On Economic Assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan.



On Economic Assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic.



On Assistance to the Kashmiri People.



On Economic Assistance to the Republic of Yemen.



On Economic Assistance to the State of Palestine.



On Economic Assistance to the Republic of Mozambique.



On Economic Assistance to the Republic of Tajikistan.



On Economic Assistance to the Republic of Djibouti.



On Humanitarian Assistance to the Chechniyan People.


RESOLUTION No. 30/10-E                                                   

On Activities under the Auspices of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC).



On Cooperation in the Field of Tourism.



On Status of the Signing and Ratification of Agreements and Statutes on Economic Cooperation.



On the Activities of the OIC Subsidiary Organs Active in the Economic and Trade Fields.



On the Activities of the Islamic Development Bank And Trade Fields.



On Affiliated Institutions of the OIC Operating in the Economic and Commercial fields.



On Establishment of an Islamic Common Market.



On Role of the Islamic Ummah in the 21st Century



On Promotion of Cooperation among the Stock Exchanges in the OIC Countries.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


       Recalling Resolution No. 21/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 21/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


       Confirming full solidarity of the Member States of the OIC with the Government and people of Azerbaijan at this very critical time of the country's history;


       Referring to the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions regarding this conflict;


       Deploring the Armenian hostilities in the Upper-Karabakh district of Azerbaijan followed by the occupation of about 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory which forced almost one million Azeri people to flee their homes in the face of the brutal attacks and gross violations of human rights by this aggression;


       Recognizing the need to reinforce concrete solidarity of the OIC Member States with the Government and people of Azerbaijan;


       Welcoming and appreciating the assistance extended by some Member States and OIC relevant bodies, United Nations institutions and international organizations;


       Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.   Appeals to the Member States and Islamic institutions to make available to the Government of Azerbaijan the much needed economic and humanitarian assistance with a view to alleviating the suffering of the Azeri people.


2.   Calls upon the international organizations to continue to grant humanitarian, financial assistance to Azerbaijan.


3.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


       Recalling Resolution No. 22/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 22/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;



       Expressing its understanding of the situation which has arisen in the Kyrgyz Republic after  attainment of independence and sovereignty;


       Taking into consideration the economic difficulties of the transitional period to the free market economy;


       Expressing its sympathy with the brotherly people of Kyrgyz Republic regarding the consequences of the natural disasters which struck this country, thus affecting the socio-economic situation;


       Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.  Expresses deep appreciation for the assistance extended by some Member States and OIC relevant bodies.


2.  Appeals to all Muslims and Islamic financial institutions to be generous and to contribute to the process of overcoming the economic difficulties experienced by Kyrgyz Republic either on bilateral basis or through multilateral and regional organizations so as to enable Kyrgyz Republic to fulfil its economic programme.


3.  Appeals also to the Islamic Development Bank to increase its financial and technical assistance to Kyrgyz Republic.


4.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.










The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


       Recalling Resolution No. 23/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


       Recalling also all previous resolutions of the Organization of Islamic Conference on assistance to the Kashmiri people, particularly Resolution 23/30-E of the Thirtieth Session of the  Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


       Expressing deep appreciation for the assistance extended to the Kashmiris by some Member States and relevant OIC bodies;


       Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.   Appeals to Member States and Islamic institutions, such as the Islamic Solidarity Fund, Islamic Development Bank and charitable institutions, to grant generous humanitarian assistance to the Kashmiri people.


2    Also appeals to Member States and the Islamic Institutions to grant scholarships to the Kashmiri students in different universities and institutions in the OIC countries.


3.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 24/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 24/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Taking into consideration the economic difficulties faced by the Republic of Yemen and the loses incurred in the tourism sector in the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001 in New York.


Appreciating the efforts made and success achieved by the Government of the Republic of Yemen in implementing the Economic Reforms Policy and the Fight-Against-Poverty Programme;


Taking into consideration the heavy burdens borne by the Yemeni Government to provide shelter for groups of refugees from neighbouring African countries;


Recalling that Yemen is one of the least developed countries;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.  Expresses its appreciation for the efforts of Yemeni Government in overcoming its economic difficulties and the implementation of the Comprehensive Programme of Administrative and Financial Reform and the Fight-Against-Poverty Programme.


2Renews its call to the Member States and all regional and international organizations to extend all kinds of economic assistance to the Yemeni Government to support its efforts aimed at implementing the Comprehensive Programme of Administrative and Financial Reform and the Fight-Against-Poverty Programme with a view to alleviating the heavy burden of sheltering large number of refugees from neighbouring African countries.


3.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.










The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 25/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling also Resolution of the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference as well as resolutions of the 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th,  and 30th Sessions of the Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers;


Noting with great interest the  efforts by the Palestinian National Authority in Gaza Strip and West Bank to improve the living conditions of the Palestinian people and to reconstruct the Palestinian national economy;


Having considered the report of the Secretary General on the issue;


1.                 Expresses its deep appreciation for the assistance extended to the Palestinian people and Authority by some Member States and relevant bodies of the OIC; and calls upon all Member States to continue their support and assistance for their Palestinian brothers to enable them face the difficult conditions they are passing through due to continuous Israeli aggression .


2.      Commends the substantial assistance and contributions extended by the people and Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the generosity of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for his support of 1,000 families of the martyrs of the Palestinian intifada and notes that Saudi Arabia has paid up all its installments until May 2003 to support the Palestinian Authority in conformity with the Arab League resolution addressed to all Arab countries in support of the Palestinian Authority


3.     Commends the efforts of the Palestinian National Authority in the Palestinian territories to reconstruct what has been destroyed during three consecutive years of Israeli aggression, and calls upon the international community, and monetary and economic institutions to come to the aid of the Palestinian people and assist them to rebuild the destruction caused by the Israeli occupation.



4.     Reaffirms the previous resolutions aimed at extending all forms of moral, material, technical and economic support to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian National Authority; and at giving preference to importation of Palestinian products and exempting them from taxes and custom duties.


5.     Urges business men and investors in Member States to contribute in executing economic, industrial, agricultural and housing projects in the Palestinian territories in order to build the Palestinian national economy and to support the Palestinian National  and institutions in the implementation of the coming phases of their development programmes I the economic, social and health fields.


6.     Urges Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in view of the obstacles placed by Israel, to facilitate employment opportunities for the Palestinian labour force, in order to enhance the economic and social conditions of the Palestinian people and to eradicate unemployment.


7.     Also urges the Member States to conclude bilateral agreements with the Palestinian National Authority in the economic, commercial and social fields in order to improve the economic and social conditions of the Palestinian people in their homeland, and expresses its deep appreciation for the assistance extended to the Palestinian people by some Member States to build their national economy in the self rule regions of West Bank and Gaza Strip.


8.     Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No 26/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 26/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Bearing in mind the recent admission of the Republic of Mozambique to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference during Seventh Summit of Heads of States and Governments held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco in December, 1994;


Expressing its deep concern over the unprecedented floods in Southern Africa and Mozambique, in particular, that caused loss of lives, extensive destruction infrastructures, deterioration of socio-economic situation and dislodgement and scattering of landmines;


Taking note of the Donors Conference held in Maputo, Mozambique from 12 to 13 July, 2001, with the aim of mobilizing financial resources for the reconstruction of socio-economic infrastructures and assistance to the people affected by the floods occurred earlier in 2001 in Mozambique.


Noting with satisfaction that the process of pacification and democratisation that is in place in Mozambique creates a climate of peace and harmony conducive to creating a solid platform of genuine reconciliation among Mozambicans, a “sine qua non” condition for the implementation of economic and social programmes;


Appreciating the efforts being made by the Government of Mozambique in the implementation of the national reconstruction programme;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.   Expresses thanks to the member states which have extended assistance to Mozambique to alleviate the suffering of its people resulting from the floods that affected the country, and in particular the GCC States.



2.       Appeals to Islamic Development Bank, all Islamic Institutions and the international community in general to render their material and financial support in order to ensure the reconstruction of socio-economic infrastructures and rehabilitation of the affected people in Mozambique.


3    Emphasizes the need to promote and encourage the role of the private sector particularly within the context of development of Small and Medium Enterprises.


4.   Urges the developed countries to write off the external debt of Mozambique in the light of its current critical socio-economic situation.


5.   Urges the international community to increase its assistance to mine-clearance Programmes, taking into account the far reaching effects of the floods.


6.   Urges the international community to render assistance for setting up national, sub-regional, regional and international disaster prevention, preparedness and management mechanisms, including early warning systems.


7.   Commends the efforts of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries to address the devastating effects of the floods and thanks international community for the support, solidarity and humanitarian assistance rendered to Mozambique.


8.   Calls upon all Member States to continue their support to the implementation of the programme of reconstruction of Mozambique.


9.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 27/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 27/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Taking into account the objectives and principles of the OIC Charter as well as members’ commitment to consolidate international peace and security;


Deeply concerned at critical situation which Tajikistan has faced in the light of 5 years of bloody civil war, resulted in the death, injury and displacement of thousands of people as well as destruction of its economic and social infrastructures;


Noting the return of about 200 thousands Tajik refugees to their homeland which necessitates a great financial and technical support;


Recalling the report of the World Food Programme which estimates that 25 per cent of Tajikistan’s population is in dire need of food aid;


Noting with concern the marked spread of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and diarrhoea, victims of which are especially infants, children and women;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.    Expresses deep appreciation to the assistance extended by some Member States.


2.    Appeals to all members and Islamic financial institutions to make their generous contributions to the process of overcoming the economic difficulties experienced by Tajikistan either on bilateral basis or through multilateral and regional organisations so as to enable Tajikistan to fulfil its rehabilitation programmes.


3.    Urges the Islamic Development Bank to increase its financial and technical assistance to Tajikistan.



4.    Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.









The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 29/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 28/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Affirming the principles and objectives which underscore cooperation and solidarity of the Ummah with its members;


Recalling that the Republic of Djibouti is sheltering on its territory an important number of refugees and displaced persons representing more than one third of its population, and weighing heavily on  its health and educational infrastructures;


Deeply concerned at the recent floods causing an important loss in livestock, as well as serious damage to roads and health establishments thus causing cholera and malaria epidemics;


Aware that the Republic of Djibouti has resolved, through dialogue, a three-year internal conflict which had seriously affected its economy;


Conscious that peace should be strengthened through the preservation of social gains;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.  Makes an urgent appeal to the Member States to provide substantial financial and material support to the Republic of Djibouti for the consolidation of peace, the reconstruction of the country and the implementation of its structural adjustment programme.


2.  Calls on the Member States to assist the Republic of Djibouti in its struggle against the disastrous consequences of the recent flood at both the social and economic levels.


3.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.









The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 30/9-E(IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 29/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Guided by the noble principles of Islam and the objectives of the OIC Charter which emphasize on the common objectives and destiny of the people of the Ummah as well as their commitment to consolidate international peace and security;


Recalling the concerns and the support expressed at the Seventh Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca (Kingdom of Morocco) in December 1994 regarding the situation in Chechniya which has deteriorated again in 1999;


Referring to the call to all Member States made by His Excellency S. Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Chairman of the Eighth Islamic Summit, for a rapid humanitarian assistance to the people and refugees of Chechnya and its readiness to assist in coordination of this effort;


Expressing deep concern over the plight of Muslim refugees and displaced people of Chechniya and humanitarian and material losses resulting from the Chechniya Crisis in 1999;


Welcoming voluntary humanitarian assistances provided by some Member States, as well as some affiliated institutions of the OIC for people and refugees of Chechniya;


1.   Calls on all Member States, Islamic Philanthropist Institutions and appeals to the international community to urgently provide generous humanitarian assistance to the people and refugees of Chechniya.


2.   Recommends to all Member States to encourage their relevant institutions, NGO’s and individuals to provide humanitarian assistance for people and refugees of Chechniya.


3.    Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.









The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 31/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Also recalling Resolution No. 2/6-E(IS) of the Sixth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal on 9-11 December 1991 on the activities of the COMCEC mandating it to formulate new Strategies for the enhancement of the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among OIC Member States and to take appropriate action for its implementation;


Recalling resolution No. 8/7-E(IS) of the Seventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco, from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994)  which endorsed the Strategy  and  the Plan of Action;


Recalling Resolution No. 30/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Recalling the resolutions of the Ministerial level meetings in different areas of cooperation held under the auspices of the COMCEC;


Also recalling the resolutions adopted at the eighteenth previous sessions of the COMCEC initiating effective action in economic cooperation among the Member States, particularly in the area of trade;


 Noting with appreciation the efforts of the General Secretariat, subsidiary organs, affiliated and specialized institutions of OIC, working in the field of economy and trade, to implement the resolutions of the COMCEC;



        Noting with appreciation  that the Strategy for Economic and Commercial Cooperation adopted by the COMCEC allows for cooperation among sub-groups of Member States and is based on the principles giving emphasis to private sector, economic liberaliasation, integration with the world economy, sanctity of the economic, political, legal and constitutional structures of the Member States and their international obligations.


        Also noting with appreciation that the revised Plan of Action is a general and flexible policy document open for improvement during its implementation in accordance with the provisions stipulated in its chapter on Follow-up and Implementation.


Recognizing the importance for the Member States of the new economic configurations emerging at the global level particularly from the creation of regional economic groupings, signing of the Uruguay Round Agreements, and creation of the World Trade Organization and its subsequent Agreements;


Appreciating that, starting with its Eleventh Session, COMCEC serves as a platform where the Ministers of Economy of the Member States could exchange views on current world economic issues and that the topics "Implications of the Uruguay Round of trade Negotiations and the Establishment of the World Trade Organization on the external trade of OIC Member States", "Privatization Experiences in Member States", “Implications of Regional Economic Groupings particularly the European Union on the Economies of Member States”, “Intra-OIC Trade and Investment and Economic Stabilisation and Structural Reforms in Member States”, “Human Resource Development  for Sustained Economic Growth and Poverty Alleviation in the Member States of the OIC”, “Strengthening of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Facing Globalisation and Liberalisation” “The Effects of Non-tariff Barriers on Foreign Trade of the Member Countries”  and “Private Sector Investment in the Member States and the Role of IDB” were the themes for the 11th, 12th,  13th, 14th  15th, 16th   17th  and 18th Sessions of the COMCEC, respectively;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.          Stresses the need for COMCEC to continue to pay utmost attention to coordination and cooperation among Member States with regard to the membership of new countries that wish to join the World Trade Organization, and to the clarification of positions on the new issues and agreements under consideration within the framework of the WTO with a view to strengthening the negotiating position of these countries at the forthcoming multilateral trade negotiations especially with respect to the built-in agenda and to the new ones.



2.              Expresses satisfaction that the Islamic Development Bank has successfully carried out the mandate given by COMCEC to organise Coordination Meetings for Member States to consult among themselves and better prepare for the WTO Ministerial Meetings held in Singapore from 9 to 13 December 1996, in Geneva from 18-20 May 1998, in Seattle from 30 November to 03 December 1999, in Doha from 9-14 November, 2001 and in Cancun, Mexico from 10-14 September 2003 respectively with a view to assisting them to adopt a common stand regarding the issues raised in the Agenda of those meetings.


3.             Thanks the ICDT and IDB for organising an expert group meeting before the Fifth WTO Ministerial Conference for the benefit of the Member States.


4.     Thanks the IDB for organizing a brainstorming meeting for Geneva-based missions on 1-2 May 2003 and a consultative meeting on 27-28 July 2003 for capital-based officials in preparation for the 5th WTO Ministerial Conference.


5.             Appreciates also the technical assistance programmes of the Islamic Development Bank to assist Member States which are either members of the WTO or in the process of accession to the Organization, and the role of the Bank in organizing for consultative meetings of Member States and the Seminars and Workshops it organizes for this purpose.


6.             Appreciates the efforts of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in organizing Private Sector Meetings as directed by the COMCEC for an effective implementation of the Plan of Action.


7.             Underlines the crucial importance of the active participation of the private sector in economic cooperation among the Member States and appreciating the cooperation and productive support of IDB for all the events of ICCI, calls upon ICCI to pursue its efforts to further involve the private sector in the economic cooperation among Member States.


8.             Appreciates the Islamic Republic of Iran for holding the 10th Private Sector Meeting on 4-6 October 2003 in Tehran in collaboration with ICCI and the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines.


9.             Notes with appreciation that the Regulations for the Islamic Trade Fair which was prepared by the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade, had been adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the COMCEC.


10.    Expresses its gratitude to the United Arab Emirates for hosting the Islamic Trade Fair in Sharjah from 21 to 26 December 2002 on the theme: Free Trade and Sustainable development, and expresses its appreciation for the


commendable efforts made by the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sharjah for the success of the fair.


11.    Also welcomes the offer of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce to host the 11th Private Sector Meeting in 2004 and the offer of Senegal to host the 13th Private Sector Meeting in 2006. The offer to host the 12th Private Sector Meeting into 2005 is awaited.


12.    Further welcomes the offer of the Republic of Guinea to host the 10th Islamic Trade Fair in 2004 and calls upon the Member States to actively participate in the event.


13.            Emphasizes the need to urgently implement the revised Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among Member States the OIC, in compliance with the principles and operational modalities of the Strategy and the procedures set forth in its chapter on Follow-up and Implementation.


14.            Stresses the importance of the recommendations of the Experts Group Meeting for Accelerating the Implementation of the Plan of Action and requests that measures be taken by the Member States to accelerate the implementation of these recommendations through appropriate mechanisms to be proposed by the COMCEC Coordination Office in collaboration with the OIC General Secretariat and the OIC institutions.


15.            Takes notes of approval by the COMCEC of the Draft Project Profile Form prepared by the COMCEC Coordination Office in pursuance of the relevant recommendation of the Experts Group Meeting on Accelerating the Implementation of the OIC Plan of Action and requests the Member States to make use of it whenever they wish to submit project proposals within the framework of the OIC Plan of Action.


16.  Takes notes with appreciation also of the study by the COMCEC Coordination Office, in cooperation with the OIC General Secretariat, SESRTCIC, ICDT, IUT, IDB, ICCI and OISA in their capacity as focal points, elaborating on the content and the terms of their possible assignment, in pursuance of the relevant recommendation of the Experts Group Meeting assigning mandate to the relevant OIC institutions to study, apprise and provide the necessary financial and technical support to the cooperation projects to be proposed, which will be finalized for submission to the 19th Session of COMCEC.     


17   Requests the Member States to communicate their views on the supplementary Mechanism for implementation of the OIC Plan of Action which was proposed


and circulated by the COMCEC Coordination Office at their earliest convenience so that it can be submitted to the 19th Session of COMCEC.


18.  Requests the Member States to take appropriate measures including necessary cooperation, coordination and consultation among themselves to make efforts with the required possible economic and technical support from the developed countries, international community and relevant international organizations and  financial institutions to increase their food production capacity with a view to arriving at national food security as well as enhancing the purchasing power of their people.


19.  Invites the Member States to host sectoral Expert Group Meetings in priority areas of cooperation in the Plan of Action.


20.  Welcomes the offer of the Arab Republic of Egypt to host two sectoral Expert Group Meetings in the area of "Transport and Communications" and "Food, Agriculture and Rural Development" of the Plan of Action.


21.  Thanks the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hosting the Third Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism on 6-9 October 2002 in Riyadh.


22.  Invites IDB to continue its active support in ensuring effective and urgent implementation of the revised Plan of Action.


23.  Thanks the Republic of Senegal for the hosting of Seminar-Workshop in cooperation with IDB to familiarize the African member states with the Plan of Action, and recommends that similar seminars be held in other regions and sub-regions of OIC.


24.  Recognizes that the Exchange of Views organized during the annual sessions of the COMCEC would be utilized to coordinate the positions of the Member States vis-a-vis major world economic issues.


25.    Welcomes the offer of the government of the Republic of Sudan to host sectoral Expert Group Meeting on “Energy and Mining” and “Human Resources Development.”


26Thanks the Republic of Gabon for having organised a sub-regional seminar for the OIC States of Central and East Africa on "the role of IDB in the promotion of the private sector" in cooperation with IDB and the other concerned institutions of the OIC.


27Thanks Burkina Faso for hosting a regional workshop on Industry for East, West and Central African OIC member states in cooperation with the IDB and other related OIC institutions.



28.  Welcomes the offer of the Islamic Republic of Iran to host sectoral Expert Group Meeting in the area of Health and Sanitary Issues to be followed by a Ministerial meeting on the same topic.


29.  Thanks the Republic of Turkey for hosting the Experts Group of Meeting on Accelerating the implementation of the Plan of Action, which was held on 6-7 May, 2001 in Istanbul.


30.  Welcomes the offer of the Republic Tunisia to host an experts group meeting on “Promoting the Activities of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” in the field of production and exports.


31.  Notes with satisfaction that the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System entered into force upon its ratification by more than ten Member States as required under the Agreement, and welcomes the offer of the Republic of Turkey to host the first round of negotiations to be held under the Framework Agreement.


32.  Thanks the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco for hosting of an Experts Group Meeting to prepare the Launching of the First Trade Negotiations Round within the Framework Agreement on the Trade Preferential System Among the OIC Member States held in Casablanca on 24-26 June, 2003 and the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade and the COMCEC Coordination Office for organizing it and preparing the necessary documents in this regard.


33.  Calls upon the concerned Member States to actively take part in the first round of trade negotiation under the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System.


34.       Welcomes the proposal made by the WTO during the meeting of policy dialogue between the WTO and the representatives of six major regional development banks, including IDB, which was held at the WTO Headquarters in Geneva, on 3 May 2003, that the regional development banks convene policy dialogues of trade and finance ministers at the regional level, to which the WTO and the World Bank may also be invited.


35.       Also welcomes the resolutions of the 18th Session of the COMCEC which expresses the view that the above policy dialogue meeting of the OIC ministers responsible for trade and finance could be convened in conjunction with the sessions of the COMCEC.


36.       Welcomes the offer of Indonesia to host an International Workshop on Employment and Manpower Exchange.



37.       Welcomes the offer of Arab Republic of Egypt to host an OIC Ministerial Meeting to promote intra-OIC trade.


38.       Thanks IDB for organizing a Workshop on “Private Sector Investment in the Member States and the Role of IDB” on 14-16 September 2002 in Istanbul in collaboration with related OIC institutions; and also thanks the Republic of Turkey for hosting the Workshop.


39.       Welcomes the decision taken by the 18th Session of the COMCEC that “Impact of Electronic Commerce and the use of Information Technology in the Promotion and Development of Intra-OIC Trade” be the theme for the exchange of views at the 19th Session of the COMCEC.


40.       Thanks the Republic of Tunisia for hosting the workshop on “Impact of Electronic Commerce and the Use of Information Technology in the Promotion and Development of Intra-OIC Trade” on 10-12 June, 2003 in Tunis in collaboration with SESRTCIC, ICDT, IUT and other relevant OIC institutions as a preparation for the exchange of views session to be held during the 19th session of COMCEC.


41.       Notes with appreciation that the 19th Session of the COMCEC will be held from 20-23 October, 2003 in Istanbul under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Turkey and calls upon the Member States to effectively and actively participate in the meeting.


42.       Takes notes of the initiative of ICCI on forming a working group comprised of the General Secretariat, the COMCEC Coordination Office, IDB, ICCI, SESRTCIC and ICDT, as the focal point assuming the responsibilities of the monitoring mechanism to implement the recommendations of the private sector meetings.


43.       Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 32/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 28/7-E(IS) of the Seventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 31/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


        Recalling also the Resolution on Tourism Development adopted by the Second Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism, held in Kuala Lumpur on October 10-13, 2001; and the Resolution on Tourism Development adopted by the Third Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism, held in Riyadh on 6-9 October 2002;


Also recalling that tourism has been identified as a priority area for cooperation in the OIC Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among Member States;


Convinced that tourism forms a main pivot in economic development, cultural exchange and rapprochement between nations;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.  Invites the Member States to cooperate in the various fields of tourism development.


2.    Expresses satisfaction at the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the World Tourism Organization (WTO) and the OIC General Secretariat and encourages the two organizations to strengthen their cooperation to faster tourism in the Member States.


3.    Encourages Member States to find ways and means to facilitate further cooperation between WTO and OIC, particularly through holding of meetings of OIC on the sidelines of WTO annual sessions in order to coordinate their position with regard to different topics.



4.     Thanks Malaysia for hosting the Second Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism on 10-13 October, 2001 in Kuala Lumpur and meeting of the Follow-up Committee of the Conference in Kuala Lumpur on 5-6 September 2002.


5.     Endorses the Kuala Lumpur Programme of Action for the Development and promotion of Tourism in the OIC Member States as adopted by the Second Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism.


6.      Thanks the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hosting the Third Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism in Riyadh on 6-9 October 2002.


7.      Notes with appreciation  the Resolution on Tourism Development and the Riyadh Declaration adopted by the Third Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism.


8.      Welcomes the offer of the Republic of Senegal to host the Fourth Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism in 2004 and invites Member States to actively participate in it.


9.      Welcomes the offer of the Islamic Republic of Iran to organise an experts group meeting in pursuance of the Resolution on Tourism Development adopted by the Second and Third Islamic Conference of Ministers of Tourism in Tehran on 23-25 May 2003.


10.              Thanks the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade for its efforts to organize a Tourism Fair, in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in Member States once every two years and welcomes in this connection the offers of the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Lebanon and the Arab Republic of Egypt to host the first, second and third Tourism Fairs in 2004, 2005 and 2007 respectively.


11.           Takes note of the proposal of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry to organize in future on a regular basis Private Sector Forum on Tourism and appreciates the offer of the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to hold the first such Forum with the collaboration of this Supreme Council of  Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Council of the Saudi Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2004.


12.   Welcomes the offer of the Republic of Mali to host the Second Private Sector Forum on Tourism in 2004.


13.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of all the recommendations and resolutions especially those pertaining to the implementation of the Kuala Lumpur Plan of Action adopted at the Conferences of the Ministers of Tourism and to submit reports thereon to the annual sessions of COMCEC and future sessions of the Islamic Summit Conferences.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 33/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 32/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


       Having reviewed the developments in respect of signature and/or ratification of the (i) Agreement on Promotion, Protection and Guarantee of Investments among Member States, (ii) General Agreement on Economic, Technical and Commercial Cooperation among Member States, (iii) Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System among OIC Member States, (iv) Statute of the Islamic Civil Aviation Council, (v) Statute of the Islamic States Telecommunications Union and (vi) Statute of the Standards and Metrology Institute for the Islamic Countries (SMIIC);


       Having taken cognizance of Resolution (1) adopted by the Eighteenth Session of COMCEC on the matter;


       Having taken note also of the report of the Secretary General;


1.    Expresses satisfaction at the efforts of the General Secretariat, the IDB and the ICCI to speed up the implementation of the Agreements and Statutes aimed at strengthening economic cooperation among Member States.


2.    Welcomes the initiative of COMCEC to facilitate the signing of the Agreements/Statutes that fall within the framework of cooperation among Member States and recommends that this practice be pursued.


3.    Notes with satisfaction that the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System among OIC Member States entered into force upon its ratification by more than ten Member States as required under the Agreement and urges those who have not yet done so, to do it as soon as possible.


4.    Requests the General Secretariat and its specialised subsidiary organs to exert their efforts to convince Member States of the need to sign and ratify the Agreements/ Statutes and to regularly follow up on the matter.



5.    Calls upon Member States which have not yet signed and/or ratified the above mentioned Agreements/Statutes to do so, at their earliest.


6.    Urges the Member States that have ratified the above Agreements to take follow-up actions and inform the General Secretariat about the progress of implementation.


7.    Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.










The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 34/9-E(IS) of the 9th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 33/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers on the activities of the Subsidiary Organs of the OIC, namely, the Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC), Ankara, and the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT), Casablanca;


Having taken note with satisfaction of the activity reports submitted by the representatives of the above-mentioned subsidiary organs;


Appreciating the increasing number of joint activities among the OIC organs and agencies;


Expressing its appreciation at the role played by the subsidiary organs in the implementation of the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among Member States;


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.    Commends the role which the SESRTCIC and ICDT are playing each in their respective fields.


2.    Urges the Member States to actively and effectively participate in the work of these organs and expeditiously respond to the questionnaires circulated by them, and closely follow up their documents and studies so as to achieve maximum benefit from these organs in the area of economic cooperation among the Member States.


3.    Encourages these organs to intensify contacts with international and regional institutions particularly those working in the framework of the United Nations and others, such as Bretton Woods institutions and to benefit from the studies and reports produced by these institutions.


4.         Urges the Member States, which have not done so thus far, to settle their regular mandatory contributions to the budgets of these bodies, and to act for the settlement of their arrears, if any, at the earliest in view of the current financial difficulties being faced by these organs.


5.         Notes that the Member States are to benefit from the special services offered by the subsidiary organs, above and beyond the tasks assigned to them in their work programmes, on a contractual basis.


6.   Calls upon OIC institutions to hold consultative meetings on a regular basis concurrently with the annual sessions of the COMCEC and Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, in order to enhance the existing collaboration among OIC institutions, avoid duplication and monitor the progress of the programs assigned to each institution and learn from their respective experiences.


7.  Urges Member States to consider, when nominating their representatives to the Board of Directors of these organs, persons who are experienced in the activities of the organs, and expresses the strong desirability of setting up conditions for selection of such representative to those meetings.


8.  Calls upon the General Secretariat to consider putting in place a medium term plan for these subsidiary organs to perform tasks, and to extend to them every assistance within the framework of a three to four-year work programme, also calls upon the General Secretariat to better coordinate the activities of these organs with a view to achieving positive results that are relevant to changes in the international arena and international economy.   


9.   Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Having taken note of the Resolution No. 35/9(IS) of the Ninth Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 34/30-E of the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Having taken note with appreciation of the report on the activities and operations of the Islamic Development Bank;


Noting with satisfaction that the Islamic Development Bank continues to expand its field of operation and activity concerning project financing, import and export trade financing, technical assistance, technical cooperation, special assistance, scholarship programme  and other fields of cooperation in the Member States and the Muslim communities;


        Also noting with satisfaction  that for the meeting of the needs of the Member States in the area of Research and Development, IDB has established the Islamic Research and Training Institute, which is making useful contribution since 1981 and has also established two scholarship schemes and IDB prizes in Islamic economic, Islamic banking, and Science and Technology for encouraging human resources development in the Member States.


Noting with appreciation that the IDB has played an active role in the implementation of the OIC Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation among the Member States as well as the various resolutions of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC);


        Also noting with satisfaction that within the framework of its mandate and commitments aimed at meeting the needs of the Member States, the IDB has developed innovative financing instruments, technical and financial assistance programmes, various new schemes, funds and other entities, some of which were initiative under the auspices of the COMCEC for financing of projects in priority sectors and for promotion of intra-OIC trade;


        Noting with appreciation that the IDB, while carrying on activities of its own in the area of science and technology, has cooperated closely with the Standing Committee for Science and Technology in the areas of information networking, implementing projects in selected areas of advanced technology, launching  scholarship progrmames for advance degrees and providing technical assistance for capacity building in order to help promote science and technology in the Member States.


Having taken note also of the report of the Secretary General in this regard:


1.    Expresses its full satisfaction at the devotion and efficiency with which the IDB President and his staff are running this institution to ensure its good performance, as it continues to make an invaluable contribution to the development and progress of Muslim populations.


2.    Calls on the Islamic Development Bank to keep up its beneficial action and strive to increase the mobilization of necessary resources for augmenting its services to the Member States, and to the Islamic Ummah at large.


3.    Commends the IDB on the steps taken to implement the Resolutions of the 8th and 9th Islamic Summits on Preparation of the Ummah for the 21st Century.


4.    Welcomes the decision taken by the Board of Governors of IDB at its 27th Meeting held in Ouagadougou in October 2002 to establish a special assistance programme for Africa in implementation of the New African Partnership Development Programe (NEPAD).


5.    Calls on the Member States to participate in various schemes which the Bank has recently started implementing and to benefit from the Export Financing Scheme,  the Islamic Banks’ Portfolio, the IDB Unit Investment Fund, the Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit, the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, along with IDB’s other existing schemes, programmes and operations.


6.    Appreciates the varied activities of IDB aimed at the promotion of the private sector and the enhancement of its role as a key actor in the economic and social development of the Member States, and welcomes the activation of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) and the Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC) in fulfilment of their tasks in supporting private investment and trade in the Member States.


7.    Appreciates the Bank’s efforts to create the IDB Infrastructure Fund with a capital of 1500 million US dollar to develop infrastructure in Member States in the fields of energy and hydro-electricity, communications, transport etc. and to support the private sector.


8.    Urges Member States, which have not yet done so, to urgently complete the official procedures to join these two corporations as full members, pay their shares of subscribed capitals and start utilizing their facilities on the widest  possible scales for the benefit of the private sector entities and their overall development.


9.    Welcomes the successful launching of the Sukuk (Islamic Bond) in the world capital markets in July 2003 in the amount of US$400 million, which opened up a whole new avenue for the IDB in its quest for mobilizing additional resources in meeting the development financing needs of the Member States.


10.           Requests the General Secretariat, the IDB, the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade to jointly organize regional seminars on the various schemes approved by the COMCEC, especially the Export Trade Financing Scheme, the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit, the Framework Agreement on the Trade Preferential System among OIC Member States and the Islamic Multilateral Clearing Union with a view to ensuring efficient and speedy implementation of these schemes for the benefit of the business community of the Islamic Ummah.


11.           Invites the Member States which have not yet done so to subscribe to the second capital increase of the IDB and to settle their outstanding contributions and other financial commitments.


12.           Also calls upon the Member States to lend their support to the Bank so as to enable it to fulfil its obligations and commitments towards fostering economic development and social progress in the Member States.


13.          Appreciates the keen interest that IDB has shown in the efforts at reorganization of the OIC in order to increase the effectiveness of the Organization, and the technical assistance it has provided for preparation of its study to restructure the General Secretariat of the OIC for implementation of quick-win initiatives in response to the challenges of the new millennium.


14.           Welcomes the decision taken by the Board of Governors of the Islamic Development Bank at its 26th meeting to achieve a substantial increase in the authorized and subscribed capital of the IDB in accordance with a decision taken at the Ninth Islamic Summit Conference.


15.           Expresses  appreciation for efforts of IDB to make arrangements for preparatory meetings prior to WTO ministerial meetings for consultations and exchange of views among Member States. It also commends IDB support to Member States in their efforts to effectively participate in multilateral trade negotiations and its continued provision of technical and financial assistance to Member States.



16.           Expresses appreciation for IDB efforts to accord preferential treatment to companies and contractors from Member States in the implementation of projects financed   by the Bank and calls upon IDB to intensify its efforts in this field.


17.           Expresses its appreciation for the efforts in the establishment of the World Waqf Foundation, and urges the Member States to cooperate with it for advancing the Waqf affairs towards enhancing its economic and social role.


18.           Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.









The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 36/9-E(IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference and Resolution No. 35/30-E of the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Having taken congnizance of the activities of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and the Organization of the Islamic Shipowners’ Association (OISA);


Expressing its appreciation for the role played by the affiliated institutions in the elaboration and implementation of the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among Member States;


Confirming the important role that the private sector has to play in the development of Member States and promotion of economic Cooperation among them;


Appreciating the role played by these two institutions in their respective fields of action;


Having taken cognizance of the recommendations of the Eighteenth Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC);


Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General;


1.    Notes with appreciation the important role which the ICCI and the OISA are playing in their respective fields.


2.    Takes note with appreciation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the Tenth Private Sector Meeting.


3.    Congratulates the ICCI for its important initiatives aimed at maintaining contacts with businessmen and contributing to socioeconomic development in then Member States.



4.    Appeals to the governments of the Member States to encourage their Federations of Chambers of Commerce and Industry to develop a framework of cooperation with the ICCI and contribute to its programs to enhance trade and investment among the Member States.


5.    Takes note with appreciation the recommendations adopted by its 40th Executive Committee and the 20th General Assembly Meetings held in Tehran on 4-6 October 2003.


6.    Thanks the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the National Chambers of the Commerce in Malaysia, Cameroon, Turkey and Egypt for hosting the regional offices of ICCI in order to further expand the network of the Islamic Chamber among the private sector.


7.    Expresses thanks to the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for extending consistent support to the Islamic Shipowners’ Association, giving donations and hosting its Headquarters.


8.    Also expresses thanks to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for allowing the setting up of the Headquarters of the Bakkah Shipping Company (BASCO) in Jeddah.


9.    Takes Note with appreciation the recommendations of the 25th Session of the Executive Committee and the 17th Meeting of the General Assembly of the OISA held in Dubai on 1-4 October 2003.


10.         Expresses its thanks and appreciation to the Government of the United Arab Emirates for hosting the 25th Executive Committee Meeting and the 17th General Assembly Session and also thanks UAE for approving to register the Bakkah Shipping Company (Operational Office) in Dubai without the need for a local sponsor and granting a piece of land free of cost to this project.


11.         Also appreciates the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for extending its support to the Islamic P&I Club enabling it to operate and offering adequate coverage within the Iranian jurisdiction with the minimum legal restriction.


12.         Welcomes the setting up of the Bakkah Shipping Company and calls upon the shipping companies, private sector and individuals of the Member States to back up and support the Company in its effort to serve the Islamic Ummah.


13.        Expresses its thanks to the Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates for hosting the joint meeting of the 25th Executive Committee and 17th General Assembly in Dubai and for its generous offer to host the operations office of  the Bakkah Shipping Company without a local sponsor and by granting a peace of land free of cost.


14.         Commends the initiative of the OISA Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees of the Club (Asian Protection and Indemnity Club) and the Iranian Shipping Companies specially to the National Iranian Tanker Company for their joint efforts and contributions in having the Asian P&I Club to be under the umbrella of the Islamic Shipowners Association. Also expresses its thanks to the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping  Lines (IRISL), for initiating and preparing a solid study to set up an Islamic P&I Club.


15.         Invites Member States and its maritime companies to register their ships with the Islamic P&I (Protection and Indemnity Club) in Qeshm Island in Islamic Republic of Iran, in order the Club meet the level of the existing International P&I Clubs and also to encourage the treatment of the ships under cover of the Club on equal footing with national ships at the member states seaports. All the ports authorities of the member states are urged to cooperate and offer all supports and facilities to the acceptance of Islamic P&I Club covers ad certificate of entries issued by the Club. The insurance companies in the member states also to facilitate all kind of services to Islamic  P&I Cub in accordance with support of the Club covers.


16.         Commends the initiative of the Organization of the Islamic Shipowners’ Association for setting up a web-based Cooperative Information System to serve the maritime companies of Member States.


17.         Urges the Member States, which have not yet done so, to sign the Statute of the Islamic Shipowners’ Association.


18.         Appeals to Member States to continue to extend their support and assistance to the ICCI and the OISA.


19.         Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.










The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


        Recalling Resolution No. 33/8-E(IS) adopted by the Eighth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Tehran;


Recalling Resolution No. 37/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Doha;


Recalling Resolution No. 36/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


       Noting  that the process of globalization and economic liberalization could offer new opportunities and challenges for all developing countries including OIC member states;


       Noting also that the creation of regional and sub-regional economic groupings comprising a number of Member States and their interest in establishing Free Trade Zones and Common Markets among them are important and positive steps towards establishing an Islamic Common Market.


       Recognizing that recent developments in both the global and the domestic economic environment and the emerging trend towards interdependence among developing countries – including OIC Member States – spurring them on to contribute to economic cooperation, collaboration and integration.


       Recognizing also that inter-regional, regional and sub-regional cooperation among Islamic Countries is an important element in the development strategy, particularly for expanding trade and investment flow and an essential contribution for the achievement of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in the  Islamic Countries ;


       Welcoming the efforts of a number of OIC Member States which have made notable progress in building their potentialities and strengthening their competitiveness on the international markets through active participation in the global trading system and attracting more foreign direct investments.


Expressing concern that many OIC Member States have been marginalized in the international economic system through lack or weakness of institutional arrangements which are necessary for expansion of their foreign trade and participation in the international financial markets;



       Taking into account that the formation of an Islamic Common Market is a long-run process and requires comprehensive studies and at the same time requires its own implementation and follow up arrangements;


       Taking note with appreciation the study prepared and submitted by SESRTCIC on the establishment of an Islamic Common Market;



       Having considered  the report of the Secretary General on the matter;


1.    Emphasizes the importance of implementing the Plan of Action to strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among Member States; the Agreement on Promotion, Protection and Guarantee of Investments among Member States; the General Agreement on Economic, Technical and Commercial  Cooperation among Member States; the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System among Member States; the Agreement on the Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit, and the Agreement on the Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector for the purpose of strengthening economic and commercial cooperation among Member States with a view to achieving the ultimate objective i.e. the establishment of an Islamic Common market.


2.    Emphasises also the need to reinforce economic cooperation establishing free trade zones and common markets among the Member States through their regional groupings as a positive stage towards establishing a free trade zone among the OIC Member States with the ultimate aim of creating an Islamic Common Market.


3.  Welcomes in this connection the creation of the customs union of the Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council on 1 January, 2003.


4.  Requests the COMCEC to coordinate the efforts and studies undertaken or to be undertaken in this regard by ICDT or the other relevant OIC institutions and centres with a view to taking necessary practical steps to reach the objectives related to the establishment of an Islamic Common Market.


5. Reiterates the need for specific arrangements among OIC Member States to take necessary steps to secure their optimal share in the global economic and trading system, through, inter alia, analysis of the consequences that the establishment of an Islamic Common Market could have in this respect.


6.  Expresses its desire to see Member States extending their cooperation and coordination in the areas of market access, competition policy, transfer of technology and know how, finance, investment and eventual development of an integrated information network and an infrastructure for achieving the objective of establishing an Islamic Common Market.




7. Invites Member States to formulate specific proposals for cooperation and coordination in setting up centres of advanced studies, and high-level expertise in areas where they can discover potentials for expanding trade and investment among themselves with a view to developing cooperation in areas that would facilitate realization of an Islamic Common Market. It also welcomes of the undertaking by the Islamic Republic of Iran to set up a centre of advanced studies and excellence to conduct research and studies.



8.  Commends the Islamic Republic of Iran for holding an “International Seminar on Ways and Means to Establish an Islamic Common Market” in Tehran from 27-28 September, 2000 and also commends the State of Qatar for convening an “Expert Group Meeting on the Implications of Establishing an Islamic Common Market”  in Doha from 13-14 October, 2000, and takes note of the recommendations made by the two meetings, stressing the need to subject the activities relating to this area to effective processes of study and coordination.  


9.  Appreciates the holding of the “International Conference on Practical Measures to Establish a Common Market between Muslim Countries” by the University of Qatar, in cooperation with the OIC General Secretariat on 13-15 May, 2002.


10.   Urges the Member States to encourage any initiative by their private sector for expanding economic, financial, trade and investment cooperation with other Islamic Countries.


11.         Stresses the importance of trade fairs and of establishing a network of trade focal points in the Member States to facilitate expansion of trade and investment among them in an expeditious manner as an effective contribution towards the objective of establishing an Islamic Common Market.


12.         Emphasises the importance of the launching of a round of trade negotiations among the Member States under the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System which constitutes the first stage towards the establishment of an Islamic Common Market.


13.         Appreciates the efforts made or to be made by the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade for organizing and facilitating this round of trade negotiations and calls on the OIC institutions to give their financial and technical support to these efforts including the participation of the Least Developed Countries in the trade negotiations.


14.    Thanks the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for hosting the Islamic International Trade Fair in Jeddah from 9-14 June 2001, organized by the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with the IDB and ICDT noting that a seminar was also held concurrently by the IDB, ICCI and the Jeddah Chamber on ways and means of promoting intra-OIC trade.




15. Notes with appreciation the initiative of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to set up a website to provide information and data on commercial capabilities and potentials of the Islamic countries in order to facilitate intra-trade and contribute to the objective of creating an Islamic Common Market.


16. Welcomes the offer of the Islamic Republic of Iran to host an experts group meeting on Islamic Common Market in December, 2003.


17.  Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 38/9-E (IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Doha, State of Qatar;


Recalling Resolution No. 37/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


        Taking into consideration the relevant paragraph of Resolution No. (1) of the 17th Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC)


Also taking into consideration the Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation among Member States.


Noting that the IDB document on “Preparation of the Ummah for the 21st Century in the fields of Economic, Commercial and Financial Cooperation” is a long term strategic framework document characterized by far-sightedness which provides an impetus to the implementation of the OIC Plan of Action.


          Welcoming the initiative of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for the convening of an international conference in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to address the Correlation between Technology Transfer and Globalization with particular reference to the economic, technological and scientific fields in order to enable Member States of the OIC to keep up with the accelerating pace of economic globalization and to take advantage of its opportunities;


        Having considered of the report of the Secretary General;


1.    Appreciates the aforesaid initiative of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and its significant role in preparing the Islamic Ummah to meet the requirements of international economic developments.


2.    Appreciates also the initiative of IDB to prepare the document “Preparation of the Ummah for the 21st Century in the fields of Economic, Commercial and Financial Cooperation” and to call upon the Ummah to face the challenges posed by the 21st Century.


 3.    Appreciates  the efforts made by the Islamic Development Bank with respect to the programme to reinforce trade among member states and the Bank’s allocation of US$ 1 billion from its special funds and urges Member States and their relevant bodies as well as their private economic actors to take the necessary measures in order to support the efforts of the Bank to secure the necessary additional funds which amount to $ 1 billion from the collective murabaha and the two-phased murabaha.


4.    Urges  Member States to develop policies, strategies and administrative measures to supplement the efforts of the IDB in expanding intra-trade, and also urges Member States to designate national focal points if they have not yet done so.


5.    Expresses its appreciation of the efforts made by the Task Forces on Training, Health and Literacy and urges the Member States and relevant bodies to combine their efforts with those of the Task Forces concerned.


6.    Calls upon member states to cooperate in the area of prospective studies to explore the possibilities of cooperative action to deal with the phenomenon of globalization.


7.    Urges the Islamic Ummah to acquire knowledge and skills in fields such as information and communication technology to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.


8.    Urges OIC Member States and institutions to implement diligently the OIC Plan of Action to Strengthen Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among Member States.


9.    Appreciates the consultations held by the IDB with other sister institutions to determine effective ways to translate the IDB document into practical programmes.


10.         Also appreciates the role of the IDB in organizing the meeting of Regional Economic Organizations in the Islamic world at its headquarters from 16 to 19 Rabi Al Awal 1419H (8-11/08/1998) as recommended by the 8th Islamic Summit, and the meeting of regional organizations in the IDB Member States on the fringe of the 25th Annual Meeting of the IDB Board of Governors in Beirut, Republic of Lebanon, on 11-12 Sha’ban 1421H (7-8/11/2000).


11.         Commends the IDB and other cooperating institutions for the work done during the meeting of Experts in Health, Literacy, Training and Trade, and the programme of action suggested by the Experts to implement the Summit resolution.



12.         Urges, the IDB and other cooperating institutions to proceed with the implementation of these programmes to achieve the required quantitative objectives.


13.         Appreciates the efforts of the Standing Committees in preparing the Ummah for the 21st century and calls upon OIC Institutions to explore the challenges of the 21st century each contributing  to its respective field of competence, and to determine the response of the Ummah to these challenges.


14.         Urges Member States to take the necessary measures required to cooperate among themselves and with OIC Institutions in achieving the proposed quantitative objectives in the fields of intra-trade, Heath, Literacy and Training.


15.         Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.








The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaban 1424H (16-17 October  2003),


Recalling Resolution No. 39/9-E(IS) adopted by the Ninth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference;


Recalling Resolution No. 38/30-E adopted by the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers;


Noting that in the context of current world economic situation the OIC member states require to develop their economic structures and consolidate economic relations among themselves and with other countries by creating the appropriate climate to attract and stabilize investments;


Commending the approach of the Member States towards developing the private sector as well as encouraging the privatisation of their productive institutions;


Taking note of the importance of taking advantage of the benefits granted under the Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) to market the products of the OIC Member States;


Appreciating the efforts made by most Member States to develop their stock exchanges by mobilizing and attracting national savings and channelling them into local investment opportunities to avoid flight of capital abroad;


Expressing its desire to avoid disruptive capital flows and secure the Stock exchanges of OIC Members from any future financial crisis;


Noting the advantages accruing from a specialized institution under the aegis of

the Organization of the Islamic Conference concerned with coordination, monitoring and development of the stock markets of the OIC member states;


Taking note with appreciation the study prepared by SESRTCIC on the establishment of an Islamic Stock Exchange Union;


1. Urges Member States to continue to take the necessary steps to mobilize internal resources in the form of stocks and shares and to facilitate the optimal utilization of such resources in profitable investment projects both in public and private sectors.



2.     Invites the Member States to press on with undertaking the necessary steps to develop their stock markets through appropriate legislations so as to enable their markets to be open to the outside world facilitating the in-flow of capital available in foreign markets, while taking into consideration the economic and monetary interests of these States.


3.     Urges Member States to make every effort to expand the establishment of publicly owned companies facilitating wide distribution of shares among large numbers of individuals;


4.     Invites Member States to set up a comprehensive database on their respective stock exchange and investment regimes and to explore the possibility of concluding regional agreements among themselves to establish links among their stock exchanges;


5.   Requests SESRTCIC and ICDT to undertake necessary studies on creating   and mechanism for cooperation among the OIC Member States in the areas of financial markets and clearing of stocks and bonds without such studies leading to the creation of any new bodies but the activation of existing mechanisms in such fields.


      6.  Further Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.