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20-21 SHAABAN 1424H (16-17 OCTOBER 2003)
on Safeguarding the Rights of Muslim Communities and Minorities in non-OIC Member States.
on Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines.
on the Situation of the Muslim Minority in Western Thrace in Greece.
on the Muslim Minority in Myanmar
on Changing the Term "Minorities“ Used to Describe Muslims in Non-Member States. (Referred to the 10th Islamic Summit from the 30th ICFM, for consideration and decision).
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaaban 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling that Muslim communities and minorities living in Non-OIC Member States account for over one third of the Islamic Ummah;
Recalling also the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences, Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and international covenants, declarations and agreements, particularly those calling for observance of human rights in the political, social, cultural, economic and religious fields;
Further recalling UN General Assembly Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;
Reaffirming its commitment to Muslim communities and minorities living in Non-
OIC Member States and expressing its concern at the forms of intolerance towards some of these communities and minorities in particular in the western hemisphere;
Condemning the persecution and violations committed against Muslim communities and minorities in a number of non-OIC Member States;
Having considered the Report submitted by the Secretary General on the situation of Muslim Communities and minorities (Document No. IS/10-2003/MM/D.1):
1. Commends the efforts made by the Secretary-General for the implementation of the resolutions adopted on the Islamic Communities and Minorities in Non-Member States, and URGES the Contact Group, composed of the Permanent Missions of Member States to the United Nations in New York and Geneva to follow-up cases of violation of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-Member States and report thereon to the General Secretariat.
2. Affirms that the preservation of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States is, essentially, a responsibility of the governments of these states based on commitment to the principles of International Law and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.
3. Emphasizes the need for action to enable Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States to preserve their religious and cultural identity, enjoy equal treatment in terms of rights, obligations and duties, and have access to all their civil and religious rights without discrimination or segregation.
4. Invites the General Secretariat to continue to receive representatives of Muslim Communities and Minorities in non-OIC Member States and to meet them whenever possible with a view to closely monitoring the conditions of the Muslim communities and minorities they represent. These activities, however, should be carried out within the framework of respect for the sovereignty of their home states.
5. Calls Upon Member States and OIC Subsidiary, Specialized and Affiliated Institutions, including the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO) as well as Islamic non-governmental organisations, bodies and institutions, to continue to provide the General Secretariat with available updated information, studies and statistics on the condition of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States so that the department of Muslim Minorities can create a database enabling it to fulfill the tasks entrusted to it in this respect.
6. Urges Member States to pay special attention to Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States who are subjected to persecution or oppression because of their religious beliefs and to determine their needs and communicate them to Member States so as to provide the necessary material, human, and financial capabilities, and also to intensify Islamic cultural and educational activities as well as multifarious humanitarian assistance to these Muslim communities and minorities.
7. Urges Member States to coordinate efforts to train able workers who can perform Islamic Dawa missions among Muslim communities and minorities in various countries of the world. These workers should include qualified women. A series of integrated educational books on Islam, its rites and principles should be prepared in the form of simplified publications or audio-visual material to be carefully translated to the languages of the countries where these Muslim communities and minorities live.
8. Requests the General Secretariat to make contacts with the governments of the states that have Muslim communities and minorities in order to identify their problems and needs and elicit the view of these States on ways to develop a cooperation formula with the OIC aimed at making the required contributions for improving the conditions of these Muslim communities and minorities and preserving their religious and cultural identity, while giving priority to contacts with governments of non-OIC Member States in which Muslim communities and minorities are facing pressing problems.
9. Expresses grave concern over the killing of Muslims in the Indian State of Gujarat in anti-Muslim violence, urges the Government of India to take necessary measures to protect the lives and properties of Muslim Minorities in India, and to ascertain that no such acts take place in the future, urges Member States as well as Islamic and international organizations to extend humanitarian assistance to the victims of such acts of violence.
10. Invites the General Secretariat to follow up the activities of the relevant organizations and international forums so as to keep abreast of developments on the situation of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States, and to submit reports thereon to the ministerial conferences.
11. Reaffirms the commitment of Member States to respect the rights of non-Muslim communities and minorities living in their territories, in accordance with the tolerant teachings of Islam.
12. Denounces the vilifications made by some circles in non-OIC Member States concerning the ill-treatment of non-Muslim communities and minorities in OIC Member States (in the name of religious freedoms and so on) as well as the allegations that the latter adopt procedures and measures and enact domestic laws in contradiction with the UN Charter and the principles of international law, with a view to using these allegations as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of these Member States.
13. Invites the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on the follow-up to the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam and the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on considering the Muslim Minority and Community Affairs in non-OIC Member States, to establish coordination between them in international quarters concerning the conditions of these minorities and communities in non-OIC Member States.
14. Approves the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Muslim Minorities and Communities in non-Member States adopted during its previous meetings; calls on Member States and the General Secretariat to implement them, and invites this Group of Experts to continue its work on a regular basis.
15. Invites the General Secretariat to hold the symposium which had been recommended by the Intergovernmental Group of Experts to be held at the United Nations Office in Geneva on Questions of Muslim Minorities in Non-OIC Member Countries, provided that the Symposium is preceded by proper preparation, particularly in determining the themes of the Symposium and the level of participants so as to achieve the desired objectives.
16. Highly Appreciates and takes note of the recommendations of the first conference of Muslim Minorities in Africa held in Accra, Republic of Ghana from 20-22 January 2003.
17. Invites the Non-Governmental Experts Group of the Committee on the Coordination of Joint Islamic Action entrusted with devising a Plan of Action to Safeguard the rights of Muslim Communities and Minorities in non-OIC Member States, composed of eminent Muslim figures to meet and finalize the setting up of a comprehensive plan to safeguard the identities of Muslim Communities and Minorities in non-Member States.
18. Invites the General Secretariat to continue to hold regular meetings and extended conferences of Muslim Community and Minority affairs in non-OIC Member States in various parts of the world, preferably in a Muslim minority country, once preparations and planning have been done for these meetings. The General Secretariat may refer to the Intergovernmental Group on Muslim Minorities and Communities regarding anything it may require to hold these symposia in the best conditions.
19. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Knowledge of Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia from 20-21 Shaaban 1424 H (16-17 October 2003),
Bearing in mind the resolutions of the OIC and the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee of Eight on the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines;
Recalling the Tripoli Agreement signed on 23 December 1976, under the auspices of the OIC, between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) which the signatory parties agreed to consider as the basis for a permanent, just and comprehensive political solution to the question of Muslims in Southern Philippines within the framework of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of the Philippines;
Paying tribute to the role of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the peace process culminating in the signing of the Final Peace Agreement on 2 September 1996 and express satisfaction for the efforts of the Ministerial Committee of the Eighth in this regard;
Recalling that in accordance with the two Memoranda of Understanding with which the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front concluded two rounds of preliminary talks, held successively in Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 3-4 October, 1992 and in Cipanas, Western Java, Republic of Indonesia on 14-16 April, 1993, the two parties agreed to conduct official peace negotiations for the full implementation of the letter and spirit of the 1976 Tripoli Agreement;
Commending the work of the OIC Monitoring Team led by Indonesian officers since 1994 until 2 April 2002 to supervise cease-fire during the negotiation process and the implementation of Phase 1 of the 1996 Peace Agreement;
Further recalling the results of the four rounds of formal peace talks held in Jakarta, Indonesia, including the subsidiary mechanisms, between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front, through facilities made available by the OIC Committee of Eight;
Commending the agreement reached by the participants in the Fourth Round of Formal Peace Talks to reaffirm all the points of agreement in the 1994, 1995 and 1996 Interim Agreements and to include them in the Final Agreement provided for in the 1976 Tripoli Agreement;
Recalling the report of the meeting of the Ministerial Committee of Seven, held on the fringe of the Ninth Islamic Summit Conference, held in Doha, State of Qatar, on 10 November, 2000. The meeting was devoted to listen to the report of the fact-finding Commission emanating from the Ministerial Committee of Seven on its mission to the Southern Philippines from 16 to 21 October 2000;
Recognizes the significant developments, which have taken place in the implementation of the 1996 GRP-MNLF Peace Agreement, namely the result of the plebiscite on 14 August 2002 and the election of Dr. Parouk Hussin as the new Governor of the Autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao following the election which was held on 26 November 2001, as well the finalization of the integration process of the MNLF armed elements into the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippines National Police (PNP) in May 2003 in accordance to the provisions of the mentioned Peace Agreement and the national laws of the Republic of the Philippines;
Recalling the outcome of the advisory meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Eight, held alongside the Tenth Extraordinary Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Doha, Qatar on 10 December 2001, which had reached several outcomes, inter-alia, the recognition of the significant developments in connection to the 1996 Peace Agreement, in particular the result of the plebiscite held on 14 August 2001 and the election held on 21 November 2001. Further, the Committee mandated the Chairman of the Committee and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malaysia to consult with the Government of the Philippines on the decision reached by the Ministerial Committee of the Eight at the aforementioned meeting of the Ministerial Committee;
Also recalling the consultation of the Chairman of the Committee of the Eight and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia with the Government of the Philippines on 20-21 December 2001 in Manila, where the Chairman and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia also met with the MNLF and the heads of diplomatic missions of the members of the Committee, and in which the Chairman conveyed the Committee’s views reflected at the advisory meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Eight, held alongside the Tenth Extraordinary Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Doha, Qatar on 10 December 2001;
Also recalling the observations made by the Chairman of the Committee of the Eight following the consultation held in Manila, as stipulated in his letter No. 15/PO/I/2002/28/01 dated 4 January 2002, which inter-alia, states while mindful of the resolutions of the OIC on the situation in the southern Philippines, it is imperative for the OIC to adapt a forward looking position in relation to the implementation of the 1996 Peace Agreement which is based on the actual conditions on the ground;
Also recalling the recommendations made by the OIC Ministerial Meeting of the Committee of the Eight on the sidelines of the 29th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Khartoum, on June 26, 2002 regarding the Committee of the Eight’s task to obtain first hand information on the actual implementation of the First Phase of the 1996 Peace Agreement between the GRP and the MNLF;
Taking note on the efforts by the OIC Committee of the Eight to follow up the recommendations made by the Ministerial Meeting of the Committee of the Eight on the sidelines of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Khartoum, Sudan, on June 26,2002, to organize a Joint Mission comprising of the Ambassadors of the member countries of the OIC Committee of the Eight based in Manila and conducted a field visit to the Southern Philippines on August 27-28, 2002 to obtain first-hand information regarding the Incident of Datu Piang, Maguindanao as well as conducting a field visit comprising of the representatives of the member countries of the OIC Committee of the Eight based in Manila to the ARMM to observe the latest development on the implementation of the First Phase of the 1996 Peace Agreement on April 28-May 2,2003;
Taking note of the efforts and interests of the international community, particularly the United Nations, as shown by the 24 September 2003, 20 – minute meeting between Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, President of the Philippines and His Excellency Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations where the latter offered to assist to find comprehensive, peace and lasting political solution to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) problem (Bangsamoro problem);
Having considered the report of the Secretary General on the Question of Muslims in Southern Philippines (Document No. IS/10-2003/MM/D.2).
1. Renews its support to the “Peace Agreement” between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) initialled on 30 August 1996 in Jakarta and officially signed on 2 September 1996 in Manila.
2. Calls on both the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the MNLF to preserve the gains achieved as a result of the signing of the "Peace Agreement".
3. Commends the Moro National Liberation Front, the sole legitimate representative of Muslims in Southern Philippines ("Bangsamoro people"), It also commends the facilities extended by the MNLF to the work of the Committee of Eight and its negotiation with the Government of the Philippines.
4. Pays tribute to the role of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, under the wise leadership of H.E. Colonel Moomar Gaddafi, in achieving the Tripoli Agreement of 1976 and in hosting the first preliminary talks in Tripoli from 3 to 4 October, 1992 and the Unity and Solidarity Meeting of the MNLF leaders on 6 April, 2003.
5. Also pays tribute to the role of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the peace process culminating in the signing of the Final Peace Agreement on 2 September 1996 and expresses satisfaction for the efforts of the Ministerial Committee of Eight in this regard.
6. Lauds the efforts of the Chairman of the Ministerial Committee of the Eight, together with the Foreign Minister of Malaysia, to report to the representatives of the MNLF and the Government of the Philippines, on the results of the above-mentioned meeting in Doha, including among others, the reaffirmation of the position of the Organization of the Islamic Conference stating that the question of the MNLF leadership is an internal one that concerns the MNLF to resolve.
7. Recognizes the positive outcomes of the field visit to the Southern Philippines conducted by a Joint Mission on the Incident of Datu Piang, Maguindanao, comprising of the Ambassadors of the member countries of the OIC Committee of the Eight based in Manila on August 27-28, 2002, namely the two conflicting parties (the GRP and MNLF) readily confirmed their adherence to the full implementation of the 1996 Peace Agreement.
8. Further recognizes the outcomes of the field visit conducted by the representatives of the member countries of the OIC Committee of the Eight based in Manila to the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) to observe the latest development on the implementation of the First Phase of the 1996 Peace Agreement on 28th of April-2nd of May 2003, in particular finalization of the integration process of the MNLF armed elements into the AFP and PNP in May 2003.
9. Urges Member States and subsidiary organs, specialised and affiliated institutions, including the Islamic Development Bank, to increase their economic, financial, technical and material assistance for the development and rehabilitation of the Southern Philippines through the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and the Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development (SPCPD) under the auspices of the MNLF.
10. Recognizes the significant developments that have taken place in the implementation of the 1996 Peace Agreement, including the conduct of a plebiscite in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), the election of Dr. Parouk Hussin as the new Governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, and finalization of integration process of the remained armed elements of the MNLF into the AFP and PNP on July 10, 2003 as mandated by the 1996 Peace Agreement between the GRP and the MNLF.
11. Commissions the Ministerial Committee of Eight and the Secretary General to continue the necessary contacts with the Government of the Philippines and the MNLF, for complete implementation of the Peace Agreement, and defining a time-table to finalize the implementation of all the articles of the Peace Agreement of 1996.
12. Decides that for the most part the Phase 1 has been implemented and therefore urged both the GRP and MNLF to fully implement the 1996 Peace Agreement.
13. Decides to maintain the observer status and the participation of the MNLF in the activities of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in its capacity as the sole legitimate representative of the Bangsamoro people in Southern Philippines in order to improve the conditions of this people in accordance with the provisions of the Peace Agreement.
14. Welcomes the efforts of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Malaysia for restoring peace in Southern Philippines, which were crowned by signing cease-fire the Agreement between the GRP and the MILF in the meeting held in Tripoli on 22.6.2001.
15. Also welcomes the efforts of the Government of Malaysia for promoting Bangsamoro solidarity and for extending its good offices leading to the signing of the Agreement for unity between the MNLF and the MILF in the meeting held in Cyberjaya, Malaysia, on 7 August 2001.
16. Welcomes the Tripoli Declaration adopted by the Unity and Solidarity meeting of the leaders The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), held on 6 April 2003, which emphasized the unity and solidarity of the Moro people and their pledge to exert their utmost efforts and endeavors to achieve the vision and objectives of the Moro National Liberation Front aimed at securing justice, freedom and security for the Bangsamoro people under a single organization and leadership.
17. Urges the Member States, Subsidiary Organs, Affiliated and Specialized Institutions as well as Charitable Islamic Organizations in the Member States to extend medical, humanitarian, economic, financial and technical assistance for the development and rehabilitation of Southern Philippines.
18. Appeals to all Islamic and other charitable organizations in OIC Member States to continue to economic, humanitarian and other assistance appropriate through channels aimed at helping displaced people in areas affected by conflict in Mindanao.
19. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the implementation of this resolution and to submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Knowledge of Morality for the Progress of Ummah) held in Putrajaya, Malaysia from 20-21 Shaaban 1424 H (16-17 October 2003),
Reaffirming its commitment to Muslim communities and minorities living in non-OIC Member States;
Realizing that the Muslims in Greece, in general, and the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace in particular are an integral part of the Muslim World;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by the Islamic Summit Conferences, Islamic Conferences of Foreign Ministers and international conventions, declarations and agreements, calling for observance of human rights, namely political, social, cultural and economic rights and freedom of worship, and most particularly the Lausanne Treaty which calls for observance of the right of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace to use their Turkish language and practice their religious rites as well as to the free election of their representatives in all matters;
Further recalling UN General Assembly Declaration on Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief;
Deploring the continuing violation of the fundamental freedoms of Muslim Minorities in Greece and the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace;
Realizing that the basic rights of freedoms of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace are defined and protected by multilateral and bilateral Treaties and Agreements to which Greece is a party;
Having considered the report of the Secretary General on the situation of the Muslim Minority in Western Thrace in Greece (Document No. IS/10-2003/MM/D.3);
1. Condemns the juridical harassment aimed at the elected Mufti of Xanthi, Mr. Mehmet Emin Aga, and his sentencing to imprisonment.
2. Demands that the steps for the election of the administration board of the Waqfs be taken to enable a better administration of the Waqfs which will promote the religious and educational activities.
3. Urges Greece to take all measures to restore the rights of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and urgently recognize the elected Muftis of Xanthi and Komotini as the official Muftis.
4. Requests the Secretary General to monitor the situation of the Turkish Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and to report to the Eleventh Session of Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference, held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20-21 Shaaban 1424H (16-17 October 2003),
Reaffirming its obligations to the Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States;
Recalling the principles and objectives of the OIC Charter, the Resolutions adopted by previous sessions of the Islamic Summit and Foreign Ministers Conferences, and international covenants, declarations and conventions, particularly those calling for the respect of political, social, cultural, economic and religious human rights;
Realizing that the Muslim minority in Myanmar constitutes an integral part of the Islamic world;
Deploring information indicating the continuing oppression, dispersion, and deprivation suffered by Muslims in the Republic of Myanmar, in addition to the denial of their basic rights, as citizens;
Having considered the report of the Secretary General on the Muslim Minority in Myanmar (Document No. IS/10-2003/MM/D.4);
1. Commissions the Islamic Contact Group entrusted under Resolution No.38/24-P with considering the conditions of Muslim minorities and communities, to monitor violations of the rights of Muslim minorities in Myanmar and submit a report thereon to the OIC General Secretariat.
2. Urges Member States to lend moral and political support to the Muslims of Myanmar and to facilitate the steps needed for a dialogue between them and the Government so as to enable them to exercise their basic rights on an equal footing with other citizens in Myanmar.
3. Urges the government of Myanmar to review its treatment of Muslims in Myanmar and to enact necessary laws founded on human dignity and on equality of all citizens without discrimination.
4. Requests the OIC Secretary General to hold further contacts with the parties concerned and to report thereon to the next Ministerial Conference.
5. Requests the Secretary General to follow up the situation of the Muslim Minority in Myanmar and to submit a report thereon to the Eleventh Session of the Islamic Summit Conference.
The Tenth Session of the Islamic Summit Conference (Session of Knowledge and Morality for the Progress of Ummah), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, from 20 to 21 Shaaban 1424 H (16-17 October 2003),
Recalling the Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the resolutions of the Organization related to the conditions of Muslims in non-Member States;
Reaffirming the OIC commitment to uphold, protect and promote the interests of the Muslims in non-Muslim countries;
Recalling all relevant human rights instruments and international covenants on the rights of minorities in particular the Declaration of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities adopted by the 47th Session of the UN General Assembly;
Appreciating the importance of the role played by Muslims in non-OIC Member States to introduce and defend Islamic issues among the societies in which they live;
Taking into consideration international, regional and bilateral agreements, regarding the conditions of Muslims living in non-OIC States, and also concluded between Member States and some other countries, in this regard;
Emphasizing the necessity of supporting the Muslims in the non-OIC States to enable them to undertake their right and role in participating, without discrimination, in development, of the countries and societies in which they live, in the economic, social and cultural and other fields;
Taking cognizance of the motives and idealism behind the study presented by the Sultanate of Oman, on this important issue, and taking further cognizance of the equally valid response by the Member States;
1. Commends the efforts exerted by the Sultanate of Oman to prepare a study on the usage of the term “minorities” to describe some Muslims living in non-OIC Member States and the proposal to replace it by “the Muslim community”.
2. Decides to use the terms “Muslim Groups” and or “Muslim Communities” in all OIC documents in the Arabic language.
3. Further decides to continue to use the term “Muslim Minorities” in all OIC documents in the English and French languages.
4. Emphasizes and confirms that this usage will in no way change or adversely affect
or diminish any right or rights, statutes or identity, guaranteed to minorities under the international law, international human rights instruments and covenants or other such instruments, and also under multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements or treaties which may be applicable to the right or rights of Muslim minorities, Muslim societies, Muslim communities and diverse Muslim groups in the non-OIC countries.
5. Requests the Secretary General to follow-up the implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the thirty-first session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers.