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on Member States’ contributions and arrears to the budgets of the General Secretariat and the Subsidiary organs and the concessions for the settlement of arrears.
on the Restructuring of the General Secretariat
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Sha’aban 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Aware of the importance of the role played by the OIC through its General Secretariat and Subsidiary organs at the Islamic and international levels for the promotion of solidarity and cooperation among Member States and defending the causes of the Ummah,
Referring to Resolution No. 1/6-AF adopted by the 6th Islamic Summit Conference held in Dakar, Republic of Senegal from 3 to 5 Jumada Al-Thani 1412H (9-11 December 1991) on the accumulation of arrears,
Referring to Resolution No. 3/21-AF adopted by the 21st ICFM held in Karachi, Islamic Republic of Pakistan from 4 to 8 Dhul Qa’da 1413H (25-29 April 1993) on the financial position of the OIC and the problem of accumulated arrears of Member States’ mandatory contributions,
Referring further to Resolutions No. 1/7 and 2/7-AF adopted by the 7th Islamic Summit Conference held in Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco from 11 to 13 Rajab 1415H (13-15 December 1994), on the implementation of sanctions against Member States failing to settle their contributions and the problem of the accumulation of arrears,
Referring to Resolution No. 2/25-AF adopted by the 25th Session of the ICFM held in Doha, State of Qatar from 17 to 19 Zul-Qaida 1418H (15-17 March 1998),
Referring to resolution No. 6/27-AF on the OIC financial situation and the implementation of measures against Member States failing to settle their arrears and contributions, passed by the 27th ICFM session held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 24 to 27 Rabie Al-Awal 1421H (27-30 June 2000),
Referring to Resolution No. 1/9-AF of the 9th session of the Islamic Summit Conference held in Doha (State of Qatar) on 16-17 Shaba’n, 1421H (12-13 November 2000), on the financial situation of the OIC and the subsidiary organs and the problem of accumulated arrears of mandatory contributions,
Referring to resolution No. 5/28-AF adopted by the 28th Session of the ICFM held in Bamako, Republic of Mali from 4 to 6 Rabie Al-Thani 1422H (25-27 June 2001),
Referring to resolution No. 3/30-AF adopted by the 30th Session of the ICFM held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran from 27 to 29 Rabiul Awwal 1424H (28-30 May 2003) on the Member States’ contributions and arrears to the budget of the General Secretariat and the Subsidiary Organs and incentives for the settlement of the said arrears,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary General on the Member States’ contributions and arrears to the budget of the General Secretariat and its Subsidiary Organs (Document No. IS/10/2003-AF/GS/REP/CONT/ARR),
Noting that the accumulated arrears relating to the General Secretariat and the subsidiary organs, amounted as on 22 May 2003 to $40,688,933 and $80 million respectively, making it impossible to carry out many activities,
Expressing deep concern over the financial problems facing the General Secretariat and the subsidiary organs in view of the delay, or non-payment of contributions by many Member States,
Stressing the need for providing the OIC and its subsidiary organs with the means with which they may fulfill their tasks in the service of the joint Islamic action,
1. To urge Member States to settle their contributions on time in order to enable the OIC to carry out the responsibilities entrusted to it by the FMs and Summits Conferences.
2. To invite the OIC Secretary General to contact as appropriate the Heads of State and Government as well as Foreign Ministers of Member States with a view to securing prompt payments of their contributions and arrears.
3. Highlights the need to provide a set of incentives for the settlement of arrears of Member States through:
- The possibility of waiving up to 50% of the concerned Member States provided that the concerned Member States would pay their contributions promptly for two consecutive years as of the year 2003-2004 and continue to do so for the subsequent two years. If prompt payment for the following years is continued, a further 25% waiver would be considered. The concerned Member States would also enjoy preferential treatment in securing loans, grants and assistance from OIC subsidiary and specialized organs.
This resolution shall be valid for four years starting from 1/7/2003 (budget 2003/2004).
- Member States that fail to take into account the aforementioned scheme before 1/7/2007 shall be subject to measures adopted in this connection in Resolution 3/21-AF, of the 21st Session of the ICFM held in Karachi, and shall be denied the privileges of borrowing or receiving assistance from OIC subsidiary and specialized organs until such arrears have been settled.
This resolution applies to the request of the Republic of Lebanon to exempt it from the arrears of its contributions to the budget of the Islamic University of Technology prior to 2001/2002 and for all its arrears relevant to budgets prior to that of 2002-03 to be written off as well, as to benefiting from the incentive discount referred to in Para 3 above.
Requests the Secretary General to present a progress report on the implementation of this resolution to the 31st ICFM at Istanbul, Turkey.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaban, 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling Resolution No.5/27-ORG of the 27th Session of the ICFM held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 27 to 30 June 2000 and Resolution No.2/9-AF(IS) of the 9th Islamic Summit held in Doha State of Qatar from 12 to 13 November 2000 and Resolution 3/29-AF of the 29th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan from 25 to 27 June 2002 and Resolution No.5/30-AF of the 30th Session of the ICFM held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran from 28 to 30 May, 2003;
Referring to Resolution No.2/8-AF(IS) of the 8th Islamic Summit held in Tehran, Iran from 9 to 11 December 1997 on the setting up of the open-ended governmental experts group on administrative and financial reforms;
Reaffirming the commitment of Member States to the objectives and aims of the OIC Charter in pursuit of continued Islamic solidarity and progress of the Ummah and as the guiding principle and purpose of the OIC;
Stressing that a strengthened General Secretariat and improved coordination of activities within the Organization would bring considerable benefit to OIC Member States;
Noting the challenges of the new millennium facing the OIC, its members and the Ummah;
Having taken note of the report of the Secretary General on the restructuring of the General Secretariat:
Decides the following:
1. Highly Commends the Secretary General’s Report on Restructuring and commends the advanced progress made in the study on restructuring the General Secretariat described in the report. It extends its appreciation to H.E. the Secretary General and the General Secretariat for their cooperation and for providing all facilities to the consultancy entrusted with preparing the study.
2. Expresses again its appreciation to the IDB for financing this study and providing the technical expertise to assist the General Secretariat in supervising this study.
3. Calls for the expeditious completion of the study and the implementation of the recommendations thereafter.
4. Calls for the convening of the open-ended inter-governmental experts group at an appropriate date to consider the study once completed and submit it to the 31st ICFM to be held in Istanbul, Turkey for consideration and decision thereon.
5. Invites the Secretary General to submit a report on this subject to the 31st ICFM at Istanbul, Turkey.