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The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
APPROVING the Islamic Program of Action against the Zionist enemy, prepared by the Committee on AL QUDS in its meeting held in RABAT from 14 to 16 Safar 1401 H. corresponding to 22-24 December 1980 which reads as follows:
PROCEEDING from the principles and aims set out in the Charter of the Islamic Conference for the promotion of Islamic Solidarity, coordination of action to maintain the integrity of the Holy Places and to liberate AL QUDS, and the support of the Palestinian people to enable them to recover their rights and liberate their homeland,
GUIDED by the resolutions of the First Islamic Summit Conference in RABAT and the Second Summit Conference in LAHORE, and by all resolutions of Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and of the Committee on AL QUDS as regards supporting the struggle and resistance of the Palestinian people, since this struggle is a struggle for liberation, from colonialism and Zionist racist occupation and is being waged in defense of the national inalienable rights of the Palestinian people,
STRESSING the determination of the Palestinian people to maintain their eternal right to the Holy City of AL QUDS as the capital of their homeland Palestine and the insistence of Muslim Governments and peoples alike on their eternal right to the Holy City of AL QUDS, in view of the paramount political, religious, cultural and historical importance of AL QUDS to all Muslims.
1. Stressing that the Palestinian issue should be viewed as the paramount issue of the Muslim nation and that no party may renounce this commitment,
2. Stressing the commitment to liberate all the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since the 1967 aggression including Holy AL QUDS AL SHARIF and that there should be no renunciation or relinquishment of any part of these territories or impairment of the full national sovereignty over these territories,
3. Rejecting any situation that would prejudice Arab sovereignty over AL QUDS AL SHARIF,
4. Pledging to recover the national inalienable rights of the Palestinian Arab people, including their right to return to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on their national soil, led by the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of Palestinian people,
5. Refusing to admit of a unilateral action by any one of the Arab or Islamic parties to reach any solution of the Palestinian issue in particular, and the Arab-Zionist conflict in general, and the continuation of the resistance to the Camp David approach and the accords and to any consequences thereof until they are eliminated and their sequels removed as well as resistance to any initiative stemming there from, extending material and moral support to the Palestinian Arab people in the occupied Palestinian territories, and enhancement of their resistance to the conspiracy of autonomy;
6. Rejecting of any political settlement of the issue of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict that does not ensure the realization of the above-mentioned principles.
7. Viewing the Security Council Resolution 242 as inconsistent with the Palestinian and Arab rights, stressing that it does not constitute a sound basis for the solution of the Middle East crisis and the Palestinian issue.
8. Ensuring continued support of the struggle. and steadfastness of the Palestinian people inside and outside the occupied homeland under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization until they recover their national inalienable rights.
9. Ensuring continued support of the Palestine Liberation Organization and consolidating its independence.
10. Confirming the commitment of Islamic States to make use of all their military, political, economic and natural resources, including oil, as an effective means of upholding the national inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation, and of confronting those countries that extend support to the Zionist entity at military, economic, political and human resources levels.
11. Intensifying of efforts to win further international support at both official and popular levels, especially in Europe, for the issue of Palestine, the liberation of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, to promote the status of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the international arena, and extend the range of recognition of the Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian Arab people in accordance with the United Nations resolutions relating to the issue of Palestine and the representation of the Palestinian people, and particularly General Assembly resolutions 3236 and 3237 and its resolution 7/2 of 29 July 1980, resolution 3375 of 10 November 1975 and resolution 35/169 A, B, C, D of 15 December 1980.
12. Pursuing the efforts of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference within the United Nations and its specialized agencies to expose and isolate Israel with a view to:
a) Having a resolution adopted in the UN General Assembly soliciting an advisory ruling from the International Court of Justice on the Israeli practices and measures which violate the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, and on the acts of aggression perpetrated by the Israeli authorities against the Palestinian people in Palestine and the occupied Arab territories. This should be achieved with the consent of the Palestine Liberation Organization, as it is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. Entrusting the Islamic Secretariat with the task of undertaking, upon agreement with the Bureau of the Committee on Al Quds. the legal and procedural studies necessary to ensure the success of such endeavor.
b) Inviting the UN General Assembly to reject the credentials of the Israeli delegation to the United Nations, as representative of a government that violates international legality and declares AL QUDS its capital. Entrusting the Islamic Secretariat with the task of conducting, upon agreement with the bureau of the Committee on AL QUDS. the relevant legal and procedural studies.
c) Calling on Member States of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies to shoulder their responsibilities, contend with the continued Israeli refusal to implement the United Nations resolutions by adopting the necessary sanctions against Israel, in implementation of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, Assigning the Islamic Secretariat to conduct in agreement; with the Bureau of the Committee on AL QUDS, the relevant legal and procedural studies.
d) Inviting the UN General Assembly to freeze the membership of Israel, in view of its failure to implement the UN resolutions, although such implementation was a condition set for its admission to the United Nations under the LAUSANNE Protocol. Entrusting the Islamic Secretariat with the task of conducting, in agreement with the bureau of the Committee on AL QUDS, the relevant legal and procedural studies.
13. Calling on Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which have earlier recognized Israel to withdraw this recognition and to sever all diplomatic and economic relations with Israel.
14. Consolidating relations between Islamic countries and Latin American countries in various fields, with a view to evolving the position of the latter countries in favor of the liberation of AL-QUDS and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, the restoration of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
15. Maintaining contacts with the Vatican and the World Council of Churches as well as other Christian Institutions and foundations to ensure their support of the restoration of full Arab sovereignty over Al Quds, recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and support of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.
16. Strengthening relations with Arab and Islamic Communities abroad and making full use of their capacities and potentialities to serve Arab and Islamic causes.
17. Working for the establishment of associations similar to that of FRANCE-AL QUDS in the States of Western Europe and North and South America with a view to gaining increased support from public opinion for the cause of AL QUDS.
18. Viewing Jewish emigration to occupied Palestine as an act that consolidates the aggression of the Zionist entity against the Palestinian people and their inalienable rights and calling on all countries to put an end to such emigration and to refrain from extending facilities to Jewish emigrants in view of the Zionist settlement policy which is in violation of international law.
19. Calling on the government of the United States of America to change its hostile attitude towards the issues of Palestine, the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The Islamic Conference stresses its condemnation of this policy and views the continued United States military, economic and political support of Zionist entity as a hostile attitude towards the Islamic World and a challenge to Muslim feelings. which would negatively reflect on US interest and relations with the Islamic World.
20. Concentrating activities within the circles of U.S. public opinion on explain mg the Palestinian issue, and the Zionist aggression on the Arab and Islamic Ummah and highlighting further damage brought about by the pro-Israeli US policy to both the Arab and American people.
1. Confirming the commitment of the Islamic States to the Liberation of Arab AL QUDS to become the capital of the independent Palestinian State, and the rejection of any situation that may prejudice full Arab sovereignty over the city.
2. Confirming the commitment of Muslim States to utilize all their potentialities to oppose the Israeli decision to annex Al Quds, endorsement of the decision to impose a political and economic boycott on these States that recognize the Israeli decision, contribute to its implementation or set up embassies in AL QUDS AL SHARIF.
3. Inviting all countries to respect international legitimacy by abstaining from dealing with the Israeli occupation authorities in any form that may be construed by these authorities as amounting to implicit recognition or acceptance of the STATUS QUO, imposed by their declaring AL QUDS to be the unified and eternal capital of the Zionist entity, and in particular, inviting all countries to refrain from:
a) signing any agreements in Al Quds Al Sharif;
b) paying any official visits to Al Quds;
c) conducting any formal talks in Al Quds.
4. Inviting Member States of the European Community to implement their pledge to refrain from extending the effect of their bilateral and multilateral economic agreements with Israel to the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories; exerting efforts to reach similar results with other countries that have such agreements with Israel.
5. Stressing the need to cover the capital of AL QUDS Fund, as well as its Waqf (endowment) to meet all necessary and urgent requirements to support the resistance and struggle of the Palestinian people.
6. The undertaking by all Islamic countries of psychological mobilization through their various official, semi-official and popular mass media, of their peoples for JIHAD to liberate AL QUDS.
1) Utilizing all Islamic economic potentialities and natural resources in a well oriented and studied manner for the following objectives:
i) weakening Israeli economy;
ii) halting the political, economic and financial support to Israel;
iii) enhancing the resistance of the front-line states and the Palestine Liberation Organization in the various fields;
iv) bringing about changes in the political positions of States in favor of the Palestinian cause and enabling the Palestinian people to recover their inalienable national rights;
v) exerting efforts to transform neutral international attitude into friendly ones, and transforming hostile attitudes into neutral and friendly ones.
2) Adopting measures to set up an Islamic Office for the boycott of Israel, pursuant to relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conference, and ensuring coordination between such an office and the main office for boycott of Israel within the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.
3) Adopting a stiffer stand as regards legislation enacted in the United States and other countries to counteract the boycott of Israel, and stressing the legitimacy of this boycott. as well as dissuading other countries from adopting such legislation.
1. Exerting efforts to ensure a strategic military balance with the Zionist enemy.
2. Ensuring Military coordination among the frontline states and the Palestine Liberation Organization, on the one hand, and the Islamic States on the other, to ensure full utilization of the potentialities of the Islamic States in the service of the military effort: and setting up a military office in the Islamic Secretariat to be responsible for such coordination. in agreement with the Committee on Al Quds.
3. Meeting the needs of the Palestine Liberation Organization as regards military expertise and equipment, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and conducting bilateral contacts between the Palestine Liberation Organization and all Islamic countries to ensure the implementation of the above.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 29th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
PROCEEDING from the principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the principles and objectives of the United Nations' Charter,
GUIDED BY the resolutions of the two Islamic Summit Conferences. the first in Rabat and the second in Lahore and those of the Foreign Ministers on the Palestine Question, AL- QUDS AL-SHARIF and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories,
REAFFIRMING the link between the destiny of Islamic Stares and their commitment to the aims of their joint struggle for peace, justice and progress and against colonialism, foreign occupation, racial discrimination, Zionism and racism.
SERIOUSLY CONCERNED over the deteriorating situation in the Middle Fast which could result in a new war thus endangering international peace and security, in view of Israel's persistence in its aggressive, colonialist and racist policy, and as a result of the collusion with the Egyptian regime and the United States,
REAFFIRMING that the Palestine Question is the core of the struggle against Zionism, and that Israel's continued refusal to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and its flouting of the inalienable national rights of the Arab Palestinian people constitute a flagrant violation of the principles of the Islamic Conference Organization and UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and of the principles of International Law,
NOTING WITH GREAT CONCERN the recent developments of the Middle Fast problem and the Palestine Question in the region, particularly the normalization by the Egyptian regime of its relations with the Zionist entity and its persistence in carrying out the autonomy conspiracy and the dangers that ensue therefrom which imperil Islamic principles, values, heritage, culture and civilization,
CONSIDERING that the Liberation of Al Quds and its restoration to Arab sovereignty as well as the liberation of the holy places from Zionist occupation, are a pre-requisite to the Jihad that all Islamic States must wage, each according to its means,
CONVINCED that time has come to apply the sanctions provided for in Chapter VII of the UN Charter, against Israel, since it is persistently violating the principles of the Charter, refusing to implement the resolutions of the International Organizations and pursuing its aggression against the Arab States and the Palestinian people.
CONVINCED that the Islamic States should take firm and practical measures to counter the Zionist enemy's continued aggression and violations,
1. REAFFIRMS that the problem of the Middle East and the Palestine Cause cannot be solved unless the following principles and conditions are implemented con-currently, without any exception and also reaffirms its commitment to these principles and conditions,
a.. The cause of Palestine is the core of the Middle East problem and the crux of the Arab-Israeli struggle;
b. The Palestine Cause and the Middle East problem form an indivisible whole when dealing with the problem, or seeking a solution thereto hence any solution may not be a partial solution, concern some parties to the exclusion of others; or relate to some of the causes and not to others; nor can any partial peace be attained, for peace should be comprehensive and include all parties to the dispute, and should moreover, eliminate all the causes that led to it, in addition to being a just one;
c. A just peace in the region can only be achieved on the basis of total and unconditional withdrawal by Israel from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, and on the recovery by the Palestinian people of their inalienable national rights including:
i. their right to their homeland, Palestine;
ii their right to return to their homeland and recover their property in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolutions;
iii their right to self-Determination without any foreign interference;
their right to freely exercise sovereignty over their land and natural resources;
iv. their right to establish their national independent State in Palestine under the leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
2. That AI-Quds is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory, and Israel must unconditionally and totally withdraw from it, and it should be restored to Arab sovereignty;
3. That the PLO. is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and it, above all, is fully entitled to represent that people and to participate in-dependently and on an equal footing in all Conferences, activities and international fora connected with the Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict, with a view to achieving the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people. No solution can be comprehensive, just and acceptable unless the PLO. participates in its formulation and accepts it as an independent party and on an equal footing and parity with the rest of the parties concerned. No other party is entitled to claim the right to represent or negotiate on the question of Palestine, its people, its territory and its rights, otherwise it shall be considered null and void and by no means legally binding;
4. That Security Council Resolution 242 (1967) is not in keeping with the Palestinian and Arab rights and does not constitute a sound basis for the solution of the Middle East problem and the Palestine Question;
5. That no Arab party concerned should unilaterally seek a solution to the PALESTINE Question or to the Arab-Zionist conflict, that resistance to the Camp David Accords, should be pursued, their consequences, effects or any initiative emanating therefrom voided, moreover, material and moral assistance should be extended to the Arab Palestinian People in the occupied Palestinian territories, and their resistance against the autonomy conspiracy reinforced;
1. REAFFIRMS that any solution that is not founded on all those principles and conditions can never lead to a just peace but, on the contrary, can only exacerbate tensions in the region and pave the way for the policies applied by the parties to the Camp David Accords to liquidate the question of Palestine and help Israel achieve its objectives and expansionist, colonialist and racist policies. It would, moreover, encourage bilateral and partial solutions while disregarding the essence of the problem;
2. REAFFIRMS the right of the Arab States and the Palestine Liberation Organization to struggle militarily, politically and, by any other means, to liberate their occupied territories, secure the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people and foil by all means possible any solution or settlement which is detrimental to such territories and rights;
3. REAFFIRMS that the support of Islamic States to the Arab States with a view to enabling the latter to liberate their territories, and their support to the Palestinian people to help them restore their inalienable national rights, are both a responsibility and an obligation dictated by the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Islamic Conference Organization. The Conference also affirms that such support should be clearly expressed in practical and effective measures and positions on the part of all Member States;
4. REAFFIRMS its full and effective support to the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, their legitimate and sole representative inside and outside the occupied homeland, with a view to liberating it, restoring their inalienable national rights in Palestine. All Member States shall commit themselves to safeguarding Palestinian unity, the independent character of Palestine Liberation Organization and non-interference in the internal affairs of Palestinian action.
a. The commitment of Islamic States to liberate AL QUDS to become the capital of the independent Palestinian State, and to reject any situation which might infringe on the Arab right to full sovereignty over AL QUDS.
b. The commitment of all Islamic States to use all their means to foil the Israeli decision to annex AL QUDS and make it the capital of the Israeli entity, and decides to apply a political and economic boycott against those States which recognize this Israeli decision or participate in its implementation or establish their Embassies in ALQUDS AL SHARIF:
1. CALLS UPON all countries throughout the world to abide by the. United Nations resolutions by refraining from dealing with the Israeli occupation authorities and from any kind of relations: that could be construed by Israel as a de facto recognition of its declaration that AL QUDS has been the eternal and unified capital of the Israeli entity. It particularly calls upon all countries to refrain from:
A. Signing any agreements in AL QUDS;
B. Making official visits to AL QUDS;
C. Conducting official talks in AL QUDS:
D. Presenting the Credentials of Heads of Diplomatic missions in AL QUDS:
2. CALLS UPON member states to psychologically mobilize their people for JIHAD to liberate AL QUDS, through their official, non-official and otherwise mass media:
3. EMPHASIZES that any infringement on the resolutions of the Islamic Conference Organization on the Middle East problem and the cause of Palestine and AL QUDS will weaken the struggle waged to liberate AL QUDS and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and secure the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, undermine the struggle of the Organization against colonialism, foreign occupation, racism and Zionism and will be a reneging by Member States on their determination to put an end to Israeli occupation of the Palestinian and Arab territories and assist the Palestinian people to achieve their inalienable national rights;
4. REAFFIRMS its rejection and condemnation of the Camp David Accords signed on 17.9.1978, and the Israeli-Egyptian Treaty signed on 26.3.1979, and all the consequences and efforts ensuing therefrom and asks that they be resisted by all means and methods:
5. STRONGLY CONDEMNS any partial or separate solution and any agreement detrimental to the rights of the Arab nation and, the Palestinian people that would violate the principles and resolutions of the Islamic Conference Organization and the UNO, or that could impede the liberation of AL QUDS and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories or prevent the Palestinian people, from securing and fully exercising their inalienable national rights;
6. CONDEMNS the collusion between the Egyptian Regime, Israel and the United States in all fields and deems it a direct aggression against the right of the Palestinian people, their homeland and future, and a serious threat to the security and stability of Arab and Islamic States, and decides to support the suspension of its membership to the Non-aligned Movement;
7. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Egyptian government for proceeding to normalize relations with the Zionist entity and considers it a denial of the principles of JIHAD and a danger to Islamic principles, ideals, heritage, culture and civilization; and decides to suspend Egypt's membership in the Non-alignment Movement.
8 STRONGLY CONDEMNS the USA's persistence in its inimical attitude towards the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, and total withdrawal from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including Al Quds, which constitutes a violation of the principles and objectives of the UN Charter and of the resolutions of the General Assembly on the question of Palestine and the Middle East, and impedes the establishment of a just peace in the region; the Conference also condemns the policies the United States of America seeks to impose on the region at the expense of the liberation of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including AL QUDS and at the expense of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people. The Conference also condemns the continuous and increasing support of the United States to Israel in all fields, particularly the military and political fields; affirms that the UNITED STATES' persistence in these policies are detrimental to its relations with the interests in Muslim States;
9. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Israel for pursuing its policies and practices in Al Quds and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, particularly its annexation policies and the establishment of Israeli settlements, bringing in alien settlers, demolishing houses, seizing and confiscating property and land, evicting the lawful inhabitants deporting, expelling, despoiling, exiling, transferring and rejecting them; in addition to their liquidation on a mass scale denying them the right to return, their massive detention and wholesale torture, the obliteration of national, archaeological, spiritual and cultural landmarks; violating the liberties and preventing the exercise of rights and religious rites; disregarding the laws relating to personal status, illegally exploiting the heritage and natural and human resources of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and their inhabitants; and considers such practices and measures, void and illegitimate;
10. CONDEMNS ISRAEL for refusing to abide by Security Council resolution 446 (1979), 452 (1979) and 465 (1980) in which the Council emphasized that all measures taken by Israel to change the characteristics of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including AL QUDS, are illegal, denounced Israel's policy and practice in establishing settlements, and stressed the need to cancel these measures and remove the existing settlements, and abstain from setting up others;
11. DECLARES that such Israeli policies and practices constitute a dangerous violation of the UN Charter, in particular the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the principles and provisions of international law, UN resolutions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fourth Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in times of war. Such policies and practices constitute a major impediment to the establishment of a just peace in the Middle East;
12. CALLS UPON all the States and Peoples of the world to refrain from extending military, manpower, material or moral support to Israel likely to encourage it in perpetuating its occupation of Al Quds and the Palestinian and Arab territories, and declares that such a continued support to Israel will compel Islamic States to take appropriate stands against them;
13. DEPLORES the attitude of these states that provide assistance and arms to Israel and considers that the real purpose of flooding Israel with this great quantity of weapons of war and destruction, is to establish it as a colonialist and racist base in the third world, in general, and in Africa and Asia in particular;
14. CONDEMNS the collusion between Israel and South Africa and their identical policies of aggression and racism, and condemns, as well, cooperation between them in all fields since it threatens the security and independence of Africa and Arab States;
15. INVITES member states which had recognized Israel to withdraw such recognition and severe all kinds of diplomatic, consular, economic cultural sports and touristic relations, as well as all forms of communication with Israel at all levels official or otherwise, and requests the member states that have not yet severed such relations to do so;
16. CALLS UPON member states to take all measures within the United Nations to:
A. Request the UN. General Assembly to refuse the credentials of the Israeli delegation to the UN General Assembly, as it represents an authority which aggressed against international legitimacy, and which made Al Quds its capital, and request the General Secretariat to take all necessary measures in this respect;
B. Request the member States of the United Nations and its specialized institutions to assume their responsibility and face up the continued rejection by Israel of United Nations' resolutions, by applying appropriate penalties against Israel, in implementation of the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN-Charter, and request the General Secretariat to take the necessary measures in this regard;
17. REAFFIRMS the right of the Palestinian people as represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Arab states, whose territories are under Israeli occupation to total, permanent and actual sovereignty and full control over their natural and other resources, economic riches and activities. It also reaffirms their right to recover them and to receive full compensation for all damages incurred through exploitation, depletion or loss of such resources;
18. DECIDES to have recourse to all Islamic states economic, potential and natural resources in a studied and planned manner with a view to:
A. Weakening Israeli economy;
B. Stopping the political, economic and financial assistance received by Israel;
C. Bringing about political stands by countries in favor of the Palestinian Question with a view to enabling the Palestinian people recover their national inalienable rights;
D. Endeavoring to turn national stands at the international level into friendly ones, and antagonistic or inimical stands into neutral or friendly ones;
19. CALLS UPON the Member States of the European Economic Community to fulfill their undertakings to the effect that their bilateral and multilateral agreements with Israel shall not be applied in the Palestinian and Arab occupied territories and endeavor to secure such a stand from other states that have similar agreements with Israel;
20. INVITES states to pay up tile capital of Al Quds Fund, and its Waqf in order to enhance the struggle and resistance of the Palestinian people;
21. CALLS UPON member states not to tolerate legislations enacted by the United States of America and other countries with a view to countering the Arab boycott, and to secure a strict implementation of the boycott against Israel; stress its legitimacy and uric other states to adopt similar regulations.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
PROCEEDING from the principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and from the assurances contained in the resolutions of the Islamic Summit Conferences, on the unity of aim and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Nation,
MINDFUL of the obligations of all states to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Charter of the United Nations.
REAFFIRMING the inalienable rights of all peoples to determine their own form of government and to choose their own economic, political and social systems free from outside intervention, coercion or constraints of any kind whatsoever,
VIEWING with grave concern the continued Soviet military occupation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the consequent impediments which stand in the way of the Muslim people of Afghanistan to exercise their right to determine their political future according to their will,
RECALLING the principles and stands declared by the Member States in the resolutions adopted on the persistence of Soviet military intervention in AFGHANISTAN, in the two Conferences held in ISLAMABAD in Rabi Al Awal 1400 H (January 1980) and Rajab 1400 H (May 1980),
RECALLING resolution II EOS on Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan and its repercussions, adopted at the Extraordinary Session of the Conference of Foreign Ministers of Islamic States held in Islamabad,
REAFFIRMING its grave concern over the sufferings of the people of Afghanistan as a result of this intervention and the ensuing influx of refugees into Pakistan and Iran.
TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION the report submitted by the Secretary General to the Extraordinary Session, held in NEW YORK in October 1980, on the implementation of Resolution 19/1l SC adopted by the Eleventh Conference of Foreign Ministers of Islamic States held in ISLAMABAD in Rajab 1400 H (May 1980), as well as his report submitted to the Third Islamic Summit,
EXPRESSING its satisfaction at the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly in its 35th Session rejecting foreign armed intervention in AFGHANISTAN and the stand of the international community with regard to this intervention,
1. CALLING UPON all States to respect the sovereignty of AFGHANISTAN, its territorial integrity, political independence, its Islamic identity and its non-aligned character,
2. DEEPLY CONSCIOUS of the urgent need for a solution of the grave situation in respect of AFGHANISTAN,
3. REAFFIRMS its serious concern over the continuation of Soviet armed Intervention in Afghanistan and strongly renews its demand for the immediate and total withdrawal of all the foreign troops from AFGHANISTAN
4. ALSO REAFFIRMS the call to all States and peoples, as stipulated in Resolution No. 19/1l SC adopted in ISLAMABAD in Rajab 1400 H (May 1980), to extend assistance which can alleviate the sufferings of Afghan refugees,
5. EXPRESSES, in this respect, its gratitude to the States which have made generous contributions to the Afghan refugees, alleviating the sufferings of Afghan people,
6. STRONGLY URGES that appropriate conditions be created to enable the Afghan refugees to return to their homeland in safety and honor,
7. CALLS FOR increasing all efforts to ensure that AFGHANISTAN remains an independent and non-aligned State and to enable its people to exercise in all freedom their fight to express their will as regards the system of their own choosing,
8. EMPHASIZES the commitment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and its willingness to assist in resolving this issue, which can by no means be viewed as an area-problem, as it concerns the whole Islamic World,
9. RECOMMENDS that the Ministerial Committee composed of the Secretary General of the Organization of the ISLAMIC CONFERENCE and the Foreign Ministers of GUINEA, IRAN, PAKISTAN, and TUNISIA, cooperate, in accordance with the foregoing provisions, with the Secretary General of the UNITED NATIONS and his Special Representative in their endeavors to resolve the situation in AFGHANISTAN,
10. REQUESTS the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit thereon a report to the Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401H. (25-28 January 1981)
GUIDED by the principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference which affirm that the common faith of Islamic peoples greatly contributes to closer relations and solidarity among them,
CONSIDERING that consolidation of Islamic solidarity among Member States is a priority objective stipulated by the Charter of the Organization and recalling resolutions of previous Islamic Summit Conferences which reaffirm the common objective and destiny of Muslim peoples,
STRESSING the importance of co-existence among Islamic Member States, regardless of their different political, economic and social systems, for the establishment of political, economic and social relations among them, founded on justice, equality and mutual respect in a climate of security and stability.
RECALLING the importance of the commitment to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States, whether direct or indirect interference, including respect of their sovereignty and territorial integrity and their political, economic and social systems.
NOTING the essential need for coordination of efforts and solidarity in order to attain independence, safeguard total sovereignty, defend the legitimate interests and safeguard the Islamic spiritual, moral, social and economic values of all peoples,
CONVINCED that military pacts existing within the context of big power conflicts, the extension of military facilities to these powers or participation in military maneuvers carried by them, would endanger the security and safety of Islamic States:
1. INVITES Islamic Member States to pursue a policy based on mutual cooperation and co-existence, regardless of differences of their political, economic and social systems,
2. CALLS UPON all Islamic States to fully adhere to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other Member States, whether direct or indirect interference, to refrain from abetting sedition, sowing dissention which is contrary to the tenets of Islam on which is based the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
3. FURTHER INVITES all Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to exert efforts to eliminate any ideological or sectarian differences that may arise among them by stressing the basic spiritual, moral and social values which are common to all Muslims and to eliminate those ideas that are contrary to the essence of Islam by encouraging research, studies and seminars carried out from a scientific and practical outlook on the various problems facing the Islamic communities; and requests the Secretary General to extend the necessary assistance and facilities to Member States to achieve these objectives through the Organization of the Islamic Conference and its subsidiary organs,
4. URGES Member States to strengthen Islamic solidarity on the grounds of the teachings of Islam on the upholding of the causes of freedom, equality, progress and peace which is based on justice by consolidating those institutions established or to be established within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and all other legal Islamic institutions dealing with political, economic, social, cultural and other fields,
5. URGES Member States to increase their cooperation in economic, trade and technical fields in the interest of Islamic solidarity; and also calls for cooperation and coordination among Member States in the various international fora with a view to bridging the economic gap between developed industrialized and developing countries and establishing the new International Economic Order,
6. CALLS UPON Member States to refrain from joining military pacts existing within the context of conflicts between major powers or allowing the establishment of foreign bases on their territories.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine. and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
HAVING EXAMINED the latest developments of the question of AL QUDS AL SHARIF, the fact that it is under occupation, that it has been declared the eternal capital of the Zionist entity, that Islamic sanctities, and religious and cultural heritage have been violated and desecrated,
CONSIDERING that the Zionist enemy persists in denying the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people particularly their right to their homeland and possessions; and the fact that the enemy continues to harass the Palestinian people, subjecting them to persecution and terrorism of the fiercest kind,
REALIZING that the Zionist enemy continues to occupy territories belonging to other Arab states, in disregard of the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conference, as well as the resolutions adopted by international bodies such as the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement, which has shown all Muslims and the world at large that this enemy persists in aggression and occupation, in disregard of all ethical rules, ideals and conventions of international relations,
TAKING these facts into consideration, the Kings, Emirs and Presidents of Islamic States, meeting at this Conference and in this holy land, studied this situation and concluded that it could no longer be tolerated, that the forthcoming stage should be devoted to effective action to vindicate right and deter wrong-doing; and have unanimously,
1. To declare holy JIHAD, as the duty of every Muslim, man or woman, ordained by the SHARIAH and glorious traditions of Islam:
2. To call upon all Muslims, living inside or outside Islamic countries, to discharge this duty by contributing each according to his capacity in the cause of ALLAH Almighty, Islamic brotherhood, and righteousness:
3. To specify that Islamic states, in declaring Holy JIHAD to save Al Quds Al Sharif, in support of the Palestinian people. and to secure withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories, wish to explain to the world that Holy JIHAD is an Islamic concept which may not be misinterpreted or misconstrued, and that the practical measures to put it into effect would be in accordance with that concept and by incessant consultations among Islamic states.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
MEETING at this critical juncture of the history of Islamic Ummah,
DEEPLY CONCERNED with the continuing fighting going on between two Islamic Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Islamic Republic of IRAN and the Republic of IRAQ,
CONSCIOUS of its responsibilities, which consist in re-asserting the adherence to the objectives and principles stipulated in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
EQUALLY CONSCIOUS of the undertaking of all Member States to apply the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 3 calling for the settlement, by peaceful means, of conflicts that may arise between member states, and for abstaining from using force or threatening to resort to it
RECALLING the resolution adopted at the extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Islamic Countries, held in NEW YORK on September 26, 1980, establishing a goodwill committee,
APPEALS to the Islamic Republic of IRAN and the Republic of IRAQ to accept Islamic mediation and thereby render the Goodwill Committee's task easier,
1. DECIDES to enlarge the Goodwill Committee's membership so as to include: SECRETARY GENERAL, SENEGAL, GAMBIA, PAKISTAN, BANGLADESH, TURKEY, GUINEA and PLO.
2. INVITES the two conflicting parties to cease-fire immediately,
3. DECLARES that the member-states have agreed to form an Islamic emergency force entrusted with the task of ensuring the implementation of the cease-fire, should the need arises and upon recommendation of the Goodwill Committee.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 II. (23-28 January 1981)
CONSIDERING that Muslim countries of the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Africa have been victims of an endemic drought since 3970,
DEEPLY CONCERNED by the serious consequences of this drought in all the essential social, political, economic and cultural spheres of life in the countries concerned;
CONSIDERING that the accumulated effects of the drought continue to negate the development efforts of Sudano-Sahelian countries;
RECALLING the pertinent resolutions Nos. 24/10-P and 29/11-P of the Tenth and Eleventh Session of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers calling upon member states to contribute effectively to the implementation of an Assistance Program and the granting of urgent aid to the Sahel countries;
NOTING that these resolutions have not so far been effectively implemented;
NOTING that the economic and social situation in the States concerned has meanwhile continued to deteriorate seriously as a result of the disastrous consequences of the drought:
CONSIDERING that unless appropriate measures are taken while it is still time these States would be most seriously affected;
CONSIDERING that awareness of the implacable and permanent character of this catastrophe by responsible political authorities in the concerned states has resulted in the setting up of the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (C.I.L.S.S.)
CONSIDERING that the States concerned represent one quarter of the member-ship of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and that tens of million of the Peoples concerned are Muslims:
CONSIDERING that, to all intents and purposes, the solution to this serious problem calls for political will and a continued and practical demonstration of active Islamic solidarity;
1. DECIDES to assume responsibility for assisting drought stricken states in the Sahel in accordance with Islamic solidarity
2. ADOPTS in consequence, both parts of the program prepared by the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (C.I.L.S.S.), namely:
a) To provide urgent assistance to solve the serious problems still being caused by famine in the sub-region this year;
b) The First Generation Program of the C.I.L.S.S., designed to deal with the structural problems of the drought phenomenon, and to enable these states to undertake successfully, on more solid foundations, their struggle for survival and for the socio-economic development of their populations;
3. DECIDES to set up a Special Committee at Ministerial level, to be known as the "Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel". The Committee shall be entrusted with the tusk of following up the implementation of the above-mentioned measures and with the detailed examination of all matters likely to enhance the struggle against drought in the Sahel. It will also take any initiative deemed useful to this effect and report regularly to the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
4. The Committee, which will be placed under the high patronage of a Head of State or Government will be composed of the Secretary General, and the six Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Palestine, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 II. (25-28 January 1981)
RECALLING the pertinent resolutions adopted on the question of Mayotte by the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in its 7th, 8th and 9th Sessions and particularly resolution IS/PIL/17, adopted in ISTANBUL, 12-14 May 1976, recognizing. INTER ALIA, the Republic of the Comoros as consisting of four islands namely: GRAND-COMORO, ANJOUAN, MAYOTTE and MOHILI,
NOTING WITH SATISFACTION, the negotiations between FRANCE and the Federal Islamic Republic of the COMOROS with a view to seeking a peaceful solution to this question,
CONVINCED that a just and lasting solution to the question of Mayotte should be based on respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the COMOROS,
1. To renew its support for the Comorian Government and people in their struggle to restore MAYOTTE to the COMORIAN entity,
2. TO CALL UPON France and the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros to pursue the efforts that have already started with a view to finding a speedy and just solution to the question of the Comorian Island of MAYOTTE in conformity with the resolutions adopted, in this connection, by the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
3. TO INSTRUCT the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to follow-up the developments of the question, in liaison with the UN Secretary General, and to report thereon to the Twelfth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
4. TO INCLUDE the question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte in the provisional agenda of the Twelfth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 140] H. (25-28 January 1981)
CONSIDERING the state of war and instability prevailing in ERITREA due to failure in implementing the UN General Assembly Resolution No. 390/ (A) / (5) of 2/12/1950 A.D., on the establishment of a Federal Union;
PROMPTED by the desire to reach a just political solution to the Eritrean question in the interest of the parties concerned and to spare the region the evils of war, and avert the involvement of foreign powers, which would jeopardize peace and security in the Red Sea region, which has an important strategic position close to the Islamic Holy Places;
1. To call for a just and peaceful solution to the Eritrean question and therefore the Conference supports all efforts being spent to reach such a solution. A progress report on such efforts should be submitted to the next Islamic Conference for consideration of the appropriate steps to be taken;
2. To set up a Committee including Senegal and Guinea and the Secretary General to carry out the necessary contacts and to follow up peaceful efforts and to present a report to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
3. To appeal to member states to extend assistance, material and in kind, to the Eritrean people, to the Eritrean revolution and the Eritrean refugees, to be channeled through their legitimate representatives. The Conference appeals also to international humanitarian organizations to extend food and medical assistance to the Eritrean refugees in the Sudan and other countries;
4. To appeal to member states to grant scholarships to Eritrean students at various stages of education, through the medium of the Eritrean educational system. This should combat the illiteracy from which the Eritrean people are currently suffering, as schools have been closed down on account of the war;
5. To appeal to the Secretariat General of the UN, the League of Arab States and the OAU, to use their good offices in bringing about a peaceful solution to the Eritrean question.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
PROCEEDING FROM the principles and the targets defined by the Charter of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations and the League of Arab States, which secure the territorial integrity of member states and establish their sovereignty over all their territories;
RECALLING AND REAFFIRMING the resolutions of the Arab Summit Conferences held in RIYADH, CAIRO, BAGHDAD and TUNISIA and the United Nations' resolutions on South Lebanon; the resolutions adopted at previous Islamic Conferences and in particular the last two held in Fez and Islamabad,
DEEPLY CONCERNED by the current events in South Lebanon and the serious developments in Lebanon and the Middle East;
1. DECLARES its concern for Lebanon's independence, the unity of its territory and people, its sovereignty over all its territories and its right to realize national harmony among the Lebanese and to restore normal life and return the evicted population to their region and villages;
2. DECIDES to give the Lebanese Government support in all international fields with a view to exerting the utmost possible pressure on the Israeli enemy to induce it to cease its attacks on South Lebanon and bring about withdrawal from it,
3. CALLS UPON Member States and particularly those concerned, to lay down a comprehensive, integral strategy defining a role for each state in its struggle against Israel and which should be binding on each state,
4. APPROVES the decision taken by the Palestine Liberation Organization and noted by the Tunis Summit to abstain from undertaking any military operation across the Lebanese borders and refrain from announcing any actions undertaken by the Palestine resistance inside the occupied territories from Lebanon. The Conference affirms the need to implement the resolutions adopted by both the Riyadh and Cairo Summits.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
PROCEEDING from its belief in Allah's ordinance, exalted and blessed be His name, "Should ye be in conflict over something, return it unto Allah and the Prophet if ye believe in Allah and the Day of Atonement for therein lies the truest and best interpretation",
GUIDED by the spirit and letter of the lofty ideals and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference,
ASPIRING to be witness, at the dawn of the new century of Hijra, to the establishment of an "Islamic Court of justice" as an arbiter, judge and umpire in all conflicts that may arise between Islamic States,
CONVINCED that the existence of an Islamic judicial body - within the framework of the Conference of the Islamic Organization - would strengthen the role and prestige of that Organization and contribute to the achievement of its objectives,
BELIEVING that to clear the air in the current relations between member states in this Organization is urgently needed so as to enable them jointly to confront all the dangers and challenges, with which the Islamic World must contend,
1. To approve the establishment of an Islamic Court of Justice;
2. To call for a meeting of experts from member states to frame a statute for the Islamic Court of Justice;
3. To entrust the Secretary General of the Organization with the task of making the necessary arrangements to convene the meeting mentioned in (II) above, and to submit a report on the conclusions thereof to the Islamic Foreign Ministers' Conference without delay.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
PROCEEDING FROM the noble principles of Islam and the provisions of the Islamic Charter calling for the promotion of justice, freedom and human dignity;
RECALLING Resolution No. 5/EOS on foreign intervention in the HORN OF AFRICA adopted by the Extraordinary Conference of Foreign Ministers in Islamabad, Pakistan, January 1980,
NOTING WITH CONCERN that the situation deplored by the Extraordinary Islamic Ministerial Conference held at Islamabad remains unchanged;
STRESSING the moral responsibility of member states to find a satisfactory solution to the problem regarding Muslim populations in the HORN OF AFRICA;
1. EXPRESSES full support and solidarity with the Muslim populations concerned;
2. APPEALS to all parties to the conflict, which constitute the basis of the existing situation, to deploy joint efforts to resolve their differences and to reach a just settlement of the problem;
3. DEMANDS the immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of all foreign forces from the Horn of Africa;
4. APPEALS to all Member States to extend, in a spirit of Muslim solidarity, financial and material assistance to the populations concerned and particularly to the refugees.
The Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al Quds Session) meeting in Mecca Al Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19th to 22nd Rabi Al Awal 1401 H. (25-28 January 1981)
HAVING listened to the proposals by his Majesty King HASSAN II, Chairman of AL QUDS Committee, that three Committees will be established and chaired by the Kings and Presidents of the Islamic States,
PROCEEDING from a firm belief that joint Islamic action needs to be consolidated in the scientific and technological field, and in the economic and trade sphere,
PROMPTED BY THE DESIRE to give information and culture a fresh impetus, to help world public opinion understand the basic issues of the Islamic nation, particularly those of AL QUDS and Palestine, and to confront the tendentious campaign launched against Islam and Muslims,
1. To establish three Standing Committees, the first for scientific and technological cooperation, the second for economic and trade cooperation, and the third for information and cultural affairs;
2. These Committees shall undertake to follow up implementation of the resolutions passed, or about to be passed, by the Islamic Conference in these fields; to study all possible means of strengthening cooperation among Muslim States in those fields, and to draw up programmes and submit proposals designed to increase the Islamic States' capacity in those fields;
3. Each Committee shall consist of the representatives of ten Islamic States, at ministerial level, and shall be chaired by the Head of State of an Islamic State;
4. Members of these Committees shall be elected by the Islamic Foreign Ministers' Conference for a renewable term of three years;
5. A Committee shall hold a meeting, if invited to do so, by its Chairman or by a majority of its members; its meeting shall be valid if attended by a majority.
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