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13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H, 16-19 January, 1984 A.D.
Resolution No. 1/ 4-C (IS)
On The Islamic Fiqh Academy (IFA)
Resolution No. 2/4-C(IS)
On the Islamic Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization.(ISESCO)
Resolution No. 3/4-C(IS)
On the Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development. (IFSTAD)
Resolution No. 4/4-C(IS)
On the Research Center for the Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA)
Resolution No. 5/4-C(IS)
On the International Commission for the Preservation of the Islamic Heritage.
Resolution No. 6/4-C(IS)
On the Sports Federation of Islamic Solidarity .
Resolution No. 7/4-C(IS)
On the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent.
Resolution No. 8/ 4-C (IS)
On the Islamic University of Niger
Resolution No. 9/4-C (IS)
On the Islamic University of Uganda .
Resolution No. 10/4-C(IS)
On the International Islamic University of Malaysia.
Resolution No. 11/4-C(IS)
On the Islamic University of Bangladesh.
Resolution No. 12/4-C(IS)
On the New Building of Al-Zeitounia Faculty in Tunisia.
Resolution No. 13/ 4-C (IS)
On the Project of a Regional Institute for Islamic Research and Studies, Timbuctu, Mali.
Resolution No. 14/4-C(IS)
On the Project to establish an Islamic Institute for Translation in Khartoum.
Resolution No. 15/4-C(IS)
On the Islamic Center in Guinea-Bissau.
Resolution No. 16/4-C(IS)
On the Regional Institute for Complementary Education in Pakistan.
Resolution No. 17/4-C(IS)
On the Creation of an Islamic Cultural Center in Moroni, the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro.
Resolution No. 18/4-C(IS)
On the Establishsment of an International Center for the Bantu Civilization in Gabon
Resolution No. 19/4-C(IS)
On Consolidating the Budget and Endowment of the Islamic Solidarity Fund
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H , (l6-l9 January 1984),
Noting resolution No. 8/3-C (IS) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference on the establishment of the Islamic Fiqh Academy;
Having examined the resolutions of the Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the need to follow up the implementation of the above-mentioned resolution adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference;
Recalling the resolutions of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, in Rabiul Thani, 1404H (January 1983);
Noting the recommendations of the Constituent Conference of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah, from 26-29 Sha'ban l404H, corresponding to 7-9 June 1983,under the aegis of His Majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
1. Extends profound thanks and appreciation to His Majesty King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz for his personal sponsorship of the Constituent Conference of the Islamic Fiqh Academy and for having graciously put Headquarters at the disposal of the Academy in Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia).
2. Welcomes the efforts exerted by the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to enable the Islamic Fiqh Academy to fulfil the noble mission with which it was entrusted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, and the lofty objectives contained in the statutes of the Academy.
3. Requests the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the Constituent Conference of the Islamic Fiqh Academy and to convene its first session, in coordination with the concerned authorities in the host country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
4. Urges Member States to extend the necessary financial and moral support so that the General Secretariat may take the necessary measures to accomplish the task assigned thereto.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom or Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H, ( l6-19 January 1984 ),
Recalling Resolution No. 6/3-C (IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif on the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization;
Commending the recommendations of the First Session of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, held in Dakar in Rabiul Thani, 1403H (January 1983), pertaining to the Organization;
Having reviewed the two Resolutions adopted by the Thirteenth and the Fourteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, stressing the need to support the Organization so as to enable it to discharge the duties assigned to it;
Having taken cognizance of the valuable achievements of the Organization over a short period since its establishment;
Considering the important role of this Organization in consolidating Islamic Solidarity on the basis of spiritual and cultural bonds, and of scientific and educational cooperation, and in promoting Islamic joint action in the educational, scientific and cultural fields, according to a comprehensive strategies;
1. Expresses its appreciation to the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for its remarkable action over such a short period of time and the implementation of the plan of action drawn up by Constitutive Conference of the Organization in 1402H (1982), despite the scarcity of material resources, and for having started the implementation of the Plan of Action adopted by the First General Islamic Conference of Ministers of Education, Culture and Science, held in Casablanca in 1403H (1983) .
2. Invites Member States to continue their moral and material support for the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and invites especially those Member States which have not paid their contributions to the budgets of last year and this year to hasten to do so, in order to enable the Organization to meet the objectives assigned to it and to implement the programs it is entrusted with.
3. Affirms the resolution of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Dhaka, assigning to the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization the task of teaching the Arabic language and disseminating Islamic Culture in non-Arab Member States, as the language of the Holy Quran is the link between Muslims all over the world. The Conference also calls on Member States to make voluntary contributions to the Organization so as to enable it to carry out its noble mission.
4. Extends thanks to the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for the extensive aid and facilities it continues to make available to the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January 1984),
Having reviewed Resolution 5/3-C (IS) adopted by the Third Islamic Summit Conference, held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif on the Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development;
Recalling the two resolutions adopted by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the Foundation;
Commending the efforts exerted and accomplishments of the Foundation in record time;
1. Welcomes all the resolutions and recommendations adopted by the Scientific Council regarding the Foundation's program and plan of action.
2. Urges Member States to discharge their obligations towards the Foundation and make voluntary contributions to ensure the collection of the fifty million dollars announced by previous Conferences, so as to enable the Foundation to carry out its duties and achieve its objectives, namely to raise the scientific capabilities and potentialities in Islamic countries.
3. Expresses its appreciation for the efforts exerted by the Foundation for the fulfillment of the noble objectives for which the Foundation was established.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference in Casablanca, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404 H (16-19 January 1984),
Recalling the resolutions of Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers previously adopted at ordinary sessions endorsing the Statute of the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture at Istanbul;
Referring to the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar (Republic of Senegal) in Rabiul Thani, 1403 H (January 1983);
Commending the valuable assistance extended by Government of the Republic of Turkey and its continuous support to the Center to enable it to carry out the tasks entrusted to it;
Noting the various activities of the Center and its numerous achievements in the fields of research and studies pertaining to Islamic culture , arts and history;
1. Expresses its profound gratitude and appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Turkey for offering the historically important Palace Tchit, one of the famous Palaces of Turkey, to serve as its permanent seat and commends the financial and moral support extended by the Turkish Government for its administration, and for conferring on it diplomatic status and according it tax and custom exemptions.
2. Praises the valuable achievements of the Center within a short period of its establishment and the efforts exerted by its Board to realize the lofty objectives for which it was set up.
3. Calls upon Member States to settle their contributions to the budget of the Center regularly and to make generous material donations to enable it to pursue its activities and achieve the objectives set forth to its Statute.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404 H (16-19 January 1984),
Referring to the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, held In Dakar (Republic of Senegal) in Rabi ul Thani, 1403 H (January 1983);
Recalling Resolution No.6/13-C of the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, by virtue of which the Statutes of the International Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Heritage were endorsed and measures for the appointment of its members completed;
Commending the above mentioned resolution of the Islamic Conference to place the Commission under the Chairmanship of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, due to the interest His Royal Highness takes in cultural activities and Islamic heritage;
Looking forward to the fulfillment by the Commission of its noble tasks and the promotion of studies, researches and documentation in the fields of Islamic heritage;
1. Expresses its satisfaction at the fact that the Commission will forthwith start its activities, welcomes the decision taken to place the Commission under the Chairmanship of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, and looks forward to seeing the Commission achieve, under his Chairmanship, the objectives assigned thereto and the noble goals for which it was established.
2. Urges all Member States to extend financial and moral support to the Commission so that it may implement its projects concerning the protection and preservation of the immortal Islamic Heritage.
3. Calls upon Member States concerned with the salvage of their historical cities and Islamic heritage, particularly the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Mali, the Republic of Niger, the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Tunisia, to relay all the necessary data and information to the International Commission for the Preservation of Islamic Cultural Heritage to enable the later to implement the resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences in connection with the salvage or restoration of their Islamic historical cities and monuments.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404 H, (16-19 January, 1984),
Recalling to resolution 7/3-C (IS) of the Third Islamic Summit Conference on the establishment of the Sports Federation of Islamic Solidarity Games;
Having reviewed the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, held in Dakar (Republic of Senegal) in Rabi ul Thani, 1404 H (January 1983);
Referring to Resolution 8/13-C of the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers by virtue of which the Statutes of the said Federation were endorsed;
Having reviewed the steps taken by the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to take, in coordination with the General Presidency of Youth Welfare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the host country, of the Federation, the necessary measures to convene the Federation's Constituent Conference so that it may pursue its tasks;
Reaffirms the important role which the Sports Federation of the Islamic Solidarity shall play in strengthening fraternity, relations and understanding among the Youth of the Islamic World and consolidating the ties of friendship and cooperation among Islamic peoples;
Expresses its appreciation for the sincere efforts exerted by the General Presidency of Youth Welfare in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to ensure that the Federation will proceed on a sound course to achieve its noble objectives.
Welcomes the Resolution of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers which calls for the convening as soon as possible, of the General Constituent Conference of the said Federation, and urges Member States to send representatives of their respective national Olympic Committee to participate in the General Constituent Conference of the Federation.
Urges all Members States to extend financial and moral support to the Federation and to effectively participate in its activities.
Welcomes the recommendation made by the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, on holding the Second Islamic Solidarity Games in 1985, provided that these games be held once every four years.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-l6 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January, 1984),
Recalling resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the establishment of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent;
Referring to Resolutions 4/13-C and 6/14-C adopted by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Conference of Foreign Ministers, inviting all Member States to sign the agreement on the establishment of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent;
Having reviewed the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs, held in Dakar (Republic of Senegal) Rabiul Thani, 1403H (January l983);
Expressing its appreciation of the care and support extended to this important humanitarian Islamic Institution by the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya;
1. Reaffirms the need for the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent to start performing its duties to fulfill the lofty goals and objectives for which it was set up.
2. Urges all Member States to expedite the signing of the Agreement establishing the above committee so as to enable it to discharge its noble humanitarian duties, and to provide it with material and moral support.
3. Extends its thanks and appreciation to the Socialist People Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, for the generous donations it has extended and is still extending to support the Committee and help it complete arrangements relevant to its constituent stage.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rablul Thani, (16-19 January, 198L),
Recalling the resolution adopted by the Second Islamic Summit Conference in Lahore calling for the setting up of two Islamic Universities in Republic of Niger and the Republic of Uganda respectively; and resolution adopted by the Third Islamic Summit, held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif on the commitment of the Islamic Conference Organization to carry out these two projects;
Referring to the recommendation of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, in Rabi ul Thani, 1403H (January 1983);
Having noted the executive measures taken by the Republic of Niger and the OIC General Secretariat to carry out part of the first phase of the project of the Islamic University in Niger;
Aware of the material difficulties still hindering the execution of the project's first phase and the consequences that might ensure from the interruption of present construction works carried out according to plan;
1. Renews the commitment of previous Islamic Conference to mobilize the necessary material and human resources to secure the establishment of this University and to provide necessary funds for the completion of its first phase.
2. Requests the OlC General Secretariat and the Government of Niger to continue the process of dividing the project's remaining phases into smaller parts which could be implemented separately and independently by means of direct financing provided by private institutions or by voluntary donations made by Member States.
3. Urges the Islamic Development Bank in its capacity as one of the OIC's major financial institutions to part of its charity appropriations to the execution of the Islamic University in Niger.
4. Mandates the OIC Secretary General to intensify his endeavors with Member States so that they contribute to the financing of the project, and requests the Islamic Solidarity Fund to maintain its financial assistance to it and increase the allocations it earmarks for the project.
5. Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Iraq, the Republic of Indonesia, the State of Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of Tunisia, People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Republic of Senegal, for their voluntary contributions to the project, and invites other Member States to follow their example.
6. Expresses its appreciation to the efforts made by the Republic of Niger in the supervision of the project, and the interest it maintains in the execution of that major Islamic project as well as for the material and moral support it provides.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January 1984),
Recalling the resolution of the Second Islamic Summit of Lahore on the establishment of the Islamic University in Uganda;
Referring to the resolution adopted by the Third Islamic Summit of Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif reaffirming the commitment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to establish this University and requesting the Islamic Solidarity Fund to maintain its assistance to it;
Recalling the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, in Rabiul Thani, 1403H, (January 1983);
Noting the efforts exerted by the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference both represented in the Joint Committee which is drawing up an integrated framework for the establishment of this University;
Commending the acceptance by the Government of Uganda of an Islamic policy for the curricula and the administration of the University, commending also the material and moral support extended by the Government of Uganda as well as the facilities put at the disposal of the University Project;
1. Reaffirms the two resolutions adopted by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on coordination between the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to complete the technical and organizational aspects for the establishment of the University.
2. Requests the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Republic of Uganda to pursue the efforts they exert to finalize the text of the University Statutes and sign a legal agreement guaranteeing and asserting the international and Islamic character of the University.
3. Requests the Islamic Solidarity Fund to maintain its annual assistance to the establishment of this University and urges Member States to make voluntary donations so that the University may proceed on a sound course and secure the benefits expected from this Islamic institution.
4. Welcomes the intention of the Islamic Foundation for Science, Technology and Development to provide technical assistance to the University project.
5. Expresses its thanks to the Government of Uganda for the valuable facilities and assistance it extends to the University project and expresses its appreciation to the Governments of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for their generous contributions to the project.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, Meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404H, (16-19 January, 1984),
Recalling the recommendation of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee on Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar (Republic of Senegal) during the month of Rabiul Thani 1403H, (January I983);
Having reviewed the Final Communiqué issued by the Thirteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers placing on record its full appreciation of the Government of Malaysia's decision to establish an International Islamic University in Malaysia and its commitment to abide by the objectives and principles of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ;
Referring to Resolution No. 9/14-C adopted by the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers which praised the positive and courageous efforts of the Malaysian Government in implementing the University project;
Commending the measures taken by the OIC General Secretariat and its signing of the agreement establishing the University with the Government of Malaysia;
Appreciating the response of a number of Member States that have signed agreements of co-sponsorship through the Exchange of Notes with the Government of Malaysia in respect of the establishment of the International Islamic University within the context of bilateral cooperation;
Expresses its appreciation of the dedicated and successful efforts of the Government of Malaysia in having established the said International Islamic University and calls on all Member States to support the project by extending all possible assistance for the further expansion and development of the University;
1. Calls on the Member States of the OIC to conclude agreement of co-sponsorship within the context of bilateral cooperation between them and the Government of Malaysia;
2. Invites the Islamic Solidarity Fund and all specialized bodies and Institutions of the OIC to extend all moral, technical and financial assistance to the University.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January, I984),
Recalling resolution No. 10/14-C of the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the establishment of an Islamic University in Bangladesh;
Taking note of the great need to establish this University as a distinctive Institute for Islamic learning, research, studies and other modern sciences, in this important region of the Islamic World;
1. Commends the great efforts made by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, as a first step, towards the establishment of this University;
2. Requests the Islamic Solidarity Fund and all Specialized OIC Institutions to provide the Government of Bangladesh with material and moral assistance so that it may carry out this project;
3. Urges all Member States to grant technical assistance and voluntary donations so that the university may attain the lofty objectives for which it will be established.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January, I984),
Having reviewed the recommendations of the Permanent Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs in its first session in Dakar;
Having reviewed the resolutions of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on the importance of Al-Zeitounia Faculty;
Expresses its thanks to the Republic of Tunisia for its concern and support for the project of Al-Zeitounia Faculty and the Institute for Islamic Research which serves the cause of Islam and Muslims in Tunisia and other African States, and to the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Conference as well as the Islamic Solidarity Fund for their material and moral support, and their commitment to continue this support in order to implement the project ;
Stresses the importance of establishing Al-Zeitounia Faculty and urges Islamic States to make necessary contributions for this vital project in order to enable the Tunisian Government to implement it as soon as possible, and expresses its gratitude to those Member States for their contributions.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January, 1984),
Having reviewed the resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on transforming the Center of Ahmed Baba into a regional Center of Research and Islamic Studies in Timbuktu, Mali;
Taking note of the recommendations of the Permanent Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar during the month of Rabiul Thani 1403H (January 1983);
1. Stresses the need to follow up the implementation of the project to transform the Center of Ahmed Baba in Timbuktu into a regional Center of Research and Islamic Studies;
2. Urges Member States to provide financial and moral support to the Government of Mali to enable it to implement this project;
3. Requests the General Secretariat and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to maintain their cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Mali and to provide it with the necessary support in order to implement this project in view of its historical Islamic importance and in recognition of the role played by the city of Timbuktu in propagating Islam throughout the Islamic history of Africa ;
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabiul Thani, 1404H (16-19 January, 1984),
Having examined the recommendations of the Permanent Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs and the resolutions adopted by the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1. Appeals to Member States to exert efforts, in coordination with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Sudan for the implementation of the Project to establish the Islamic Institute for Translation in Khartoum in accordance with the plan set for it.
2. Requests the General Secretariat and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to continue their cooperation with the Government of the Democratic Republic of Sudan in order to implement that project.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 - 16 Rabi ul Thani, l404H (16-19 January, 1984),
Referring to the two resolutions adopted by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Having examined the recommendations of the First Meeting of the Permanent Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs held in Dakar during the month of Rabiul Thani, l403H (January, 1983);
1. Instructs the General Secretariat to pursue its efforts in coordination with the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, with Member States, with a view to the immediate implementation of the first phase of the project for the Islamic Center, viz, the construction of the mosque.
2. Urges Member States to contribute to increasing the funds available to the General Secretariat designed to finance the work of building the Center, and requests the Islamic Solidarity Fund to increase the annual credits on behalf of the Center.
3. Expresses its thanks to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its commitment to contribute to the financing of the construction of the mosque.
4. Entrusts the General Secretariat with the task of following up the implementation of this Resolution, and ensure the speedy execution of this important project.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404H, (16-19 January, 1984);
Having considered the recommendations made by the Permanent Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs and the resolutions adopted by the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1. Affirms the importance of setting up the Regional Institute for Complementary Education in Pakistan as an establishment conducive to promoting the teaching of Arabic in Non-Arabic speaking. Asian States and disseminating Islamic culture in this major part of the Islamic World.
2. Entrusts the General Secretariat with the task of following-up the implementation of the project and to coordinate with the authorities concerned in the Government of Pakistan.
3. Calls upon Member States, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and all cultural organizations and institutions of the Islamic Conference to offer technical and material assistance for the completion of that project.
4. Calls upon the General Secretariat and the Islamic Solidarity Fund to continue to coordinate their efforts with the World Federation of International Arab Islamic Schools with a view to implementing joint plans and programs for teaching and spreading Arabic in non-Arabic speaking. Member States and to consolidating the School Fund, and Institute for Complementary Studies in Khartoum which assumes in Africa the same role as that for which its counterpart in Asia is called to play.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404H, (16-19 January, 1984);
Recalling resolution 16/14-C adopted by the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the Islamic Cultural Center in Moroni;
Taking into account that the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro represents a bastion of Islam able to counter act the missionary campaign in the region;
1. Welcomes the measures adopted by the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro to set up an Islamic Cultural Center in its capital, Moroni.
2. Calls upon the General Secretariat and Islamic Solidarity Fund to follow up the completion of the technical studies necessary for the establishment of the project.
3. Urges all Member States and Specialized Islamic Organization to offer all necessary assistance to the Federal Islamic Republic of Comoro for the execution of the project.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13 - 16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404 H, (16 - 19 January, 1984),
Having considered the recommendation contained in the Final Communique adopted by the Permanent Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs and the resolution adopted by the Fourteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
1. Expresses its great interest in the establishment of an International Center for Bantu Civilization in the Republic of Gabon.
2. Calls upon the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to cooperate with the authorities concerned in Gabon to promote the activities of the Center to serve Islamic culture on the African continent and to that end offer all necessary material and moral assistance in cooperation with the Islamic Solidarity Fund.
The Fourth Islamic Summit Conference, meeting in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 13-16 Rabi ul Thani, 1404 H, (16-19 January, 1984),
Recalling the Resolution adopted by the Second Islamic Summit Conference, held in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in 1394-H (1974), pertaining to the establishment of the Islamic Solidarity Fund with a view to funding activities for the purpose of Islamic unity and other Islamic issues, and enhancing the Islamic culture, values and universities, provided that contributions by Member States to the Fund, be accordance with their means ;
Recalling the Resolution of the Third Islamic Summit Conference (Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif Session),held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah/Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 19-22 Rabiul Awal 1401 H (25-28 January 1981), which calls on all Member States to consolidate the budget of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, so as to keep it at a level not lower than 50 million dollars a year and further to provide additional donations to maintain that 1evel of Fund's resources and activities and to ensure that the capital of the Fund's Endowment which amounts to 100 million dollars, be promptly covered through voluntary contributions from Member States ;
Taking cognizance with considerable pleasure of the achievements of the Islamic Solidarity Fund in the past ten years, which truly illustrate the idea of Islamic Solidarity, notably by extending support to Islamic governments, communities and institutions, and by strengthening the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in occupied Palestine and Al-Quds;
Expressing its keenest interest in preserving such an important Islamic body which truly stands as a noble example of Islamic solidarity, and which constitutes the main financing source for most of the cultural, spiritual and social achievements of our Organization, and in order to enable it to have a more efficient impact on the cultural structure of the Islamic society, as well as to provide more substantial assistance than the symbolic aid it now provides to the institutions it sponsors throughout the Islamic world, and to attain that assistance to the expectations of the Organization of Islamic Conference and to the fulfillment of its cultural, spiritual and social objectives;
1. Requests Member States to make a pledge to give voluntary contributions to the budget of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, on a yearly basis, and also their contribution to the capital of the Fund's Endowment on the understanding that each country determines the size of its yearly contribution to the Fund's budget and to the Waqf 's capital, within the next four months, according to their means and to their willingness to participate efficiently in the consolidation of joint Islamic Action. It further invites the General Secretariat to carry out contacts with Member States government, to this effect, and to submit a report on this question to the Fifteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
2. Calls on Member States, which have already announced their contribution to the capital of the Fund's Endowment to promptly hand over that contribution, so as to enable the General Secretariat and the Permanent Council to start capitalizing on the Endowment.
3. Entrusts the Permanent Council of the Islamic Solidarity Fund, in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, with the task of approaching, on a larger scale, Islamic benevolent associations and institutions in Member States for the purpose of providing voluntary contributions for the capital of the Fund's Endowment. This can be brought about by explaining the noble objectives, which prompted the establishment of that Endowment.
4. Stresses the importance of pursuing the practice of previous conferences with regard to holding special meetings for Member States to pledge their contributions to the Fund's budget and Endowment.
5. Calls on Member States to finance cultural and social projects in favor of certain Islamic communities or states, through the Fund, which shall implement them on behalf of the financing country.
6. Entrusts the Fund's Permanent Council, in cooperation with the General Secretariat, with the task of paying visits regularly and periodically, to Member States with a view to urging them to give donations and to take part in the campaigns which are launched by Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, for the purpose of collecting donations for the Fund's annual budget and Waqf .
7. Invites the Member States to issue a postage stamp, the revenue of which shall be remitted to the Islamic Solidarity Fund and its Waqf.
8. Entrusts the Fund's Permanent Council, in cooperation with the General Secretariat, with the task of following up the implementation of practical measures to complete the remaining operational steps which are necessary for the enforcement of the Waqf principle, and submitting their progress report on this question to the 15th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
9. Invites the Islamic Development Bank to participate in financing some cultural and social projects, endorsed by the Fund.
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