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13 - 16 RABIUL THANI 1404H, 16 - 19 JIANUARY, 1984
The Palestine cause and the situation in the Middle East
The City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif
Al-Quds Fund & its Endowment
The Application of Certain Israeli Legislation's in the Occupied West Bank & Gaza Strip
The American Air attack on the Positions of the Syrian Forces on 4 / 12 / 1983
Strategic Alliance between the United State of America & Israel
The Occupied Golan Heights, the Israeli Decision on its Annexation & Terrorist actions against Syrian Arab Citizens
Iraq-Iran Conflict
Situation in Afghanistan
The problems of the Sahel
Support for the liberation struggle of the peoples of Namibia & South Africa & Denunciation of the Collusion between the South African regime & the Zionist entity
The Comoran Island of Mayotte
The Occupation of two areas of the Territory of the demarcation Republic of Somalia
The International Islamic Court of Justice
The Information Plan
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from l3 - l6 Rabiul Thani, l404H (16 - 19 January 1984);
Proceeding from the objectives and principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Inspired by the Rabat Declaration, the Lahore Declaration, the Makkah Al-Mukarramah Declaration, the Proclamation of Holy Jihad and the Islamic Action Programs to confront the Zionist enemy;
Guided by the principles and objectives of the United Nation Charter;
Reaffirming that Islamic States share a common destiny and are committed to fulfil the objectives of joint struggle to bring about freedom, peace, justice and progress, and repel colonialism, occupation, racism and Zionism,
Deeply concerned over the further deterioration of the situation in Palestine and the Medd1e East as a result of wars and the aggressive practices of the Zionist enemy against the peoples and countries of the area that pose serious dangers to international peace and security;
Considering that the maintenance of any form of political, economic, cultural and other relations of cooperation - at any 1evel - with the Zionist enemy helps it to persist in its usurpation of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the national inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, and its continued occupation of other Arab territories:
Reaffirming that the racist Zionist entity in Palestine and the racist regime of Pretoria in South Africa are linked by their policies and racist practices aimed at repressing liberties and demeaning human dignity as well as imposing their domination and hegemony, and denying the national inalienable rights of both peoples and liquidating them;
Convinced that the time has come to adopt all measures stipulated in Article 7 of the United Nations Charter and to immediately enforce such measures against the Zionist entity;
Convinced of the necessity to adopt such practical measures as would counter the persistence of the Zionist enemy in its policies, its continued aggression and violations and its escalation of organized terrorism against the inhabitants of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories;
1. Reaffirms its commitment and adherence to the following principles and bases that are imperative for the solution of the question of Palestine and the Middle East.
a) The cause of Palestine is the core of the Middle East problem and the crux of the Arab-Israeli conflict;
b) The Palestine Cause and the Middle East question are one and indivisible when dealing with the problem or seeking a solution thereto; hence any solution cannot be fragmented, applied to some parties to the exclusion of others, or limited to some of the causes and not to others, nor can partial peace be established because peace should be comprehensive, include all parties to the dispute, and eliminate all the causes underlying the dispute, in addition to being a just solution.
c) A just peace in the region can only be achieved on the basis of complete and unconditional withdrawal by Israel from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, and on the recovery by the Palestinian people of their inalienable national rights including:
- their right to their homeland, Palestine;
- their right to return to their homeland and recover their property as guaranteed by the UN Resolutions .
- their right to self-determination without any foreign interference.
- their right to freely exercise sovereignty over their land and natural resources;
- their right to establish their national independent State in Palestine with the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
d) Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the capital of Palestine, is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel must unconditionally and totally withdraw from it, and it should be restored to Arab sovereignty;
e) The Palestine Liberation Organization is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people and has, alone, the full right to represent that people and to participate independently and on an equal footing in all Conferences, activities and international fora concerned with the Palestinian question and the Arab-Israeli conflict, with a view to securing the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people;
No solution can be considered comprehensive just and acceptable unless the PLO participates in its formulation and accepts its as an independent party on equal footing with the other parties concerned. other party is entitled to claim the right to represent the Palestinians or negotiate the issues of Palestine, its people, its territory right. Any deviation thereto shall be considered nu1l and void and shall in no way be legally binding;
f) Security council reso1tion 242 (1967) is not consistent with the Palestinian and Arab rights and does not constitute a sufficient basis of solution of the Middle East Problem and the Palestine issue;
g) No solution to the Palestine issue and the Arab Zionist conflict may be provide by any of the Arab parties alone, and there must be continued opposition to the camp david approach and agreements, as well as to their consequences and effects until they have been completely removed and to any initiative proceeding therefrom, and moreover material and moral support should be provided to the Arab Palestinian people in its occupied homeland, in addition to reinforcing their resistance to the self administration plot.
2. Calls upon Member States to work collectively for the adoption of a new security Council resolution which provides exp1icitly for the withdrawal of Israel from all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and safeguarding the inalienable national right of the Palestinian peop1e, including their right to return to their homeland, to self-determination in accordance with UN resolutions, in particular resolution No. 3236, and the recommendations of the committee on the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people .
3. Reaffirms the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territories by force and considers that all settlements which have been set up, or will be set up, by the Zionist enemy, in all the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including the City of Al-Quds, are illegal measures and practices to be considered null and void and must be removed in accordance with the Charter and resolutions of the United Nations;
4. Reaffirms the right of the Arab people and States whose territories fall under Israeli occupation to permanent, full and effective sovereignty over their natural and other resources as well as over their wealth and economic activities. It also reaffirms its condemnation of all measures taken by the Zionist enemy to pillage these resources and wealth, considering such activities as illegal measures. These resources must be restored, and compensation paid for their depletion, loss or damage.
5. Strongly condemns;
a) The persistence of the United States in their hostile attitude towards the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people, their opposition to a complete Israeli withdrawal from all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories including Al-Quds, and their refusal to recognize the PLO as the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people;
b) The policies which the United States is trying to impose on the countries and peoples of the region in an attempt to place them within the sphere of American influence, domination and hegemony;
c) The continuous and growing support extended by the United States to the Zionist enemy in all fields, in particular military, political and economic, under the agreement of strategic cooperation between them;
d) The continued use by the USA of its right to veto against Security Council resolutions on Al-Quds, Palestine and the Middle East, to protect the Zionist entity in its continued aggressions, occupation and efforts to exterminate the Palestinian people and to annex the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
6.a) Condemns Israeli schemes to dismantle Palestinian refugee camps in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip which are contrary to U.N. General Assembly resolution 194 of l948.
b) Calls upon the international community to effectively counter this Israeli scheme, and to refrain from contributing in any manner to its implementation.
c) Warns the International Community against the dangers of Israeli schemes to establish settlements, evict populations and dismantle refugee camps, calls upon it to support Jordanian efforts to counter these schemes threatening the national security of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and likewise requests it to support Palestinian endeavors to resist such schemes which constitute a violation of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to its national soil.
7. Strongly condemns the crime of genocide perpetrated by the Zionist enemy in the camps of Sabra and Chatila, claiming as victims thousands of defenseless old people, women and children, and recalling once more the Nazi crimes during World War II; a crime committed with the support and protection of the United States which thus ignored its obligations as a major power responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security.
8. Invite again the Member States to act, in cooperation with the other nations of the world, in particular Third World, non-aligned, as well as African and friendly countries, so that the United Nations apply to Israel the sanctions stipulated in its Charter, in view of the constant refusal by Israel to implement UN resolutions and its violation of the UN Charter.
9. Requests the Islamic Six-Member Committee to work during the next session of the United Nations General Assembly in cooperation and coordination with the United Nations Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people to ensure and implement the following:
Taking of effective measures on the widest possible international scale at the United Nations, its specialized agencies and at all the different international organizations, conferences, and institutions, for the implementation of paragraph 8 of the present resolution.
The reinforcing and supporting of efforts exerted within the united Nations with the aim of incorporating the budget of UNRWA Into the United Nations regular budget.
10. Calls upon Member States to join their efforts at the United Nations to ensure that the International organization shall undertake a survey of the losses in life and property which were sustained as a result of the Israeli aggression on Lebanon and the Palestinian people, and require the Zionist enemy to pay compensation for these losses and for the consequences of its continued and persistent occupation of Lebanese town and villages and its destruction of Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.
11. Calls upon all Member States to establish; further contacts and exert more efforts with all the countries that allow Jewish emigration from or across their territories in order to halt such emigration to occupied Palestine; in view of the Zionist illegal policy of settlement in Palestine. It further calls upon Member States to exert efforts to encourage the return of Jews from occupied Palestine to their countries of origin.
12. Reaffirm its complete concern over the independence and sovereignty of Lebanon and territorial integrity as well as the unity of its people, and supports all efforts exerted to bring about the national reconciliation of the Lebanese. It further affirms that Israeli forces should withdraw immediately and unconditionally from all the Lebanese territories. It also stresses the need to ensure total and absolute sovereignty of Lebanon over all its territories and over all its national concerns.
13. a)Strongly condemns the Israeli entity for its failure to comply with Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan Heights; and reaffirms that the decision of the Zionist entity to annex these Heights is an act of aggression, according to the provisions of the UN Charter and UN Resolutions and that this decision is null and void.
b) Strongly condemns the terrorist, repressive measures taken by the Zionist entity against Syrian Arab citizens in the occupied Golan Heights to deny them their basic rights and freedoms thereby violating the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It pays tribute to the resistance of these citizens against occupation and annexation, and expresses its support for their just struggle in defense of their freedom, their territorial integrity, and their national identity.
c) Rejects and condemns Israeli threats against the Syrian Arab Republic, its territorial integrity, its regional security, and its armed forces, and expresses its firm and total support to and solidarity with the just struggle of the government and people of the Syrian Arab Republic against Zionist occupation and aggression in order to liberate their occupied territories.
14. Calls upon the Members of the European Community to refrain from extending the effect of their bilateral and multilateral agreements with the Israeli enemy to the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories, while taking action to reach similar results with other countries that have similar agreements with Israel.
15. Again calls upon all Islamic States to adopt a firm stand as regards legislation enacted in some to counteract the Arab and Islamic boycott of Israel emphasizing, the need to implement the boycott of the Israeli enemy, while stressing the legitimacy of such a boycott as well as dissuading other friendly States from adopting such legislation.
16. Stresses the need to continue to severe political consular, economic, cultural, and all other relations with Zionist entity, and the need for Member States which still maintain any form of relations, at whatever level, with the Zionist entity to severe these relations immediately and without delay.
17. Stresses the need to open up offices for the Palestine Liberation Organization in the remaining capitals of the Member States where such offices are not established, considering that the Organization is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian People, and to grant these offices full diplomatic rights privileges and immunities.
18. a) Endorses the Arab Peace Plan which was approved by the Twelfth Arab Summit Conference in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, for the solution of the issue of Palestine and the Middle East.
b) Undertakes all possible actions to clarify this plan, explain its dimensions and secure international support for its implementation.
19. Considers the initiative of President Reagan for the solution of the Palestinian and Middle East issue, denies the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people including the right to return to its homeland, to self-determination and to the establishment of its independent Palestinian State on its national soil with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, and does not recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization as the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people .
2O. Endorses the declaration and program of action adopted by the International Conference on the question of Palestine sponsored by the United Nations, held In Geneva from 29 August to 7 September 1983 and attended by 137 countries and. the Palestine Liberation Organization.
21 Strongly condemns the presence of United States fleets, aircraft carriers and Marines along Arab coasts and in the East Mediterranean. It considers that the continued American military influx in the Middle East with the attendant aggressions and threats of war, constitutes a threat to security and peace in the region and a flagrant aggression on the peoples and States in this region as well as an encouragement and a protection to the Zionist entity. It also views the presence of these forces as a preliminary step towards the stationing of rapid deployment forces and an all too obvious move towards the return of colonial forces to the region, which denies the role of the United Nations as the responsible international Organization for peace and security in the whole world. It recommends avoidance of whatever is likely to lead to polarization and the transfer of the international conflict to the Middle East region.
22. Hails the heroic Palestinian people for their steadfastness and preserving and their unwavering stand against the Zionist enemy, their resistance to occupation in all forms and their continued unity behind their leadership represented by the Palestine Liberation Organization. All Islamic States renew their commitment to preserve Palestinian Unity, the independence of the Palestine Liberation Organization and non-intervention in its internal affairs.
23. Decides to adopt an educational curriculum of the history and geography of Palestine in all Schools in Islamic States, in conformity with the resolutions adopted in this respect, with a view to keeping Islamic generations informed about Palestine, its land, its people, its national rights and its religious heritage, while strongly opposing the continuous distortion of historical facts pertaining to the Arab and Islamic character of the land and Holy Shrines of Palestine and the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as the national rights of the Palestinian people to their territory and homeland .
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January 1984),
Proceeding from the provisions of the Charter of the Islamic Conference and all its previous resolutions on Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the question of Palestine;
Considering the situation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, Al-Aqsa Mosque and all other Holy Places under Zionist Israeli occupation, the annexation, judaization and desecration measures to which this Holy City has been subjected and the threats and damages inflicted upon its Palestinian population; the continued threat to its future as an Arab city in which the Muslims have safeguarded total freedom for the divine religions over fourteen centuries and the real dangers threatening world peace and security as a result of the continuation of this situation;
Reaffirming that the city of Al-Quds constitutes an integral part of the usurped Palestinian Nation and that it is the capital of the independent Palestinian State under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people and that its return to Arab Palestinian sovereignty is the only guarantee to preserve its holiness in Islam and other divine religions; safeguard its Islamic character and ensure the right to practice the divine religions there;
Expressing strong condemnation at the continued Zionist racist aggressions against the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Holy Ibrahim Mosque, the Holy Sepulchre and other holy places and archaeological sites in the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and Palestine aimed at altering their character; confiscating, plundering and judaizing them and obliterating their features with the Zionist racist spirit prejudiced against these holy and ancient places, which have preserved the civilization and heritage of the Arab and Islamic nation over thousands of years in Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif;
Considering the close relationship between the Palestinian question and the conflict with racial Zionism since the usurpation of Palestine, including the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, constitutes the basis of this conflict and, consequently, the City of Al-Quds Al-Sharif should not be subjected to negotiations or concessions;
1. Its full commitment to implement the " Islamic Program of Action to combat the Zionist Enemy" adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif (Palestine and Al-Quds AI-Sharif Session) as well as all the resolutions and recommendations issued by the Al-Quds Committee under the Chairmanship of His Majesty King Hassan II of Morocco.
2. Its determination to maintain the Arab and Islamic character of AI-Quds Al-Sharif and to undertake serious action for its liberation and restoration to Arab Palestinian sovereignty - being the capital of the independent Palestinian State - under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people.
3. Its full commitment to make use of all available possibilities in the Islamic States in order to counter act the decision of Israel to annex Al-Quds Al-Sharif City and make it the eternal capital of the Zionist entity, including political, economic and cultural boycott and the interdiction of all forms of cooperation with the Zionist enemy at all levels.
Also reaffirms:
4. The implementation of the Information Plan approved within the Information Strategy and the convening of the scheduled seminars to shed light on the Question of Palestine and Al-Quds, in the capitals of the world popular circles and world public opinion groups particularly, in the U.S.A. and Western Europe.
5. The need to maintain contacts with the Vatican City and other Christian religious circles with a view to reaching a common Christian Islamic stand that will preserve the historical and sacred religious character of Al-Quds AI-Sharif.
6. The continued commitment of Islamic States to pursue their action individually and collectively in order to follow up the implementation of all international resolutions issued by the U.N and its specialized institutions, such as UNESCO, on the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, and to refrain from recognizing the aggressive measures and practices which the Israeli enemy is still taking with regard to this Holy City, the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque and other sacred places, as well as to the Arab Palestinian population. The Conference strongly condemns all these aggressive measures and racist Zionist practices, does not recognize them and considers them null, void and illegal and must not be applied on the grounds of the fait accompli and recommends continued resistance to them until they are completely defeated and their consequences and effects removed .
7. The need for all capitals, major and historical cities of Islamic States to announce their twinning with the City of Al- Quds AI-Sharif the capital of Palestine, as a symbol of solidarity with the people of Palestine, particularly the Palestinian citizens living in the city Al-Quds Al-Sharif, as tribute to their steadfastness, firmness and resistance to the abhorrent Zionist occupation.
8. Urges to all countries of the world to refrain from dealing with the Israeli occupation authorities in any way that could be exploited by these authorities as a recognition and acceptance of the fait accompli imposed by its declaration of Al-Quds as " the unified eternal capital " of the Zionist entity.
9. Praises the valuable efforts exerted by His Majesty King Hassan II, Chairman of Al-Quds Committee in following up the implementation of Islamic resolutions pertaining to Al-Quds and Palestine.
10. Requests the General Secretariat to follow up the implementation of this resolution and the twinning measures within the next six months, with full cooperation with the Palestine Liberation Organization and to submit a report thereon to Al-Quds Committee and the next Islamic Conference.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January 1984).
PROCEDDING from the provisions of the Charter of the Islamic Conference;
IN COMPLIANCE with all previous Islamic resolution on the AL-QUDS Fund and its endowment;
MINDFUL of the important role played by the Al-QUDS Fund in support of the resistance and struggle of the Palestinian people and the importance of the role to be played by the Endowment in ensuring regular financial resources for the Fund;
COMMENDING the Member States which have continued to make their annual contributions to the AL-QUDS Fund and its endowment foremost among them being the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
1. APPEALS to Member States to make generous donations to cover the capital of the Al-Quds Fund and its Endowment and to make regular annual contributions whose rates shall not be less than their contributions to the annual budget of the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in order to enable the Board of Directors to extend the necessary or previously determined assistance in support of the resistance and struggle of the Palestinian people;
2. APPEALS to Member States which have pledged voluntary contributions to the AL-QUDS Fund, or its Endowment and have not yet transferred the amounts involved, to do so as soon as possible;
3. DECIDES to accelerate the measures and arrangements necessary to enable the delegation of the Board of Directors of the AL-QUDS Fund to pay its scheduled visits to some Islamic States within the next six months for the collection of voluntary contributions or those already pledged and not yet transferred to the Fund's account in the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah.
4. INSTRUCTS the General secretariat to follow up the implementation of this resolution in complete coordination with the Administration of AL-QUDS Fund and to submit a progress report to the AL-QUDS Committee and the forthcoming Islamic Conference.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani 1404H, ( 16 -19 January 1984),
RECALLING the resolutions of the Islamic Summit Conferences of Rabat, Lahore and Makkah Al-Mukarramah and the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on Palestine and the Middle East;
BEARING IN MIND that the Israeli schemes to alter the status quo and legal status of the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories have reached an advanced and serious stage, particularly after the endorsement by the Israeli Knesset on 2nd January, 1984 of the arrangements made for applying Israeli legislation in respect of the occupied West Bank and GAZA Strip;
1. Strongly condemns the recent Israeli measures designed to apply Israeli legislation in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip and considers these a new and extremely serious chapter in Israel schemes for annexing and judaizing the Palestinian and Arab territories occupied in 1967.
2. Stresses the fact that these measures constitute a flagrant and serious violation of the United Nations Charter, the provisions of international law on armed conflicts, relevant U.N resolutions, and in particular the Geneva Convention of 1949 on the protection of civilians in time of war, and hence considers these as null and void according to internation1 law.
3. Decides that Member States should exert immediate and intensive efforts at all levels to draw the attention of the international community to this Israeli scheme and calls upon the international community to take practical and effective steps for their prevention.
The Fourth Islamic summit conference, meeting in Casablanca, kingdom of Morocco from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404h (16-19 January 1994)
Guided by the charter of the Organization of the Islamic conference and the resolutions of the Third Islamic Summit conference at Makkah Al Mukarramah/Taif.
Inspired by the principles and objectives of the Charter of the United Nations, the U.N resolutions and the principles of international law,
Referring to resolution ( I3/I4-P ) of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Dhaka from 2 - 7 Rabiul Awal 1404h (6-11 December 1983).
Reaffirming the provisions of the Political Declaration of the Seventh Non Aligned Movement Summit Conference held in New Delhi from 7-12 March 1983, particularly paragraph (C) of Art.104 which condemns the campaign launched by Israel and the U.S. against Syria's right to possess legitimate means of self-defence;
Expressing deep concern at the continued presence of American and Israeli fleets close to the Arab coasts in the East Mediterranean thereby exposing peace and security in the area to serious dangers.
Drawing attention to the fact that the aggressive policies and practices of the United States of America in the region are in total contradiction with its commitments under the UN Charter, as a permanent member of the Security Council.
1. Strongly condemns again the American air attack on Syrian positions on 4/12/1993.
2. Strongly denounces the statements made by some U.N officials on the determination of the American Administration to continue its reconnaissance flights over the positions of Syrian Forces.
3. Requests the Secretary General of the OIC to closely follow up the developments of the situation and make the necessary contacts for this purpose and submit a report. thereon to the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, l404h ( 16 - 19 January 1984),
Having considered the item entitled Strategic Alliance between the United States of America and Israel;
Guided by the provisions of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter;
Referring to Resolution (1/14-P) of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Dhaka, from 2-7 Rabiul Awal 1404 H (6 - 11 December 1983);
Drawing attention to the grave dangers which may ensue from the strategic alliance between the United States of America and Israel, and the agreements concluded as a result of the recent visit of the Prime Minister of Israel to Washington, which reflect the gravest dangers to the region.
Referring to resolution 108/38 (E) of the General Assembly dated 18/12/1983 which includes, inter alia, a request addressed to all countries and particularly to the United States of America to refrain from taking any measures that would strengthen the military potentials of Israel and hence promote its aggressive attacks launched on occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories since 1967 and against countries of the region.
1 Condemns the strategic alliance between Israel and the United States of America which is considered to be factor which escalates the tension and aggravates the situation in the Middle East and threatens international peace and security.
2- Considers that this alliance not only boosts the aggressive potential of Israel against the States of the region and consolidates its expansionist and settlements policy but also brings the United States of America into a position of enmity towards the Palestinian people and the Arab countries thus giving rise to doubts over the credibility of the current orientations of the United States of America in its dealings with the Palestinian issue and the ensuing situation in the Middle East
3- Condemns the United States of America for the assistance and support it extends in the military, political and economic fields with the aim of turning occupied Palestine into a huge arsenal of sophisticated strategic weapons, which endangers the security of the region as well as international peace and security.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Than , ( 16 - 19 January, 1984).
Having examined the item entitled Occupied Syrian Golan Heights and Israel's decision on its annexation and terrorist action against Syrian Arab citizens;
Guided by the principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
Referring to Resolution 1/14-P of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Dhaka, from 2 to 7 Rabiul Awal 1404H (6-11 December ,1983 );
Recalling the Security Council Resolution 497(1981) of 17 December l981, and General Assembly Resolution 226/36(B) of 17 December 1981, the Emergency Session of 5 February 1981, 123/37/(A) of 16 December 1982, 180/38 (A) of 12 December 1983 and 79/38 (B) of 15 December 1983;
Referring to the Security Council Resolution 465 of 1 March 1980 affirming inter alia , that the Geneva Convention on the protection of civil persons in time of war, of 12 August 1949 applies to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Al-Quds;
1. Reaffirms that the decision of Israel to enforce its laws, tutelage and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is an act of aggression, pursuant to the provisions of Article 39 of the UN Charter and resolution 3314 (D-29) of the General Assembly (XX Ix) and that this decision is null and void, devoid of any legal validity and effects whatsoever.
2. Strongly condemns the repressive and terrorist measures applied by Zionist entity against Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan Heights, aimed at their eviction and the confiscation of their land and property to establish settlements for the Zionist colonialists;
3. Reaffirms that all the provisions of the Fourth Hague Convention of 1907, and the Geneva Convention relating to the Protection of civilians in time of war of 12 August 1949 continue to apply to the Syrian Golan Heights occupied by Israel since 1967 and requests all parties to respect their commitment by virtue of these agreements.
4. Calls upon the International Community to take effective measures to ensure the implementation of the provision of the two agreements and impel Israel to abrogate its decision of 14 December 1981 on the annexation of the Golan Heights.
5. Strongly Condemns Israel for its failure to comply with Security Council Resolution 497(1981) and UN General Assembly Resolution 226/36 (B) of 17 December 1981, Emergency Session Resolution 1/9 of 5 February 1982, and 123/37 (A) of 16 December 1982.
6. Strongly Condemns Israel 's persistent measures aimed at changing the national identity of the Syrian Arab citizens of the Golan Hei9hts and at changing the physical character, demographic constitution and legal status of the region.
7. Instructs the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to contact the countries party to the above-mentioned agreements to ensure the applicability of its provisions to the Syrian Golan Heights and submit a report on the results of his efforts to the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom Of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani 1404 H ( 16 - 19 January 1984 );
Recalling Resolution 6/3-P (IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 19 to 22 Rabiul Awal 1401H, corresponding to 25-28 January l981 A.D which called on the two litigious parties of Iraq and Iran to effect a cease-fire and accept the constitution of an Islamic force to monitor the enforcement of cease-fire if need be and to see to it that it is carefully observed;
Also Recal1ing Resolution 21/12-P adopted by the Twelfth Islamic Conference of and Foreign Ministers and Resolution 10/13-P adopted by the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of the Foreign Ministers;
Taking into consideration the appeal by H.E the President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Chief Martial Law Administrator, Mr. Hossain Mohamed Ershad, in his address inaugurating the Fourteenth Islamic Conference Of Foreign Ministers, which calls for cessation of hostilities, bringing bloodshed to an end, and settling the dispute between the two countries;
Also taking into consideration the Declaration issued by the Islamic Peace Committee's Chairman, H.E. President Ahmed Sekou Toure, following the appeal he directed to both parties to the dispute while he was on pilgrimage on 9 Zul Hija,1403, in which he got it on record that the Committee received a message from the Iraqi President in reply to said appeal, and expressed great hope that the other party would take due account of that appeal which reflects the aspirations of the whole Ummah for bringing this war to a halt;
Having taken note of the Secretary General's report on the efforts rendered by the Islamic Peace Committee;
Expressing anew the utmost concern it feels over the continuation of this conflict between two Muslim countries that are Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, i.e., the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and which has resulted in tremendous loss of lives and equipment, and poses a threat to international peace and security;
Reiterating its commitment to the objectives and principles stipulated in the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and in particular the commitment of Member States to invoke the rules of subparagraphs 4 and 5 of Article III which calls for recourse to peaceful means in the settlement of disputes that arise between Member States and refrain from the use of, or threat to use force ;
Taking note of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 479, 514, 522 and 540 of 28 September, 1980, 12 July, 1981, 4, October,1982 and 31, October, 1983 respectively, and the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 37/3 of 22, October, 1982;
1. Expresses appreciation for the efforts rendered by the Islamic Peace Committee.
2. Requests the Committee to continue and intensify its efforts aimed at bringing fighting between the two Muslim countries to a halt, ending bloodshed and the achievement of a just and honorable settlement for the dispute.
3. Reiterates its call for both disputants to immediately suspend all war operations, and pull back their troops to the internationally recognized boundaries.
4. Expresses its satisfaction over the Iraqi position of accepting resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conference and the United Nations Security Council, calls upon Iran to equally announce that it accepts these resolutions, agrees to stop fighting and enter into negotiations aimed at settling the dispute by peaceful means.
5. Expresses support for United Nations Security Council Resolution 540 of October 31, 1983 and noting with satisfaction Iraq's acceptance, invites Iran to favorably respond to this resolution which affirms the right of free navigation and commerce in international waters, calls on all States to respect this right and also calls upon the belligerents to cease immediately all hostilities in the region of the Gulf including all sea lanes, navigable waterways, harbor works; terminals, offshore installations and all ports with direct or indirect access to the sea, and to respect the sovereignty of other littoral States.
6. Emphasizes the need for commitment by both disputants to Resolution 6/3-P (IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference as well as to the above-mentioned United Nations Security Council resolutions and to seek to enforce these resolutions in a coordinated manner.
7. Requests other Member States to refrain from taking any action that might lead to the continuation of the dispute, and to endeavor to facilitate the implementation of this resolution.
RESOLUTION NO. 9 / 4 - P( IS )
The Fourth Islamic Conference meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani 1404 h (16-19 January 1984).
Recalling the principles and objectives of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the decisions of the Islamic Summit Conferences, regarding the unity of purpose and destiny of the peoples of the Islamic Ummah;
Bearing in mind the commitment of all States to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of any State, or to act in any other manner inconsistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations ;
Reaffirming the inalienable rights of all peoples to determine their own form of government and to choose their own economic, political and social systems, without any foreign interference, coercion or constraints kind whatsoever;
Seriously concerned over the continued Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan and the consequent impediments which stand in the way of the Muslim people of Afghanistan to exercise their right to determine their political future according to their free will;
Recalling the principles and stands adopted by the Member States in the resolutions relating to the Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, at the Conference held in Islamabad in Rabiul Awal 1400H (January 1980) and Rajab 1400H (May 1980) the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif in Rabiul Awal 1401H (January 1981), the Twelfth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Baghdad in Rajab - Shaban 1401H ( June 1982 ), the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Niamey in Zul Qada 1402H (August 1982) and the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Dhaka in Rabiul Awal 1404H (December 1983);
Considering the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its Sixth Emergency Special Session and its 35th, 36th, 37th and 38th Sessions, as well as the stand taken by the Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries held in New Delhi in February 1981, the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Coordinating Bureau held in Havana in June 1982, and the Non-Aligned Summit held in Delhi in March 1983 against foreign military intervention in Afghanistan;
Taking into account the great suffering and distress of the valiant Afghan people;
Calling upon all States to respect the sovereignty of Afghanistan, its Islamic identity and its non-aligned character;
Deeply conscious of the urgent need for a solution to the grave situation prevailing in Afghanistan;
Taking note of the report of the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Dhaka in Rabiul Awwal 1404 H ( December 1983);
1. Reaffirms its commitment to implement the relevant resolutions adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference of Heads of State and Government and the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers.
2. Also reaffirms its deep concern over the preparation of Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan, and strongly reiterates its demand for the immediate, total and unconditional withdrawal of all foreign troops from Afghanistan.
3. Calls for urgent efforts to ensure respect for the inalienable national rights of the people of Afghanistan to determine their own form of government and to choose their economic, political and social system without any foreign interference or coercion.
4. Further calls for increasing efforts to ensure that Afghanistan remains independent and retains its Islamic and non-aligned character.
5. Expresses its deep concern over the continued influx and the sufferings of millions of Afghan refugees who have sought refuge in Pakistan and in Iran and whose number continues to increase.
6. Strongly urges that propitious conditions be promoted so that the Afghan refugees may soon return to their homeland in security and honour.
7. Emphasizes the commitment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and its readiness to assist in resolving this issue which is of concern to the entire Islamic World.
8. Welcomes the efforts being made towards finding a political solution of the Afghanistan problem and expresses its support for the constructive steps taken in this regard by the Secretary General of the United Nations, especially the diplomatic process initiated by him.
9. Expresses its gratitude to the Government and people of Pakistan for having willingly accepted millions of Afghan refugees and given them a haven and protection in the refugee camps in Pakistan.
10. Again calls upon all states as well as national and International Organization as stipulated in the resolutions adopted by Islamic Conference, to extend assistance to alleviate the suffering of Afghan refugees.
11. Expresses its gratitude to the States which have made generous donations to the Afghan refugees to alleviate their sufferings.
12. Recommends that the Ministerial Committee composed of the Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the Foreign Ministers of Guinea, Iran, Pakistan and Tunisia, continue its efforts to find a political solution for the Afghan crisis and in this respect cooperate, in accordance with the foregoing provisions, with the Secretary General of the United Nations in his endeavors to resolve the situation in Afghanistan.
13. Requests the Secretary-General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Fifteenth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca (Kingdom of Morocco) from 13 - 16 Rabiul Thani 1404H (16-19 January 1984I)
Deeply concerned by the endemic drought which has affected the African Sahel for more than ten years, and which has intensified dramatically over the past two years;
Aware of the serious consequences of this drought in all the essential political, social, cultural and economic spheres of life, and particularly at its neutralizing effects on the development efforts of the countries concerned;
Recalling the terms of Resolution No.7/3-P (IS) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference which had, in particular decided to assume responsibility for assisting the drought stricken States in the Sahel and which had adopted the program prepared by the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) for emergency assistance and for the First Generation Projects;
Noting the terms of Resolutions No.15/13-P and No.16/l4-P of the 13th and 14th Islamic conferences of Foreign Ministers respectively which had underlined the rnagnitude of the disaster, and the need for establishment of buffer food stocks, and for the implementation of projects of the First General Program.
Having heard the detailed report presented by the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the peoples of the Sahel on the implementation of the emergency food aid and Emergency Project Assistance following from generous donations announced by a certain number of countries;
Regretting the lack of positive response to the appeals for funds made by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, and by the Secretary General.
Convinced that a fresh approach to tackle the disaster and its consequences is essential :
1. Felicitates the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel, and its Sub-Committee, on the orientation and work done in identifying the key issues involved.
2. Prolong the mandate of the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel.
3. Expands the Committee to include the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco.
4. Reconfirms that the action undertaken by the Committee of Islamic solidarity with the peoples of the Sahel is to be placed essentially in a political context which aims at consolidating the spirit of solidarity in the Muslim world.
5. Reiterates its espousal of program of continued emergency food aid and emergency project assistance for the ten Sahel countries as well as its adopted of the medium term and long term program drawn up already by the Sahel countries in their struggle against the drought notably in so far as buffer food stocks and First Generation Projects are concerned.
6. Appeals to all Member States to participate generously, each according to its financial capacity in the efforts undertaken by the Committee of Islamic Solidarity with the Peoples of the Sahel in alleviating the effects of the drought.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404 H (16-19 January, 1984),
Having examined the item entitled "support for the liberation struggle of the peoples of Namibia and South Africa" as well as the report of the Secretary General on this item, submitted in pursuance of resolution 12/13-P of the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Niamey (Niger) from 3 to 7 Zul Qadah 1402 H (22-26 August 1982);
Proceeding from the provisions of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Recalling the pertinent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council;
Recalling resolution No.15/14-P of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Dhaka, from 2-7 Rabiul Awal, 1404 H (6-11 December, 1983);
Considering that the racist ideology of South African regime, its illegal occupation of Namibia, and its repeated aggressions against the independent frontline States particularly against Angola present similarities with the practices of the Zionist entity in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories;
Noting with concern the collusion, especially in the Nuclear field between the regime of South Africa and Zionist entity, in respect of nuclear military intelligence designed to enslave the African and Arab peoples, and to hamper their economic and social development;
Reaffirming that the liberation struggle of people of Namibia and South Africa and the struggle against Zionism in Palestine, constitute one and the same struggle;
Considering that support from Frontline States and Angola in particular is indispensable for the continuation of the national liberation struggle in Namibia;
Taking note of the Declaration of Paris, adopted in 1981, by the International Conference on Sanctions against South Africa and the Declaration of Paris adopted in 1983 by the International Conference on support for the struggle of the people of Namibia;
1. Reaffirms solemnly that it recognizes the legitimacy and justness of the struggle being waged by the people of South Africa and Namibia through every means at their disposal, including armed struggle, to free themselves from colonial, domination, racist, oppression and apartheid.
2. Strongly condemns the South African minority regime for its policy of apartheid is a crime against humanity and constitutes a threat to international peace and security and for illegal and continued occupation of Namibia; and its repeated aggressions against the Frontline States notably the People's Republic of Angola and demands the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of South African troops from the Angolan territory .
3. Strongly denounces and condemns the collusion between Zionist entity and South African Minority regime as well as the collaboration of certain Western powers and multinational corporations with the racist minority regime.
4. Strongly condemns South Africa for plundering the natural resources of Namibia including the mineral resources in flagrant violation of Decree No.1 adopted by the U.N Council for Namibia.
5. Strongly condemns South Africa for its repeated aggressions and Its occupation of part of the Angolan territory.
6. Rejects the link established by the racist minority regime in Pretoria between the withdrawal of the Cuban troops from Angola and the independence of Namibia.
7. Welcomes the position recently taken by the Commonwealth countries at their last Summit in New Delhi (India) on this question and calls on the members of the contact group (France, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America) to bring individual and collective pressure to bear on the racist minorities regime in South Africa with a view to accelerating the implementation of the United Nation plan on the independence of Namibia in accordance with Security Council Resolution 435.
8. Declares that the apartheid system and minority rule in South Africa are at the root of the explosive situation prevailing in South Africa and are obstacles to peace, security and stability in the region.
9. Solemnly declares that the eradication of apartheid in all its forms and manifestations and the establishment of majority rule by means of the free and full exercise of universal adult suffrage by all the people in a united and non-fragmented South Africa can lead to a just and lasting solution in Southern Africa.
10. Pays tribute to the oppressed and struggling people of South Africa for their United and resolute opposition to the so-called Constitutional proposals and the Bantustan policy designed to divide them and liquidate their common struggle for a non-racial democratic society for all the South African people, regardless of race, color or creed.
11. Denounces the establishment of the Bantustans designed to consolidate the ignoble of policy of apartheid to disrupt the territorial integrity of the country, and perpetuate white minority domination.
12. Requests all governments to reject all forms of recognition of these Bantustans.
13. Urges the Security Council to impose wide-ranging and mandatory sanctions against South Africa, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.
14. Also Affirms that Resolution 435(1978) of the Security Council remains the only basis for a transitional arrangement preparatory to the independence of Namibia.
15. Denounces the dilatory tactics of some members of the Contact Group and request the latter to accelerate its proceedings so that Namibia may become independent by the end of the year 1984.
16. Supports the armed struggle being waged by the South-West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) to achieve national independence in a United Namibia and the struggle of the militant people of South Africa and their movement for national liberation to put an end to the Apartheid regime and permit the South African people to exercise their fundamental rights and democratic liberties.
17. Urgently calls upon Member States to increase substantially their support for the national liberation movements of Namibia and South Africa.
18. Charges the Secretary General with the coordination and organization, at Member State's level, of this assistance of the oppressed peoples of Namibia and South Africa.
19. Urges Member States to encourage the opening and establishing, in their respective capitals, of offices representing the National Liberation Movements of Namibia and South Africa and grant them the privileges and immunities necessary for the accomplishment of their mission.
20. Requests the Secretary General to inform the Secretary General of the OAU the contents of this resolution.
21. Decides to remain apprised of the question entitled support for the liberation struggle of the peoples of Namibia and South Africa and charges the Secretary General to ensure the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H, corresponding to 16-19 January 19804,
Recalling the relevant resolutions, adopted by the Organization of the Islamic Conference on the Comoran Island of Mayotte which affirms that the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro is composed of four Islands: Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mayotte and Moheli;
Mindful of the commitments taken by France on the eve of the referendum on self-determination, of December 22, 1974 organized in the Comoros to respect the territorial integrity of the Archipelago when it acceded to independence;
Recalling also the wish expressed by the Head of State of France to seek actively a just solution to that problem;
Considering that the severing of the Island of Mayotte from the other Comoran Islands seriously impairs the territorial integrity of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro and impedes the harmonious economic development of that country;
Deeply concerned by the slow pace of the negotiations entered into by France and the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro on the issue of the Comoran Island of Mayotte;
Considering the total readiness of the Comoran Government in its desire to reach a just and speedy solution to this problem through dialogue and concentration;
Pursuant to the recommendations of International or regional Organizations;
1. Again Reaffirms the unity and territorial Integrity of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro and its sovereignty over the Comoran Island of Mayotte.
2. Expresses its active support for the Comoran people and supports the Comoran people and Government in their legitimate political and diplomatic efforts to recover the Island.
3. Requests the French Government to decisively open negotiations with the Government of the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro in order to secure the rapid restoration of the Island of Mayotte to its natural Comoran entity.
4. Calls upon OIC Member States to exert, collectively and separately, their influence on France in order to accelerate its negotiations with the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro on the basis of respect for the unity and territorial integrity of that country.
5. Instructs the Secretary-General of the OIC to contact the French Authorities to inform them of the grave concern felt by the Organization over this problem; to follow up the development of this issue, in cooperation with the Secretaries General of OAU and UN and to submit a report in this regard to the Fifth Islamic Summit Conference.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H, corresponding to 16-19 January 1984,
Proceeding from the lofty tenets of the Islamic Charter which enjoin the struggle against aggression and support to aggressed;
Pursuant to the principles of the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations on safeguarding international peace and security and the inadmissibility of aggression and occupation of territories by force;
Noting the Final Declaration of the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Niamey, the Republic of Niger, from 3 to 7 Zul qaada 1402 H, corresponding to 22 to 26 August 1982 ;
Reaffirming the commitment of the OIC to safeguard the security and territorial integrity of Member States and its support to and solidarity with the Democratic Republic of Somalia in safeguarding its territorial integrity and independence;
Recalling the Communique of the Coordination Conference of Foreign Ministers of Islamic States, held at the seat of the United Nations in New York on the first of Muharram 1404H, (10, October,1983) which reaffirms its concern over the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and expresses its support to and solidarity with Soma1ia in its struggle against any attempt to threaten its territorial integrity and independence ;
Recalling resolution 24/14-P of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Recalling resolution 17/14-P of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Security and Solidarity of Islamic States which stipulates that the security of each Muslim country is the concern of all Islamic States;
1. Expresses its deep concern over the continuing occupation of two areas of Somali territory.
2. Calls upon Ethiopia to withdraw immediately and unconditionally all its forces from the territories of the Democratic Republic of Somalia.
3. Expresses solidarity with the Democratic Republic of Somalia so that it may safeguard its security, territorial integrity and independence.
4. Requests the Secretary General to submit a comprehensive report to the forthcoming Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January 1984).
In pursuance of Resolution No.11/3-ORG (IS) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif which endorsed the establishment of an International Islamic Court of Justice to work for the peaceful settlement of disputes among Member States, by judicial means;
Considering the concern of the Member States to complete the principal organs of the Organization by adding a principal organ whose purpose will be to give rulings on disputes arising among Member States, through judicial means in accordance with the tenets of the noble Islamic Shari'a and the general principles of international law;
Appreciating the valuable efforts exerted by the specialized committees entrusted with the task of preparing the Draft Statute of the Court;
Taking note of the report prepared by the General Secretariat on the subject:
1. Decides to defer the decision to adopt the Draft Statute of the Islamic International Court of Justice.
2. Decides to set up a Committee of Legal Experts from all Member States under the auspices of the Chairman of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference which Committee will meet at the invitation of the General Secretariat to undertake an in-depth study of the said Draft Statute in the light of the relevant deliberations of the Fourth Islamic Summit Conference.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 to 16 Rabiul Thani, 1404 H (I6-I9 January 1984),
Recalling the provisions of the Declaration of Makkah Al-Mukarramah on the need to develop the Islamic Information Media in such a way as to ensure their effectiveness and contribute to the establishment of a New Information order and thus enable our Ummah to assert its existence by projecting its true image.
Referring to the resolutions of the various Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the need to take such measures as may be appropriate to counter the propaganda against Islam and Muslims, correct the erroneous concepts which are deeply rooted in the minds of certain people about the Islamic world and present the true image of Islam.
Stressing the commitment of the Member States to working through an Information strategy, proper to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in order to bring out the fundamental political preoccupations of the Muslim Ummah, namely the Palestinian question, the problem of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, the problem of Southern Africa and other vital issues.
Recalling the various resolutions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, which call for cooperation among Member States in this field and for the implementation of the Information Plan drawn up by the General Secretariat particularly the recommendations of the First Session of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs.
1. Stresses the need for Member States to continue close cooperation among them in the field of Information and to take a united Islamic view so as to contribute to the establishment of a new more equitable and more objective Information order.
2. Invites the General Secretariat to pursue its efforts for the convening of a Conference of Ministers of Information of the Member States.
3. Invites the General Secretariat to pursue the implementation of the Information Plan in accordance with the recommendations of the First Session of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, and urges Member States to provide the necessary assistance and make generous donations for the implementation of the Information Plan.