19-22 RABI AL-AWAL 1401 H. 25-28 JANUARY 1981


We the Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
Assembled at the Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) held in Mecca Al Mukarramah from 19 to 22 Rabi Al Awal 1401 H, corresponding to 25-28 January 1981;
Bow in gratitude to Allah, the Almighty, who has, in His Infinite Grace, enabled us to congregate in this Sacred City, in the vicinity of the Holy Ka'bah, venue of Divine Revelation and the Qibla of all Muslims, at the dawn of the new Hijra Century in an assembly which we consider to be a momentous event in the history of the Islamic Ummah and the beginning of an all-embracing Islamic resurgence, demanding of all Muslims to pause and take stock of their past, evaluate their present, and look forward with confidence to a better future in a spirit of Islamic solidarity in order to restore the unity of their ranks, work for their prosperity and advancement, and achieve, once again, an exalted position in the world community and human civilization.
Strict adherence to Islam and Islamic principles and values, as a way of life, constitutes the highest protection for Muslims against the dangers, which confront them. Islam is the only path, which can lead them to strength, dignity and prosperity and a better future. It is the pledge and guarantee of the authenticity of the Ummah safeguarding from the tyrannical on rush of materialism. It is the powerful stimulant for both leaders and peoples in their struggle to liberate their holy places and to regain their rightful place in this world so that they may, in conceit with other nations, strive for the establishment of equality, peace and prosperity for the whole of mankind.
The belief of all Muslims in the eternal principles of liberty, justice, human dignity, fraternity, tolerance and compassion and their constant struggle against injustice and aggression reinforces their determination to establish just peace, and harmony among peoples, to ensure respect for human rights, and to work for the strengthening of international organizations based on humanitarian principles and peaceful co-existence among nations. Thus a new age would dawn wherein relations between nations would be governed by principles and not by force, and wherein all forms of oppression, exploitation, domination, injustice, colonialism and neo-colonialism, as well as all kinds of discrimination on grounds of race, colour, creed or sex would be banished forever from this earth.
We declare that only firm adherence to our faith will enable us to retain the strength of our social structures and help our communities to avoid succumbing to the disunity and degradation of the past when many Muslim homelands, particularly Al Quds Al Sharif - the first Qibla and the third holiest shrine of the world of Islam fell prey to foreign domination. History is replete with instances where Muslim communities have fallen victim to injustice and aggression; their intellectual achievements eroded; their share of their own material resources diminished. Indeed the dawn of the century saw the Muslim world confronting dangers and challenges to its independence, security, honour and dignity.
We are saddened to note that despite alt its material scientific and technological achievements, mankind today suffers from poverty of the spirit, from moral and ethical decay, and societies are marred by inequities, economies are crippled by severe crises, and international political order is in constant danger of destabilization.
The forces of evils are now on the march, multiplying the hotbeds of war, sowing the seeds of dissentions, threatening the security of the world, man's peace of mind, and jeopardizing human civilization,
We consider that the innate qualities of the Muslim Ummah point the way to unity and solidarity, to progress and advancement, to prosperity and power. It possesses the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him), in them can be found a complete way of life leading us, guiding us along the path of goodness, righteousness, and salvation. This is our cultural heritage. It enables us to break the shackles of subservience and mobilize in us the spiritual strength to utilize to the fullest extent our inherent capabilities. It is our sheet anchor for a righteous life.
It is our conviction that the Ummah of 1000 million people, composed of various races, spread over vast areas of the globe and possessing enormous resources, fortified by its spiritual power and utilizing to the full its human and material potential, can achieve an outstanding position in the world and ensure for itself the means of prosperity in order to bring about a better equilibrium for the benefit of all mankind.
We meet today in this August assembly and in this Serene City on this momentous juncture in the annals of Islam, determined to reinforce our solidarity and set in motion the process of our renaissance. To this end, we make the following solemn declaration:
1. All Muslims, differing though they may be, in their language, color, domicile or other conditions, form but one nation, bound together by their common faith, moving in a single direction, drawing on one common faith, cultural heritage, assuming one mission throughout the world. Thus, they stand as a nation of moderation, rejecting alignment to any and all blocs and ideologies, steadfastly refusing to surrender to divisive influences or to conflicts of interests.
We are, therefore, determined to move forward to reinforce our solidarity, to overcome rifts and divisions and to settle in a peaceful manner all disputes that may arise amongst us on the basis of covenants and the principles of brotherhood, unity and inter-dependence and on our belief in the justice and compassion derived from the Holy Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet, which constitute for us the eternal source of justice.
In fulfillment of the aspirations of our peoples, we shall intensify consultations, amongst ourselves and complement and coordinate our endeavors in the international field in order to better defend our common causes and thus to enhance our prestige and position in the world.
We are equally determined to engage in Jihad with all the means at our disposal to liberate our occupied territories, to support one another in defending our independence and territorial integrity, in vindicating our rights and in eliminating the injustice wreaked on our nation, depending on our own strength and firm solidarity.
2. Conscious that Muslims today are victims of innumerable injustices and are faced with multiple dangers due to the reign of force and aggression and the politics of violence in international behavior;
Conscious also of the fact that Islam enjoins justice and equity both for its followers and others and it also enjoins tolerance and magnanimity towards those who do not combat us, do not force us to leave our homes, do not violate our sacred values and who never take the side of wrong doing, injustice or oppression;
We reaffirm our unflinching resolve to combat the Zionist usurpation by force of arms of Palestinian lands and other Arab territories and to frustrate all Zionist designs and actions in this regard. We condemn and reject the policies of those who assist this aggression by giving the Zionist entity political, economic, demographic and military support. We equally reject all initiatives that are not consistent with the Palestinian choice which calls for a just solution of the Palestinian question based on the realization of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people including their right to return to their homeland, their right to self-determination including the right to establish an independent Palestinian State in their homeland under the leadership of Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. We also reject all attempts to exert pressure on us or on other countries of the world to accept a fait accompli and to surrender to unjust solutions. We affirm our resolve to confront this aggression and pressure with all the means at our disposal to prepare ourselves for Jihad in order to liberate the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and the holy places and to recover the incontrovertible rights of the Palestinian people as recognized by International Law and the UN. Resolutions relating to the question of Palestine.
The violations committed against the Haram of Al Quds Al Sharif, the aggression perpetrated against the people of Palestine and their established national and religious rights, and the continuation of aggression through the annexation of Al Quds Al Sharif leave us no choice but to firmly stand up to this aggression and to denounce its supporter. We therefore pledge to wage jihad with all the means at our disposal for the liberation of Al Quds and the occupied territories. We shall make this liberation struggle the prime Islamic cause of this generation until God willing Al Quds Al Sharif and all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories are restored to their legitimate owners.
Faced with the open invasion of the territory of Afghanistan, a Sovereign Muslim State and the violation of the right of Afghan people to freedom and self-determination and their right to preserve their Islamic identity, we are determined to continue to support the struggle of the people of Afghanistan and to feel deeply concerned over the situation created by the foreign military intervention in Afghanistan.
We reaffirm our determination to seek a political solution of this crisis, on the basis of an immediate and complete withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan, respect for political independence and territorial integrity, as well as the non-aligned nature of Afghanistan. and respect for the inalienable rights of the heroic Afghan people to self determination without any foreign intervention or pressure.
We declare our full solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, who are engaged in a Jihad to attain their freedom and independence.
3. Taking note of the present state of international relations, which are characterized by the evils of bigotry and racism, dominated by the rule of force and the arms race, by greed and injustice, colonialism and exploitation of weak nations, factors which threaten our civilization and disturb social and material equilibrium of the world; desirous of seeing that the forces of good throughout the world establish the human values of fraternity, humility and justice; we call upon alt states and peoples of the world to re-build it anew, through sincere and concerted efforts, so that peace may prevail and conflicts and wars may be avoided. We call for the disputes to be settled peacefully, and for relations to be conducted constructively, for man's capacities to be harnessed in the service of humanity, instead of being wasted in a race for the acquisition of armaments and of weapons of death and destruction. Should this come to pass, justice would prevail and human relations would be established on the basis of equality and fraternity, benevolence and compassion, and not on the basis of discrimination and injustice, Thus, would the oppressed peoples of the earth be liberated; thus would they avoid the mischief of war-mongers; thus would mankind be blessed with peace, and basic human rights be once again triumphant.
We express our deep concern over the increasing rivalry between the Superpowers, their competition for spheres of influence and their increasing endeavors to intensify their military presence in the areas near and adjacent to the states of the Islamic world, such as the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and the Gulf.
We affirm our common conviction that the peace and stability of the Gulf and the Security of its Sea-lanes, is the exclusive responsibility of the Gulf States without any foreign interference.
The persecution of Muslim minorities and communities in many parts of the world constitutes a violation of human rights and is contrary to the dignity of man. We call upon all countries which have Muslim minorities to enable them to perform their religious rites in full freedom and to extend to them equal rights as citizens protected by the State in accordance with the sanctity of law,
We resolutely support and call others to support, the United Nations' Organization and all other inter-Governmental institutions, which provide a suitable framework for cooperation, an important platform for dialogue and understanding, and an instrument for settling disputes and resolving crises. We strongly denounce any tendency to impose tutelage on and obstruct the activity of the UN. We condemn Israel and the States, which systematically violate the principles of the UN. Charter. We confirm our loyalty to the principles and aims of non-alignment and support the League of Arab States and the Organization of African Unity, and our full solidarity with the countries of the Third World.
4. Convinced of the need of our people to adhere strictly to their faith and to rely on their heritage in the building up of a society committed to faith, justice and morality, we confirm our determination to be guided by the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet in shaping our lives and our societies and in strengthening our relations with peoples and countries of the world. In this, we proceed from the belief that this is the best guarantee for the triumph of truth and virtue and for the establishment of justice and peace it is also the surest path to dignity, prosperity and security for the Islamic Ummah.
We reiterate our desire to establish the practice of "Shura" (consultation) among all Muslims, to normalize this principle in all walks of life, in order that the doing of good deeds may be promoted and wrongdoing eliminated. Thus would solidarity be implanted in the collective conscience and people would participate in the running of their affairs putting an end to dissension and discord. We shall make every effort to facilitate contacts between individual Muslims and between specialized institutions in order to provide opportunities for continuous consultation. Inspired by the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, which are a basic source of guidance, in this regard we affirm our determination to protect human rights and dignity. We like-wise affirm our determination to ensure the rights, freedoms and basic needs of mankind.
We shall endeavor, to this end, to establish the basis and the means for the protection of rights and sacred values, for the removal of injustices for the triumph of all people struggling to achieve independence, freedom and justice and for the upholding of the principles of justice and dignity whenever they are violated, including Palestine and South Africa.
5. Aware of our common interests, we declare our determination to eliminate poverty from which some of our peoples continue to suffer, by consolidating our economic cooperation on the basis of complimentarity and pooling of our resources to achieve coordinated development of our countries, we also declare our resolve in a spirit of Islamic solidarity, to promote economic development of the countries which are least developed amongst us. We further pronounce our resolve to rationalize our development policies in order to ensure balanced progress in both the material and spiritual domains.
We call for efforts to be made to establish economic relations in the world on bases of justice, interdependence and mutual interest, to ensure the disappearance of the wide gap separating the industrialized countries and the developing and poor countries, and the institution of a new economic order based on equity and solidarity, under which development policies are rationalized and integrated to eliminate, once and for all, famine and its dangers, as well as all kinds of deprivation and all forms of exploitation of peoples suffering under the effects of colonialism and backwardness and to ensure the development of these countries and the proper utilization of their resources. We reaffirm the right of States to have sovereignty over their natural resources and to control their exploitation.
6. Believing the tenets of Islam which preach that the quest of knowledge is an obligation on all Muslims we declare ourselves determined to cooperate in spreading education more widely and strengthening educational institutions until ignorance and illiteracy have been eradicated and to take measures aimed towards the strengthening of Islamic educational curricula and to encourage research and Ijtihad among Muslim thinkers and Ulema while expanding the studies of modern sciences and technologies.
We also pledge ourselves to coordinate our efforts in the field of education and culture, so that we may draw on our religious and traditional sources in order to unite the Ummah consolidate its culture and strengthen its solidarity, cleanse our societies of the manifestations of moral laxity and deviation by inculcating moral virtues, protecting our youth from ignorance and from exploitation of the material needs of some Muslims to alienate them from their religion.
Believing in the need to propagate the principles of Islam and the spread of its culture, glory throughout the Islamic societies and in the world as a whole and to emphasize its rich heritage, its spiritual strength, moral values and laws conducive to progress, justice and prosperity, we are determined to cooperate to provide the human and material means to achieve these objectives. We also pledge to exert further efforts in various cultural fields to achieve rapprochement in the thinking of Muslims and to purify Islamic thought of all that may be alien or divisive.
We further pledge ourselves, within a framework of cooperation and a joint program to develop our mass-media and information institutions, guided in this effort by the precepts and teachings of Islam, in order to ensure that these media and institutions will have an effective role in reforming society, in a manner that helps in the establishment of an international information order characterized by justice, impartiality and morality, so that our nation may be able to show to the world its true qualities, and refute the systematic media campaigns aimed at isolating, misleading, slandering and defaming our nation.

7. Recalling with satisfaction the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and noting with pleasure the progressive development of this Organization, as well as its growing status in international fora as symbol of the unity of Muslims and a framework of understanding and rapprochement among them, and noting also the establishment of other institutions emanating from the Organization, and the continuation of joint efforts in this direction, we commit ourselves to support and develop our Organization, and to provide it with appropriate skills and adequate resources, so that it may discharge the noble tasks assigned to it, and further to support the Islamic Solidarity Fund and Al Quds Fund as well as other organs and projects of the Organization to ensure their success.

We jointly pledge to support all international and inter-governmental Islamic bodies and institutions which conform to the objectives of our Organization for the purpose of strengthening the bonds of brotherhood between Muslims, intensifying their cooperation in various fields and reinforcing their international role. We also jointly pledge to support non-official Islamic bodies and institutions, which serve the purposes and principles of the Charter of our Organization in a manner that is not contrary to the legislation of the Member States.

We appeal to our peoples to hold fast to the teachings and cultural values of our religion, to unify their forces so as to face the challenges that confront them and to support one another in improving their conditions and achieving strength, dignity and prosperity.

We appeal to all other States and peoples to reciprocate the sentiments of the States' Members of the OIC and their peoples in a sincere spirit of human brotherhood. Let us banish all hatred, injustice and oppression so that we may together build a world fit for mankind and so that we may enhance the level of our spiritual and material life

We pray to God to set us on the right path, to crown our efforts with success, and to lead us to a righteous life.

"Allah hath promised such of you as believe and do good works that He will surely make them to succeed (the present rulers) in the earth even as He caused those who were before them to succeed (others); and that He will surely establish for them their religion which He hath approved for them, and will give them in exchange safety after their fear. They serve me. They ascribe no thing as partner unto me. Those who disbelieve henceforth, they are the miscreants".

1. At the kind invitation of His Majesty King Khalid Bin ABDUL AZIZ, Monarch of the Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA and pursuant to the Resolution adopted by the Tenth Islamic Conference held in Fez, Kingdom of MOROCCO, from 10-14 Jumada Al Thani 1399 H., corresponding to 8-12 May 1979 A.D.;

2. The Third Islamic Summit Conference was held in MECCA AL MUKARRAMAH, Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA from 19-22 Rabi Al Awal 1401 H., corresponding to 25-28 January 1981, under the title of "PALESTINE AND AL QUDS AL SHARIF SESSION"

3. The Conference was attended by the Kings, Heads of State and Emirs of the following Islamic States: People's Democratic Republic of ALGERIA, The State of BAHRAIN, People's Republic of BANGLADESH United Republic of CAMEROON, Republic Of DJIBOUTI, United Arab EMIRATES, Republic of GABON, Republic of the GAMBIA, People's Revolutionary Republic of GUINEA, Republic of GUINEA-BISSAU, Republic of UPPER VOLTA, Islamic Federal Republic of COMORO, Republic of INDONESIA, Republic of IRAQ, Hashemite Kingdom of JORDAN, The State of KUWAIT, Republic of LEBANON, MALAYSIA, The MALDIVES, Republic of MALI, Islamic Republic of MAURITANIA, Kingdom of MOROCCO, Republic of NIGER, The Sultanate of OMAN, Republic of UGANDA, Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN, The State of QATAR, Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA, PALESTINE, Republic of SENEGAL, Democratic Republic of SUDAN, SYRIAN Arab Republic, Republic of CHAD, Democratic Republic of SOMALIA, Republic of TUNISIA, Republic of TURKEY, YEMEN Arab Republic, People's Democratic Republic of YEMEN.

4. The following states were absent:

5. The Islamic Republic of IRAN and The Socialist People's LIBYAN Arab Jamahiriya.

6. The following countries, institutions and organizations attended as observers:

1. The Federal Republic of Nigeria
2. Turkish Federated State of Kibris
3. Moro National Liberation Front
4. United Nations Organization
5. League of Arab States
6. Organization of African Unity
8. The UN High Commission for Refugees
9. The Arab Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization
10. Rabita Al Alam Al Islami
11. International Association of Islamic Banks
12. World Assembly of Muslim Youth
13. World Federation of International Arab Islamic Schools
14. Islamic Development Rank
15. Chairman of the Permanent Council of the Islamic Solidarity Fund
16. Islamic States Broadcasting Organization
17. Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchange
18. Organization of Islamic Capitals
19. The Dacca Center (Bangladesh)
20. The Ankara Center (Turkey)
21. The Istanbul Center (Turkey)
22. The Islamic Council of Europe
23. Islamic World Conference
24. International Islamic News Agency

The following were also invited:

1. Representatives of the Afghani Mujahideen
2. The Eastern Church Delegation

7. ALLAH has been most gracious to this Session, as it was held at the Holy Mosque near the Holy QA'ABA. at the dawn of the Fifteenth Century of the Hijra, and in the month that saw the birth of Prophet MOHAMMAD, Allah's prayers and blessings be upon Him, inspired by the sublimity of that holy place, and the grandeur of that particular historic occasion, the Opening Session at the Holy Mosque bespoke awe as the leaders of the Muslim nation stood in trepidation at the holiest Shrine of ALLAH. As they stood together for prayer they beseeched the Almighty to help them bear the heavy responsibility they have assumed in a world beset by dangers and challenges, and to guide them to the path leading to solidarity, harmony and wisdom, They beseeched ALLAH to help them discard differences and disunity, so that the Muslim nation may once again become the Ummah defined by Allah in His Holy Book as the best Ummah in the history of mankind: an Ummah wherein individuals enjoin righteousness and order one another to refrain from wrong-doing.

8. His Majesty King Khalid Bin ABDUL AZIZ gave prominence in his two inaugural speeches to the blessed revival of the Islamic Ummah at the dawn of this Century of the Hijra: it is an Ummah that has banished enmity and prejudice an Ummah which sets the scene for a new community in which each Muslim can hope to fulfill his aspiration to dignity and strength and which can achieve for the whole of man-kind the desired security, peace and progress.

9. The Conference has adopted these two speeches as part of its documents.

10. The Conference moved to TAIF, where it was resumed at the Conference Palace. It heard statements by Heads of Delegations and representatives of international organizations. It also heard a detailed statement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations DR. WALDHEIM in which he touched on the various issues which preoccupy the human community and the role of Islamic States in dealing with these issues.

11. All delegations paid tribute to the generous hospitality and excellent arrangements, which the Government of SAUDI ARABIA has kindly made available to the Conference.

12. After Heads of Delegations and other guests delivered their statements, the Conference held closed meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, 21 and 22 Rabi Al Awal 1401 H (27-28 January, 1981). In the course of these meetings, the Conference approved the agenda, as well as various documents submitted by the Preparatory Conference of Foreign Ministers.

13. The Conference approved:

The Agenda.
The Report submitted by the preparatory Islamic conference of Foreign Ministers; and
The MECCA Declaration.

14. The Conference has adopted a number of resolutions including:


1. The Conference confirmed its commitment to liberate Arab JERUSALEM to make it the capital of PALESTINIAN STATE, and invited all states to observe the United Nations' resolutions which ban dealing with the Israeli occupation authorities in a manner that might be invoked by these authorities as implicit recognition or acceptance of the STATUS QUO imposed by them in declaring JERUSALEM the united capital of the "Zionist entity".

2. The Conference also decided to utilize all economic capacities and natural resources of Islamic States to undermine the Israeli economy, to block the flow of financial, economic and political support to Israel, to seek to change international political positions in favor of the Palestinian people, and to support the Palestine Liberation Organization.


1. The Conference decides to consider the issue of Palestine as the essence of the Middle East problem which is the first question facing the Muslim nation. The Conference affirms the commitment to the liberation of all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, the rejection of any situation that may prejudice Arab sovereignty over AL QUDS AL SHARIF, the inadmissibility of reacting any unilateral solution to the issue of PALESTINE or the issue of the occupied Arab territories by any one party of the Arab and Islamic parties.

2. The Conference stressed that just peace in the Middle East can only be achieved on the basis of complete and unconditional Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and on the recovery of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people including their right to self determination and to the establishment of their independent State on the soil of Palestine under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

3. The Conference decides to continue the resistance to the Camp David Accord and to consider the Security Council resolution 242 as inconsistent with the Palestine.

4. The Conference decided to support the LEBANESE GOVERNMENT in all international fields with a view to exerting the utmost possible pressure on the Israeli enemy to induce it to cease its attacks on South Lebanon and bring about Israeli withdrawal from it. The Conference also appealed to Member States, particularly those concerned to lay down a comprehensive integral strategy defining a role for each State in its struggle against Israel and which should be binding on each State, and Arab right and that it does not constitute a sound basis for a solution to the Middle East crisis and the issue of Palestine.

5. The Conference decides that Islamic States are committed to utilize all their military political and economic capacities and natural resources, including oil, as an effective instrument to support the national inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation, and to confront those States that provide the Zionist entity with military economic and political support.

6. The Conference invited Member States of the European Economic Community to honor their pledge not to extend the application of their bilateral and multilateral economic agreements with Israel to the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories.


1. The Conference supported the decision noted at the Tunis Summit. by the Palestine Liberation Organization to abstain from undertaking any military operations across the Lebanese borders and refrain from announcing any actions undertaken by the Palestinian resistance inside the occupied territories from Lebanon. The Conference affirmed the need to implement the resolutions adopted by both the RIYADH and CAIRO Summits.


1. The Conference expressed its deep concern over the continued SOVIET armed intervention in AFGHANISTAN, and renewed its call for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from AFGHANISTAN.

2. It also expressed its extreme concern over the conditions of Afghan refugees, and urged the provision of assistance to them and the creation of favorable conditions for their return to their homes.

3. It called for the intensification of efforts to ensure that Afghanistan continues to be an independent non-aligned State.

The Conference affirms the commitment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to continue its efforts to solve this issue. It recommended the Ministerial Committee, which consists of the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Foreign Ministers of GUINEA. IRAN. PAKISTAN and TUNISIA, cooperate with the Secretary General of the United Nations and his special representative in their endeavors to resolve the situation in AFGHANISTAN.

4. It urged member states to increase their cooperation in the economic, trade and technical spheres in the interests of Islamic solidarity.


1. The Conference stressed the importance of coexistence among Muslim member states on the basis of justice, equality, mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

2. It urged the coordination of efforts, and solidarity, to achieve the independence of all nations and protect their full sovereignty and their legitimate interests.

3. It urged member states to consolidate their Islamic Solidarity in accordance with the teachings of Islam, which urges support for the causes of freedom, equality, progress and peace.

4. It also urged the promotion of scientific research, studies and seminars, and requested the Secretary General of the Organization to extend assistance and all necessary facilities to member states to help them achieve these ends through the Organization and its subsidiary bodies.

5. It appealed to member states to refrain from joining the military alliances set up within the framework of big-power conflict, and to refuse to allow any foreign military bases to be established in their territories.

6. The Conference decided to commit itself fully to the principle of non-interference whether directly or indirectly in the internal affairs of other states; to refrain from provoking sedition and sowing the seeds of dissention, which are inconsistent with the Islamic principles upon which the Organization of the Islamic Conference is founded.

7. The Conference also decided to exert efforts to settle ideological differences that might arise among member states, by emphasizing the basic spiritual, ethical and social values, which unite all Muslims, and by overcoming all dangers, which contradict the true spirit of Islam.


1. The Kings, Emirs, and Heads of State of Islamic countries have agreed to declare holy Jihad for salvaging AL QUDS AL SHARIF, supporting the Palestinian people and bringing about Israeli withdrawal from occupied Arab territories. In their resolve to launch JIHAD, the Islamic states have made it clear that JIHAD has its Islamic concept that permits no misinterpretations or misunderstandings. They have also agreed that the practical measures to put JIHAD into effect would be taken in accordance with the Islamic concept of JIHAD and in continuous consultation among themselves.


1. The Conference expressed its deep concern at the continuation of hostilities between the two Islamic countries, IRAN and IRAQ. In pursuance of the Resolution adopted by the Foreign Ministers' Extraordinary Session in NEW YORK, September 26,1980 on the setting up of a goodwill Committee the Conference resolved to appeal to both IRAN and IRAQ to accept Islamic mediation and facilitate the mission of the goodwill Committee. The Conference decided to expand membership of the Committee to include the SECRETARY GENERAL, SENEGAL, the GAMBIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, TURKEY, GUINEA, and the PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION.

2. The Conference called upon the two countries to effect an immediate cease-tire between them, it also declared that member states have agreed to set up an Islamic force, for the purpose of bringing about a cease-fire if the need arises and at the recommendation of the goodwill Committee.


1. The Conference underlined its sympathy with the Sahel countries affected by the drought in application of the concept of Islamic solidarity. The Conference has also agreed on the program prepared by the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control, which provides for urgent relief to solve the problems of famine.

2. The Conference decided to set up a Ministerial-level Ad-Hoc Committee to be known as "The Committee for Islamic Solidarity with the Sahel Peoples", to be entrusted with following up the implementation of the required measures, and taking the necessary initiatives.

3. This Committee is to be chaired by a head of an Islamic State or Government and will consist of the Secretary-General and the Foreign Ministers of SAUDI ARABIA, IRAQ, MALAYSIA, PALESTINE, United Arab EMIRATES, and KUWAIT in addition to a representative from the inter-State Committee for Drought Control.


1. The Conference reaffirmed its support for the COMORO Island's government and people in their struggle to restore the island of MAYOTTE to the national territory of the COMORO Islands, and to call upon FRANCE to resume the work already started. as an initiative for reaching a just solution compatible with the resolutions adopted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference with regard to the problem of the COMORO Island of MAYOTTE.


1. The Conference called for a just and peaceful solution to the Eritrean problem. It called for supporting any efforts exerted for the purpose of reaching such a solution.
2. It also called for a Committee to be appointed comprising the SUDAN, SENEGAL. GUINEA and the GENERAL SECRETARIAT, to carry out any contacts deemed necessary, and follow up peaceful efforts and requests the Committee to submit the results of its work to the forthcoming Islamic Foreign Ministers' Conference.


1. The Conference approved the establishment of an Islamic Court of Justice and the convening of a Committee of Experts from the member states to lay down the Statute of the Court, The Conference instructed the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to undertake the necessary arrangements in order to convene the meeting of experts and to submit its conclusions to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.


1. The Conference expresses its full support for the oppressed Muslim population in the Horn of Africa.

2. It calls for joint efforts to be made by all parties to the conflict to reach a just solution.

3. It calls for the complete and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign forces from the Horn of Africa.

4. It appeals to all member states to extend, in a spirit of Islamic solidarity both financial and material assistance to the people concerned, particularly the refugees.

5. As for institutional matters, the Conference decided that

i) :the Islamic Summit Conference will be held periodically, once every three years.

ii) the mandate of the Secretary General will be for a non-renewable term of four years.

iii) the post of a fourth Assistant Secretary General for Palestinian and Al Quds Al Sharif Affairs will be created , and consideration of the amendment to the Charter and the term of office for Assistant Secretaries General will be postponed to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

The Conference also approved the following recommendations:

I. to bring the Document on Human Rights in Islam before a Committee comprising representatives from all member states. The General Secretariat shall invite this Committee to convene in order to study the said Document and to submit a report on its conclusions to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

II. to instruct the General Secretariat to continue to prepare, in coordination with the AL QUDS Committee, the AL QUDS document by the Committee of Experts. The General Secretariat has also been instructed to compile the observations which the members of' AL QUDS Committee communicate within a period of three months after they receive the Document, and to publish and circulate the Document in the three languages of the Conference so that it can be read by various bodies of world public opinion,

III. to refer the Information Plan of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to a committee of information specialists to be chosen from alt member-states, staff members of the Islamic States Broadcasting Organization and the Islamic International News Agency While examining the plan, the Committee can benefit from the conclusions of the Jakarta Conference on Islamic Information. The Committee shall convene when invited by the Secretary General and no quorum is required to make any meeting valid. The conclusions of the committee's work shall, thereupon, be communicated to the member-states for their comments. The General Secretariat shall thereafter modify the plan in the Light of the comments received. The outcome of this process shall then be brought before the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

IV. to postpone the consideration of Eritrea's request for admission with the status of an observer, to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, This request shall be considered when the Conference reviews the conclusions of the ERITREA Committee, established by the Resolution on ERITREA.

V. to reaffirm the Organization's previous resolution on the problem of the Muslims in the Philippines adopted by the Eleventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in ISLAMABAD, and to entrust the four-member ministerial committee with the task of drafting a resolution on this issue, to be brought before the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers,

VI. to approve the proposal to change the design of the flag of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. The General Secretariat shall present to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers the final layout of the flag and the colors suggested to the Conference for approval.



1. The Conference noted with concern the worsening economic problems of developing countries as a result of the current crises in international economic relations, further widening the gap between developing and advanced countries,

2. The Conference considers that economic cooperation among Member States, in particular, constitutes an effective instrument for promoting their unity in pursuit of the establishment of the new international economic order.

3. The Conference endorsed the Plan of Action to strengthen Economic Cooperation among Member States and requested the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to speedily take the appropriate steps for the implementation of this plan.



1. TO ESTABLISH a subsidiary organ of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to be called the Islamic Center for Development of Trade located in Tangiers, Kingdom of MOROCCO;

2. TO APPROVE its Statute (see annex) and Budget for the fiscal year 1981-82;

3. TO INVITE the Government of Kingdom of MOROCCO to take all necessary measures to make the Center operational;

4. TO CHANGE the Secretariat to extend all necessary assistance to and to work in close cooperation with the Government of the Kingdom of MOROCCO for the establishment of the Center;

5. TO INVITE Member States to render all necessary assistance to enable the Center to realize its aims and objectives.


1. Aware that the conclusion of such an Agreement between Member States would make possible the optimal utilization of existing economic potentialities in Member States, thus leading to their development, facilitating transfer of funds between Member States, enabling their peoples to achieve economic progress and prosperity, and removing all obstructions to the transfer of funds between the Member States. The Agreement would also allow the expansion of various investment, sectors and opportunities.


1. To urge Member States to communicate their comments on the draft agreement to the Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic. Conference,
2. To charge the Secretary General to convene a high level meeting of representatives of Member States prior to the Twelfth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to finalize the draft Agreement to be adopted by the Conference or by a meeting of competent Ministers to be convened for this purpose.

2. The Conference considered the creation of an ISLAMIC SHIPOWNERS' ASSOCIATION in JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA, and agreed in principle to the creation of such an association, and to the Statute of the Association. It requested the Secretary General to work in close cooperation with the Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA in the implementation of the Project. It further invited Member States to join the Association and to extend their cooperation to enable it achieve its objectives.


1. The Conference decided to request the Islamic Development Bank to grant urgent increasing aid to the least developed Member States, including trade finance on more concessionary and flexible terms.

2. It also urges Member States and Islamic Organizations concerned with development to extend assistance in various fields to the least developed Member States, particularly in cases of disasters and emergencies.

3. It further urges Member States to endeavor to ensure the success of the United Nations new Program of Action for the year 1980, in favor of the least developed countries.

4. The Conference calls upon the developed countries, the developing countries and international institutions to work for the application of the United Nations resolutions relating to assistance to the least developed countries.

5. It further requests the Secretariat to follow up the implementation of these resolutions to monitor the special requirements of these countries and to assess the progress of programs to benefit them.


1. The Conference decided that Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference who can afford to do so contribute at least three billion dollars for the Consolidation of the Islamic World Development Program.

2. His Royal Highness Prince Fahd Bin ABDUL AZIZ, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and First Deputy Premier, declared that his country was granting one billion dollars for the implementation of the program.


1. The Conference decided to subscribe a sum of (1210) million Islamic Dinars to the capital of the Islamic Bank for Development. This sum represents the unsubscriber share in the total permitted capital of 2000 million Islamic Dinars.


1. The Conference decided to request the Secretary General to submit the studies conducted in this connection to the Standing Committee on the Finance of the Organization so that the Committee can examine the matter and submit its proposals to the Twelfth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to adopt the relevant resolutions.


1. The Conference decided to refer this matter to the meeting of the Islamic Ministers of Finance. This meeting will inform the General Secretariat of the voluntary donations of member-states.



1. The Conference decided to request all member states:

- to consolidate the budget of this Fund with a sum of not less than US$ 50 million,
- to contribute donations, increase and decrease them, and
- to assign and name additional resources such as postal stamps and annual fund-raising campaigns in each member-state.

2. The Conference also decided to establish the Fund Waqf (Endowment) with a capital of US$ 100 million and to call upon member-states to cover this capital by voluntary contributions.


1. The Conference decided that the project be studied further. It decided that the Islamic Solidarity Fund shall continue to assume any duties in this respect, checking any expenses against the budget allocated for disasters.


1. The Conference expressed its condolences to the ALGERIAN Government and people. It called on member states to contribute in the reconstruction of the AL ASNAM region. It also requested the General Secretariat to circulate the reconstruction, plan among member states and the Secretary-General to report on the subject to the Twelfth Foreign Ministers' Conference.


1. The Conference has decided that the Organization of the Islamic Conference be committed to implementing these projects and that the Islamic Solidarity Fund should continue its efforts for the same purpose. It called on member states to make direct contributions to help implement these projects. The Conference has also reaffirmed that the Organization of the Islamic Conference should be committed to establishing the Islamic University in Uganda. It requested the Islamic Solidarity Fund to follow up implementation. It also called upon the Niger Government to begin work on the Islamic University there.


1. The Conference decided to call upon member states to subscribe to the capital needed estimated at fifty million dollars, for the first phase of the Foundation. It instructed the General Secretariat to take the executive measures to establish the foundation, publicize its objectives among the member states and urge them to provide it with material and moral support.


1. The Conference decided to urge member states to establish, support and provide for the operation or this organization.

2. The Conference urged member states to announce their accession to the Organization so that the constituent conference could be held in the Headquarters' country.


1. The Conference decided to endorse the content of the resolution adopted in this respect by the Eleventh Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and invited all member states to extend their cooperation in the Organization of the tournament at regular intervals.

2. It requested the Secretary General to circulate the Statute of the Islamic Sports Confederation to member states for their views and comments.

3. It also welcomed the offer of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to host the Second Tournament in 1982 and invited member states to participate in the tournament.


1. At the closing session, the Conference decided that the TWELFTH SESSION OF THE ISLAMIC CONFERENCE OF FOREIGN MINISTERS should be held in BAGHDAD, capital of Iraq during the second half of May, 1981.

2. It also decided that the BUREAU OF THE THIRD SUMMIT CONFERENCE of Islamic states should meet from time to time to review progress in the implementation of decisions taken by this session, in view of their significance to the future and advancement of the Islamic world.


1. The Conference decided to set up three standing Committees for Scientific and Technical Cooperation, for Economic and Trade Cooperation, and for Information and Cultural Affairs. The tasks of these Committees shall consist in following up the implementation of resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conference in the pertinent fields, and to explore ways of cooperation among Islamic States in these fields. Each Committee shall be chaired by a Head of an Islamic State.


The Conference decided: 

1. to establish an Islamic FIQH Academy whose membership shall consist of ulemas, religious scholars and intellectuals in various cultural, scientific, social and economic disciplines from various parts of the Islamic world, to study problems of contemporary life and to engage in original effective Ijtihad with a view to providing solutions, derived from Islamic tradition and taking into account developments of Islamic thought, for these problems, and 

2. to request the Secretary General of the Organization, in consultation with Rabita Al Alam Al Islami, to take the necessary steps to elaborate a Statute for this Academy and to submit it to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers for approval and subsequent implementation.


1. The Conference unanimously decided to renew the term of office of H.M. King AL HASSAN II, Monarch of the Kingdom of MOROCCO, as Chairman of the ALQUDS Committee for three years.

2. At the kind invitation of His Majesty King AL HASSAN II, Monarch of the Kingdom of MOROCCO, to host the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, the Conference welcomed and accepted the invitation with gratitude and appreciation.

3. Member States attending the Third Islamic Summit Conference reiterated expressions of sincere thanks and profound gratitude to His Majesty King Khalid Ibn ABDUL AZIZ3 Monarch of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to His Royal Highness Prince Fahd Bin ABDUL AZIZ, Crown Prince and Deputy Premier, and to the SAUDI Government and the hospitable SAUDI people for the hospitality and attention accorded to the Kings, Heads of State and Governments and Princes, and all delegations to the Conference, and for the excellent facilities, and Organizational and physical arrangements for the Conference. All these had a very favorable effect on the conduct of the work of the Conference in accordance with the established schedule, and the success of its proceedings, in an atmosphere of brotherhood, understanding and consultation. We pray that God will help us to attain success.
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