3-5 JUMADA II, 1412H (9-11 DECEMBER, 1991)




We the Sovereigns, Kings, Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference met in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, from 3 - 5 Jumada II, 1412H (9 - 11 December, 1991), for the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Concord and Unity). This Conference being held in Senegal, a country of the African Continent assumes, therefore, special significance, as it confirms the importance of the African dimension in the Joint Islamic Action.


Convinced that the African Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference contribute in an effective and positive manner to the consecration in these different countries of the genuine principles of Islam, raising the banner of the true religion and spreading its noble precepts in the service of closer cooperation, greater solidarity among peoples and consolidation of the foundations of peace and security in the world.


Firmly convinced that His Excellency President Abdou Diouf's Chairmanship of our prestigious Organization will be a fruitful and enriching period for the Islamic Ummah for its grandeur and the glory of our true religion at this crucial international juncture.


Convinced also that His Excellency President Abdou Diouf's sagacity together with his deep knowledge of the activities of the Islamic Conference, his vast experience and his eminent international stature will be the firmest support for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Islamic Ummah.


Abiding by the noble teachings of Islam and in conformity with the objectives and principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;


Reaffirming our resolve to fulfill our solemn pledges contained in the Makkah Al Mukarramah Declaration adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference to strengthen Islamic unity and solidarity by fostering Joint Islamic Action in different fields;


Recognizing the importance of the current process of fundamental transformation in the system of international relations;


Determined to contribute actively together with the international community towards the establishment of a New International Order based on peace and progress and respect for the international legality and capable of guaranteeing justice and equity for all;


Emphasizing the importance of seeking solution to global issues through dialogue and cooperation among all nations of the World and adherence to the principles of international law and the resolutions of the United Nations;


Recognizing the indivisible nature of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination;


Committed to the achievement of the objectives outlined in the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic Cooperation among Member States adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference;


Determined to foster further their cultural and information exchanges and to develop active cooperation in  these fields;


Convinced of the need to rationalize and revitalize the institutional mechanisms of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference;


Strongly attached to  fundamental freedoms and human rights for all peoples of the world and determined to act together to safeguard and promote the dignity of all Muslims;


Considering that solidarity must constitute a supreme value for guiding all development strategies established at the level of the Islamic Ummah.


Committing ourselves therefore to make efforts to organize more strongly this solidarity so that the immense material and human resources given to the Islamic Ummah by the Almighty Allah be perceived collectively as a manifestation of the Divine compassion for promoting the welfare of Member States of the OIC.


We solemnly pledge to unite our efforts in defence of all Islamic causes, and in the first place the cause of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the foremost cause of Islam, to ensure equity and justice in settling outstanding issues, conflicts and disputes, to banish poverty, misery and disease; and to develop the necessary scientific and technological capabilities through inter-Islamic cooperation; to further enrich our glorious Islamic heritage; and to work together with the international community in all domains to usher for the Islamic Ummah and for the whole of mankind a new era of peace, progress and prosperity.


In pursuance of the above, we the leaders of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference solemnly commit ourselves to the following:



(i)We reaffirm our resolve to face the Israeli occupation of Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967; as well our determination to continue to reject and oppose the pursuit of Israeli plans and practices. We also reject and denounce those policies which make this occupation possible by providing it political, economic, demographic and military support. We also reject any initiative that does not conform to a just solution of the question of Palestine based on the realization of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people including their right to return to their homeland, their right to self-determination and the establishment of  an independent Palestinian State in their homeland under the leadership of Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.  We reaffirm our resolve to confront this occupation and pressure with all the means at our disposal to mobilize ourselves to strive for the liberation of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and the Holy places and to recover the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people as recognized by International Law and the U.N. Resolutions relating to the question of Palestine.


The violations committed against the Haram of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the aggression perpetrated against Islamic and Christian sanctities in occupied Palestine and against the inalienable religious and national rights of the people of Palestine as well as the continuation of the aggression through the decisions aimed at annexing Al-Quds Al-Sharif and its usurpation from its legitimate owners  prompt us to adopt a categoric stand in the face of this aggression and to denounce those who support or recognize it. Accordingly, we shall support efforts conducive to the liberation of Al Quds and shall consider such liberation as the major Islamic cause and the responsibility of the present generation of our Ummah until such time as Al Quds and the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories are liberated and returned to their legitimate owners by the Grace of Allah.


ii) We welcome and support the peace process which is under way and which is aimed at establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East on the basis of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and of the formula of land for peace and the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people.


iii)We reaffirm resolution No.2/20-P adopted by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Istanbul concerning the occupied Syrian Golan.  We further condemn Israel for persisting in the implementation of its settlement policies through the establishment of new settlements in the occupied Syrian Golan and through the adoption by the Israeli Knesset of the decision confirming  previous Israeli decision to annex the occupied Syrian Golan inspite of the holding of the Peace Conference.


iv)We shall, within the framework of respect for the principles of international law and especially the principles of sovereign equality and respect for the rights inherent in the sovereignty, seek to develop further and consolidate our bilateral as well as multilateral relations.


(v)We shall refrain in our mutual relations as well as in our international relations in general from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.


vi)We reaffirm our unanimous condemnation of the phenomenon of terrorism which constitutes a violation of the teachings of the glorious Islamic religion, values, norms and traditions of our countries which treat man with respect and dignity.  We further affirm our unflinching determination to cooperate sincerely with the international community in its efforts within the framework of legality and respect of the principles of international law, with a view to eradicating international terrorism in all its forms and practices.


(vii)We shall scrupulously abide by the principles of non-intervention and non-interference in the internal affairs of our respective countries.


(viii)We consider as inviolable all the internationally recognized frontiers.


(ix)We shall settle any dispute that might arise amongst ourselves by peaceful means.


To this effect we shall use such means as negotiations, good offices, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement or other peaceful means to settle any dispute between us especially by using all possibilities offered in this regard by the Organization of the Islamic Conference.


(x)We shall respect the equal rights of the peoples and their rights to self-determination, acting at all times in conformity with the purposes and principles of the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and of the United Nations.


We shall join efforts to support the just struggle of the peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation to enable them to exercise their right to self-determination.


(xi)We shall consider any threat against any Member State as directed against international peace and security, including those of the Member States. It is incumbent upon us to act individually and collectively within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations and other international and regional organizations, to eliminate such a threat with a view to strengthening the security and stability of all Member States through the adoption of appropriate measures aimed at consolidating our cooperation in these fields within the framework of international legality.


In this connection, We affirm our conviction of the importance of establishing between us relations of permanent consultation and coordinating our efforts on the international scene in various domains, within the framework of the Charter, particularly in case of threats  against our collective security or that of any Member State.  We entrust the Secretary General of the Organization to follow up the development of such threats with all the required attention, and to undertake whatever contacts the situation may require, particularly with the two Bureaux of the Islamic Summit and the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, as well as the Member States as circumstances may require.


(xii)We shall encourage, where ever appropriate, the initiation of confidence and security building measures among Member States, bilaterally or at the sub-regional or regional levels in conformity with the provisions and principles of this Declaration.


(xiii)We shall individually and collectively endeavour to protect and promote the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-member states as well as strengthen the means of action of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference in this regard.


(xiv)We pledge to strengthen Joint Islamic Action in the humanitarian fields by consolidating the actions of existing bodies in particular to alleviate the suffering of refugees and displaced persons as well as to meet the contingencies resulting from natural and other disasters.


To this end we shall by active coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference; increase our individual and collective support for the competent UN Agencies particularly the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United Nations Disaster Relief Organization.





(i)We shall promote the expansion of our mutual trade in goods and services by ensuring conditions in favour of such development. In this context we shall utilise the full potentials offered by the Organization of the Islamic Conference in particular the Standing Committee on Economic and Commercial Cooperation so as to conclude multilateral and intra-governmental and other agreements for the long term development of intra-Islamic trade and highlight the important role which the private sector could play and assist this sector to strengthen Joint Islamic Action, emphasizing the necessity of the Member States to take appropriate measures to establish economic and commercial contacts between the firms, organizations, banks and enterprises and other Islamic institutions as well as businessmen in Member States.


We shall endeavour to reduce or progressively eliminate all kinds of obstacles to the development of intra-Islamic trade and to encourage in the future the implementation of the principle of the Most Favoured Nation Clause.


In this regard we shall take appropriate measures to reduce, at all levels tariff and other barriers and study such other measures which are required to promote intra-Islamic economic and commercial cooperation including the prospects of promoting all forms of economic integration between Member States both at the regional or sub-regional levels leading to the setting up of an Islamic common market.


(ii)We shall consider measures for creating favourable conditions for the participation of private sector firms, organizations and enterprises of member states for the development of intra-Islamic trade.


(iii)We shall endeavour to organize either bilaterally or through the auspices of the Organization of the Islamic Conference an effective and efficient network of information relating to economic, commercial, financial and monetary matters so as to encourage economic contacts  among Member States.


(iv)We shall endeavour to promote industrial cooperation bilaterally and multilaterally.  In this context we shall consider establishment of joint industrial ventures including joint production and sale, specialization in production and sale, construction, adaptation and modernization of industrial plants  and the exchange of technical information as well as of the pooling of the capital resources for such production.


We shall also consider launching under the auspices of the Organization of the Islamic Conference projects of common interest by pooling our economic potentials, our natural resources, our scientific and technological capabilities by giving the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Commodities Exchange, Karachi the possibility of playing a leading role to realize these objectives.


(v)We shall endeavour to build and improve efficient transportation and communication networks, where ever appropriate, including roads, rails and aviation facilities as well as shipping lines either bilaterally and or as part of sub-regional or regional cooperation so as to improve economic and commercial exchanges between the Islamic world.


(vi)We shall give high priority to the human resources development and concert our efforts to achieve this development objective.


(vii)We shall intensify our efforts to promote intra-Islamic cooperation in the scientific and technological fields bilaterally and multilaterally under the auspices of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and in the framework of the Standing Committee of Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development.


We shall endeavour to establish mechanisms for exchange and dissemination of the results of scientific and technological research by intensifying the activities of the institutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and make use of these mechanisms for promoting applied scientific and technological research. We shall promote technological innovations in Member States by identifying local technologies and encouraging their development.  We shall ensure the intensification of the transfer of technology among  Member States.


(viii)We shall ensure that in the following stage efforts will be intensified for the implementation of integrated development project which will help achieve economic growth in Africa and ensure to the Africans better living standards and protection from the natural disasters to which they are exposed.


We have great hopes that the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the countries and the peoples of the Sahel will succeed in drawing up a consistent plan to protect African peoples and their economic potentialities against the disasters, drought and desertification that stand in the way of their development.


We express our solidarity with the States and Peoples of the Inter-governmental Authority for Development and Drought Control (IGADD) in East Africa and support for IGADD programmes and projects aimed at the achievement of development and the control of drought and desertification.


We are also aware that providing suitable conditions for such a development implies finding appropriate solutions to the problems of the indebtedness of African States, and facilitating the circulation and sale of their products inside Member States within the framework of the desired Islamic economic environment and in cooperation with the Organization of African Unity and other regional African groupings.


We are convinced that the Islamic Development Bank which provides effective support to strengthen the economies of the Member States will be able to make a major contribution towards the achievements of these objectives thanks to the constant support provided to it by all Member States.


We affirm that support for Africa which constitutes a solid pillar of Joint Islamic Action and an important strategic asset for our community will only consolidate our cohesion and the effectiveness of the role we play on the international scene.


We consider that meeting the challenges of development in Africa necessarily imply a cultural plan based on the principles of our true religion which call for solidarity, tolerance and advancement to achieve the stability and security of our societies.


(ix)We shall endeavour to take active part in the work of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development to be held in June 1992 at Rio de Janeiro.


We emphasise in this respect the importance for this Conference to serve as an appropriate framework for promoting international cooperation in the field of environment and sustained development requiring a multilateral sector-based approach and taking into account the various components of the environment as well as the developmental priorities of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.





We affirm that belief in the same Islamic spiritual values is the very essence of the Organization of Islamic Conference, as such the cultural dimension of joint Islamic Action asserts itself as a top priority.


In this framework deeper mutual understanding between the people of the Islamic Ummah must be regarded as a basic objective.


Proceeding from these major considerations we are determined to endeavour to:


i)Preserve and enhance the common Islamic heritage including monuments and arts related to Islamic culture and civilization in the Member States as well as to promote the development of national and Islamic cultural values and to work for the strengthening of inter-Islamic cooperation within the framework of organs and institutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.



ii)Implement the OIC Cultural Strategy for the Islamic World as well as intensify our efforts to promote at the national level a better awareness among the Muslim youth about the noble values of Islam and to inculcate in them pride in the achievements of the glorious Islamic civilization, thus contributing to the development of understanding and tolerance among peoples and faiths through open mindedness.


iii)Provide the Organization of the Islamic Conference with the required resources in order to support and coordinate Islamic Da'wa efforts and to improve educational curricula and training programmes as well as to disseminate the teachings of Islam throughout the world, within the framework of cooperation among States and in respect of their sovereignty; and also to instill the lofty Islamic values through the implementation of relevant programmes both in the educational institutions and through the media for the purpose of consolidating the moral stature of Muslim peoples and communities.


iv)Counter individually and collectively, any campaign of vilification and denigration waged against Islam and its sacred values as well as the desecration of the Islamic places of worship.


v)Inform the whole world of the essence of Islamic civilization, culture and thought so as to provide the best possible reflection of the true image of Islam and to participate in the enrichment of universal civilization.


(vi)Take appropriate measures to implement the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam taking into account the legislative procedures enforced by each Member State.


(vii)Concert our efforts to protect our societies from the evils of drug abuse.


viii)We insist that the survival, protection and full development of children should be of the highest priority in the national, regional and international programmes and reaffirm our commitment to implement in an effective manner the Declaration and Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children held in New York in 1990.


ix)We reaffirm the importance of the role of women in the process of development of the Muslim societies and call for greater participation of women in the activities of economic and social development.


(x)We shall endeavour to avail ourselves of the opportunities provided by the technological revolution in the fields of communications to develop and strengthen cooperation in the field of information.


In this context, we shall undertake bilateral and multilateral cooperation to consolidate and encourage greater information flows among Member States.


We shall endeavour to utilize the advantages of satellite communication through increased use of available installations in this field. We shall operate a system of the exchange of television news reports via satellite through the establishment of appropriate regional facilities notably the surface transmission and receiving stations as well as a programme exchange centre.


(xi)We shall also  provide full support required for the development and strengthening of the OIC institutions in the field of information and culture.





(i)We are determined to fully utilise institutional mechanisms and structures of the System of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference for further intensifying intra-Islamic cooperation in all fields.


In this context we urge the Member States and the General Secretariat to take initiative to fulfill the just and legitimate aspirations of the peoples of the Ummah and entrust this task to the Reflection Committee set up by the Twentieth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.


(ii)We hereby resolve to provide to the institutions of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference requisite support so as to enable them to fulfill the noble tasks assigned to them.


iii)We also consider that the numerous changes and developments that have taken place on the international scene require readaptation of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference so as to enable it to  effectively benefit from the experience gained by the Organization in the various fields since the adoption of its Charter in 1971 to respond to the requirements of the coming phase. 



We hereby entrust the Secretary General of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to  pursue and follow up the implementation of the provisions of this Declaration and to regularly report thereon to the Chairman of the Sixth Islamic Summit Conference and to present a report to the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference.


Issued at Dakar, Republic of Senegal

on 5 Jumada II 1412H (11th December 1991).