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26-29 JUMADA AL OULA, 1407H ( 26-29 JANUARY, 1987)
On Information.
Concerning Cultural and Social
On Islamic Solidarity Fund and its
Drug Abuse and Control of
Narcotics: Cooperation among Islamic Countries against use of Drugs and
Protective measures.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al-Oula)1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Emphasizing the need for continued strengthening of Islamic Solidarity with the people of Palestine and for implementing the Information Plan, to serve the principles, interests and the noble objectives of the Islamic Ummah;
Recalling all the Islamic resolutions pertaining to information, in particular, those adopted by the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs;
1- commends the role played by the Chairman and members of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs for strengthening the bonds of cooperation among Member States in that field and for holding the meetings of the Committee on a periodic basis.
2-Decides to hold, during the current year i.e 1407H, the First Conference of the Information Ministers, which the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has kindly accepted to host, in order to consider information affairs, especially with regard to:
(a) the implementation and improving of the Information Plan and appealing to Member States. to provide necessary support and assistance to combat Zionist and foreign propaganda against Islam and Muslims, as well as against the causes of the Muslim Ummah, foremost of which is the cause of Palestine and AI-Quds Al-Sharif, to correct misrepresentations of the Islamic World, and emphasize the Islamic traditions and cultural identity in order to counter the pernicious influence of non-Islamic cultures permeating Islamic societies.
(b) The formulation of an information strategy for the Islamic States, which would highlight their fundamental interests as well as their contemporary economic, cultural, social and scientific problems and reflect a unified Islamic view and lay the foundation for an Islamic Information Order.
3-Decides to form a Committee consisting of the following Member States: Mali, Saudi Arabia, Jordan,Senegal, Egypt, Palestine, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Bangladesh and Tunisia to examine the situation of the International Islamic News Agency and submit its findings to the .Chairman. of the. Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs and the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
4-Expresses appreciation of the efforts of .the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization for the fulfillment of the objectives of Islamic solidarity and the consolidation of the Organization's international position in the field of information and calls upon Member states to support the' Organization's budget and financial resources to enable it implement its program.
The Fifth Islamic Summit. Conference, the Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al-Oula)1407H corresponding to 26-29 January, 1987;
Having reviewed the explanatory notes on Cultural and Social Affairs prepared by the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Endorsing. the recommendations of the second session of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from Safar 17-19, 1406H, corresponding to October 31 to November 2, 1985, under the Chairmanship of His Excellency Mr: Abdou DIOUF, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Committee;
Recalling the various resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conference on matters relating to cultural and social affairs and, in particular; the resolutions adopted by the Fourth Islamic Summit held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, front 13-16 Rabiul Thani 1404H (16-19 January 1984), and the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers held in Sanna, Yemen Arab Republic from 25 to 29 Rabiul Anal, 1405H (18-22 December, 1984) and in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco from 25 to 29 Rabiul Thani, 1406H (6-10 January, 1986) respectively;
Noting with satisfaction that the Member States are employing their resources to promote an awareness of the cultural values of Islam and have launched campaigns for Islamic education in conformity with Islamic heritage and tradition of their
Appreciating the activities of the existing institutions and the efforts being exerted to realize those institutions that are in the process of establishment in Member States within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to promote cultural growth and facilitate cooperation among Member States;
Expressing its concern over the principal difficulties being faced by the various OIC cultural institutions and centers that are
endeavoring to promote the renaissance of the Islamic thought and to consolidate the spiritual and moral values of Islam;
1-Islamic Universities:
Notes with appreciation the progress achieved by the various Islamic Universities in spite of financial' constraints;
(a) Islamic University in Niger
Taking note of the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs concerning the Islamic: University in Niger;
1- Expresses satisfaction at the recent opening the first faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language of the Islamic University in Niger.
2-Expresses appreciation and gratitude to Member States, Islamic institutions and personalities that have extended assistance to the Niger University Project.
3-Urges Member States, the Islamic Solidarity FUND the Islamic Development Bank, Rabita Al-Alam A1-Islami and other Islamic institutions to extend support and financial assistance required for the consolidation and completion of the remaining phases of this important institution.
4-Requests the General Secretariat, in collaboration with Member States, the Islamic
Solidarity Fund, the Islamic Development Bank, and other Islamic Cultural Institutions to undertake the necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the regular and optimal functioning. of the Islamic University in Niger.
(b) Islamic University in Uganda
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second of the Standing Committee on Information and cultural Affairs;
Recalling the various resolutions, adopted by the Islamic Summits and. .Ministers Conferences, particularly Resolution No. 2/16-C of the Sixteenth Islamic conference of Foreign Ministers on the Islamic University project in Uganda:
having taken note or the fact that as a result of recent contacts between the General Secretariat and the Government of Uganda, agreement has been reached on various issues relating to the University and the release of the. frozen amount of the University Fund:
Noting. with appreciation the determination of the Republic of Uganda to complete this project at an -early date;
1-Requests the General Secretariat - and the Government or Uganda to commence work for the completion of the initial phase of the project of Islamic University in Uganda within the available amount of US$ 6.646 million.
2-Urges Member States, ISF, IDB and other specialized bodies and institutions of the OIC to extend technical and financial assistance to. this project so that Phase I of the University, consisting of the Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language and the Fatuity of Medicine may be completed.
3-Expresses the hope that all obstacles impeding the beginning of the implementation or the first phase of the University project will be overcome and teaching will be-initiated at .the University at the earliest.
(c) The International Islamic University in Malaysia
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs on the International Islamic University in Malaysia;
Recalling the resolutions adopted by the fourth Summit Conference and Fifth Conferences of Foreign Ministers;
1-Express appreciation to the Member States which have extended moral and material ass i stance to the University
2-Requests the General Secretariat, the OIC organs and Member States to further contribute to the progress and development of the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
3-Urges all Member States and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to extend material support to the University Endowment Fund in order to:
a) sustain its operational capacity;
b) provide for its future development and enable the University to become fully operational
4-Also urges Member States, which have not yet concluded Agreements or the Co-sponsorship of the University within the context of their bilateral cooperation with Malaysia, to do so at an early date.
5- Appeals to Member States, the ISF and the OIC agencies to grant scholarships to the students of this University to enable them to complete their studies.
(d) The Islamic University in Bangladesh
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second session of the Standing Committee on Information. and Cultural Affairs;
Recalling Resolution No. 4/16-C of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Islamic University in Bangladesh;
Taking note of the progress so far achieved in the works pertaining to the establishment of the University;
1- Requests the Islamic, Solidarity Fund, other specialized ,OIC institutions and agencies and 'Member States to Provide the Government of Bangladesh with adequate material and technical assistance so that the project may be completed in the shortest possible time.
2- Requests the General Secretariat to pursue its contacts with the Peoples, Republic of Bangladesh with a view to following-up the implementation of the project;
3- Entrusts the General Secretariat to seek technical aid from Arab and Islamic universities in the Provision of professors, books and scholarships.
4- Expresses appreciation and gratitude to those Member States and Islamic institutions which. have extended assistance to the university project.
II- Islamic Cultural Institutes and Centers
(e) King Faisal Mosque and its educational and cultural institutions in N'djamena
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs;
Recalling Resolution No. 11/16-C of the sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the King Faisal Mosque and its Educational and Social Bodies in N'djamena, Republic of Chad;
having considered the report submitted by the General Secretariat on the subject;
1-Recommends that in view of the pressing need of the population for the educational and social services being provided by this Islamic institution, the King Faisal Mosque be considered as one of the Islamic educational institutions that require special attention on the part of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
2-Calls upon Member States and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to raise the amount for the restoration and equipping of the Mosque and its annexes
3- Requests Member States to contribute to this institution by providing teachers and granting scholarships to the graduates of this Institution to enable them to pursue higher
(f) The Regional Institute of Islamic Studies and Research in Timbuktu, Mali
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session of the. Standing. Committee of Information and Cultural Affairs
Recalling the previous resolutions adopted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, particularly Resolution No. 7/16-C of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Regional Institute of Islamic Studies and Research in Timbuktu Mali;
Having considered the report of the General Secretariat on the Second Session of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs;
1-Appeals to Member States and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to continue to provide material support to the Regional Institute of Islamic Studies and Research in Timbuktu so that it may discharge the tasks assigned to it.
2-Requests Member. States, which have facilities for training in the fields of manuscript classification and restoration to extend scholarships to the Institute
3-Requests the Islamic Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture to pay greater attention to the. Institute and to extend technical assistance to its staff so as to facilitate the utilization of the wealth of Islamic manuscripts in its possession.
(g) The Regional Institute for Complementary Education (RICE) in Pakistan.
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs;
Recalling the various resolutions of the Islamic Conference and particularly Resolution No. 6/16-C adopted by the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the teaching of Arabic language and spreading of Islamic culture.
Taking into consideration that the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Ministers had approved the report of the project concerning establishment of the Regional Institute for Complementary Education in Pakistan;
Further taking into consideration that the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, on the recommendations of the Standing. Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, had reaffirmed the importance of the establishment of this Institute in propagating Islamic culture;
1- Reaffirms its previous Resolution on the early establishment or the Regional Institute for Complementary Education(RICE) in Pakistan, and to the promotion and dissemination or the Arabic language and Islamic culture in non-Arabic speaking countries Asia.
2- Expresses its appreciation for the efforts made by the Government of Pakistan for the establishment of this Institute.
3- Approve the nominations made by the Secretary General of the OIC for an interim Board of Directors of the Regional Institute for Complementary Education, composed of Ambassadors in Pakistan of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Egypt, Malaysia, the Vice-Chancellor of Allama Iqbal Open University; the Secretary General of World Federation of Arab Islamic International Schools, the Project Director of RICE, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan and the Secretary General of the OIC or his representative to serve as a policy making and supervising body, to oversee the implementation of the initial phases of the project.
4- Urges Member States, the Islamic Solidarity Fund Islamic Development Bank and the World Federation of International Arab Islamic Schools to contribute generously towards this project.
5- Directs the General Secretariat to actively follow up the implementation of this project and submit a report thereon to the Seventeenth Islamic conference of Foreign Ministers.
(h) The Islamic Center in Guinea-Bissau
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session. . of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs;
Recalling Resolution No. 9/16-C adopted by the Sixteenth. Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Islamic Center in Guinea-Bissau;
Taking note of the .contacts between the Government of the Republic . of Guinea-Bissau and the General Secretariat . concerning the . revision of the project's implementation programs:
1-Requests the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the General Secretariat to continue their coordination with. a view to speeding up their implementation of the project taking into consideration the priority accorded to the. construction of two mosques
2-Requests the Islamic Solidarity Fund to continue its support to the Center and calls upon Member States to extend moral, technical and material assistance to the Center.
3-Also requests the Government of the. Republic of Guinea Bissau to provide the General Secretariat the technical studies relating to the project at an early date.
4-Expresses its sincere thanks and deep appreciation to Member States, ISF and Islamic institutions which have extended financial assistance to the Center.
(i) Islamic Cultural Center in Moroni, Islamic Republic of Comoros
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs;
Recalling Resolution No. 17/4-C of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference on the establishment of an Islamic Cultural Center in Moroni, Islamic federal Republic Comoros. and. Resolutions No. 15/15-C and 10/16-C by the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers respectively;
Bearing in mind the need of Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros the Muslims in. the for such a Center;
1-Request the General Secretariat to continue its coordination with the Government or the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros with a view to overcoming the difficulties hindering the establishment of the Islamic Cultural Center in Moroni
2-Urges the Government of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros to prepare a working plan for the execution of the Project and provide it to the General Secretariat.
3-Calls upon Member States and the Islamic Solidarity Fund and Islamic Development Bank to extend all possible assistance to this project
4-Expresses its sincere appreciation and thanks to Member States and Islamic institutions which have extended financial assistance to the Center.
(j) Muslim Women's Organization
Taking note of the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conference and the Recommendations of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs;
Conscious of the growing determination among the Muslims all over the world to bring about Islamic revival and to create societies which are based on the Islamic principles of peace, justice and equality for all human beings;
Convinced that these lofty objectives can be achieved only with the full participation or Muslim women who constitute half of the Islamic Ummah;
Noting with appreciation the proposal submitted by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the establishment of an International Islamic Women's Organization;
1-Reaffirms Resolution No. l4/l6-C on the establishment of the Muslim women's Organization. adopted by the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers. which required that the study of the possibility or establishing the Muslim Women's Organization as an affiliated organ of the OIC be continued.
2-Requests the General Secretariat to submit a progress report on the study concerning the possibility of establishing the Muslim Women's Organization to the Seventeenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
III The OIC Cultural and Social Institutions:
(k) Research Center for Islamic
History, Art and Culture - Istanbul
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural. Affairs;
Recalling Resolution No. 4/4-C(IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 19/16-C of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture in Istanbul;
Having considered the report of the Center on its activities and future plans ;
1-Approves the report submitted by the Center including the work program for the year 1986-1987
2- Expresses its gratitude to the Government of Turkey for the allocation of; Yaveran building to the- Center -and the support given during its restoration, by the Turkish government, as well as the institutions and philanthropists who- made the restoration possible with their voluntary contributions.
3-Calls upon the Member States institutions and philanthropists from the Muslim world to continue to support the Center in furnishing and equipping the newly restored building according to the needs and requirements of the Center
4- Expresses its appreciation for the efforts of the center as represented by its successful achievements and work
5- Requests Member States to pay their contributions regularly in order to carry out its work program in a more effective manner.
(l)The International Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Cultural Heritage
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and' Cultural Affairs;
Recalling previous resolutions of the Organization or the Islamic Conference, particularly Resolution No. 5/4-C(IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 20/l6-C, adopted by the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the International Commission for the Preservation of the Islamic Cultural Heritage;
Having noted the report of the Third Session of the Commission presented by the representative of the Chairman of the Commission;
1-Approves the recommendations contained in the report of -the Third Session of the International Commission for Preservation of Islamic Cultural Heritage
2-Calls upon Member States to provide the Commission with information and documents available to them in the area or Islamic Cultural Heritage
3- Notes with appreciation the steps taken by the International Commission for the preservation of the Islamic Cultural Heritage and expresses its thanks to HRH prince Faisal Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Chairman of the Commission, for his able guidance and support to the Commission. since its inception.
4-Expresses its sincere gratitude to the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz for supporting the Commission by graciously instituting an award in the field of Islamic architecture.
5-Calls upon the International Commission to continue coordinating its activities with the programs of Member States for the preservation of the Islamic heritage with a view to combining Islamic efforts in this field.
6- Appeals to Member States to settle the arrears of their contribution to the budget of the Commission.
(m)The Islamic Committee of the International Crescent
Taking note of the recommendations of the Second of the Standing Committee on Information and Affairs;
Recalling the relevant resolutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, particularly the Resolution No. 7/4-C(IS) of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 2l/l6-C of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent;
having considered the report of the Chairman of the International Crescent on the Islamic Committee various activities of the Committee and the report of its Fifth Session, held in Bamako, Mali, from 19-21 August, 1986;
Appreciating the important role which the Committee can play in the humanitarian and relief field;
1-Appeals to all Member States which have not yet signed the Agreement of the Islamic Committee of -the international - Crescent to do so at an Early date so that the Committee may start its functions and accomplish its noble aims
2-Invites all Member States to support the efforts of the Committee during its formative phase and to provide it with moral and material support
3-Expresses its sincere thanks to the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah for the material support it has extended and the administrative and logistic facilities it continues to extend to the Committee during its formative stage.
(n)The Islamic Fiqh Academy
Emphasizing the objectives of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, aimed at unifying Islamic Ummah in theory and practice at the individual collective and international-levels, in accordance with the rules of Islamic Sharia, and at strengthening the Muslims' adherence to their' Faith as well as encouraging; them to -make thorough and fundamental study of the contemporary problems of life with a view to the finding solutions based on Islamic Sharia;
Supporting the General Plan of Action adopted by the Academy's Council at its First Conference, held in Ma.kkah Al;,Mukarrarnah, as the -basis for the Academy's work for the achievement of its objectives;
Noting the important resolutions adopted by the Academy at its Second Conference held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and at its third Conference held in the hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;
Expressing satisfaction at the interest shown by the Academy in issues relevant to the contemporary life of Muslims and .its high level academic achievements;
1- Urges Member States to support the Academy with a view to enabling it to fulfil its functions in the best possible manner.
2- Calls for continuing coordination between the Academy and Islamic academic institutions in Member States, so as to ensure the usefulness and: effectiveness of the Academy's .work, ,and to enable' it to reach the level required to, make the Academy a source of reference and authority for the whole of Islamic World. It should help Muslim Societies in finding the means of solving their problems and in providing support for development in the light of Islamic Sharia.
3-Requests the Academy to express its views as regards the - destructive creeds that are in contradiction with the teachings of the Holy quran and the pure Sunna of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him)
4-Also requests the Academy to intensify its efforts to simplify Islamic Fiqh so as to make it easily understood to all Muslims, thus enabling them to practice their religion and apply its noble teachings
(o) Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (I.S.E.S.C.O.)
Taking into consideration the progress report submitted by ISESCO on the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the programs of ISESCO's three year Plan of Action (1985-1988);
Recognizing the important role assumed by ISESCO in the educational scientific and cultural fields throughout the Islamic World;
Proceeding from the resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences and the recommendations of the Second Session of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs with respect to ISESCO;
1-Commends the Significant accomplishments of the implementation of the resolution No. 22/16-C of the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the programs of ISESCO's three-year Plan of Action in the educational, scientific and cultural fields, and urges ISESCO, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and Member States to continue to intensify their attention to traditional Mauritania schools.
2-Urges the Member States that have not yet signed the Charter of ISESCO to do so at an early date thereby giving concrete form Islamic solidarity and support to educational, scientific and cultural work in the Islamic World.
3-Appeals to the Member States of ISESCO that have not paid their Contributions to the budget of ISESCO to hasten to discharge such obligations in order to enable ISESCO to implement its programs and play its role in the best Possible way.
4-Encourages - ISESCO to join the governing bodies or Boards of Trustees of all Islamic Universities established by the OIC and to extend moral and technical assistance to these institutions.
The Fifth Islamic - Summit Conference, Session of Islamic Solidarity held in Kuwait, the State of Kuwait. from 26~L9 Jumada Al-Oula 1407H corresponding to 26-29 January 1987;
Recalling Resolution 6/2-C(IS) of the Second Islamic Summit Conference, held in Lahore Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in 1394 (1974) concerning. the establishment of the Islamic Solidarity Fund;
Recalling also Resolution 1/3-C(IS) adopted by the third Islamic Summit Conference, held in Makkah Al Mukarramah, Kingdoim of Saudi Arabia, in 1401H (1981) which urged all Member States to provide the necessary support to the budgets of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and to contribute toward the paid up capital of the ISF WAQF amounting to 100 million dollars, so as to secure a fixed income that will enable the Fund to achieve the, goal of self-financing of its annual budgets, and to continue to perform its noble task;
Recalling further Resolution No. 19/4-C (IS) adopted by the fourth Islamic Summit Conference, held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, in 1404H (1984), which requested Member States to pledge annual voluntary contributions to the Fund in accordance with their material means, and also to augment their contributions to the capital of the Fund's WAQF;
Taking note of the contents of the Explanatory Note on the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its WAQF, which highlighted the critical financial situation of the Fund, and having considered. in particular. the difficulties and obstacles which face the Fund in financing its budget and implementing its programs over the past two years i.e. 1985-1986 and 1986-87 as a result of its depleted resources, that led the Fund to discontinue a -large number of its activities;
Noting with appreciation the achievements of the Islamic Solidarity Fund over the past twelve years and mindful of the need to develop the financial resources and potentialities of the Fund so that it may have an effective impact on the civilizational fabric of Muslim communities;
Expressing satisfaction at the steps taken to set up the ISF WAQF, and emphasizes the need to improve its financial condition;
1- Reiterates the importance of the functions and objectives of the Islamic Solidarity Fund which aim at strengthening the solidarity of the Muslim Ummah by contributing to religious, cultural, scientific and social projects and programs, whether in Member States or in the interest of Muslim communities and minorities elsewhere.
2- Calls on Member States to make contributions to the WAQF of the Islamic solidarity Fund, each according to its means so as to pay up- the. WAQF Capital
3- Calls on Member States which have already pledged their contributions the to the capital of the WAQF to kindly make these contributions available so as to enable the Permanent Council to start investing; the funds of the WAQF
4- Request- the ISF Permanent Council to organize, in cooperation with the General Secretariat and the Board of Trustees of the Waqf periodic visits to Islamic countries with a view to explaining the noble objectives of the Waqf and to intensify efforts aimed at urging Islamic bodies and institutions as well as Muslim personalities and individuals, to make contributions and donations to the capital of the ISF Waqf.
5- Calls upon Member States to pledge, in accordance with the first operative para of resolution 19/4-C(IS) of the fourth Islamic Summit Conference to make annual voluntary contributions to the budget of the Fund so as to achieve the Principle of collective participation and effective Islamic Solidarity.
6- Requests the general Secretariat and the Permanent Council of the Fund to contact Member States to find out the amount of their contributions so that the Executive Bureau of the Fund may prepare and implement its annual budget accordingly.
7- Reaffirms operative Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Resolution l/3-C(IS.) adopted by third Islamic Summit Conference on launching of the Fund-raising campaigns in favor of the Fund or its WAQF once a year, during the Blessed month of Ramadan as it. Is the month of Islamic Solidarity and requests each Member State to designate its competent authority which will be responsible for coordination with the Permanent Council and the Executive Bureau of the Fund, in order to work out arrangements for the fund-raising
campaign urge financial, commercial and industrial institutions as well as individuals to donate to the Fund, as well as to devise other means whereby to raise additional. financial resources for the Fund such as the issuance of postal stamps and the holding of sports competitions and charity fairs.
8- Requests the President of the Permanent Council and the Chairman of the Waqf Board of Trustees in cooperation and coordination with the representative of the Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, to make the necessary contacts with the President of the Islamic Development Bank, its Board of Governors and its Executive Directors with a view to determining the ways.. and means to promote cooperation between the. Islamic -Development Sank and the Islamic Solidarity Fund in the fields- of common activities, particularly the following:
a) the possibility for the Islamic Development Bank, to allocate an annual Contribution to the budget of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, from the account of Special Operations of the Assistance Fund.
b) the preparation by the Bank of studies and supply of technical expertise and equipment for some Islamic projects whose Implementation is supervised by the Fund.
c) the possibility of contribution by the Islamic Development Bank to the financing of some important cultural and social Projects which could be jointly sponsored by the Fund and the Bank
9-Request the competent quarters in Member States (Ministries of Information, Awqaf and -Islamic or Religious Affairs) to facilitate the Publication of articles and the Production of audio-visual Programs on the achievements of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its -Waqf, and disseminate free of charge, such publicity material as may be proposed by the ISF Permanent Council within the framework of its information campaign aimed at urging individuals and institutions of the Muslim Ummah to make donations to the Fund and its Waqf.
10-Requests the Permanent Council to cooperate with Islamic organizations and institutions in the Member States to promote an awareness of the objectives and activities of the Fund and disseminate such information On the widest scale possible on Islamic Occasions to enable it to pursue its noble human role.
11-Requests the Permanent Council to submit an annual report to the Chairmanship of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference on the implementation of the present resolution.
The Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, Session of Islamic Solidarity, held in Kuwait thc State of Kuwait from 26-29 Jumada Al Oula 1407H, corresponding to 26-29 January
Recalling Resolution No. 30/l5-E and Resolution No.12/l6-E of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers respective]y on Drug Abuse and Narcotics Control;
Convinced that drug abuse, besides posing serious health problems for its users, has dangerous implications to societies and states;
Noting with satisfaction the encouraging response by the Member States for the implementation or these Resolutions in order to completely eliminate the illegal use of drugs and narcotics in Islamic
Noting with deep concern the increase in drug abuse and illegal use of narcotics in the' world;
Recognizing the paramount need on the part of Member States to exert a systematic and coordinated effort in order to eradicate the production and smuggling of narcotics in Islamic States, and to cooperate with the I international organizations in their efforts in this regard;
1-Urges the Member States to take effective action to combat the multi-dimensional aspects of narcotic drugs problem including illicit production, processing trafficking and growing drug abuse.
2-Calls upon the Member States to extend their efforts and increase cooperation among themselves and with the international community in combating the illicit production, consumption and trafficking of narcotics.
3- Also calls upon the Member States to actively participate in the International Conference on drugs and Illegal Trafficking to be held in Vienna in 1987.
4-Requests the General Secretariat to contact Member States of the OIC to arrange the holding of meeting of experts on narcotics and to examine the Possibility of cooperation among Member States in this field.
5-Further requests the General Secretariat to follow up the implementation or this resolution and to submit progress reports to the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.