3-5 JAMADA AL-THANI 1412 H (9-11 DECEMBER 1991)



At the kind invitation of the Republic of Senegal and in implementation of the decision of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference held at Kuwait, State of Kuwait, the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity) was held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 to 5 Jamada Al-Thani 1412 H, corresponding to 9 to 11 December 1991.

A meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs was held at Dakar from 29 Jamada Al-Awal to 2 Jamada Al-Thani 1412 H, corresponding to 5 to 8 December 1991 to prepare for the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference.  

2.  A.The following Member States attended the Conference:

 1- The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

 2- The Republic of Azerbaijan.

 3- Afghanistan.

 4- The State of United Arab Emirates.

 5- The Republic of Indonesia.

 6- The Republic of Uganda.

 7- The Islamic Republic of Iran.

 8- The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

 9- The State of Bahrain.

10- Brunei Darussalam.

11- Burkina Faso.

12- The People's Republic of Bangladesh.

13- The Republic of Benin.

14- The Republic of Turkey.

15- The Republic of Chad.

16- The Republic of Tunisia.

17- The Republic of Gabon.

18- The Republic of the Gambia.

19- The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria.

20- The Islamic Federal Republic of Comoros.

21- The Republic of Djibouti.

22- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

23- The Republic of Senegal.

24- The Republic of Sudan.

25- The Syrian Arab Republic.

26- The Republic of Sierra Leone.

27- The Republic of Somalia.

28- The Sultanate of Oman.

29- The Republic of Guinea.

30- The Republic of Guinea Bissau.

31- The State of Palestine.

32- The State of Qatar.

33- The Republic of Cameroon.

34- The State of Kuwait.

35- The Republic of Lebanon.

36- The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

37- The Republic of Maldives.

38- The Republic of Mali.

39- Malaysia.

40- The Arab Republic of Egypt.

41- The Kingdom of Morocco.

42- The Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

43- The Republic of Niger.

44- The Federal Republic of Nigeria.

45- The Republic of Yemen.



i)  States:

-   Republic of Albania.

-   Republic of Mozambique.


- Turkish Muslim Community of Kibris

- Moro National Liberation Front



-United Nations.

-Organization of African Unity (OAU).

-League of Arab States.

-Non-Aligned Movement.


-Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre, for Islamic Countries,  Ankara.

-Research Centre on Islamic History, Art and Culture, Istanbul.

-The Islamic Centre for Technical and Vocational Training and Research, Dhaka.

-The Islamic Centre for the Development of Trade, Casablanca.

-The Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development, Jeddah.

-The Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jeddah.

-International Commission for the Preservation of the Islamic Cultural Heritage, Istanbul.

-Islamic Solidarity Fund, Jeddah.

-The Islamic University of Niger.

-The Islamic University of Uganda.


-Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Jeddah.

-Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural    Organization (ISESCO), Rabat.

-International Islamic News Agency (IINA), Jeddah.

-Islamic States Broadcasting Organization (ISBO),Jeddah.

-Islamic Committee for the International Crescent (ICIC), Benghazi.


-Organization of the Islamic Capitals and Cities, Makkah Al-Mukarramah.

-Sports Federation of Islamic Solidarity Games, Riyadh.

-The Islamic Shipowners Association, Jeddah.

-World Federation of Arab Islamic International Schools,  Jeddah.

-International Association of Islamic Banks, Cairo.


-Muslim World League, Makkah Al Mukarramah.

-World Islamic Call Society, Tripoli.

-World Muslim Congress, Karachi.

-World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), Riyadh.

-League of Islamic Universities, Riyadh.

-International Islamic Council for Da'wa and Relief, Cairo.

-International Islamic Charitable Foundation, Kuwait.

-United Kingdom Action Committee



-Republic of Kazakhistan.

-Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.


-Gulf Cooperation Council of Arab States.

-Arab Maghreb Union.

-U.N. High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

-U.N. Development Programme (UNDP).

-U.N. Committee for the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.

-International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

-United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

-United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)

-Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

-Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS).

-The OIC Contact Group on the Plight of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Bulgaria.

3.His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait in his capacity as the Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference made a statement in which he emphasized the vast capabilities bestowed on the Ummah to promote Joint Islamic Action on the basis of the noble teachings of Islam which calls for brotherhood and unity.  He recalled in this respect the principles enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference namely total equality between Member States, respect of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of each Member State, settlement of conflicts by peaceful means and abstention from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity, national unity or political independance of any State.  He added that all these noble principles were violated by the Iraqi regime which launched an attack against a neighbouring Muslim State and a member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.  He stated that the Iraqi regime continues to challenge international resolutions and conventions and flouts Islamic values and humanitarian principles by continuing to detain in its prisons, thousands of hostages and prisoners among whom are hundreds of women and children.  His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah referred to the activities of the Organization of the Islamic Conference during his tenure as Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference and which were related to the cause of Palestine, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif in the forefront; the comprehensive peace process initiated in Madrid; the question of Lebanon, Afghanistan, South Africa and the Island of Mayotte; the critical economic situation in Africa; the events in Somalia; the Jammu and Kashmir dispute; and the position of Muslim minorities in general.

4.On the proposal of His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference, the Conference unanimously elected His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal, as the Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference.

5.In his opening statement His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference welcomed the delegations attending the Conference.  He expressed his  sincere thanks to all the Member States who helped secure the material conditions needed to hold this Conference.  In this respect he made a special reference to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, whose generosity made it possible to build the Conference Centre and the adjoining Hotel.

He further emphasized that Islam is characterized by its universalism and humanism.  He added that more than any other religion, Islam respects freedom of conscience and of worship.  "There shall be no compulsion in religion", says the Holy Quran in numerous surats and verses.  The frequent references to this idea in the Sacred Book clearly shows that it is fundamental.  The tolerance of Islam is a logical consequence of this principle.  Besides, Islam respects non-Muslims in the Muslim Community and grants them a status consonant with their beliefs.  It does not advocate inequality in civic rights between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Islamic State.

Referring to the Gulf crisis, His Excellency President Abdou Diouf expressed his happiness at the liberation of Kuwait and underlined that given the events experienced, it seems indeed logical and essential to ensure, through collective arrangements for the sub-region concerned, the kind of security which would guarantee stability and preclude that any such situation, which is inconsistent with Islamic ethics, may occur again.

On the Middle East issue, His Excellency President Abdou Diouf stated that the developments currently unfolding as regards the Middle East conflict were, no doubt, fostered by the deep changes taking place in the world.  He expressed satisfaction at these developments and wished full success to the process initiated in Madrid. He hailed the efforts of all those who contributed directly or indirectly in making the Madrid Conference possible.  He added that however, after almost half a century of conflict and misunderstandings, after so many frustrations imposed on several Palestinian generations, the road leading to the long-awaited settlement will be long and arduous.  Yet, the main thing is that, during the negotiations, all the parties concerned should be prompted by the desire to achieve peace.  He affirmed that the Organization of the Islamic Conference must encourage the continuation of these negotiations and, above all, it must continue to stand by the Palestinian people, who need the support of Member States more than ever before.  This solidarity obligation is further consolidated by their commitment to peace.

Talking about the ongoing deep changes in the world and in particular in Europe, His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, stressed the need for the States of the Ummah to participate in establishing a New World Order so as to ensure that their preoccupations may be taken into account and their common interests preserved.  To face the changes it is necessary, he added, that Member States organize themselves and show greater solidarity amongst them to  overcome the economic difficulties they are confronting.

6.His Excellency Elias Harawi, President of the Republic of Lebanon, H.E. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and H.E. Dawda Kairaba Jawara, President of the Republic of the Gambia, on behalf of the Arab, Asian and African Member States respectively expressed their profound gratitude and sincere thanks to His Excellency President Abdou Diouf for the highly inspiring guidelines contained in his inaugural address.

Their Excellencies the Presidents also thanked the Government of the Republic of Senegal for the excellent arrangements it had made for the Conference and for the generous hospitality extended by it to all delegations.

7.The Conference elected as Vice-Chairmen His Excellency Soeharto, President of the Republic of Indonesia, His Excellency Mr. Abdul Halim Khaddam, Vice-President of the Syrian Arab  Republic,  and H.E. Yasser Arafat, President of the State of Palestine. The State of Kuwait was elected as Rapporteur General.

8.His Excellency Dr. Hamid Algabid, Secretary General, made a statement in which he expressed to H.E. President Abdou Diouf, to the Senegalese Government and the people his sincere thanks for the warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to all delegations. Talking about the developments which occurred on the Islamic scene since the last Summit, the Secretary General welcomed the liberation of the State of Kuwait and called on the Member States to work towards restoring lasting peace in the Gulf region and to think of conceiving and setting up appropriate mechanisms aimed at preventing the repetition of such crises in the region. The Secretary General further expressed satisfaction over the opening in Madrid of the Peace Conference on the Middle East, voicing the hope that this Conference will lead to Israeli withdrawal from the Arab and Palestinian occupied territories including the Syrian Golan and Al-Quds Al-Sharif to which Muslims remain profoundly attached. With regard to the question of Afghanistan the Secretary General urged the Member States to give their active support to the constructive role which the OIC, is called upon, in this crucial phase, to play along with the United Nations in favour of a just and durable solution to this problem. The Secretary General, H.E. Dr. Hamid Algabid emphasized the need for the Organization to reinforce its action in favour of the Islamic comunities and minorities throughout the world, particularly in Cyprus, Southern Philippines and Jammu and Kashmir.  In  conclusion  the  Secretary  General urged the Member States to better organize their efforts and to undertake a joint Islamic action founded on solidarity and complementarity. 

9.The Conference next approved the report of the Preparatory meeting presented by the Chairman of the meeting His Excellency Djibo Laity Ka, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Head of the Delelgation of the Republic of Senegal to the Ministerial Meeting.  

The Conference decided to designate this Session as "the Session of Al-Quds AL-Sharif, Concord and Unity".

The Conference adopted the draft Agenda submitted by the Preparatory Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

10.The Conference decided to consider H.E. President Abdou Diouf's opening speech as an official reference document of the Conference.

11.The Conference noted with appreciation the Report of His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait and Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference. The Conference adopted a motion of thanks in which it paid tribute to the efforts exerted by His Highness during his Chairmanship of the Fifth Islamic Summit in favour of the reinforcement of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the expansion of its activities.

12.The Conference took note with appreciation the Reports presented by His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, His Excellency President Turgut Ozal, Chairman of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation, His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, Chairman of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs, His Excellency President Ghulam Ishaq Khan, Chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation respectively.

13.The Conference listened to messages from Their Excellencies the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, the Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity and the Chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, in which they called for the strengthening of the relations which exist between their respective institutions and the OIC.

The Conference also listened with fraternal sentiments the statement of Their Excellencies the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Albania.

14.The Conference welcomed the admission of the Republic of Azerbaijan as full member and the Republic of Albania as an Observer in the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

15.During the general debate, Their Majesties, Highnesses and Excellencies and heads of delegations analysed the situation in the Islamic world and on the international scene, as well as in the light of the profound transformation in East-West relations and its  implications for the security, stability and development of the Islamic World.  They emphasized the need for intensifying collective efforts to realize the noble objectives of the Charter of the OIC.

16.The Conference noted with appreciation the Reports submitted by the Secretary General on various items of the agenda and on the activities of the General Secretariat.

The Conference also noted the Reports presented by the Heads of the Subsidiary Organs and Specialized and Affiliated Institutions on the activities of their respective institutions in the framework of Joint Islamic Action. The Conference reaffirmed the necessity to accord to all these organs and institutions all the necessary support to enable them to accomplish the tasks assigned to them.  

17.The Conference held a special session for pledging voluntary contributions.  The following voluntary contributions have been pledged:  

-The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: US$ 10 Millions for the General Secretariat and the Subsidiary organs.

-The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: US$1 Million for the Islamic Solidarity Fund.

-The Republic of Indonesia: US$ 350,000 for the General Secretariat and OIC institutions.

-The Republic of Senegal: US$ 10,000.

- Arab Republic of Egypt: Scholarships and secondment of teachers.

18.The Conference took note with appreciation of the Report of the Secretary General on the work of the Committee of Reflection on the Islamic World in face of the new development on the international scene.

19.The Conference noted with appreciation the Report of the Secretary-General on the functioning of the OIC and the Subsidiary Organs, specialized and affiliated institutions.  The Conference expressed its satisfaction at the measures taken by the Secretary General in this direction and invited him to continue his efforts to reinvigorate the OIC system with a view to increasing its efficiency and to draw a Strategy of Joint Islamic Action.

The Conference approved the framework Statute and the Internal Regulation of the Standing Committees, the Statute and Rules of Procedure of COMCEC, the Statute and Regulation for COMIAC, and the framework Statute of Subsidiary Organs and the Rules of Procedures of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs.

20.The Conference decided to modify the Emblem of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to adapt it to the new orientations of the Organization.  

21.The Conference decided to ammend the first paragraph of Article VI of the OIC Charter concerning the duration of the term of office of the Secretary General.  The term of office of the Secretary General was fixed at four years renewable only once.  

Furthermore, the Conference decided to renew the term of office of His Excellency Dr. Hamid Algabid, Secretary General starting from 31 December 1992 for a period of four years.  

22.The Conference welcomed with gratitude and appreciation the generous offer of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to host on the blessed soil of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and within the sacred premises of the Ka'aba in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, the First World Conference of Muslim Communities and Minorities in order to seek solutions to the problems facing them and explore future prospects.  

23.The Conference called on Member States to abide by the principles of good neighbourly relations and prevent the use of their territory by individuals or groups endeavouring to do harm to other Islamic States.  It also called for preventing any movement that takes unfair advantage of our true religion from carrying out any activities prejudicial to any Islamic country and for consolidating coordination among Islamic States to bring intellectual terrorism and outbidding tactics under control.  

24.The Conference welcomed the unification of Yemen and the establishment of the Republic of Yemen on a peaceful and democratic basis.  

25.The Conference considered the question relating to the duration of the meetings of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and decided that further studies should be undertaken on the issue.  


26.The Conference reaffirmed that the Palestine Question was the prime cause for Muslims and that it was at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict.  

The Conference expressed support for the efforts made to bring about a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region through the convening of the Peace Conference in Madrid and the beginning of negotiations among the parties concerned based on international legality including Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, the principle of land for peace so as to ensure total Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian and Arab territories, occupied in 1967 including Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and to enable the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable national rights, including their right of return, self-determination and the establishment of their independent State on their national soil, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.  

The Conference affirmed its active solidarity and total support for the just struggle of the valiant Palestinian people, under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, their sole legitimate representative and saluted with great pride the blessed Intifadha of the Palestinian people against Israeli occupation.  

The Conference considered that establishment of settlements in Occupied Palestinian territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the occupied Syrian Golan constitute a fundamental obstacle to international efforts exerted towards a just and global peace in the region.  

The Conference declared the Islamic Ummah's commitment to liberate the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, First Qibla and Third Holy Shrine, reaffirmed that Al-Quds Al-Sharif is an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967 and reiterated its commitment to strengthen Islamic solidarity for the return of Al-Quds Al-Sharif to Palestinian sovereignty and to preserve the Arab Islamic character of the Holy City.  

The Conference reaffirmed that all the measures taken to annex Al-Quds Al-Sharif and impose Israeli laws on its Arab Palestinian inhabitants are null and void and called on the international community to condemn the continuing violations of Al-Aqsa mosque, the Islamic Sharia Court and other Islamic and Christian Holy Places, and to force Israel to comply with all international resolutions, the latest of which is Security Council resolution 681.  It also called on the international community to provide the necessary protection to the Palestinian people and the Holy Places.  

The Conference invited all States to refuse to locate their Embassies and Mission in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, thus expressing their opposition to the annexation, by Israel, of the Holy City.  

The Conference expressed its deep concern at the continuing implementation of the scheme of transferring Soviet and other Jews and settling them in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the Syrian Golan and urged all States not to adopt any measures that may facilitate the settlement operations in the occupied territories.  

The Conference appealed to all States to respond to the request of the U.N. Secretary General for implementation of the operative paragraph of Resolution 681 calling for a meeting of the States signatories to the Fourth Geneva Convention to discuss the necessary measures for the protection of the Palestinian people in accordance with international covenants and for enabling them to exercise their right to self-determination.  

The Conference expressed its deep concern over the ongoing attempts at repealing UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 of 10 November 1975 and which are bound to impede the peaceful, just and comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestine Question. The Conference declared its adherence to the above-mentioned resolution until such time as the reasons having led to its adoption have ceased to exist.  

The Conference strongly condemned Israel's refusal to abide by UN Security Council Resolution 497 of 1981 and forcibly imposing its jurisdiction, laws and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as well as for its annexationist policy and practices, the establishment of settlements, and the confiscation of land. It considered all these measures to be null and void and to be a violation of the principles and norms of International Law relating to occupation and war, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.  

27.The Conference condemned Israel's continuing occupation of parts of Southern Lebanon and of West Bekaa  and its aggression and arbitrary and military practices against Lebanese citizens, and called for Israel's immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Lebanese territories. The Conference reiterated its attachment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon within internationally recognized boundaries. It also reaffirmed the need to implement the UN Security Council resolutions on Lebanon, in particular resolution 425 of 1978. The Conference also expressed its appreciation for the achievements of the Supreme Tripartite Arab Committee as well as its support of the steps taken by the Lebanese Government to establish the State authority over all Lebanese territory so as to enable it to restore and rehabilitate the infra-structure and build essential facilities in order to achieve economic recovery.   

The Conference also called on the international community to contribute to the International Fund for the Reconstruction of Lebanon which the Arab Summit Conference in Baghdad decided to establish.  

28.The Conference recalled the declarations issued during the period between the 19th and 20th Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers regarding the Iraqi invasion and occupation of Kuwait as well as Resolution 9/20-P adopted by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers. It reiterated its condemnation of the illegal acts committed by the Iraqi regime's forces during the occupation of the State of Kuwait; persecuting, torturing and killing of Kuwaiti citizens, plundering public and private property and setting fire to and sabotaging oil wells and facilities and destroying aspects of human life and natural environment particularly in Kuwait and generally in the region, as well as the oppressive aggression against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invading its territories and air space and launching missiles against its cities. It affirmed the necessity for the full implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions issued in this regard to ensure non-recurrence of a new Iraqi aggression in the face of the previous aggressions against its neighbouring States. It deplored that the Iraqi government had not fully complied with UN resolutions indicating the harbouring of aggressive intentions which necessitates the maintenance of the sanctions imposed by the Security Council, and expressed its distress for the ordeal endured by the people of Iraq due to the non-compliance of the Iraqi regime with the decisions of international legitimacy thereby disregarding the interests of the people of Iraq. It expressed its deep regret and concern over the procrastination of the Iraqi authorities regarding the implementation of the resolutions concerning the release of Kuwaiti citizens and other detainees in Iraq and called upon the Iraqi authorities for their immediate release. It held Iraq fully responsible for the human and material damages inflicted upon Kuwait and other countries, and demanded from Iraq compensation for those losses in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions without any procrastination or delay. It reiterated the necessity of Iraq's effective adherence to all Security Council resolutions regarding the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction and affirmed the necessity of eliminating all kind of weapons of mass destruction from the entire Middle East region.  

29.The Conference commended the heroic struggle of the people of Afghanistan for the liberation of their homeland and recognized and supported the role of the Afghan Mujahideen for the restoration of the independent, non-aligned and Islamic status of Afghanistan. It called for  a  comprehensive  political  settlement and recognized that the formation of a broad-based government is essential for the restoration of peace and for enabling the people of Afghanistan to exercise their right to choose their own political, economic and social system free from outside intervention. It supported the efforts of the Afghan Mujahideen to establish a broad-based government in Afghanistan. It noted with appreciation the efforts being made by the Secretaries General of the OIC and the United Nations to promote a comprehensive political settlement, especially in the context of the 21 May 1991 initiative of the UN Secretary General, which also envisages a role for other international organisations especially the OIC. It welcomed the appointment of the Special Representative of the OIC Secretary General for Afghanistan and urged Member States to extend their cooperation and support to enable the OIC to make its due contribution to the peaceful settlement of the Afghanistan problem. It also noted with satisfaction the positive declaration unanimously adopted by the Tripartite Meeting between the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the leaders of the Afghan Mujahideen parties, held on 29-30 July 1991 in Islamabad and on 28-29 August, 1991 in Tehran. It welcomed and supported the recent dialogue between the Afghan Mujahideen and the Soviet Union and the joint statement issued by them, especially the agreement on the need to establish an Islamic interim Government. It requested the Secretary General of the OIC to continue to coordinate his efforts with the UN Secretary General for promoting a political settlement in Afghanistan. It also decided to continue generous humanitarian assistance to the Afghan refugees and to work for their repatriation to their homeland in cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran.  

30.The Conference expressed its concern at the alarming increase in the indiscriminate use of force and gross violations of human rights committed against innocent Kashmiri people. It called for a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir issue in accordance with the relevant UN Resolutions and as agreed upon in the Simla Agreement. It condemned the massive violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people and called for the respect of their human rights including their right to self-determination. It called upon India to allow International Human Rights Groups and Humanitarian Organizations to visit Jammu and Kashmir. It noted the continuation of dialogue between India and Pakistan and encouraged further negotiations with a view to resolving their outstanding differences through peaceful  means  and  affirmed that substantial dialogue is essential to address the core of the problems and to remove the basic causes of tension between India and Pakistan. It expressed its deep concern at the prevailing tension that threatens security and peace in the region. It called upon India and Pakistan to redeploy their forces to peace-time locations. It endorsed the decision of the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, to send a good office mission under the Chairman of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers with a view to easing the tension between the two countries and to promote a peaceful settlement. It also requested the Secretary General to send a three member fact-finding mission to visit Jammu and Kashmir.  

31.Having listened to the statement of His Excellency President Rauf Denktas with fraternal sentiments, the Conference reaffirmed its past resolutions and declarations on Cyprus and expressed its solidarity with the Turkish Cypriot community in its rightful cause. It adopted a resolution on the subject. It called on two parties to negotiate together to reach a mutually acceptable settlement and expressed its appreciation for the constructive efforts of the Turkish Cypriot side in this connection. The Conference expressed its support for the on-going efforts of the United Nations Secretary General within the framework of his mission of good offices. The Conference underlined the key importance of respect for the principle of political equality in the attainment of a mutually acceptable solution. In this context the Conference recalled the application of the Turkish Cypriot side for membership in the Organization of the Islamic Conference and decided in this respect to continue the enhancement of the participation of the Turkish Muslim Community of Cyprus in the activities and meetings of all the organs of the Conference. The Conference also decided to remain seized of the Turkish Cypriot request for membership. The Conference called on Member States to increase and expand their ties with the Turkish Cypriot people in all fields, including trade, tourism, culture, information, investment and sports.  

32.The Conference reaffirmed all its previous resolutions concerning the situation in South Africa. It condemned the policy of Apartheid which is an insult to all the peoples of the world. It reaffirmed its support of the constitutional principles set forth in the Declarations of Harare and United Nations which constitute the basis for transforming South Africa into a non-racist democracy. It noted the current process engaged in that direction by the Government of South Africa in relations with parties and political organizations of South Africa and urged this government to accelerate that process in a significant and real manner in order to definitively put an end to the apartheid system and called for the expeditious conclusion of negotiations on a new, non-racial democratic constitution acceptable to the people of South Africa under the auspices of an interim government and the effective transfer of power to the people of South Africa. It demanded that the South African Government take immediate steps to end violence and publicly and solemnly undertake to do everything in its power to protect the lives and property of the black population. It urged all the political organizations and all popular movements to end the fratricidal conflict which could well delay the process of eliminating Apartheid, and to adopt and respect a code of conduct in order to end the violence between their members and followers. It also reiterated its support to the national liberation movements and the democratic forces of South Africa who are at the vanguard of the struggle for the abolition of the Apartheid system. It appealed to the international community to use all forms of pressure to induce the Pretoria regime to speed up the process of dismantling the Apartheid system and create the necessary conditions for negotiations and the establishment of a democratic society.  

33.The Conference reaffirmed the unity and territorial integrity of the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros and its sovereignty over the Comorian Island of Mayotte. It expressed its active solidarity with the Comorian people and support for the Comorian Government in its political and diplomatic efforts to effectively restore the Island to its natural entity. It urged the Government of France to accelerate the process of negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the Island of Mayotte to the Comoros. It called upon the Member States to use their influence with France collectively and individually so as to induce it to accelerate the negotiations with the Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros on the basis of the national unity and territorial integrity of that country.  

34.The Conference affirmed that it is imperative to restore peace and preserve the unity, sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia as well as alleviate the sufferings of the Somali people. In this context, it noted with appreciation the efforts being made by the Organization of Islamic Conference. It also expressed its appreciation for the valuable efforts made by governments of brotherly countries especially the Government of Djibouti under the leadership of the President His Excellency Hassan Gouled Aptidon in organizing the Round Table talks for restoring peace in Somalia. It called upon the Somali political groups to cease all hostilities and implement the decisions taken at the second round of talks of Six Somali Political Groups held in Djibouti in July 1991 and expressed the hope that the intra-Somali dialogue will continue and produce positive results. It welcomed the readiness generously demonstrated by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud to receive in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the various parties to the conflict with a view to seal the final settlement of the Somali crisis respecting the unity and territorial integrity of Somalia. It also appealed to the Somali political leaders and movements to fully respond to the efforts being made by the Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Djibouti and other brotherly countries as well as by the OIC Secretary General to seek ways and means to achieve a peaceful solution to the crisis in Somalia. It also appealed to the international community, in particular, the OIC Member States to provide to the Somali people urgent humanitarian assistance and help in their rehabilitation and reconstruction of Somalia. It entrusted the Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference to undertake appropriate contacts for examining the possibility of the United Nations role in the restoration of peace in Somalia.  

35.The Conference confirmed its solidarity with Sudan in the face of foreign hostile designs and in defence of its unity, territorial integrity and stability. It appealed to all member states to continue to support Sudan's efforts to safeguard its unity, territorial integrity and identity.  

36.The Conference noted with satisfaction the commitment undertaken by Malian authorities to find a peaceful and just solution to the situation in the Mali within the framework of national unity, territorial integrity of the country and in respect of democracy. It decided to provide assistance to Mali for the achievement of the process undertaken by it with a view to establishing peace and the return of displaced populations. It also supported the efforts and programmes of the development of the arid zones of the country and for the reintegration of the displaced population.    

37.The Conference expressed its satisfaction for Libya's condemnation and denunciation of terrorism and commended  the approach  it adopted vis-a-vis the threats to its security and peace.  In this context, the Conference expressed its concern over the escalation of the crisis and the threatened resort to force in dealings among States, in contravention of international conventions.  The Conference also affirmed its full support for Libya and pronounced against any economic or military action against it.  

38.The Conference also expressed its support for the efforts being exerted by Libya to receive compensations for the damages it suffered under colonialism and particularly to reduce the effects of the war that caused heavy losses in human lives and suffering of innocent people, children and impeded the development programmes.  

39.The Conference noted with satisfaction the efforts of the Secretary-General to reach a just and comprehensive solution to the problem of Muslims in Southern Philippines. The Conference also noted with satisfaction the measures taken by the Government of the Philippines to improve the conditions of Muslims and expressed the hope that more measures would be taken to find a final solution to the problem within the framework of the Tripoli Agreement.  

The Conference welcomed the agreement between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front to resume negotiations at the Headquarters  of the Organization of the Islamic  Conference and under its auspices with a view to reaching a just and comprehensive solution to the problem within the framework of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines.  

The Conference supported the proposal to bring up to six the number of the members of the Quadripartite Ministerial Committee entrusted with following up this issue. It commissioned the Secretary General to make the necessary consultations on the subject.  

40.The Conference urged Member States to continue to give attention to the problems faced by the Islamic communities and minorities living in Non-Member States, to play an effective role in approaching these States so as to urge them to enable these Islamic communities and minorities to fully exercise their rights which are guaranteed by the recognized international conventions including their political, civil and religious rights, in accordance with the principles of human rights as stipulated in the international charters and conventions.  

The Conference further called on the Secretary General to contact those Islamic States that have communities living in Non-Member States with a view to getting acquainted with the experience these communities have acquired as well as with their efforts for the preservation of their Islamic identity, authenticity and heritage.  

41.The Conference noted with satisfaction the positive developments in Bulgaria which have considerably eased the hardships of the Turkish Muslim minority in the country, and expressing its full support for the efforts of the new Bulgarian leadership to further the democratization process in the country, called upon all Islamic countries to continue to monitor the situation of the Turkish Muslim minority in Bulgaria.  The Conference also appealed to the new Bulgarian leadership to provide effective guarantees for the full restoration of the rights of the Turkish Muslim minority in the country.  

42.The Conference noted with concern that the rights and fundamental freedoms of the Turkish Muslim minority in Greece continue to be denied and violated and urged that all their rights and freedoms, individual and collective, be fully respected.  

43.The Conference expressed its concern over the unfortunate developments in Yugoslavia which have resulted in loss of life, human sufferings and destruction.  The Conference supported the efforts of the European Community and the U.N. in the search for a just settlement and rejected solutions imposed by force.  

The Conference expressed its fear that the war operations might spread into the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and supported the territorial integrity of this Republic and its legally elected leadership.  


44.The Conference emphasized that the efforts being undertaken by the developing countries to foster sustained economic growth, however important, cannot succeed in reactivating the desired growth and development without a favourable International Economic Environment.  

It urged the Member States to continue to pursue their efforts for the implementation of the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic Cooperation Among Member States in a manner which would optimize the complementarity of their economies and to actively contribute to the formulation of new strategies for it under the auspices of COMCEC. It also called for the promotion of inter-regional cooperation and progressive economic integration leading to the setting up of an Islamic Common Market taking due account of the existing regional integration groupings.  

The Conference also  urged the Member States to actively contribute to the conception  of the New International Order with a view to achieving economic growth and sustainable development.  

The Conference  appreciated the concrete progress achieved by the COMCEC in the implementation of the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic Cooperation Among Member States adopted at the Third Islamic Summit Conference in 1981.  Taking into account the overwhelming changes which have taken place in the world economy since 1981 and their possible effects on the economies of the Islamic States, the Conference requested the COMCEC to take the necessary steps, including the convening of expert group meetings and workshops to formulate new strategies for the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic Cooperation Among the Member States to be submitted by the OIC General Secretariat to the COMCEC for approval and appropriate action as early as possible.  

45.The Conference examined the External Debt Problem of the Member Countries and called upon the developed countries to take appropriate measures with a view to cancelling, reducing and/or converting the debt owed by the Member States.  

The Conference noted with great satisfaction the decisions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to write off the official debt of least developed Member States.  

The Conference appealed to the International Community, especially the Member States to take positive initiatives for the alleviation of public debt owed particularly by the Least Developed, Landlocked and/or Sahelian Countries and Middle Income countries.  

46.The Conference stressed the need for the Least Developed and Landlocked Countries to redouble their efforts to draw up and implement appropriate development plans in order to come out of their critical situation as soon as possible with the assistance of other member countries and of the International Community.  

The Conference also appealed to donor countries and International Development Financing Institutions to accord financial resources on concessionary terms to the Least Developed and Landlocked Countries to enable them to implement their National Development Programmes and reduce their debt burden.  

47.The Conference considered ways and means to support the Islamic Development Bank and decided to increase the authorized and subscribed capital of the Bank and directed the Board of Governors of the Bank to formulate and adopt an appropriate plan for a substantial increase in the authorized and subscribed capital of the Bank.  

The Conference requested the Bank to continue its beneficial operations and to re-orient its actions so as to maximize the service it renders to the Member States and to the Islamic Ummah at large.  

48.The Conference launched an appeal for assistance to Member States affected by Drought and Natural Disasters, and called upon all Member States to participate actively in the implementation of the International Framework of Action annexed to the UN General Assembly Resolution concerning the International Decade for the Prevention of Natural Disasters.  

The Conference expressed its appreciation of the decision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to continue the programme of rural development and drilling of wells in the Sahel countries.  

The Conference appealed to all Member States, specialized and affiliated institutions to continue to extend generous assistance to the countries affected by natural disasters particularly the Government of Bangladesh for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of their socio-economic infrastructure.  

49.The Conference expressed its concern over the economic problems of the Palestinian People in the occupied Palestinian Territories, the Syrian people in the occupied Golan and the Arab people in the other occupied Arab Territories. The Conference appealed to Member States and the International Community to extend material and moral assistance to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation so that it can launch its economic programmes and projects in the occupied Palestinian Territories.  

It called upon other developed States to grant export oriented Palestinian industrial and agricultural products, preferential treatment and exempt them from taxes and custom duties as is being done by the European Community.  

50.The Conference expressed satisfaction for the recommendations and decisions adopted by the Symposium on Food Security in Africa held in Dakar in conjunction with the Sixth Summit and requested Member States and all Islamic financial, economic and technical organizations to assist the concerned African States for the effective implementation of the recommendations.  

It also appealed to the Member States and the Islamic Development Bank to increase their assistance to OIC African Member States for the speedy and effective implementation of their National Strategy for Food Security.  

The Conference adopted the Proclamation of the Decade of Food Security in the Member Countries.  

51.The Conference reaffirmed the determination of Member States to work for the strengthening of regional and inter-regional cooperation with a view to seeking durable solutions to global environmental problems and sustainable development and emphasized the importance of taking into consideration the requirements and needs of development in the developing countries when formulating any mandatory environmnental targets or programmes.  

The Conference urged Member States to effectively participate at the appropriate level in the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Environment and Development to be held in Brazil in June 1992 and in this connection stressed the importance of ensuring that this "Planet Summit" is utilized as a solid framework for the promotion of international cooperation in the field of environment and sustainable development.  


52.The Conference endorsed the resolution of the Third and Fourth Sessions of the Standing Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs. In this context it approved the Cultural Strategy of the Islamic World and invited COMIAC to study ways and means to implement it.  

The Conference expressed its satisfaction at the successful outcome of this project which is a materialization of the cultural principles contained in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Declaration aimed at achieving intellectual communion between Muslims, at identifying the factors likely to help towards the establishment of an effective cultural community and at defining ways and means of unifying the peoples of this community in the sphere of ideas and knowledge.  

53.The Conference noted with concern, the financial constraints which hamper the satisfactory functioning of the subsidiary bodies, specialised institutions, the universities as well as cultural centres, and invited the Member States to consolidate the Solidarity Fund and its Waqf to enable it to contribute more efficiently to the development of Culture and Information, in the Islamic countries.  

It also urged Member States to sign and ratify the Statutes and Charters of the various cultural institutions notably the Islamic Committee for the International Crescent and the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). The Conference stressed the need to explore ways and means to lay down the basis of a comprehensive policy in the field of youth and sports and to secure a harmonious development for the youth.  

54.The Conference stressed the need to explore ways and means to lay down the basis of a comprehensive policy in the field of youth and sports and to secure a harmonious development for the young generation.  

55.The Conference gave special attention to the question of children and called on all the countries of the Islamic Ummah to include questions relating to children in their cooperation programmes, and, to consider their becoming a party to the United Nations Convention on Children's Rights in so far as the stipulations contained in it are compatible with the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam.  

56.The Conference requested the Secretary General to convene a colloquium on the role of women in the Islamic Society to devise an appropriate mechanism likely to ensure the effective participation of Women in social development and to foster greater cooperation in this field.  

57.In view of the repeated violations of the Palestinian Cultural heritage by the Israeli occupation forces, the Conference stated that these abominable actions clearly indicate the blatant disregard of the Israeli authorities for the UN, UNESCO and the Geneva Conventions and requested the UN and UNESCO to stigmatize these actions and called upon Israel to restore immediately all documents and archives confiscated by them.  

58.The Conference reiterated the importance of the role and objectives of the Islamic Solidarity Fund aiming at strengthening solidarity in the Islamic Ummah by extending assistance to religious, cultural, scientific and social projects and programmes inside and outside Member States in favour of Islamic communities and minorities. It urged Member States to make annual voluntary contributions to the budget of the Islamic Solidarity Fund and to contribute to the Waqf of the Islamic Solidarity Fund.  

59.The Conference welcomed the proposal of H.E. the President of the Republic of Mali to develop the Ahmed Baba Centre in Timbuctu and to place it under the patronage of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and requested the Secretary General to study the question and to report thereon to the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.  


60.The Conference expressed its deep gratitude and high appreciation to His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Standing Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs for the dynamic impetus, given by the Committee to the sectors of information and communication through the convening, in Jeddah, in October 1988, of the First Session of the Islamic Conference of Information Ministers which initiated the study of important matters, such as the updating and reformulation of the OIC Information Plan; the finalization of a Code of Ethics for Islamic Information; the promotion and strengthening of cooperation for the development of communication; the reduction of press transmission rates; the defense of Muslim countries' rights to the utilization and exploitation of such natural resources as the spectrum of frequencies and the orbit of geostationary satellites.  

The Conference expressed its sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for having hosted the First Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Information and to the Republic of Senegal for having hosted the First Session of the Islamic Conference of Ministers of Culture.  


61.The Conference considered the financial problems facing the General Secretariat and its Subsidiary Organs and the two Islamic Universities established by OIC.  

It asked the Board of Governors of the Islamic Development Bank to consider urgently interim measures through which the IDB could contribute to solve the financial crises faced by the General Secretariat and its Subsidiary Organs and the OIC established Islamic Universities.  

It entrusted the Secretary General to consult the Islamic Development Bank, Member States and the host countries of the Subsidiary Organs and the OIC established Islamic Universities, and to submit a report to the Twenty-First Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, on the best ways and means of financing the budgets of the General Secretariat and its Subsidiary Organs and the OIC established Islamic Universities, on a permanent basis.  

62.The Conference appealed to Member States with accumulated arrears to schedule a settlement of such arrears within a maximum of eight installments to be paid starting with the financial year 1992/93. In case of full payment of the accumulated arrears, the amount owed by the country in question shall be reduced by 50 percent.  

63.The Conference adopted the new scale of contribution of member states to the budgets of the General Secretariat and the Subsidiary Organs.  


64.The Conference welcomed with gratitude the generous offer made by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to host the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  


65.The Conference welcomed with gratitude the generous offer made by His Excellency Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to host the Eighth Islamic Summit Conference in the Islamic Republic of Iran.  


66.His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference, made a concluding statement wherein he recapitulated the results of the deliberations and underscored the importance and relevance of the new consciousness in the Islamic world vis-a-vis the challenges engendered by the ongoing changes.  

He reiterated the significance of the contribution of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference to the strengthening of the coopeation and solidarity with the countries and peoples of the Islamic world.  

He expressed his cordial gratitude to all the delegations for the spirit of harmony and brotherly solidarity which had characterized the proceedings. He also thanked His Excellency Dr. Hamid Algabid, the Secretry General, the officials of the General Secretariat, the members of the technical staff, along with the local personnel, for the excellent services they rendered and appreciated their contributions to the success of the Conference.  


67.At the end of work, Their Excellencies Turgut Ozal, President of the Republic of Turkey, Amadou Toumani Toure, President of the Republic of Mali and Abdel Halim Khaddam,  Vice President of the Syrian Arab Republic, expressed respectively on behalf of the Asian, African and Arab Member States their profound thanks and gratitutde to His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal, and the Government and people of Senegal for the generous hospitality extended to the delegations and for the excellent arrangements which greatly contributed to the success of the Conference. They also expressed their appreciation to His Excellency Abdou Diouf, Chairman of the Conference for his farsightedness and competence in conducting the deliberations of the Conference, which has been a success.    

Issued in Dakar
5 Jumada II, 1412H,
(11 December 1991)