, reduction in armament expenditure, release of a part of such expenditure for development, and international cooperation to combat terrorism. The world must however differentiate between terrorism and legitimate struggle of peoples for self-determination. His Highness expressed the hope that the leaders gathered at the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference would rise above their differences and would discuss all subjects in a spirit of tolerance, brotherhood and solidarity.
14- The Chairman concluded his statement by exhorting the Islamic world to seek peace and build a. radiant tomorrow for the Muslim Ummah based on Islamic faith, its cultural heritage and human dignity.
15- At the proposal of H.E. Mr. Abdou Diouf, President of Republic of Senegal, the Summit decided unanimously that the inaugural address of His Highness Sheikh Jabir Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah. Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit would be treated' as an official document of the Summit.
16-The Chairman of the Summit proposed the election of the same bureau as had been elected at the Preparatory Meeting of the Foreign Ministers. this was approved by acclamation and the Republic of Gabon, Republic of Maldives, and Palestine were elected as the Vice-Chairmen. The Kingdom of Morocco was elected as the Reporter General of the Conference in accordance with the past practice.
17-Statements were made by His Majesty King Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, H. E. President Mohammed Zia-Ul Haq of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and H.E. President Abdou Diouf of the Republic of Senegal on behalf of the Arab, Asian and African Member States. In their statements these leaders thanked the State of Kuwait for hosting the Conference, and expressed deep appreciation for the profound and illuminating address of the Chairman or the Fifth Islamic Summit which would guide their deliberations in a spirit of solidarity and brotherhood.
18- H.E Mr .S.Sharifuddin Pirzada, Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, delivered an address in which he referred to the constructive and valuable contribution made by Kuwait to Islamic causes and hoped that the Summit would adopt historic decisions to consolidate the unity and solidarity of the Islamic Ummah and contribute to the well- being of the Islamic peoples. His Excellency stated that the complex problems confronting the Islamic Word included attacks against sovereignty, territorial integrity culture and faith of Muslim countries internal divisions, and socio-economic under-development. The major issues of direct concern to the Islamic Ummah here the Palestine question , Jerusalem, the Middle East Conflict, Lebanon, Iran-Iraq Conflict , Afghanistan, South Africa and Narnibia, international terrorism, the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Israel, threats to Islamic culture and civilization and the obstacles to economic and social progress and development. He hoped that with the blessings of' Allah the Almighty, the leaders or the Islamic States would adopt far-reaching decision to strengthen Islamic unity and solidarity and enable the Islamic world to resolve its problems and contribute towards international peace and prosperity for mankind.
19- H.E. Mr Cavier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary General of the Organization of the United Nations, made a statement in which he informed the Summit of the United Nation's effort to resolve the problems faced by the Islamic States, including the question of Palestine and Middle East, Al-Quds AI-Sharif, the Situation in Lebanon, the situation in Afghanistan, the Iran-Iraq conflict and Cyprus and the economic problems of Islamic countries arid other issues.
20-The Summit thereafter received the report of the Chairman of the Preparatory Conference of the Foreign Ministers, presented by His Excellency Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jabir AI-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister or Kuwait in which he outlined the preparations made for the Summit by the Foreign Ministers, including the agenda of the Summit and the recommendations and draft resolutions on political, economic, cultural and information issues prepared by the Foreign Ministers for adoption by the Summit. The Summit approved the report of the Chairman of the Preparatory Conference and adopted the agenda.
21-The Summit approved the recommendation of the Foreign Ministers to declare the Fifth Islamic Summit as the "Summit of Islamic Solidarity.
22-The Summit received the report of His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of the Fourth Islamic Summit, and expressed thanks and appreciation to His Majesty for his efforts and achievements in the furtherance of joint Islamic action, solidarity and of the Islamic Ummah during his term of office.
23-The Summit took note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference regarding the work of the Organization for the period intervening between the Fourth and Fifth Islamic Summit Conference.
24-The Summit examined and approved the report of His Majesty king Hassan II, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, the report of His Excellency Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, Chairman of the Islamic Peace Committee, the report of His Excellency President Zia-Ul Haq, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Scientific end Technological cooperation, the report of His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, Chairman of the Standing Committee On information and Cultural Affairs, and the report of His Excellency President Kenan Euren, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic and commercial Cooperation.
25-The Summit heard with fraternal sentiments the statement of His Excellency President Rauf Denktas who voiced the rightful cause of the Muslim people of Cyprus. The Summit reiterated its past resolutions on the question of Cyprus end expressed support for the efforts of the Secretary General of the United Nations to find a just and durable solution to the problem. The Summit commended the cooperation of the Muslim Turkish people of Cyprus with the efforts of the Secretary General of the united Nations culminating in his proposed framework agreement or March, 1986 and reiterated its continued support for the efforts of the Muslim Turkish people of Cyprus to secure the their just rights and regain equal status with the Creek Cypriots. The Summit called for the strengthening of solidarity with the Turkish Muslims of Cyprus.
26-The Summitlistened with sympathy and understanding to the statements made by Prof Abd Rab Rasool Sayf; Representative of the Islamic Alliance of Afghan mujahideen in which, he referred to the just struggle of the Afghan people for the liberation of their occupied homeland and expressed appreciation for the support extended by the Islamic countries to the Afghan mujahideen.
27-The Summit, also ,heard a statement from Mr. Nur Misuari, Chairman of the Moro National Liberation Front, in witch.. he informed the Summit of the agreement signed between MNLF and the Philippines Government under the auspice's at the QIC on 3 January 1987, in of Saudi Arabia, for the grant of full autonomy of the Bangsamoro homeland of Nindanao, Basilan~ Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, and Palawan. through democratic process. The Summit expressed the hope that the ongoing negotiations for full autonomy for the people of Mindanao and the Islands, will soon bear fruit. The Summit declared its continuous solidarity with the brotherly Bangsamoro people and its intention, both collectively and individually, to extend full cooperation to the Moro National Liberation Front for Bangsamoro autonomy.
28-During. the general debate Heads or delegation spoke on issues and problems confronting the Islamic world and reiterated their solid support for Islamic causes. A number of suggestions., and recommendations were also made to resolve some of the most important issues facing the Islamic Ummah.
29-the summit adopted a resolution pertaining to Palestine and the Middle East which reaffirmed that the Palestine Question is the core of the Arab-Israeli Conflict and that a just and comprehensive peace in the region can only be established on the basis of complete and unconditional. withdrawal of the Zionist enemy from all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories the restoration of the Palestinian people's inalienable rights including its tight to return, to self-determination and to establish an independent Palestinian State on its' national soil, with AI-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, and under the leadership or the PLO, its sole legitimate representative. The Summit. stressed that any solution to this conflict must be sought with the full participation or the Palestine Liberation Organizations : on an equal and, equitable footing with the other parties, in all international conferences., activities and deliberations relating to the Palestine Question and the Arab-Zionist Conflict.
The resolution firmly rejected all separate agreements and initiatives and considered that Security Council resolution 242 of 1967 does not constitute an adequate basis tot the solution of the Palestine and Middle East Question. It called for resolute and continued action to implement the Arab Peace Plan and reaffirmed the need for the early convening of an International Conference on Peace in the Middle East under the auspices of the United Nations with the participation of all parties concerned including the PLO on an equal rooting, and the participation of the permanent members of the Security Council to achieve a just and lasting settlement of' the Palestine Question and the Middle East Conflict .The resolution also called for the formation of a preparatory committee to facilitate the holding of the International Conference.
The Conference condemned the US policy of continued and unlimited support to the Zionist enemy in the political, military, economic and all other fields.
The Summit called upon Member States to intensify their contacts with the European Economic Committee (EEC) with a view to inducing it to take more positive stands based on respect for international law, the UN Charter and resolutions which guarantee the inalienable national right
of the Palestinian people.
The Conference reiterated that all Zionist Legislations in Al-Quds Al-Sharif , the other occupied Palestinian territories and the Golan Heights are null and void.
It also considered that all the settlements set up or to be set up by the Zionist enemy in all occupied territories including Al-Quds are illegal and have no validity.
It hailed the steadfastness of the Lebanese people, and affirmed its strongresolve for the preservation of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of' the land and people of Lebanon and its institutions, and demanded the immediate and complete withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Lebanon.
The Summit called on Member States to abide by the principle of not establishing any form of direct or indirect relations with the Zionist enemy, and requested them to extend all forms of support and assistance to the Palestinian people so as to reinforce their steadfastness and enable them to attain their inalienable national rights. It called for continued issuance of the Palestine Stamp, the application of the provisions of Islamic boycott of the Zionist enemy, and to start teaching the course on the history and geography of Palestine on the basis of a unified syllabus and as a compulsory subject at all levels of school education. It expressed support for the efforts of the Islamic Bureau for Military Coordination with Palestine, and the efforts of the Committee for Monitoring the moves of the Zionist Enemy, and the Islamic Expert committee on the Zionist settlements in Palestine.
It called on Member States to redouble their efforts to stamp out racial discrimination and Zionism.
The Summit hailed 'the peoples of Namibia and South Africa and the friendly third world countries which advocate peace and equality, especially members of the non- Aligned Movement and the Organization or African Unity.
30- The Summit adopted a resolution on the city of All-quds Al-Sharif, reaffirming total adherence to the provisions of the Islamic Programme of Action' and all the resolutions adopted by Al-Quds Committee, regarding the Islamic Ummah's insistence on preserving the Arab-Islamic character or that holy city, and its commitment to work for liberating it.. It called for effecting the twinning or Al-Quds All-Sharif with all Islamic Capitals and Cities.
The Conference took note of the project for the establishment of an Arab hospital in Al-Quds to serve as a substitute for the Hospice Charity Hospital which has been closed down, without any justification, by the Israeli occupation authorities with a view to judaizing Al-Quds. The Summit. supported this humanitarian project and urged Member States to participate in its realization.
31-The Conference adapted a resolution on the Syrian Golan Heights declaring Israel's occupation of the area and its decision to impose its laws and administration on the occupied Golan Heights as an act of aggression.
It condemned the Zionist enemy's oppressive, terroristic measures against the Syrian citizens in that region.
32-The Conference adopted a resolution on the Strategic Alliance between the United States and Israel, declaring this alliance at contributing to the rising tension in the region, and called on Member States to take effective measures to counter the dangers arising from it.
33-The Conference adopted a resolution on establishment. or diplomatic relations with the Zionist enemy, condemning the resumption by Some states of their diplomatic relations with the Zionist enemy and appealed to those States which intend to establish diplomatic relations with the. enemy to desist from doing so, in pursuance of the .resolutions of the Islamic Conference.
34 The. Summit reaffirmed that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination as stated in the UN General Assembly resolution 3370 (S-30) 0f 1975 and declared the Islamic states resolve to co-ordinate their efforts in the United Nations to counter the U.S. - Israeli campaign for rescinding that resolution.
35-The Summit adopted a resolution regarding the Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf which stressed the importance of the vital and effective role played by the Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf in supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the Occupied territories. It called upon Member, States to fulfil their pledge to pay up the capitals or the, Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf amounting to one hundred million dollars each.
36-The Summit adopted a resolution on the situation of the Palestinian camps in Lebanon. calling for immediate cease-fire and cessation of attacks on the Camps, lifting of the siege laid to the camps and the return thereto of' the displaced persons. It called for the support and follow up of the efforts or the League of Arab States, in this regard.
37-The Summit. In a resolution on the Lebanese question and Israel's Occupation of Lebanese territory, condemned Israel's. occupation of Southern Lebanon, demanded its immediate withdrawal from all Lebanese territory, reaffirmed all resolutions and statements or Islamic and international conferences relating to southern Lebanon, reiterated its . commitment to Lebanon's independence sovereignty, and ,territorial integrity, and reiterated the demand for implementation of the UN. Security Council resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolutions 425 and 426 of l978 and resolutions 508 and 509 or 1982. The Summit urged economic support and 'financial assistance to Lebanon.
38-The Conference adopted a resolution on the Iran.-.Iraq conflict expressing concern over the continuation or escalation of the war which has led to heavy human and material losses and a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. The conference expressed appreciation for the efforts of the Islamic Peace Committee to bring the war to an end and reaffirmed the necessity of putting an immediate end to all military operations, withdrawal to the internationally recognized boundaries, and exchange of prisoners of war and a resolution of the conflict by peaceful means. It called upon the Member states to strive collectively to bring the war to an end.
The Conference decided that the Chairmanship of the Conference and the General Secretariat shall follow up the resolutions adopted by the Conference on the Iran-Iraq Conflict, by all possible means and in accordance with the evolving circumstances.
39 - The Conference discussed the situation in Afghanistan and adapted a resolution expressing serious concern over the continued Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan. The Summit recalled and reiterated the common position of the Islamic States contained in previous Islamic Summits and Foreign Ministers Conferences. It welcomed efforts made by the UN Secretary General for a political solution to the Afghanistan problem and called upon the Soviet Union to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan which will remove a major obstacle in relations between Islamic countries and the Soviet Union.
40-The Summit strongly condemned the minority regime of Pretoria for its heinous racist apartheid policy and its occupation of Namibia, its repeated aggression against frontline and neighboring states and oppression of the peoples or South Africa and Namibia. It reiterated support for. the resolutions adopted by the United Nations for the elimination of apartheid and the independence of Namibia. The Conference called upon Member States to impose comprehensive and concrete sanctions against South African regime.
The Conference called upon the UN Security Council to impose comprehensive mandatory economic sanctions in pursuance or Chapter 7 of the UN Charter. It approved the formation of an OIC Committee on Namibia and South Africa and urged Member States to contribute towards the Africa Fund for Aid to South African States and territories set up by the Eighth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Harare
41- The Conference approved the Draft Statute of the international Islamic Court of Justice which would function on the basis of voluntary Jurisdiction for settling disputes that might arise among Islamic States in accordance with the Islamic Sharia and the general principles of international law with a view to further improving and consolidating the brotherly relations among these states. It called upon Member States to ratify the Statute of the Court.
42-The Conference adopted a resolution on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa calling for the initiation of an OIC Plan of Action, particularly in the field of agriculture to improve food production in Africa, and for channelising programmes of assistance to the countries of Africa. It called upon the Member States to assist the brotherly countries or Africa in the implementation of the African Economic Recovery Plan 1986-1990 adopted by the OAU Heads of State
43-The Conference also adopted a resolution, on recommendation of the Committee of Islamic: Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, expressing gratitude to Member States which have extended financial and material assistance to the countries of the Sahel region and reaffirming the importance of emergency assistance programmes as well as medium and long term programmes decided upon by the Sahel countries. It appealed to donor countries to continue to provide the necessary assistance to the countries of the Sahel.
44-The Summit discussed the production and acquisition of nuclear weapons by Israel and its serious consequences which threaten the security of the Middle East region and Africa and increases the danger or proliferation of nuclear weapons. The Summit called upon all states. the International Atomic Energy Agency and other Organizations stop all forms of scientific cooperation with Israel which may contribute to its nuclear capabilities.
45-The Conference adopted a resolution on the issue of the Comoro Island of Mayotte reaffirming the sovereignty of the Comoros over the Island of Mayotte and called upon the French Government to fulfil its earlier commitments for a resolution of this question.
46-The Conference expressed serious concern and alarm at the emergence and aggravation of the phenomenon of international terrorism in all its forms in various parts of the world. it rejected the biased efforts by anti-Islam forces to link terrorism and its escalation to Muslims. The Conference categorically condemned all acts of criminal international terrorism and declared the readiness of Islamic states to cooperate among themselves and with the community to eliminate international terrorism.
47-In another resolution the Conference denounced attempts to eliminate the distinction between terrorism and legitimate liberation struggle of peoples and supported the convening of an International Conference under the sponsorship of the united Nations to define international terrorism.
48-The Summit adopted a resolution condemning American aggression against the Libyan Arab Jamahinya which constitutes a violation of the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law. It called upon the United States to fully compensate the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the human and material losses caused by its aggression in accordance with the relevant resolution of the UN. General Assembly.
49-The Conference discussed the plight of millions of refugees throughout the world, a great number of whom are Muslims, and called upon member States to contribute towards meeting the humanitarian requirements of the refugees in cooperation with the efforts exerted by the UNHCR and other international organizations.
50-The Summit adopted a resolution on the conditions of Muslims in non-Muslim countries upholding their religious, cultural, political and economic rights.
51-The item entitled, "The plight of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Bulgaria" , wassubmitted to the Conference which took note of the report submitted by the Secretary General of the OIC. to the conference on this item as well as the work of the Contact Group (Doc. IS/5-87/POL/D.13(A). It reiterated resolution No. ,30/16-P adopted at the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign ministers head in Fez. The Summit requested the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to remain seized with the question until it is satisfactorily resolved and also requested the Contact Group to continue its efforts in accordance with its mandate and to submit a report on its mission to the next Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
52-The Summit adopted a resolution reiterating condemnation of the Israeli aggression against the Iraqi nuclear installations, Israel's refusal to comply with the resolutions of the United Nations and the international Atomic Energy Agency and Israel's persistent threat to repeat its aggression against Iraq and to attack peaceful nuclear installations in other Islamic states. The Conference called upon Member States to work for the adoption of international .legal steps aimed at prohibiting armed attack against nuclear installations with a view to promoting and guaranteeing the development and safety of nuclear, energy. for peaceful purposes
53-The Summit adopted a resolution on The Question of ataractic calling upon Member States to support and participate in the efforts for the establishment of non exclusive and an internationally accepted other resources regime in respect or the benefit of all mankind.
54-The Conference adapted a resolution on the problem of the Horn of Africa expressing support and Solidarity with the oppressed Muslim people in the Horn of Africa and calling for peaceful solution of the problem in accordance with the Charters of the united Nation and the organization of the Islamic Conference and the principles of contemporary international law.
55-The Conference adopted a resolution pertaining to the occupation of two areas of the territories of the Somali Democratic Republic by Ethiopian forces.
56-The conference adopted a resolution on the territorial difference between Libya and Chad appealing to both countries to settle this difference through peaceful means without any pressure or foreign intervention in accordance with the principles and objectives or the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic' conference and Organization of African Unity.
57-The Conference condemned The American British-Israeli campaign against Syria and some other Muslim countries and called upon Member States to cooperate in resisting this campaign.
58-The Conference adopted a resolution reaffirming the continued support of the Member States in the noble ideals and objectives of UNESCO and their appreciation for the efforts made by- the Director-General of UNESCO Mr. Amadou Mahtar M'Bow in achieving those objectives.
59-The Conference noted with satisfaction the progress achieved by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation headed by His Excellency president Kenan Evren, approved the enlargement of the membership of COMCEC so as to enable all Member States of the OIC to participate in its work, commended the role played by the COMCEC Coordination Office in facilitating its work, and urged Member States to complete the processes regarding signing and ratification of the Statutes and Agreements pertaining to Economic and Commercial Cooperation. The Summit also adopted a resolution for the implementation of the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic Cooperation among Member States of the OIC, requesting. Member States to offer the necessary assistance to COMCEC and the Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation to expedite implementation of the Plan or Action in order to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation among Member States. The Summit welcomed the establishment of a Longer Term Foreign Trade Financing Scheme under the Islamic Development Bank and urged Member States to participate in the Scheme at an early date.
60-The Summit adopted a resolution on the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation expressing satisfaction over the progress achieved in the implementation of the decisions adopted by the Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) at its three sessions held under the chairmanship -of H. E. President Mohammad Zia-Ul Haq for strengthening and expanding cooperation among the Member states in the scientific and technological fields. The Conference commended the desire of interested Member States to establish inter-Islamic networks pertaining to scientific and technological subjects as well as the desire of interested member states to establish an Islamic States Research Activation Agency to promote cooperation in the field of advanced technology. It approved the proposal aimed at enhancing the scientific and technological capabilities of the least developed Islamic countries. the Conference requested member states to extend all possible moral and material assistance for the implementation of the COMSTECH Plan of Action.
61-The Summit discussed matters relating to information and adopted a resolution commending the role of His Excellency President Abdou Diouf - the Chairman, and the Members of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affaires in strengthening the bonds of cooperation among Islamic States. It called for the convening of the First Conference of Information Ministers of Member States of the OIC to improve and implement the Information Plan and- to formulate the Islamic Information strategy which would lay the foundation of an Islamic Information Order.
62-The Conference adopted a resolution on Cultural and Social Affairs which contains a review of the progress achieved in the -implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences and the recommendations or the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs at its second session held in Qatar in November ,1985. The resolution contains a number of measures pertaining to Islamic Universities in Niger, Uganda , Malaysia and Bangladesh.
The Summit reviewed the progress achieved in respect of the establishment of Islamic Cultural institutes and centers including King Faisal Mosque and its educational and cultural institutions in Ndjamena, the Regional Institute of Islamic Studies and Research in Mali, the Regional Institute for Complementary Studies (RICE) in Pakistan and the Islamic Centers in Guinea-Bissau and Moroni. The Conference adopted a number of decisions pertaining to the subsidiary bodies and centers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference engaged in the cultural and social fields, namely the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture, Istanbul the International Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Heritage; the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent; the IslamicFiqh Academy and the OIC affiliated bodies.
63-The Summit adopted a resolution commending the role and achievements of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the assistance provided by it to religious, cultural, scientific and social projects and programmes for the benefit of the Islamic, States as well as Islamic Minorities.
64-The Summit adopted - a resolution calling upon the Member States to exert efforts and increase cooperation among themselves and with the international community in combating the illicit production, sale and trafficking of narcotics and to actively participate in the International Conference on Drugs and Illegal Trafficking to be held shortly in Vienna.
venue of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference
65-In response to a kind invitation by His Excellency President Abdou Diouf of Senegal, the Summit decided to hold the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference in Senegal and expressed its sincere thanks and gratitude to His Excellency the President of Senegal for his gracious invitation.
The Seventeenth Session of Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers
66-The Summit welcomed the kind offer extended by Hashemit kingdom of Jordan to host of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Jordan.
67-The Conference expressed its sincere thanks and gratitude to His Highness Sheikh Jabir AI-Ahmed AI-Sabah, the Amir of Kuwait and Chairman of the,- Summit for his wisdom, foresight, and excellent manner in which he conducted the Conference which had ensured the success of the Conference as well as the positive cooperation and constructive spirit which prevailed during its deliberations.
68-The Summit also expressed appreciation for the excellent organization and arrangements for the Conference by the host Government which were instrumental in ensuring its smooth and efficient conduct or business.