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Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
SAFAR 1394 H.
No. 1/2-IS
Resolution No. 2/2-IS
Resolution No. 3/2-IS
Resolution No. 4/2-IS
Resolution No. 5/2-IS
Resolution No. 6/2-IS
Resolution No. 7/2-IS
The Kings, Heads of State and Government and
Representatives of the Republic of Afghanistan, People's Democratic
Republic of Algeria, State of Bahrain, People's Republic of Bangladesh,
Republic of Chad, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Gabon,
Republic of Gambia, Republic of Guinea, Republic of Guinea-Bissau,
Republic of Indonesia, Empire of Iran, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,
Kingdom of Morocco, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, State of Kuwait,
Republic of Lebanon, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia,
Republic of Mali, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Niger,
Sultanate of Oman, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, People's
Democratic Republic of Yemen, State of Qatar, Republic of Senegal,
Democratic Republic of Somalia, Democratic Republic of Sudan, Syrian
Arab Republic, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic
of Uganda, State of United Arab Emirates, The Yemen Arab
Republic, Palestine, represented by the.PLO,
The Representative of the Republic of Iraq
attended as an Observer, met at the Second Islamic Conference held in Lahore
from 22 to 24 February, 1974. The Secretary General of Rabita AI Alam AI
Islamia attended as guest. His Béatitude Patriarche of Antioch and All
Orient also attended the Summit Conference.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government and the
Representatives of the Islamic countries and Organisations proclaimed:
1.Their conviction that their common Faith is an
indissoluble bond between their peoples, that the solidarity of the Islamic
peoples is based, not on hostility towards any other human communities nor on
distinctions of race and culture, but on the positive and eternal precepts of
equality and dignity of man, freedom from discrimination and exploitation and
struggle against oppression and injustice;
2.Their identification with the joint struggle. of the
peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America for social and economic progress and
prosperity of all nations of the world;
3.Their desire that their endeavours in promoting world
peace based on freedom and social justice will be imbued with the spirit of
amicability and cooperation with other Faith, in accordance with the tenets of
4.Their determination to preserve and promote
solidarity among Muslim countries, to respect each other's independence and
territorial integrity, to refrain from interference in each other's internal
affairs, to resolve their differences through peaceful means in a fraternal
spirit and, wherever possible to utilize the mediatory influence or good office
of fraternal Muslim State or States for such resolution;
5.Their appreciation of the heroic role played by the
front-line States and the Palestinian Resistance in the Ramadhan War, as well as
of the Arab effort and Muslim Solidarity which became more prominent at that
decisive stage;
6.Their appreciation of the activities of the Islamic
Conference and its Secretariat which will continue to be the vehicle for their
dedication in promoting close and fraternal co-operation among themselves, and
in their other joint endeavours.
Having considered the present situation in the Middle
East, they declared that:
1. The Arab cause is the cause of all countries which
oppose aggression and will not tolerate that the use of force be rewarded by
territory or any other gains;
2. Full and effective support should be given to the
Arab countries to recover, by all means available., all their occupied lands;
3. The cause of the people of Palestine is the cause of
all those who believe in the right of a people to determine their own destiny by
themselves and by their free will;
4. The restitution of the full national rights of the
Palestinian people in their homeland is the essential and fundamental condition
for a solution to the Middle East problem and the establishment of lasting peace
on the basis of justice;
5. The international community and particularly those
States which sponsored the partition of Palestine in 1947, bear the heavy
responsibility to redress the injustice perpetrated on the Palestinian people;
6. AI-Quds is a unique symbol of the confluence of
Islam with the sacred divine religions. For more than 1300 years, Muslims have
held Jerusalem as a trust for all who venerate it. Muslims alone could be its
loving and impartial custodians for the simple reason that Muslims alone believe
in all the three prophetic religions rooted in Jerusalem. No agreement, protocol
or understanding which postulates the continuance of Israeli occupation of the
Holy City of Jerusalem or its transfer to any non-Arab sovereignty or makes it
the subject of bargaining or concessions will be acceptable to the Islamic
countries. Israeli withdrawal from Jerusalem is a paramount and unchangeable
prerequisite for lasting peace in the Middle East;
7. The constructive efforts undertaken by the Christian
Churches, all over the world and in the Arab countries, notably in Lebanon,
Egypt, Jordan and Syria to explain the Palestinian question to international
public opinion and to world religious conferences and to solicit their support
for Arab sovereignty over Jerusalem and other Holy Places in Palestine should be
8. Any measure taken by Israel to change the character
of the occupied Arab territories and in particular of the Holy City of Jerusalem
is a flagrant violation of international law and is repugnant to the feelings of
the States, members of the Islamic Conference, and of the Islamic World. in
9. Those African and other countries which have taken
an honourable and firm position in support of the Arab cause are worthy of the
highest appreciation;
10. The present trends towards a just peace cannot but
concentrate, on the roots of the question and disengagement cannot be viewed but
as a step towards the complete Israeli withdrawal from occupied Arab territories
and the full restitution of the national rights of the Palestinian people.
Having considered the world economic situation and in
particular that obtaining in the Islamic countries in the light of the addresses
made by the Heads of State and Govern- ment and specially those made by the
President of The Summit Conference, the President of Algeria and the President
of Libya and realising the need for:
I) Eradication of poverty, disease and ignorance from
the Islamic countries;
II) Ending exploitation of developing countries by the
developed countries;
III) Regulating the terms of trade between developed
countries and developing countries in the matters of supply of raw materials and
import of manufactured goods and know-how;
IV) Ensuring the sovereignty and full control of the
developing countries over their natural resources;
V) Mitigating current economic difficulties of the
developing countries due to recent increase in prices;
VI) Mutual economic cooperation and solidarity among
Muslim countries.
They decided to establish a Committee consisting of the
representatives and experts of Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, Senegal and United Arab Emirates with powers to coopt other interested
Muslim countries, for devising ways and means for the attainment of the above
objectives and for the welfare of the peoples of the Member countries. They
directed that the Committee should commence its work irn- mediately and submit
its proposals to the next Conference of Foreign Ministers for im- mediate
consideration and action;
The Committee will meet in Jeddah, at the invitation of
the Secretary General who shall fix a date for the meeting not later than one
month after the conclusion of the pre- sent Summit Conference.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government and the
Representatives approved resolutions on Jerusalem, Middle East and Palestinian
cause, Islamic Solidarity Fund, Development and International Economic Relations
and other matters. These are annexed to this Declaration and all form an
integral part of it.
In furtherance of these and other common objectives,
they direct their representatives at the United Nations and other international
bodies to consult together with a view to adopting joint and agreed positions.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Summit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
from 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H (22-24 February, 1974),
RECALLING the Declaration adopted by the Conference of
Heads of State and Government of Islamic Countries held in Rabat from 9 to 12
Rajab (22 to 25 Septem- ber, 1969) and the resolutions adopted by Islamic
Conference of Foreign Ministers on the issue of Palestine and the Middle East
INSPIRED by the principles and provisions of the
Charter of the Islamic Conference and that of the United Nations;
NOTING with appreciation and pride the heroic
sacrifices made by the Palestinian people and the front-line Arab countries
facing the Zionist aggressor;
HAVING CONSIDERED the recent developments in the Middle
East and the serious situation resulting from the continued Israeli occupation
of the territories of three sister Arab States members of the Islamic Conference
Organisation, the continued usurpation of the land of Palestine and expulsion of
its people;
CONSIDERING that this situation constitutes a violation
of the Charter and resolutions of the United Nations and the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights seriously jeopardising international peace and
AFFIRMING that the acquisition by Israel of Arab
territories through war and the use of force is inadmissible and constitutes a
flagrant violation of the objectives and principles of the United Nations posing
a serious threat to world peace jeopardising the security, territorial integrity
and sovereignty of Arab States;
REAFFIRMING the legitimate character of the struggle of
the Palestinian people against Zionist racist colonialism and for the
restoration of their full legitimate national rights, and above all for the
right to return to their homeland and to self-determination;
EXPRESSING its deep concern over Israel's, persistence
in judaizing Jerusalem and altering its demographic, religious, historical,
social, cultural and economic character in violation of the resolutions adopted
by the United Nations in this respect and the provisions of the Fourth Geneva
Convention of 1949;
CONSIDERING that the support given by the member
countries of the Islamic Conference to their sister Arab States in their
struggle to recover all occupied territories and to restore the legitimate
national rights of the people of Palestine, is a duty imposed by Muslim
solidarity which should take a concrete and effective form;
CONVINCED that the military, economic, political and
moral support given to Israel by some countries. particularly the USA, enables
it to pursue the execution of its policy of aggression and to consolidate its
occupation of Arab territories.
CONSIDERING that maintaining relations with Israel in
the political, economic, commercial, communications and other fields, would
enable it to consolidate its occupation of Arab lands and to persist in the
execution of its expansionist policy;
a) To give full and effective support to Egypt, Syria,
Jordan, and the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle for recovering
all their occupied lands by all means;
b) To take action in all fields to force Israel to
withdrawal immediately and unconditionally from all the Arab territories
occupied since June 1967, and undertakes to adopt every adequate measures to
bring about that withdrawal;
2. REQUESTS all States to support, by all means, the
people of Palestine in their struggle against Zionist, racist-and settlers
colonization and for the restoration of their full national rights, and confirms
that the restoration of these rights is a sine qua non for the establishment of
adjust and lasting peace;
3. REAFFIRMS that the Palestine Liberation Organisation
is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian Nation in its just
4. REQUESTS Member States where no PLO offices exist as
yet to provide all facilities towards that end in conformity with the
resolutions of previous Islamic Conferences;
5. PROCLAIMS the strong attachment of Muslims to the
Holy City of Jerusalem and the firm determination of their governments to
liberate it and to restore Arab sovereignty over it and Jerusalem should not be
the subject of bargaining or concessions;
6. CONDEMNS Israel's violation of-human rights in the
occupied Arab territories, its rejection to implement the Geneva Convention of
1949 on the protection of civilians dur- ing war and its policy of judaizing the
very nature and culture character of the occupied territories, and consider that
such Israel practices are war crimes and challenges to humanity at large;
7. REGARDS as null and void all the measures and their
effects taken by Israel to change the demographic. geographical, social,
cultural and economic character of the occupied Arab territories, including
those designed to annex and judaize the Holy City of Jerusalem;
8. CONDEMNS all States that provide Israel with
military, economic and human assistance and requests them to put an end to this
practice immediately;
9. HAILS the constructive initiative of sister African
Countries, Member States of the Organisation of African Unity, as well as of
other friendly countries in supporting Arab rights and severing diplomatic
relations with Israel;
10. CALLS UPON Member States of the Islamic Conference
to continue their support of African causes and their struggle against
colonialism and racist regimes, particularly in Rhodesia, South Africa and the
Portuguese colonies, and to put an end to all forms of cooperation and dealings
with these regimes, in particular to stop all shipments of oil and prevent any
derogation to that rule;
11. CALLS UPON Member States which still have relations
with Israel to sever these relations in all fields. thus supporting Islamic
12. CALLS UPON the representatives of all Member States
to coordinate their activities in international forums so as to ensure the
implementation of these resolutions;
13. REQUESTS the Secretary General to follow up the
implementation of these resolutions and to report to the Conference thereon.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Sum- mit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
from 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H (22-24 February, 1974),
REAFFIRMING its commitment to the resolutions of the
First Islamic Summit and of the preceding conferences of Islamic Foreign
Ministers concerning AI-Quds, the Holy City of Jerusalem.,
RECALLING once again, the deep attachment of the
Muslims to the Holy City of Jerusalem which for them is the First Qibla and the
Third Holiest Shrine;
CONSIDERING that Israel's continued occupation of
Jerusalem and its attempts to annex and judaize it, in defiance of the
resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United
Nations, and the acts of destruction and profanation, of the Holy Places that
have occurred under its occupation, have exacerbated tensions in the Middle East
and aroused indignation among peoples throughout the world;
AWARE of the necessity to safeguard the spiritual and
moral values symbolized by the sacred shrines in the Holy City of Jerusalem.,
NOTING the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions
2253 (WS-V) and 2254 (ES-V) and Security Council Resolutions 250(1968),
251(1968), 267(1969), 271 (1969), 298(1971) on Jerusalem and in particular
resolution 252(1968) which expressly enunciate the principle that acquisition of
territory by the use of force is inadmissible;
1. CONDEMNS the measures taken by Israel to judaize the
Holy City of Jerusalem and it's refusal to comply with the resolutions of the
General Assembly and the Security Council demanding that all measures purporting
to annex the Holy City of Jerusalem to Israel or to change the religious and
historical character of Jerusalem be rescinded and considered as being null and
CALLS for the immediate withdrawal of Israel from the Holy City of Jerusalem;
3. DECLARES that the restoration of the Holy City of
Jerusalem to Arab sovereignty is a paramount and unchangeable prerequisite for
any solution in the Middle East and that any solution which does not restore
this position will not be acceptable to the Islamic countries and rejects any
attempt to internationalize itp-
4. DECIDES to continue the struggle for the liberation
of the Holy City of Jerusalem and the preservation of holy shrines and insists
that it should not become the object of any bargaining or concessions, and
welcomes any friendly effort for this purpose.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Summit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
from 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H (22-24 February, 1974),
HAVING REGARD to the objectives and principles of the
Charter of the Islamic Conference and in particular their common goal: "To
consolidate cooperation among member States in the economic, social, cultural,
scientific and other vital fields of objectives, and to carry out consultations
among Member States in international organisations";
CONSIDERING that the Islamic countries are part of the
community of developing countries
CONSIDERING further the determination of the Member
States to work towards their liberation and that of other countries of the Third
World from the inequities governing international relations aimed at
perpetuating the exploitation of the resources of these countries to the benefit
of the developed countries;
GIVEN the absence of political will on behalf of the
developed countries to implement measures which behave upon them to put an end
to this intolerable situation;
DECLARES that it is necessary for Islamic countries to
resort first and foremost to the mobilization and to the revalorisation of their
national resources, to ensure the economic and social welfare of their people;
DECIDES that the Member States of the Conference will
extend to one another their support and solidarity in their respective national
endeavours aimed at securing the mobilization of their resources for development
CALLS UPON ALL developing countries to unite their
efforts in order to establish new international economic relations which would
be more equitable and more balanced;
APPROVES the convening of an extraordinary session of
the General Assembly of the UN. devoted to the problems of economic development,
with a view to establishing a new framework of relations based on equality ana
on the common interest of all States;
RECOMMENDS to Member States of the Conference to
intensify their efforts at this extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly
and within other international forums to reinforce and consolidate the present
trend towards securing national control over natural resources of developing
countries and towards their revalorisation;
RECOMMENDS to all the countries of the Third World to
beware of rnanouvres aimed at dividing the developing countries in exploitation
of their resources.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Sum- mit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
from 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H (22-24 February, 1974),
NOTING with satisfaction the progress achieved by the
Islamic Conference and its Secretariat;
NOTING FURTHER the report submitted by the First
Secretary General, H.E. Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj;
EXPRESSES their highest appreciation and gratitude to
H.E. Tunku Abdul Rahman for his active services in the work of the Conference
and its Secretariat during his tenure of office as Secretary General.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Summit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
from 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H (22-24 February, 1974),
HAVING NOTED that Afghanistan has regretted that she is
not ready to host the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of The Islaniic Conference;
HAVING HEARD of Malaysia's desire to host this annual
session, and having noted with appreciation the generosity of Saudi Arabia to
accommodate this desire;
DECIDES to hold the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of The
Islamic Conference in Kuala Lurnpur in May, 1974, or soon thereafter;
THANKS the Government of Malaysia for her kind offer
and readiness to host the Meeting.
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Summit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, from
29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H. (22-24 February 1974)
DECIDES to establish a Fund to be called an Islamic
Solidarity Fund to meet the needs and requirements for Islamic Unity, Islamic
Causes, enhancement of Islamic Culture and values and universities.
Contributions will be made by Member States according
to their capacity.
No. 7/2-IS
The Kings, Heads of State and Government meeting in the
Second Islamic Summit Conference, in Lahore, Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
from 29 Moharram to Ist Safar, 1394 H (22-24 February, 1974),
the invitation extended by His Excellency Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and His
Majesty King Faisal Ibn Abdul Aziz of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Kings
and Heads of State of the Islamic World to convene this conference in a bid to
consolidate the spirit of Islamic solidarity among them, for supporting the
causes of right, justice and independence, and noting the praise-worthy efforts
exerted by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to make of this
important conference a success;
TO PAY TRIBUTE to His Excellency Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the Prime Minister of
the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the great role he has played to achieve the
objectives of the Conference;