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(Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah)
on the Creation of a World Fund for Solidarity and Poverty Eradication
on Support for Niger’s Efforts to consolidate its National Unity and Achieve its Objectives for the Development of the Northern Pastoral Area.
on the reconstruction and development of the Northern Regions of Mali.
on solidarity with Republic of Guinea to face the consequences of instability in West Africa.
on the Right of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to receive reparations for losses resulting from the U.S. aggression in 1986.
on the question of reparations and compensation for colonization and the after effects of war.
on the developments in the international situation and steps taken for general and complete disarmament and its implications for the security of Islamic States.
on the establishment of nuclear weapon free zones in Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and South East Asia.
on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons
on the regional arms control and disarmament.
on the regional military balance
on the problem of dumping of dangerous radioactive and toxic wastes in the Islamic States
on problem of mines in Muslim World and the demining operation.
on preventing and combating the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects.
on 2005 Conference to review the Unclear non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference.
on promotion of Multilateralism in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and international security.
on Strengthening Coordination and Consultation among Islamic States
on the Comorian Island of Mayotte
on the preservation of the security and territorial integrity of the Islamic States.
on Adoption by Islamic States of a unified stand at international fora.
on the Aggression against the Republic of Guinea.
on a High level Committee for Dialogue Among Civilizations
on Tunisia Forum for Peace
on the Setting up of a Mechanism for Dialogue with the European Union
on Islam and the Muslim World in the 21st Century – the Path of Enlightened Moderation
on the Review and Rationalization of OIC Agenda Items and its Resolutions.
on Cooperation between the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the International and Regional Organizations.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling Resolution N. 33/9-P (IS) of the Ninth Islamic Summit Conference which called on Member States to endorse the appeal launched by H.E. Zine Al-Abidine Bin Ali, President of the Republic of Tunisia, who called on the heads of State and leaders of international organizations to set up a World Fund for Solidarity and Poverty Eradication, and on Member States to support this call at the various regional and international forums;
Referring to Resolution N. 30/29-P, adopted by the 29th ICFM, held in Khartoum, from 25 to 27 June 2002, which stresses the importance of creating a World Fund for Solidarity and Poverty Eradication as a mechanism that contributes to the realization of the objectives of the Millennium Summit aimed at eradicating poverty and destitution in the world;
Referring also to the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in its 57th Session on the Creation of a World Fund for Solidarity, Poverty Eradication and Promotion of Human Development in Developing Countries, proposed by H.E. President Zine Al-Abidine Bin Ali; and calling upon Member States to implement this resolution considering the Fund as a mechanism for combating poverty in the states most in need:
1. Welcomes Resolution N. 57/265 adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in its 57th Session on the Creation of a World Fund for Solidarity, Poverty Eradication and Promotion of Human Development as a new gain for the issues of human development in the world and a consolidation of the principle of solidarity among peoples.
2. Stresses the need to continue to work with all relevant regional and international bodies to implement the United Nations General Assembly’s resolution with a view to accelerating the effective entry into operation of the World Fund for Solidarity and Poverty Eradication.
3. Exhorts OIC Member States to voluntarily provide the necessary financial means to enable the Fund to carry out its interventions and attain its objectives of addressing poverty and consolidating the principles of harmony and solidarity among the peoples of the world.
1. 4. Calls upon the governments of the OIC Member States to encourage organizations of the civil society, the private sector and individuals to contribute to the provision of the financial means in order for the Fund to carry out its activities and attain its noble goals.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the goals and principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) aiming, in particular, at fostering Islamic solidarity among Member States and strengthening cooperation between them in the economic, social, cultural and scientific areas as well as in all vital fields;
Taking into consideration all the peace agreements signed by the Government of Niger and the Organization of Armed Resistance in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in 1994; in Niamey (1996) and in Algiers (1997);
Conscious that the socio-economic integration of refugees and disbanded servicemen on a lasting basis is a prerequisite for the for peace and stability to prevail in the northern pastoral area and the sub-Saharan region;
Convinced of the necessity of providing Niger with the necessary assistance for its economic and social development, the sole guarantee of stability in the Northern Pastoral Area,
1. Welcomes the efforts of Algeria, Burkina Faso and France for their mediation and important contribution to achieving the peace accord.
2. Commends the Government of Niger for organizing the ceremony of the “Torch of Peace” and for its efforts to rehabilitate areas affected by the former rebellion movement.
3. Requests Member States, the General Secretariat, and Islamic institutions to provide Niger with the necessary assistance to consolidate its national unity and achieve its development objectives in the context of implementing the above-mentioned agreements.
4. Requests the Secretary General, in collaboration with the IDB to devise a special programme in favour of Niger with a view to help the country cope with the aftermath of the rebellion in the North area of the country.
5. Requests the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Proceeding from resolution No. 19/6-P (IS) entitled "Islamic solidarity with Mali for the restoration of peace and the development of its Northern Regions" adopted by the Sixth Session of the Islamic Summit held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal, on 9-11 December, 1991;
Recalling, all relevant Islamic resolutions, in particular No. 35/9-P (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit, requesting Member States and financial institutions of the Organization to contribute more in the financing the Program of Projects aimed at strengthening peace in the Northern regions of Mali;
Convinced as well that the consolidation of peace, the return of the people driven out of their homes, their reinsertion and their socio-economic development cannot be achieved without the support and assistance of friendly countries and institutions;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the OIC;
1. Requests Member States and Islamic institutions to provide necessary financial assistance for the emergency program and projects for ensuring the return of the refugees, their reinsertion and the social, economic and cultural development of the Northern Regions of Mali.
2. Recommends to Member States and Islamic financial institutions to most actively support the implementation of the medium and long-term development strategy and of the emergency program in the areas of Kidal, Gao and Timbuctoo.
3. Requests the Secretary General, in collaboration with the IDB to devise a special programme in favour of Mali with a view to help the country cope with the aftermath of the rebellion in the North area of the country.
4. Requests the Secretary-General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Considering the role played by the Republic of Guinea within the framework ECOWAS for the achievement of peace and the restoration of stability in the States of the sub-region torn by civil war, particularly Liberia;
Deeply concerned about the massive flow of refugees, which has been going on for over a decade, into the territories of the Republic of Guinea, the continuation of the crisis in Liberia, the recent conflicts in Cote d’Ivoire, and the slow pace of the return of refugees to their countries of origin;
Appraising the adverse effects of this regrettable situation on the efforts exerted by the Republic of Guinea in the fields of development, environment and struggle against poverty;
Inspired by the Declaration, adopted by the OAU Heads of State and Government of 30 June 1993 on establishing a mechanism to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts in Africa;
Recalling the resolutions and recommendation of the OAU (African Union) Conference on Refugees and Displaced Persons in Africa, held in December 1998 (in Khartoum);
Taking note of the report of the Secretary General (Document ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.2);
1. Pays tribute to the Republic of Guinea for the efforts exerted in the context of the reception, assistance and voluntary return of these refugees and displaced persons to their countries of origin.
2 Exhorts Member States and the Islamic Development Bank to increase their assistance to the Republic of Guinea to help it overcome the problems entailed by the prolonged stay of refugees on its territory.
3. Highly appreciates the latest joint OIC/IDB mission for the untiring efforts exerted towards supporting the Republic of Guinea in these times of struggle against the drift of refugees and displaced persons.
4. Reiterates its call on the said institutions to translate into fact this humanitarian undertaking.
5. Invites the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to allocate additional resource with a view to alleviating the suffering of these refugees.
6. Requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts within the framework of contacts with other international organizations, in favour of the Republic of Guinea, with a view to sensitizing the international community to the situation entailed by the presence of these refugees and to the threat that such a situation may pose for peace and stability in the sub-region.
7. Requests the Secretary General, with the assistance of Member States, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund and the other concerned institutions to organize a symposium on ways and means to achieve security and stability in the countries of the Mono River; and REQUESTS all the countries of the region and the concerned organizations to participate at the highest level in the proceedings of this symposium.
8. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of the present resolution, and to submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Proceeding from its belief in the common destiny and solidarity of Islamic States as well as the principles and objectives of the OIC;
Taking into consideration the obligation of all states to refrain from the threat or use of force;
Recalling all resolutions adopted by previous Islamic Conferences which condemned the said aggression and confirmed the right of Libya to receive just reparations for the material and human losses resulting from that aggression;
Recalling also UN General Assembly Resolution No. 38/41 condemning the aggression and affirming the right of the Jamahiriya to demand appropriate redress for the material and human losses incurred;
Recalling as well the General Assembly Document No. A/42/412DD1 dated 27 July, 1987, submitted by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya concerning the said damage;
Referring to the relevant declarations, communiqués and resolutions adopted by Arab, African and Non-Aligned Movement Summit Conferences;
1. Reaffirms the previous resolutions of the UN General Assembly, the OIC and all international organizations, condemning the military aggression perpetrated by the United States of America against the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in April 1986.
2. Expresses solidarity with the Jamahiriya and supports its right to appropriate compensation and damage for the losses incurred as a result of the said aggression (in accordance with the provisions of UN General Assembly Resolution No.38/41 of November 20, 1986).
3. Calls upon the United States of America to positively respond to UN General Assembly Resolution No. 38/41 concerning the right of Libya to reparations, to desist from provocations and threats, and to resort to peaceful means to resolve its differences with the Jamahiriya.
4. Condemns the United States of America’s economic boycott measures against Libya and calls for their cancellation forthwith as they violate international laws and norms.
5. Requests the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences and those adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers (ICFMSs) on the issue of redress for the damages resulting from the effects of colonialism and wars, particularly land mines and the after-effects of war;
Also recalling the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and other relevant UN organs on the sequels of war, including mines;
Further recalling the historical precedents on reparations for the damages caused by occupation and war and their sequels, particularly those of the two world wars;
Convinced that the responsibility for removing the after-effects of wars should fall upon the countries that had caused them;
Taking Note of the Report of the Secretary-General on this matter (Document No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.22).
1. Condemns anew colonialism in all its forms as an act of aggression violating all international covenants and the principles of International Law.
2. Reaffirms the right of all Member States, without exception, which suffered under the yoke of colonialism, to take all necessary measures to obtain quick and fair compensation for the human, moral and material losses they sustained as a result of colonialism or foreign invasion.
3. Affirms the right of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to reparations for all the human and material losses it incurred as a result of the period of invasion, colonization of and settlement in the Libyan territories.
4. Requests the Member States to cooperate and coordinate their efforts with a view to urging the States involved in the Second World War to expeditiously extend technical and financial assistance as well as the necessary information and requisite maps for the immediate removal of mines left behind by their forces in some areas of Member States, which are still causing extensive damage and impeding the developmental efforts in those areas.
5. Affirms the right of all Member States, without exception, which suffered under the yoke of colonialism, to recover their cultural property which was looted during the period of colonialism, including antiquities, masterpieces, manuscripts and historical documents, and invites Member States to coordinate among themselves in the international fora so as to achieve this aim and in collaboration with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO).
6. Commends the approval of the Great Libyan People’s Arab Socialist Jamahiriya to host a symposium on the sequels of colonialism and requests the Secretary-General to coordinate with the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in completing the practical arrangements, preparing the documents, extending invitations to the participants and fixing the date of the said Symposium. It also demands of all participating Member States to ensure high-level representation in the seminar’s activities to guarantee is success and help achieve the expected results.
7. Requests the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of the present resolution and report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Guided by the objectives of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference which call for the consolidation of international peace and security on the basis of justice, and reaffirming its commitment to the purposes of the United Nations Charter in safeguarding international peace and security;
Noting that the current international situation requires that the principles of disarmament as contained in the United Nations Charter become a fundamental element in any collective effort designed to bring about a truly secure world and protect mankind from the threat of weapons of mass-destruction, particularly nuclear weapons;
Noting with concern the lack of progress in the General and Complete disarmament;
Affirming that in efforts towards the objective of general and complete disarmament, global and regional approaches complement each other.
Concerned about the continuous erosion of multilateralism in disarmament.
Taking note of the Report of the Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Durban, South Africa in April 2002;
Taking note of the report of the Secretary General in this respect (Document No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.26);
1. Calls for the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction, notably nuclear weapons with a view to creating a world free from such weapons and for the intensification of efforts towards that end aimed at finding a solution to disarmament issues as a whole, particularly the elimination of nuclear weapons.
2. Urges the Conference on Disarmament which is the sole multilateral disarmament negotiating body to commence negotiations as early as possible according to the plan of action of the Final Document of the Tenth UN General Assembly Special Session on the full range of disarmament issues especially nuclear disarmament.
3. Calls upon the Conference on Disarmament to intensify its efforts
toward reaching consensus on its work program, particularly the establishment
of subsidiary bodies for negotiations on Nuclear Disarmament, Prevention of an
Arms Race in Outer Space, Banning Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear
Weapons and Effective international arrangements to ensure non-nuclear-weapon
States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.
4. Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva for the formation of an Ad-Hoc Committee for drawing up a time-table for the phasing out of nuclear weapons with a view to their total elimination.
5. Affirms the inalienable right of States to develop peaceful nuclear programs for their economic and social development and to have access to the necessary material , equipment, technology and information for those programs in accordance with the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
6. Considering that in the Middle East all States except Israel are parties to the NPT, urges that Israel should accede to the NPT and the CTBT without delay and calls upon the Nuclear weapon states and calls upon the nuclear weapons states to implement their obligations, including “an unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear-weapon States to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament to which all States parties are committed under Article VI”, during the 2000 Review Conference, to which they have committed themselves in the decision, declaration and resolution adopted by the Conference on the Review and Extension of the Non-Proliferation Treaty held in New York during the months of April and May 1995, as well as the resolution adopted by that Conference on the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East as well as paras 1-9 of the Final Communique adopted by 2000 NPT Review Conference on 19 May 2000, in New York.
7. Affirms the importance of the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and hence strict observance of its objectives and provisions pending its entry into force.
8. Calls upon the UN Security Council, in the framework of the establishment of a Zone free from all weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, to implement Security Council Resolution No. 487 (1981) and para 14 of Security Council Resolution No. 687 (1991) and the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions to speed up the establishment of this Zone through the elimination of the Israeli nuclear weapons, potential which endanger the peace and security in the Middle East.
9. Expresses its concern over the ongoing nuclear cooperation between the United States and Israel which could assist the latter to pursue its clandestine nuclear programmes and weapon activities threatening the international peace and security particularly in the Middle East.
10. Welcomes the initiatives of OIC Member States for the establishment of a Zone free from all weapons of mass destruction, notably nuclear weapons in the Middle East, within the framework of the United Nations, and calls for an early establishment of such a Zone. In this context, it notes with appreciation the efforts undertaken by these States concerning the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
11. Welcomes the Convention on the establishment of a nuclear weapon free zone in Africa which was signed in Cairo on 11 April, 1996 and the establishment of a South East Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ) that was signed on 15 December 1995.
12. Calls upon the Conference on Disarmament to intensify its efforts to come to an early agreement on concluding an international legally binding convention providing non-nuclear-weapon States with credible assurances against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons and calls upon the Member States to coordinate their efforts at the Conference on this issue
13. Notes that the issue of fissile materials can be addressed effectively and in a non-discriminatory manner only through multilateral negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament, as envisaged under the relevant United Nations General Assembly Resolutions.
14. Calls upon the Conference on Disarmament to commence substantive work as soon as possible on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space.
15. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling that the establishment of Nuclear Weapon Free Zones in various regions of the world is one of the measures which can most effectively guarantee the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons, as well as contribute to the total elimination of nuclear weapons and achievement of general and complete disarmament;
Convinced that the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon Free-Zones in various regions will serve to protect the States of such regions against the threat or use of Nuclear Weapons and reaffirming the calls upon all States, particularly nuclear weapon States to demand Israel to cease its clandestine nuclear activities and to shut down its nuclear reactors, especially the Dimona Nuclear Reactor given the highly disturbing news on the increase of nuclear radiation leakage which may lead to an environmental disaster in the Middle East, in addition to nuclear threats it represents;
Expressing deep concern at the report of the UN Secretariat to the 2000 NPT Review Conference on implementing the resolution of the 1995 Review Conference of NPT on the Middle East which states that all States of the region, with the exception of Israel, are parties to the NPT.
Underlining that the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference reaffirmed the importance of Israel’s accession to the NPT and the placement of its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards, in realizing the goal of universal adherence to the treaty in the Middle East.
Taking into consideration the resolution on the Middle East adopted by the 1995 Conference of the States parties to the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty on the Review and Extension of the Treaty as well as the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference;
Also recalling all the resolutions adopted by various Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, including Resolution 22/8-P(IS) adopted by the Eighth Summit of the OIC Conference and resolution 38/29-P adopted by the Twenty-eighth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, and on the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia and Central Asia;
Bearing in mind all the resolutions and recommendations adopted by the Organization of African Unity in this respect, and recalling in particular the Declaration on Denuclearization of Africa adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity at its First Ordinary Session held in Cairo from 17 to 21 July 1964 on the necessity for establishing a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa;
Warning at the serious consequences arising from the fact that all states of the Middle East have become parties to the Non-proliferation treaty except Israel that has not joined the Treaty, has not placed its nuclear facilities under the IAEA comprehensive safeguard agreements and has not declared its intention to do so, and has continued its clandestine nuclear programmes and weapon activities;
Recalling as well, all relevant resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on this subject particularly Resolutions, 57/55, 56/17, 51/53 and 55/33 on the establishment of nuclear weapon free zones in the Middle East, Africa and South East Asia and Central Asia respectively;
Noting the successful conclusion of the signing ceremony of the African Nuclear Weapon Free Zones Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) that was held at Cairo on 11 April 1996;
Welcoming the proposals made by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan aimed at achieving nuclear and missile restraint in South Asia;
Taking into consideration the initiative mooted by the Syrian Arab Republic at the Security Council in favour of making the Middle East region a zone free of all weapons of mass-destruction;
Convinced that the non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons cannot be achieved in the absence of progress towards universal nuclear disarmament;
Recalling the paragraphs specific to disarmament in the Final Document of the Thirteenth Conference of the Heads of State of Government of the NAM held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in February 2003, as well as the final document of the Thirteenth Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, Cartagena, Colombia, April 2000, and Durban 2002;
Taking Note of the Report of the Secretary General in this respect (Document No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.26).
1. Urges all States, especially nuclear weapon States to exert pressure on Israel to accede to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and calls on the international community and the Security Council to compel Israel to comply with the relevant U.N. Resolutions, particularly Security Council Resolution 487(1981), to immediately implement the resolutions of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) calling for the subjection of all Israeli atomic facilities to the IAEA Comprehensive Safeguards System and to implement the resolution on the Middle East adopted by the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference as well as paras 1-9 of the resolution adopted by 2000 NPT Review Conference.
2. Reaffirms the determination of Member States to take measures to prevent nuclear weapon proliferation on a non-discriminatory and universal basis and urges all States, particularly nuclear weapon states to demand Israel to cease its clandestine nuclear activities and to shut down its nuclear reactor especially the Dimona Nuclear Reactor given the highly disturbing news on the increasing possibility of nuclear radiation leakage out of it, which may lead to an environmental disaster in the Middle East.
3. Condemns Israel for not implementing the resolution on the Middle East adopted by the 1995 NPT Extension and Review Conference and reaffirmed by the 2000 NPT Review Conference and calls on the United Nations, the Permanent Members of the Security Council and the international community to take the necessary measures to avert the Israeli nuclear threat endangering the peoples of the region, which constitutes a serious violation of the UN objectives, particularly Article 51 of the Charter.
4. Calls for the total and complete prohibition of transfer of all nuclear related equipment, information, material and facilities, resources or devices and extension of assistance in the nuclear related scientific or technological fields to Israel. In this regard, they express their serious concern over the continuing development where by Israeli scientists are provided access to the nuclear facilities of one nuclear weapon state. This development will have potentially serious negative implications on the regional security as well as the reliability of the global non-proliferation regime.
5. Takes note of the initiative introduced by the Syrian Arab Republic at the UN Security Council in the month of Safar 1424H (April 2003) in favour of making the Middle East region a zone free of all weapons of mass-destruction particularly nuclear ones.
6. Calls for a speedy implementation of Para 14 of Security Council Resolution No. 687 (1991) and Resolution No. 487 (1981) and the relevant UN General Assembly Resolutions concerning the establishment of zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.
7. Requests the Security Council to obtain Israel's renunciation of nuclear weapons, and a full report on its stockpile and ammunition for the consideration of the Security Council and the International Atomic Energy Agency as those steps are essential for the establishment of a zone free from nuclear weapon and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East region, and are fundamental factor for a just and comprehensive peace in the region and calls upon Member States to strive to include again the item “Israeli nuclear capabilities and its dangers” on the agenda of the forthcoming General Conference of the IAEA.
8. Considers that the establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia constitute one of the important elements for the strengthening of the nuclear non-proliferation.
9. Calls on nuclear weapon States to engage constructively through a transparent and credible process of negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament with the view to establishing within its programme of work a subsidiary body on nuclear disarmament.
10. Requests all Member States to keep up and further coordinate their positions at the United Nations and other relevant international fora to promote the establishment of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones in the Middle East, Africa, South East Asia and Central Asia.
11. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the developments in this regard and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Deeply concerned over the existence of significant nuclear arsenals in the world which increase the possibility of the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;
Taking into consideration that it is imperative for the international community to develop effective measures to ensure the security of non-nuclear weapon states against the threat or use of nuclear weapons, whatever their origin;
Recalling the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 8 July 1996 on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons in which it expresses that threat or use of nuclear weapons would generally be contrary to the Rules of international law applicable in armed conflict and in particular the principles and rules of Humanitarian Law;
Underlining once again the unanimous conclusion of the International Court of Justice that there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control;
Recognizing that effective measures to protect non-nuclear weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons may positively contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and strengthen international peace and security;
Deeply concerned over Israel’s arsenal of nuclear weapons and its threats and practices aimed at destroying the peaceful and defense capabilities of OIC Member States;
Also deeply concerned about the Israeli threat of armed attack against peaceful nuclear installations of the OIC Member States;
Deeply convinced that the most effective assurance for non-Nuclear States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is the total elimination of all nuclear weapons;
Recalling the declaration and commitment therein made by nuclear-weapons-states to provide security assurances to non-nuclear weapons states in accordance with their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty and other instruments;
Noting that nuclear weapons states have failed to provide credible assurances to non-nuclear weapon states against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;
Recalling all relevant resolutions adopted by the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers, including Resolution 39/29-P of the 28th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Recalling also the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly as well as those issued by the Non-Aligned Movement on the need for assurances by nuclear powers to non-nuclear weapon states to the effect that they shall not resort to the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons against them;
Noting the unanimous adoption of Resolution No. 984 by the Security Council on 11 April, 1995 as well as the Declaration issued by the nuclear weapon States on positive and negative security assurances for the non-nuclear weapon States which are still inadequate to assure the non-Nuclear States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons;
Noting also the adoption of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on 10 September, 1996;
Expressing deep concern over the threat of use or use of nuclear weapons in general and against the OIC Member States in particular;
Also expressing deep concern over the recent nuclear posture review by a certain nuclear weapon state in which some Member States are threatened to be targets of special types of nuclear weapons;
1. Calls upon all States, including those Members of the Conference on Disarmament, particularly the nuclear weapon States, to work urgently towards a legally binding agreement on an international convention to assure unconditionally non-nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons and to explore all additional means to provide effective assurances to Non-Nuclear Weapon States in the global or regional context. Pending the conclusion or such legally binding agreement, the nuclear weapon states should fully observe their existing obligations.
2. Recommends that the Islamic States make every effort at all international fora with a view to promoting the above-mentioned objectives aimed at strengthening the security of non-nuclear weapon States against the threat of use or use of nuclear weapons.
3. Urges the Conference on Disarmament to give specific priority among all issues on its agenda, to the early commencement of negotiations on nuclear disarmament.
4. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the developments in this respect and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Believing that the efforts of the international community to move towards the ideal of general and complete disarmament are guided by the desire for genuine peace and security, the elimination of the danger of war and the release of economic, intellectual and other resources for peaceful pursuits;
Affirming the commitment of all Member States to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charters of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations in the conduct of their international relations;
Noting that unbridled regional arms race and arms build up impedes socio-economic development and efforts towards confidence building;
Noting also that the essential guidelines for progress towards General and Complete disarmament were adopted at the Tenth Special Session of the UN General Assembly vide its Resolution No. S-10/2;
Recalling Resolution 57/76 adopted by the 57th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2002;
Noting with concern the lack of progress in the field of disarmament;
Recognizing the importance of confidence building measures for regional and international peace and security;
Recalling all the relevant OIC resolutions, specially resolution No. …. of the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference as well as resolution 43/28-P of the 28th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the subject;
Convinced that endeavours by the Member States to promote regional disarmament, taking into account the specific characteristics of each region and in accordance with the principle of undiminished security at the lowest level of armaments, would enhance the security of all States, in particular smaller one’s and would thus contribute to international peace and security by reducing the risk of regional conflict;
1. Stresses that
sustained efforts are needed, within the framework of the Conference on
Disarmament and under the auspices of the United Nations, to make progress on
the entire range of disarmament issues.
2. Affirms that global and regional approaches to disarmament complement each other and should therefore be pursued simultaneously to promote regional and international peace and security.
3. Encourages the conclusion of equitable and non-discriminatory agreements for global nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and confidence-building at the global, regional and sub-regional levels.
4. Welcomes the initiatives towards disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and security undertaken by some countries at the regional and sub-regional levels.
5. Supports and encourages efforts aimed at promoting confidence-building measures at regional and sub-regional levels in order to ease regional tensions and to further disarmament and non-proliferation measures at regional and sub-regional levels, taking into account the relevant characteristics of each region.
6. Considers that regional agreements on limitations for arms production and purchases and military expenditure can contribute to fostering confidence and making resources available for development, taking into consideration the circumstances of each region.
7. Requests the Secretary General to follow developments in this respect and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Reiterating resolve of the Member States as expressed in the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Conference to unite their efforts in order to secure universal peace which ensures freedom, justice and security for all peoples throughout the world;
Recalling also the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;
Bearing in mind the need for redressing the asymmetries in the levels of security arising from military imbalances at regional and sub-regional levels;
Recalling all relevant OIC resolutions, in particular Resolution No. 44/9-P (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference as well as resolution 41/29-P of the 29th Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers on this subject;
1. Recognizes the need for enhancing regional security and stability through the settlement of outstanding disputes and the establishment of equitable and verifiable balance of armaments at the lowest levels.
2. Calls upon the international community and states concerned to adopt measures which would ease global and regional tensions and result in a just and lasting resolution of outstanding conflicts and disputes thus facilitating meaningful disarmament and arms control measures.
3. Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the developments of this subject and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Deeply concerned by the fact that the dumping of radioactive and toxic wastes endangers human life, marine fauna and the ecosystem in general;
Bearing in mind the Code of Practice in the International Trans-boundary Movement of Nuclear Waste established by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the importance of updating its Code to bring them in line with the related developments since its adoption;
Also bearing in mind the conclusion, by African States of the Bamako Convention on the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and control of their trans-boundary movements within Africa;
Deploring the instances of dumping of toxic wastes in Somalia's and Turkey’s territorial waters;
Expressing its concern over the dumping by Israel of nuclear and toxic wastes as well as highly toxic pesticides and insecticides in the Mediterranean Sea, especially in the Lebanese territorial waters;
Taking note of the Report of the OIC Secretary General in this respect (Document No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.25);
1. Affirms that the dumping or elimination of nuclear and toxic wastes of foreign origin in the territories and waters of Member States, and the risks that it entails for human life are a heinous crime against the people of Member States and the entire humanity.
2. Condemns all governmental and non-governmental entities which engage in harmful and illegal practice of dumping toxic and nuclear wastes in the international and territorial waters of the Islamic countries which seriously threatens life and environment.
3. Invites all the Member States to continue their intensive campaign to enlighten their respective populations about the devastating effects of nuclear and toxic waste on human life, fauna and flora.
4. Calls upon all States which produce dangerous nuclear and toxic wastes to take all the measures necessary for treating and recycling these wastes in their own countries.
5. Urges Member States to ban all the illegal trans-border movements of dangerous nuclear and toxic wastes, transported without necessary safety-precautions and the prior consent of the destination country.
6. Requests the Member States to intensify their efforts within the framework of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency to conclude a legally binding instrument on the absolute and comprehensive prohibition of any dumping of radioactive and toxic wastes and to this end calls on all States and multi-national corporations and others to abide by the provisions of the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 as well as other relevant international instruments.
7. Requests also the Member States to intensify their efforts in the IAEA in order to review the Code of Conduct relating to the movement of nuclear wastes through international frontiers which has been adopted by the IAEA and to update the text of this Code in conformity with the changes which have taken place since the its entry into effect force of this Code and requests the OIC Secretary General to make the necessary contacts in this respect with the Director General of the IAEA.
8. Calls on all States to abide by the maritime agreements prohibiting the dumping of toxics and nuclear wastes in the territorial waters of the Member States.
9. Takes note of the Report of the First Meeting of Littoral Member States to consider the problem of toxic and nuclear wastes emanating from ships that pass through the territorial waters of these States and the bordering maritime zones, and calls on these States to implement the recommendations therein and to continue studying this problem.
10. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the developments on this subject and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Guided by the objectives and principles of the OIC and the UN Charters;
Taking note of resolution No. 57/74 of the 57th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on 29th November, 2001 on the prohibition of the use, stockpiling, production, transfer of mines including anti-personnel mines on their destruction;
Gravely concerned about the continued suffering and casualties caused to the civilian population as a result of the proliferation, as well as the indiscriminate and irresponsible use of anti-personnel mines;
Profoundly saddened by the high numbers of victims who have lost their lives or been injured or maimed by anti-personnel mines laid by the former colonial States in many of the developing countries including OIC Member States, without providing, thus far, any charts containing the number and location of such mines, and without contributing, whether technically or materially to their clearance;
Taking note also of the decisions taken at the 1996 Review Conference of the States' Parties to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects, particularly with respect to amending Protocol II of the Convention; and also the subsequent outcome of the annual meetings of amended Protocol II;
Reaffirming its conviction that a universal, balanced and multilaterally negotiated agreement to ban mines including anti-personnel mines would significantly reduce the sufferings of civilians;
Emphasizing the important role of the Conference on Disarmament as the sole multilateral negotiating body on the disarmament issues;
Affirming the importance of concerted international efforts towards addressing the problems of mines in Islamic states;
Welcoming in this regard the cooperation of the relevant international humanitarian organization such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies;
Taking note of the Report of the Secretary General in this respect (Document No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.24);
1. Expresses its deep concern over the consequences of the indiscriminate use of mines including anti-personnel mines on the security of civilian populations and their economic development.
2. Requests the international community in general and the Member States in particular to step up their cooperation and their coordinated action for the clearance of mines including the anti-personnel mines, taking into account the security risks of these States.
3. Urges States to comply with their respective obligations arising from their adherence to the relevant legal instruments which they have acceded to.
4. Urges the international community, particularly the developed countries, to provide prompt substantial, technical and financial assistance for the clearance of mines including the anti-personnel mines and to ensure that all States, especially those affected by mines, are supplied with advanced material, equipment and technology and that all efforts are made to remove all existing obstacles for the achievement of this noble objective.
5. Urges the former colonial States that had laid such mines in the territories of developing countries and particularly those of the OIC Member States, to promptly extend their technical and financial assistance to the affected countries so as to help them get rid of these mines for good, and also to make compensation for the human and material losses incurred by these countries due to those mines.
6. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the matter and report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the objectives and principles set forth in the Charters of the UN and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, particularly the provisions relating to the consolidation of international peace and security;
Also recalling the Algiers Declaration adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of the African Unity at its Thirty-Fifth Ordinary Session held at Algiers from 12 to 14 July 1999;
Recalling further the relevant resolutions on disarmament adopted by the United Nations General Assembly as well as by the OIC, in particular Resolution 47/9-P(IS) adopted by the Ninth Islamic Summit and Resolution 44/29-P adopted by the 29th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
Taking note of the Programme of Action adopted by the United Nations International Conference on the convening of a conference on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects, held in July 2001 in New York and considering the forthcoming the biannual meeting of the States on the implementation of the Programme of Action from 7 to 11 July 2003, in New York;
Reaffirming the need to preserve international peace and security in general and within the OIC Member States in particular;
Considering that the illegal manufacturing, illegal circulation and build-up of massive quantities of light weapons in the world constitute a threat to national, regional and international peace and security as well as an obstacle to the economic development of the countries and regions concerned;
Convinced of the need for a global approach with a view to encouraging at national, regional and world levels, the limitation, illegal production and trade in small arms and light weapons in a balanced, non-discriminatory and comprehensive manner;
Deeply concerned about the spread of insecurity, terrorism and organized crime linked to the illegal movement of small arms and light weapons;
Convinced also of the need to define small arms and light weapons keeping in view of the possibility of their use in future conflicts;
Taking note of the Secretary General’s Report NO. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.27;
1. Notes the initiative taken by the Republic of Mali for the destruction of thousands of small arms and light weapons and the mobilization of the international community for a resolute and coordinated combat against the illicit trafficking of these types of armament.
2. Welcomes the Bamako Declaration adopted by the African Regional Conference on the illicit trade in, and proliferation of small arms and light weapons, held in 2002 in Bamako, Mali.
3. Notes with satisfaction the decision taken by some countries of Sahel to set up national commissions to combat the illegal proliferation of small arms and light weapons in the Sahelo-Saharian region and of the UN Standing Consultative Committee on Security in Central Africa.
4. Calls on African States in particular and the OIC Member States in general to initiate and strengthen their cooperation at sub-regional, regional and global levels with a view to combating the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons.
5. Notes the initiative taken by the European Union to set up a world wide mechanism to combat the illicit accumulation and circulation of small arms and light weapons and calls on the Secretary General of the OIC to examine ways and means to ensure an effective cooperation between the OIC, the UN, the EU, ECOWAS and relevant organizations concerned with the question.
6. Urges Member States to participate actively in the meetings on the follow-up to the Security Conference on combating illicit trading in drugs and small and light arms held in New York in 2001, in particular the meeting to be held in New York from 7 to 11 July 2003 to follow-up the implementation of the work programme and requests the Secretary General to cooperate fully with Member States in order to prepare for these meetings.
7. Requests the Secretary General to further examine the question and to submit a report to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Taking note of the necessity of the active participation of the Islamic countries party to the NPT in the 2005 Review Conference and its preparatory committees as well as in other relevant multilateral fora;
Reaffirming that all nuclear activities of Israel, including those of clandestine and unsafeguarded nuclear facilities, continue to pose a grave threat endangering international peace and security particularly to the OIC Member States;
Calling for implementation of the reaffirmation by the NPT 2000 Review Conference of the necessity for Israel to accede to the Treaty and to accept putting its nuclear facilities and materials under the comprehensive safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency;
Noting the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of the 8th of July 1996, in which it recalls the obligation of the nuclear weapon states to initiate and conclude negotiations on complete nuclear disarmament;
Noting the declaration of principles and objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament adopted by the 1995 and NPT Review and Extension Conference on strengthening nuclear disarmament;
Taking note of the active participation of the Member States in the 2000 NPT Review Conference and encouraging the continuation of such participation in the preparatory process for the 2005 NPT Review Conference;
Concerned about the lack of progress on the implementation of the outcome of the 2000 NPT Review Conference;
Convinced of the necessity to reaffirm the universal character of the NPT which gives it force and credibility and allows the full implementation of the measures conducive to total elimination of nuclear weapons;
Underlining the need to hold the Nuclear Weapon States accountable for their obligation under Article VI of the NPT and the outcome of 1995 and 2000 the Review Conferences including holding structural debates, with the NPT process to review and asses the implementation of their commitment of this obligation;
Taking note of the Secretary General's Report (No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.23);
1. Requests all Islamic countries party to the Treaty to actively participate in the 2005 NPT Review Conference and its preparatory committees.
2. Requests all States parties to pursue vigorously the objective of nuclear disarmament in the international fora as stipulated in Article VI of the NPT.
3. Invites all States parties to the NPT in particular the nuclear weapons states of the Security Council to exert pressure on Israel to accede to the Treaty to refrain from owning nuclear weapons and their components and to place all its nuclear activities and facilities under the IAEA comprehensive safeguards taking into consideration the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, as well as the resolution adopted by the NPT Review and Extension Conference held in New York in April and May 1995 regarding a nuclear weapon-free zone in the Middle East region as well as the outcome of the 2000 NPT Review Conference in this regard.
4. Requests the Islamic countries party to NPT to conduct further consultations at the expert level to evaluate the result of the 2000 NPT Review Conference and coordinate positions for the preparatory committees and the 2005 NPT Review Conference on 2005.
5. Recalls the unequivocal undertakings of the nuclear weapon states as expressed in the final document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference to pursue nuclear disarmament and calls upon them to make a specific timetable for the elimination of their nuclear weapons.
6. Calls for fostering cooperation among the OIC Member States in the area of peaceful uses of nuclear energy for economic development, taking into consideration their needs in the fields of health, sciences, agriculture, energy, research and industry in accordance with the article IV of the NPT.
7. Considers that the recognition by the 2000 NPT Review Conference that Israel is the only one in the Middle East region which has not acceded to the NPT is a matter which needs to be followed up through specific mechanisms which seek to establish measures that are applied against Israel if it does not accede to the treaty within a specific period of time, and requests Member States to adopt a united position at the IAEA and the other relevant international fora on this issue.
8. Requests the Experts
Group on the Security of Islamic States to submit its report on this issue to
the Thirty-first Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.
9. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the Implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Guided by the objectives and principles of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations Charter:
Welcoming the resolution 57/63 adopted at the 57th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on 22 November 2002, concerning “promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation” and other relevant resolutions,
Recalling also the purpose of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situation which might lead to a breach of the peace, as enshrined in the charter of the United Nations,
Reaffirming the principles of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in particular, the settlement of any conflict that may arise, by peaceful means such as negotiation, mediation, reconciliation; and abstention from threat or use of force against the territorial integrity, national unity or political independence of any member states,
Reaffirming the significant roles of the international Organizations in particular the United Nations and Organization of the Islamic Conference in promotion of peace ,security and stability at the regional and global levels,
Convinced that in the era of globalization and the information revolution, arms control, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, disarmament and international security issues are more than ever the concern of all countries in the world, which are affected, one way or another, by these problems and therefore should participate in the negotiations to find a comprehensive and durable solution,
Recognizing that existence of nuclear arsenals and plans to develop, produce and possible use of new generation of these inhuman weapons, in the post Cold War era, constitute the most serious and the gravest challenge to the very survival of the human-kind and endanger global efforts to strengthen regional and international peace and security,
Convinced also that endeavours by countries to promote regional disarmament, taking into account the specific characteristics of each region in accordance with the principle of undiminished security at the lowest level of armaments, would enhance the security of all states and would thus contribute to international peace and security by reducing the risk of regional conflicts;
Emphasizing the need to advance further in the field of arms regulation, non-proliferation, disarmament and international security through universal, multilateral, and non-discriminatory negotiations with a view to reaching general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control,
Being Concerned about the continuos erosion of multilateralism in the field of arms regulation, non-proliferation and disarmament, and recognizing that resorting to unilateral actions by member states of the United Nations in resolving their security concerns would jeopardize international peace and security and undermines confidence in the international security system as well as the foundations of the United Nations itself,
Stressing that international cooperation, peaceful settlement of disputes, dialogue and confidence-building measures would contribute essentially to the certain of multilateral and bilateral friendly relations among peoples and nations,
1. Reaffirms multilateralism as the core principle in negotiations in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and international security with a view to maintaining and strengthening universal norms and enlarging their scope,
2. Recognizes the need to promote international security by resorting to multilateralism rather than unilateral actions, use of force including preemptive military strikes against the members of the international community,
3. Underlines the importance of preserving the existing agreements on arms regulation and disarmament, which constitute an expression of the results of international cooperation and multilateral negotiations in response to the challenges facing the mankind,
4. Requests the states parties to relevant instruments on weapons of mass destruction to consult and cooperate among themselves in resolving their concerns with regard to cases of non-compliance as well as on their implementation in accordance with the procedures defined in those instruments and refrain from resorting or threatening to resort to unilateral actions or directing unverified non-compliance accusations against one another, to resolve their concerns,
5. Requests the Secretary General, in consultation with Member States to prepare a report with a view to converging the views of its Members on the issue of promotion of multilateralism in the field of disarmament, non-proliferation and international security, and submit it to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
In application of the teachings and noble principles of the glorious Islamic religion which urge the consolidation of solidarity and fraternity among the members of the Islamic Ummah; the opposition to sedition; and the resort to coordination and consultations among members of the Ummah in all matters;
Faithful to the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter notably provisions of Article II relating to the strengthening of solidarity, respect for the independence and sovereignty of all Member States, as well as non-interference in their internal affairs;
Recalling the resolutions of the Third Session of the Islamic Summit Conference which stressed the need to strengthen solidarity among Member States based on good neighbourliness, mutual respect and support for the causes of freedom, justice and peace;
Recalling also Resolution 16/6-P(IS) and the provisions of the Dakar Declaration adopted by the Sixth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference on the subject;
Taking note of the relevant recommendations and proposals of the Reflection Committee, the Group of Eminent Personalities and the Intergovernmental Experts Group as well as the recommendations of the Expert Group on Correcting the Image of Islam in the Outside World, in this respect;
Recalling also all Islamic resolutions adopted in this respect, in particular Resolution No. 28/8-P (IS) of the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 30/26-P of the 26th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;
1. Calls upon Member States to observe the principles of good neighbourliness and non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and to prevent the use of their territories or government bodies by individuals or groups bent on doing harm to other Member States.
2. Decides that no
movement exploiting the noble Islamic religion should be allowed to carry out
any hostile activity against any Member State, and reaffirms the necessity of
coordination among Member States so as to control the phenomenon of terrorism
in all its manifestations and forms including intellectual terrorism and
3. Stresses the need to continue to strengthen cooperation and coordination among Member States at all levels, and to further their consultation so as to remove all causes of dissension and promote understanding among them.
4. Welcomes the setting up of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States and expresses its conviction that this will help in reinforcing cooperation and consultation at all levels among Islamic nations.
5. Requests the OIC Secretariat to follow up consultation and coordination among representatives of member States at international organisations and fora.
6. Invites OIC heads of mission accredited to various countries to hold informal consultations in order to coordinate their positions with regard to important issues of concern.
7. Invites the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the relevant resolutions of all the Islamic Summits and Foreign Ministers Conferences on the Comorian Island of Mayotte as well as the relevant UN General Assembly resolutions affirming the unity and the territorial integrity of the Union of Comoros which is composed of four Islands: Grande-Comore, Mayotte, Moheli and Anjouan;
Bearing in mind the pledges made by France on the eve of the referendum for self-determination of 22 December 1974 held in the Comoros, to respect the territorial integrity of the Archipelago on its accession to independence;
Convinced that a just and lasting solution to the quest of Mayotte is to be found in respect for the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Comoro Archipelago;
Also bearing in mind the wish expressed by the Government of France to seek a just solution to the problem;
Taking note of the repeated wish of the Government of the Comoros to initiate as soon as possible a frank and serious dialogue with the French Government and the representatives of the inhabitants of Mayotte with a view to accelerating the return of the Comorian Island of Mayotte to the Union of Comoros;
Considering that the separation of the Island of Mayotte from the other Comorian Islands constitutes a grave violation of the territorial integrity of the Union of Comoros, and is a serious impediment to the harmonious economic development of that country;
Bearing in mind also the decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the United Nations on this question;
Taking Note of the Report of the Secretary General’s respect (Document No. ICFM/30-2003/POL/SG-REP.6);
1. Reaffirms the unity and territorial integrity of Union of Comoros and its sovereignty over the Comorian Island of Mayotte.
2. Expresses its active solidarity with the Comorian people and supports the Comorian Government in its political and diplomatic efforts to effectively restore the Island to its natural entity.
3. Urges the Government of France to accelerate the process of negotiations with the Government of the Comoros with a view to ensuring the effective and prompt return of the Island of Mayotte to the Comoros;
4. Calls upon the Member States to collectively and individually use their good offices with France so as to induce it to accelerate the negotiations with the Union of Comoros on the basis of the national unity and territorial integrity of that country.
5. Rejects and condemn any institutional evolution of the Island of Mayotte which would tend to remove it from the integrity of the Comoro as a whole and complicate efforts exerted with a view to achieve a final settlement of the dispute.
6. Invites the Secretary General to continue his contacts with the French authorities in order to convey to them the deep concern of the OIC over this problem and to follow the developments in this regard in coordination with the Secretaries General of the UN and the OAU.
7. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recognizing the great importance of achieving security and stability in the region without which the people cannot achieve their aspirations in development and progress towards a free and decent life;
Committed to preserving the fundamental interests of the Islamic Ummah and Islamic solidarity;
1. Affirms its keenness on the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Iraq as well as its regional security
2. Calls for putting an end to the acts of intervention in Iraq and for refraining in the future from any such acts in order to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and the inviolability of its borders.
3. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the objectives and principles of the Organization of the Islamic Conference stipulated in its charter especially those calling for cooperation among Member States in the political, economic, cultural, scientific and social fields;
Stressing the importance of adoption by OIC States of an effective flexible system for periodic consultations and coordination between them on all occasions and in all international for a in all current issues of mutual concern;
Commending the constructive thoughts in the “Doha Declaration” adopted by the 9th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Doha on 16 and 17 Sha’ban 1421H (12-13 November 2000 G);
Considering the utmost importance of the objective by Member States of a unified common stand in the various international for a to embody and assert the strength the OIC and OIC Member States in these fora;
1. Invites missions of OIC Member States at headquarters of international organizations, particularly at UN Headquarters in New York and Geneva to continue to:
a) Coordinate positions regularly prior to and during the regular, as well as, special sessions of the United Nations Security Council General Assembly, ECOSOC and its Functional Commissions on Human Rights as well as UN Specialized and Affiliated Agencies, the World Trade Organization, Conference on Disarmament or any other relevant international/multilateral meeting, with a view to promote interest in issues vital to Member States, in accordance with the relevant Summit and ICFM resolutions.
b) Submit their recommendations to the respective preparatory meetings of the OIC Ministerial Conferences.
2. Calls upon OIC Member States to reach an effective formula or mechanism that guarantees coordination on issues of concern to the Islamic world, with a view to adopting common stands in all international fora.
3. Urges Member states to give extreme
priority to harmonizing their stands on international issues consistent with
the priority given by the whole of OIC Member States to these issues, taking
into consideration the new developments.
4. Stresses that the Palestinian cause and the question of Al-Quds Al-Sharif should be the primary issues on which Member States must adopt a unified stand in international for a, along with other causes of the Islamic Ummah.
5. Calls upon the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Having taken note of the information provided by the Government of Guinea on the aggression against the Republic of Guinea’s borders;
Deeply concerned over the consequences of the armed attacks that have started again since 1, September 2000 and have claimed so many human lives and caused important material damage and the forced displacement of numerous people in Guinea;
Bearing in mind the Moratory of the Economic Community of the West African countries (ECOWAS) on import/export and manufacturing of light arms in West Africa, adopted in Abuja – Nigeria;
Considering the declaration dated September 13, 2000 of the Security Council of the Organization of the United Nations, condemning these intolerable aggressions;
Lauding the resolution No. 1343/2001 dated March 2001 of the Security Council of the Organization of the Untied Nations;
Considering the resolution No. 53-9/P ((IS) of the Ninth Islamic Summit Conference condemning this aggression and expressing its solidarity to the people and the Government of Guinea;
1. Firmly condemns the armed aggression which afflicted the Republic of Guinea.
2. Requests all Member States and OIC Subsidiary Organs to take all necessary steps to the strict implementation of the resolution no. 1343/2001 adopted by the United Nations Security Council.
3. Welcomes the efforts and good offices of His Majesty King Mohamed VI of Morocco, who hosted on 27th February 2002, in Rabat, a meeting attended by three Head of States of MANO River Organization which was followed by the signature in Agadir (Morocco) by the Foreign Ministers of a document to follow-up the implementation of the measures adopted by the Heads of States, as well as the efforts undertaken by the ECOWAS States and the Mediation Committee composed of Mali, Nigeria and Togo. Considers that these measures reflect the determination of the leaders of the said countries to intensify their efforts to engage in a constructive discussion on all aspects, so as to achieve a final settlement to the crisis in the sub-region.
4. Expresses its support for, and solidarity with the people and Government of Guinea.
5. Invites the Organization of the Islamic Conference to take part in the quest for a solution and the causes of instability in West Africa.
6. Reaffirms its support to the Republic of Guinea in its efforts for the restoration of peace and security in the sub-region of the Mano River Union in West Africa.
7. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the objectives for which the OIC has been established and which have been enshrined in its Charter;
Being aware that dialogue is conducive to understanding, a better mutual knowledge and a basis for the building of tolerance and mutual respect among civilizations;
Recalling the resolutions of Islamic Summits and successive OIC Sessions which have sought to reaffirm and realize the objectives and principles of the OIC;
Appreciating the continuous efforts that the OIC has ceaselessly exerted to call for dialogue among civilizations and religions and provide international and regional intellectual and academic platforms for this purpose;
Commending the initiative of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran to put forward and promote the idea of dialogue among civilizations during the 53rd Session of the UN General Assembly;
Taking note with appreciation of the initiative of the Republic of Turkey to host the meeting of the OIC/EU Dialogue;
Taking note with appreciation of the initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic to promote OIC/OSCE dialogue
Welcoming and supporting the call made by His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, Chairman of the Ninth Summit, to hold a Troika Summit, for dialogue with the European Union;
Welcoming and supporting the proposal put forth by the Republic of Sudan in this regard;
1. Call for the convening of the high-level open-ended Committee to draw up a comprehensive plan for the implementation of the relevant OIC and UN General Assembly resolutions.
2. Requests that the plan be submitted to the Thirty-first Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers for approval.
3. Requests the Secretary General to convene a meeting of the Committee in 2003 as soon as possible and urges Member States to participate actively in this meeting.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the UN General Assembly resolution adopted on 3 November 1993 providing for the designation of 2001 as “Year of Dialogue of Civilizations”.
Recalling the principles of the World Declaration on Dialogue among Civilizations adopted in Tehran in December 1997.
Recalling the ratification, by the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Ouagadougou from 28 June to 1 July 1999, of the Tehran Declaration on Dialogue among Civilizations;
Recalling the Tunis Call adopted by the international Symposium held by ISESCO from 12 to 13 November 2001 in Tunis on “Dialogue of Civilizations: Conceptualization and Implementation,” under the high patronage of H.E. President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and recalling the initiative of His Excellency for the establishment of a university Chair for Dialogue among Civilizations and Religions.
Recalling resolution 3/29 adopted by the 29th Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Tehran in June 2002 on the World Declaration on Dialogue among Civilizations.
Recalling the International Symposium on Islam and Peace organized by the Republic of Tunisia in cooperation with the Organization of the Islamic Conference, held in Tunisia from 15 to 17 April, 2003;
1. Expresses its profound appreciation and gratitude to H.E. President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, President of the Republic of Tunisia, for gratefully hosting the International Symposium on Islam and Peace and for his patronage of the Symposium, the second of its kind held in Tunisia within one year, thus reflecting the emphasis of the Republic of Tunisia and the Organization of the Islamic Conference on projecting the values of dialogue, tolerance, moderation and peace among peoples.
2. Hails the lofty meanings contained in the Tunis Peace Communique adopted by the participants in the international symposium on Islam and peace adopts the invitation directed to the Government of Tunisia to establish “Tunisia Peace Forum” in cooperation with the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, so as to be an intellectual and civilizational space concerned with documenting efforts to consecrate the values of peace and of action to contribute to spreading its culture and trying its foundations in thought and conduct.
3. Invites Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to participate actively in the work of this forum.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Reaffirming its determination to continue the consultation and exchange of views with the European Union on issues of common interest;
Recalling the Troika meeting of the Organization of Islamic Conference and the European Union during the 57th Session of UNGA in New York on September 2002;
Decides to:
Requests the Secretary General to expedite the preparation of the study requested of him by resolution 58/29-P and the ways and means for conducting dialogue with the European Union, including the possibility opening, within the existing resources, an OIC Office in Brussels. This is to be done with abidance by relevant resolutions of Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences. The study shall be prepared as soon as possible, in preparation for submitting it to the forthcoming Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers for appropriate decision thereon.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Reaffirming its commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Resolutely determined to preserve Islamic spiritual, ethical, social and economic values, which will remain one of the important factors for achieving progress of mankind;
Determined to consolidate the bonds of prevailing brotherly and spiritual friendship among their people, and to protect their freedom, and common legacy of their civilization and basing themselves on the principles of justice, tolerance and non-discrimination;
Resolutely determined to enhance human well being, freedom and progress everywhere by uniting their efforts in order to secure universal peace which ensures security, freedom and justice for their people and all people throughout the world;
Mindful of the transformation that has taken place in the global strategic, political and economic situation and the challenges that it poses to Islamic States and Muslims the world over as well as the opportunities that exist to pursue the common vision of a peaceful and progressive Islamic Ummah as envisioned by the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
Mindful also of the need to reform, revitalize and restructure the Organization of the Islamic Conference with a view to enhancing its efficacy in addressing the political, economic, social and cultural challenges faced by the Islamic world and Muslim societies as a whole;
Determined to contribute to working together with the international community in promoting peace and prosperity for the peoples of the world and to forge harmony, tolerance and understanding among all peoples and to seek a just resolution of all conflicts and disputes;
1. Requests the Chairman of the Islamic Summit Conference to constitute a Commission of Eminent Persons from Member States to:
a) prepare a strategy and plan of action enabling the Islamic Ummah to meet the challenges of the 21st Century;
b) prepare a comprehensive plan for promoting universally and in particular within Islamic societies policies and programmes for promoting Enlightened Moderation in true consonance with the injunctions of Islam and its principles of tolerance, emancipation and exaltation of humankind;
c) prepare recommendations, for reform and restructuring of the OIC system taking into account the efforts already initiated in this regard, as well as on the question of voluntary financing of OIC’s activities and programmes.
2. Further requests the Chairman of the Islamic Summit Conference to head the Commission and to take appropriate steps for finalization of its recommendations in consultation with all Member States within one year of the Commission’s constitution.
3. Decides to consider the report and the recommendations of the Commission at an Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Summit Conference to be held by the end of 2004, with an interim report to be considered at the 31st ICFM.
4. Pays a special tribute to the President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf for his timely and important initiative on “Enlightened Moderation”.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Sha’aban 1424 H (16-17-October 2003),
Recalling Resolution 2/30-ORG on Review and Rationalization of OIC Agenda Items and its Resolutions adopted in the Thirteenth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from 28 to 30 May 2003;
Noting the new and emerging challenges facing the OIC Member States, and reiterating the urgent need to enhance the effectiveness of the Organization in meeting the growing challenges;
Recognizing the importance of, and need to support, the process of reform of the Organization to reach higher levels of efficiency and competence and enhance its effectiveness, energize and implement its decisions, and to constantly adapt the Organization to evolving international circumstances;
Noting that the Senior Intergovernmental Expert Group convened its first meeting on OIC Agenda Items and its Resolutions, in Jeddah from 1 to 3 September 2003, and intends to hold another meeting in February 2004 on the issue;
Taking into account the continuous efforts aiming at rationalizing the work of the OIC as well as the restructuring of its General Secretariat and Organs, including Malaysia’s initiative to hold a brainstorming ministerial session for this purpose in Putrajaya on 13 October 2003;
Commends the on-going efforts aimed at the reform and rationalization of the work of the OIC.
Encourages the Senior Intergovernmental Expert Group to continue its deliberations with diligence and to finalize its work and submit it to the Thirty first Session of the ICFM in Istanbul for consideration and adoption.
Commends Malaysia’s initiative submitted to the Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit, held 16-18 October 2003, to hold a special brainstorming session at the ministerial level so as to consider the rationalization and invigoration of the activities of the Organization.
Takes note with appreciation of the Interim Report of the Senior Intergovernmental Expert Group on Review and Rationalization of the OIC Agenda Items and Resolutions which contains twelve recommendations and is issued as Document OIC/1-2003/IGGE-AG/RES/REP.
Requests the Secretary-General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and report to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaaban 1424 H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the objectives and principles of the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and relevant resolutions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences, as well as the existing cooperation agreements between the OIC and international and regional organizations;
Emphasizing the need for and the importance of establishing, maintaining and strengthening close relations and fruitful cooperation between the OIC and its Subsidiary Organs, its Affiliated and Specialized Institutions and the International Organizations, particularly those whose majority members belong to the Organization of Islamic Conference in a joint effort towards finding solution to international problems of common interest;
Taking into consideration the friendly relations and cooperation existing between the OIC system and international and regional organizations;
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General and commending his efforts and approach in promoting further cooperation between the OIC and international and regional organizations;
1- Requests the Secretary General to continue his efforts within the implementation of relevant resolutions of the OIC Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences and to further intensify his contacts with the United Nations, the African Union and International Francophone Organizations and other Regional Organizations in order to establish, maintain and strengthen friendly cooperation with these Organizations.
2- Urges the specialized, affiliated and subsidiary organs of the OIC System, to continue to broaden the scope of their cooperation with relevant international and regional organizations;
3- Invites the General Secretariat, taking into account relevant resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences and Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and in consultation with member states, to prepare a study for exploiting appropriate fields of common interest and to design a prioritized and policy-oriented cooperation plan for ensuring continuous, effective and strengthened cooperation between the OIC and international and regional organizations, and submit it to the forthcoming ICFM for appropriate decision thereon;
4- Requests the Secretary-General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and submit a comprehensive progress report on the cooperation between the OIC and international and regional organizations to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.