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26 - 29 JAMADA AL OULA 1407H, 26 - 29 JANUARY, 1987
The Palestine cause and the situation in the Middle East
The City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif
On the Occupied Syrian Arab Golan Heights, the
Israeli Decision to annex that Region, and the Suppressive Measures to which the
Syrian Arab Citizens there are Subjected
on the Strategic Alliance between the United States of America and Israel.
on the resumption or establishment and maintenance of diplomatic relations with the Zionist enemy by some countries.
to ensure continued support for the U.N. General Assernbly RESOLUTION No. 3379 (XXX) of 1975 in which the General Assembly decided that Zionism is a form of Racism and Racial discrimination.
on Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf
on the situation of Palestinian Camps in Lebanon.
on the question of LebaNo.n and the Israeli occupation of Lebanese territories.
on the Iran-Iraq Conflict.
on the Situation in Afghanistan
On The Support To The Liberation Struggle Of The Peoples Of Namibia And South Africa
On The Establishment Of The International Islamic Court Of Justice
On The Document On Human Rights In Islam
On The Critical EcoNo.mic Situation In Africa
On Solidarity With The Peoples Of Sahel
On The Israeli Nuclear Armament
On The Comorian Island Of Mayotte
On International Terrorism Of All Types And Forms
On Definition Of Terrorism And Delineation Of Demarcation Lines Between Terrorism And The Struggle Of Peoples For Their Just Causes And The Liberation Of Their Territories
On The American Aggression Against The Jamahiriya
On Condition Of Muslims In No.n-Muslim Countries
On Refugees
On The Israeli Aggression Against The Iraqi Nuclear Installations And Israel's Refusal To Comply With Resolutions Of The United Nations And The International Atomic Energy-Agency
On The Question Of Antarctica
On The Problem Of The Horn Of Africa
On The Occupation Of Two Areas Of The Territory Of The Somali Democratic Republic
on the territorial dispute between Libya and Chad.
on the American-British-Israeli campaign against some Member States.
on the support for the Ideals of, and cooperation with, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of
Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al
Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987,
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Reaffirming, the principle of strengthening Islamic Solidarity with the Palestinian people and the unswerving commitment of the Islamic States to adopt a unified stand in favour of the just struggle waged by the Palestinian people to recover their inalienable national rights under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, their sole and legitimate representative;
Reaffirming that the question of Palestine including that of the Al-Quds Al-Sharif, is the core of the Middle East conflict and that the continued occupation of the Palestinian and Arab territories by the Zionist enemy, its refusal to withdraw its annexation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, its declaration of Al-Quds as its eternal and unified capital, depriving the Palestinians of their inalienable national rights constitute a flagrant violation of the principles of International Law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the resolutions of the United Nations and international legitimacy;
Expressing grave concern at the increasingly deteriorating situation in the Middle East, in particular in Occupied Palestine, as a result of unceasing wars and continued attacks by the Zionist enemy against the countries and peoples of the region, mainly the Palestinian people, with the total and unlimited support of the United States, thus posing a most serious threat to world peace and security;
Convinced of the need to adopt practical measures to counter the continuous acts of aggression of the Zionist enemy and its gangs, the deliberate desecration of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the escalation of their organized state terrorism, and their daily -practice of the scorched earth policy against the Arab and Palestinian citizens, their properties and holy Places, particularly in Al-Quds AI-Sharif;
Convinced that the time has come to apply the sanctions provided for in Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter and their immediate imposition an the Zionist enemy;
Considering that the maintenance of any form of political, economic; cultural, Scientific and other relations, at any level, with the Zionist enemy encourages and enables it to perpetuate its occupation of the Arab and Palestinian territories, including Al-Quds A-Sharif, and persistently disregard the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, thereby posing serious threats to the Islamic principles, values, heritage, culture and civilization, and flagrantly violating the Charter and various resolutions of the OIC;
Guided by all the U.N. resolutions on the Palestine and Middle East question;
Proceeding from all the other Islamic resolutions adopted on the question of Palestine and the Middle East;
1. Reaffirms its adherence and total commitment to the following principles on which the solution of the question of Palestine and the Middle East should be based:
(a)The Palestine question - the foremost cause of the Muslims - is the core of the Middle East problem and the Arab-Zionist conflict.
(b)The Palestine question and the Middle East problem must be dealt with and solved as an indivisible whole. Therefore, there can be no partial solution, or a solution that involves only some of the parties to the conflict, or cover only some of the causes of the conflict, to the exclusion of others, nor is it possible to establish a partial peace, for peace must be comprehensive for all parties
(c)A just peace in the region can only be based on the Complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Zionist enemy from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and the recovery of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, which include:
I. Their right to their homeland, Palestine;
II. Their right to return to their homeland, and to recover their Possessions as guaranteed in the U.N. resolutions;
III. Their right to Self-determination without any external interference:
IV. Their right to freely exercise their Sovereignty Over their national land and its natural resources;
V. Their right to establish their national independent Sovereign state in Palestine, with AI-Quds AI-Sharif as its Capital, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
d)The City of Al-Quds AI-Sharif - the capital of Palestine is an integral part of the Occupied land of Palestine. The Zionist enemy must, therefore, withdraw totally and unconditionally from it and to restore it to Palestinian sovereignty.
e) The Palestine Liberation Organisation is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. It alone is fully entitled to represent this people, and to participate independently and on an equal footing in all international Conferences, activities and fort dealing with the Palestine Question and the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to recover the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people.
No solution can be comprehensive, just and acceptable, unless the Palestine Liberation Organisation participates, as an equal and independent party, with other, parties concerned, in its establishment. No other party is entitled to claim the right to represent or negotiate, on behalf of the Palestinian people, their land or their rights. -. Anything in contradiction with this rule is null and void, and has no legal consequence
f) Security Council Resolution 242 of 1967 is not consistent with the Arab and Palestinian rights and, is not a sufficient basis for a solution to the Palestine and Middle East problem.
g)To reject all unilateral agreements and initiatives which violate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to repatriation, self-determination and establishment of their independent State on their own national soil, and which are in contravention of the principles of seeking a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestine Question and Middle East problem, so as to secure a just and comprehensive peace in the region.
h)The necessityof extending full and effective moral and material support to the Palestinian people in their Occupied national homeland and to reinforce their steadfastness and resistance to the conspiracy of "autonomy".
2-Reaffirms that any solution not founded on all these principles and basis and on their application without exception cannot lead to a just peace but, on the-contrary, will render the situation in the region more explosive and help the Zionist enemy to achieve its objectives and its expansionist, colonialist and racist settlement policies as well as encourage bilateral or partial solutions in disregard of the essence of the Palestinian Question, and pave the way for the hostile policies and designs, whatever their sources, aimed at liquidating the Palestinian Question.
3-Reaffirms the commitment of Member States to the convening of an International Conference for Peace in the Middle East under the aegis of the United Nations, with the participation of all the parties concerned in - the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization on an equal footing with them, as well as all the permanent members of the Security Council, with a view to implementing the relevant U.N. Resolutions, and the convening of a meeting of a preparatory committee to be attended by the five permanent members of the Security Council.
4-Reaffirms the need for collective action by Member States to ensure the adoption of a new resolution by the Security Council guaranteeing the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to return to their homeland, Palestine; their right to self-determination -and their right to establish their independent Palestinian State on their national soil, with AI-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, their legitimate and sole representative, in accordance with the relevant international resolutions.
5- Reaffirms its strong condemnation of the policy of the United States, persisting in:
- Its hostile attitude towards the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, its continued support of the occupation by the Zionist enemy of the Palestinian and Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and its non-recognition of the P.L.O. as the sole, legitimate representative of the Palestinian people,
- its continued and growing support to the Zionist enemy in all fields, particularly in the military, political and economic fields in pursuance of the Strategic Cooperation Agreement concluded between them, and the endeavours to turn the Zionist entity into an arsenal of strategic weapons and a depot of ammunition to be used against the peoples and States in the region,
- the use of the right of veto to prevent the adoption of resolutions by the U.N. Security Council on the question of Al-Quds, Palestine and the Middle East, which affords total support to the Zionist enemy and its continued acts of aggression, occupation and attempts to annihilate the Palestinian people and annex the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, thereby reneging on its obligations as a major power responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, and
- launching diplomatic and propaganda campaign-throughout the world, particularly in Western Europe, against the P.L.O. with a view to bringing about the closing of PLO offices there, withdrawal of recognition of the Organization and the elimination of the political presence of the Palestinian people in such countries.
6- Calls for intensifying contacts with the E.E.C. with a view to inducing it to adopt more progressive positions to implement its own previous resolutions on the question of Palestine and the Middle East, and to develop such positions on the basis of observance of international law and the U.N. Charter and resolutions, and to urge it to widen the scope of its relations with the PLO, so that the Palestinian people may realize their inalienable national rights, in accordance with the UN resolutions.
7- Calls for continuous action by Member States with all ways and means to clarify “the Arab Peace Plan” adopted by the Twelfth Arab Summit Conference held in Fez, for the solution of the question of Palestine and the Middle East which was endorsed by the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca and to explain the dimensions of this Plan and to enlist international support for its implementation.
8- Reaffirms its obligation and commitment to the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, and considers that all settlements that have been, or will be established, by the Zionist enemy in any of the Occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, are measures and practices that are illegal and null and void. These settlements must be dismantled and no more established, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and its numerous resolutions.
9- Declares its full and sustained support to the Palestinian people in their constant confrontation and courageous resistance to the organized state terrorism practiced by the Zionist enemy in Occupied Palestine, namely, the dismantling of their camps, eviction of their inhabitants, demolition of houses and whole districts, confiscation of lands and property, establishment and expansion of Zionist settlements, detention, torture and deportation of citizens with a view to vacating the territories of their rightful owners, the closing down of universities and scientific institutes and applying Zionist legislations, enacted by the Israeli Knesset, in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza strip and consider that such highly dangerous measures illustrate the persistence of the Zionist enemy in its attempts at annexing and judaizing the Occupied Arab and Palestinian territories' in violation of the will of the international community, the United Nations resolutions, the universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in the time of War.
10- a) Strongly condemns the Zionist enemy for its failure to comply with the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly resolutions regarding its annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan heights and the enforcement of its laws and jurisdiction over the occupied Golan Heights, and reaffirms that this annexation is illegal, null and void and has no legal validity, whatsoever. It is an act of aggression according to the provisions of the Charter and resolutions of the United-Nations.
b) Strongly condemns the coercive terrorist measures taken by the Zionist enemy against Syrian Arab citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, depriving them of their basic rights and freedom in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the Universal Declaration of Human rights and pays tribute to the resistance launched by these citizens against occupation and annexation and reaffirms its total support to their just struggle in defence of their freedom, territorial integrity and national identity.
c) Rejects and condemns the threats of the Zionist enemy against the Syrian Arab Republic, its territorial integrity, its regional security, and its armed forces, and expresses its full and active support for and solidarity with its just struggle against the Zionist aggression and occupation for the liberation of their occupied territories.
11. Reaffirms its strong determination to maintain the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon, the unity of its people and institutions and its territorial and institutional integrity. It reaffirms that the Israeli forces must withdraw immediately and unconditionally from allLebanese territories and emphasizes the need to safeguard the total and absolute sovereignty of Lebanon over all its territories and in all national affairs. It also hails the steadfastness and firmness of 'the heroic people of Lebanon in their sustained resistance to the Zionist occupation forces and lauds the courageous national resistance to the Israeli invasion troops in South Lebanon.
12-Calls upon Member States and their peoples not to establish political, economic, cultural, of military relations, directly or indirectly, with the Zionist enemy, and calls upon Member States which still maintain any form of relations, at any level, with the Zionist entity, to sever such relations forthwith and without delay, in implementation of the provisions of the Charter and the resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
13-Re affirms the commitment of Member States to act as a single front in order to coordinate their stands and intensify their efforts at all international fora so as to eliminate all forms of racism, racial discrimination and Zionism, and rid mankind, international communities and Arab, African and Islamic peoples of their evils and their manifestations clearly evidenced at present by the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine and the Pretoria racist regime in South Africa; and invites Member States to use all their economic and financial capabilities as an effective weapon against Zionism and racism. It further reiterates its unwavering solidarity with the just struggle of the Namibian people, led by SWAPO, and the struggle of the South African people, led by its national movements.
14-Calls upon all countries that allow Jewish emigration from or across their territories to occupied Palestine to stop such illegal emigration to Palestine . It urges them to facilitate formalities for their return to their countries of origin. It also calls upon Member States to adopt, in accordance with their national laws and legislations, such measures that would encourage Jewish immigrants, to emigrate from occupied Palestine.
15 Reaffirms the importance of establishing offices of the Palestine Liberation Organisation in the capitals of Member States where such offices have not yet been established, considering that the PLO is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people. It requests that full diplomatic rights, privileges and immunities be granted to these offices.
16- ReiteratesMember States' commitment to the inadmissibility of interference in the internal affairs of the, Palestine Liberation Organisation, and to supporting it. It reaffirms the right of the PLO to pursue the struggle in all its military, political and economic forms and by all other possible means.
17-Calls upon all Member States once more to extend immediate and effective aid to the Palestine Liberation Organisation so that it may reconstruct the Palestinian refugee camps and houses destroyed in Lebanon in the war and to compensate the inhabitants of these camps for their vast human and material losses.
18-Hails friendly Third World countries which cherish peace, justice and equality, particularly the Non-Aligned Countries and OAU -Member States, for their principled and firm support to the question of Palestine and their consistent backing of the just struggle waged by the Palestinian people against the Zionist enemy.
Also hails the firm stand of the friendly African countries in the face of the Zionist enemy's attempts to infiltrate them in order to achieve its designs aimed at restoring relations with them and putting an end to its diplomatic isolation from them.
Reiterates its stand that the resumption of diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity (twin of the South African racist regime) is a factor that activates the racist Israeli-Pretorian policy, in Africa and in the arab Countries, and stands against the interests and rights of the peoples of South Africa, Namibia and Palestine. The policy of the two regimes cannot be disassociated from one another because the enemy is the same in so far as both -parties share identical objectives, use the same tactics, and pose similar dangers.
19- Calls upon:
a) The Member States to continue to issue the Palestine Stamp on a permanent and uninterrupted basis as long as the question of Palestine and Al-Quds al-Sharif remains unsolved.
b) The Member States that have not yet issued the Palestine Stamp, or have not yet remitted its proceeds to do so as soon as possible.
c) Requests Member States to remit the proceeds of the issue of the Palestine Stamp, regularly and periodically, to the Palestine Welfare Society/PLO.
20- (a) Supports the efforts exerted by the Expert Committee entrusted with the preparation of the syllabus and material for the course on the History and Geography of Palestine
(b) Calls upon Member States to begin the teaching of the course on the history and geography of Palestine according to a unified syllabus as a compulsory subject at all levels of school education in all their schools with effect from the academic year 1987-1988.
(c) Calls upon Member States, and their relevant institutions, benevolent bodies, universities and the Islamic Development Bank to make generous financial contributions towards the cost of printing the said textbooks in the various languages of such Islamic States as may be determined by the Expert Committee.
21- (a ) Reaffirms the need of implementing the provisions of the Islamic Boycott of the Zionist enemy all Member States and of adopting the general principles of boycott and the unified Islamic law, as well as the internal regulations of the offices and the scheduled periodic meetings, and considering; them part of their national legislation.
(b)Calls upon Member States which have not yet established Islamic Office for the Boycott to do so and to appoint directors for these offices to serve as Liaison Officers with the Main Islamic Boycott Office.
22-.(a)- Supports the efforts of the Islamic Bureau for Military Coordination with Palestine (PLO).
(b)Calls for continued fraternal cooperation and joint coordination between the competent military commands in Member States and the military command of the Palestine Liberation Organization, in order to support and consolidate the just liberation struggle of the Palestinian people against the Zionist enemy.
(c)Reaffirms the need for the Member States' continued provision of additional support and assistance to the Palestine Liberation Organization meeting its ever increasing requirements in military material equipment, know-how and experience, allocating the scholarships and training courses which it requires; and bolstering bilateral contacts with it to achieve these objectives.
23- Supports the efforts exerted, by the Islamic Committee for monitoring the moves of the Zionist enemy.
24-Supports the efforts exerted by the Islamic Expert Committee on countering the dangers of Zionist Colonialist Settlements in Palestine".
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic
Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula,
1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987,
Guided by the principles and objectives, of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Confirming continued Islamic solidarity with the people of Palestine and the unwavering commitment of Islamic States to the declaration of Jihad for the liberation of the City of AI-Quds Al-Sharif, the deliverance of Al- Aqsa Mosque and the restoration of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people;
Taking into account the current situation in the holy City under the odious Israeli occupation the acts of annexation Judaization and sacrilege the obliteration of disfiguration of the Arab and Islamic features of the City, the continued implementation of Zionist settlement schemes designed to change the city's demographical structure so as to declare it a unified and eternal capital of its alien entity;
Having considered the heavy material, moral and human losses sustained by the Arab-Palestinian inhabitants of Al-Quds Al-Sharif as a result of the official systematic, and terrorist policies and the 'scorched earth' polity pursued by the Zionist occupation authorities, and the Zionist vengeful gangs, which continue to expel them from the City, inflicting collective punishments and illiciting daily encroachments on their property and shrines;
In view of the extremely grave situation of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque as a result of continued Zionist violations and attempts to destroy it and to erect the so-called Third Temple on its ruins which poses an incessant challenge to the sentiments of the Islamic Ummah and the international public opinion, and constitutes a blatant defiance and violation of international law and the relevant resolutions adopted by the U.N. and other international forums;
With a view to preserving the gains of the Palestinian people in their struggle, both inside their occupied homeland and at the international level, through the Palestine Liberation Organization, their sole legitimate representative and, therefore, the need to continue joint Islamic action in order ' to give concrete form to such gains .
Having considered the fundamental relationship between the Palestine cause and the conflict with racist Zionism and the fact that the usurpation of Palestine, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, is the root cause of their conflict, which means that no party may render; that City a subject for bargaining, negotiations or concessions.
Guided by all U.N. Resolutions on Al-Quds Al-Sharif; and Pursuant to all Islamic resolutions in this regard:
1- Reiterates Member States' total commitment to the implementation of the provisions of the Islamic Programme of Action for the confrontation of the Zionist enemy adapted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, as well as all other Islamic resolutions and the recommendations issued by Al-Quds Committee, in all spheres, particularly the economic, military and political.
2-Reiterates that the cause of Palestine and Al- Quds Al-Sharif takes priority over all other questions for all Muslims, that Jihad for the liberation of Al-Quds, the deliverance of Al-Aqsa Mosque and victory of the Palestinian people is an individual religious obligation on all Muslims, so that each should contribute what he can in fulfilling it, seeking Allah's satisfaction, and a duty imposed by Islamic Fraternity, for the vindication of right and the removal of evil.
3- Also reiterates that the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif is an indivisible part of the usurped Palestinian homeland, that it is the capital of Palestine, the sovereign, independent State, that its return to Arab'-Palestinian sovereignty constitutes the only guarantee of preserving its Arab-Islamic character, its continued sanctity, and the freedom of worship therein for all followers of the other revealed religions - a freedom preserved by the Arabs and the Muslims through the past fourteen centuries.
4- Reiterates Member States commitment to employ all their capabilities in confronting the decision taken by the Israeli enemy to annex the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and declare it the eternal, unified capital of the Zionist entity, including breaking political, diplomatic and Consular relations and putting an end to all forms of cooperation - economic, cultural , scientific, technical, or other and regardless of its level with any state which recognizes that aggressive decision.
5-Calls upon all countries, especially the U.S.A., to refrain from dealing with the Israeli occupation authorities in any manner that may suggest an implicit recognition or that may be invoked by those authorities as an indication of such recognition or as an acceptance of the fait accompli arising from the declaration of Al-Quds as the eternal and unified capital of the Zionist entity.
6-Calls for maintaining collective and individual, contacts with the Vatican, the Orthodox Church, and other Christian religious circles, so as to establish a unified Islamic–Christian stand which would help preserve the Arab Islamic and sacred religious character of Al-Quds Al-Sharif
7- Reiterates Member States' commitment to continue work and coordination with international groups which support Arab and Islamic rights and the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people for the implementation of the international resolutions, adopted by the U.N. and the U.N. Specialized Agencies such as UNESCO, concerning the cessation of aggressive measures and practices in that Holy City, especially the deliberate violations of the sanctity of the blessed AQSA Mosque and other Holy Places as well as the persecution of the City's Arab Palestinian inhabitants.
8-Calls Upon all countries of the world not to recognize the legitimacy of the incessant aggressive Zionist measures and practices designed to change the Arab-Islamic features of Al-Quds Al-Sharif disturb its population balance and introduce demographic changes in it; and to condemn all such aggressive measures and practices as null and void and illegal, and to work for resisting them and the elimination of all their legal effects and consequences.
9-Calls upon Member States to work for the implementation of the Information Programme included in the approved Information Plan concerning the cause of Palestine and AI-Quds Al-Sharif; and to hold Solidarity Symposia and Festivals in world Capitals in popular intellectual and internationals public opinion circles especially in the USA, countries of Western Europe, Japan and Latin America, seeking cooperation - to this end -with the Muslim Ambassadors' Councils and the Palestine Support Committees.
10- Calls for holding official and popular festivals on the “Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian peoples” which occurs on 21 August each year. The purpose is to recall the criminal attempt to burn the blessed Aqsa Mosque, the solidarity of Muslim Countries in defence of the cause of Palestine, Al-Quds AI-Sharif and other causes of the Islamic World, and the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Conference as a framework for joint Islamic action.
11- Calls for twinning of the Capitals of all Muslim States with Al-Quds Al-Sharif the Capital of Palestine, as a move to promote Islamic Solidarity with the people of Palestine, and to signify the Muslim Ummah's tribute to their heroic defence of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque - the first Qiblah and the Third Holy Shrine - as well as other holy places; and for their steadfast stand and heroic and resolute resistance against the Israeli occupation, and their valiant stand against Zionist designs to judaize their Holy City.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987,
Having considered the item entitled "The Occupied Syrian Golan Heights, the Israeli decision to annex that region, and the suppressive measures to which the Syrian Arab citizens there are subjected.
Referring to Resolution No. 7/5-P(IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, Resolution No. 11/15-P of the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, and Resolution No. 10/16-P of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Also referring to Security Council Resolution Nos. 497(1981) of 17/12/1981, the U.N. General Assembly Resolutions 36/226-B of 17/12/1981, E.S. 9/1 of 5/2/1982, 37/123-B of 16/12/1982, 38/180-A of 19/12/1983, 38/79-B of 15/12/1983, 39/146-B of 14/12/1984, 40/168-B of 16/12/1985 and 41/162-B of 4/12/1986;
Recalling Security Council Resolution 465 of 1/3/1980 which affirms inter alia, that the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 relating to the protection of civilians in times of War is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967 including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
1-Reaffirms that Israeli's decision of 14 December, 1981 to annex the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and to impose Israel's laws, jurisdiction and administration on them is an act of aggression; illegal, null and void, with no legal effect whatsoever and constitutes a flagrant violation of the OIC Charter and resolutions, the UN' Charter and relevant resolutions, and the norms of International Law, especially the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territories by force.
2-Strongly condemns Israel for failing to abide by the IN resolutions and for persisting in its measures aiming at changing the physical character of the Syrian Golan Heights, as well as its demographic ' composition, institutional structure and legal status, and forcing the Syrian citizens to assume Israeli citizenship and identity cards.
3-Reaffirms its condemnation of the United States' policy of continued and unlimited support for the Zionist enemy, its defense of Zionists policies and the signing of a strategic cooperation treaty with it, thus encouraging it to pursue its policy of, annexing the Golan, Al-Quds Al-Sharif and South Lebanon, as well as the imposition of a de facto situation in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories with the ultimate goal of annexing them.
4- Reaffirms the necessity to apply the Geneva Convention of 1949 relating to the protection of civilians in times of war to the Syrian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls on the states, parties to the Convention to ensure that its provisions are applied, and that the obligations arising therefrom are respected under all circumstances.
5- Calls upon all states to break off diplomatic, Military, trade and cultural relations with Israel, to stop the assistance given to it, and to take all the measures needed to force its rescind both its decision to annex, the Syrian Golan Heights and its consequences.
6- Commends the resistance of the Syrian Arab
citizens in the Golan heights against Occupation and annexation and affirms its full support' for their just struggle in defence of their freedom, territorial integrity, national identity, and the liberation of their land.
7-Requests the Secretary General to submit a report to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the measures taken by Member States in implementation of this Resolution.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987,
Having considered the item entitled “The strategic alliance between the United States of America and Israel”;
Referring to Resolution No.6/4-P(IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit, resolution No.10/15-P of the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, and Resolution No.11/16-P of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Referring to the U.N. General Assembly Resolution No. (108-E) of 19/12/1983 , which called upon all States, Particu1arly the United States of America, to refrain from taking any measures which would strengthen Israeli's military capabilities and acts of aggression whether in Occupied Palestinian and Arab territories or against other countries of the region;
Referring also to the U.N. General Assembly Resolutions(39/146-A) of 14/12/1984, (40/168-A) of 16-12-1985 and (41/183-A) of 4-12-1986;
1- Strongly condemns the strategic alliance between the United States of America and Israel as well as all agreements and all forms of mutual cooperation between them
2- Considers that this alliance and all subsequent agreements, particularly the agreement on the establishment of a free trade zone between the United States of America and Israel, and the participation of Israel in the U.S. Star War Programme, as being aimed at enhancing Israeli's military and economic capabilities, thus enabling it to pursue its aggressive and expansionist policies in the region, and consolidating its settlement policy in Palestine and the other Occupied Arab Territories.
3- Also considers the alliance as a confirmation of the United States' hostile approach to the Arab and Islamic Ummah which poses a threat to the security of their countries.
4- Invites Member States to take measures to counter the dangers arising from this aggressive alliance and to strengthen the struggle of the Arab nation against it.
5- Requests the Secretary General to submit a report to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the practical measures taken pertaining to that alliance as well as the steps taken by Member States to implement this resolution.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity held in Kuwait, the State of -Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Inspired by the principles and goals of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling the resolutions adopted by the previous Islamic Conferences emphasizing the obligation of Member States to break all political, economic, military, cultural and other forms of direct and indirect relations with the Zionist enemy;
Recalling once again that to maintain or resume political, economic, military, cultural and other forms of relations with the Zionist enemy would help the continued usurpation of Palestine and the violation of the national and inalienable rights of its people;
Referring to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No.3379 (XXX) of 10 November, 1975 declaring Zionism as a form of racism;
Recalling Resolution No.1057 (1986) adopted by the Twenty Second Summit Conference of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and Resolution No.21, adopted by OAU Council of Ministers at its' Second Extraordinary Session held in Addis Ababa,19-21 November 1973, which urge Member States to maintain severance of relations with the Zionist enemy, the natural and full partner of the racist regime of South Africa;
Pursuant to resolution No. 8/l5-P of the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers ceiling for resistance to efforts of the Zionist entity to break its isolation and resolution No.15/6-P of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers ceiling on Number States not to resume and to severe relations with the Zionist entity;
Having discussed recent developments in respect' of the resumption of relations by some governments of Member States with the Zionist enemy, which would help Zionist enemy to end its isolation and strengthen its ability to continue its practices and policies of repression, settlement and expansion;
1- Condemns the resumption of diplomatic relations by some states with the Zionist enemy, since it constitutes a violation of resolutions of the OIC, and the OAU Council of Ministers and a hostile act against the Arab and Islamic Ummah.
2-Requests those States which have resumed diplomatic relations with the Zionist enemy to reconsider their decision.
3- Appeals to States intending to either resume or establish diplomatic relations with the Zionist enemy to reconsider their position in order to avoid any negative repercussions on their relations with Arab and Islamic States.
4-Urges Member States which maintain diplomatic and other relations with the Zionist enemy to abide by the relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences.
5-Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to report thereon to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait, from 26 to 29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Inspired by the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference which call for the elimination of racism;
Referring to the U.N. Declaration on eliminating all forms of racial discrimination;
Referring. also to the U.N. General Assembly Resolution No.3379 (XXX) of October 10, 1975, which states that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination;
Recalling the final statements of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Jeddah in Moharram 1390H (March, 1970); in Karachi in Shawwal, 1390H (December 1970),and in Jeddah in Moharram 1392H (March, 1972) which denounce and condemn the Zionist movement as a racist aggressive and expansionist movement, opposed to all human ideals, and a permanent threat to world peace;
Recalling the resolution adopted by the Seventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey, in Jumad al Oula 1396H (May, 1976) which condemned Zionist as a colonialist, expansionist, racist and imperialist doctrine regarding it as a direct threat to international peace and security;
Noting that the Zionist racist regime in Occupied Palestine and the apartheid regime in South Africa art organically linked, both in practice and objective, thus constituting a single racist structure that threatens international peace and security and violates human dignity and sanctities;
1. Reaffirms that Zionist is a form of racism and racial discrimination in accordance with the UN General, Assembly resolution No.3379 (XXX) of 1975.
2. Calls upon Member States to act within the. U.N. to foil attempts to rescind the said resolution.
3. Requests the Secretary General to follow up this question and to report thereon to the Islamic Conference.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, on 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding 26 - 29 January, 1987,
Guided by the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Affirming the continued consolidation of Islamic solidarity with the people of Palestine and the commitment of Member States to pay up the capital of the Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf through steady financial Contributions;
Appreciating the importance of the active and vital role of Al-Quds Fund in boosting the steadfastness and struggle of the Palestinian people in all the occupied Arab territories, Particularly the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Noting the significance of the role of the Waqf in ensuring steady financial resources for the Fund;
Commending Member States which continue to provide annual Contributions to AJ-Quds Fund and its Waqf, notably the kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
Referring to all relevant resolutions of Islamic Conferences;
1- Reiterates Member States commitment to pay up the capital of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf, each amounting to US$ 100 million. (One hundred million US dollars)
2- Calls upon the General Secretariat to take necessary measures and make necessary arrangements for the implementation of this resolution.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Pursuant to the principles and objectives stipulated in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Emphasizing the continued consolidation of Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people and the unwavering commitment of Member States to support the struggle of the Palestinian people to recover their rights and liberate their territories:
Gravely concerned about the tragic events perpetrated against the Palestinian Camps in Lebanon, for the purpose of annihilating those Camps and displacing their inhabitants and forcing them to abandon their camps, pursuant to conspiratorial schemes of alternative repatriation and settlement against the Palestinian people and their just cause and legitimate leadership represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization;
Strongly denouncing the continued siege and bombardment of the camps; their continued bombardment with all -types of destructive weapons: the killing and wounding of thousands of camp inhabitants, including children, women and the old people; obstructing the delivery of medical and food supplies, and the stoppage of water and electricity supplies to them, in addition to indiscriminate kidnapping, assault and killing while the Israeli enemy is carrying out continuous air and naval raids against the Camps, thus bringing about a heinous systematic massacre that has been going on for years under the very eyes of the whole world;
Guided by the relevant United Nations resolutions on the protection and housing of Palestinian. refugees in host Arab countries and by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
Pursuant to all the Islamic resolutions on Palestinian comps in Lebanon, in particular, the appeal of the Coordinating Meeting of Islamic Foreign Ministers of 2 October, 1986 contained in the Statement No.A/41/740;
Calls for:
1- an immediate ceasefire and an immediate cessation of all forms of attacks on Palestinian camps.
2- the complete lifting of the siege imposed on the Palestinian camps and ensuring access of medical and food supplies to their inhabitants.
3- the return of the evacuated and abducted Palestinians to their camps, their rehabilitation in the camps and the payment of compensations for all the losses and damages suffered by the inhabitants.
4- To support and follow-up the efforts being exerted by Committee established by the League of Arab States at the recent extraordinary meeting of its Council, with a view to implementing the resolutions adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States on the situation of Palestinian camps in Lebanon.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Proceeding from the principles and objectives stipulated in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations, and the League of Arab States; calling for guaranteeing the security, unity, and ove††††† ††††††††† ††††††††††††† ††††††††† ††††††† ††††††††† ††††††††† ††††††††† ††††† †††††††††††††† †††††††† †††††††††††††††††††††† †††††† †††††††† †††††††††† †††††††††††††† †††††† ††††††††† ††††† †††† †††††† ††††† †††††† †††† ††††† †††††† †††††† †††††††† †††††† ††††† † †††††††† †††† ††† †† Summit Conference held in 1984, and by the Islamic Foreign Ministers Conferences, in particular the Baghdad Conference held in 1981, the Sanaa Conference held in 1984 and the Fez Conference held in 1986, as well as the Arab Summit Conferences held in Cairo, Riyadh, Tunis and Fez, and the UN resolutions on South Lebanon;
Drawing the attention of the international community to the persistent acts of aggression, and crimes committed by the Zionist enemy against civilians, in Lebanon, and its continued violation of Lebanese air space;
Commending the resistance of the Lebanese people against Israeli occupation and its repressive and terrorist practices, which are contrary to the UN principles and the Declaration of Human Rights, the Hague Convention of 1907 and the Geneva Convention of 1949, regarding the Protection of civilian population in time of war.
Recalling the resolutions of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation at its Session held in Turkey in March 1986, calling for support to Lebanon in its economic reconstruction and supply of all forms of economic and financial assistance to it and the grant of facilities to it to market its products, including preferential treatment.
1-Reaffirms its strong determination to preserve the independence of Lebanon, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the unity of its people, and renews its support for the Government of Lebanon in its endeavours to achieve national reconciliation, the resumption of normal life, the return of the refugees to their regions and villages; the liberation of the kidnapped and the establishment of the State's sovereignty and authority at all national levels over all the Lebanese territory with its internationally recognized boundaries especially the international border with the Israeli enemy.
2-Strongly condemns Israel for all forms of its occupation of parts of South Lebanon, including what it calls the "Security belt", which is in reality part of the implementation of its expansionist policy.
3- Strongly condemns Israel for its continued acts of aggression and criminal practices against civilians to force them into exodus.
4- Reiterates its demand for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on Lebanon and South. Lebanon, especially Resolutions 425 and 426 of 1978 and 508 and, 509 of 1982 calling for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from all Lebanese territories and the deployment of the Lebanese army and UNIFIL as far as the internationally recognized boundaries.
5-Pays tribute to the steadfastness of the Lebanese people and supports its resistance and just struggle to liberate its territory from Israeli occupation.
6-Reiterates the need for the provision of economic support to Lebanon the allocation to it of urgent aid, in cash and in kind in order to enable it to overcome its pressing difficulties at the social arid subsistence levels, and the granting to it of adequate facilities to export its products. It calls upon all States and specialized international organizations to extend their assistance to help Lebanon rebuild its economy and installations, and to pay amounts of assistance previously approved.
The Fifth, Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumad Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Recalling Resolution No. 6/3(IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 19-22 Rabi'ul AwaI,1401 H (25-28 January, 1981), and Resolution No.8/4-P(IS) which was adopted by the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 - 16 Rabi'ul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January, 1984);
Reaffirming its adherence to the objectives and principles stated in the OIC Charter particularly those stressing that disputes arising amongst Member States should be settled through peaceful means and that these States should not resort to the threat or use of force.
Adhering to the principles and provisions of international law regarding respect to sovereignty, territorial integrity5 non-interference in internal affairs and non-occupation of other people's territory by force;
Taking into consideration the resolutions of the UN Security Council, in particular Resolution No.582 (1986), adopted on 24 February, 1986 and Resolution 588 (1986), adopted on 8 October, 1986;
Expressing once again concern over the continuation and escalation of the war between two Islamic States, members of the OIC, the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has led to heavy human and material losses and to occupation of territory, thus posing a serious threat to regional and international peace and security;
Taking note of the report of the Islamic Peace Committee;
1- Expresses its appreciation of the efforts exerted by the Islamic Peace Committee.
2- Reaffirms once again the necessity of putting an immediate end to all military operations, of withdrawing to the internationally recognized boundaries, of comprehensive exchange of prisoners of war shortly after the cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal, and of beginning negotiation to solve the conflict by peaceful means.
3- Reaffirms the implementation of the principles and provisions of international law regarding respect to sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs and the admissibility of occupation of other people's territory by force.
4- Expresses its support of UN Security Council Resolution No. 582(1986) adopted on 24 February 1986 and UN Security Council Resolution No. 588(1986) adopted on 8 October 1986.
5- Expresses satisfaction at Iraq's attitude in accepting the resolutions of the Islamic Conference and those UN Security Council and calls on Iran to declare acceptance of the said resolutions and willingness to stop the war and settle the conflict by peaceful means.
6- Calls upon Member States to work in solidarity to put an end to the War, in accordance with principles and rules of the present resolution.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Bearing in mind the commitment of all States to refrain from the threat of use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of any State, or to act in any manner inconsistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations;
Reaffirming the inalienable rights of all peoples to determine their own form of government and to choose their own economic, political and social systems, without any foreign interference, intervention, concern or constraints of any kind, whatsoever;
Seriously concerned over the continued Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan and the consequent impediments which stand in the way of the Muslim people of Afghanistan to exercise their right to determine their political future according to their free will;
Recalling the principled stand adopted by the Islamic conference, in its resolutions relating to the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan since January, 1980, the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca in Rabiul Thani 1404H (January, 1984) and the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Fez in Rabul Thani 1406H (January, 1986);
Taking.into account also the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at the Sixth Emergency Special Session and its 35th, 36th, 37th 36th, 39th, 40th and 41st Regular Sessions, as well as the decisions adopted by the Ministerial Conference of the Non-aligned countries held in New Delhi in February 1981 ,in Havana in June, 1982, in Luanda in September 1985 and New Delhi in April, 1986 the Seventh and Eighth Summits of the Non-aligned countries held in New Delhi in March; 1983 and Harare in September, 1986 against foreign military intervention in Afghanistan;
Considering further the great sufferings and distress or the valiant Afghan people;
Calling upon all states to respect the sovereignty or Afghanistan, its Islamic identity and its non-aligned character;
Deeply conscious of the urgent need for a solution. to the grave situation prevailing in Afghanistan;
1-Reaffirms its . commitment to implement the relevant resolutions adopted by the Fourth Islamic Summit and previous Islamic Conferences.
2-Reiterate its deep Concern over the continuing Soviet military occupation of Afghanistan,. and once again, resolutely demands the immediate, total and unconditional . withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistan
3-Calls for urgent efforts to ensure respect for the inalienable national rights of the people of Afghanistan to determine their own form or Government and to choose their economic, political and social systems without any foreign interference or coercion.
4-Also calls for increasing efforts to ensure that Afghanistan remains independent and retains . its Islamic and non-aligned character.
5-Expresses its deep concern over the continuous-influx and the sufferings or millions of Afghan. refugees who have sought refuge in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran and whose number continued, to increase.
6-Strongly urges that appropriate conditions be promoted to enable the Afghan refugees to return to their homeland in safety and honor.
7-Renews its. call to all States as well as national and international organizations to extend all sorts of assistance to alleviate the sufferings of Afghan refugees.
8-Expresses.. its gratitude to the States and Organizations which have made generous donations to the Afghan refugees to alleviate their sufferings.
9-Deeply deplores the repeated violations of the air space of Pakistan and bombardment of its territories from the Afghan side and appreciates the restraint expressed by the Government of Pakistan in the face of these provocations
10-Emphasizes the commitment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to assist in resolving this issue which is of concern to the entire Islamic world in accordance with the principles approved by the 010 and the international community.
11-Welcomes the efforts being made to rind a political solution of the Afghanistan problem and expresses its support for the positive steps taken in this regard by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and his Personal Representative through the indirect talks.
12-Expresses its support for the principled and positive approach of Pakistan in these negotiations which has made it possible to register substantial progress towards a just and comprehensive political settlement of the Afghanistan problem.
13-Urges that at the next round of proximity talks, a short time-frame for the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan which is essential for a settlement be presented.
14-Commends the heroic struggle of the people of Afghanistan for the liberation of their homeland from the foreign forces and supports the role of the Afghan Mujahideen Alliance for the restoration of the independent and non-aligned status of Afghanistan and its identity as an Islamic country.
15-Urges that, in recognition of this role, Member States and the OIC should establish closer cooperation with the Afghan Mujahideen Alliance for the realization, of the. objectives of the just struggle of the Afghan people
16-Welcomes the objective of promoting genuine national reconciliation in Afghanistan which reflects the will of the people of Afghanistan and their Islamic character and. traditions and urges the promotion of such reconciliation in conjunction with the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan within a short time-frame.
17-Reiterates to the soviet Union its conviction that the manifestation of its genuine will to achieve an urgent and just solution to the situation in Afghanistan leading to the withdrawal of its forces from this Islamic country will remove a major obstacle in the relations between the Islamic Countries and the Soviet Union.
18-Recommends that the Ministerial Committee, composed of the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Foreign Ministers of Guinea, Iran, Pakistan and Tunisia, continue its efforts to find a political solution for the Afghanistan problem and, in accordance with the foregoing provisions, cooperate with the Secretary-General of the United Nations in his endeavors to evolve a just and peaceful solution of the situation in Afghanistan.
19-Urges those Member States that have not implemented the relevant OIC Resolutions on the situation in Afghanistan to abide by these resolutions.
20-Decides to include this item on the Agenda of the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
21-Requests the Secretary-General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the next Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait from 26-29Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 .January, 1987;
Having considered the item entitled "Support to the Liberation Struggle of the Peoples of Namibia and South Africa", and the report of the Secretary General on the subject, pursuant to Resolution No. 16/16-P of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Proceeding on the basis of the previous of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council on this subject;
Considering that the racist ideology of the South African apartheid regime, its illegal and brutal occupation of Namibia, its exploitation of the natural resources of that country, and its repeated aggression against the. front-line states and neighboring countries are similar to the practices of the Zionist entity in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories;
Reaffirming that the liberation struggle of the peoples of Namibia and South Africa and the struggle against Zionism in Palestine are one and the same battle;.
Taking note of the Paris Declaration adopted in 1981 by the International Conference on Sanctions against South Africa and the Paris> Declaration adopted in 1983 by the International Conference on Support to the Struggle of the People of Namibia;
Endorsing the recommendations of the International Conference on the Immediate Independence of Namibia, held in Vienna on 7-11 July,1986:
Welcoming the firm decisions and measures taken by the extraordinary Meeting of the Coordination Bureau or the Non-Aligned Movement on Namibia, held in. New Delhi from April 19 - 21, 1985 as well as by the 8th Summit of this Movement held at Harare (Zimbabwe) from September 1 - 6, 1986;
Emphasizing the validity of the. decisions taken at the Special ·Session of the United Nations general Assembly on Namibia from 17-20 September, 1986;
1- Solemnly reaffirms the legitimacy and justness of the heroic struggle waged by the Peoples of South Africa and Namibia including armed struggle, to liberate themselves from colonial domination racist oppression, and apartheid;
2- Strongly condemns the minority regime for its heinous racist apartheid policy, which constitutes a veritable crime against humanity and is a real threat to international peace and security, as well as for its continued illegal Occupation of Namibia and its repeated aggression against the front-line States.
3-Also condemns the collusion especially, in the nuclear field, between the South African regime and the Zionist entity aimed at exercising hegemony over the African and Arab peoples and hindering their economic and social development.
4-Strongly condemns the South African regime for its Plundering of national resources, including material resources, in. flagrant violation or Decree No. I, issued by the U.N Crunch fop Namibia.
5-Reiterates its condemnation and rejection of the racist Pretoria regime's insistence on the withdrawal or Cuban troops from Angola as a precondition for the independence of Namibia and expresses satisfaction at the relevant Security Council and U.N General Assembly resolutions, rejecting such a linkage.
6-Appeals to all countries which. have diplomatic relations with South Africa to exert immediate and unrestricted diplomatic pressure and implement real economic sanctions .against the racist South African regime in order to hasten the implementation of the united Nations Plan for the Independence of Namibia in accordance with the Resolution No. 435 of the Security Council.
7-Notes with satisfaction the adoption by the United States Senate of economic sanctions against the Pretoria Regime and extending the scope of sanctions decided upon by certain European countries against this Regime.
8-Notes also with satisfaction the withdrawal of some commercial firms and western banks from South Africa and calls for the continuation of such measures.
9-Declares that the Apartheid policy and minority rule in South Africa are the root causes for the explosive situation prevailing in Southern Africa, and constitute obstacles to peace, security, stability and development in the region.
10-Solemnly declares that the eradication of apartheid, in all its forms and manifestations and the establishment of a majority Government, based on free and full exercise of universal suffrage by the entire adult population in a united and non-fragmented South Africa, constitute the only basis for a just and lasting solution in South Africa
11-Commends the oppressed and militant people of South Africa for their united and resolute opposition to the so-called constitutional proposals and the Bantustan policy aimed at disrupting and liquidating their struggle for a non-racial democratic society, uniting all the people of South Africa, irrespective of race color or faith.
12-.Expresses full solidarity with the Frontline and other neighboring countries for their support to the struggle of the ANC, PAC, SWAPO , and requests Member States to extend all forms of aid to these countries so that they may withstand the repeated aggressions or the racist Pretoria regime, against their peoples, sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and stability.
13-Denounces the establishment of Bantustans, created . by the apartheid regime to consolidate the obnoxious racist policy that impairs the territorial integrity of the country with a view to perpetuating the domination of the white minority.
14-Requests all Governments to reject every form of recognition of these puppet States.
15-Urges the Security Council to impose comprehensive and effective sanctions against South Africa, in conformity with the provisions of Charter VII of the United Nations Charter.
16-Reaffirms that Security Council Resolution 435 (1978) remains the only basis for the accession of Namibia to independence, which has no. linkage with any other issue
17-Calls upon the United Nations Security Council to explore all ways and use all means that are available to it to accelerate the independence or Namibia.
18-Supports the struggle of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) including armed struggle to achieve the national independence of a united Namibia and the struggle of the militant people of South Africa and their national liberation Movements to put an end to the apartheid regime and enable the South African people to exercise their fundamental rights and democratic liberties.
19-Demands that the South African apartheid regime put an immediate end to the ruthless repression and reign of terror let loose against the South African and Namibian populations and to free Unconditionally the political prisoners arbitrarily detained, including Nelson Mandela, the prominent figure of the liberation struggle.
20-Urgently calls upon Member States to increase substantially their support and all forms of assistance to the liberation movements of Namibia and South Africa in this critical phase or their struggle.
21-Expresses support for the decision of the Eighth Non-Aligned Summit to establish the Africa Fund for the people of Southern Africa. who are engaged in the struggle for the elimination of Apartheid, and calls upon Member States to contribute to the Fund.
22-Requests the Secretary General to coordinate with Member .States for .providing assistance and support to the oppressed. peoples of Namibia and South Africa.
23-Decides to establish an OIC Committee on South Africa and Namibia, chaired by the Secretary General This Ministerial Committee is composed of six members, designated by the Secretary General in consultation with Member States, on the basis of geographic distribution.
24-Urges Member States to encourage the opening and establishment in their respective capitals, of representation offices of the Liberation Movements of Namibia and South Africa and to grant them the privileges and immunities needed for the accomplishment of their mission.
25-Expresses its deep appreciation to Member States which have already allowed the opening of said offices.
26-Requests the Secretary General to. communicate this Resolution to the Secretary General of the UN and the Secretary General of the Organization or African Unity.
27-Decides to include in the agenda of the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers the item entitled: "Support to the Liberation Struggle of the Peoples of Namibia and South Africa"
26-Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al Obla, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987
Recalling Resolution No. 11/3-P adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, approving the establishment of an International Islamic Court of Justice;
In harmony with the provisions of the Charter of the Organization or. the Islamic Conference and desirous of establishing a principal judicial organ for settling disputes in accordance with the Islamic Sharia and the general principles of the International Law, with a view to further improving and consolidating the brotherly relations.
Expressing appreciation for the efforts made by the Experts Committee, in collaboration with the General Secretariat, for preparing the final text or the Draft Statute of the Court, as directed by the Islamic Summit Conference;
having studied the explanatory note by the text of the Draft Statute submitted by the General Secretariat;
1-Approves the Draft Statute of the International Islamic Court of Justice, on the basis of voluntary jurisdiction.
2-Also decides to add a fourth paragraph (paragraph D), to Article Three of the OIC Charter, to read as follows:
"The International Islamic Court of Justice, exercising its functions according to its statute annexed to this Charter, which forms a complementary part of the Charter".
3-Invites member States to ratify Article Three of the OIC Charter, as amended, and to deposit instruments of ratification with the General Secretariat.
4-Entrusts the General Secretariat to communicate with Member States for implementing this resolution.
The fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Firmly adhering to the eternal teachings of Islam relating to freedom, justice, peace, brotherhood and equality among all people without any discrimination or race or color;
Desirous of placing man in his proper place according to the Islamic Sharia since Allah honored him and made him vice-regent on earth;
Expressing its appreciation for all the efforts exerted by the Expert Committee, in cooperation with the General Secretariat, to comply with the desire expressed by the Member States for drafting a complete document on the Human Rights in Islam;
Having studied the report of the General Secretariat and the final text of the Draft Document on human Rights in Islam;
1-Decides to refer the Draft Document on the Human!; Rights in Islam to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers for study and approval.
2-Request the General Secretariat to prepare a standard final version of the document, in three official languages of the Conference, with due attention to linguistic requirement and taking into account the comment and views of Member States.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of -Kuwait ;from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula , 1407H corresponding to 26-29 7 January, 1987;
Emphasizing that the African development crisis concerns the entire Islamic Ummah;
Noting with appreciation. the positive response of the international community particularly the Islamic countries, to the critical economic situation in Africa;
Commending the Secretary General of the United Nations for having convened a Special Session of the UN General Assembly in may, 1986 to consider in depth the critical economic situation in Africa;
Expressing full support for the recommendations of the United Nations Program of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990 adopted by the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly;
Deeply concerned that even if the current emergency situation is alleviated, the structural problems will continue to hinder economic development in Africa and might precipitate recurrent crises;
1-Welcomes the efforts of African countries towards their economic recovery and development as set forth in Africa's Priority Program for Economic Recovery 1986-1990 adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity, held at Addis Ababa in July ,1985
2-Calls upon the international community, particularly the developed countries and the concerned international financial agencies, to participate fully and effectively in the Recovery Plan outlined in the document "United Nations Program of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development 1986-1990".
3-Decides to initiate an OIC Plan of Action for channeling, in a concerted and coordinated manner, programs or assistance to Africa from Member States.
4-Further decides that the Plan of Action should focus on assistance in the agricultural field with a view to increasing agricultural production in order to enable. the countries of Africa to achieve food self-sufficiency as soon as possible.
5-Requests the Secretary-General elaborate the Plan of Action in consultation with Member States.
6-Further requests the Secretary General to report to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the progress achieved in the implementation of this resolution.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Recalling Resolution No. 7/3-P(IS) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 10/4-P(IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference;
Recalling also the Resolutions of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the situation in. the African Sahel;
Deeply concerned over the tragic effects of the worst desert encroachment on record during this century, which has drastically reduced agricultural production In the countries of the African Sahel and further aggravated the economic crisis there;
Realizing the grave and widespread socio-economic and cultural repercussions of drought in the affected countries.
Noting that the problems of desertification and drought which have assumed a structural and endemic character, can only be resolved through practical and lasting solutions;
Concerned over the fact that most of the countries of the African Sahel region are unable to withstand and mitigate the negative effects of drought and desertification because of their shrinking resources as a result of inadequate development assistance, high debt servicing rates and falling revenues from commodity exports;
Alarmed by the serious decline in per capita food production in the Sahel region and the growing gap between food production and the food requirements of the population of the region;
Noting that despite the significant progress hitherto achieved in the implementation of the first programs of emergency aid entrusted to the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, these programs have not till now been fully implemented
Expressing gratitude to the Member States which have extended financial and material assistance to the countries of the African Sahel region within the framework of the Islamic Committee for Solidarity with the peoples. of the Sahel on bilateral level and through participation in the activities of international organizations;
Noting that the serious structural problems facing the countries of the Sahel will continue to cripple their economies of these countries unless concerted efforts are exerted by the international community to facilitate socioeconomic rehabilitation and revival in the affected countries through short term and long term plans;
Having examined the detailed report submitted by the Secretary General to the Committee on the various aspects of the situation in the Sahel region;
1-Reaffirms the importance of improving the effectiveness of the emergency assistance programs and the prompt implementation of plans and programs for revitalizing the economies of the drought-stricken countries of the African Sahel, with a view to boosting their development potentialities by strengthening their infrastructures and increasing their food production capacities.
2-Emphasizes the importance of implementing the medium and long term programs decided upon by the Sahel Countries within the frame-work of drought control, particularly those relating to food reserves and agricultural production projects.
3-Further reaffirms the need to attach great importance, at- all levels, to the prompt delivery of food products; to help the recipient countries to develop and strengthen their commercial potential, their Infrastructure and their administrative capabilities as well as their internal. Distribution networks; to simplify and harmonize the formalities of delivery, transport and distribution of food and. Medical aid, and to implement the projects of water resource development and irrigation.
4-Urges Governments of the African Sahel countries facing the phenomenon of desertification, to continue to give priority to the programs of desertification control and inclusion thereof in their national development plans. as well as in the regional cooperation programs, with a view to minimizing further environmental deterioration.
5-Urges Member States to give priority consideration to the critical economic situation in the African countries of the-.Sahel as well as their concrete and continuous support with a view to meeting the medium and long-term needs relevant to the promotion or the economics of the drought-stricken African countries of the Sahel; in this connection, the Conference urges all Member States to contribute generously, each according to its financial means, to the efforts made by the Committee to alleviate the effects of the drought.
6-Also exhorts Member States to provide the Sahel Countries all necessary assistance in order to check the locust which seriously jeopardizes crops in the Sahelian countries
7-Addresses an urgent appeal to donor countries to fully implement the programs of food aid and of emergency assistance to rural development projects.
8-Requests the General Secretariat to cooperate with the Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) and the Islamic development institutions concerned in the light of the Declaration on the Critical Economic Situation in Africa, adopted by the General Assembly in its Resolution No. 29/39 of 3 December, 1984 and in the light of the 1986-1990 priorities program for Economic Recovery endorsed by the Summit Conference of the Organization of African unity (OAU),held from 18 - 20 Ju1y, 1985 in Addis-Ababa and to submit a report on this subject to the Eighth meeting of the Islamic Committee on Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Recalling the resolutions of the previous. Sessions of the Islamic Conference and Particularly Resolution No. 13/16-p, issued by the Sixteenth Islamic Conference or Foreign Ministers;
Referring to resolutions of the UN General Assembly on the Israeli nuclear armament, the last of which was Resolution No. 41/93 of .4 December, 1986:
Referring also to the findings of the UN Experts Committee on the Israeli nuclear armament included in the document N0. .A/37/431 of 1982 and the conclusion of the study made by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, published in document NO A/40/520 of 1985;
Referring also to the UN General Assembly Resolution N0. 39/72 with regard to the relations. between Israel and South Africa, particularly in the nuclear field;
Referring also to the UN General Assembly Resolution NO. 39/54/1984 calling upon all States of the Middle East to agree, inter-alia to subject all their nuclear activities to the safeguards laid down by the International Atomic Energy Agency pending the establishment of a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East as has been called for by these states, and to declare in the meantime their support for the establishment or such a zone and to deposit their statements with the Security Council;
Referring in particular to Resolution No.487 (1981), adopted unanimously by the Security Council calling on Israel to submit its nuclear installations to the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency;
Noting with great concern Israel's persistent refusal to commit itself to non-production or non-acquisition of nuclear weapons, or to subject its nuclear installations to the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency inspite of repeated calls to it to do so by the UN General Assembly, the Security Council, and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Deeply concerned at the persistence of the racist Zionist entity in its feverish policy of nuclear armament, and in carrying out secret and illegal activities for the acquisition of fissionable material and nuclear detonation devices, as revealed in the reports published in 1985 by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and according to U.S. sources and other relevant information made public in October, 1986;
Voicing growing concern over Israel's continued development and acquisition of nuclear armaments;
Reiterating that the possession of nuclear weapons by the racist Zionist entity threatens the security of the Middle East region and Africa and increases the danger of proliferation. of nuclear weapons:
1-Condemns once again the Zionist entity's continued refusal to implement Resolution No.487(1980), of the U.N. General Assembly ant International Atomic Energy Agency, calling on it to subject all of its nuclear installations to the system of safeguards.
2-Strongly condemns, once again. the collusion between Israel and South Africa in the sphere of nuclear armament which poses a threat to the safety and security of Africa and the Middle East in particular, and to international peace and security in general, thereby obstructing the efforts aimed at establishing Nuclear Free Zone in these two regions.
3-Reaffirms the determination of the member States to continue their cooperation at the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other relevant International force to compel ,Israel to abide by the international resolutions, particularly to subject its nuclear installations to International inspection.
4-Strongly condemns all attempts made by certain States to prevent the U.N. General Assembly from continuing its discussion of the Israeli nuclear. armament.
5-Requests the International Atomic Energy Agency all forms of scientific cooperation with Israel contribute to its nuclear. capabilities
6-Requests all states and organizations that have not yet done so to stop their cooperation with and assistance to Israel in the nuclear field.
7-Requests the Secretary General to follow up the Israeli nuclear activities and to update the study on Israeli Nuclear Armament in the light of the information available and to submit a report to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
8-Requests the Secretary General to submit a report on the Implementation of this resolution to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Recalling the relevant resolutions adopted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the issue of the Comoro Island of Mayotte, which affirms especially the unity and territorial integrity of the Comoros as a State composed. of four Islands: Anjoun, Grande Comoro Mayotte and Moheli;
Recalling. the commitments made by France on the eve of referendum on self-determination, of 22 December, 1974 organized in the Comoros consisting in respecting the territorial integrity of this Archipelago, on its accession to independence;
Recalling further that in conformity with the agreements signed on June 15, 1973, between the Comoros and France, the results of the referendum of 22 December, 1974 should be considered as a whole and not Island by Island basis;
Considering that the separation of the Island of Mayotte from other Comorian Islands constitutes a grave violation of the territorial integrity or the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and a serious handicap to the harmonious economic development of this country;
Convinced that a just and lasting solution of the issue of, Mayotte lies in respecting the sovereignty, unity, the territorial, integrity or the Comoros;
Convinced further that an early solution' of the problem is indispensable for the preservation of. peace and security in the, region;
Taking note of the reiterated willingness or the Comorian Government. to .start; as soon as possible, a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government with a view to expediting. the return of the Comorian Island of Mayotte to the Islamic. Republic of the Comoros;
Bearing in mind the decisions of the United Nations Organization, the Organization of African Unity and the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, on this issue;
1-Reaffirms the unity and territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros and its sovereignty on the Comorian Island of Mayotte.
2- Expresses its active solidarity with the Comorian people and supports the Comorian people and Government in their legitimate diplomatic and political efforts for recovering the Island.
3- Calls upon the French Government to fulfil the commitments it made on the eve of the referendum of self-determination of the Archipelago of the Comoros of December 22, 1974, to respect the unity and territorial integrity of the Comoros.
4-Appeals to Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to use collectively and individually their influence with France in order to expedite the negotiations with the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros with a view to rendering effective the return of the Mayotte Island to the Comorian whole.
5-Requests the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic- Conference to contact the French authorities with a view to informing them about the serious concern of the O.I.C over this problem, following up the development of the issue in liaison with the Secretaries General of the OAU and the UNO and submitting a report on it to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Proceeding from the eternal teachings ordained by the Islamic faith as precise and fair standards of relations among all human beings;
Affirming the imperative need of abiding by the principles and lofty values' of the impeccable .Islamic Shria which call for the rejection of all forms of injustice, aggression and crime;
Believing in the value which Allah Almighty has ascribed exclusively to man by placing him above many of His creatures and forbidding the slaying of man unjustly in his saying "Neither Slay anyone whom God hath forbidden you to slay, except with Right";
Committed to the, true teaching of the tolerant Islamic Sharia which forbids causing terror to innocent people. and, aggression on their life. and adopting the principle of personal responsibility tin conformity with the words or Allah: "and the burdened soul shall not bear the burden of another";
Guided by the Charter ,of the Organization of the Islamic Conference which binds Member States to endeavor to strengthen Islamic solidarity and consolidate international peace and security based on right and justice;
Expressing deep concern and alarm at the emergence and aggravation of the phenomenon of international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations in various parts of the world and affirming deep regret over the death of innocent people and the heavy losses in properties in Islamic and other States;
Aware that this phenomenon has caused a deep injury to relations between States and generated sentiments of, suspicion, bitterness and hostility among individuals and peoples;
Strongly denouncing and rejecting biased and false claims and allegations propagated by circles hostile. to Islam and Muslims, which seek to link the phenomenon of terrorism and its. abhorrent escalation to Muslims;
Reiterating unequivocally its absolute faith in the importance of distinguishing unjust and criminal acts of terrorism committed by individuals, groups or States, from legitimate national struggle of peoples against colonization and oppression by foreign occupation of any sort, a. struggle that has been sanctioned by all divine laws human values and international conventions;
Recalling and renewing its complete commitment to all resolutions adopted within the framework of the Organization. of the Islamic Conference,. condemning and rejecting all types and forms of terrorism including hijacking of aircraft, and the United Nations General . Assembly Resolution No. 40/61 on Measures to Prevent International Terrorism.
1-Categorically condemns all acts and forms of criminal international. terrorism as a violation of Islamic teachings, international conventions and human values.
2-Declares the full readiness of the Islamic States to cooperate among themselves and with other members of the international community to eliminate the phenomenon of international terrorism.
3-Rejects and strongly condemns the use by any country of terrorism as an instrument of the foreign policy.
4- Calls upon Members States to fully commit themselves to condemn and refuse to support terrorists directly or indirectly, to shelter or train them in acts of violence and aggression, or to encourage them to carry out such acts.
5- Urges Member States to fully commit themselves not to acquiesce to the demands of terrorists as such demands constitute a blackmail which contradicts the teachings of Islam and is contrary to the interests of States and peoples which require the foiling of terrorist schemes and goals.
6- Calls for following up and supporting the efforts being made within the United Nations to deal with the problem of terrorism.
7-Requests the Secretary General to take appropriate measures to implement this resolution and to report thereon to the Seventeenth meeting of Islamic Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Convinced of the existence of an international consensus on the need to combat all forms or terrorism and to stem its causes and evils which are aimed at innocent individuals and their property and which violates national sovereignty and negates the rights of peoples;
In view of the absence of specific internationally agreed criteria to enable the world community to clearly distinguish. between terrorism and national struggle;
Considering the need for international operation to elaborate a workable formula to effectively combat and check terrorism;
Denouncing the frantic attempts to obliterate the distinctions between terrorism and legitimate struggle of peoples in accordance with the principles of international law and the provisions of the charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations;
1-Supports the idea of convening an international conference sponsored by the United Nations to examine the question of international terrorism and to establish the difference between. terrorism and 'the struggle of peoples for their inalienable national causes and the liberation of their territories.
2-Supports the efforts at the UN within the context of the Ad-hoc Committee on Terrorism, established by Resolution No. 3034 (XXVII) of the UN General Assembly, to combat terrorism.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Having considered the item on the American aggress against the. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
-The Communiqué of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
-The Declaration adopted by the Summit Conference of the Organization of African Unity at its Twenty-second Ordinary Session on the Air and Naval Military Offensive launched by the American Administration against the Jamahinya in April, 1986;
-The Declaration adopted by the Eighth Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries held in Harare;
-The United Nations General t' Assembly Resolution No. 41/33 of 20 November, 1986;
- The statement adopted by the Coordination Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Member States or the Islamic Conference held in New York on 2 October, 1986;
Believing in the common destiny and the mutual solidarity of the. Islamic States on the basis of the principles and. Objectives outlined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Reaffirming thesupport which , the Islamic Conference has always' expressed for Islamic States. exposed to imperialist and Zionist threats;
1-Condemns the American aggression against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jarnahiriya and the residential quarters of its leader, which constitutes a violation of the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law.
2-Considers that any attack against a member State is an attack against all Islamic States.
3-Calls upon the United States to. refrain from such acts of aggression, including maneuvers in the Gulf of Sidra which endanger the sovereignty or the Jamahiriya and international peace and security in the Mediterranean.
4-Calls upon the United States to abide by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 41/38 and to fully compensate the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for its human and material losses.
5-Calls upon all states to refrain from extending any assistance or facilities for committing any acts of aggression against the Jamahiriya
6-Condemns the economic measures imposed by the United States against the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, considering that these measures constitute a form of economic coercion to achieve political objectives and calls upon the United States to immediately revoke such measures.
7-Calls upon Member States to take necessary measures and arrangements to support the Jamahiriya in facing such aggressions and overcoming the economic measures imposed against it by the United States.
8-Reaffirms its solidarity with and support for the Jamahiriya in defending- its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
9-Requests the Secretary-General to follow up the. implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the forthcoming Ministerial Conference.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Reaffirming the principles and the objectives stipulated in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic conference;
Recalling various resolutions adopted by the Islamic conferences, on matters relating to the condition of Muslim Minorities;
Requests the Secretary General recommendations to the Seventeenth Islamic Foreign Ministers for adoption of procedures with international law, whereby the Organization of Islamic Conference could encourage and persuade governments concerned to assure the enjoyment of the religious, cultural, political and economic rights by Muslim Minorities.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Concerned about the fate of. Millions of refugees throughout the world, a great number of. whom belong to the Muslim community and have been compelled to seek asylum in the neighboring Islamic States, and whose situation has increasingly deteriorated to the extent that their physical survival has become a serious concern to the international community;
Conscious of the heavy burden which their presence, often massive, poses to the .host countries including social, economic and political implications;
Reaffirming solidarity of Member States with the countries hosting refugees in. the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and the general principles enshrined . in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic, Conference;.
Noting with concern that relief assistance to the host countries is declining in absolute and relative terms;
Considering that the problem of refugees can only be permanently resolved by creating requisite conditions which would enable them to return to their homes in safety and dignity;
1- Urges Member States to coordinate their action at the international level in order to identify and mitigate the essential causes for the vast flows of refugees into the Islamic and other countries.
2-Further urges Member States to increase their assistance to all Islamic countries which are maintaining large numbers of refugees on their sail, taking particularly into account their economic and social difficulties caused by drought and desertification and other natural disasters.
3- Urges the UNHCR to reverse the recent decline in assistance to these refugees and to make all possible efforts to generate adequate resources to ameliorate the suffering of the refugees in the Islamic Countries.
4- Condemns all forms of coercion against refugees including armed attacks against refugee camps and all pressures exerted on countries sheltering these refugees.
5-Invites the General Secretariat to strengthen cooperation with UNHCR in conformity with resolution No. 41/3 of 24 October, 1986, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly at its 41st Session on of Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Taking into account the Principles of Islamic solidarity set forth in the'' Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling Israel's criminal act in deliberately launching a premeditated armed raid on Iraqi nuclear installations set up for Peaceful purposes and, subject to supervision by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the grave consequences of the aforementioned raid for the existing international system regarding the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and the system of guarantees established by the International Atomic Energy Agency;
Referring to resolution No. 14/16-P of the sixteenth Islamic Conference of foreign Minister;
Viewing with deep Concern Israel's refusal to comply with the UN Security Council resolution No. 487 June l9,1981;
Noting the relevant resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly, the latest of which was Resolution No. 41/12 of October; 1986 as well as the resolutions of the International Atomic Energy Agency;
Gravely disturbed by, Israel's failure to declare unequivocally its acceptance of the internationally recognized norms, defining the concept of. a peaceful nuclear installation and to acknowledge. the effectiveness of the international safeguards system, as a reliable means pertaining to the operation of nuclear installation for peaceful purposes;
Noting with deep concern Israel persistence in its aggressive Policy and threats to repeat 'its aggression against Iraq and other States particularly the statement made by a member of the Israeli Cabinet on 26 March, 1985 (as published in document ,No A/40/283) in which he declared, inter-alia,, that they were ready to attack any nuclear reactor installed by Iraq in the future;
1-Reiterates its condemnation of Israel, for its Persistent refusal to implement the U.N. Security Council Resolution No. 487 (1981) unanimously adopted by the Council on 19 June, 1981.
2-Also reiterates its strong condemnation of Israel for its aggressive policies against; Islamic States aimed at impeding their .scientific end technological development
3-Further reiterates its condemnation of Israel for its armed aggression against the Iraqi Nuclear installations, which are subject to the International Nuclear Energy safeguards and considers the said aggression as directed against the Agency's safeguards system and a violation of the inalienable rights of peoples to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
4-Rejects the Israeli statement of 23 December, 1985 addressed to the 29th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency as being incompatible with the provisions of UN General Assembly resolutions particularly Resolution No. 38/9 and the International Atomic Energy Agency Resolution No. 409 (1983) and No. 425 (1984) which specifically call upon Israel to immediately withdraw its threats to,.. attack and destroy nuclear installations in Iraq or other countries
5-Reaffirms the right of Iraq and all other developing countries to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as part of their development programs.
6-Calls upon Member States to take serious and effective action through active participation in the Conferences of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other international fora so as to ensure the implementation of the relevant resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council,. General Assembly and international Atomic Energy Agency, and to sponsor resolutions which ensure the implementation of such objectives.
7-Reaffirms that any armed attack on any nuclear installations, even if carried out with conventional weapons, has the same consequences as an attack with nuclear weapons because of the, emanation of the dangerous nuclear substances, a fact that may lead to a nuclear war.
8-Calls upon the Security Council to take the necessary measures with a view to making Israel comply with the provisions of the Security Council's Resolution No, 487 adopted unanimously on 19 June, 1981.
9-Considers that Israel's officially declared threat to repeat its armed raid on the nuclear installations in Iraq or in other countries constitutes a permanent' violation of the United Nations Charter, and hence of the' Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
10-Calls upon member States to work for the adoption of international legal steps aimed at prohibiting armed attacks against nuclear installations as a contribution to the promotion and guarantee of the development and safety of nuclear energy for peaceful
11-Condemns all threats of attack against nuclear facilities of developing countries.
12-Urges Member States to exert efforts with a view to persuading the International Atomic Energy Agency to end all technical cooperation with Israel ' in view of Israel's non-implementationof UN resolutions which requested it to place all its nuclear installations under the international Atomic Energy Agency's Safeguards.
13- Reaffirms its absolute rejection of all attempts by some States to delete the item on the armed Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear installations from the UN General Assembly Agenda in view of Israel's noncompliance with the UN Security Council Resolution No 487(1981).
14-Decides to include this subject in the Agenda of the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of' Foreign Ministers.
15-Requests the Secretary General to submit a follow up report on the implementation of this resolution to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference or Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Recalling United Nations General Assembly Resolutions No. 38/77 of 15 December 1983, 39/159 of 17 December 1984 and 40/156 A, B, C of 16 December, 1985, and also the resolutions of the Non-Aligned Movement Summit held in Harare 1-6 Sept. 1986, the Council of Ministers or the Organization of African Unity (OAU), 42nd Session held in Addis Ababa, 10-17 July, 1985 and the Council of Ministers of the League of Arab States held in Tunis, 17-l8 . September 1986 on Antarctica;
Committed to the Islamic concept of universalism and harmony between man and his natural habitat;
Believing in the principle of common. heritage of mankind;
Reaffirming the conviction that Antarctica should for ever be used exclusively for peaceful purposes and that it should not became the scene or object of international discord;
Recognizing the need to guarantee the principles of universalism, Common Heritage of Mankind, peace, harmony and a non-exploitative system in Antarctica;
1-Calls upon Member States to actively involve themselves in all international initiatives which are directed towards the manifestation of the aforesaid principles in relation to Antarctica;
2-Requests Member States to support efforts to establish an Antarctica Treaty which is accountable to the international community and allows for the involvement of the United Nations and other international organizations;
3- Urges Member States to support and participate in the establishment of an equitable non-exclusive and internationally accepted minerals and other resources regime for the benefit of all mankind.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Guided by the noble principles and objectives enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling Resolution No. 12/3-P (IS) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah AI-Mukarramah in 1981;
Recalling Resolution No. 25/14-P of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Dhaka in 1983;
Deeply concerned that the situation in the Horn of Africa remains unchanged in spite of efforts exerted by the Organization at Ministerial and Summit levels;
1- Expresses full support and solidarity with the oppressed Muslim peoples in the horn of Africa
2- Calls for the peaceful solution of the problem of the Horn of Africa in accordance with the Charters of the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference as well as the principles of contemporary international -law. which guarantee to all peoples their inalienable right to self-determination and national. independence
3-Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the developments in the Horn of Africa and submit a report to next Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Guided by the lofty principles of Islam arid the noble objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference calling for the strengthening of the determination of all Muslim peoples with a view to safeguarding their dignity, independence and national rights,
keeping in mind the relevant principles enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations Charter on safeguarding international peace and security and the inadmissibility of aggression and occupation of territory by force;
Recalling the declaration of the Coordination Meeting of Islamic Foreign Ministers held on 2 October 1986, during the 41st Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York;
Having Heard the report of the delegation of the Somali Democratic Republic on this subject;
1-Expresses its full support and solidarity with the Somali Democratic Republic. to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
2-Urges Ethiopia, once again, to withdraw immediately and unconditionally all its forces from the territories of Somali Democratic Republic.
3-Reaffirms the relevant resolutions and decisions of the fourth Islamic Summit Conference and previous Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers.
4- Encourages the on-going contacts and dialogue between Somalia and Ethiopia with a view to finding a just and lasting solution to the conflict in the Horn of Africa.
5- Requests the Secretary General to follow up the developments on this issue and submit a report thereon to the next Session or the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Expressing grave concern at the intensification of military operations in the Republic of Chad;
Realizing that this territorial dispute between Libya and Chad threatens the peace and security of the region;
Strongly reaffirming the commitment of all States to refrain from the threat or use of force against the national Sovereignty of any state, its political independence and territorial integrity, or resort to any practice incompatible with the principles and objectives of the Charter or the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Commending the efforts exerted by the Organization of African Unity to settle this dispute within an African framework;
1-Requests the two parties to the dispute to refrain from any action likely to increase the dangers of the situation.
2- Affirms that the Organization of African Unity is the natural framework far the solution of this' dispute and expresses its full support to this Organization
3-Urges the two sister and neighboring States, Libya and Chad to settle their territorial dispute through peaceful means free from pressures and foreign interventions - in consonance with the principles and objectives of the Charters of the OIC and OAU.
4-Requests the Secretary General. to follow up the implementation of this resolution, in cooperation with the. OAU Secretary General, and report thereon to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers at its next session.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Inspired by the Principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Charter which emphasize the common destiny of Muslim peoples;
Inspired by the principles of the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations Charter and resolutions which reiterates the commitment of all States to the full respect or the Sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of other States;
Recalling the UN resolutions which confirm the right of all peoples to legitimate struggle in defense of their territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence against any foreign intervention, invasion, aggression, or occupation:
1- Strongly condemns the American - British -Israeli campaign against Syria and some Muslim countries to mar their reputation on the international level and jeopardize their legitimate struggle against the American Zionist schemes in the region.
2- Calls upon Member States to increase their cohesion, mutual assistance and cooperation in all fields within the framework of Islamic Solidarity in order to resist by all available means this campaign and the imperialist and Zionist schemes.
3-Requests the Secretary General to follow up the situation and to report thereon to the Seventeenth Islamic conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, The State of Kuwait, from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula, 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Recalling the resolutions urging active support for UNESCO, adopted by the 15th and 16th Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers held in Sanaa, from 25 to 29 Rabie' Al Awwal, 1405H (18-22 December 1984), and in Fez from 25 to 29 Rabie Al Thani, 1406H (6-10 January, 1986) respectively;
Taking into consideration the resolutions in support of UNESCO adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), in its 22nd Ordinary session in Addis Ababa in June, 1986 and the Summit of the Movement of the Non Aligned Countries in Harare in September 1986;
Recognizing the vital role of UNESCO in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, which is compatible with the universal ideals of Islam;
Appreciating the significant achievements of UNESCO with regard to the preservation of Islamic cultural heritage especially its efforts to preserve the historic character of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and the work undertaken for the objective presentation of the Islamic civilization as well as the writing of the history of mankind;
Emphasizing the need for stronger intellectual and cultural interaction and cooperation in the pursuit of justice and peace;
1-Reaffirms solemnly the belief of Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the noble ideals and admirable objectives of UNESCO
2-Expresses its appreciation for the courageous efforts made by the Director General of UNESCO Mr. Ahamadou Mahtar M'Bow to preserve the integrity of the Organization and its universality on the basis of equality between Member States and mutual respect and the recognition of their cultural values and traditions