3-5 JUMADA AL THANI 1412H (9-11 DECEMBER, 1991)



Report of the Political, Organic, Statutory and General Affairs Committee of the Ministerial Preparatory Meeting of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference.

Resolution No. 1/6-P(IS)

On the Question of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

Resolution No. 2/6-P(IS)

On the Blessed Intifadha of the Palestinian People.

Resolution No. 3/6-P(IS)

On the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

Resolution No. 4/6-P(IS)

On the Occupied Syrian Golan.

Resolution No. 5/6-P(IS)

On Israel's Occupation of Lebanese Territory.

Resolution No. 6/6-P(IS)

On Thwarting Attempts to Rescind UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 of 1975 which considers Zionism a form of Racism.

Resolution No. 7/6-P(IS)

On the Consequences of the Iraq's Aggression against Kuwait and the Iraq's Non-Compliance with Security Council Resolutions.

Resolution No. 8/6-P(IS)

On the Situation in Afghanistan.

Resolution No. 9/6-P(IS) 

On the Situation in Cyprus.

Resolution No. 10/6-P(IS)

On Jammu and Kashmir Dispute.

Resolution No. 11/6-P(IS)

On the Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines.

Resolution No. 12/6-P(IS)

On the Development of the Situationin South Africa.

Resolution No. 13/6-P(IS)

On the Situation in Somalia.

Resolution No. 14/6-P(IS)

On the Comorian Island of Mayotte.

Resolution No. 15/6-P(IS)

On Islamic Communities in Non-OIC Member States.

Resolution No. 16/6-P(IS)

On support for Coordination and Consultation among Islamic States. Resolution No. 17/6-P(IS)On the Reparation for Colonialism and the After Effects of War.  



Resolution No. 18/6-P(IS)

On support for the efforts of Sudan to achieve National Unity, Peace, and Development as well as Safeguarding its Identity and Cultural Heritagein the Face of Current Challenges.

Resolution No.19/6-P(IS)

On the Islamic Solidarity with Malifor the Restoration of Peace and the Development of the Northern Region.

Resolution No. 20/6-P(IS)

On the crisis between the U.S., the U.K. and the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Resolution No. 21/6-P(IS)

On Re-unification of Yemen.

Resolution No .22/6-P(IS)

On Coordination Among Member States in the field of Human Rights.







The Plenary of the Ministerial Preparatory Meeting for the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity) decided to act as the Political, Organic, Statutory and General Affairs Committee.

2.Three plenary sessions of the Ministerial Preparatory Meeting were held under the Chairmanship of His Excellency Djibo Laity Ka, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Senegal,  on 29 Jumada Al Awwal - 1 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (5 to 7 December 1991) to consider and approve draft resolutions on the following items on the draft agenda of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference:

-Report of the Secretary General on the work of the Reflection Committee on the Islamic World in the face of new developments on the international scene.

-The Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict:

- Al-Quds Al-Sharif

- The Intifadha of the Palestinian People.

-The Israeli occupation of Lebanese territories.

-Consequences of the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait and the non-implementation by Iraq of international resolutions.

-Situation in Afghanistan.

-Situation in Cyprus.

-Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

-Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines.

-Development of the situation in South Africa.

-Situation in Somalia.

-The question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte.

-Protection and promotion of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities and their role in the implementation of the Joint Islamic Action.

-Strengthening of coordination and consultation among Islamic Countries.

-The threats of United States and the United Kingdom against Libya.

-Question of reparations for the damage caused by colonialism and the aftermath of war.

-Support for the efforts of Sudan in achieving national unity and peace as well as in preserving its cultural heritage in front of the challenges facing it.

-Islamic solidarity with Mali for the restoration of peace and development of the North region.

3.After indepth consideration of all the above mentioned issues, the Political, Organic, Statutory and General Affairs Committee approved the draft resolutions, which are annexed herewith. 

4.The Ministerial Preparatory Meeting submits to the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference these draft resolutions for consideration and appropriate decision.





The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Having considered with satisfaction the Report of the Secretary General on the Palestinian Question and the Arab-Israeli Conflict in Document No.IS/6-91/QP/D.1.

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Recalling resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Palestine Question and the Arab-Israeli Conflict;

Considering that Israel's continued occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories, its annexation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, its denial of the inalienable national and political rights of the Palestinian people, and its escalation of repressive practices against  Arab citizens, constitute a flagrant violation of international legality and  the principles of international law as well as the U.N. Charter and the relevant U.N. resolutions;

Expressing deep concern at the continuing flow of hundreds of thousands Soviet and other Jewish immigrants into the occupied territories and their settlement there, and at Israel's continued expansion and establishment of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the occupied Syrian Golan;

Affirming that the Geneva Convention of 1949 relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War applies to the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Affirming also that the Israeli expansionist policies, practices and schemes are aimed not only at the Arab Frontline States, but also seeks to destabilize the Islamic countries thereby threatening international peace and security;

Following with satisfaction  the continuation of the popular Intifadha in the occupied Palestinian territories for the fifth year, aimed at putting an end to Israeli occupation and restoring the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people;

Following with concern Israeli's continuing stock piling and development of all weapons of mass destruction, their components and their delivery systems;

Following with interest  the peaceful efforts exerted so as to  convene the Middle East Peace Conference to achieve a just and comprehensive solution of the Palestinian Question and the Arab-Israeli conflict based on Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and on the principle of land for peace as well as on the inalienable national, political and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people;

Stresses the importance of the role of the United Nations and the efforts to reach a just and comprehensive political settlement of the Palestine Question and the Arab Israeli conflict;

1. Recalls all the resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences relating to the Palestinian question and the Arab-Israeli conflict; expresses pride in the blessed Intifadha of the Palestinian people, and calls upon all Member States to continue to enhance their solidarity with, and support of the just and legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for putting to an end to Israel's occupation, which continues its repressive measures and settlement policies,  until they have fully attained their objectives of freedom and independence.

2. Reaffirms that the Palestine Question and the Arab-Israeli conflict are an indivisible whole in terms of approach and settlement; the solution cannot be divided or made to cover only some parties to the conflict or some of the prime causes of the conflict to the exclusion of others; peace cannot prevail in the region if it does  not involve all parties including the Palestinian party whose cause is the prime cause of all Muslims and the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the resistance mounted by the Palestinian  people under the leadership of the PLO, their sole legitimate representative, to recover their land and exercise their inalienable national rights including their rights to repatriation, to self-determination and the establishment of their independent Palestinian State, on    their national soil, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

4. Affirms that just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East Region can only be established through Israel's total and unconditional withdrawal from all the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967.

5. Expresses its support for the efforts and  good offices that have led to the convening of the Peace Conference in Madrid aimed at finding a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian question and the Arab-Israeli conflict and takes the view that the success of this Conference hinges on fulfillment of the following principles and elements:

First:That the Peace Conference be based on international legality and its resolutions including  Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, and commitment to implementation of these resolutions which stipulate total Israeli withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds   Al-Sharif,the Syrian Golan and the occupied Jordanian territories based on the formula of land in exchange for peace and of the national and political rights of the Palestinian people to enable them to exercise their right to self-determination which guarantees their right to freedom and national independence.

Second:To reaffirm that occupied Al-Quds is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, to which apply the provisions applicable to all occupied territories under the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly.

Third:To halt the establishment of settlements in the occupied territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and providing international guarantees to that effect and for the dismantling of existing settlements as they are illegal under the resolutions of international legality including Security Council resolution 465.

Fourth:To ensure the linkage between the various stages of the solution up to the final comprehensive solution on all fronts pursuant to the resolutions of international legality; to ensure that any interim arrangements include the right of the Palestinian people to establish their control over all land, water and other natural resources, as well as all political and economic affairs; and solve the Palestinian refugees problem in accordance with U.N. resolutions, in particular General Assembly resolution 194 and Security Council Resolution 237.

6. Strongly condemns Israel's  policy of refusing to abide by  Security Council resolution 497 (1981); for  imposing its jurisdiction, laws and administration on the   occupied Syrian Golan, and for pursuing there the policies and practices of annexation, of establishing settlements, confiscating land, diverting  water resources and imposing the Israeli nationality on Syrian citizens; and considers all these measures as null and void, and as a violation of  the rules and principles of international law pertaining to occupation and war, in particular the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949.

7. Condemns Israel's continuing occupation of Southern Lebanon and its repressive and military practices against Lebanese citizens and demands Israel's immediate,  total, and unconditional withdrawal from the Lebanese territory; it affirms its eagerness to maintain the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon within its internationally recognized borders, and stresses the necessity of implementing the U.N. Security Council resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolution 425 (1978); it expresses its appreciation for the accomplishments made by the Supreme Tripartite Arab Committee and calls on the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon.

8. Strongly condemns the continuing Israeli repressive practices against the citizens of the occupied Palestinian territories, Syrian Golan and other occupied Arab territories, and appeals to international organizations to intervene in order to implement the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and stop such inhuman Israeli practices which constitute a flagrant violation of human rights.

9. Strongly condemns Israel's expansionist policy of establishing settlements and reaffirms its commitment and adherence to the principle of the inadmissibility of acquisition of territory by force, and regards all settlements established or to be established by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, including  Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, as measures and practices which are null and void and illegal, and must be removed in accordance with the provisions of the U.N. Charter and numerous resolutions adopted in this regard, in particular Security Council resolution 465.

10. Condemns the policy of transferring Soviet, Falasha and other Jews to the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan, and settling them there, and appeals to all states to refrain from taking any steps to facilitate the process of settlement in the occupied territories.

11. Calls on  the International Community to induce Israel to implement relevant resolutions of the U.N. and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which call for placing all nuclear installations under the IAEA System of Safeguards and also to respond to current endeavours and initiatives for the creation of a nuclear weapon and mass-destruction weapon free zone in the Middle East region; it calls upon Member States to continue their cooperation within the framework of the U.N., the IAEA and other relevant international fora in order to ensure Israel's compliance with international resolutions particularly those calling  for subjecting its nuclear facilities  to international inspection and submitting  a full statement on its stock of nuclear materials to the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

12. Urges all States to respond to the request of the U.N. Secretary General for implementation of the operative paragraphs of Security Council resolution 681 by calling a meeting of the high contracting parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to consider measures to be taken in order to protect the Palestinian people, in accordance with international agreements so as to enable them to exercise their right to self-determination.

13. Expresses its appreciation to the States of the European Community, the Vatican, the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organisation of African Unity, the Committee for the  Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and all the peoples and peace-loving forces, for their support for the Palestinian question at international fora and their assistance to the struggle of the Palestinian people and their blessed Intifadha.

14. Commends the continued efforts of Al-Quds Committee under the Chairmanship of H.M. King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco, and reaffirms all the recommendations made by the meetings of Al-Quds Committee.

15. Calls upon Member States to honour their commitment to cover  the approved budgets of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf set at one hundred million dollars each, and also calls on Member States to pay their contributions and  to  continue the campaign for the collection of donations at both popular and official levels in favour of Al-Quds Fund and its Waqf.

16. Invites the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Summit Conference.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9 - 11 December 1991),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter;

Pursuant to all relevant Islamic resolutions;

Recalling the resolutions adopted by the U.N. General Assembly and the Security Council on the situation  in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Proceeding from the UN General Assembly resolutions and in particular UN Security Council Resolution No. 681 which stresses the applicability of all the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War, signed on 12 August 1949, to the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif;

Expressing its deep concern over the serious situation prevailing in the occupied Palestinian Territories as a result of continued Israeli Occupation, and of Israel's arbitrary practices, repressive measures, continuing confiscation of Land  and property to build settlements, escalation of the policy of deportation, demolition of houses and imposition of collective sanctions on the inhabitants, and desecration of Islamic and Christian holy places;

Expressing its deep concern over the continuing influx  and settlement of hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jewish immigrants and others in the Occupied Palestinian and Arab territories as well as Occupied Syrian Golan, which constitutes a flagrant violation of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian  people and Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, and undermines the efforts exerted towards establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the region;

Taking into account the deteriorating economic situation in the occupied Palestinian and Arab Territories and the necessity of extending every kind of material and political support to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and continuation of their blessed Intifadha;

Commending the unanimous international opposition to the Israeli government's policy of expansion and settlement, and the international community's support for the Palestinian Intifadha and the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people;

1. Reaffirms the previous resolutions of Islamic Conferences as well as the recommendations made by the Islamic Committees appointed within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to deal with the various aspects of the Palestinian question and stresses the necessity of providing all forms of support to the blessed Intifadha in confronting Israeli occupation and against the continuation of settlement policies and repressive practices to enable it to continue until it achieves its objectives.

2. Reaffirms also that a just, comprehensive and peaceful solution of the Palestinian Question  and the Arab-Israeli conflict is based on the relevant UN resolutions which demand the withdrawal of Israel from the Occupied Palestinian and Arab Territories in 1967 including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and which guarantee for the Palestinian people the exercise of their inalienable national rights, including the right to return, to self- determination, and the establishment of their independent State in their homeland with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its Capital.

3. Strongly condemns Israel's uninterrupted policy of  settlement and expansionism, its insistence on continuing to occupy the Arab territories, deportation of Palestinian Arab citizens from their territory and homeland, and replacing them by immigrant Jews from different parts of the world, which constitutes a direct threat to the security and vital interests of the Islamic Ummah.

4. Calls upon the United Nations, its Specialized Agencies and all States and governments to take action to force the Israeli occupation authorities to abide by the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and put  an end to their repressive and arbitrary measures against the inhabitants of the Occupied Territories, to seek the release of Palestinian detainees,  return the deportees, cease the practice of collective punishment, reopen all closed educational institutions, refrain from desecrating places of worship, also refrain from demolishing and sealing houses and to lift all restrictions on the freedom of movement.

5. Appeals to all states to respond to the request of the UN Secretary General to implement the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution No. 681 calling for convening a meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention with a view to discussing  the procedures which should be followed to protect the Palestinian people in the occupied territories.

6. Requests the Member States to implement the projects relating to the support of the Palestinian Intifadha which were approved by the Eighteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and reaffirmed by the Nineteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in its Resolution No.1/19-P.

7. Expresses its appreciation to all international organisations, popular bodies, and information media, which have declared their solidarity with the just cause of the Palestinian people and their popular Intifadha, and calls upon them to continue to expose the brutal crimes perpetrated by the Israeli forces of occupation in view of its effective impact on world opinion.

8. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the provisions of this resolution at international and Islamic levels and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani, 1412H (9 - 11 December 1991),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Charter and guided by Resolution No.1/3-P (I.S) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Taif;

Reaffirming the need for sustained enhancement of Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people and the solemn commitment of Islamic States to implement all resolutions adopted on the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and in particular declaring Jihad to liberate it and the Blessed Mosque of Al-Aqsa from the yoke of occupation;

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council, in particular resolution 476 and 478 which consider as null and void the Israeli Law stipulating Al-Quds as the united capital of Israel;

Expressing its deep concern at the escalation of organised attacks on the Holy Places and worshippers in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif by the Israeli occupation forces and extremist Zionist gangs, and also expressing its deep concern over the deteriorating situation of the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and all Islamic and Christian Holy Places, especially the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Mosque;

Having taken cognizance of the deteriorating condition of the sacred Dome of the Rock, threatening its destruction;

Expressing its complete solidarity with the blessed Intifadha of the Palestinian people;

Commending the continuous efforts of the Al-Quds Committee under the Chairmanship of His Majesty King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco;

1.   Reaffirms all relevant Islamic Summit resolutions.

2.Reaffirms the recommendations of the Al-Quds Committee.

3.Reaffirms that the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and that all legislative and administrative procedures and measures aiming at altering its legal status are a flagrant violation of international charters, conventions and laws, and should be considered as null and void.

4.Reaffirms the commitment of Member States to pursue and coordinate their action with those international groups which support the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people with a view to implementing the international resolutions adopted by the United Nations and its specialized agencies in particular UNESCO to stop the hostile measures and aggressive practices in this Holy City, the  violations of the sanctity of the Blessed  Mosque of Al-Aqsa and other Sacred Places in Palestine and to safeguard the cultural and historical heritage of the Holy City.

5.Reaffirms that peace will not prevail in the Middle East unless and until Israel withdraws from all Occupied Arab and Palestinian Territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and unless the Palestinian cause, considered the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict, is solved in the context of an overall and just settlement, in the region that ensures for the Palestinian people  the exercise of their inalienable national rights including their right to return to their homeland, self-determination and the establishment of their independent State, on their home territory, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

6.Condemns the Israeli occupation authorities for having destroyed the "mihrab" of Othman Ibn 'Affan  Mosque in Al-Quds Al-Sharif and calls on the United Nations to protect Islamic and Christian holy places in the sacred city.

7.Condemns the plundering of documents of the Shari'ah Court in Al-Quds Al-Sharif by the Israeli occupation authorities for the purpose of confiscating the properties of the Islamic Waqf in  Al-Quds, and calls on international and governmental bodies and institutions to take the necessary measures to have the documents returned, and prevent the recurrence of such practices, which constitute a violation of international conventions and laws.

8.Condemns the Israeli policies and practices against the Palestinian people, as these constitute  a flagrant violation of the provisions of the International Covenant for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; and also condemns Israel's designs of establishing settlements in Al-Quds Al-Sharif which aim at causing demographic changes therein and Judaizing it, thereby flagrantly violating the principles of international law, and the resolutions of the UN General Assembly, and the Security Council, as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.

9.Invites all States to refrain from having any dealings with the Israeli occupation authorities which might be interpreted or claimed by those authorities as an implicit recognition and acceptance of the "fait accompli" imposed by the proclamation of Al-Quds as the capital of Israel and invites all States maintaining diplomatic relations with Israel to refrain from transferring their Embassies and Missions to the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

10.Invites also the Member States to exert efforts to urge the Security Council to take the necessary measures which would stop Israeli practices, and provide the necessary protection for the Palestinian people and the Holy Places, including sending international observers, and banning  the building of new settlements in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the other Occupied Arab Territories.

11.Calls on the Member States which have announced the twinning of their capitals and cities with the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to promptly sponsor some projects which strengthen the steadfastness of the Holy City, its inhabitants and its institutions and calls on the Member States which have not yet announced the twinning of their capitals and cities with the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the capital of Palestine, to take early action to this effect, thereby enhancing the spirit of Islamic solidarity with the Palestinian people.

12.  Expresses its deep appreciation of the position  of His Holiness the Pope for his condemnation and denunciation of Israeli practices in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif,  and calls for continued coordination with the Vatican so as to safeguard the Arab, religious and historical identity of Al-Quds.

13. Entrusts  His Majesty King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco and Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee to take the measures he deems appropriate for the maintenance and restoration of the sacred Dome of the Rock.

14.Stresses the importance of seeking to organize Symposia to Publicize the Question of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif in all World Capitals; and to contact the Vatican, for the convening of an Islamic-Christian Meeting with the participation of the Eastern and other Churches with a view to preserving the identity of the Holy City as well as its religious, historical and demographic character.

15.Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Having considered the item titled "The Occupied Syrian Golan and Israel's decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Golan;

Having reviewed the repressive measures to which the Syrian citizens there are being subjected and Israel's continued attempts to force them to accept Israeli identity;

Recalling the relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences, the latest being Resolution 3/5-P (IS) of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference in Kuwait and Resolution 2/20-P of the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul;

Recalling Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions, the latest of which is Resolution 45/83;

1.Lauds the steadfastness of the Syrian Arab citizens in the Golan against occupation and their valiant resistance to Israel's repressive measures and desperate attempts to weaken their attachment to their land and Syrian Arab identity.

2.Strongly condemns Israel's non-compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 497 (1981).

3.Reaffirms that Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Occupied Syrian Arab Golan is illegal, null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever and that it constitutes a flagrant violation of the OIC Charter and relevant resolutions, the UN Charter and relevant resolutions, and the principles of International Law, in particular the principle of inadmissibility of the acquisition of  territory by force;

4.Strongly condemns Israel's persistence in changing the legal status, demographic composition and institutional structure of the Occupied Syrian Arab Golan, and for its policy and practices, in confiscating lands, appropriating water resources, establishing settlements and transferring settlers and immigrants thereto and imposing  an economic boycott of the agricultural products of the local population and prohibiting their exportation.

5.Declares that the Knesset's decision of 11 November, 1991 reaffirming the annexation of the occupied Syrian Golan is considered null and void and has no legal validity whatsoever, and constitutes a flagrant violation of the UN Security Council Resolution No.497 (1981).

6.Strongly condemns Israel's attempts to impose Israeli nationality and identity cards on the Syrian Arab citizens, as these measures constitute a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other international bodies.

7.Calls upon all States to stop the flow of military, economic, financial, technological aid and human assistance to Israel, which result in protracting Israeli occupation of Arab territories and encourage Israel to pursue its expansionist policy against Arab countries and the Palestinian people.

8.Reaffirms that the Geneva Convention of 1949, relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war, is applicable to the occupied Syrian Golan.

9.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution, and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 - 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

PURSUANT to the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

PURSUANT to the Charter of the OIC and all relevant resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences;

CONSIDERING that the Israeli aggressive authorities have occupied and continue to occupy part of the Lebanese territory, seizing assets and property in violation of the principles of international law and human rights;

RECALLING  the efforts made by the Supreme Arab Tripartite Committee stemming from the Arab Summit in Casablanca to settle the Lebanese situation;

1.STRONGLY CONDEMNS Israel's continued occupation of Lebanese territory, and its kidnapping and deportation of a number of Lebanese citizens from their villages and land in the occupied part of Lebanon. It also strongly condemns the inhuman practices in these regions carried out by the aggressive Israeli authorities which resort to coercion, terrorism, torture, repression, and shelling against the civilian population in a bid to encroach and annex further territories. It calls on the Security Council and the UN Secretary General to intensify their efforts to prevent Israel from pursuing its practices and acts of aggression to force it to stop the continuing savage bombardment of Lebanese villages and civilians and, to secure the release of hundreds of Lebanese citizens detained in Israeli prisons and those of its puppet militia forces in Southern Lebanon.

2.STRONGLY CONDEMNS the continued Israeli policy of deporting Palestinian citizens from the occupied Palestinian territories into Lebanon, as these arbitrary and inhuman acts constitute a violation of Lebanon's sovereignty, a persistent aggression against its territorial integrity, and a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. It also calls on the United Nations General Assembly and the UN Security Council to oblige Israel to conform to the relevant Security Council resolution; refrain from deporting Palestinians from their land and homes into Lebanon or any other country and allow the deportees to return to their homes.

3.REQUESTS the United Nations and its various institutions to compel Israel to implement the U.N. Security Council resolutions, in particular Resolution 425 (1978), concerning the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Lebanese territory beyond the internationally recognized Lebanese borders, while respecting Lebanese independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and assisting the legitimate Lebanese authorities in their bid to control the entire Lebanese territory and all aspects of national activity; and furthermore pays tribute to the Lebanese people for their heroism and steadfastness against occupation.

4.COMMENDS the achievements of the Supreme Arab Tripartite Committee stemming from the Casablanca Arab Summit, and reaffirms its support of the National Reconciliation Document for Lebanon, known as the Taif Accord; and of the steps taken and uninterrupted efforts made by the Lebanese Government to put into effect the provisions of that document and thus assure Lebanon's recovery and enhance the unity, sovereignty and independence of that country and to rebuild its institutions.

5.CALLS UPON the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon, as decided by the Arab Summit of Baghdad; and also invites all countries to increase their assistance to Lebanon so as to enable it to restore and modernize its infrastructure, build its facilities and provide added impetus to its economy, in order to improve living conditions and consolidate all the political achievements of the Government of National Reconciliation throughout the country.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, the Republic of Senegal, from 3-5 Jamada II 1412H (9 to 11 December 1991),

Recalling Resolution 1/7-P on Racism and Zionism, adopted by the Seventh Ordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Istanbul, from 13 to 16 Jamada I, 1396H, corresponding to 12 to 15 May 1976, and the subsequent relevant resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers;

Recalling also UN General Assembly Resolutions, particularly Resolution 57 (280S) of 2 November 1973, and Resolution 3778 (100S) and Resolution 3379 of 1975, in which it stressed the need to totally and unconditionally eliminate Racism, Racial Discrimination and Apartheid;

Taking Cognizance of the reasons and principles on which the General Assembly relied in adopting that Resolution;

In view of the fact that the Israeli Racist Laws, Administrative Measures, Policies and Practices have not been abolished, and that no measures or practical steps have been taken to abolish them;

Noting the attempts to rescind the UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 of 10 November 1975;

Observing that the UN General Assembly has not to-date rescinded any Resolution adopted in the past;

1. Expresses deep concern over the current attempts to rescind that Resolution, which should constitute a serious precedent.

2. Emphasizes that such attempts obstruct the current peace endeavours in the Middle East Region, by thus rewarding the Aggressors.

3. Appeals to all states that are peace-loving, and which advocate Human Rights and oppose all forms of Racial Discrimination, to thwart such attempts and to keep that Resolution until the reasons for its adoption disappear.

4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this Resolution and submit a Report on the outcome of his efforts.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9-11 December, 1991),

TAKING due note of the report of the Secretary General of the OIC to the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Document No. IS/6-91/PIL/D.1) concerning developments in the  region, especially with regard to the liberation of Kuwait from the invading Iraqi forces;

RECALLING the declarations issued during the period between the 19th and the 20th sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers regarding the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait as well as Resolution 9/20-P adopted by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;

EXPRESSING its highest regard for all Arab, Islamic and friendly states who contributed to the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Summit of League of Arab States and the United Nations to confront the Iraqi aggression and liberate Kuwait, a member of the United Nations, the OIC, and the League of Arab States;

WELCOMING the restoration of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Kuwait as well as its legitimate government;

REITERATING the necessity to respect the principles of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, the inviolability of internationally recognized borders and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states; principles not only applicable to Kuwait and Iraq but to all states;

NOTING that the Iraqi government has not fully complied with and fulfilled its obligations in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions;

FURTHER EXPRESSING its rejection of the Iraqi government's return to reiterating its false claims considering Kuwait as part of Iraq, which reflects the reality of the Iraqi government's  intentions  and aggressiveness towards Kuwait and its lack of seriousness in abiding by the relevant resolutions of Islamic and international legitimacy;

REITERATING its condemnation of the illegal acts committed by the Iraqi regime's forces during the occupation of the State of Kuwait; persecuting, torturing and killing of Kuwaiti citizens, plundering public and private property and setting fire to and sabotaging oil wells and facilities and destroying aspects of human life and natural environment particularly in Kuwait and generally in the region, as well as the oppressive aggression against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invading its territories and air space and launching missiles against its cities;

EXPRESSING its utmost concern over the reports of United Nations international inspection team to the effect that the Iraqi government has not fully cooperated with the said team in violation of the UN Security Council resolutions;

RECOGNIZING its historic and enormous responsibility towards the difficult conditions which were engendered by the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait and the serious negative implications which it led to against the fundamental interests of the Islamic Nation and Islamic solidarity;

1.Affirms the necessity for a full implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions issued in this regard to ensure non-recurrence of a new Iraqi aggression in the face of the previous aggressions against its neighbouring states.

2.Deplores that the Iraqi government has not fully complied with UN resolutions indicating the harbouring of aggressive intentions which necessitates the maintenance of the sanctions imposed by the Security Council, and expresses its distress for the ordeal endured by the people of Iraq due to the non-compliance of the Iraqi regime with the decisions of international legitimacy thereby disregarding the interests of the people of Iraq.

3.Expresses its deep regret and concern over the procrastination of the Iraqi authorities regarding the implementation of the resolutions concerning the release of Kuwaiti citizens and other detainees in Iraq and calls upon the Iraqi authorities for their immediate release.

4.Holds Iraq fully responsible for the human and material damages inflicted upon Kuwait and other countries, and demands from Iraq compensation for those losses in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions without any procrastination or delay.

5.Reiterates the necessity of Iraq's effective adherence to all Security Council resolutions regarding the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and affirms the necessity of eliminating all kind of weapons of mass destruction from the entire Middle East region.

6.Requests the Secretary General to follow the implementation of this resolution and to report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Proceeding from the principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and resolutions of the Islamic Conference which emphasise the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;

Affirming anew the right of all peoples to decide the form of government they wish to have and to choose their own political, economic and social systems, free from all forms of foreign intervention, coercion or pressure;

Recalling the principled stand adopted by the Islamic Conference in its resolutions on Afghanistan since January 1980;

Recalling the positive role played by the Organization of the Islamic Conference to support the Afghan Mujahideen and to promote a just political settlement of the Afghanistan conflict;

Taking into account also the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at the Sixth Emergency Special Session and its subsequent regular sessions as well as the decisions adopted by the Ministerial Conferences of the Non-Aligned Countries in February 1981, June 1982, September 1985, April 1986, September 1988, May 1989 and September 1991 and the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Summits of the Non-Aligned countries against foreign military intervention in Afghanistan;

Recalling also the resolutions adopted by consensus by the 43rd, 44th, 45th and 46th regular sessions of the United Nations General Assembly;

Desirous of restoring the political independence and sovereignty of Afghanistan, its Islamic identity and its non-aligned character;

Concerned over the fact that serious impediments still stand in the way of the Muslim people of Afghanistan to exercise freely their right to determine their political future;

Recalling the decision, adopted by the Eighteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, to invite the Representative of the Afghan Mujahideen to occupy the seat of Afghanistan in the Organization of the Islamic Conference;

Deeply conscious of the need for a comprehensive political settlement of the grave situation in Afghanistan;

Fully aware of the immense burden borne by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a result of the asylum provided by them to millions of Afghan refugees, driven away from their homeland, and who are still unable to return because of the disturbed conditions;

1.Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Secretary General (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.2/Rev.1).

2.Commends the heroic struggle of the people of Afghanistan for the liberation of their homeland and recognizes and supports the role of the Afghan Mujahideen for the restoration of the independent, non-aligned and Islamic status of Afghanistan.

3.Calls for a comprehensive political settlement so that conditions of peace and stability are created in Afghanistan.

4.Recognizes that the formation of a broad-based government is essential for the restoration of peace and for enabling the people of Afghanistan to exercise their right to choose their own political, economic and social system free from outside intervention.

5.Calls for the creation of the necessary conditions of peace and normalcy that would enable the Afghan refugees to return voluntarily to their homeland in safety and honour.

6.Supports the efforts of the Afghan Mujahideen to establish a broad-based government in Afghanistan.

7.Notes with appreciation the efforts of the UN Secretary General, including his latest initiative of 21 May 1991, to promote a comprehensive political settlement, which also envisages a role for other international organizations especially the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

8.Takes note with satisfaction of the positive declarations unanimously adopted by the tripartite meetings between the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the leaders of the Afghan Mujahideen parties, held on 29-30 July 1991, in Islamabad, and on 28-29 August 1991, in Tehran.

9.Requests the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to continue to coordinate his efforts with the UN Secretary General for promoting a political settlement in Afghanistan and recommends that the OIC should have an active role in the solution of the Afghanistan problem.

10.Welcomes in this regard the appointment of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Afghanistan and urges Member States to extend their cooperation and support to enable the OIC to make its due contribution to the peaceful settlement of the Afghanistan problem.

11.Welcomes and supports the recent dialogue between the Afghan Mujahideen and the Soviet Union and the joint statement issued by them, especially the agreement on the need to establish an Islamic interim government and thereafter, within the period of two years, the holding of general elections with the cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations.

12.Decides to continue generous humanitarian assistance to the Afghan refugees and to work for their repatriation and rehabilitation in Afghanistan in cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

13.Renews its call to all states as well as national and international organizations to extend assistance to alleviate the suffering of Afghan refugees.

14.Approves the recommendations made by the Secretary General on the basis of the IDB study on reconstruction in Afghanistan, and appeals to all Member States to extend financial and moral support for the implementation of these recommendations.

15.Requests the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference to keep Member States informed of progress towards the implementation of the present resolution and submit to the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference a report on the Situation in Afghanistan.

16.Decides to consider the issue at the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and at the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3-5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December, 1991),

Reaffirming the previous resolutions of the Islamic Conference on the question of Cyprus which express firm support for the rightful cause of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus who constitute an integral part of the Islamic world;

Reaffirming further its support for the continuing efforts of the United Nations Secretary General under his mission of good offices;

Welcoming in this connection the proposal made by Turkey for a high-level quadripartite meeting with the participation of the two parties in Cyprus on the basis of equality and by Turkey and Greece;

Recalling that in the more than 28 years since the establishment of UNFICYP, it has not been possible to achieve a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus problem;

Mindful of the necessity to respect the political equality of the two sides in Cyprus in order to help the attainment of an overall agreement;

Noting the Report of the Secretary General contained in document IS/6-91/PIL/D.3/Rev.1;

Having heard with fraternal sentiments the statement of His Excellency President Denktas who voiced the rightful cause of his people and explained the reasons for their request to be a full member of the Conference;

Expressing its solidarity with the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus and its appreciation for their constructive efforts to attain a just and mutually acceptable settlement;

1.Reaffirms the full equality of the two parties in Cyprus as the principle enabling them to live side-by-side in security, peace and harmony without the one having the ability to exploit, oppress or threaten the other.

2.Urges the Member States to strengthen effective solidarity with the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus and to assist them in reaching a just and durable settlement to the Cyprus problem.

3.Decides to support until the Cyprus problem is solved, the rightful claim of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus for the right to be heard in all international forums where the Cyprus problem comes for discussion, on the basis of equality of the two parties in Cyprus.

4.Decides further:

a)to continue the enhancement of the participation of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus in the Islamic Conference by enabling it to take part effectively in the work and activities and meetings of all the organs of the OIC, including its subsidiary organs and affiliated institutions; and

b)to call on and urge the Member States to increase and expand their relations with the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus in all fields and in particular in the fields of trade, tourism, culture, information, investment and sports.

5.Requests the Islamic Development Bank to complete its comprehensive study on the economic situation and needs of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus, with a view to promoting its economic development.

6.Calls on the two parties to negotiate together on an equal footing towards freely reaching a mutually acceptable solution.

7.Calls further on the two parties to seek a new relationship based on respect for each other's rights and identities in order to facilitate a new partnership between them.

8.Decides to remain seized of the request of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus.

9.Requests the Secretary General to take all the necessary measures for the implementation of this Resolution and to make further recommendations as appropriate.

10.Requests further the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Conference to monitor closely developments in Cyprus and to present a comprehensive report to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Organization of Islamic Conference which emphasize the common goals and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;

Emphasizing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and recalling the UN resolutions relevant to the Jammu and Kashmir;

Recalling that the Simla Agreement signed between the Governments of India and Pakistan calls for a final settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue;

Reaffirming also the importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination enshrined in the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations;

Taking into cognizance the report of the Secretary General on the issue (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.4/Rev.1);

Expressing concern at the alarming increase in the indiscriminate use of force and gross violations of human rights committed against innocent Kashmiris;

1.Calls for a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions and as agreed upon in the Simla Agreement.

2.Condemns the massive violation of human rights of the Kashmiri people and calls for the respect of their human rights, including the right of self-determination.

3.Calls upon India to allow International Human Rights Groups and humanitarian organizations to visit Jammu and Kashmir.

4.Notes the continuation of dialogue between India and Pakistan and encourages further negotiations with a view to resolving their outstanding differences through peaceful means and affirms that a sustained dialogue is essential to address the core of the problems and to remove the basic causes of tension between India and Pakistan.

5.Expresses its deep concern at the prevailing tension that threatens security and peace in the region.  

6.Calls upon India and Pakistan to redeploy their forces to peace-time locations.

7.Endorses the decision of the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers to send a Good Offices Mission under the Chairman of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers with a view to easing the tension between the two countries and to promote a peaceful settlement.

8.Requests the Secretary General to send a three-member fact finding mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir as decided by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, and submit a report to the Secretary General.

9.Also requests the Secretary General to present his report on the implementation of the provisions of this resolution at the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and at the Seventh Islamic Summit.

10.Decides to consider the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute at the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and at the Seventh Islamic Summit.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3-5 Jumadal Thani 1412H (9-11 December, 1991),

Bearing in mind the previous resolutions adopted by the OIC on the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines, particularly Resolutions 4/4-P of 1973, 2/8-P and 7/8-P of 1977 and 20/9-P of 1978 and 43/19-P of 1990 and 33/20-P of 1991;

Recalling the final communique issued by the Fifth Islamic Summit expressing the hope for the success of the current negotiations between the Moro National Liberation Front and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines;

Recalling further the Tripoli Agreement signed on 23 December 1976, under the auspices of the OIC, between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front;

Taking into consideration the recommendations of the Quadripartite Ministerial Committee entrusted by the OIC with the follow up of the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines;

Taking cognizance of the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines, particularly the result of recent contacts with the Government of the Philippines, (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.5);

1. Reaffirms the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences on solidarity with the Muslims in Southern Philippines  in their just struggle for the achievement of their legitimate aspirations, within the framework of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines.

2.Notes with satisfaction the measures taken by the Government of the Philippines to improve the conditions of Muslims, and hopes that further measures will be taken so as to achieve a final solution to the problem of Muslims in the Southern Philippines, within the framework of the Tripoli Agreement.

3.  Expresses its satisfaction to the Government of the Philippines, the Moro National Liberation Front, and the Moro Islamic Front for their agreement to conduct negotiations at the headquarters and under the auspices of the Organization of the Islamic conference and the Conference approves of the resumption of negotiations between all the parties aimed at realizing a just and comprehensive solution to the problem of Muslims in the Southern Philippines within the framework of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines.

4. Pays tribute to the leaders of the Moro National Liberation Front for their unfailing readiness to conduct a constructive dialogue with the Government of the Republic of the Philippine under the auspices of the OIC, in order to arrive at a just and final solution to the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines.

5. Reaffirms its readiness to continue providing  every form of assistance - humanitarian, material, financial and political - to the Muslims in Southern Philippines and to the Moro National Liberation Front to enable them to attain their legitimate aspirations.

6.Approves the proposal to bring up to 6 the number of members of the Ministerial Committee entrusted with the follow up of the problem of Muslims in Southern Philippines and commissions the Secretary General to make the necessary consultations for this purpose.

7.  Notes with satisfaction the efforts made by the Secretary General to find a just and comprehensive solution to the problem of Muslims in the Southern Philippines.

8.  Requests the Secretary General and the Ministerial Committee entrusted with following up this question to continue contacts with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front until a peaceful, just and comprehensive solution to the problem of the Muslims in the Southern Philippines is achieved.

9.  Requests the Secretary General to communicate this Resolution to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, the Moro National Liberation Front and the Moro Islamic Front.

10.  Requests the Secretary General to take the necessary measures to implement this Resolution and submit a report thereon to the forthcoming Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity),  held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Considering the development of the situation in South Africa;  

Reaffirming its conviction that apartheid is a scourge on mankind in general, and Africa in particular where it has taken a heavy toll in human lives, destroyed property and humiliated entire peoples by depriving them of their fundamental freedom, dignity and human rights;

Recalling the provisions of the Harare Declaration, as well as those of the United Nations on Apartheid and its destructive effects in Southern Africa which was adopted by the UN General Assembly at its Sixteenth Special Session in December 1989;

Deploring the escalation of fratricidal violence  among the black populations of South Africa;

Noting that despite the positive measures taken by the Government of F.W. De Klerk, the people of South Africa continue to suffer from the socio-economic inequalities engendered by the apartheid system and from continued monopolization of power in the hands of the White Minority regime.

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General, (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.6);

1- Reaffirms all its previous resolutions concerning the situation in South Africa.

2- Condemns the policy of Apartheid which is an affront to all the peoples of the world.

3- Reaffirms its support of the constitutional principles set forth in the Declarations of Harare and United Nations which constitute the basis for transforming South Africa into a non-racist democracy.

4-  Takes note of the current process engaged in that direction by the Government of South Africa in relations with parties and political organizations of South Africa and urges this  government to accelerate that process in a significant and real manner in order to definitively put an end to the apartheid system.

5- Calls for the expeditious conclusion of negotiations on a new, non-racial democratic constitution acceptable to the people of South Africa under the auspices of an interim government and the effective transfer of power to the people of South Africa.

6- Demands that the South African Government takes immediate steps to end violence and publicly and solemnly undertake to do everything in its power to protect the lives and property of the black population.

7- Urges all the political organizations and all popular movements to end the fratricidal conflict which could well delay the process of eliminating Apartheid, and to adopt and respect a code of conduct in order to end the violence between their members and followers; also reiterates its support to the national liberation movements and the democratic forces of South Africa who are at the vanguard of the struggle for the abolition of the Apartheid system.

8- Appeals to the international community to use all forms of pressure to induce the Pretoria regime to speed up the process of dismantling the Apartheid system and create the necessary conditions for negotiations and the establishment of a democratic society.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), , held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II 1412 H (9 - 11 December 1991),

Proceeding from the noble principles and objectives of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;

Gravely concerned about the recent events in Somalia, which have caused immense suffering to the people and have grave implications for the national unity, territorial integrity and political independence of this Islamic country;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General, (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.7);

1. Affirms that it is imperative to restore and preserve the unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia.

2. Notes with appreciation the Report of the Secretary General regarding the efforts made by the Organization of Islamic Conference to promote national reconciliation in Somalia, as well as for the restoration and preservation of the unity and territorial integrity of this Islamic country and for the alleviation of the suffering  of the Somali people.

3. Expresses its appreciation  for the valuable efforts made by governments of brotherly countries especially the Government of Djibouti under the leadership of the President His Excellency Hassan Gouled Aptidon in organizing the Round Table talks for restoring peace in Somalia.

4.Calls upon the Somali political groups to cease  all hostilities and implement the decisions taken at the second round of talks of Six Somali Political Groups held in Djibouti in July 1991 and hopes that the intra-Somali dialogue will continue and produce positive results.

5. Welcomes the readiness generously demonstrated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to receive in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the various parties to the conflict with a view to seal the final settlement of the Somali crisis respecting the unity and territorial integrity of Somalia.

6. Appeals to the Somali political leaders and movements to fully respond to the efforts being made by the Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Djibouti and other brotherly countries as well as by the OIC Secretary General to seek ways and means to achieve a peaceful solution to the crisis in Somalia.

7. Calls upon the international community especially the member states of the OIC to work for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia by providing urgent humanitarian assistance such as food and medicines for the homeless, in addition to the care for the injured and handicapped in the hospitals of member states and facilities for Somali students by admitting them to schools and educational institutions in the Member States.

8. Requests the international community and particularly the OIC Member States to resume their economic and financial cooperation with Somalia.

9. Invites the Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference, in consultation with the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Government of Somalia, to undertake appropriate contacts with the Secretary General of the United Nations with a view to examining the possibility of sending the Peace Keeping Forces for safeguarding peace and order in this country.

10.Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Comorian Island of Mayotte affirming the territorial unity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros which is composed of four Islands: Grande-Comore, Mayotte, Anjouan and Moheli;

Bearing in mind the pledges made by France on the eve of the referendum for self-determination of 22 December 1974 held in the Comoros, to respect the territorial integrity of the Archipelago on its accession to independence;

Convinced that a just and lasting solution to the question of Mayotte is to be found in respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago;

Also bearing in mind the wish expressed by the President of France during his visit to Moroni on 13-14 June 1990, to seek actively a just solution to the problem;

Taking note of the repeated wish of the Government of the Comoros to initiate as soon as possible a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government with a view to accelerating the return of the Comorian Island of Mayotte to the Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros;

Considering that the separation of the Island of Mayotte from the other Comorian Islands constitutes a grave violation of the territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, and is a serious impediment to the harmonious economic development of that country;

Bearing in mind also the decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the United Nation's General Assembly on this question;

Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the subject, (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.8);

1. Reaffirms the unity and territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and its sovereignty over the Comorian Island of Mayotte.

2. Expresses  its active solidarity with the Comorian people and supports the Comorian Government in its political and diplomatic efforts to effectively restore the Island to its natural entity.

3. Urges the Government of France to accelerate the process of negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the Island of Mayotte to the Comoros;

4. Calls upon  the Member States to use their influence with France collectively and individually so as to induce it to accelerate the negotiations with the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros on the basis of the national unity and territorial integrity of that country.

5. Invites the Secretary General to continue his contacts with the French authorities in order to convey to them the deep concern of the OIC over this problem, to follow the developments in this regard in coordination with the Secretaries General of the UN and the OAU and to submit a report thereon to the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Recalling that Islamic communities living in Non-OIC Member States account for over one third of the Islamic Ummah;

Recalling also the principles and objectives of the Charter, the Resolutions adopted by earlier Islamic Conferences and the international conventions and agreements, particularly those agreements which call for the observance of Human Rights and political, social, cultural, economic and religious freedoms;

Having taken note of the Report submitted by the Secretary General on Islamic communities in Non-Member States, (Document No.IS/6-91/PIL/D.9);

1.Expresses its appreciation for the Secretary General's Report on the Islamic communities in Non-Member States.

2.Expresses its satisfaction at the efforts exerted by the Secretary General for the implementation of the resolutions adopted on the Islamic communities in Non-Member States and requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts.

3.Urges Member States to pay attention to the problems faced by the Islamic communities living in Non-OIC Member States, play an effective role in approaching these States to urge them to permit these communities to exercise their full rights as guaranteed by recognized international conventions including their political, civil and religious rights in accordance with the principles of human rights stipulated in international charters and conventions.

4.Recommends that intensified contacts be ensured between the Organization of Islamic Conference and the other Islamic organizations and institutions in Member States on the one hand, and the Islamic communities in Non-Member States on the other, so as to put an end to their isolation and be acquainted with their problems, requests and requirements.

5.Requests the Secretary General to make contacts with the Member States which have communities living in non-Member States with a view to being acquainted with their experiences and efforts to preserve their identities and authentic Islamic heritage and to submit report on this subject, to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.

6.Welcomes the invitation of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to host the First World Conference of Muslim Communities and Minorities in order to seek solutions to the problems facing them and explore future prospects.

7.Urges the Member States and the Islamic Associations and Institutions to extend every kind of assistance to the General Secretariat so that it may carry out in the best possible manner, the tasks assigned to it in terms of visits, meetings, and seminars, designed to study the situation of Islamic communities in Non-Member States and examine the problems they face in search for appropriate solutions within the framework of the respect for the sovereignty of the States in which they live.

8.Appreciates the Secretary General's recent statements which have highlighted the anguish and concern of the Islamic Ummah over the desecration of the Islamic places of worship and requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts aimed at safeguarding the sanctity of Islamic Holy Places and values in Non-Muslim States.

9.Requests the Secretary General to contact the States with Islamic minorities and to cooperate with Islamic associations and institutions for the implementation of the resolutions adopted in this regard.

10.  Decides to consider the issue at the 21st Session of Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers and at the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, the Republic of Senegal, from 3-5 Jumadal Thani 1412H, corresponding to 9-11 December, 1991,

In application of the teachings and noble principles of exalted Islamic religion which urge the consolidation of solidarity and fraternity among the members of the unified Islamic Ummah and enjoins opposition to sedition;

Committed to the objectives and principles enunciated in the Charter notably provisions of Article II relating to the strengthening of solidarity and non interference in the internal affairs of member states;

Recalling the resolutions of the Third Islamic Summit held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah 19-22 Rabi'ul Awal 1401H (25-28 January 1981) which stressed the need to strengthen solidarity among Member States on the basis of mutual respect and commitment to non-interference in the internal affairs of one another, and support for the causes of freedom, justice and peace;

1.Calls upon Member States to observe the principles of good neighbourliness, and to prevent the use of their territories or government bodies by individuals or groups bent on doing harm to other Member States.

2.Decide that no movement exploiting the noble Islamic religion should be allowed to carry out any hostile activity against any Member State, and to consolidate coordination among Member States so as to control the phenomenon of intellectual terrorism and extremism.

3.Stresses the need to continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination among Member States at all levels, and to deepen their consultation so as to remove all causes of dissension and promote understanding among them.

4.Invites the Secretary General and Reflection Committee, recently established within the OIC, to study this topic and submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9 - 11 December 1991),

Recalling Resolution No.29/14-P of December, 1983 and Resolution No.38/19-P of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on reparations for the after effects of wars, particularly mines;

Referring to Resolution No.32 of the 5th Summit Conference of Non-Aligned States, held in Colombo from 16 to 19 August, 1976 concerning the after effects of wars;

Also referring to the content of the Declaration of the 9th Summit Conference of Non-Aligned States, held in Belgrade, from 4 to 7 September, 1989 on reparations for the period of colonialism;

Also recalling the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other relevant UN organs on the remnants of war including mines;

Further recalling the historical precedents on reparations for the damages caused by occupation and war and their sequels, particularly those of two world wars;

Recognizing that the existence of physical remnants of the war, including mines, in the territories of developing countries seriously impedes the developmental efforts of these countries and causes a loss of life and property;

Convinced that the responsibility for removing the remnants of wars should fall on the countries that had laid them;

Recognizing that poverty and the obstacles to economic and social development in developing countries are due primarily to the exhaustion of those countries' economic and human resources by the States which had colonized them;

Also convinced that the effective solution to the problems caused to the developing countries by colonialism, occupation or settlement lies in the commitment  of  former  colonial  powers  to shoulder the responsibility of compensating for the losses suffered by those countries;

Further convinced that reparations for colonialism are the least that former colonial powers can do to rehabilitate the people of the countries they had colonized;

Further convinced that the peoples of the world have a firm desire to end all forms of colonialism;

1.  Reaffirms its condemnation of colonialism in all its forms as an act of aggression which violates all international conventions and principles of international law.

2.  Recognizes that the effects of colonialism have impeded economic and social development plans and programmes in the developing countries and are still impeding these countries' development and progress.

3. Reaffirms the right of the developing countries to obtain fair compensation for the human and material losses they have suffered as a result of colonialism.

4.  Affirms the right of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahirya for reparations for all the human and material losses it has sustained as a result of the period of Italian invasion and colonization of the Libyan territories.

5.  Invites all past and present colonialist powers to shoulder their responsibilities and make reparations for all the economic, social and cultural consequences of their occupation of developing countries.

6.  Affirms the right of the developing countries to recover their cultural property which was looted during the period of colonialism, including antiquities, masterpieces, manuscripts and historical documents.

7.  Urges the international community to take effective measures to prevent the recurrence of colonialism and liquidate its after-effects.

8.  Decides to keep this issue under consideration and requests the Secretary General to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, the Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jamadal Thani 1412H (corresponding to 9-11 December 1991),

Recalling the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers  Nos.33/18-P, 30/19-P, and 24/20-P on supporting the efforts made by Sudan to achieve national unity, peace and development and safeguard its identity and cultural heritage;

Considering the goals and principles of the OIC Charter concerning promoting Islamic solidarity among Member States and enhancing their ability to protect their unity, sovereignty, independence, national rights and spiritual heritage;

Observing that Sudan is facing attacks and designs perpetrated by a number of foreign hostile powers, led by Israel, which aim at destabilizing Sudan, adversely affecting its unity, and obliterating its cultural identity;

1.  Reaffirms its solidarity with Sudan in the face of foreign hostile designs, and in defence of its unity, territorial integrity and stability.  

2.  Commends Sudan's commitment, and genuine and continued efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the problem of Southern Sudan.

3.  Expresses its profound appreciation to the Member States which support the efforts made by Sudan to safeguard its unity and territorial integrity.

4.  Emphasizes its full support in this context to the efforts being made by President Ibrahim Babangida of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

5.  Appeals to Member States to continue to support Sudan's efforts to safeguard its unity, territorial integrity and identity, in conformity with the principles embodied in the Charter and resolutions    of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

6.  Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the next session.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al Thani 1412H (9 to 11 December 1991),

Considering the under developed state of the arid zones of Mali which provoked rebellion by a section of the population of the zones concerned in the north of the country;

Considering the high number of displaced populations in the neighbouring countries of Mali due to the prevailing insecurity in some areas of the country;

Considering also the negative repercussions of this situation on the State of the historical cities of Timbuctou and Gao, Great Islamic homes in sub-saharan Africa;

Noting with satisfaction the commitment undertaken by Malian authorities to find a pacific and just solution to the situation in the North within the framework of national unity, territorial integrity of the country and in respect of diversity;

Considering further that other countries of the Islamic Ummah are equally committed to the finding of a negotiated solution.


1. To provide assistance to the Malian authorities for the achievement of the  process undertaken with a view to establishing peace and the return of the displaced populations.

2. To support the efforts and programmes of development for the arid zones of the country and for the reintegration of the displaced populations.

3. To request Islamic institutions especially the IDB and the ISF to give their support for the realization of the above-mentioned development programmes. It further calls upon Member States and the various Arab-Islamic Funds for development to give their assistance.

4. To take all steps for the rehabilitation of the northern towns of Mali, particularly the historical city of Timbuctou and requests the OIC cultural institutions and Member States to intervene effectively in this area.

5. To appeal to all parties concerned to pursue efforts with a view to restoring definitively peace in this important part of the Islamic Ummah.

6.  Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the next Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.



The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, the Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumada II 1412 (9 - 11 December 1991)

Having considered the item related to the crisis involving an OIC Member State;

Guided by the principles of the Charter which call for  the promotion of solidarity among Member States;

Abiding by the objectives and principles of the UN Charter which stipulate that all States are committed to refraining from the use or the threat of use of force in their international relations, the settlement of their disputes by peaceful means, respect for the independence of all Member States, and refrain from posing any threat to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and safety of their people;

Reaffirming its clear and unequivocal denunciation, on previous occasions, of all forms and types of terrorism, and its condemnation of all those who use or encourage it, be they individuals, groups or States; proceeding from the faith of the OIC Member States that terrorism runs counter to the Islamic values in which they believe, and which commit them never to tolerate or disregard terrorism, insofar as it contradicts the aspiration of individuals and governments in the international community to a life of peace, where stability and security prevail;

Taking note with great satisfaction the declaration by the Libyan Jamahiriya that it denounces all forms and types of terrorism, and condemns all those that use or encourage it, and its willingness to cooperate with any international or regional judicial or humanitarian body in working for combatting it; and in appreciation of the legal procedures it has taken in this connection;

Expressing satisfaction with Libya's declaration that it is fully prepared to cooperate with the United States and the United Kingdom judicial authorities and that it welcomes visits by judges and investigators from the United States and the United Kingdom, so as to ensure the seriousness of the procedures and the impartiality of the investigations conducted in the charges levelled at some of its citizens and for the full truth to come to light regarding such charges;

1.Takes note with satisfaction Libya's confirmation that it denounces and condemns terrorism and that it is fully prepared to cooperate with any quarters fighting and working to combat terrorism, and commends the sensible way in which Libya has dealt with the threats directed against its territorial integrity and the security of its population;

2.Expresses concern over the escalation of the crisis, and the reference to the possible use of force which does not accord with the proper system of dealing with other states, the UN Charter, or international law; and calls for abiding by international conventions, and the use of dialogue and negotiations as a means of solving the disputes between states,

3.Reaffirms its full solidarity with the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and calls for averting any economic or military action against Libya.

4.Requests the Secretary General to follow up this question and submit a report thereon to the Member States.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jumadul Thani 1412H (9-11 December 1991);

Affirming the principles of solidarity and consolidation of cooperation among Member States;

Notes with great satisfaction the declaration of the unification of Yemen on peaceful and democratic basis;

1. Welcomes the unification of Yemen and the establishment of the Republic of Yemen, and affirms its support to it.




The Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity), held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jamada Al-Thani 1412H (9-11 December 1991),

Bearing in mind the objectives of the Charter and the "Cairo Declaration of Human Rights" to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all based on Islamic values;

Mindful of the totality and integrity of Islamic values on human rights, the Supreme place of mankind in Islam as viceregent of Allah on Earth and accordingly great importance that is being attached in Islamic thought to promote and encourage respect for human rights;

Recalling Resolutions No. 49/19-P and 37/20-P of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam;

Aware that increasing importance of human rights throughout the world calls for further intensification of the efforts of the Islamic Ummah and Islamic organizations in order to take appropriate initiatives at the national, regional and international level for example seminars, disseminations and publication of Islamic literature in this field;

Convinced that recent trends among the O.I.C. to protect the collective interest of the Member States in the process of ever-changing international developments requires closer coordination to strengthen the common cultural and social values in international arenas;

Keenly aware of the exigency to preserve and consolidate the identity of the Islamic Ummah which will play a major role in the evolution of human civilization in the framework of the future world order;

Strongly convinced that cultural, humanitarian and political glory of the Islamic countries in future decades, dictates an urgent need and importance of further intensification of the efforts of the Member States, to undertake constructive reflection and draw up a comprehensive outline determining the concrete plan of action;

1. Takes note of the recent initiatives taken by the Member States in order to follow carefully the current international developments, and urges its continuation in a coordinated process.

2. Takes note with appreciation the analytical report of the Secretary General containing in document No. ICFM/20-91/LEG/D.2/Rev.3 and its findings and recommendations as regards human rights and future policies to be adopted in the course of new international developments.

3. Reaffirms that all Member States have pledged themselves to contribute, to the extent possible, to decisions taken by the O.I.C. in conformity with the collective interests and consolidating the coordinated positions of the Member States.

4. Requests the Secretary General to coordinate effectively the participation of the Member States in the World Conference on Human Rights.

5. Requests the Secretary General to report to the Twenty-first Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, the progress in implementation of the present resolution.