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13-16 RABIUL THANI 14O4 H ( 16-19 JANUARY 1984 )
In the name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Allah's blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammed and His Kin.
In response to the kind invitation extended by his Majesty King Hassan II, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco, and pursuant to the decision adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah AI-Mukarramah from 19 to 22 Rabiul Thani 1401H (25-28 January 1981) .
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference met in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani 1404H (16-19 January 1984).
The Kings, Heads of State, Emirs and representatives of the following Member States participated in the Conference :
1. People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
2. The State of Bahrain
3. People's Republic of Bangladesh
4. People's Republic of Benin
5. Sultanate of Brunei Darul Salam
6. United Republic of Cameroon
7. Republic of Chad
8. Islamic Federal Republic of Comoro
9. Republic of Djibouti
10. Republic of Gabon
11. Republic of the Gambia
12. People's Revolutionary Republic of Guinea
13. Republic of Guinea-Bissau
14. Republic of Indonesia
15. Republic of Iraq
16. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
17. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
18. The State of Kuwait
19. Republic of Lebanon
20. Malaysia
21. Republic of Maldives
22. Republic of Mali
23. Islamic Republic of Mauritania
24. Kingdom of Morocco
25. Republic of Niger
26. Sultanate of Oman
27. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
28. Palestine
29. The State of Qatar
30. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
31. Republic of Senegal
32. Republic of Sierra Leone
33. Democratic Republic of Somalia
34. Democratic Republic of Sudan
35. Syrian Arab Republic
36. Republic of Tunisia
37. Republic of Turkey
38. Republic of Uganda
39. United Arab Emirates
40. Republic of Upper volta
41. Yemen Arab Republic
42. People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
The following attended the Conference as Observers:
(i) Turkish Cypriots
(ii) Moro National Liberation Front
The following international organizations attended:
a) United Nations Organization
b) Non Aligned Movement
c) League of Arab States
d) Organization of African Unity
e) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
f) Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
The following subsidiary organs and centres of the Organization of the Islamic Conference attended:
a) Research Centre for Islamic History Art and Culture
b) Statistical economic and Social Research Centre in Ankara
c) Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development
d) Islamic Centre for Technical and Vocational Training and Research
e) Islamic Centre for the Development of Trade
The following Organs and institutions issued from the Organization of Islamic Conference attended:
a) The Islamic Development Bank
b) The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)
c) The International Islamic News Agency
d) The Islamic States Broadcasting Organization
e) The Islamic Chamber for Trade, Industry and Commodity - Exchange
f) The Organization of Islamic capitals
g) The Permanent Council of the Islamic Solidarity Fund
h) The International Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Heritage
The following Islamic institutions and associations attended:
a) Rabitah Al Alam Al Islamia
b) Islamic Call Society
c) World Muslim Congress
d) World Federation of International Arab Islamic Schools
e) World Assembly of Muslim Youth
f) International Association of Islamic Banks
A Representative of the Afghan Mujahideen also attended the Conference.
l. His Majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdelaziz, Chairman of the Third Islamic Summit Conference, inaugurated the Conference with an important speech in which he expressed his thanks to His Majesty King Hassan II for his warm welcome and generous hospitality and commended the successful efforts of His Majesty in his capacity as Chairman of the Al Quds Committee and of the Arab Committee of the Seven. His majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdelaziz reviewed the progress achieved during the past three years with a view to strengthening joint Islamic action in accordance with the historic Declaration of Makkah.
2. His Majesty declared that the world was closely following Islamic action, and that the Islamic Ummah, by virtue of its solidarity, constituted a force to be reckoned with on the international level. He pointed out that, at this meeting, the responsibility of the Islamic States was to review their work and seek to translate their resolutions into concrete action .
3- On the proposal of His Majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdelaziz, the Chairmanship of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference was assigned to His Majesty King Hassan II.
4- Upon assuming the Chairmanship of the conference, His Majesty king Hassan II delivered an address in which he indicated that the word "Islam" is derived from the words "Peace" and "Security" , hence Islamic States are havens of peace, the spirit of brotherhood and sympathetic understanding. Although in the Quran and Sunnah such terms as Jihad and in Martyrdom occur, we also find the terms of unity, love, faithfulness, solidarity and community spirit . His Majesty quoted the following verse of the Ho1y Quran :
" Respond (to evil) by what is better, and he for whom between thee was enmity, will become thy friend and intimate "
(Verily is the Word of Allah Truth).
5- Speaking next, Mr. Perez de Cuellar, Secretary General of the United nations Organization, pointed out that the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which is inspired by the religion of Islam, advocates the search for solutions to international problems by peacefu1 means. He dealt with the United Nations efforts in respect of the issues and problems of interest to the States of the Islamic world.
6- Mr. Habib Chatty, Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, delivered an address in which he referred to the fateful issues submitted to the Summit Conference, pointing out that hopes were entertained that this Conference would usher in a new era in the history of the Islamic Ummah.
7- The Chairman of the Conference announced agreement on the election of three Vice-Chairmen, namely His Excellency President Kenan Evren, President of the Republic of Turky; His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal; and the Mujahid Yasser Arafat, Head of the Palestine Liberation Organization .
8. During the Conference a number of heads of delegations, spoke on issues and problems of interest to the Islamic world. They clarified the points of view of their countries on those matters. Suggestions were also made by the conference for tackling some of the most important Islamic issues.
9 The Conference listened with great interest to the statement made by Borhan Uddin Rabbani, the representative of the Afghan Mujahideen, in which he explained the conditions of the Afghan resistance and its jus struggle for the liberation of its occupied homeland, and commended thc Islamic countries for their support to the Mujahideen.
10 The Conference listened with fraternal sentiments to the statement of President Rauf Denktas, who voiced the rightful cause of the Turkish People of Cyprus. The Conference reiterated its past resolutions on the Question of Cyprus and expressed its sympathy and support for the efforts of the Turkish Cypriots to achieve equal status with the Greek Cypriots, and secure their just rights.
11- The Conference approved the Agenda, together with the General Report of the Preparatory Meeting of Foreign Ministers.
12- The Conference examined the Report of His Majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Chairman of the Third Islamic Summit Conference, the Report of His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of Al-Quds Committee, the Report of His Excellency President Ahmcd Sekou Toure, Chairman of the Islamic Peace Committee, the Report of His Excellency President Moharninad Zia-Ul Haq, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, the Report of His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, and the report of His Excellency Chairman of the Committee of Islamic solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel.
13- As regards the report of His majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Chairman of the Third Islamic summit :
a) The Conference expressed its warmest thanks and deepest gratitude to His Majesty for his efforts and for the achievements made in furtherance of joint Islamic action, Islamic solidarity and the unity of the Islamic Ummah during the term of office of His Majesty as Chairman of the Conference.
b) As regards the report of His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of Al-Quds Committee, the Conference expressed its warmest thanks and deepest gratitude to His majesty for his efforts and initiatives in defending the cause of Palestine, as well as publicizing thern at international forums and levels. The Conference decided to extend the term of office of His Majesty as Chairman of Al-Quds Committee for three years.
(c) As regards thc Report of His Excellency President Ahmed Sekou Toure, Chairman of the Islamic Peace Committee, the Conference commended the efforts made by His Excellency and the Members of the Committee for stopping the fighting and establishing peace between the two Islamic countries, Iraq and Iran. The Conference expressed its sincere thanks to the Committee for its good offices and invited it to pursue its noble mission in order to spare Muslim blood.
(d) As regards the Report of His Excellency president Mohammed Zia-ul Haq, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, the Conference expressed its profound thanks and gratitude to His Excellency for the progress achieved and the efforts exerted towards the consolidation of scientific and technological cooperation among member States.
(e) With respect to the Report of His Excellency President Abdou Diouf, Chairman of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, the Conference expressed its profound thanks and gratitude to His Excellency for his constant concern for the propagation of Islamic culture and thought.
(f) As regards the Report of His Excellency Mr. Taha Mohieddin Ma 'rouf, Chairman of the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, the Conference commended the efforts made by the Committee to alleviate the acuteness of the crisis facing the States and peoples of the region as a result of the drought .
14- The Casablanca Charter.
Having heard the important presentation made by His Majesty King Hassan II to the Conference on the Casablanca Charter and having heard the interventions of His Majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and of several Heads of Delegation on the philosophy, goals and perspectives of the said Charter, the Conference unanimously approved the Casablanca Charter. The Conference mandated the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, scheduled to meet in Sana, to appoint the members of the regional Reconciliation and Arbitration Commissions provided for in the Casablanca Charter.
The Conference also approved the following political Resolutions :
15- The Cause of Palestine and the situation in the Middle East
(a) The Conference reaffirmed its commitment to the principles on which the solution of the issue of Palestine and the Middle East should be based in the forefront of which are the withdrawal from all the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied in 1967 and the restoration of the national rights of the Palestinian people, including its rights to return to its homeland, to self-determination and to establish its own State in Palestine.
(b) The Conference endorsed the Arab Peace plan adopted by the Twelfth Arab Summit Conference in Fez, which calls for action by every means to clarify this plan, explain its scope and secure international approval for its implementation.
16- The Conference adopted a resolution on the application of certain Israeli laws in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, and considered them null and void pursuant to International Law. The Conference also approved the drawing up of a cultural strategy for the coordination of the cultural activities and the strengthening of programs in the fields of Islamic education and culture it also supported the establishment of a coherent and integrated information Islamic Order proper to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
17- With regard to the Al-Quds Fund and its Endowment, the Conference urged Member States to make generous donations to cover the capital of the Fund and that of its Endowment.
18. The Cause of "AL-QUDS AL-SHARIF "
The Conference reaffirmed its total commitment to abide by Islamic program of action and all the resolutions adopted by the Al-Quds Committee and reiterated the attachment of the Islamic Ummah to the Islamic Arab character of this Holy City and its commitment to spare no effort to return it to Arab sovereignty.
18. The Conference expressed its earnest concern to safeguard the independence of Lebanon, its territorial integrity and its absolute sovereignty over all its territories, and to support all efforts to bring about national reconciliation among the Lebanese. It also expressed deep concern over the continuing occupation by Israel of large parts of Lebanon, the ensuing and repressive acts . It demanded the immediate withdrawal of the Israeli forces from all the Lebanese territories and the withdrawal of the Non-Lebanese forces whose presence is not agreed to by the Lebanese Government.
20 The Iraq-Iran Conflict
The Conference expressed its appreciation of the efforts exerted by the Islamic Peace Committee under the Chairmanship of His Excellency President Ahmed Sekou Toure and invited the Committee to pursue its good offices with a view to putting an end to the fighting between the two Muslim countries and securing the withdrawal of their forces to the internationally recognized borders. In this respect it expressed its satisfaction at the acceptance by Iraq of the resolutions of the Islamic Conference and the Security Council.
21 The American air aggression against the Syrian Forces positions:
The Conference confirmed its condemnation of the American air aggression against Syrian positions on 4/12/1983.
22 The Syrian Golan Heights:
The Conference emphasized that Israel's decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, is an aggressive and illegal act and hence it is null and void.
23 The Strategies Alliance between the United States of America and Israel :
The Conference renewed its condemnation of the strategic alliance between the United States of America and Israel, which it considered a factor in the increase of tension, aggravating the Middle East situation and threatening international peace and security.
24 The situation in Afghanistan:
The Conference expressed anew its concern over the continued Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. It demanded the pull out of all foreign forces from that Muslim country.
25 Supporting the struggle of the people of Namibia and combating racia1 discrimination in South Africa:
The Conference confirmed its support and backing for the struggle waged by the peoples of South Africa and Namibia, with all available means to liberate themselves from colonialist domination and minority rule, and defeat the racist regime. It strongly denounced the minority rule of South Africa, as well as the collusion between the latter and the Zionist entity.
26 The problems of the Sahel
The Conference expressed deep concern over the drought in the African Sahel realizing the grave consequences thereof and in response to a call by His majesty King Hassan II, the Chairman of the Conference entrusted the Secretary General with the task of considering effective ways and means to obtain contributions and donations from individuals and institutions in Islamic States, as well as the contribution of the latter to alleviate the damage caused to the drought stricken peoples of the Sahel.
The Conference decided:
- To enlarge the Committee of Islamic solidarity with the People of the Sahel, so as to include the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco ; to renew the mandate of the Committee; to maintain its commitment to the program of regular food aid and to provide assistance for the urgent projects in the States of the Sahel; and to appeal to all Member States to contribute generously to the efforts exerted by the Committee.
27 The International Islamic Court of Justice:
The Conference decided to defer the decision to adopt the draft Statutes of the International Islamic Court of Justice. It decided to set up a Committee of legal experts from all Member States under the auspices of the Chairman of the Fourth Islamic Summit. The Committee will meet at the invitation of the General Secretariat to undertake an in-depth study of the said draft statutes in the light of the relevant deliberations of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference .
28 The Declaration on Human Rights in Islam :
The Conference decided to approve the Dhaka Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, which embodies the preamble of the Document on Human Rights in Islam and Paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article -I. It also decided to postpone its decision on the endorsement of the Document on Human Rights in Islam until the completion of the study thereof.
29 Information Plan:
The Conference approved a resolution reaffirming the Information Plan and urging its support and the exertion of efforts to put it into effect.
30 Ethiopia's occupation of two areas of the territory of the Repub1ic of Somalia:
The Conference expressed deep concern over the continued occupation of two areas of the Somali territory, and called upon Ethiopia to withdraw its troops from the Somali territory.
31 The Comoran Island of Mayotte :
The Conference again reaffirmed the unity and territorial integrity of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro and its sovereignty over the Comoran Island of Mayotte; it expressed its solidarity with the Comoran people and its support for the Comoran Government in its legitimate efforts to recover this Island .
32 Appeal to the United States of America as regards its withdrawal from UNESCO :
The Conference appealed to the United States of America to reconsider its decision to withdraw from UNESCO, and expressed confidence that the American Government will give due consideration to this appeal to safeguard the universal character of UNESCO and of the entire system of the United Nations Organization.
In the economic and financial fields, the Conference decided the following :
33 The implementation of the Plan of Action for strengthening Economic Cooperation among Member States which lays down the following priorities for the next six year period; these are:
- Food Security and Agricultural Development;
- Industry, Science and Technology;
- Trade Exchanges;
- Transport and Communications;
- Energy.
34 The consolidation of the program for development in the Islamic world. The Conference exhorted Member States to announce their contributions to that program and instructed the General Secretariat to convene a meeting of donor Member States, the representatives of national development funds and the Islamic Development Bank to set forth the details and procedure for the development program.
As regards cultural matters, the Conference decided the following:
35 The Conference requested the Member States to regularly pay their contributions to the budget of the General Secretariat and urged them to continue their support to the organization so that it will be able to discharge the duties assigned to it.
36 To give material and moral support to the cultural and social organizations and institutions subsidiary and affiliated to the Organization of the Islamic Conference as well as to the Islamic universities and cultural centres and institutes of the Member States with a view to enabling them to achieve the noble objectives for which they were established and in order to propagate Islamic culture.
37 To give the necessary financial support and make generous voluntary donations to the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its Endowment so as to help it carry out its noble humanitarian mission and contribute to the promotion of the cultural and social activities of the OIC and its affiliated bodies.
As regards Organizational matters .
38 The Conference welcomed the membership of the Sultanate of Brunei Darul-Salam in the OIC.
39 (a) The Conference invites the Arab Republic of Egypt to resume its membership of the OIC.
(b) The Conference decided to set up a Committee composed of three Member States and the Secretary General to contact the Egyptian Government with a view to obtaining the latter's commitment to adhere to the principles, rules and decisions of the OIC.
(c) The Committee shall submit a report on its mission to Egypt to the Chairman of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference who will in the light of the said report, communicate to the Member States the results which will have been achieved.
Chairmanship of the Permanent Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation.
40 The Conference decided to entrust H.E. Mr. Kenan Evren, President of the Republic of Turkey with the Chairmanship of the Permanent Committee on Economic and Commercial Cooperation.
41 The Conference adopted a resolution on the OIC Permanent Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, approving the framework proposed in the document pertaining to the eight fields which provided the basis of the action program of the Permanent Committee, viz.: food, agriculture, health, manpower development, information, development of current and future technologies, development of resources and energy, in addition to requesting Member States to give all possible assistance to the Committee so that it may implement the program of action .
42 With respect to the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, the Conference appreciated the recommendations of the First Session of the said Committee and urged all Member States to provide the Committee with material and moral support to facilitate its mission for the elaboration of a cultural strategy and the establishment of an information system proper to OIC.
43 The Conference confirmed that the tenure of office of the present incumbent of the post of Secretary General of the OIC expires at the end of December, l984. The Conference invited the Foreign Ministers of Islamic countries to elect the Secretary General of the OIC at the forthcoming Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
44 Venue of the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference :
In response to the kind invitation extended by His Highness Emir Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmad Al Jabar Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait, the Conference decided to hold the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference in Kuwait, and expressed its sincere thanks and profound gratitude to His Highness.
45 The Fifteenth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Conference welcomed the kind offer extended by the Government of the Yemen Arab Republic, to host the Fifteenth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Sanaa, capital city of the Yemen Arab Republic.
46 The Conference noted with deep appreciation the following donations made by the Government of Indonesia in favour of:
-The Islamic Solidarity Fund (US175,000);
-The International Commission for Islamic Heritage (US.20,000);
-Research Centre on Islamic History, Art and Culture (US.10,000);
-Islamic Foundation for Science,
Technology and Development (US.25,000);
-Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the
Peoples of the Sahel (US.15,000);
-Al-Quds Fund (US.60.000).
47 The Conference expressed its sincere thanks and profound gratitude to His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of the Conference, his Government and people for their generous hospitality and warm reception. It also expressed its great appreciation to His Majesty for his wisdom, discernment and ability, which secured success of the Conference as well as for the positive and constructive spirit which prevailed over its deliberations. The Conference further expressed appreciation of the great efforts exerted, the perfect organization and excellent arrangements which were instrumental in ensuring the smooth running of the work of the Conference.